Floris Parent Wrote:
> SLHS Parent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > There is quite a bit of irrationality on this
> > site. The process has been eminently
> reasonable
> > and open.
> Are we talking about the same Boundary study? This
> whole process has been anything but reasonable and
> open. I am amazed that you can even make this
> statement.
> "Likely affected" groups such as Fox
> > Mill had the chance to voice concerns well
> before
> > the community meetings began, and all persons
> were
> > given a chance to participate in the community
> > meetings within reason given the numbers. All
> > comments made at those meetings, and those made
> > via e-mail, have been posted verbatim.
> As I read through as many of the posting on line,
> it appears that the majority of the comments
> seemed to favor option #3, and yet the SB staff
> suddenly appeared with a new option #5.I am not
> sure what the purpose of all of the community
> input was for, if the Staff alreday had the plan
> that they ultimately chose to submit. I am sure
> that the last minute tweak regarding Navy to
> Oakton, was simply done to show the public that
> they weren't really just using the SL advisory
> committee's recommended plan.
> > community meeting process itself, moreover, was
> > overwhelmingly dominated not by South Lakes
> > advocates, but by those opposing redistricting
> in
> > principle. You have had your say, and you will
> > have further opportunities to do so. Not
> getting
> > your way is not evidence of a broken process,
> nor
> > is there evidence of some vast conspiracy.
> I seem to recall the Stu Gibson used a similar
> phase in a recent newspaper article.
> The
> > truth is what it is, and the truth can never be
> > determined by a show of hands. Thus, no matter
> > how many postings you make on this site, and no
> > matter how many e-mails you send to the School
> > Board, it will not change the fact that the
> logic
> > clearly favors redistricting generally, and the
> > proposal currently on the table is the most
> > conservative option available which meets the
> > goals of redistricting.
> Again, I find it utterly amazing that you can even
> make a statement like this. As I have said in
> prior posts, I can completely understand why you
> and any other SL parent wants to bring in Fox Mill
> and Floris children to help prop up your school,
> as well as the property values for those of you
> that own your homes.
> What I cannot understand is why you feel that
> families who do not want this change are wrong.
> Can you honestly not understand others opinions?
> Is everyone who does not want to attend South
> Lakes an elitist? Many who live in much closer
> proximity to South lakes than Floris, choose not
> to attend South lakes, and they "Live" in Reston.
> Why is it so surprising that others outside of
> Reston may also not choose South lakes as the best
> fit for their childs education?
> What is the upside for the Fox Mill and Floris
> families who are being asked to leave Oakton and
> Westfield High Schools, which have just been
> honored with the Governor's Award of Excellence
> news/brk453.txt to come to South lakes, which
> offers many disadvantages?
> Please skip the shorter commute, and other
> meaningless advantages, as anyone who was unhappy
> with the commute, upset because their children
> couldn't make a sports team etc. could pupil place
> out, and attend South Lakes, or any other school
> that they felt was a better fit for their
> children.
> You should all be ashamed
> > of yourselves for stoking discord in the
> community
> > by appealing to the worse angels of our nature
> -
> > fear and elitism.
> Something else that I don't understand, is why
> South Lakes parents who were bothered by lack of
> programs being offered to their children, do not
> simply pupil place out to another school like
> everyone else does.