i call BS on all of that. except the band, maybe.
3 fights this year? the info hasnt been published yet, but last year there were 16.
I be there were more than that, they either werent found out about or were kept on the DL b/c of parental pressure or whatever.
for comparison, heres oakton. theey had 6 fights.
"lets say no one gets offered coke at SL parties" There are drugs at a lot of HS parties. If not alcohol then drugs. If you think there arent then you are also probably one of those people who thinks that their straight-A kid never speeds, gets high, or parties it up.
if you wrote the article then its not necciscarily all that reliable. An article from an independant person would be better.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2007 09:31AM by KeepOnTruckin.