Unlawful begging in Fair City Mall. Looks like the Lamb Center folks are branching out & up the street.
They're already been banned from Home Depot parking lot for panhandling.
They've been banned from Circle Towers for loitering & begging.
They've also been banned from Foxcroft Colony for loitering & sleeping in the stairwells & vandalizing Foxcroft property.
They used to beg at the 7-11 next to Lamb, then 7-11 moved around the corner. They used to hang out in the 7-11 parking lot, asking for money & beer & cigarettes. They also used to shoplift from that 7-11.
They also loiter at the McDonalds across from Lamb.
A drunken homeless man was arrested outside of McDonalds after midnight awhile ago.
They are predators & parasites.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/20/2012 10:19AM by foxcroft.