neighborhood dope dealer to teen Wrote:
> I know this troy well. Dealing drugs regularly to
> neighborhood teenage kids. Focused on the three
> local schools close to the lc. Real loser. Not a
> care in the world about anyone else or anyone
> else's children. Has a real soft angle with his
> hustling of the dope. Offers to by the underaged
> booze and will do anything or everything illegal
> to get cash for more drugs and booze. Dave Liarbe
> knew and still knows troy's endlessly persistent
> ways very well. And just look at them in the
> picture. Like bozom buddies. We are known by the
> company we keep. And Dave keeps these types
> always close. Very close. So what does that tell
> us all?
> Keep up the good work, BEH, in opposite conflict
> with your posted typo, you post excellent pictures
> proving just the opposite of what you type. How
> ironic. And Stupid! Ha! We laugh at your
> ignorance! Ha, ha!