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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
The prices paid for medical care in July rose just 1% from a year earlier, the slowest annual rate of growth since the early 1960s, according to Commerce Department data. Health-care increases now trail overall inflation, which itself has been historically slow in recent years. The price data help explain why growth in overall health spending has slowed down in the past several years. The trend,
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
allah snackbar Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > To the stupid bitch who slammed on her brakes at > around 1 today at the intersection of > Lawyers/Courthouse &123 for a green light: > > > I meant what I said, here in America, this isn't > like driving a camel like in your country. > > You better be down on your welcome mat thanking
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Again? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Shut it down. Prove to the country, yet again, > that both sides are idiots and how little it > matters beyond some orchestrated inconvenience > which will be transparently so and just piss them > off. Cruz folded like a deck chair on the Titanic. It's not going to happen.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
liberal logic 27
shit talkin ain't worth much Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > As things now stand, the odds are and I'd expect that > McAuliffe may in the end win by a relatively small > margin. Okay, thanks for playing!
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
From Da Hood Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > There's too many "gotchas" in there because > Nancy Pelosi just wanted to rush this heaping > pile of cow dung through to get approved. Doesn't matter. The ACA is the law of the land. > There is a reason why we need term limits for > politicians. I'm speaking about both sides of the > aisle, too.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Notice how Buffet emphasizes the problem of > "COSTS" of healthcare? > > I'll be fucking-go-to-hell... Both you and Warren are gonna be disappointed, WingNut: Obamacare is here to stay.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Stabitha Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Inst there a statute of limitations on how long > something can be your fault? I asked your Mom. She said no.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Liberal Logic 28 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hes breaking out all the screen names tonight. He > is a lot like the worlds tallest midget, thinks > hes tall but hes not. > > I do quite enjoy though when he uses my old screen > name. He still hasnt figured out its the > equivalent of wearing a shirt that says im stupid > or a dunce c
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Liberal Logic 28 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > True Blue Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > WingNut Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > You government worshipping queers disgust me > so > > > much. > > > > Moron.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Numbers Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Has ANYTHING good ever come from New Jersey? > > I think Debby Harry was born there, but that's the > only talent I could come up with Isa Abdul-Quddus (born 1988), safety for the New Orleans Saints (Union) Joseph Alexander Adams (1803–1880), born in New Germantown, noted engraver[1] Timothy Adams (born 1967),
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
The Late Great USA Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > America is so over. We have devolved into a > police state with massive government oversight > into almost all aspects of our lives. The USA was > the last bastion of liberty. The globalists have > won. They've been working on it for 100 years. You should kill yourself.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
19) Stabitha
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
homo ner Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > According to the weekly standard, owning a home > will be virtually impossible for the current and > future generations of Americans not in the 1%, > Reuters . Complete bullshit.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Halal Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Was bored went into a Halal grocery. It was a > little different. The meat had a lot of goat, and > goat hoofs etc... The butcher was skinning a goat > right at the counter. Overall the butcher area > did not look all that clean meat sitting out in > mounds un refridgerated. Had the usual curry > sten
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
yo mama Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The Republican party has been hijacked by socially > conservative wackadoos. +1
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Vexxxed Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Is it too much to ask for a candidate that wants > to represent and lead the state instead of using > it to raise money for Hillary's campaign? Tim Kaine is in the Senate now.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Liberal Logic 28 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I know its a weekend and all but isnt 5:30 a > little early to be hammered? You're drunk on Conservaturd Kool Aid all day, every day.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Ralph Pootawn Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- *pic* That's stupid.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
This week President Obama removed all doubt that he deserved the Nobel Peace Prize by turning Republicans against war. With polls showing majorities of Americans not in favor of any U.S. military action in Syria and the Tea Party's entire existence being dedicated to being against anything President Obama is for, Republican after Republican has come out to say that they are opposed to a strike o
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27

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11 years ago
liberal logic 27

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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
BOTG Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Only 94 suicides so far this year in the military. > Duty in Obama's military must really suck. Are you > happy about that too?
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Just the Facts Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If the deficit was "reducing", we wouldn't have to > raise the debt ceiling. Correction: To not need to raise the debt ceiling, we would need to have a balanced budget or a budget surplus. Any deficit at all requires an increase of debt ceiling. > The size of the annual deficit is lower That means it's go
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27

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11 years ago
liberal logic 27

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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
The nation's gross domestic product -- the broadest measure of economic activity -- rose at a 2.5% annual rate from April through June, according to a revised estimate from the Bureau of Economic Analysis Thursday. That's higher than the 1.7% rate originally reported, and better than the 2.1% rate that economists surveyed by Briefing.com were expecting. Rising exports, consumer spending and real
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27

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11 years ago
liberal logic 27

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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments March/ April 2012 By Paul Glastris, Ryan Cooper, and Siyu Hu 1. Passed Health Care Reform: After five presidents over a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act (2010). It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number o
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