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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Ralph Pootawn Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You're mad because that's what you look like. LoLz!
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Ralph Pootawn Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- *pic* That's stupid.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Tired of Libs Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > it's mostly a bunch of camel eating dotheads > working those jobs, make them pay for their own > healthcare or get the fuck out of our country
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Gee, I wonder how the conservaturds will try to spin this story into an indictment of Obama?
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Ah, the right-wing nutjobs are finally showing their true selves: Conservaturds hate America.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Single-payer healthcare, here we come!
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Putin did to his credit, try to warn us of the > Chechen brothers who bombed the Boston Marathon. You, sir and/or madam, are a liar. http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2013/04/putin-says-russias-tip-on-boston-bombing-suspect-didnt-have-operative-significance.php
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Smack Down Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Clog Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Listen fellas...the was a time when people > > believed Communist leaders over our President > they > > were called traitors. Now they are called > > Republicans. Just go on and tell Jane Fonda to > > m
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > None of us are going to click on your link.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Egypt, who is newly hostile to America, (even > though the Media told Obama his Cairo speech > in '09 was so epic) Thanks, US conservaturds! http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2013/07/the_weirdest_story_in_the_history_of_the_world.php?ref=fpblg
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
I get that Fox opposes a Syria peace plan because its motus operandi is to foment dissent in the form of a relentless and irrational contrarianism to Barack Obama and all things Democratic to advance its ultimate objective of creating a deliberately misinformed body politic whose fear, anger, mistrust and discontent is the manna upon which it sustains its parasitic succubus-like existence.” ~~ Jo
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Putin is not a communist, he is a nationalist and > an authoritarian. He is an enemy of the U.S. 90% > of the time, he proved that with Snowden. Sounds like Putin would feel right at home in the US 'conservative movement'. > I am fine with Obozo making himself look bad, but > he degrades the whole nation whe
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > LOL > > > Bloomberg pissed away $350,000 in Colorado. > > > Not your state, not your business you old bitch > billionaire. > > STFU now OK? Yeah, $350K just about wiped ol' Mikey out. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You slay me, Man!
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Haha... > > Written almost 18 months ago. > > > The economy still stinks. > > Food stamp usage is up, as well as debt. > > The stimulus was a waste of money, there were no > "shovel ready jobs" > > Workforce is smaller than ever. > > The Middle East hates us even more. >
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
OP: Correct the exposure setting on your camera.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
liberal logic 28 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Pick a screen name already. How many different > names are you going to use to post the same > mindless bs? Was that a note to yourself?
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
liberal logic 28 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > liberal logic 27 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > The NRA gives 95% of it's political donations > to > > GOP candidates. > > > > It's true. > > Oh okay because your name of the week says its > true thats clearly a fact. Nop
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Obama isn't really any good at all. Obama could not possible care any less about what you think.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
By Paul Glastris, Ryan Cooper, and Siyu Hu 1. Passed Health Care Reform: After five presidents over a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act (2010). It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems. 2
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
liberal logic 28 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > liberal logic 27 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > The NRA gives 95% of it's political donations > to > > GOP candidates. Coincidence? I don't think > so... > > False, they give their money to who ever supports > guns. Only liberals view t
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Ha ah Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The Syrians would sure think twice. I never saw > such fast results as the release of the hostages > from Iran, when Reagan was sworn in. The Arab > world had a lot of respect for him, they knew he > could "talk the talk and walk the walk>' Mythology, my friend: Neither Reagan nor his philosophy played an
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Rollng Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Reagan is one of the greatest Presidents ever As is Obama.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Rolling Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Reagan is probably rolling in his grave, being > quoted by a bumbling idiot. He's quoted by idiots every day on right-wing talk radio.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
well put Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Your response to being called butthurt is calling > someone else butthurt? If the butthurt fits...
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
This thread should meet the fisting thread... http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/1303782.html
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
I feel you, brother.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
well put Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > OP pretty much is a tool and a troll. Registering > a name because you got so butt hurt. Does it get > much more pathetic than that? OP is a typical > liber crybaby that can't accept any point of view > other than the one crammed down his whiney throat. > OP is the shitstain of humanity. His anger doe
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11, 2013 By DEVIN DWYER, JOHN PARKINSON and ARLETTE SAENZ President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Jill Biden observe a moment of silence to mark the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC, Sept. 11, 2013. From the White House to Capitol Hill to the Pentagon -- and at countless cere
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
liberal logic 27 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The NRA has never been partisan, they endorse > liberal candidates if theyre strong on guns the > the GOP one isnt. Liberals were the ones who > tried to turn the NRA into a right wing > organization during the gun ban debates in an > attempt to discredit them. The NRA gives 95% of it's political
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
That's stipid.
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