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11 years ago
liberal logic 27

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11 years ago
liberal logic 27

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11 years ago
liberal logic 27

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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Those concerns that Obamacare will make the nation’s part-time recovery even worse may be a bit overblown, according to the findings of a recent survey of more than 500 Chief Financial Officers. The survey, conducted by Duke University and CFO Magazine, found executives expect to boost full-time hiring by nearly 1.8 percent next year. That 1.8 percent figure represents a slight increase from ea
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
V9Hpn Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > From Da Hood Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > "liberal logic" has to to be about the biggest > > oxymoron that I've ever heard. > > > He was too dumb to realize that it was > intentionally so when he stole it to register. > Which kind of makes h
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Single-payer healthcare, here we come!
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Vexxxed Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-sdO6pwVHQ That was some funny shit.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Liberal Retard Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Keep living in your fantasy land where > everything's free. Yeah, okay. And you keep living in your fantasy land where all bad things happen because of the government and all good things happen despite the government.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
7J64V Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Nobody said nor cares whether they say they > specifically 'agree with Breitbart. Vexxxed said it, @ 02:17PM.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Huh? People cannot agree with something of which the know not. 60% of the country does not agree with Breitbart.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
wow, you're dumb Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What is so incoherent about it? > > The Mayo Clinic IS one of the best medical > > facilities in this country, you idiot. Where did I say otherwise? > > Other top facilities will be doing the same..... Have you a crystal ball? No. > > dumping or severely cutting services to > >
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Vexxxed Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > While I agree Breitbart is staffed by partisans, I > wouldn't call them third-rate nor hacks. > > And evidently neither would 60% of the country. 60% of the country has never heard of Breitbart.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Low IQ Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The Mayo Clinic IS one of the best medical > facilities in this country, you idiot. > > Other top facilities will be doing the same..... > dumping or severely cutting services to > medicare/medicaid patients. > > Are you dense? > > The poor will have fewer choices and far less > access to g
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Fixed it for you Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Where did I say "income tax?" I said "every tax > dollar." Ah, yes: Cherrypicking. The true last refuge of a scoundrel. Not to mention that most of the obamacare-related taxes you cite haven't even taken effect yet, let alone over the past five tears. > But all you see is the income tax. Open your >
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Now departing... Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > And this will just make it worse, especially for > those at the middle and lower end. You're going > to have a more distinct separation between those > who can afford to pay for higher-end private care > and treatments and those who cannot as the same > works elsewhere. First class versus coach.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Good news: President Obama doesn't have to face election again. Ever. Even better news: Whatever blowback might come from this Syria crisis will leave Hillary completely untouched.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Ralph Pootawn Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sounds like you meant MSNBC and CNN Nope. Breitbart.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Fixed it for you Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The federal government has been screwing their > taxpayers out of every tax dollar they can get for > the past 5 years. We've had an income tax in this counrty for almost 100 years. Tax rates are lower now than they were five years ago. WTF are you talking about?
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Vexxxed Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Since Breitbart doesn't subscribe to your idea of > sucking up to your god, they can't possibly be > right in their conclusions can they? Breitbart is staffed by third-rate partisan hacks. Do you work there?
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Alias Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sadly, as a result of Obamacare, some of the best > medical care in this country will no longer be > available to everyone. Some of the best medical care in this country has never been available to everyone.
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
John Nolte Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- Blah, blah, blah You forgot the attribution: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013/09/12/White-House-Putin-Owns-worlds-syria-strategy Breitbart? These clowns are so rabid in their hatred of this administration that they actually make FOX NEWS appear to be 'fair & balanced' by comparison. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Ed Realtor Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/13 > > > 04498.html > > Ooch that hurt my eyes. Summary? You need someone to summarize a 62 word statement for you?
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
hillarylewinski Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > We tried to warn you Sheeple and White guilters > that this guy is bad for America. Conservaturds! And your alternatives were McFear and Mittens? LoLz!
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Slavish reliance on FOX NEWS: http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/1304498.html
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
VCLVL Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My insurance company discontinued the type of > 'grandfathered' individual policy that I was > under. So I've now had to move to one of the new > Obamacare-compliant plans which increased the cost > by about 30%. Even though I don't need coverage > for pregnancy, kids 26 and under, and all of the > rest
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
safety must come first Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > um sorry but these are the same stores with 20 > maybe 30 beaners hanging around outside, drinking > beer, harassing folks and littering everywhere. > send them home and start arresting all the tax > dodgers who hire them instead of wasting it on > free healthcare for employees Liar! Loite
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11 years ago
liberal logic 27
Liberal Retard Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yeah, check back in two years when health care > costs are eating them alive and they're moving > more workers to part time status. Conservaturds! Rooting against America. LoLz!
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