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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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12 years ago
New Client Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No Z3RO, but your dad did, and he sucked my cock > better than you ever have. Hmmm. Hi Steve. How is life in pedo world going for you?
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
did he tap your foot under the stall?
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Thinkbox MC Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My ego aint bloated , its legit. > > One overdose didnt kill me, i dont think another > will. > > -thinkbox out. Let's put that to the test. Man up, nappy nolan the mouth breeding colon.
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
It's a bear, but pause the video at 0:34 and look at it. Looks like an arm with giant hand. Too bad these dolts bolted so fast instead of trying to get a longer shot.
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
HOA MGR Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The Candy Bar Wrote: > ------------------------------- > > Based on the observations of many FFU users > personal experiences with Scott, > >the majority opinion would in fact be correctly > termed "faggot". > > > > Are you saying that it would be correct to call > the the majority op
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
She grew a penis and is currently living under the name, Scott Lehman. You can find all his/her info by searching the forums. Heshe posted it all on here numerous times. I believe the shemale was hoping you would search here.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
she has jizz hair and horse teeth. bad combo.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
HOA MGR Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Based on opinion, observation or personal > experince? > > And the correct term is "homo-queer". Based on the observations of many FFU users personal experiences with Scott, the majority opinion would in fact be correctly termed "faggot".
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Only in the white areas. You darkies had your chance and now you're being left in the dark.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Scott Lehman is a faggot.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
haha. she's high as shit in that school photo.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Obwankabama Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Obama door knocker yesterday said she was a lawyer > from Maryland. Works for a government agency but > would not tell me which one. She said that the > Maryland people were sent to Virginia because the > campaign needs help here. Should have called the police and had her dumb ass arrested.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
dooy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Z3R0 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > dooy Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > They should be concentrating on getting the > > savage > > > vote out on Tuesday. If they do, it's four &g
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
dooy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > They should be concentrating on getting the savage > vote out on Tuesday. If they do, it's four more > years for Obama, you racist motherfuckers! > Um, you're dumb. It's been proven that if no one else other than the blacks voted for Obama, he would not even come close to winning. That's counting every eligible
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Nellie Sacra Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Never in my life have i seen so many people with > out sin!! yea that was a joke-- your words have no > meaning and your lives must be as boring as the > nasty words you write--first one without no sin > throw a stone--ever heard that? i can't pick up a > stone to throw at anyone-let alone at this woma
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Thinkbox MC Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > not a fag like beh Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > If i wanted to contact you on an hourly rate as > a > > dj/bodyguard, how would i go about doing so? > > > We dont do hourly gigs. We are not amateurs if > you want an appearance fee quoted pl
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Why, the majority of DC can't read or write unless it's a welfare check or a Nike tag. Who gives a shit?
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
That's what bricks are for.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Thinkbox MC Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Whut? Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > you are slowly on your way to become meades new > > replacement bud. It all started with a post > like > > this. > > > hey Whut - fuck you bro. i dont know what your > problem with me is. Meade is a
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Try doing a sit up or two you lazy fat fuck
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
You live in PWC. You're poor. Deal with it.
Forum: Prince William
12 years ago
43 people don't know nor care....
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
I heard Fidel Castro surfed this bitch all the way to Miami with a duece duece and a boner like a boss
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
We consider ourselves to be in Mclean, even though the physical address is provided as Langley. Deal with it. What a silly post by the OP. Clearly, Great Falls is better. Clifton has nice areas, but it will never amount to Great Falls. My commute is great as well. I can't imagine a commute from Clifton to any respectable place of employment is good.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
I don't, but it's pretty obvious. He doesn't even hide it. I wouldn't doubt it if he was in fact the one who stabbed her and convinced his son into taking the fall since he was juvi. The police force up there are the brightest bunch of bananas.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Three more weeks Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Until we won't have to listen to Mitt Romney's > bullshit anymore. Doubtful, but keep dreaming and hoping, cockhole. You butt pirates are done for.
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Rain Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hey, I'm having a really hard time adjusting to > this Northern VA life. I'm from Southwest VA, and > it is completely different. Where do down-home > country folk hang out, like on the weekends? Do you like to do the Zumba?
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
People are far more stupid in the south. They try to pass it off as being a slower pace of life, but really they are all retarded. VA is in the south too, dipshit.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Scott, look outside. Look closely. They are watching you....
Forum: Fairfax County General
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