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12 years ago
"Posted by: 2concerned () Date: June 26, 2012 07:39AM "That sounds like threatening words by a crazed individual" Yeah, I'm getting there, just not as quickly as your paranoia. And no, there'll be nothing physical or unlike you, false. There's plenty of real stuff that could change this person's life. And you're only confirming what I was told. The sudden ramp-up seems to fit." Oh shut the
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
I said from, not in. Yo should brush up on your reading more instead of my nuts.
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12 years ago
Can we hear more about the man in the drum at the bottom of the Delaware?
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Sounds like you've been rubbing one out to thoughts of Sharon. How does Cunthia feel about this? Or does she get down like that too?
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
I see someone else claiming to be the dude from Australia.... Well, that's a kick in the arse. and so I say good morning to ya with this lil gem. You know the routine... Travelling in a fried-out combie On a hippie trail, head full of zombie I met a strange lady, she made me nervous She took me in and gave me breakfast And she said, "Do you come from a land down under? Where women glow an
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Nope, you're on the wrong side buddy. We don't consider making threats towards school faculty a part of our 1st amendment rights. Cheerio....
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Well then, why are you one a computer posting about making numerous phone calls and contacting lawyers? Lol. Sounds to me like you want to be "DTO'd", whatever that means. Listen man, it's time to give up the "fight". All your attempts thus far have proven futile. And you still have not adequately address the new suspicion of your Wife and kids well being. So with that being said, I suppose
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
"Mike arranged for my Sister-in-Law to become my "guardian", and keep me away from phones, computers, and lawyers." Did you receive a court order barring you from teh usage of computers? The lawyer comment is a bit absurd, Scott. No one, can legally keep you from a obtaining a lawyer. So, where are your Wife and children now?
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
"As for all the "family" comments: they're just too stupid to respond to, and you all know it. My family has been addressed more times here than I care to count." It is the contradictions in the responses from you which lead us all to question their wellbeing. Care to comment on that? Or are you exercising your 5th ammendment right ahead of time? It's not polite to call your new friends stupid
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
JK, well it certainly looks bad doesn't it? Where is he anyway? As I previously stated, he goes quiet whenever mentioning the Wife and kids. Or he avoids the question. He's been acting this way for awhile now whenever they are the topic. He spoke about them being out of town (mentioning two different states in his stories I think), getting support from his wife at home, taking his kid places, b
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Thank you Michelle. MAybe you're not so ugly after all. ;p I don't believe he took them to McDonald's nor to his firefighter friends house. Scott, it that what you wanted to be once upon a time ago, a firefighter? It's OK, let it out. Your comments concerning your Wife and children contain too many contradictions. Where are they, Scott? They are gone, aren't they? You can tell us. You kn
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12 years ago
^happens every day all around the country. Some loser loses his job and decides his family is better off dead than without him as a failure in their lives. Suicide is not the most selfish act. Killing your family before you kill yourself is. Hopefully, this asshole has not done either of these. I'm sure he'll show up with a new post sometime today. Then again who knows, maybe someone called it in
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Still no truthful answers about the well being of your family, Scott? How come? Or did you already hint the truth to us with your shovel comments? the implication is there. You might want to clear this up soon, Scottie boy.
Forum: Off-Topic
12 years ago
Oh but you certainly are doing a great job of getting yourself blacklisted. Hi....
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