SalJebson Wrote:
> Sorry guys, my story may not be as conclusive as a
> lot of the earlier ones but I just thought maybe
> someone here would have some answers or similar
> experiences:
> It started when my brother asked me to house-sit
> for him when he was out of town, he lived near
> Lake Accotink Park in Springfield (VA). He
> recently bought the house (4 months prior) and I
> hadn't had the chance to see it before. It was
> supposed to be a nice house on a decent sized
> parcel of land (about 3 acres).
> I came straight from work after a long day and got
> there around 7:30 PM with my suitcase of stuff and
> McDonald's dinner in tow. The house looked creepy
> from the outside while I sat in the car and ate my
> now semi-cold food. It was a 2 story house with 3
> bedrooms, 2 larger bedrooms upstairs and one
> bedroom downstairs along with the kitchen and
> everything else. As I was sitting there looking
> at the house, I swear I could see the light from
> the side window of the house coming on and off. I
> didn't think too much of it because it was an old
> house and maybe that light just had some faulty
> wiring.
> As I get inside, I sit down and burn two hours
> playing Candy Crush and at this point, its about
> 10 PM and dark outside. I start to unpack my
> things into the dresser they had in the guestroom
> on the main level when I hear someone walking
> around upstairs. At first, I am paralyzed but
> then I think maybe it's a trespasser, my brother
> has had to chase away vagrants that would stay in
> the small tree grove he had on the backside of his
> property when he first moved in. I grabbed a
> sharp knife from the kitchen and went upstairs.
> As I go upstairs, I see someone or something in
> white quickly walk into the second bedroom from
> the corner of my eye. Thinking it was an intruder
> still, I darted after it. As I entered the room,
> my eyes immediately went to the far side window
> where there was a woman dressed in early 1900s
> dress. I froze because she was almost
> translucent. Then she turned around and to this
> day, I swear I saw no eyes in her sockets, I could
> see her mouthing words but there were no sounds
> coming out. Then there was only one thing that
> came to my mind, this ghost bitch is getting
> raped. Little did this phantasmal whore know I
> just got out 3 years ago from a 10 year prison
> stint for raping my then wife. In fact, I just
> came home from a construction job that hired
> ex-felons. I worked for a guy that was so dumb
> and made so much more money than me, all I could
> think of the whole day was violence and lo, this
> clear-complexioned skank is giving me a free pass,
> she's even role playing. Long story short, I
> banged that evaporated bucket of cum for hours
> even fulfilling a eye-socket fantasy I had. I
> remember passing out and waking up in my bed the
> next morning. I came back the next day hoping to
> see her again but unfortunately, I haven't seen
> anything ever again. A few days later though, I
> felt guilty (as people who engage in my past time
> do) and wondered if I got her pregnant. I need to
> know if there's a piece of me in the great beyond?
> Maybe someone can help me and let me know if life
> carries over to the other side? Has someone had a
> similar experience?
> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for
> reading.
I would suggest you read this book...