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Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: ScottAM ()
Date: August 17, 2006 02:56PM

I am trying to research hauntings and supernatural activity in the Fairfax and Northern VA areas. The site I have been using is fascinating and I a wondering if any locals in here would be able to verify or confirm any of the stories, even if you could just verify that you\'ve heard the rumors, but do not necessarily believe them, is helpful,

Truly some frightening things are listed on here, it\'s searchable by city


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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: trekroner ()
Date: August 17, 2006 04:41PM

That site seems to have some pretty vague stories, and nothing specific to the actual area. (Anyone can claim to have spotted "the ghost of a woman sitting the porch of a house in *enter name of city here*")

If you're interested, you might ask some of the people who work at a building originally called the Barbour House at 4069 Chain Bridge Rd. in Fairfax City if they've ever experienced anything there. It's the old white building with 4 large columns in front; Lupos restaurant is currently in the lower level. It's directly across from the judicial center.

I worked in the building several years ago, and on a few occasions, had the unfortunate experience of being the only one there late at night. I never saw any ghosts, per se, but would frequently hear what sounded like large tables being dragged across the floor overhead. (Our office was upstairs, with only an unfinished attic above.) I assumed that it was an accoustic illusion, and that the sounds were coming from the former Seasons Restaurant below--until I found that it was closed and there was absolutely no one else in the building.

I certainly wasn't imagining it, because I could feel the vibrations with each sound when I put my hand on the wall. More disturbing, I once expected to hear the sounds echoing louder when I opened the door to the stairwell, which would have happened had they been coming from the restaurant. Instead, the halls were quiet.

I never found out what the cause was, and never really experienced anything beyond that. I should also point out that those sounds would occur at times throughout the day, as well, but never on any consistent basis. I didn't become aware of it until I was there alone late that first time--that's when it got just plain creepy.

I would, however, be curious to know if there've been any other stories from either the restaurants or other offices in that building's past. Good luck with your research.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: 345 ()
Date: August 17, 2006 04:45PM

This site is haunted by d-bags.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Lurker ()
Date: August 17, 2006 04:53PM

There was suppose to be a ghost that Huanted Reston Ave(Now Parkway). I was suppose to be the spirit of one body that was dumped on the road by a serial killer back in the late 60's \early 70's. I don't think they ever caught the serial killer. Check the Reston Times archives, they rans stories about it.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Lurker ()
Date: August 17, 2006 05:02PM

Another Reston Ghost story. Apparently many people claimed to see this gilr ghost over a weekend period -

The Reton Ghost -- isn't that the tortured soul of a dotcom company that met an untimely death last year? :)

Seriously, I think it's supposed to be the spirit of Gwen Ames. As I recall she was strangled near the canal section of Lake Anne while all the people who lived around there were at some concert on the plaza.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 17, 2006 05:19PM


"The ghost of a woman with a bag tied around her head was witnessed drinking gasoline from a pump at a gas station in Dunn Loring. There have been other reports involving this ghost in the vicinity"

Oh OK then

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: § ()
Date: August 17, 2006 05:40PM

I've heard a similar story about paranormal activity at the old Seasons Restaurant in old town FFX. -§

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: August 17, 2006 07:42PM

Hmm no civil war ghosts from Manassas?

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Civil ()
Date: August 17, 2006 09:43PM

Funny you say that, about 20 years ago a couple of Reston residents swore they saw an older civil war soilder ghost late night at their mailbox, as soon as they went to investigate the ghost would look up and fade out.

I guess this guy is looking for some mail he lost? LOL More than just a couple of people reported it. A lot of civil war units passed through and camped in Reston; Yankees once on the way to Bull Run and then Confederates(Lee's) to take Washington.

You would think the civil war battlefields would be full of ghost rumors? Never heard any.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 17, 2006 10:02PM

There were some large-scale skirmishes in the Reston/Herndon area. A lot of soldiers died; whether they came back as ghosts, rogue cops, coyotes, or beaners, is left to the imagination.


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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 17, 2006 10:11PM

Either Colvin Run Mill Park or Eleanor C Lawrence has a legend about a wall in the basement of a house on the grounds of the park...

Supposedly, someone was murdered bloodily, and blood got all over the walls. No matter how hard they try to wash the blood off, it always reappears..............

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: 345 ()
Date: August 18, 2006 08:16AM

I looked in depth for more info on the Gwen Ames murder. Anyone got any sources of info on it?

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 18, 2006 05:20PM

ScottAM Wrote:
> I am trying to research hauntings and supernatural
> activity in the Fairfax and Northern VA areas.

sorry but there are no ghosts or hauntings in nova. in fact, there are no ghosts or hauntings anywhere on the planet.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: August 18, 2006 06:27PM

house down the street is haunted.. when i was younger i watched their rabbit when they were out of town on vacation and they told me the ghosts name n shit he was the first owner (builder) of the house. and i heard cuppard sp? doors shuttng as i would leave the premises.. freaky i never went back alone

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Oakasm ()
Date: August 21, 2006 11:51PM

The Auditorium at Madeira school in Great Falls. I'm a skeptic myself but ive heard shit from credible sources.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: 345 ()
Date: August 28, 2006 12:58PM

"The Auditorium at Madeira school in Great Falls. I'm a skeptic myself but ive heard shit from credible sources."

Any details?

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: chenault ()
Date: October 22, 2007 01:30PM

345 Wrote:
> I looked in depth for more info on the Gwen Ames
> murder. Anyone got any sources of info on it?

Gwen was a drug addict that got clean. She had been clean a year when the Reston Festival happened. She went to the festival and on her way home she was strangled. It was believed by law enforcement and everyone that it was her former dealer,but the police were afraid of him. This dealer pretty much ran Lake Anne Plaza. I saw him one night and he told a girl I was with, that if she didnt take off her cross she could end up the way Gwen did. We left the Washington Plaza Baptist church and him and his friends had a human chain across the road trying to stop us. It was frightening. They have never made an arrest in her death, that bothers me. Makes me a little nervous to write this, but there you go.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Andrea ()
Date: October 22, 2007 02:06PM

I'm also really into the paranormal, so anyone's stories would be awesome to hear. I live in Vienna and was wondering if there are any hauntings around here? I can only imagine that maybe the Freeman Store or that caboose ((sp?)) has some sort of something going on!

But anyways, any detailed stories would be awesome to hear. Also locations! ((No bunnyman bridge thanks...everyone knows that one and knows that the Clifton kids will go fuck with you there))

lol the thing from ghostsofamerica.com ... I read something on there a long time ago saying a "headless" woman has been seen drinking gasoline out of pumps or whatever, but it just seems like people would send the most ridiculous thing they could think of and then see if it got posted, and it did.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: October 22, 2007 02:12PM

There is a really scary recent one from Richmond. He is frustrated singer songwriter who had delusions of Granduer. One night after another failed gig a young woman came up to him and asked that she meet him out in a graveyard. She didnt want anyone to know she was out late at night with the musician cuz she was underage. Well Mea....er the musician went to the graveyard that night and didnt come back. Some undertakers found his limp bloated body wrapped in Kudzu with a sign reading, "No talent at all". He was apparently chocked with Kudzu vine to DEATH. One of the undertakers had caught part of his "gig" at a local coffee shop. He simply shrugged and threw his body in the river. Apparently he agreed with the murderer. Now this No talent spirit haunts websites in grief and pain, foisting its songs and musings on the people who denied him stardom during life. He is having his revenge on Fairfax yet. Bwhahahahahaha

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: BR ()
Date: October 22, 2007 02:47PM

That big white mansion (the old Franklin residence maybe?) off of West Ox Road by Dower House Drive in Franklin Farm supposedly has stuff going on in it. I knew someone who lived in it (maybe she still does...it's been a long time) and she said that she experienced all sorts of stuff in there on a regular basis...so much so that she got used to it. She mostly heard conversations going on, but every once in a while she'd see one (usually an older guy I think) just chilling in a room somewhere. They never "talked" to her or acknowledged her in anyway....they just kind of did their own thing,

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: CO ()
Date: October 23, 2007 04:50PM

345 Wrote:
> I looked in depth for more info on the Gwen Ames
> murder. Anyone got any sources of info on it?
not much info..but at least something..


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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Andrea ()
Date: October 25, 2007 01:52PM

Come on people, add your true ghost stories from around the area!!! :)

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Suburbanite ()
Date: October 26, 2007 07:19AM

There is an office building in McLean off of Anderson Rd that is haunted. Never saw anything specific, but we definitely heard crashing pans or doors closing but the building was empty(I worked security, we knew everyone was out and it was the middle of the night) and occasionally we would smell a strong floral perfume, as if someone wearing it was passing you, but no one was there. Rumor has it that the building was built on an old graveyard that had been relocated.

The really creepy thing about the building was the fact that the employees fought hard not to be moved out of there. There was one department that was in that building for at least 15 years when other departments in neighboring buildings were relocated about every 8 months.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: October 26, 2007 02:39PM

All the bomb shelters at local high schools have ghosts. The construction workers who died building the schools live there.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Lurker. ()
Date: October 31, 2007 05:33PM

Look for yourself! I have not touched or photoshoped this picture at all!

I took this picture at about 6:30am on a Lake in Fairfax county near an area where some civil war relics were found. Now that I look at the picture closer I see four figures in the fog. On the right is a guy in a civil cap, then a guy leaning over what looks like stretcher, then a lady in a civil war style dress.

Very Spook!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/31/2007 05:36PM by Lurker..

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Cricket ()
Date: October 31, 2007 09:36PM

Plenty of Ghost Stories in Old Town. They offer tours with stories.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Kid ()
Date: November 01, 2007 12:35AM

i cant find the people in the fog

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: November 01, 2007 12:45AM

There are tours in old towne Alexandria that are quite interesting.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: WantsToBelieve ()
Date: January 29, 2008 12:07PM

If you look real close, you can see a steaming pile of crap. Because that is what the photo is. Its fog, early morning fog on a lake. Its like if you stare at a cloud long enough you can make out whatever you want it to be.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: January 29, 2008 12:23PM

Hey, I heard there was this ghost up in the Frederick County, MD woods, and some college kids from Motgomery County 13th grade went up and got lost in the woods and videoed the ghost and they are now dead.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: January 29, 2008 12:34PM

what lake is that Lurker?

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: guy ()
Date: January 29, 2008 01:16PM

my old apartment was haunted, its in the public housing off of draper dr in fairfax.. i seen it my family has and i know the people living there now, and they have also.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Andrea ()
Date: January 29, 2008 02:41PM

I'd love to hear anyone's stories about their own personal experiences with ghosts/hauntings in this area...

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: still703 ()
Date: January 29, 2008 02:49PM

My friend just bought a house off of Lawyers Rd in Reston that is haunted. It's fairly old and I heard different noises the one time I stayed over. The first incident happened after I was asleep on the couch. I awoke to footsteps on the hardwood floors. I thought it was my friend getting a drink or something and went back to sleep. After a while, I woke up a second time because I thought I heard a door creak and then definitely I heard footsteps coming up from the basement staircase. I got up and turned the lights on and the noise stopped.

I must have fallen asleep like that because my friend woke me up around 11am and I was asleep but sitting on the couch with all the lights on. He never got up during the middle of the night.

I get text messages from him every once in a while at night saying he's hearing noises from downstairs again.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: January 29, 2008 04:10PM

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: February 04, 2008 07:45PM

let the ghosts be. They are not going to harm anyone. Statistically speaking, we should be more afraid of Gravis!

"I think the dead don't speak" - Bess Houdini

"And anyone who claims the dead speak is a fraud and needs to be exposed as such" - Radiophile

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: February 04, 2008 10:48PM

Radiophile Wrote:
> let the ghosts be. They are not going to harm
> anyone. Statistically speaking, we should be more
> afraid of Gravis!

this is true, however, the idea or thought of someone seeing/hearing/sensing a ghost has caused some accidents. besides, ghosts dont swear at you, all you stupid motherfuckers.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: goner ()
Date: February 05, 2008 04:22PM

I went to an old abandoned house and huge barn in great falls that seems like it was haunted. I heard the sound of a horse in the barn

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: February 05, 2008 08:15PM

Gravis Wrote:

> this is true, however, the idea or thought of
> someone seeing/hearing/sensing a ghost has caused
> some accidents. besides, ghosts dont swear at
> you, all you stupid motherfuckers.

To be honest, I am more afraid of Gravis then all the ghosts in Fairfax County!

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: yo momma ()
Date: February 05, 2008 11:03PM

Want to see the walking dead? Come to any Vienna Town Council meeting. Most of those folks are so old they fart dust.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: yo momma ()
Date: February 05, 2008 11:05PM

I should also add that you will also see the walkng dead Wednesdays at Magruder's.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: joe ()
Date: February 06, 2008 09:41PM


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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: mothman ()
Date: February 07, 2008 12:06AM

i posted this in the springfield forum a while back.

burke lake road just up the hill from kilkenny dr. is haunted by some girl who walks on the side of the road. me and a friend were coming back from clifton late one morning when we saw her dressed in a white sweater walking along the side of the road. being the good citizen that i am, i turned around to see if she needed some help, but when i came back to where i saw her she was gone. didnt find out till 8 months later that others had the same situation happen to them.

no idea as to what the story behind the ghost was, but i swear on the holiest of bibles that what i said is true. i got better things to do than make up ghost stories on message boards, so if you dont believe me, i could really care less.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: EW ()
Date: May 11, 2010 07:51PM

Am interested in the stuff going on at the Barbour House, now the Hard Times Cafe....

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Area Man ()
Date: May 11, 2010 08:02PM

Am interested in ghost with proper grammar.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Les ()
Date: May 14, 2010 06:38PM

Mount Weather crash site. I think there's supposed to be pilot ghost on route 7 near there.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Dee ()
Date: May 30, 2010 01:35AM

LEESBURG VA ( LOUDOUN COUNTY ) The woods rd ( off Evergreen Mills rd ) Banshee Reeks. The old homeless shelter ( 3 old houses in a row. they will be torn down soon ) and the Reeks park/woods itself is haunted by a "banshee". You can google the story about the Banshee Reek in loudoun virginia and then the story of the banshee from scotland and see how she got to virginia. I know it is true because i have heard it so many times. yes me who doesnt believe in ghosts or aliens or any of that ...till i spent a couple of years on the woods rd. at night she cries and screams in the woods from afar and up close.when people first hear it they swear its a cougar. yet yr after yr no cougar evidence and no attacks. during the day she talks, mumbles,coughs, sneezes,weeps, giggles, hums,walks around ,opens and closes doors upstairs, and occasionaly throws large heavy furniture and then drags it across the floor upstairs. at night she is heard by many. durring the day for some reason she only makes herself known when there are either 1 or 2 people to hear it.after you go upstairs to check things out she stops abruptly.the houses are NOT open to the public anymore. but im sure if one is brave enough to go just 1 or 2 people at a time and sit quietly in the area at night you are sure to hear it.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: charred remains ()
Date: May 30, 2010 09:52AM

ScottAM Wrote:
> I am trying to research hauntings and supernatural
> activity in the Fairfax and Northern VA areas.
> The site I have been using is fascinating and I a
> wondering if any locals in here would be able to
> verify or confirm any of the stories, even if you
> could just verify that you\'ve heard the rumors,
> but do not necessarily believe them, is helpful,
> Truly some frightening things are listed on here,
> it\'s searchable by city
> http://www.ghostsofamerica.com/

Dont forget the ass-raping sasquatch that was often seen in the Rock hill area of centreville and what is now called south ridings. This was in the early 70's through the mid 80's.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Snapple ()
Date: May 30, 2010 06:05PM

There are no such things as ghosts. If you believe in ghosts, you're either an idiot, or you're a child and you shouldn't be on a forum like this. This forum is mostly unmoderated, full of filth and racism, so it isn't a place for children.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: thatsnotrite ()
Date: May 30, 2010 09:08PM

charred remains Wrote:
> ScottAM Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I am trying to research hauntings and
> supernatural
> > activity in the Fairfax and Northern VA areas.
> > The site I have been using is fascinating and I
> a
> > wondering if any locals in here would be able
> to
> > verify or confirm any of the stories, even if
> you
> > could just verify that you\'ve heard the
> rumors,
> > but do not necessarily believe them, is
> helpful,
> >
> > Truly some frightening things are listed on
> here,
> > it\'s searchable by city
> >
> > http://www.ghostsofamerica.com/
> Dont forget the ass-raping sasquatch that was
> often seen in the Rock hill area of centreville
> and what is now called south ridings. This was in
> the early 70's through the mid 80's.

did you mean ass rapeing sasquatch?

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: notyourfriend ()
Date: May 30, 2010 10:31PM

The ass raping Sasquatch can be found in Herndon,Centerville, Springfield, and anywhere in PG county.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: June 02, 2010 06:46AM

Perhaps it is the ghost of her sister . . .


I always thought it was the Bush Patrol bullies who killed Tasha.

Jean Harris wrote in her memoirs that girls had tied others to trees using chains.

345 Wrote:
> "The Auditorium at Madeira school in Great Falls.
> I'm a skeptic myself but ive heard shit from
> credible sources."
> Any details?

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Dee ()
Date: June 09, 2010 10:02PM

Yes I was surprised myself to find that there is no mention at all of the Gwen Ames case in Reston on the web about anywhere other than the fairfax cold cases page. Its sad. It always seemed to me that 100 percent was never given to that case to begin with. As if no one cared or even maybe a cover up to protect someone or maybe just the reputation of the town as it was a newly developing town at the time. Shame on who ever decided to give up on the murder of that young girl. I know if it was my kid I never would have let it rest. And whoever the killer was needs to keep one thnig in mind...by now they are old or getting there and time does not forgive, only confession before man and God does.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Dee ()
Date: June 09, 2010 10:34PM

Yes I was surprised myself to find that there is no mention at all of the Gwen Ames case in Reston on the web about anywhere other than the fairfax cold cases page. Its sad. It always seemed to me that 100 percent was never given to that case to begin with. As if no one cared or even maybe a cover up to protect someone or maybe just the reputation of the town as it was a newly developing town at the time. Shame on who ever decided to give up on the murder of that young girl. I know if it was my kid I never would have let it rest. And whoever the killer was needs to keep one thnig in mind...by now they are old or getting there and time does not forgive, only confession before man and God does.
I went by lake anne on the anniversary of that night june 4th and walked the path and foot bridge. no posters posted anywhere amymore and whoever used to drop flowers at the foot bridge didnt do it thias year. I did how ever see a handful of individuals stop and peer down at the foot of the bridge path and I couldnt help but wonder if they were thinking the same thing i was.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: RobertGreyberg ()
Date: June 13, 2010 07:00PM

Bunny Man Bridge in Fairfax Station, VA is a debatable haunted location. But even better than that are all the old parks in that area or the Town of Clifton, all of which were places that had an active role in the Civil War and therefore could possibly have ghosts.

Bunny Man Bridge itself was actually the sight of an old train station called Sangster's Station where a Civil War skirmish occurred. That and the fact that there was a poor house located near the site, could be the source of some paranormal activity, along with the supposed ghosts of the Bunny Man legend.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: June 13, 2010 07:09PM

Jesus Christ not the resident Bunnyman expert again. How did that little Clifton film fest go? Did you get to tell the masses about all the details you learned about the Bunnyman from this site?

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Thigh Master ()
Date: June 13, 2010 09:37PM

Mount Weather crash site is now overgrown with brush


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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: SURFBOAT ()
Date: June 15, 2010 07:20PM

The Silas Burke mansion

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: unsolved ()
Date: July 13, 2010 10:24PM

Dee or Chenault...can you share anymore on Gwen Ames, I am a relative looking for more information...thanks

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: QQ ()
Date: July 23, 2010 08:05AM

Hello, I am searching for information on the area of kempsville lake, specifically marlwood area. I have a very normally down-to-earth friend that is terrified to go home because she swears her house is haunted. She hears footsteps at night, the bathroom door opens and closes by itself, the sink's hot water turns on by itself, she feels cold gusts of air brush past her, and her daughter wrote a phrase on the wall, and when questioned, says she was told to write it by the devil.

Eventually my friend found the previous owner of the house on facebook, and learned the lady's son was complaining of seeing someone in his room. The former tenant admitted she moved because she thought she was going crazy and seeing things.

My friend dismissed the little things at first, but its been going on for months now and she says its too much for her to ignore.

What should she do?

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: July 23, 2010 10:43PM

Manassas Battlefield, that's where you go if you want to see a haunting.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Glenmore near GMU ()
Date: July 24, 2010 01:34AM


My friend, Corrine, posted about a house that she went to as a kid that had been haunted. Steve Toole, Corrine's brother still resides on Glenmore. Corrine passed away six months ago.

There is more history about the house that is discussed on the page.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Glenmere near GMU ()
Date: July 24, 2010 01:37AM

Glenmere near GMU Wrote:
> http://autumnforestghosthunter.blogspot.com/2009/0
> 1/fairfax-virginia-green-acres-elementary.html

From Corrine Toole, March 2009
To Sharon,
I remember going to a Open House at your home. They had done a nice job of updating and added bathrooms, and closing off the staircase to the attic. During the tour, I found myself alone in the basement... and a heavy sense that I was not alone. I ran up the stairs into the kitchen, where people just turned and looked at me. I said...Ghosts! :)
For awhile there, it seemed they couldnt keep a tenant in the house for more than a year or so. But the current tenant now has been there for several years. Do you know any more about that?

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Civil War Field Hospital ()
Date: July 24, 2010 01:42AM


Sharon, blog name, autum forest, lived in a house in Fairfax. I've looked up info. on this house. It was a while ago. I'll see if I can find the back story on it. If not, go to her blog & try to find the location yourself.

This is what Sharon wrote on her site...

I am a ghost hunter who grew up in a Civil War field hospital where many unexplainable occurrences changed the course of my life. Follow me as I toss out theories and mess with your thinking. You may not be the same after coming here. I plan to open your minds wide about all things paranormal.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Fairfax - Aspen Grove ()
Date: July 24, 2010 01:48AM

Do a search on Aspen Grove in Fairfax, VA

Sharon posts a picture of the house, Aspen Grove. You need to go to her site to see it. This picture is from the 1890s.

I had to add the house I grew up in to the list of 50 places I’m researching because as a personal witness to the phenomenon and the makeup of the land and structure, I can probably give more information to this site than the others.

Aspen Grove was built in Fairfax Virginia in the mid 1700s originally as a fort against Indians, supposedly. Back then, it was called "The Springfield" because it was fed by the Pohick Creek (an offshoot of the Potomac) and had lots of underground springs, one of which fed the well to our home and the outbuildings with the best tasting water I’ve ever had in my entire life. During the Civil War, the Union took it over and used it as a field hospital, then the Confederates got it back and used it for the same. Both sides bled and died there. You can't get more conflict than to have both sides haunting the place. The grounds were rich with relics, the wooden floors still stained dark from their blood, and the ghosts most assuredly restless.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: 10212 Aspen Willow Dr, ()
Date: July 24, 2010 02:05AM

10212 Aspen Willow Dr, Fairfax, VA 22030

Off of Roberts Rd near GMU


The above link describes hauntings at Aspen Grove... written in 2009


Posted on 7 June 2010-- The above link provides an article published in one of the local newspapers in 1980. Interesting stuff to read.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Zack Bagans ()
Date: August 07, 2010 08:42AM

I heard last week that there is a "imprint" ghost at a bridge where Rolling Road and Fairfax County Parkway intersect. My friend alleges that the ghost replays its death over and over again and regular basis.

He claims to have witnessed it twice.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Gwen Ames ()
Date: August 07, 2010 02:52PM

Around that time, there was a story going around the neighborhood that girls would park their cars on Waterview Cl late at night and see Gwen's face in the rearview mirror. I don't recall all the details, but this sounds like another ripoff off of the Bloody Mary legend.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Isabella ()
Date: October 11, 2010 09:00AM

Hi my name is Bella :) does anyone know the history of 3023 Dower House Drive? It used to be my grandparents house and I expierienced things when I would visit them. Some people said that a boy died in a bike accident on the property.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Britdrnva~ ()
Date: October 11, 2010 09:37AM

I believe my house is haunted - though I haven't heard/witnessed any activity in about a year - don't know why. For a while though things were kind of 'odd'. I would hear clearly very hard (as if someone was walking hard on their heels) loud thuds across the hallway upstairs. It was always at night, almost always around 11:30pm. This wouldn't happen consistently but on random occasions.

Another night, I was home - sick w a high fever and in bed. I had heard the footsteps again right in the hallway next to me - got out of bed and my attic opening was ajar. To get to my attic you need a ladder and have to really push hard as there is a board that holds firmly. I saw no footsteps but the attic was open. I ran downstairs called the police.

When he arrived, I explained what had happened he called for back-up and they went looking around the property - nothing. Then got my ladder from the garage and checked in the attic - nothing. That hasn't happened since - that incident occurred about 1.5 years ago

Behind my house are woods, if you walk into the woods a bit (about 50 yards from my house) there are ruins of an old water mill...the funny thing is I don't believe in ghosts per se and I'm usually a skeptic for things like this. But I know what I've heard (and it was on numerous times) and I know somehow that attic door became open. It could be just wind passing through, who knows, the consistent timing, methodical 'stepping noises', etc., does give one pause.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: novaresident ()
Date: October 12, 2010 09:25AM


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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: novaresident ()
Date: October 12, 2010 09:40AM

Isabella Wrote:
> Hi my name is Bella :) does anyone know the
> history of 3023 Dower House Drive? It used to be
> my grandparents house and I expierienced things
> when I would visit them. Some people said that a
> boy died in a bike accident on the property.

3023 Dower House Dr
Herndon, VA 20171

You said a boy died here? Is this the home your referring to as being haunted?

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Dee ()
Date: October 31, 2010 05:57PM

In reply to "unsolved": wish there was more to tell, that happened a couple yrs before I moved to Va. ( Gwen Ames ). I just know that it wasnt something that people talked about much but the posters hung at Lake Anne and withered away. During my time there was the usual crowd that hung there that mostly lived around the Lake or nearby or from further out that were just looking for the partys. Then there were the straglers that would pop in just ever so often that most people seemed to know but they didnt hang long. There were a few older bikers that people seemed to be afraid of but respected. I was at the Plaza some late 1981 or 82 nite when a friend of mine got stabed by a biker that got mad and broke a bottle against the wall and stabbed him with that. His biker "b*tch" stood over me and said you didnt see anything, I called 911 from the pay phone and they were gone. Never knew their names. My friend was ok and says he gave a police report. I doubt that had anything to do with Gwens murder but things like that happened there and no one dared to "Narc" (we called it) and most were under the influence all the time to be able to recall things. My question to you as family is why didnt her family go to the trouble of investigating?

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: mwfh ()
Date: November 04, 2010 04:55PM

Something that happened in January this year:

This family moved into a house in Fairfax. They started noticing weird things like shapes and shadows on the walls and ceilings. They thought it was light or shadows coming in from the windows, but continued to see them at night too. And they had a son who told them that he met a boy who wanted to be his friend, but they thought it was just an imaginary friend. Then they started experiencing other things, like the entire house shaking and their son said that his friend was doing it. After a few days, the activity got worse, the family immediately packed up some clothes to leave. As they were getting in the car, the dad got a text message from a blocked number saying "come back". They stayed with friends and contacted their Lutheran reverend about a house blessing, but that didn't work. They were told to contact a Catholic church since they are the only ones who know how to perform exorcisms. An Archdiocese priest went to the house. He thought he was just going to do a simple house blessing, but realized there was more in that house. Had to go back to the Bishop with proof of supernatural events and it was enough evidence to have him perform a house exorcism. Said that if the house exorcism was never done, the demon in the house would have eventually taken over the boy.

True story.
Was never told the city, to protect the family.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: seriouslyshady ()
Date: December 26, 2010 10:38PM

is this true or people making up shit

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: jamey angel ()
Date: January 17, 2011 03:36PM

In reply to:
"Another Reston Ghost story. Apparently many people claimed to see this girl ghost over a weekend period -
I think it's supposed to be the spirit of Gwen Ames. As I recall she was strangled near the canal section of Lake Anne while all the people who lived around there were at some concert on the plaza."

She was strangled on a bridge just steps from the door of her home. It was during the week-end long Reston Birthday Festival, which at that time was a big event. However, the activities were over around 11pm that night; Gwen was strangled a little after midnight. She was an absolutely beautiful young girl (you may remember her picture on the flyer put out for info on the murder) who was straightening her life out. It's very sad that the murderer has never been brought to justice.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: ... ()
Date: January 17, 2011 04:11PM

it is said that there is a ghost at roundtree park on annandale road in falls Church.


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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Les ()
Date: January 17, 2011 04:24PM

Probably the Pagans gang. My dad had a rented place in Glenbrooke, which is between Reston and Fair Oaks, where a guy was killed by gang members. He may or may not have belonged in the gang but he was known to associate with them.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: StupidIsAsStupidDoes ()
Date: January 17, 2011 06:47PM

Westfield High School is haunted by murderers and drug addicts.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Mary ()
Date: January 17, 2011 07:15PM

You turn out all the lights. Say her name three times and say "I beleve." She will show up covered in blood. If the phone rings at the same time, don't answer it or you'll be next...

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: TyroneBiggums ()
Date: January 18, 2011 04:52PM

Tyrone Greene aka Spyder, haunts niggas on lorton road every thursday night from 12-5. If you see him tellem Biggums from hagel circle says woogie boogie! He'll know what it means.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: WendyZ ()
Date: January 18, 2011 05:12PM

I was once raped by a ghost. And then by his ghost horse. To this date, I walk crooked and have multiple orgasms when I'm within 5-mile radius of a race track.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Jockey ()
Date: January 19, 2011 08:33PM

WendyZ Wrote:
> I was once raped by a ghost. And then by his ghost
> horse. To this date, I walk crooked and have
> multiple orgasms when I'm within 5-mile radius of
> a race track.


Squirt! Squirt!! Oh my god! Squirt! Squirt!!

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: TyroneBiggums of HagelCircle ()
Date: January 19, 2011 10:23PM

TyroneBiggums Wrote:
> Tyrone Greene aka Spyder, haunts niggas on lorton
> road every thursday night from 12-5. If you see
> him tellem Biggums from hagel circle says woogie
> boogie! He'll know what it means.

Haha nigga Neva mind I got it all wrong his name was Leonard green and it was on furnace road! Shit man I mustve been high as shit! Anyways he should be there tonight cause it's Thursday and January. That's when the nigga got put down. Jan 17 2000. Rip spyder. If anyone is interested you can cone along with me to say whatup to him tonight.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Tyrone from hagel nigga ()
Date: January 19, 2011 10:42PM

TyroneBiggums of HagelCircle Wrote:
> TyroneBiggums Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Tyrone Greene aka Spyder, haunts niggas on
> lorton
> > road every thursday night from 12-5. If you see
> > him tellem Biggums from hagel circle says
> woogie
> > boogie! He'll know what it means.
> Haha nigga Neva mind I got it all wrong his name
> was Leonard green and it was on furnace road! Shit
> man I mustve been high as shit! Anyways he should
> be there tonight cause it's Thursday and January.
> That's when the nigga got put down. Jan 17 2000.
> Rip spyder. If anyone is interested you can cone
> along with me to say whatup to him tonight.

Awww I fucked again guys. He died Ina Monday but his funeral was on a Thursday. I remember cuz me and the boys were smoking blunts on the porch and we saw the lunar eclipse we was like yo dat be spider giving us a message. So yeah spider comes out on Monday when there a lunar eclipse.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: BelieverinVA ()
Date: February 19, 2011 04:50AM

goner Wrote:
> I went to an old abandoned house and huge barn in
> great falls that seems like it was haunted. I
> heard the sound of a horse in the barn

This barn wouldn't have been off of falls run road or leigh mill would it have? if so, I know that property and it is private. The owner of the barn I keep my horse at has riding rights on that larger property (with abandoned polo barn and if we are still on the same property in which two old homes are in the midst of complete ruin).

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: walkerfairfax ()
Date: February 19, 2011 04:49PM

Bob Holzman was head of Madeira Security for a long time. GMU Hokie, did you know him and if so, what did he have to say about the Bush Patrol? How do you even know about the Bush Patrol? In her memoir, Jean Harris said something about girls who tied each other to trees. Could this have been the Bush Patrol or its predecessor?

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Restonite ()
Date: February 26, 2011 01:21AM

I already lived in Reston for several years at the time of Gwen's murder. I knew her casually; she was about a year older than me. The first blog response has it mostly right but I don't agree w/ the posters assertion that the police were afraid of R.T. He's been arrested for other things and was a tough customer but a B-S'er through-and-through. My brother once heard him brag (years later) about the murder when he was drunk but didn't believe him; he was just trying in drunken fashion to prove he was tough.

I also recall that she had been "straight" for a time much shorter than a year - not that that is really relevant. The fact is that suspicion fell on her "dealer" was due to rumor and speculation. The story going around was that he killed her because she had straightened out and that he resented the "loss of income" that represented. Pretty weak.

Still, he was (and still may be) the primary suspect. Knowing him as I do, I know no-one more plausible. The sad truth is that the failure to catch her killer was due to no witnesses or evidence and yet there were many people still around from the festival and the path was heavily used that night. I had several friends that had passed that place within an hour or so of her death.

The family tried for years to find the killer; I think a reward still exists for his conviction.


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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Meesh ()
Date: June 09, 2011 10:21PM

Hi Zack-

There ARE haunted locations in NoVa...One of the less mentioned is a Print Shop off Church Street in downtown, Vienna, VA....(If they still remain)

I visited the site and was 'punched' in the abdominal area after walking briskly into a reportedly active section of this old print shop's basement area...Old print machines were in one of their back storage room...

The sensation experienced (besides cold sweats and complete disbelief of experiencing anything like this before) lasted in my abdominal area for several hours afterwards...Rumor has it-a father died while trying to save his family from the building's land before it was totally overtaken by flames.

One other 'severely infested' area is the obvious-Bunnyman Bridge-I received numerous, disturbing EVPs after venturing onto the grounds and into the tunnel while ALONE--(BIG- H U G E mistake!!!!) I was called "little girl" "I'm going to get you" and when I asked if anyone was there-I got the message..."Behind you"..my gut went off and I exited only to discover the disturbing message on my Sony Digital on the way home in the car.

Enjoy...but, please play it SMART-and SAFE...Virginia Belle, Michelle

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Giddy ya self some help ()
Date: June 09, 2011 10:22PM


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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Local Yokel ()
Date: June 10, 2011 10:37AM

... Wrote:
> it is said that there is a ghost at roundtree park
> on annandale road in falls Church.
> http://www.meetup.com/novasg/calendar/5900250/?act
> ion=detail&eventId=5900250

This one was haunted by a girl that was raped and murdered in the park itself, around 1998 I want to say. A security guard from Vance told me about it and we checked it out, but didn't get much information. Not much came out on the pictures we took. As a matter of fact, we recently went by there and the park has been renovated somewhat. Police hang out there alot now too, usually on Friday and Saturday nights. The ghost of the girl was reported within weeks of her death, being see sitting on the picnic tables near the old basketball court or sitting on a swing. Sometimes you could hear sobs in the area, but we neither saw or heard anything.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: June 10, 2011 01:34PM

Dee Wrote:
>by now they are old or
> getting there and time does not forgive, only
> confession before man and God does.

So you believe in ghosts and God? Eater Bunny, Bermuda Triangle as well?

Personally, I chose to not believe in the unbelievable.

Fairfaxunderground rules: Lilliputions, not ok. Midgettville ok. I got it now.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Local Yokel ()
Date: June 10, 2011 03:15PM

Radiophile Wrote:
> Dee Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >by now they are old or
> > getting there and time does not forgive, only
> > confession before man and God does.
> So you believe in ghosts and God? Eater Bunny,
> Bermuda Triangle as well?
> Personally, I chose to not believe in the
> unbelievable.

Well for ghosts its easy to get your mind changed. Go to someplace that is "hot" with activity. That will make you a believer real quick. I used to go around with a friend to different places to check out stories. I learned to not waste my time with the small stuff (people with bad feelings, rare ghost sightings, etc) and focused on sites that were hot (Ghosts being seen, stuff moved around, doors slamming, stuff thrown around, etc). As for the other things you don't believe in, I can't help with those. lol

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Cameron Quick ()
Date: October 13, 2011 11:47PM

I worked at the Season's Restaurant in Fairfax City (which is the old Barbour House) and I personally experienced what I truly believe was a ghost encounter.

It was about 2pm and I was cleaning the table in a room called the Library. I was alone in the room. I reached across the table to move the salt and pepper shakers over so that I could wipe the table down...and as I moved them...I pulled my hand away and they moved back about 6 inches by themselves!! I then...astonished...immediately grabbed them and moved them again...and they moved again 6 inches across the table!!! I dropped the towel and ran!

There are several other encounters from the people that worked there over the years. I once heard the door open and shut and and nobody was around to do it..near closing time. That happened about a week before the other incident. I have thought I've seen things, thought I've heard things...but never have I seen an object move by itself right in front of me...not once...but twice! I will always surely believe what I saw that day!

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Laura ()
Date: January 02, 2012 06:54PM

I, too, live in the Kempsville Lake area, close to where your friend lived. My daughter wakes up SCREAMING. She often wakes up in the middle of the night, and we can hear her talking to someone, very calmly. My husband has also said he heard a man's voice talk over him while he was reading to her. One night, as I was tucking her into bed, she said, "Good night, mommy," then looked next to me and said, "Good night, Mommy's friend."

Today, my daughter started screaming at the corner, "STOP TALKING TO ME!!!" over and over. She got really upset and covered her ears.

We have owned the home for just over 6 months. We also have the textbook flickering of lights and footsteps right above us when we are all downstairs. Multiple guests have heard them, too.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Big Shoes Small Foot ()
Date: January 02, 2012 06:57PM

Laura Wrote:
> I, too, live in the Kempsville Lake area, close to
> where your friend lived. My daughter wakes up
> SCREAMING. She often wakes up in the middle of the
> night, and we can hear her talking to someone,
> very calmly. My husband has also said he heard a
> man's voice talk over him while he was reading to
> her. One night, as I was tucking her into bed, she
> said, "Good night, mommy," then looked next to me
> and said, "Good night, Mommy's friend."
> Today, my daughter started screaming at the
> corner, "STOP TALKING TO ME!!!" over and over. She
> got really upset and covered her ears.
> We have owned the home for just over 6 months. We
> also have the textbook flickering of lights and
> footsteps right above us when we are all
> downstairs. Multiple guests have heard them, too.

They make medication that should help you with this.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: gmugrad ()
Date: April 24, 2012 06:55PM

I know this old but I used to live in fairfax sq near woodson. I probably had the worse experience from the age of 7 to about 14. Whenever I was home alone things would fall off dressers in a forward motion that were in the back. i would also have experiences where i would see shadows around the house and a few times my dad would swear he saw me walk into my room but i would be home 20 minutes later and my dad would get scratches.

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Ahmayzin ()
Date: April 25, 2012 02:13PM

No such thing as ghost....those are demons.

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Seasons Reflects its Haunted Past
Posted by: Ghost Bar ()
Date: May 20, 2012 11:35PM

Cameron Quick Wrote:
> I worked at the Season's Restaurant in Fairfax
> City (which is the old Barbour House) and I
> personally experienced what I truly believe was a
> ghost encounter.
> It was about 2pm and I was cleaning the table in a
> room called the Library. I was alone in the room.
> I reached across the table to move the salt and
> pepper shakers over so that I could wipe the table
> down...and as I moved them...I pulled my hand away
> and they moved back about 6 inches by themselves!!
> I then...astonished...immediately grabbed them
> and moved them again...and they moved again 6
> inches across the table!!! I dropped the towel
> and ran!
> There are several other encounters from the people
> that worked there over the years. I once heard
> the door open and shut and and nobody was around
> to do it..near closing time. That happened about
> a week before the other incident. I have thought
> I've seen things, thought I've heard things...but
> never have I seen an object move by itself right
> in front of me...not once...but twice! I will
> always surely believe what I saw that day!

I found this old article about the place in the Fairfax Times today...

Seasons Reflects its Haunted Past
Michael Birchenall

The presence of Seasons Restaurant at the Barbour House on Chain Bridge Road in Fairfax City is magnificent from the street. Lights flood the soft yellow exterior, casting a regal glow to the entrance. Inside it's a step into history in a house that was once a home to injured Union soldiers hiding from the confederate forces.

Oh yes, the place is also haunted with ghosts; good-ghost tales are dinner conversation with the staff. Unfortunately an apparition took over the kitchen the night I visited.

We learned from our first server all about a ghost named William who roams about the upstairs. Then he pointed to the seat that my guest was seated in, and said that was Ms. Barbour's chair in the library. Ms. Barbour has been known to visit downstairs and throw the books off the shelves that she didn't like. (That's calmed down since they took those out and replaced them with books she gave her silent approval to.) Our favorite was the collected work of Gilbert and Sullivan.

On this Thursday evening, it was not easy for the person answering the phone to add a party of two at 7:30 p.m. After some thought and a sigh, we got a reservation. When we arrived we were taken to the library to a table of four in the corner by the bookshelf--Ms. Barbour's table. In the room were a table of seven for a birthday celebration, a party of six and two businessmen. What we didn't notice were the other tables leaving after complaining bitterly about the noise level of the seven. The party of seven even apologized to us about their clamor when they finally left. It was noticeable to us--and a problem for my guest, but halfway through dinner we had been able to tune them out.

My appetizer was a Brazilian shrimp dish--shrimp wrapped in bacon and served in a citrus sauce. It looked pretty, but the taste failed to match the image coming from the plate. The plate itself was cool to the touch and the shrimp were barely heated past warm. The shrimp were tough, as if they had been pre-cooked and warmed again for service.

The calamari was the star of the evening. The promised light breading came just as advertised--light, pleasant and not greasy. The circles of squid are cut open and cooked as a straight piece--stick-like in appearance. Each bite was amazingly tender and the dish came to the table hot and ready to enjoy. It's the best calamari I've had in quite some time.

For dinner I ordered the crab cakes, a test for a Southern-style restaurant with a sister establishment in Williamsburg, Va. The crab cake is listed as lump and back fin crab meat--what I got was minced crabmeat and filler formed into a cake--it reminded me of the texture of a salmon croquette from school days. Most places leave their lump crab meat in tact for the blending with the recipe's ingredients. The plate was cool to the touch and the crab cakes warm. They had a fishy taste and I ate one of three. My guest had the scallops with Gruyere and bacon and the server graciously honored her request to leave out the bacon. This dish arrived hot to the touch as it should--right from the kitchen (following the restaurant maxim: Hot food, Hot plate). But, the cheese so completely covered the scallops that as the temperature cooled, the plate became a blob of cheese with scallops hidden underneath. The scallops had turned to a rubbery texture and had a slightly metallic taste. It is difficult to measure the taste with the large amount of cheese and the fact that they were overcooked beyond being able to eat. My guest ate the vegetables and one-third of the scallops.

The server returned some time later and asked if we were done. With a yes from the two of us, she took away our plates into the kitchen. Many chefs inspect the plates coming back into the kitchen-- demanding to know why food is not eaten. Sometimes when a portion of a good meal is too large for me to finish and taking it home is not convenient, I will make sure the server knows that I am full and that the food left is not a reflection on the kitchen.

For dessert we tried the apple crisp with ice cream-- and it followed the course of the rest of the meal. We ate the ice cream and left the crisp with its stale topping alone. The server did make us a pot of fresh coffee--that was much appreciated.

The dinner with tip was $100 and would have been a disappointment at any price---ghosts or no ghosts. The server mentioned that the dessert menu was being overhauled and would change soon. That was obvious from the difference in pricing from the dinner menu, which had higher prices for two of the same wines offered on both menus. Maybe the kitchen is going through a transition as well. I am not sure, since I went in as a regular dining customer without warning. I'll go back in a few weeks for another look at Seasons. That's fair--and I'll do it on my dime and report on these pages the changes found. Let's hope they can keep the ghosts away from the kitchen.

Seasons Restaurant at the Barbour House

4069 Chain Bridge Road, City of Fairfax

Parking: Tight and limited in side lots--not an easy turn around.

Credit Cards: All Major

Prices: Expensive: appetizers, $6 to $9 and entrees, $15 to $20 and above

Smoking: The restaurant does offer a smoking section.

Note: The house is haunted

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Re: Ghosts/hauntings in around Fairfax County
Posted by: Haunted Woodbridge ()
Date: May 20, 2012 11:47PM

Woodbridge - Old haunted orphan houses

Many years ago off of Route 1 in Woodbridge, Virginia were several houses that belonged to old families who would adopt orphans as a way of life. The problem is that big corporal companies came in to build over the houses and so the families were evicted. Years later when the land had begin to flourish again, contractors decided to build over the houses since the plan to construct when they had been torn down had been shunned. When construction began several appearances had been sighted of children running around and giggling in the woods. Machinery started to malfunction and people started to disappear in the woods when bodies of the children had been found in unmarked stone graves around the houses. The area of land is located across from the junkyard that sits across the street from the original orphan house all the way to the forest miles behind and next to Potomac library. The only people who were able to survive in the area and camp there were homeless people. It is said that the orphans take pity on their misfortune and spare them the life they had previously lead. That goes to show even the dead show sympathy.

From there, we can move over to for an appetizer and ambiance of the next presumed haunted establishment. SkiniFatz @ 10712 Richmond Hwy. Lorton, Va. 22079

Skini Fatz Bar/Restaurant - Skini Fatz theme has been changed a lot over the years. They have witnessed lights turning on after they've closed for the night. An older man in what is used as the waitress dressing area. Also there have been reports from various people stating they've seen a young man in the parking lot. This gentleman was hit by a car about 10-15 years ago. Overall the place is eclectic both in looks and in other fashions. It's an overall neat place to go and check out one night. The manager there is a really nice guy. And the best part of all is you can look around pretty much the entire place.

Lazy Susan Dinner Theatre / Skinifatz Nightspot

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