Lgarci Wrote:
> Black Eyed Woman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > My wife told me this creepy story last night.
> It
> > doesn't take place in VA, but in Oakland CA
> where
> > her parents live.
> > Lately there have been several shootings in the
> > area (more than normal) and that funeral home
> they
> > have on international
> > drive has been getting alot of business.
> >
> > A few weeks ago, my Father and mother-in-laws
> were
> > driving through Oakland at around 2am in the
> > morning. My mother-in-law
> > works as a live in hospice nurse and only has a
> > day or so off. She was coming back at 2am after
> > having the evening off. While
> > they were driving to her job, they saw a woman
> > standing on the corner next to the funeral home
> > with a dress on and dressed
> > somewhat nicely (sunday best?). They saw her at
> > the corner while they were stopped at the
> > intersection, and noticed that
> > the woman smiled at them. They also noticed
> that
> > her eyes were black. My in-laws were frightened
> > and drove away as fast as
> > they could. So then my father-in-law drops off
> my
> > mother-in-law at her work and wonders if that
> > ghost woman he saw at the
> > corner will be there on the way back
> > (Unfortunately, he would have to go through
> that
> > same intersection). On his way back,
> > she was still there at the corner, and this
> time
> > he was stuck at the light there at the
> > intersection. She actually waved
> > to him and he noticed again she had black eyes.
> > Seemed like she was trying to get him to come
> over
> > and pick her up.
> > Naturally when the light turned green, he sped
> out
> > of that intersection to get home.
> >
> > No one seems to know who she is, but they all
> seem
> > to agree that her funeral was probably through
> the
> > funeral home there
> > on that street. As to why she was on that
> street
> > between 2am and 3am, I think she was looking
> for
> > "Victims".
> >
> > I did some research and came across BEK's -
> Black
> > eyed kids that seemed to match.
> >
> About 4 or 5 years ago I was walking down a bike
> path in the back of my house with my step
> daughter. when I saw 2 boys leaning against their
> bikes up ahead. I didn’t really think much about
> it (since it is a bike path) until one of the kids
> raised his head up and looked me straight in the
> eye. That’s when fear struck me so hard I was
> stopped dead in my tracks. His eyes were black and
> hollow, like he didn’t have a sole. It was like
> looking at pure evil, at least that’s the way I
> described it when I recounted the incident later
> that evening to my husband and my other daughter.
> I immediately led my step daughter off the path,
> cut through someones yard and walked out to the
> street . I didn’t know what I had encountered at
> the time but now I am quite sure it was the black
> eyed children. I don’t know what they are, but I
> know they are dangerous. It was so weird I thought
> that my step daughter would also be aware of what
> I perceived to be impending danger , but she was
> completely oblivious, even when I led her off the
> path and onto the street. I somehow knew I had to
> get out of there NOW. Surprisingly they appeared
> normal in every other aspect ( except for the eyes
> of course), and a vague awareness that they
> didn’t quite fit into the environment. I only
> saw the eyes of one of them because the other kid
> had his back to me . He looked to be around 13 or
> 14, flannel shirt and jeans, and a swarthy
> complection. Now that I have been reading about
> these encounters it peaks my curiosity but i
> wouldn’t want to run into them again .
In nature, there is a form of aggressive mimicry in which a predator mimics its prey to capture it. Is something sinister mimicking us? Do we only hear from their prey that gets away?