she tried to tell me she'd push a tresspassing charge on me for protesting.
i said "hey you don't own the courthouse anymore than i do. how are you going to file a tresspass charge if your not the owner ?"
definitely a hot sheriff.
i did aproach her with the statemetn: "the prison smells like poo are they not cleanign it or something?" she responded "the prisoners do that - they like it that way". i responded, "they installed the toilets wrong they can't even install toilets right"
The name "fairfax county sheriff" is not correct.
The courhouse is a State of Virginia courthouse, she's the courthouse sheriff i hear. The courthouse is in the Jurisdiction of Fairfax but not fairfax at all.
so i approach the sheriff's clerk about a false charge. i wanted a lawsuit delived by the sheriff and the County was refusing. so i ask about getting a delivery.
the clerk says shiftily "there are 60 women workign here!"
i said "what? what are you talking about?"
i said i'd do it myself. they said "no. you have to have the BLUE paper and have the sheriff do it".
(now keep in mind i'm not even walking distance frmo the place to deliver to. and they know that, they are just obstructing, the clerks that is.)
harldly walking distance. a few doors down !!! pphhh.
the rules they were referring to. they don't even know them.