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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: xxjhn ()
Date: November 28, 2018 08:57PM

I've learned two things from the photo.

#1 Whoever eats off brass plates drinks allot of soda.

#2 A-La-Carte is WRONG on Thanks Giving: it's a French thing

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: LingLong ()
Date: November 29, 2018 11:38AM

That meal picture is not from the ADC

It might be in the courthouse, or is more likely a photo op from some local organization the Sheriff panders to

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Oh Tell Us ()
Date: November 29, 2018 08:31PM

About Spaghetti Dinners

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Barb90 ()
Date: December 03, 2018 05:17PM

Who will run against her gets my vote!

She’s terrible, can’t wait until she’s voted out.

Why won’t she comply with ICE?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Gov Employed ()
Date: December 04, 2018 09:20AM

...Because she’s a bleeding heart Liberal. She’s a politician and she sucks at it. She’s no leader, she’s no politician. All she cares about is a seat down in Richmond. She doesn’t care about anyone who works for the department (unless they can help her “political agenda”). She’s a bad Sheriff and an even worse human being. This also goes for those directly under her. Captains and above...they’ve all sold their souls. What a joke. This used to be a good place to work. Now, we coddle criminals and have to put up with poorly changed policy. All of us should just tinder our resignations to show the County how truest awful it has become.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Heyheyhey ()
Date: December 06, 2018 01:46PM

Hey hey hey

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Racist Sheriff ()
Date: December 08, 2018 03:59AM

She hates black people, considers them stinky and nasty. Her hate for the African American unparalleled, considers them subhumans.

So keep kowtowing to white woman that is using you for her personal gain. If she had her way, she’d put you all back in chains.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Yours truly ()
Date: December 08, 2018 12:28PM

Loves her some Mexican though

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Nancy Pelosi ()
Date: December 11, 2018 09:28PM

I love Stacey- she is like me, even has the frozen face . Time for little Nicky to go....

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Lord and savior ()
Date: December 12, 2018 10:09PM

He walks around like nothing at all has happened. Dishonest cheaters always get caught in this case clearly by stupidity. No consideration for the pain caused to so many including family members. Sociopathic really. Take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror someday my boy. Fucking scumbag protected losers that inhabit this place. Sickening. Yet there are real people with actual integrity here that sadly are just waiting for retirement or to move on. Breathtaking how one fake , toxic and entitled guy can cause so much destruction. Thing is eventually every dog has its day and real and lasting judgement will come down on those who have been spitting in the face of decency.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Kaboom ()
Date: December 12, 2018 11:20PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Wicomico Joe ()
Date: December 12, 2018 11:35PM

This is what a real sheriff looks like. Any questions?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: ......... ()
Date: December 13, 2018 12:28AM

tHE pHANTOM Wrote:
> Thank God I am retired now...heard Kincaid was
> going around shaking hands and giving hugs..that
> is funny because most of those people were against
> you...of 100 Deputies who showed up to vote for
> the caucus 90 were for Sites! People who were
> hugging you and shaking your hand were probably
> washing themselves shortly thereafter! What a
> piece of shit..Col A has a drunken son who is
> honestly not that smart and not well liked. Sites
> is a clown who should have retired. And the union
> guys should pack it up and go home- shame on you
> for your fraudulent endorsement...Pittman,
> Broadbent, Kahlbacher,Greer,Abbate,Yard,Flood,
> Foxwell,Mason,Ferris
> Fuck each and every one of you.Coming up...more on
> the inside shit these people know...

And yet not one had the courage to walk off the job. Fuck off, copper. All you care about is your pension.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: just sayin now ()
Date: December 13, 2018 10:27AM

Failing organizations are usually over-managed and under-led. Warren Bennis

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Dave City Kitty ()
Date: December 16, 2018 07:34PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I believe? ()
Date: December 17, 2018 12:15AM

That’s where f&$k boy is. They put her in facility security in the courthouse. Gave her a b.s. demotion as long as she keeps her mouth shut. What a protected, entitled little punk. Good luck with that Sheriff. Screw this place.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Inquiring ()
Date: December 17, 2018 11:17AM

Did they demote him too?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Q and A ()
Date: December 17, 2018 11:52AM

The prince? Of course they didn’t. Why do you think they want HER to keep quiet? He got a couple days off no doubt to make it look like their disciplining him.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: How Come? ()
Date: December 19, 2018 03:39PM

How come the office for the Sheriff is an elected position? The positions of the Police Chief and Fire Chief for Fairfax County are not elected positions. It just seems that since it's an elected office, there's more politics involved that the agencies that have promoted or appointed their respective chiefs.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Sheriff Huggy Bear ()
Date: December 19, 2018 07:59PM

State Constitution provides for a Sheriff for each county. It is and elected position which for four years empowers the Sheriff to do pretty much what they want. Depending on the location the Sheriff has different functions. Some run jail, court security and have exercise civil process. In counties without a police department they are also the law enforcement presence in the county.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: What is going on ()
Date: December 20, 2018 08:38PM

To anyone who knows- what other fucked up things are going on the Sheriffs office? Who else is doing damage to what used to be a great agency?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: MWayne ()
Date: December 26, 2018 07:03PM

Oh what a shame bring back M Wayne

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: nxvj6 ()
Date: December 27, 2018 12:15PM

How Come? Wrote:
> How come the office for the Sheriff is an elected
> position? The positions of the Police Chief and
> Fire Chief for Fairfax County are not elected
> positions. It just seems that since it's an
> elected office, there's more politics involved
> that the agencies that have promoted or appointed
> their respective chiefs.

that's a good question. they pretty much only serve warrant duty on behalf of judges.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: mym7d ()
Date: December 27, 2018 12:24PM

Sheriff Huggy Bear Wrote:
> State Constitution provides for a Sheriff for each
> county. It is and elected position which for four
> years empowers the Sheriff to do pretty much what
> they want. Depending on the location the Sheriff
> has different functions. Some run jail, court
> security and have exercise civil process. In
> counties without a police department they are also
> the law enforcement presence in the county.

that's not true. county are by population but must apply it is not automatic.

government authority is not "wholey and automatically handed over": there must be a city/county charter spelling it out legally, what is the charter and authorities. the charter is a "good faith charter", it assumes the (elected) are in good faith following the laws as if Virginia had done it: there is no authority to act otherwise ... which puts many politicians in the "breaking allot of laws" endzone.

the court system is Virginia's system - it's separate from any county. County do NOT have authority to run or open court houses or hire judges. magistrates also get paychecks from virginia not fx co gov

i'm unsure about fx co police, never needed to know, unsure if paychecks come from fx co gov or va. fx co has no exports and little real source of income - so it's all loans and tax return money from the state anyway.


so no, Virginia does not have to build a courthouse in every county

INFACT having only 1 courthouse in a large county like fairfax (over 1 million pop) i've always argued is "strangling justice" - especially when one needs to pay to park

"The rich need poor courts"

(of course fx didn't start that way - the pop was much much lower when the current design was placed - it was before the civil war!)

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: putmc ()
Date: December 27, 2018 12:31PM

judges usually like to serve warrants. sheriff's office does that - also may serve process (notice of impending court trial)

without a court a county wouldn't be "assigned a sheriff"

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: u4dde ()
Date: December 27, 2018 12:33PM

communists hate all these details and deny they exist then deny they are relevant if cornered with signed history papers

they just want the power to borrow and kick heads

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Kings Of The Hill ()
Date: December 27, 2018 12:42PM

With a couple of liberal Democrat queens in the mix as well

>"Because she’s a bleeding heart Liberal. She’s a politician and she sucks at it. She’s no leader, she’s no politician."

And she's a liberal Democrat for VOTES like way too many, that means worthless. There are other sheriffs in Va that are Democrats that are good people but there not liberal pc suck ups and there are good sheriffs that are Republicans like M Wayne was. Carl Peed was a better Sheriff then Kincaid but I voted for Stan because of the way Peed did Stan wrong when he declared himself a candidate for Peeds job and lots did the same. Peeds big mistake cost him his job and the DROP bucks bonanza !

BTW some cities have sheriffs. Falls Church's Steve Bittle is #6 on Va seniority list. Va. Sheriffs get a special license plate with a star and sheriff on it and their seniority number for their cars or their official cars , because they are constitutional officers of the state they actually have more authority then a police chief as they handle civil matters and all sheriffs have police powers all over Va as well their deputies and all other sworn Va police officers the same. The Va State Police authority comes from sheriffs powers the state gave the agency back in the 1930's so they could be sworn officers.

Different states have different laws on police powers

Seniority List
Virginia Sheriffs' Association > Sheriffs Resources > VA Sheriffs Directory > Seniority List
Charlotte County
Sheriff Thomas D. Jones
Nottoway County
Sheriff Larry J. Parrish
Goochland County
Sheriff James L. Agnew
Sheriff B. J. Roberts
Falls Church
Sheriff S. Stephen Bittle
Sheriff Steve M. Draper
Bedford County
Sheriff M. J. Brown
Wise County
Sheriff Ronnie Oakes
Buena Vista
Sheriff Randolph Hamilton, Jr.
Lee County
Sheriff Gary B. Parsons
Sheriff Carlos J. Noaks
Sheriff Paul W. Higgs
Williamsburg-James City County
Sheriff Robert J. Deeds
York County-Poquoson
Sheriff J. D. Diggs
Louisa County
Sheriff Ashland D. Fortune
Washington County
Sheriff Fred P. Newman
Botetourt County
Sheriff Ronald N. Sprinkle
Henrico County
Sheriff Michael L. Wade
King William County
Sheriff J. S. Walton
Arlington County
Sheriff Beth Arthur
Sheriff Joe Harris, Jr.
Shenandoah County
Sheriff Timothy C. Carter
Russell County
Sheriff Steven L. Dye
Buchanan County
Sheriff C. Ray Foster
Prince William County
Sheriff Glendell Hill
Caroline County
Sheriff A. A. Lippa
Warren County
Sheriff Daniel T. McEathron
Clarke County
Sheriff Anthony W. Roper
Madison County
Sheriff Erik J. Weaver
Prince George County
Sheriff Harold E. “Bucky” Allin
Sheriff Mark R. Armentrout
Sheriff Vanessa R. Crawford
Sheriff Dana A. Lawhorne
Newport News
Sheriff Gabe A. Morgan
Colonial Heights
Sheriff Todd B. Wilson
Lunenburg County
Sheriff Arthur Townsend, Jr.
Henry County
Sheriff Lane A. Perry
Orange County
Sheriff Mark A. Amos
Westmoreland County
Sheriff C. O. Balderson
Rappahannock County
Sheriff Connie S. Compton
Alleghany County
Sheriff Kevin W. Hall
Albemarle County
Sheriff J. E. “Chip” Harding
Cumberland County
Sheriff Darrell L. Hodges
Buckingham County
Sheriff W. G. “Billy” Kidd, Jr.
Giles County
Sheriff W. Morgan Millirons
Scott County
Sheriff W. John Puckett
Brunswick County
Sheriff Brian K. Roberts
Patrick County
Sheriff Daniel M. Smith
Pittsylvania County
Sheriff Michael W. Taylor
Grayson County
Sheriff Richard A. Vaughan
Amelia County
Sheriff Ricky L. Walker
Sheriff James E. Brown, III
Sheriff Michael S. “Mike” Mondul
Virginia Beach
Sheriff Kenneth W. “Ken” Stolle
King and Queen County
Sheriff John R. Charboneau
Hanover County
Sheriff David R. Hines
King George County
Sheriff Steve F. Dempsey
Northampton County
Sheriff David L. Doughty, Jr.
Accomack County
Sheriff Todd E. Godwin
Dinwiddie County
Sheriff D. T. “Duck” Adams
Mathews County
Sheriff L. Mark Barrick
Rockbridge County
Sheriff Christopher J. Blalock
Middlesex County
Sheriff David P. Bushey
Loudoun County
Sheriff Michael L. “Mike” Chapman
Halifax County
Sheriff Fred S. Clark
Carroll County
Sheriff John B. “J.B.” Gardner
Spotsylvania County
Sheriff Roger L. Harris
Mecklenburg County
Sheriff R. W. “Bobby” Hawkins, Jr.
Tazewell County
Sheriff Brian L. Hieatt
Campbell County
Sheriff Steve A. Hutcherson
Rockingham County
Sheriff Bryan F. Hutcheson
Culpeper County
Sheriff Scott H. Jenkins
Appomattox County
Sheriff Barry E. Letterman
Franklin County
Sheriff W. Q. “Bill” Overton, Jr.
Bath County
Sheriff Robert W. Plecker
Prince Edward County
Sheriff Wesley W. Reed
Greene County
Sheriff Steven S. Smith
Southampton County
Sheriff J. B. “Jack” Stutts
Gloucester County
Sheriff Darrell W. Warren, Jr.
Sheriff Jim O’Sullivan
Fairfax County
Sheriff Stacey A. Kincaid
Sheriff Timothy A. Allen
Sheriff Les R. Taylor
Chesterfield County
Sheriff Karl S. Leonard
Fluvanna County
Sheriff Eric Hess
Wythe County
Sheriff W. Keith Dunagan
Greensville County
Sheriff William T. “Tim” Jarratt, Jr.
Richmond County
Sheriff Stephen B. Smith
Craig County
Sheriff L. Trevor N. Craddock
Floyd County
Sheriff Brian J. Craig
Page County
Sheriff Chadwick W. Cubbage
Stafford County
David P. “DP” Decatur, Jr.
Nelson County
Sheriff David W. Hill
Charles City County
Sheriff Alan M. Jones, Sr.
Northumberland County
Sheriff James R. “Doc” Lyons
Lancaster County
Sheriff Patrick McCranie
New Kent County
Sheriff J. J. “Joe” McLaughlin, Jr.
Frederick County
Sheriff L. W. “Lenny” Millholland
Fauquier County
Sheriff Robert P. “Bob” Mosier
Highland County
Sheriff David A. Neil
Powhatan County
Sheriff Brad W. Nunnally
Roanoke County
Sheriff J. Eric Orange
Montgomery County
C. H. “Hank” Partin
Bland County
Sheriff Thomas J. Roseberry, II
Smyth County
Sheriff B. C. “Chip” Shuler
Augusta County
Sheriff Donald L. Smith
Surry County
Sheriff Carlos L. Turner
Amherst County
Sheriff Ernest “E.W.” Viar, Jr.
Sheriff E.C. Harris
Sheriff Joe Baron
Sheriff Donald T. Sloan
Sussex County
Sheriff Ernest L. Giles, Sr.
Pulaski County
Sheriff Michael W. Worrell
Sheriff Antionette V. Irving
Sheriff Steve M. Kephart, Jr.
Sheriff David H. Maples
Sheriff Michael A. Moore
Sheriff D. Keith Prince, Jr.
Sheriff Matthew H. Robertson
Sheriff April M. Staton
Isle of Wight County
Sheriff James R. Clarke
Essex County
Sheriff W. A. “Arnie” Holmes
Dickenson County
Sheriff Scott Stanley

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: M wayne ()
Date: January 04, 2019 12:55PM

And I thought Carl messed it up

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: “Authority” ()
Date: January 24, 2019 02:47AM

Anyone find it suspicious that she is enacting this new mental health initiative at an interesting time? Her favorite little deputy gets another DWI and what? Is she claiming he has PTSD? If so, from what? He’s never been involved in anything at work (and I’m sure in his personal life) to cause him to have PTSD or any other kind of stress for that matter. What an “influential” little prick. It must be nice to have friends in (undeserved) high places. Crooked fucks.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: cpyce ()
Date: January 25, 2019 12:13AM

“Authority” Wrote:
> Anyone find it suspicious that she is enacting
> this new mental health initiative at an
> interesting time? Her favorite little deputy gets
> another DWI and what? Is she claiming he has PTSD?
> If so, from what? He’s never been involved in
> anything at work (and I’m sure in his personal
> life) to cause him to have PTSD or any other kind
> of stress for that matter. What an
> “influential” little prick. It must be nice to
> have friends in (undeserved) high places. Crooked
> fucks.

NO. WTOP (tokyo rose) would never report on any behavior that made a democrat look shady

infact why don't you show us where you got that "info" so we know your not gerrymanderer2 pulling our dicks

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: uvkw6 ()
Date: January 25, 2019 12:13AM

did i say pulling dick in the stacy channel? oh sorry.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: wwfdd ()
Date: January 25, 2019 12:15AM

Kings Of The Hill Wrote:
> With a couple of liberal Democrat queens in the
> mix as well
> >"Because she’s a bleeding heart Liberal.
> She’s a politician and she sucks at it. She’s
> no leader, she’s no politician."
> And she's a liberal Democrat for VOTES like

so that makes her different from any other fairfax female how?

browse the dating channels. bulova, that bitch, has been importing and creating Trump haters using federal money.

you will find 100 women saying "don't contact me if you don't hate Trump" for every one that says she likes Trump

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: “Authority” ()
Date: January 25, 2019 07:50PM

I work there fuck head. Heard it from the horse’s mouth. Still need proof ass clown?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: BIG EYE ()
Date: January 27, 2019 08:55PM

What a disaster of a work place, administrator of the agency rules by emotion. How’s that million dollar hydroponic garden coming along for the inmates?

How’s godson and his marine pussy, there both walking around like high school kids fucking for the first time.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: hELLo? ()
Date: January 29, 2019 09:49AM

Well put! What a shit show she has made of this agency. If the County wants any chance of redeeming itself, we need new administration. Ideally a new Sheriff and command staff. What a bunch of koolaid drinking, two-faced morons. Do everyone a favor and resign...all of you. You crooked, under-the-rug sweeping, ass kissers.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Corporal Yo ()
Date: January 29, 2019 10:14AM

BIG EYE Wrote:
How’s that million
> dollar hydroponic garden coming along for the
> inmates?

Are the inmates also getting a hydroponic garden in the STAR block?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: rusty starr ()
Date: January 29, 2019 11:06AM

Hey, does that hydroponic garden cost a million? I know a way to recoup the initial cost quickly..... just look in the back of any high times magazine. what a fucking joke

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Tom Kee ()
Date: January 29, 2019 07:31PM

Lots of Yummy Vegatabals for mee to cuck

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: pdjmj ()
Date: January 29, 2019 10:14PM

Corporal Yo Wrote:
> BIG EYE Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> How’s that million
> > dollar hydroponic garden coming along for the
> > inmates?
> >
> Are the inmates also getting a hydroponic garden
> in the STAR block?

lucky inmates who have family that talk to them can buy fresh vegetables for the prisoner at the commissary for a sir charge of $20 / carrot.

why is a nice lady doing sir charges?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Rev Al ()
Date: February 02, 2019 12:59AM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I See You ()
Date: February 04, 2019 03:39AM

All that support for a racist and sexual assaulter


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: OOPS ()
Date: February 04, 2019 06:23AM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Date: February 04, 2019 06:10PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Dan Deploma ()
Date: February 11, 2019 06:36PM

Keeping it Real

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: buy me a mustang ()
Date: February 11, 2019 08:59PM

keeping it real

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: pandering for votes ()
Date: February 11, 2019 09:28PM

keeping it real

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Going to PJ Skeeedoos ()
Date: February 12, 2019 07:40PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: 66yytr ()
Date: February 12, 2019 11:18PM

Going to PJ Skeeedoos Wrote:
> ;0)

taking beer into custody? or checking if the kitchen has a current inspection notice that isn't fake?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Split Decision ()
Date: February 15, 2019 03:56PM

Any news on Nick and Megan? Still banging it out at work? How about the Stacey? Election year panic attacks. Hopefully she’s running opposed...and loses! What a mess she’s made of our department eh? Turned good people against their peers. The Sneider brothers have lost their minds. The fat one’s on a power trip and so is the little one. Damn Napoleon Complexes. What happens to people when they get promoted. Are they all just a bunch of cowards now? Scared about what momma Sheriff might say to them? I don’t get it. I mean, yea l, she’s scary to look at but she’s a liberal. What could she possibly do? Grow a pair you pussies. Stand up for your people and stop looking out for yourselves for a change. Remember where you fucks came from. How about a little honor? Just something to think about...

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Those ()
Date: February 17, 2019 08:51AM

Umm yea. What’s Kincaid running? A brothel? 2 more deputies were caught banging it out at work too. That chick that looks like a dude (Carey I think) and some little Mexican. WTF?!? I guess it brings Stacey back to the good ol’ days when she was letting half the agency in her pants. The departments new catch phrase to attract new hires...”If you want some puss or some D, FCSO is the place to be!”

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I SEE ALL ()
Date: February 17, 2019 01:23PM

Split Decision Wrote:
> Any news on Nick and Megan? Still banging it out
> at work? How about the Stacey? Election year panic
> attacks. Hopefully she’s running opposed...and
> loses! What a mess she’s made of our department
> eh? Turned good people against their peers. The
> Sneider brothers have lost their minds. The fat
> one’s on a power trip and so is the little one.
> Damn Napoleon Complexes. What happens to people
> when they get promoted. Are they all just a bunch
> of cowards now? Scared about what momma Sheriff
> might say to them? I don’t get it. I mean, yea
> l, she’s scary to look at but she’s a liberal.
> What could she possibly do? Grow a pair you
> pussies. Stand up for your people and stop looking
> out for yourselves for a change. Remember where
> you fucks came from. How about a little honor?
> Just something to think about...

Yeah, chad thundercock and the scarlet letter are still an item.

The two brother are out of control in IA and command staff. They have lost their ways and have forgotten where they have come from.

Meanwhile the inmates are getting a million dollar hydroponic garden with the conversion of an outside gym area to reduce their stress. The Sheriff will resume her pegging of subordinates to gain compliance.

So lube up in preparation of a big BBC, she going to dominate you all into submission.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Fight the (abuse of) power ()
Date: February 21, 2019 08:56AM

I guess it pays to have friends, and family, in high places. Hope they all burn in hell. Stop fucking each other and do your jobs. Stop making damn ass rules that help out the deviant inmates. They’re criminals for fuck sake! Stacey, stop making decisions based on emotions. Be a professional. Or, do everyone a favor and resign. Hire some good people and do your jobs. Holy shit. It’s not rocket science.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Concerned voter ()
Date: February 21, 2019 02:39PM

As a resident of Fairfax and a REGISTERED VOTER, I’m very much concerned and so should the rest of the County’s voters. If any of these posts have even a fraction of validity, we need to find a new Sheriff. I know some odd things have happened in her department since she has taken office based on what we’ve all read and seen in the news. I’ve heard rumors from those who may or may not be under her employ that concur with some of these posts as well. From what it sounds like, she needs to be investigated and I implore my fellow citizens to rethink your votes when it comes to the current Sheriff. Don’t base your decision to choose her on the ballot on the fact that she is a woman.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: The Phantom ()
Date: February 22, 2019 08:40PM

Hello fans of the Phantom! Oh how we have missed each other! What in God's great name is going on with our beloved Sheriff's office? Now that Nic is let off the hook is he eligible for promotion? Will Megan be? At her next board for promotion will she promise not to order a man to fuck her? I am obviously joking because the whole thing is bullshit!! They both should have been fired!! Any other job would have done it!! Poor Cable- good for you bro- got the job back! Nothing like firing a good old ass kicker who would back another Deputy up in a minute for a dumb thing. Good job Stacey. My advice to the staff is to watch your backs and do not trust most of the command staff. Corey- oh my God forget it! More on his ass later. Elfert- please... he is a closet homo with a smoke ridden alcoholic wife.
Ah - and then the Sneider boys... See the fat one used to like porn. Once had a copy of Tommy Lee banging Pamela A he passed around. And the other- once punched a wall at home while in the academy to avoid being kicked out cuz he was going to fail a test the next day. Only a few know these things. My advice to Stacie and Special K is this... buy a 12 pack of cheap beer- might I suggest PBR? Eat some chicken wings and nachos from 7-11 while you drink that PBR- add some hot sauce..when you shit from the intense pain of bad food touched by many Mexican hands I want you to think of the Department you both had a hand into turning into a-per the Donald- a shithole!!!!!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Yes sir ()
Date: February 23, 2019 08:44PM

Sing it brother!!!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Backofff ()
Date: February 24, 2019 01:46AM

She is a nice boss lady. Leave her alone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRsHku8e-Ig

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: MWayne ()
Date: February 25, 2019 02:38PM

Oh what a shame

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: whxjn ()
Date: February 25, 2019 03:49PM

wow, Northham is visiting stacey allot

is she pregnant?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Question101 ()
Date: March 02, 2019 09:31AM

Is there any word on who may run against her?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Question 102 ()
Date: March 02, 2019 11:11AM

Word on the street is Bill Cooper is running again.....

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Notgonnahappen ()
Date: March 04, 2019 11:35PM

Not gonna happen. Bill Cooper's wife and her friends financed his campaign. He burned that ticket.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: TWINE ()
Date: March 07, 2019 10:17AM

Anyone see where Johnny Depp has filed defamation charges against the Washington Post? Obviously the charges have been filed in Fairfax. Money says that Sheriff “Saddle Bags” and/or her direct underlings (Andariese, Cachuela, the Snyder fags, etc.) try and be his escort(s) and take photographs with him for their Facebook page. I hope everyone finds out about this and a mob of people shows up for autographs. Good luck dealing with that storm...

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Sneaky Pete ()
Date: March 07, 2019 07:47PM

Wow lots going back there. Man has times changed

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Question 103 ()
Date: March 08, 2019 04:17PM

Rumor has it that Rock Allen is coming out of retirement to run for Sheriff. Is going to wear his Elvis shades...

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Question 104 ()
Date: March 10, 2019 12:02AM

Not Rock Allen, but Dave Whorton. The whole family is going to do a centerville red neck hostile takeover. Myleene, Danny and Christine will be at the top running the show.

Comic Magazine Boy in supply will be issuing cowboy boots and belt buckles with deputy sheriff as displayed below. The optional country boy can survive belt buckle can be worn as with these as an option: Levi Garret, Red Man, Four Wheel Drive and John Deere.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: At Least Dave Whorton ()
Date: March 10, 2019 08:12AM

Had some leadership ability.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Question 104 ()
Date: March 10, 2019 02:24PM

At Least Dave Whorton Wrote:
> Had some leadership ability.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Wu Tang ()
Date: March 10, 2019 08:00PM

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Shes Laughing All The Way ()
Date: March 10, 2019 10:55PM

To the bank, no doubt in the DROP to pick up a extra half mil what would her retirement be as a Capt and now after being Sheriff since Stan left. Its good to play the game and be a Democrat for the bucks

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Clam Inspector ()
Date: March 24, 2019 05:02AM

That clam is all busted up like two raw slabs of roast beef

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Bullet Bob ()
Date: March 26, 2019 07:56PM

Ray Souza For Sheriff

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Plot Thickener ()
Date: April 01, 2019 08:57PM

Wow. So I get God Mommy playing favorites with Prince Fuck Boy Nick but the ho bag home wrecker? Carey? She makes a scene in front of coworkers because her married hook up wants to break it off and she gets to keep her job? WHAT? I guess she claimed she’s suicidal and “sweet” Stacey’s getting her help? You really want to give a gun back to someone who’s suicidal? Doesn’t that just scream ‘unfit for duty’? Was her conduct NOT unbecoming of a law enforcement officer? Oh yeah, let’s not forget scarlet letter Megan. Guess her name got changed. To what? Andariese aka shit bag? Can’t wait to see that family photo on the Sheriff’s Facebook page. Just a couple of piles of dog shit. Maybe leatherface Stacey herself will even photobomb the pic. 2 piles of shit and some saddle bags. Yep. That’ll look good on the mantle. What a pitiful joke this place is. Everyone be smart...If you’re in drop, good. If you’re already retired, stay that way and be glad you’re no longer here. If anyone reading this is considering a career the the FCSO, DON’T! As for the rest of us, we need new jobs...

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Daydream believer ()
Date: April 02, 2019 02:02PM

This situation is beyond sad. When o when will there be justice. Hell has a nice warm spot for some of these people. Get good with the lord . We are living in the darkest of days.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: The fallen ()
Date: April 02, 2019 02:09PM

Repent sinners!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Bullet Bob ()
Date: April 02, 2019 03:49PM

Ray Souza For Sheriff

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Joe55 ()
Date: April 03, 2019 06:41AM

Anyone but her! She is terrible!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Anyone but... ()
Date: April 03, 2019 06:41AM

A retarded chimp would be a better Sheriff st this point. Find somebody, anybody (WHO IS NOT ALREADY THERE) to fill that role. I truely hope this shit gets back to the county executive and he wakes the fuck up. Although Stacey’s probably blowing blowing him too so...

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: hwtky ()
Date: April 03, 2019 10:55PM

i see california democrats burned down the "little house on the prairy" house?

they must have all protested it was racist and make a horror movie to burn it down

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: UnWell ()
Date: April 05, 2019 01:58PM

“It’s better to be soft than sued.”

~Sheriff Stacey Kincaid

*real recent quote from an EOC meeting

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Glenda the Whore ()
Date: April 06, 2019 03:37PM

UnWell Wrote:
> “It’s better to be soft than sued.”
> ~Sheriff Stacey Kincaid
> *real recent quote from an EOC meeting

She wishes her roast beef slabs were soft instead of dried out 100 year old leather requiring a gallon of astroglide. Oh yeah, Scott Schelero came in her ass.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Sneaky Pete ()
Date: April 07, 2019 11:44PM

Scott Schillero got several in the ass while he worked there.Feel sorry for all of you that still work there. Get out after DROP as fast as you can.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Oink Oink ()
Date: April 10, 2019 08:14AM

Free advice...DO NOT take a job with this place (FCSO). The inmates are treated better than the employees. However, if you are a criminal, don’t be scared of the jail anymore. You’ll be treated like royalty. AND, if you feel at all as though you’ve been treated unfairly, write a request form to the higher ups and the deputy(s) will be punished. I guess crime pays now.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Follow up ()
Date: April 11, 2019 04:10PM

I agree. This is not the place to start a career. Employees are sick of the political games. Sheriff Kincaid does not care about the well being, morale or even the safety of the sworn staff. Anything that she can put on her Democrat checklist is priority.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Sad sack ()
Date: April 12, 2019 09:17AM

The unfortunate truth is that there are some good people working under her. At least...they WERE good people. Now, they’re all apparently afraid of Satan’s mistress. I really wish they’d go back to thinking for themselves instead of letting her rule their careers and ultimately fucking the place up for the hard working line staff. The bitch needs to go and she can take her followers with her. She’s running the department like a brainwashed cult. And, she just keeps handing out the koolaid. Just proves that those people that we used to look up to are truely just weak minded followers and not the leaders we thought. Shame on us. Let’s just pray something changes for the better...AND SOON!!!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I Know All ()
Date: April 13, 2019 08:31PM

Welcome back viewers to biggest shit show in Fairfax County.

It has been brought to my attention that during roll call training Major Michael Jackson (and yes that is his real name, not that phony name given by a dude in a red bow tie) disrespected M. Wayne Huggins. Your reference of the west wing and M. Wayne being the past and your stupid idea of running a rehabilitation halfway home in 4 North being the future is absurd and ludicrous.

You Shazam will never fill the shoes of a great man like M. Wayne who walks in a room of strangers and will immediately gain respect with his command presence.

Now onto the halfway house that you are trying to make in maximum security like the halfway home in Richmond. The Sheriff and her stupid command staff are destroying the SO with their leadership of “better to be soft than sued“ stance.

The county jail is not a place for rehabilitation while alleged criminals wait for their day in court to be proven guilty or innocent. But with people like Cigar Boy, Pretzel Girl, Boy Band, the Harlet scarlet letter, Clown Girl and host of other do nothings we can watch the destruction of a once great agency.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I Know All ()
Date: April 14, 2019 01:39PM

Well it looks like the perfect utopia that Major Shazam is trying to create in 4 North failed in the first few days with fights and a attempted suicide. Right MJ, you said trust you on this and everything will be okay.

This is not your halfway home that you run in Richmond Major Shazam. All of this feel good programs ranks right up there with the goldfish in the drug treatment block.....just plain stupid. You’ll never rehabilitate these convicts, it’s a lost cause.

The biggest question is why you disrespect the past, M. Wayne was the greatest ambassador for his duputy’s. There was never a question if he had your back right or wrong unlike today where all deputy’s guilty before proven innocent.

M. Wayne always praised the Deputy Sheriff’s that worked under him and he showed up on both shifts to personally thank the staff at their posts for working on a holiday. M. Wayne’s was quoted talking about his Deputy’s “I can take any deputy and put them on the street and they’ll perform with the highest level. But you can’t take a police officer and place them in a jail environment and expect them to perform at the same level”. Another quote on the Deputy’s is “That their job is widely misunderstood and not appreciated “

You see Shazam, there is always something to learn from the past, you need to think about that before you disrespect a great man that is a man amongst men.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: CHEW SPIT ()
Date: April 14, 2019 08:35PM

Hasn't been a member of the Command Staff in the last 15 years that was worthy of dumping M Waynes spit cup.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: TimT ()
Date: April 15, 2019 04:19PM

I can’t wait to see who will run against her. She needs to be replaced, she is awful.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Wow wee ()
Date: April 16, 2019 04:32AM

Everyone should keep in mind that it’s not just her. All of her hypnotized cronies need to go too. Andariese, Shabazz, Corey, JJ and his little brother, Shobe, Ledford, the list goes on. Basically everyone above second lieutenant. There still may be hope for everyone below. It needs to happen before the entire agency winds up corrupt.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Fucking cops need real jobs ()
Date: April 16, 2019 05:24AM

This whole thread is proof positive that the fucking Fairfax cops need real jobs, something more useful than sitting around badmouthing the sheriff , or going on an anonymous forum and bitch about their petty hangups during work hours. Nobody gives a goddamm fuck about you and your pathetic issues with your boss. If you don't have enough balls to confront the boss when you have issues with her, then quit your sad ass jobs and go bag some groceries, or go guard the mall. If any of you all had any sense of decency or have some sense of shame, then you should stop being a leech on taxpayers' money and just kill yourself.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: LE Applicant Reject ()
Date: April 16, 2019 08:32AM

Speaking of being a “leech on taxpayer money” the sheriff and several members of the board of supervisors are now supporting Fairfax County taxpayer-funded legal aid for undocumented migrants to fight deportation. It’s strikingly interesting that after reading the title of this thread you would take the time to comment on a topic that you find so unworthy of commenting on in the first place — that makes YOU a loser that needs to kill YOURSELF (which would probably save the taxpayers some $$ as I’m sure you’re regularly locked up in the Fairfax County ADC, or a member of the corrupt politician’s command staff).

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Agreed ()
Date: April 16, 2019 09:34AM

Fuck your mother and then maybe get yourself a job, period. You have no clue what you’re talking about troll. Maybe instead of running YOUR pussy mouth off on a forum, grow a pair and come see us sometime. You probably are a member of command staff trying to fish around to see who you can catch speaking the truth. Obviously your feelings were hurt when you and you pals’ names were called out. Do everyone a favor and jump off a fucking cliff.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Whoa there ()
Date: April 19, 2019 11:17AM

Jesus you all are angry. Face the facts: 1. The line staff is disgruntled, unmotivated, and morale is shot due to lack of true leadership. 2. Command staff just plain sucks. Stacey tries to lead by emotion which knocks female leadership in law enforcement back about 25 years and certainly doesn’t pave the way for future female commanders.

The rest of the sorry Command staff sheep aren’t even worth mentioning. Besides everything has pretty much been said already in other posts. Bottom line, nothing is going to change until there’s a new Sheriff and a new Command staff. They will continue to step on those beneath them and manipulate everything to suit their needs. Best advice...come to work, do your job, go home and live your life. Repeat for 25 years and retire. Or, get out if you can. Food for thought.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Stevie Wonder ()
Date: April 20, 2019 08:39PM

Back in the day, before I was Maj Shazam, I looked like Stevie Wonder as portrayed by Eddie Murphy. I liked nothing more than walking down B floor slowly moving my head back and forth much like Stevie in my Elvis glasses.--HEY WAIT A MINUTE MOTHERFUCKER! STEVIE WONDER IS A MUSICAL GENIUS! DONT TALK NO SHIT ABOUT STEVIE MOTHERFUCKER!!-- Sorry that was a Stevie fan. Anyhoo, I was incompetent then and I am now. I like to credit for other folks work, like when I dreamed up moving the females to the first floor of the west building. Never mind that was discussed for years and only worked because maintenance -Nick, Flood and ONeil, busted ass to get it done. He is an idiot. He was promoted over much more qualified people, and he and others like him( Snyderss) need to go...
cap 2.htm

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Damn straight ()
Date: April 21, 2019 10:14AM

You hit the nail on the head. To hell with that waist of breath. Him and his black power fist cane he keeps in his office. I bet if I kept a rebel flag in my office, (I don’t have an office) I would catch all sorts of shit. But, no one says shit to him. Backwards crap. Racism...always 1 sided.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Scotty St Clair ()
Date: April 23, 2019 08:36PM

That's terrible!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Terrible? ()
Date: April 24, 2019 12:51AM

Terrible? What’s terrible are the shit heals that Stacey promotes around here!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Hey bad guy ()
Date: May 01, 2019 02:36PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Scott Bailey ()
Date: May 12, 2019 10:35AM

This place is on FIRE with mass firings, resignations and retirements. Only the worthless command group left to run the place with Major Shazam leading the halfway house mentality of running the slammer.

Rumor has it that the NOI is sending down the FOI to assist in shift staffing.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: The end is near? ()
Date: May 12, 2019 11:06AM

Yeah. Something needs to happen soon to smother this fire and raise morale. Like certain people being proven wrong or Stacey getting so overwhelmed that she’ll go away. One could hope!

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