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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I know A lot ()
Date: March 23, 2020 01:48PM

I wonder if she scolded the Lt. Governor for his allegations of sexual assault ??like they did to McPartlin?? Probably not after all Lt. Governor donated to her campaign. If you don’t believe me look for Justin Fairfax on the donor list in the previous post. What corruption and deceit.


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I know A lot ()
Date: March 23, 2020 02:08PM

Or did she denounce the racist photographs of the Virginia Governor who had the audacity to pose in “Black Face” and then lie about it. Then say he wasn't sure if he was the one In black face or the ku klux Klan hood. What a disgrace. There is the Sheriff of Fairfax County with this man, and at the bottom one with both of them (Racist and sex offender)No loyalty to your staff (unless it’s Andariese) aka your godson, but loyalty to these guys. Despicable



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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Command Staff ()
Date: March 23, 2020 02:26PM

What a bunch of tight wads

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Money Talks ()
Date: March 24, 2020 10:49AM

$1,450 Messier, Michael Wayne- 2nd Lt.in cushy spots (courts, kitchen)even after trying and failing multiple times to run for sheriff in Prince William. Not much loyalty to Ffx ?? Gotta donate, I suppose

$1,000 Snyder, Robert- should have been medically retired years ago for injury that wouldn’t allow him to ever return to full duty. Anyone else would have got a year of light duty then forced to retire. Quasi head of Internal affairs as an MDS (non- supervisor) trying to screw deputies over. Once told a deputy in an IA investigation that he would demote that deputies wife who was also a deputy. Wait... now here’s the kicker... he was once institutionalization in a mental
Hospital in earlier 90’s.. lotta other issues too, we can explore that later. Gotta bribe.

$600 Giles, Vera- Former head of medical section at the jail. How did she get that??? Campaign donation, ofcourse.

$500 Cho, Young- Now a Sgt after 12-15 years as a PFC got it after his donation, also got Kincaid into the Korean community for votes. Pathetic excuse for a deputy, got his butt saved by female deputies because he couldn’t handle an inmate who’s cell he went into. Oh yeah and he’s in agency recruiting a job that has two positions for the entire agency... bought that spot!!! Come on.

$500 Zaidi, Syed- Now a Sgt, Weak supervisor, ask around.. Oh btw he also knocked down a historical 200 year old wall at the historic court house by backing into it with a trailer. Gotta donate to get promoted.

$300 Andariese, Kevin- Former Colonel. Son( Sgt Nicholas Andariese) got a DUI on hiring probation period and got off and got promoted to Sgt also got. He’s son also got Caught having sex in public with a fellow deputy’s wife, no discipline for him, she got demoted. Son also supervised deputy recently accused of sex assault on inmate. Gotta donate to protect my boy. Oh and rumors that he himself got a DUI that’s why he was put in a corner and replaced as colonel so he could finish his drop and get out.

$250 Bell, Gwen- 23 year PFC donated, got promoted. Also she was a co-defendant with Major Jabar Shabazz aka Michael Price in a 45 million dollar lawsuit against the sheriffs office in the 90’s... look it up.

$250 Cachuela, Basilio- Captain who left agency years ago after calling deputies spoon counters. Unfortunately he couldn’t hack it where he went and had to crawl back. Also likes to smoke cigars and post pics on social media in direct violation of sheriffs office no tobacco policy. Oh and likes to send out emails about appropriate attire when going to the academy... talk about hypocrisy. Gotta donate.

$250 Trader, David- Donation got Sgt
$200 Shammas, George- Donation got Sgt

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Nostradamus I See The Future ()
Date: March 25, 2020 12:01AM

$250 Cachuela, Basilio- Captain who left agency years ago after calling deputies spoon counters and proclaimed in supply while turning in his issued equipment that he was “Somebody Now”. Unfortunately he couldn’t hack it in the CIA after being told numerous times to use Form: SF704 cover sheets while in the SCIF and had to crawl back begging to Stan. Also likes to smoke cigars and post pics on social media in direct violation of sheriffs office no tobacco policy. Oh and likes to send out emails about appropriate attire when going to the academy... talk about hypocrisy. Gotta donate.

Sophisticated Mother Fucker

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Daddy the Bro ()
Date: March 25, 2020 12:08AM

I can’t stop saying Bro, Bro. Look at that sophisticated mother fucker.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Date: March 26, 2020 06:54AM

Is that Micky O'Rourke looking muthfucka supposed to be Shobe? Sure looks like him, brah.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Danny Pryor ()
Date: March 26, 2020 05:52PM

I miss my Beverly

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Side boobs ()
Date: March 26, 2020 08:26PM

Shobe ?? Do you mean this guy ??? Aka side boob

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Side Boob ()
Date: March 27, 2020 02:36PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 27, 2020 09:30PM

Sum Ting Wong Wrote:
> FlieD Lice Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Is he the one that dented the car ???
> No,Little Brain Korean, no think, bring great
> dishonor to family for second time. Now have
> chicken wing on shirt collar, display great anger.

no, but i once got arrested for trying to burn a Koran !

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: You reap what you sow ()
Date: March 29, 2020 06:33PM

Well, well, well, looks like somebody got asked to leave or told to leave the Sheriff’s office early.. I know a lot of people are happy to see this weak wanna be tough guy, wanna be investigator that interrogates sheriffs office employees that are compelled by work agreement to talk. This guy is a real clown, a real cry baby. Crying, like a little girl way back when when his boyfriend shot and killed himself after getting fired for a DUI. So how does this piece of garbage repay his friends honor??? By screwing over fellow deputies. Robert Snyder you are truly a piece of trash, everyone hates you, probably even your brother and wife and kids you are a corrupt human being and I hope you do everyone a favor and eat your gun like your boyfriend (Jamie) did back in the day. So weak that’s why you try to act so strong, cause you know inside nobody likes you not even your wife and kids. You are a despicable human being. You screwed a lot of real deputies over, and you should have known better given how weak you are mentally, after all being institutionalization in a mental hospital. There is a special place in hell for people like you, you piece of garbage. Happy earlier retirement!!!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 29, 2020 06:36PM

I would say "arrest the masked man", coronovirus is no excuse

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Not 25 !!!! ()
Date: March 29, 2020 06:41PM

Bye bye shit bag !!!! Best news I’ve heard all day. Hopefully he gets Corona!!! That’s definitely not 25 years Rob, sucks for you that’s gonna hurt every month... maybe someone in the command staff saw that mental hospital post and realized, maybe he shouldn’t be investigating anyone... haha I love it. Kincaid and the regime trying to save their own asses.. hahaha

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Who you talkin about?? ()
Date: March 29, 2020 07:06PM

Masked man ??? Who’s that ??

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Randy Savage ()
Date: March 29, 2020 09:28PM

Breaking News - WOW, someone just broke a story of the year on Rob eat a bag of of dicks Snyder.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Michael Jackson FOI ()
Date: March 29, 2020 09:37PM

Who you talkin about?? Wrote:
> Masked man ??? Who’s that ??


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: It’s Converse, like the sneaker ()
Date: March 29, 2020 10:53PM

Oh Shazam that guys a real fool. Is that his real
Name ?? Michael Jackson? He is a Major... Major idiot, he says conversate and thinks it’s a word... someone should tell him it’s converse like the shoes not conversate. He’s the next idiot that needs to go. Someone should ask him about all all the times when he was a Captain and he took other captains spots as staff duty officer just so he could justify driving an agency unmarked all the way down to Richmond. Talk about stealing, or violations of county and agency policies. Not to mention, being a SDO and having to be on call to respond and being 90 miles away in Richmond, that sounds fishy to me. How could you adequately respond to an emergency or special circumstance timely being that far away? Someone should look into that. Rob Snyder is down, that’s one. The rest of that regime needs to follow. They all have baggage in that command staff, and it’s slowly going to be exposed. Start posting all you know about these self righteous fools, and see how fast they start turning on one another!!! All of them... Kincaid, Snyder, Sites, Shabazz, Friedman, Gold, Shobe, Popik, Oakley, Elbert and anyone else that’s been bought by that regime.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: MWayne ()
Date: March 30, 2020 06:30AM

Last real Sheriff of Fairfax County

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Vince McMahon ()
Date: March 30, 2020 06:41AM

Through them all into a cell, we’ll call it “Hell In A Cell” where the lone survivor gets to walk out. The lush and pretzel girl will never survive.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Sum Ting Wong ()
Date: March 30, 2020 06:44AM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Mullet Man ()
Date: March 30, 2020 06:52AM

Vince McMahon Wrote:
> Through them all into a cell, we’ll call it
> “Hell In A Cell” where the lone survivor gets
> to walk out. The lush and pretzel girl will never
> survive.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Wonder why ??? ()
Date: March 30, 2020 09:16AM

Now you tell me if Snyder retiring after all this time in IA ( nice cushy job) is a coincidence or did the cat get out of the bag about all the underhanded crap he’s done in IA and with being hospitalized in a mental hospital has anything to do with it?? Seems awfully coincidental if not... btw his buddy who offed himself was a deputy in Ffx so you would think he would have been a little less of a prick to other deputies going through stuff, but no he wasn’t. I wonder how he felt about Andariese keeping his job after at least one DUI and his friend getting fired, which lead him to blow his brains out? It’s amazing how people forget where they came from. This guy is a Total piece of shit!!!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Your logic does not follow ()
Date: March 30, 2020 09:40AM

> btw his buddy who offed himself was a deputy in
> Ffx so you would think he would have been a little
> less of a prick to other deputies going through
> stuff

Why? Seriously WHY??? Going through stuff may be an excuse why you can't show up for work. It may be an excuse for why you are not doing your job well. It is not an excuse for intentionally choosing not to do your job or not to follow the written rules or to outright break the law.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Get your facts straight ()
Date: March 30, 2020 10:23AM

Why ?? Clearly you either don’t know the guy, or your him posting, or one of his pals on command staff trying to do damage control. The guy is a weasel. His friend got screwed over and blew his brains out, for stuff other people got to stay employed for doing and others stayed employed doing wayyyy worse. This guy is a weasel, when he worked the floors he agitated and treated the inmates like garbage and always had issues running his post. He’s a fake tough guy that starts shit and needed other deputies to save his ass. Not to mention he threatened to have a deputy who was being investigated by IA to have his wife be demoted if this deputy didn’t supposedly cooperate. That’s unethical. He’s cursed, been rude and offensive during investigations of deputies. He also has a little story about some drugs (cocaine) coming up missing when he was out working with the feds... listen asshole, find out what you are talking about before you start questioning things. Or stop being a sneaky agency lackey trying to do damage control. A mentally weak mentally ill individual who was institutionalized should not be investigating anyone or asking to take their badge and gun. For one ask yourself how I know all this stuff ? Names? Events? Pretty specific stuff I couldn’t just make up. Check into it for yourself. So shut the hell up!!!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: AnonUser ()
Date: March 30, 2020 02:40PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: M Wayne ()
Date: March 30, 2020 04:53PM

A guy who knew your name, visited his deputies on weekends and holidays and always looked out for his employees with the Board of Supervisors. A guy who knew how to pick up a radio and talk to dispatch without sounding like a clown. A Sheriff who actually knew how to make an arrest.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: COUGH..COUGH ()
Date: March 31, 2020 03:18AM

A Little birdie told me an inmate has gotz the WuFLU. Whatcha gonna do, Stacey, yeah you? No masks for your people

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Look for yourself ()
Date: March 31, 2020 08:53AM

She doesn’t care about the deputies, and to be honest there are quite a few that need to go anyways. That place is falling apart, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, I mean go look at the antiquated security systems. The pods are a disgrace,some doors won’t even close, and that’s a huge safety and security issue especially up in the wing. B-floor water sprays all over you when you try to open the doors the main control booth is a mess, computer systems from the late 90s. Yet that regime gets praise ?? It’s a shithole. Roaches infesting the kitchen... mice on the post. Why doesn’t anyone in any position look into this !!!!! Someone on here has to know or is a figure that can see that all this is real and not made up. Go to the jail and look and see. That place has gone down hill so fast and now it’s only housing 540 inmates, thats the population of that jail right now 540. This is all true. Someone with some damn sway or clout needs to go look and see. It costs nothing to do that nothing so why not go and look??

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Get your facts straight ()
Date: March 31, 2020 09:03AM

Where’s that idiot that posted my logic doesn’t follow??? No more to say to defend Snyder ?? One of his lackeys or him himself posting that stuff I’m
sure. You have nothing more to say now? your boy is a corrupt joke, the stuff he did and got away with wasn’t him doing his job it was him being a unethical piece of shit. People with skeletons shouldn’t be assholes you can be a professional and not treat people like shit.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I Know A lot ()
Date: March 31, 2020 09:42AM

********** First case of corona virus at Ffx ADC.... a tiny little bird told me it’s a trustee..... Hope Kincaid has her ducks in a row. Those workforce guys have a lot of contact with a lot of people.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I know A lot ()
Date: March 31, 2020 09:51AM

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I Know A lot ()
Date: March 31, 2020 09:06PM

Well,Well,Well looks like Tammany Hall is in full effect. Boss Tweed aka Sheriff Kincaid sent out an email trying to silence deputies from talking about the corona virus issue at the jail or, as she says spreading rumors. More strong arm tactics just like when Shabazz came into roll calls and strong armed deputies warning them not to talk about Andariese (the son)fucking Timothy in the park, even though it was true. Corrupt pieces of shit. The nerve to jeopardize people’s safety and then tell them to not say anything about it for fear of being disciplined. Someone needs to be looking into this, it’s disgusting. Several deputies now confirmed with the virus and at least one inmate. Regime now just beginning implementation of testing. The inmate that was infected was in The jail for 2 months before they found out. Get these selfish self-righteous pricks out of office. All of them!!!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Command Staff Losers ()
Date: March 31, 2020 09:06PM

What a bunch of stupid fuckers, command staff have no clue. Deputies are infected with the coronavirus and the queen tells them to use Amphyl. Good Job you fucking idiots, the whole place is a dumpster fire.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: JAMF ()
Date: March 31, 2020 09:15PM

SHAZAM, comes into Roll Call shucking and jiving with his nonsense. His new name will now be JAMF, Jive Ass Mother Fucker!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Jimmy... ()
Date: April 01, 2020 09:58AM

I love how all the keyboard tuff guys post stuff on this site but never use their real names. Don’t hide behind a screen like a little bitch put your name to it. You see this is the real problem I have with you morons, if working there is so bad and everyone is out to get you walk up to the Sheriffs office with resignation in hand say what you really think and quit. The people who talk shit on here fall into two categories 1, the person who never got promoted and is jealous of everyone or 2 a retired person who is still afraid to put a name to it. Ether way you are afraid and spineless. Now what will happen next is you will come back with some really cool thing to say or put a little picture up when what you should be doing is looking in the mirror and telling yourself, “damn he is right I am a little bitch with no balls to say what I really feel and tomorrow at work I will kiss all of the asses I have talked shit about because I’m weak”. Prove me wrong tuff guy.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax County Sheriff ()
Date: April 01, 2020 11:21AM

Take your mask off Jimmy. Someone is getting upset the truth is getting out and is now trying to get people to out themselves, hahaha. Nice try dumbass. Facts are facts doesn’t matter who I am. It’s a resistance. Well well, Jimmy and I’m sure that’s your real name. You fake ass. Who are you? Why don’t you post your full name and rank? Tough guy. You sound like a little bitch trying to do damage control. People can love the agency they work for and value what it used to be and despise what it is now. People don’t have to resign because something is fucked up, that’s how shit stays fucked up. Wow!! You ask who I am or what my name or rank or my success in that agency is? I assure you I’m very successful in the agency number one, number two what are your credentials what was or is your success and what did you achieve there? Jimmy if that’s your real name. My question to you would be why don’t you start looking into some of this stuff, these claims and accusations that have facts and specifics to them and find out why the stuff that is happening is happening. The point is to get people that can make change to see and implement the changes that need to be made. You know you get on here and you pretend that your name is Jimmy, if you wanna give everybody a hard time for not posting under their name, you put Jimmy whats your last name what’s your rank how are you connected to the sheriffs office? Start putting your stuff out there before you start criticizing other people for not putting their name out there when dealing with the regime that is corrupt, spiteful, vindictive and vengeful. Jimmy start looking into the fact of the things people are saying and finding out if they are real, if they are accurate, if they are factual instead of trying to come on here acting like people are spreading stuff that’s not true. Everything being said is true it’s verified you can verify it yourself and if you’re not gonna do that shut your mouth and mind your own business. You post stuff saying people should put their real names, what’s yours ? Who are you ?who are you that you don’t put your name or your rank or your position on here ? Come on Jimmy put up or shut up, put up or shut up agency Lackey trying to do damage control. You’re pathetic. It doesn’t matter who it matters what I know and the fact that it’s all accurate verified information that’s what you need to worry about. Thats what the board of supervisors needs to worry about, the corruption, the unequal discipline that’s what they need to worry about. Tell me about you so we can figure out what’s your Pedigree to run your mouth. I’m a Whistleblower, you don’t need to know who I am just like all you liberal Democrats didn’t want anybody to know who the whistleblower was who came out against the Trump administration it just mattered what they said didn’t matter who they were. It didn’t matter what the qualifications were I’m doing the same thing only I’m speaking the truth so shut your mouth Jimmy.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax County Sheriff ()
Date: April 01, 2020 11:48AM

Hey Jimmy ...I’m option three and the guy that works there has worked there needs a job to pay my bills and take care of my loved ones so I just want the stuff looked into by people that can make changes I don’t want any retribution taken against me that could affect my livelihood especially during this time with the coronavirus and such, so there’s always another option Jimmy just keep that in mind.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Jimmy.. ()
Date: April 01, 2020 02:30PM

That is my real name you dumb ass lol. Let’s break this down, I am not upset I am just curious as to where you get this information as you call yourself the “whistleblower”, apparently not a man who speaks his mind and backs up what he says. You go on to say facts are facts, well you have not provided any facts you are only rambling on and defaming peoples names, names you have no problem saying while you hide behind a screen. Now damage control, obviously something you know nothing about because that deals in reality not make believe as are most of the things you have posted. Some of what you have posted has occurred but is common knowledge and not rally anything out of the ordinary like a DUI, people who you think shouldn't get promoted getting the job, people sleeping with people.. not really all that big of a deal. You say look into accusations and claims those are just that not facts. You say how you are successful and at the top of the agency we all know that is a complete lie as do you. What you really are is a tired pathetic person who feels some kind of power or since of accomplishment out of posting stupid shit. You probably have been with the SO a while still PFC still working the floors, not many of the shift likes you, I’m sure you are a hug a thug and talk shit with the inmates because let’s face it they are a captive audience and don’t care for cops anyway so why not kick it around with you they know you are harmless, things at home are probably the same, wife left you kids call the new guy dad paying out the ass in child support and the kids don’t really like you ether. I’m sure I got most of that right because how you came back after my last post with such hate and anger because you know I am right. I can read you like a book, only thing I missed was you posting some stupid picture, I’m sure that will come. Once again I am sure you will come back with something so outlandish I will just have to make you look even dumber. Stand up for yourself for once in your life.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Jimmy... ()
Date: April 01, 2020 02:38PM

“Next sheriff” I hear where you are coming from and would suggest setting up a meeting, there has to be one person you trust in the command staff. People posting stupid childish accusations never helps. If something is wrong you need to step up and say it regardless the position they hold or it will never get fixed. I have been there when I had to call out a supervisor for lying it was difficult at first but I was proven to be right and that is all that matters not want everyone else is doing or what position they are in.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 01, 2020 03:59PM

Haha Jimmy what??? Last name tough guy ??? Honestly I think your whole synopsis of me is you projecting. Look into it look into everything that’s been posted look into everything that’s been said and see that it’s verifiable. Yes the place is corrupt it’s not equal justice for all it’s some people get slapped on the wrist some people don’t get punished other people take the ride all the way down. The point is it’s corrupt it’s not anything other than who you know and who knows you. I’d also like to know what your infatuation with trying to defend the command staff and act as though they are operating in a professional ethical manner when you know that that’s not true. Everything that I’ve said has been true look into everything and you’ll see that it’s all factually based. I’ve backed up everything I said and I dare you to find something that I said and prove that it’s not a fact because I’ll provide more facts to prove and verify what I said. Here’s the thing with you Jimmy you come on here you run your mouth and you obviously have an agenda you’re so quick to defend people against what I’m saying give me some facts that go against the facts that I provided and we can have a discussion but you can’t do that because you have nothing to disprove the facts that I’ve stated on here. Tell me one thing that I’ve made up that isn’t based in reality ? give me one thing? You know you come on here why don’t you tell everybody who you are why are you hiding behind a first name ? come on tell everybody who you are if you got nothing to hide. Jimmy what? Jimmy what? I don’t trust anybody in the command staff they’ve all been bought every single last one of them bought By an agenda and they’re scared to go against the grain. We’ll just finish by seeing this Jimmy you think what you think and I’ll know what I know. I’ll tell you this also you’re not that bright on your Best day you’re not smarter than me on my worst. Now go count your inmates. Haha!!! Love for you to disclose your full name. Put your money where your big mouth is.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Both you Brown Clowns ()
Date: April 01, 2020 04:01PM

Get back to watching videos and counting spoons

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Gun Lee ()
Date: April 01, 2020 04:34PM

Both you Brown Clowns Wrote:
> Get back to watching videos and counting spoons

You stop making comments and get back to patrolling area 441

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Jimmy. ()
Date: April 01, 2020 05:00PM

Somebody is so frustrated right now it’s killing you because I described you to a T. I do not count inmates I put them in the jail you dumb ass... and again yes my name is Jimmy you asshat.. so we now know this much this guy is retired.. keep going it’s killing you.. I am not the one trying to bash people and hide behind the screen name that is you..

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 01, 2020 05:08PM

Hahaha what’s your full name tough guy? You actually sound like an inmate. You have offered zero to say I’m wrong about what I’ve said. Maybe your Kincaid’s husband haha !!! Truth hurts

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Sheriff Bart ()
Date: April 01, 2020 06:52PM

Ha! Jimmy is obviously command staff or related to command staff. They can say otherwise but it is clear. Keep posting folks it’s getting to them!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Jimmy.. ()
Date: April 01, 2020 08:09PM

Ding ding, you all guessed right. One of the Snyder boys. Gotta protect my brothers. Because you know how we do, we talk shit, put you down, and then try to give you advice, insulting you at the same time. Because that’s always a good start to an online conversation.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: For fucks sake ()
Date: April 01, 2020 09:11PM

This childish tirade against the sounds like a deputy rhyming with Table. Is he able or capable of shaking the label of a problem child?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: JJ jr ()
Date: April 02, 2020 04:47AM

Jimmy.. Wrote:
> Ding ding, you all guessed right. One of the
> Snyder boys. Gotta protect my brothers. Because
> you know how we do, we talk shit, put you down,
> and then try to give you advice, insulting you at
> the same time. Because that’s always a good
> start to an online conversation.

LOL, how’s the pandemic in Florida?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 02, 2020 12:44PM

48 and counting cases of corona virus at the Ffx jail. Good job Kincaid and command staff.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 02, 2020 03:17PM

That place is an embarrassment, run by incompetent idiots... they have jail workforce inmates cleaning the public side of the courthouse on the weekend. Oh and one of them Was a violent offender that SWAT actually had to shoot to even arrest him. What about the new pandemic leave policy that nobody understands or can even use??

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 02, 2020 03:29PM

Where’s Jimmy? I want to hear some of his dumb responses to protect the regime.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 02, 2020 03:56PM

And by cleaning the public side of the courthouse, I mean for the corona virus. Unbelievable. Workforce jail inmates on the public side out of confinement area. Did the command approve this ????

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: County Executive ()
Date: April 02, 2020 05:35PM

Next Fairfax Sheriff Wrote:
> 48 and counting cases of corona virus at the Ffx
> jail. Good job Kincaid and command staff.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Jimmy.. ()
Date: April 02, 2020 05:38PM

Relax William, that is you Christian name isn’t it LOL.. and you will never be the sheriff of Fairfax or any county.. now you challenged me to put my name out now it’s your turn show everyone what a real man you are “tuff guy” LMFAO !!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 02, 2020 06:43PM

You mean Bill Cooper ??? Haha nice try Jimmy but wrong. You’re a bigger idiot then I thought. First it’s spelled tough and second what’s your full name Jimmy ??? Jimmy __________??? You’re a joke I’m going to keep posting facts and toying with you on the side. Since you guessed on me I’m gonna guess on you is this James Boyd ?? Former deputy?? Haha. Heard Rob Snyder was very upset he had to retire haha!!!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Jimmy... ()
Date: April 02, 2020 07:05PM

I never said that was your name and I used tuff on purpose idiot... did you really just ask me my name? Holy shit are you really that dumb... did you out yourself?? LoL somebody help this retired washed up idiot out..

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 02, 2020 08:37PM

William who were you saying is named William ?? Jimmy you’re stupid just stop posting. You’re an agency lackey. You have no idea who I am you’re a fool and you sound stupid on here. You have refused to give your last name because you’re scared. Post your full name, your last name or shut up.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 02, 2020 08:37PM

William who were you saying is named William ?? Jimmy you’re stupid just stop posting. You’re an agency lackey. You have no idea who I am you’re a fool and you sound stupid on here. You have refused to give your last name because you’re scared. Post your full name, your last name or shut up.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Jimmy.. ()
Date: April 02, 2020 09:52PM

Somebody please teach this asshat to read Ding Ding dumb ass I’m a Snyder you lackey...you will never be the “next sheriff”... I just tossed the name William out there and you came back with some guy who wasn’t even a real Lt he was an upgraded Sgt. Who got his salad tossed not once but twice in the Sheriffs election a guy who got dropped like a hot rock by his wife, a guy who hates the Sheriffs office so much he posts a picture of himself in a cruiser on his paper service webpage. what a dumb ass.. I mean if that’s you my bad.. LOL.. this dumb ass calls himself the next sheriff but can not even solve who I am after I posted my name several times.. please for the love of god if you are this guys friend tell him to quit while he still has a sliver of dignity you rat fink...

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 02, 2020 10:57PM

Jimmy it’s eating you up not knowing who I am.... but yet still knowing a lot about many people. If you are a Snyder explain to me how you all judge people with a different scale then you judge yourselves? Both JJ and Rob have done things with regards to using force and being physical with inmates as well as unprofessional language and yet judge people that have done the same or less in a hypocritical fashion. Oh and don’t even get me started on how JJ was when Shabazz first started... you get my drift. Explain that ?? That whole command staff is full of double standards. You must be mad your brother Rob got exposed for the rat, back stabbing, fake tough guy, basket case he is. He reaped exactly what he sowed. It took awhile but he was exposed and then had to suddenly retire. More will be exposed. The truth will come out. What's done in the dark will come to light!!!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Silverthorne ()
Date: April 03, 2020 01:49AM

This thread is more exciting than a sack of meth, two crack heads, a photo op with the sheriff, and a rerun of the Tiger King!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Jimmy.. ()
Date: April 03, 2020 08:45AM

No what’s really bugging me is that you have not said one bad thing about me, I’m like come on man nothing.. check with some of your cronies still at the SO Im epic man. Ok but really I grow tired of you now because it’s no fun calling someone out for all the BS lies when you hide. Everyone knows who I am and I’m pretty sure we all know who you are. Don’t be afraid forever at some point you need to be a man and stand behind what you say or in this case post.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 03, 2020 09:20AM

Speak to what I said about your brothers, if they really are your brothers. You have given zero evidence of what I’m saying is wrong. Plus why are you so protective of the command staff... has to be a reason??? everything I have said is true. What’s not true ??? How do I know specifically about Robs stay at the mental hospital after Jamie shot himself??? And if you don’t start speaking to my questions, I’m simply going to ignore your posts and keep getting the truth out to the people.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Questions? ()
Date: April 03, 2020 09:45AM

Where’s Abbate at ? I haven’t seen him ?? Anyone know ?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: .... ()
Date: April 03, 2020 12:46PM

Questions? Wrote:
> Where’s Abbate at ? I haven’t seen him ??
> Anyone know ?

Well he’s certainly not doing his checks......

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: - - . . ()
Date: April 03, 2020 11:46PM

Q. I’m here for you brother

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Good Hustle ()
Date: April 04, 2020 08:28PM

My Troops

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: The phantom III ()
Date: April 04, 2020 09:04PM

Hmmmm. Really

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: The Phantom ()
Date: April 05, 2020 05:06PM

Coming soon.....you know you want it....

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Ffx Citizen ()
Date: April 05, 2020 07:21PM

Whatcha got phantom?? Grace us with your knowledge

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Debbie Curry ()
Date: April 06, 2020 01:10AM

The Phantom Wrote:
> Coming soon.....you know you want it....

What, a big turd in the urinal or a big turd in the women’s bathroom, where I almost caught you?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: FairXun45 ()
Date: April 06, 2020 04:44AM

If I don't hear about jail escapes, she is doing her job. If you are talking about making it more miserable for the inmates, Im all for it. If you are an unhappy employee join the Police or or some other agency that does something besides correctional and court security work.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: SHUT UP !!!! ()
Date: April 06, 2020 08:38PM

FairXun45..... SHUT UP !!!!!!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 07, 2020 07:18PM

Only two more days until Robert Snyder the only non supervisor ever to work in IA “retires” haha retires, yeah right call it what you want. You got found out haha. With your little visit to the mental hospital. I love how the weak ones, the truly weak ones hide behind their positions and don’t realize what hypocrites they are. This guy was weak I looked into his eyes and saw the weakness. He only had power through his position, now that’s gone. A mental
Patient conducting investigations.... WOW reporting directly to the sheriff. Unbelievable. He’s not retiring by choice I’ll tell you that he was very upset when Turing his gear in. Talking about nobody cares and this and that. Talking crap about the agency haha.. Karma baby. Now that worthless loathsome piece of trash knows how it feels to get sold out by the agency. Now he knows how all the good deputies he screwed over and talked shit to and threatened during investigations felt. This guy is weak and a true coward. I hope his brother jimmy comes on here and says something.... I really hope he does... because if he does I’m really gonna drop a bomb about Rob... Now listen no posers I really want to see if jimmy talks crap. Nobody posting as him please. Your brother Rob is a wormy piece of filth. The agency is free of one cancerous douche bag... still many more to out... From everyone you bullied and threatened and were disrespectful and hurtful and rude to... Rot in hell Rob.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 07, 2020 07:28PM

I know one Sgt who is doing backflips... right now !!!! To you and you know who you are. Bottoms up!!! Enjoy.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Woodburn 1 ()
Date: April 07, 2020 07:34PM

LOL, Rob the Shit bag a mental midget. Now he goes to the rubber gun squad.

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Ancient And Ancestral Antiquities Under UNESCO Classifications For Sale WhatsApp... +(237)673672176.
Posted by: Agbor ()
Date: April 07, 2020 09:12PM

Hi, There is a Native Village in a part in Africa , Precisely Cameroon who are willing to give out their Ancestral Heritage with great Spiritual Potency,Protection and wealth in substitution for Development and construction in their land . Kindly contact me for more Details via WhatsApp... +(237)673672176. Thank you!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 07, 2020 10:03PM

Contact Rob Snyder he needs a job. He’s a sleazy weak mental patient rat who used to work for the sheriffs office... but now he’s a nobody... hold on I’ll get you his number... it’s only going to work for a few more days though since he got forced to retire haha haha hahaha

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 10, 2020 01:16PM

TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!!! ONE LESS CORRUPT PIECE OF GARBAGE AT THE FFX SHERIFFS OFFICE... Rob Snyder is gone I hope he burns in hell for all the shady unethical shit he did to people especially with ALL the skeletons he has in his closet. Happy retirement you piece of shit!!!! Never know who u will run into as a civilian now.... haha Karma. #ForcedRetirement..

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Pete Callejas ()
Date: April 10, 2020 11:59PM

Well with a post like that I hope nothing happens to him regardless what he did.. that is coming back on you and if you think they can’t find out who you are well..

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: April 11, 2020 08:02AM

Not sure what you mean Pete simply saying if you treat people badly you reap what you sow. Bad begets bad good begets good. Don’t try to imply I’m doing or saying something nefarious over here. All I’m saying as a civil you have no authority to mess with people, so you have to treat people differently. Come on Pete. Find out who I am for what ?? No threats freedom of speech.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Date: April 11, 2020 09:53AM

You all should really stop. While entertaining as it is about reading brave deputies bash one another behind a screen, I have no dog in this peacock of a fight but ALL OF YOU are one in the same in that when you return to your environment, your simple job foundation is all the same. So stop trashing people, the agency you represent or don't, until you lived the person's life or do the jobs of the people entrusted to run the agency. If you want change, start with yourself and it looks like Rob Snyder's perceived forced retirement was a blessing in disguise as he just made himself smarter by becoming a civilian.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Ffx Citizen ()
Date: April 11, 2020 10:59AM

This coming from
Someone that just made an account Today. You say perceived retirement, do you know something other people don’t.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Date: April 11, 2020 12:14PM

Correct, account was created today. I hope you can do good with your intelligence rather than fuel all this speculative nonsense with negativity of which, there is no proof of what is being said because it's easier to make negative comments about someone behind a keyboard. Perceived/alleged reasons why Rob Snyder was forced to retire is proof I do not have....and no one else does either or else they would come with the proof to include their name. If you all have proof, send an email to yourself from your county account (assuming you have proof because you work for the agency) and then post it here. Once we see that, then we'll know who is adult enough to stand behind their comments......or not...and I stand corrected. Until then, all I am suggesting is to quit bashing people/agency anonymously. Who are you, or I, to judge?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Ffx Citizen ()
Date: April 11, 2020 01:53PM

Yeah you all blend, How do you know what’s true and what isn’t? You sound like you have an agenda. Stuff being said sounds pretty specific and detailed to be just made up. Why isn’t your name posted ? Do you question every post on here ? Because I rarely if ever see people post by their real names ?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: k ()
Date: April 11, 2020 04:12PM

"but officer, my home is way more crowded than this little get together - i can't even get in the bathroom where i live"

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: k ()
Date: April 11, 2020 04:17PM

$1,450 Messier, Michael Wayne

you'll need to at least double that to send out those cute color printed mailers !!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Phantom III ()
Date: April 14, 2020 09:34PM

so close to hitting home. Hmmmm

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Post count spork ()
Date: April 19, 2020 12:06PM

So, did Stacey figure out how the first COVID positive inmate brought in late January contracted the virus the end of March when the incubation period is a max of 14 days? Math is hard but I bet they have enough spoons to count that high. What a fucking disaster. Still disinfecting with Windex? Time to have the state DOC come in and run the place.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Ffx Citizens ()
Date: April 19, 2020 09:49PM

Tell us more!!!!!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: May 02, 2020 02:55PM

More clowns at the sheriff’s office are being protected by a corrupt regime the double standard continues. Deputy Joseph Moratto held a female deputy against her will in an agency cruiser ??? Wtf!!!! And Sgt Joseph Abbate IV, he must be royalty got a DUI, possibly his second. What type of corrupt place is this ? People breaking the law and still keeping their sworn law enforcement jobs? Abbate is also the union president interestingly enough oh and he was also the deputy that was not performing his checks several years ago and had an inmate hang himself on his post and somehow the next shift deputy found the guy hanging. How does that happen ? Rigor Mortis had set in. Come on people. Moratto sounds like a kidnapping, this clown is a two time idiot. He got his ass whipped trying to play police officer at his apt complex too trying to intervene in a neighbors argument. Look at the clowns at this place. Kincaid is so corrupt. The county needs to look into this immediately.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Ffx Citizen ()
Date: May 06, 2020 08:17PM

Word is Kincaid is having people reprimanded for letting people know the total jail count.... what a bunch of crap.... is she embarrassed that her liberal cronies are giving everybody bonds? She should be more worried about Ann Good and her law suit against the sheriffs office.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: tell uz mo ()
Date: May 07, 2020 08:12AM

What about the lawsuite?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Attorney to make money ()
Date: May 07, 2020 11:05AM

LOL, that dumb bitch is suing again? What for, telling the 1st Lt. Years after the fact her boyfriend had anal sex with her and she doesn’t feel ok with it? That she was on the Road and did a mediocre job performance, worse than pig pen. Her pussy hurts?

STFU, get out and retire you miserable fuck.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Ffx Citizen ()
Date: May 07, 2020 01:36PM

So many fires burning at the same time at that agency. How must it feel that the majority of the employees there despise her and the command staff. She cares more about lying conniving inmates, and certain deputies then decent hard working deputies

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: May 08, 2020 02:36PM

Place is so corrupt double standards... what about the time a current command staff members ex-wife’s boyfriend was locked up and this Lt (now way higher rank) at the time made a personal visit to the block to get eyes on the inmate? Any guesses who that was ??

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Blast from the past ()
Date: May 08, 2020 06:46PM

What about Arcia back in the day wit the strippers and Dildo pic ? He’s a captain now!!!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Glenda with 70’s Bush ()
Date: May 08, 2020 11:33PM

Blast from the past Wrote:
> What about Arcia back in the day wit the strippers
> and Dildo pic ? He’s a captain now!!!

My boyfriend had a dildo on his head and head fucking some loser bitch. Then Bob and Shane were taking turns with the Sybian vibratory controls while another loser bitch rode it. Then those two got onto fight because each of them claimed to make the bitch cum harder than the other.

All of this was going on while Sophisticated Mother Fucker and My Cookies Are the best were videoing the event.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: May 09, 2020 08:52AM

Classic story I saw pics of some of this some time back I’d love to see them again. It’s incredible two captains Arcia holy roller now. The other who smokes cigars Sonny Cachuela in direct violation of policy aka sophisticated mother fucker.Bob Palmer aka west va football player and Miami Dolphins player haha. Shane Scott banged Stacey and never cane to roll call with his boots tied. Even in this list of people the double standard sticks out it’s unbelievable.

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