Well, well, well, looks like somebody got asked to leave or told to leave the Sheriff’s office early.. I know a lot of people are happy to see this weak wanna be tough guy, wanna be investigator that interrogates sheriffs office employees that are compelled by work agreement to talk. This guy is a real clown, a real cry baby. Crying, like a little girl way back when when his boyfriend shot and killed himself after getting fired for a DUI. So how does this piece of garbage repay his friends honor??? By screwing over fellow deputies. Robert Snyder you are truly a piece of trash, everyone hates you, probably even your brother and wife and kids you are a corrupt human being and I hope you do everyone a favor and eat your gun like your boyfriend (Jamie) did back in the day. So weak that’s why you try to act so strong, cause you know inside nobody likes you not even your wife and kids. You are a despicable human being. You screwed a lot of real deputies over, and you should have known better given how weak you are mentally, after all being institutionalization in a mental hospital. There is a special place in hell for people like you, you piece of garbage. Happy earlier retirement!!!