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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
Good god!
Date: August 10, 2022 11:00PM
Travesty you got way to much time on your hands to write that garbage. If you think you can do a better job in Law enforcement then apply to become a law enforcement officer. Clearly you have nothing but time on your hands. Quit being a Monday morning quarterback and go make a difference.
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
Date: October 04, 2022 09:26AM
Anymore dirt outta the poo-colored pokie? No community work force (landscaping detail) less prisoners in jail is a good thing and saves money? its called 90/10. 90% of crime caused by just a few people, duh.
When are the correctional officers that Stacy wants rolling out?
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
What they need to do
Date: October 10, 2022 08:26PM
Is disband the SERT team what a waste if money they have never done anything in 30 years except spend money and fist bump. The old rednecks that worked there were much tougher all they did to train was eat Truck Stopper sandwiches and drink PBR
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
Whadda doo whadda doo
Date: March 08, 2023 09:56PM
An other election year. Anyone know if the wicked witch of the west building runnin again? Is she running on her record on pushing the most deputies out of the job whether it’s early retirement or people just fed up and leaving. Promoting people who are fuck ups or deputies who never worked the floors. Can’t respect deputies who didn’t work the floors for less than 5 years. Anyone who tells you this place isn’t a bad place to work or that the command staff is looking out for the line staff I would not trust. Stay clear of those deputies, they have to justify their special treatment that they receive. I remember when I worked there I never trusted anyone who promoted this place. Those people are always out for themselves.
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
psychic hotline
Date: March 09, 2023 10:30PM
I visioned a mass exodus with the sheriff’s office due to leaders pushing out senior people. Leaders will claim that they don’t have the staff or recruits to fill the position. Causing to lower standards and hire Deputies who are none law enforcement certified. Remaining deputies will either go to courts, civil, transportation, and mcrc, that being the only shift work left for people who want to work shift work. Leaders will tell you no such plan exists, however, it is in full motion. Only the weak minded will be blind to this.
My second vision is a new break room. It will be a room of lust and fornication. No such use of this room will be forwarded to the line staff who are over worked, mentally exhausted and abused. This room will help continue the many cases of infidelity that this agency is known for. This room will be know for, “hard on’s” and, “heartache’s” causing female employees to go from one male employee to another. Let it be known this room will be know as…. “ the sloppy seconds break room.”
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
I wish!
Date: March 12, 2023 09:48PM
I wish my doo doo was brown. Lately it’s been bloody red from getting fucked so hard by the leaders of the sheriffs office. You think I was one of the female deputies getting passed around like a joint at a Grateful Dead concert. #cant keep my legs closed.
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
No way Jose
Date: March 15, 2023 01:00PM
They ain’t getting shiot! Heard the other day they had so many at the hospital that 4-5 people were forced to take their pov’s! That’s a joke, just like command staff having their own cruisers. For what? They barely do their job on the regular. You think they will use their cruisers to drive in for an emergency?! Look at when Covid started. Governor announces state of emergency on Friday afternoon. So for 3 days they could have used their cruisers to meet up and come up with a plan for all the sections in the department. That way the jail was safe all weekend long with this unknown virus and courts have an idea of what to do on Monday and not stand around with their dicks in their hands. Instead command staff got to enjoy their weekend and Stacey got to enjoy her Hawaii trip. They deserted their staff, they were more concerned about their days off. My entire career there I would always hear “we’re family” it used to have meaning till the last 10 years especially with the current administration. Now it’s a joke. Anyone who treats their family like this administration would be considered abusive.
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
What in the what
Date: March 15, 2023 10:18PM
fuck cruisers, we can’t even get uniforms. What we have is it. So they don’t have your size too bad so sad. I noticed sert gets new stuff all the time. Not sure why they are never activated. They never do anything. Should be called “seldom ever respond team”
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
whores in the circuit court
Date: March 29, 2023 01:09PM
so does anyone think that a new sherriff will finally get rid of the whore shannon gartin that fucks everyone up in circuit court, you know who you are. maybe the "infidently roonm" will be her new office.
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
Date: March 30, 2023 03:50AM
Leadership, like courage. isn’t found in any test and is not easily learned. It is a quality that can only be evaluated by others possessing the same quality- and that’s the crunch. There aren’t enough leaders out there. So the managers and the incompetents are choosing those most like themselves because that’s what they most easily recognize.
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
Date: April 06, 2023 07:46PM
Posting defamatory or criminal content on FairfaxUnderground.com can have serious legal consequences. Defamation, which includes false statements that harm a person's reputation, can result in civil lawsuits for damages. Criminal charges may also be brought if the content constitutes a criminal offense, such as making threats or inciting violence. Additionally, individuals who post illegal content may be subject to investigation by law enforcement agencies and face prosecution. It is important to use online forums responsibly and to ensure that any content posted is legal, truthful, and respectful of others.
Anthony Fauci
Mind Control
Washington DC
Paris France
Toilet Paper
Corona Virus
Kim Kardashian
Covid Vaccine
Black Lives Matter
Church of Satan
Crypto Crash
Lets Go Brandon
Adolf Hitler
Nine One One
Liquid Death
Climate Change
RIP Roger Scott. Many thought you were the Phantom on this page but yours truly knows better. You were however one funny guy and will be missed. God bless you and your family.
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
Date: June 06, 2023 04:30PM
Speaking of WOKE why does the sheriff’s office put racist people like Sgt Shifflett at the academy training recruits? Really not a good look. Just wondering… people hear things when you think no one is around.
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
Date: January 29, 2024 07:24AM
Prisoner Wrote:
> She doesn’t have much staff left
"not much staff my ass"
OH - and the hispanic "team" (junta) that "re-did" historic landmark courthouse - that was a gas - paying the historic "never forget the alamo" attackers of USA to do labor on a landmark
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
Date: January 29, 2024 07:26AM
What in the what Wrote:
> fuck cruisers, we can’t even get uniforms. What
> we have is it. So they don’t have your size too
> bad so sad. I noticed sert gets new stuff all the
> time. Not sure why they are never activated. They
> never do anything. Should be called “seldom ever
> respond team”
because they don't even know what a sheriff's office DOES
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
Date: February 18, 2024 05:17PM
He go bye-bye. Him have big mouth and tiny wee wee. Him now no job and cry baby. Him dumb dumb. But I think you know this by now. I hope you not so stupid. Good ruck.
Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by:
Fairfax STAR
Date: August 06, 2024 01:54PM
Somebody got promoted cause of daddy and the jewelry store. WOW I guess anyone can get promoted at this place. Car fucker Dick Andariese a captain hahaha. Pathetic