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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Go figure ()
Date: September 20, 2020 10:11PM

Seems our boy Rob Snyder has a new job with his butt buddy Butler out in Warren county. Be careful deputies out there!! Just a matter of time before shit starts happening!! More coming.....

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Goldfinger ()
Date: September 21, 2020 04:58PM

Only a matter of time before bad things happen. He is true POS. God help them. Heard another ex Fairfax deputy is there too

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Austin p ()
Date: September 21, 2020 08:31PM

I heard he might be working alongside such illustrious people like Shawna- man hands- or Broadbent? What a loser he was. God help that department

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Ha! ha! ()
Date: September 23, 2020 05:47PM

Good looking out!! Watch out for Snyder the liar!!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Lying Rob ()
Date: September 24, 2020 10:15AM

My bro used to get off on Tommy Lee/ Pam A sex tape... need to see that again... “Tommy’s coming”!

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: What a bunch of losers ()
Date: September 25, 2020 05:54AM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Gone to Shit ()
Date: September 26, 2020 06:47AM

This department has gone to shit like everything in Fairfax County.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: rergerg ()
Date: October 13, 2020 08:19PM


I wonder if she serves witches brews?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: rerrg ()
Date: October 13, 2020 08:20PM

police special Coke, shiny jacket

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: whats new ()
Date: October 28, 2020 08:24PM

Its been quiet

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: whats new ()
Date: November 11, 2020 02:35PM

Heard the county is telling the Shureef to RIF deputy positions

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Cheap Skate ()
Date: November 11, 2020 02:44PM

$250 Cachuela, Basilio Why didn't I make Major?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Wait for it ()
Date: November 24, 2020 10:13PM

New stuff coming.... happy holidays bitches..

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: NEYTP ()
Date: November 25, 2020 02:40PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: KV3JG ()
Date: November 25, 2020 07:42PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: JV3PD ()
Date: November 27, 2020 01:47AM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: inDAKnowHo ()
Date: November 27, 2020 10:30AM

Well, the authorized capacity of the jail is 1500 and they have only 400 or so inmates now, which is a good thing because there's a deputy shortage. Comb of COVID and the Democrats letting the criminals back out on the streets to victimize people some more. What a fucking dump.

Fairfax - THE only reason to live around here was the good schools and low crime. Thanks democrats, neither is true anymore.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Mikey got his job back? ()
Date: November 27, 2020 11:11AM

Hey Sonny, your fat ass “1st Lt” pet in IA once stated that he & everyone else couldn’t wait until you were transferred from “captain” of A/B confinement because you “are a colossal fuck-up” ..just thought you’d should see the other half of his face before your stupid ass retires

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Keep it coming up ()
Date: November 27, 2020 10:45PM

What pieces of shit these people are! So many that think their shit don’t stink! A department with people like Hernandez fat ass and Cachulea the fuck!! Honestly folks what did you expect? More coming..

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Barney Fife ()
Date: November 28, 2020 04:53PM

The word on the street is that Sheriff Kincaid was a real hot momma back in the day.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: FCPD sucks cock ()
Date: November 29, 2020 12:49AM

The FCPD is a fucking joke. The turd I made a while ago would do a better job of protecting the public. Fairfax county sucks shit.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Y3MKM ()
Date: November 30, 2020 10:36AM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: danny pryor ()
Date: November 30, 2020 12:27PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: 4W7MM ()
Date: November 30, 2020 09:54PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: larryspears ()
Date: December 02, 2020 05:46PM

Tell us more Dep

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Daniel Pryer ()
Date: December 02, 2020 10:44PM

Thats Veronica....C'mon man

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: DNMXP ()
Date: December 05, 2020 08:32AM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Someone with a conscience ()
Date: December 05, 2020 12:37PM

What is the covid situation at ADC?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: EYN6M ()
Date: December 05, 2020 09:51PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: PLKXX ()
Date: December 06, 2020 02:40PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: YPYEK ()
Date: December 06, 2020 06:19PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Randi Oakes ()
Date: December 08, 2020 06:53PM

I use to work there

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Danny Pryer ()
Date: December 08, 2020 11:53PM

And your sister too, Jaime Oakes?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Alfred Dews ()
Date: December 13, 2020 04:37AM

I use to work there too Hey Zarookian

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Carl peed ()
Date: December 13, 2020 12:43PM

I heard former deputy Fred Elliott is running for a position on the retirement board. Anyone remember him? Quite the character.... would you trust money decisions to him?! Of course he pulled his service weapon on me one night when I came in the court house to get something from my office! Scared the shit out of me!! But that scored him points with all those haters of mine!! Good times....

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Decks ()
Date: December 14, 2020 07:48PM

Ive invested all the funds of the retirement system in my deck building business were going to be rich

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Date: December 14, 2020 07:50PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I would trust Fred ()
Date: December 14, 2020 07:52PM

Before I would trust any of the Command Staff there.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: December 22, 2020 06:17PM

Hey I’m back who’s the biggest loser in that department? Let’s start throwing out names

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I know A lot ()
Date: December 22, 2020 06:41PM

Hernandez is a cunt fake as bitch acts like she’s not changed since being in IA. Maybe she should look into her husband Jesse he's done plenty of questionable shit in his career including punching an inmate through the slot in his cell door up in the north building. Marcella is a hypothetical bitch. Their are a lot of fucking losers over there. Fake ass tough guys. Namely the SERT team hahaha, they do a week of burpees to go wrestle inmates with shit smeared on them. Look at the assholes on that team. Let’s see who do we have fake tough guys wanna be military. They wouldn’t last five minutes in the military. Fucking frauds lol. Bunch of pussies that never did anything real. Self promoting clowns who do things then brag about it to get awards for valor haha can anyone guess who that was who did that ? I’ll give u a hint he’s got one of the biggest mouths in the whole agency and never shuts up ?? Any guesses ?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: r54eg5hgb ()
Date: December 22, 2020 07:41PM

Black Lives Matter Wrote:

a coin holder? wow, that's going to be one very large and heavy pig

I'd guestimate it would be heavier than your retirement home. Just a guess.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Truth to power ()
Date: December 22, 2020 07:52PM

The same guy that spent time in the mental hospital? Sounds like a liability

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: ebrtnb ()
Date: December 22, 2020 07:56PM

after very many rough calculations - including the likelyhood of what cops retire on

your piggy bank would weight at least the same as your retirement home ! if not more.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: clowing around ()
Date: December 22, 2020 08:14PM


Now with that options, that your piggy bank weighs the same as the home, your option is to retire IN your piggy bank. Not many do, but it's popular in some California areas.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: tt46hbt4 ()
Date: December 22, 2020 08:16PM

Truth to power Wrote:
> The same guy that spent time in the mental
> hospital? Sounds like a liability

that doesn't sound like quality to me, G2

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: biatch ()
Date: December 22, 2020 08:17PM

tt46hbt4 Wrote:
> Truth to power Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The same guy that spent time in the mental
> > hospital? Sounds like a liability
> that doesn't sound like quality to me, G2

THAT DOESN'T SOUND LIKE EQUALITY. i thought you loved equality (i knew that was a lie)

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: tbtbn ()
Date: December 22, 2020 08:17PM

Science: almost arrestable behavior

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Yes Its California ()
Date: December 22, 2020 10:48PM

Iron bars over all the windows and doors , a beautiful senic state of beach's ocean mountains and deserts ruined by liberalism and now total disdain for all law enforcement with much more crime then punshment , over 750 plus henious murderers on Condemmed Row at San Quentin making a joke of capitol punishment , law enforcement and especially victims familes and friends of those tortured shot beaten and raped till death came mercifully

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: M. Wayne ()
Date: December 26, 2020 04:08PM

was the sheriff in to thank you for your service on Christmas

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: M. Wayne ()
Date: December 30, 2020 08:16PM

Jim Slickery I always wanted to be cool like M Wayne

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: rbtbn ()
Date: December 31, 2020 01:56AM


problems in fairfax in the 1980's

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: tr4bvtbv ()
Date: December 31, 2020 01:57AM


the old courhouse when the grey ghost arrived

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: ert4t ()
Date: December 31, 2020 02:02AM


appears to be, say, meth

i wonder why the were never arrested

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: rgvtrgbh ()
Date: December 31, 2020 02:05AM


telling nicholas cage he has to get off the plane for not wearing a mask

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Disgusted 1/5/21 ()
Date: January 05, 2021 10:02PM

So apparently there are a number of the Fairfax County Sheriff’s office deputies going to the Proud Boys’ demonstration tomorrow to try to sow political unrest and baseless conspiracy theories, potentially treason?? Ass holes like Smuluk and Roth??? Seriously, you guys are such spineless fucking pieces of shit that you’re supporting Proud Boys??? Half the deputies at FCSO are brainless, worthless pieces of shit. They really are fucking idiots. And that’s not even saying anything about their lack of morals or human decency. As someone who worked there with these pieces of shit in an auxiliary capacity, these people really are the most mindless, sexist, racist pieces of fucking garbage you could ever come across.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Smh once more ()
Date: January 06, 2021 12:19AM

Disgusted sounds like an employee from mental health.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: ALFRED DEWS ()
Date: January 08, 2021 03:39PM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: January 12, 2021 05:38PM

So listen to this crap. Now Kincaid is trying to make the agency seem like it’s working the streets and is dangerous. What a bunch of crap. She’s got posted on the sheriffs office official Facebook page that a deputy died in the line of duty today of COVID-19. How the hell is that possible? I guess she’s trying to make this the second deputy in this department to lose their life in the line of duty the first and only being a deputy back in the 1800’s who was shot pursuing someone. The department has been around since 1742. This is a slap in the face to all the cops killed in the line of duty. What a bunch of shit. She’s such a fake and a liar. Stop acting like your agency works the tough streets of NY
Chicago,or Baltimore. What a fraud she is.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I hope ()
Date: January 12, 2021 05:43PM

I hope the public defender chokes on a fishy bush hair

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: With you ()
Date: January 12, 2021 06:26PM

I am generally with you on Kincaid and her bunch but did he get Covid working that filthy fucking jail? Or dealing with inmates in general? To catch that shit doing your job qualifies to me.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: According to the ()
Date: January 12, 2021 06:31PM

public defender its the deputies fault there is Covid in the jail not the filthy drug addicted inmates

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: lawyers without morals ()
Date: January 12, 2021 11:57PM

So then we should blame the public defenders office for putting criminals back on the street to commit more crimes?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Lawyers without morals ()
Date: January 13, 2021 12:08AM

What’s sad is a deputy has just passed away and it hasn’t even been 24hrs since his passing. We got people on here so quick to point fingers and call people out. We just started to morn a loss and all you people can do is point fingers. Why don’t you have some class and give it a few days before we start pointing fingers.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Give me a break ()
Date: January 13, 2021 12:34AM

Why doesn’t Kincaid and her “command” ensure their deputies safety from this virus. It’s absolutely unconscionable that they have not ensured the safety of their staff to the point of one of them dying. Unbelievable she needs to go. By the way her ass isn’t anywhere close to being in that jail. On a side note this isn’t a line of duty death he died a month after falling ill from a flu like virus. It’s unfortunate he passed away but let’s not dramatize this like it’s Hill Street Blues. Rest In Peace but let’s not turn this into something that it isn’t and make it a dog and pony show. Kincaid just wants to get publicity to look like it’s a dangerous job. This wasn’t Sully station.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Think About It ()
Date: January 13, 2021 06:26PM

I agree with you about the leadership at the S.O.

But, Sgt. Cameron lost his life and the greater probability is that he got it from working in that filthy jail with those filthy inmates.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: ALFRED DEWS ()
Date: January 15, 2021 06:56AM


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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Got Damn ()
Date: January 16, 2021 12:42AM

The Fairfax Sheriff’s department creed.

“Honor, Courage, Service.”

A few definitions for my sports fans. Those that can’t count to twenty one.

Honor: regard with great respect. high respect; great esteem.

Courage: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.

Service: the action of helping or doing work for someone.


How about leadership? How about those that received pay leveling? Does a captain in the sheriffs department have the same responsibilities as those of a captain on the police department? Does a captain on the sheriffs department have the same responsibilities as a captain on the fire department. I think not.

A captain on the police department is expected to (among numerous other initiatives) formulate crime reduction initiatives that “may” reduce risk to residents. As well as ensure those under his responsibility are enforcing the law as is written by the general assembly.

A captain on the fire department is expected to ensure that those under his responsibility take ever possible action to prevent the loss of life. To order firefighters into harms way to ensure residents don’t become casualties.

A captain on the sheriffs department is responsible for ensuring that his subordinates are held to a much higher standard than him/herself. A captain on the sheriffs department does virtually nothing other than hand out discipline. Or peddle miss information in a manner intended to deter any subordinate from speaking out.

However, in some cases, it is acceptable for a captain in the sheriffs department to have intimate relations with a subordinate. As long as she is oblivious to socially unexpected norms.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Got Damn ()
Date: January 16, 2021 12:54AM


As long as she is oblivious to socially unacceptable norms.

CPC is cool with it. Blonde

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whor
Posted by: Why now ()
Date: January 16, 2021 01:38AM

It was so nice to see one of the chief deputies on my way in tonight. The fat faced chief deputy apparently collects his check, gives a head nod, and goes home.

I almost thought they cared about line staff until I looked at the approved overtime and saw that it was well below minimum staffing.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: They got theirs ()
Date: January 16, 2021 06:15AM

what did you expect?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I Know A lot ()
Date: January 16, 2021 11:35AM

@Got Damn you must be talking about Shabazz when he was a captain telling everyone in roll call to stop spreading the truth or as he labeled it rumors about Andariese and Timothy or whatever her name is banging
it out in the park while at least one of them was supposed to be at work. Shabazz is such a liar. And Shobe being the one with intimate relationship with subordinate, that shit for brains Tham that is actually sloppy seconds from abbate. Shobe is a sleazy one. He acts like a ladies man he’s a broken down old man from Va that thinks he’s from Florida. He’s got a faux tan from the tanning salon as well. He plays the tough guy u should have heard him crying like a bitch when pascarella shot him down. Playboy I think not.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Know some too ()
Date: January 16, 2021 04:17PM

You could get rid of a third of management there with no lapse in performance. The PFCs' carry the place.

"Gotdamm", "I know alot" are accurate in their postings. Keep the inside dirt coming, these people should be called out for their arrogance, nepotism and disgraceful behavior.

For the ones who have been overlooked, who work hard, thank you.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Go Fund Me ()
Date: January 17, 2021 06:41AM

Lets see how much these LEADERS are willing to pony up for one of MY TROOPS

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Soneone who knows ()
Date: January 17, 2021 01:58PM

Command staff will disappoint you. They only care about their self interest and do not care at all about the risky work conditions you are exposed to daily.

They will work in their low risk office or telework collecting a not so well deserved paycheck while watching fox news or oan.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: January 17, 2021 02:12PM

Those liberal scumbags watch the left wing media. Kincaid is so far up their ass in the left. Fake ass bitch. She was worthless as a deputy. Cried many a times while working post. Now she’s a tough woman what a joke.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Inappropriate conduct ()
Date: January 18, 2021 04:11PM

Capt and PFC, it is just wrong, improper in workplace (HR nightmare) plus the age difference. Gross. Is the PFC in question dumb or just pretending to be? If she was involved with the demoted SGT and then someone who is old enough to be her father then she has daddy issues and bad judgment. Two very creepy guys.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Bro ()
Date: January 18, 2021 07:31PM

Hey BRO I got you guys two ply toilet paper and this is the thanks I get?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Fairfax Citizen ()
Date: January 18, 2021 11:00PM

@ Inappropriate conduct. Tham is both dumb and pretending to be dumber then she is. Shobe is a disgrace he’s got a kid thats now all grownup that lives in Florida that he dipped out on and never saw or sees. He’s a deadbeat dad and he couldn’t even keep Kelli who I know for a fact used to be the squad mattress back in the day. Shobe parades Tham around he doesn’t even try to be discreet. It’s fraternization big time. Tham’s dad used to beat the crap out of her if she went out with guys when she was younger. She told me he slapped her across the face when she was going out with a guy he didn’t like. Tham thinks she can sleep her way up the ladder. As far as Abbate he should have been fired, period. He only kept his job because he’s the union president. Abbate had a inmate hang themselves on his post too. Kept his job then too. They had to change SOP’s because of his incompetence. He kept his job and a behavioral health staff member got fired over it. People have been fired for wayyy less then that at that place. It’s all about who you know. Ask Andariese (father and son) Popik, Timothy, M.Carter and the list goes on. You could write a book with what I know.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Inappropriate conduct ()
Date: January 19, 2021 07:24AM

I know alot too. For example - the union rep response to deadly incompetence - "you mean we can have the houseman do a check for us? ....ooops, back up to .....

Management solution - transfer and no more uouseman. Really? Houseman was the problem? I do not think so....

Meanwhile at the top...lets pose for more photo op pics. And the command staff keeps collecting checks while harassing the rank and file whi do the work, stroking the few they like or relatives who get the good positions and promotions.

That is how that place operates. Or as an infamous major says "lets conversate about it."

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Wondering about the death ()
Date: January 19, 2021 09:51PM

So what about the death that occurred at the jail on Monday?

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: brown car ()
Date: January 20, 2021 09:44AM

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Sheriff Teasle ()
Date: January 20, 2021 06:50PM

All of this and much more....all true by the way. Wait for more to come out. You will know it drops when Shazam is walking around in his Stevie Wonder shades.He will greet you hello while secretly wishing Allahs wrath upon you. Part of his rage is no longer eating pork ribs. Eat some in front of him and see what happens. He will want it so bad... kinda like Stace with cock.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Going back time ago ()
Date: January 21, 2021 10:24PM

Sorry to hear thet about Kelli. She was always nice to me and if that happened it must have before I was there. Cannot say a bad word about her but I know she was way too good for him.
He looks really old now.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Next Fairfax Sheriff ()
Date: January 22, 2021 09:16AM

@ Going back time ago. He is old. He’s a phony a fake tough guy a fake playboy. He looks like a burned out beach bum. Stop tanning !!! Think about it he was a 2nd Lt for more then 10 years. Now all of a sudden he’s made serious rank since Kincaid. He’s an ass kisser and a two face bitch that acts like he’s loyal to people then when he has the chance to show it he backs away like the true coward that he is. You should have seen him when a guy came into the jail for DUI who was dating Kelli after her and him were separated. He was up in Direct Supervision checking him out and asking questions. Sounds like an improperiaty? A captain going to check on an inmate that his ex wife is dating ? I’d say so. Oh and for the ones on here who won’t believe me ask and I’ll give you the guys name you can look him up at work and see I’m telling the truth. What a pathetic excuse for a leader and human being. He teaches that deescalation training... what a joke that is it’s got lesson material that encompasses a video scene played from the movie Roadhouse lol haha thats a serious training the sheriff hangs her hat on as being legitimate haha. He teaches it with that other phony Kim that guy is a real fraud. Never should have made SERT he a weak bitch. Got promoted by donating to Kincaid and getting her the Korean vote. He shouldn’t be a LT he’s always groping people and making ethnically insensitive comments to others.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: I know alot too ()
Date: January 22, 2021 10:21AM

Can confirm next fairfax sheriff's post. Been in that class and it is really bad. Roadhouse, really...what's next the Capt and his wench reebnacting the pottery wheel scene from ghost with her mold a phallic shaped pottery piece?

Witnessed the behaviors by the Capt through his ranks- he was in the hotel hospitality business before,,,translation desk clerk, bellboy...
And she tells her sob stories, plays ignorant and makes inappropriate sexual comments in workplace...guess she was a popular girl in the navy....comfort wench? Just a thought. Trying to win back daddy's affection. Who knows?
In the meantime, lets ignore the poor slobs working in the jail especially with newer more infectious covid strains headed our way.

You are very important to us, we value you....blah blah blah while we make fun of you in our offices... Capt E is among the worst .. total backstabber.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Thanks Snowflakes ()
Date: January 25, 2021 02:52PM

Gas prices up. Stock Market Down. First Week

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Come on now ()
Date: January 25, 2021 07:45PM

And a plan to get tid of thd pandemic. Trump's handling of the pandemic was criminal and indefensible.
Sure there may be some programs and directives we can all debate, hut at least he is in the hob working and not playing golf and openly deceiving us. Go back the last year and listen and see what he told us about the virus. Every single yime he dismissed it and at times mocked it. If you know domeone who died or is suffering and still have issues from this virus and if after that you think he behaved properly and responsibly, shame on you.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Get your facts straight ()
Date: January 26, 2021 11:28AM

Yeah asshole Biden and the liberal democrats like Kincaid and her cronies are gonna fix everything. Shut the fuck up.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Hey cum on ()
Date: January 26, 2021 03:08PM

Biden will fix us up when he opens up our borders and pays all the countries that hate us no to be mean to us.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Oh cum on ()
Date: January 26, 2021 03:23PM

How about Bidens 135 million campaign contributions received from the Chinese

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Clueless Dems ()
Date: January 26, 2021 07:24PM

How about the fact that guy can barely complete a sentence and has to be escorted of the stage by his wife every time. But “come on now” wouldn’t know that because the new they watch ask stupid questions like “what flavored milk shake did you get VP Biden?” That guy hid in his basement the whole time never explaining how he would fix things. Yet this tall glass of poop juice get elected. Goes to show you their are different standards and rules for certain political parties.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Tie breaker ()
Date: January 26, 2021 09:28PM

Republican here. Concerned about direction of country but Biden does seem more organized and professional than Trump.
Trump seemed reckless and lost because he ignored pandemic. Trump sounds like a drunk loudmouth bully. The party needs to get back to core republican values and not only be hate and fear mongers. The party was better pre-Trump years.
All they do is attack, I want to here policies and plans.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: He has a plan ()
Date: January 27, 2021 06:32AM

His plan is to swiftly destroy America as we know it

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Get your facts straight ()
Date: January 27, 2021 06:41AM

Tie breaker you are full of shit. You sound like a RINO which is worse than a liberal because they at least know What they believe you pander to people. So shut the hell up with your bullshit

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Tie breaker ()
Date: January 27, 2021 07:11AM

To Get your facts straight -
You sound like one of those rioters.
Brave online, not so much in-person.

What's the matter? Are you feeling upstaged because others are smarter and more successful than you? Wife not talking to you? Mad and yiu do not know why? Lookimg for scapegoats?

Do yourself a favor and read some books, listen ti alternate points of view and eat some vegetables. Facts are supported by evidence not by a pointbof view you want to believe.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Facts are this ()
Date: January 27, 2021 08:20AM

Biden is going to open up borders. Let in people from the East that hate America and is already giving handouts of cash to the rest of the world Hang on America it’s going back to Obama days

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Get your facts straight ()
Date: January 27, 2021 09:30AM

Tie breaker it sounds like you’re projecting about ur miserable life by how ur speaking to me u talk out of ur ass about Biden being more organized how? What the hell has he done? He’s signed 17 executive orders in his first 10 days u idiot because he knows he can’t get this garbage approved by Congress. I’m a tough guy online ? Really that’s funny I’d love to go toe to toe with u in a debate see how smart u really are. U make stupid comments with nothing to support them like Biden is more organized what’s the evidence? Btw not a rioter got way more important things to do. Typical RINO

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Tie breaker ()
Date: January 27, 2021 12:21PM

People using the term "rino" is just more of the Trump name calling bs. You project the same hate mongering mode as he did. Great for directing mob violsnce, not so good on setting up a working government that gets results.

Smaller government, less regulations, expanding business opportunities, smarter, efficient entitlement programs and above all protecting its' citizens. Those guidelines are what is needed in restoring this party. Not a bunxh of people running around shputung like they sre on an old Jerry Springer show.

The Democrats come across sometimes are well meaning but naive. Where is all thos money going to cime from? The last administration was "rino" and did not reflect core republican values.

What does the current party stand for besides division and outdated thinking? It us not 1950 anymore. The demographics are against us. You do not want to be known as the party of hate, white supremacy and racism. Do not let the other party be able to prove through the media coverage of the vocal fringe sects that is who republicans are. Do not portray the democrats as all being like AOC.

You may disagree and that is fine. I would like to support a party that is conservative and more open minded. We do not have that today with the party.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Get your facts straight ()
Date: January 27, 2021 01:53PM

Smaller government and less regulations is what you got under trump. Strong jobs numbers and strong foreign policy without war. Kept our allies from screwing us monetarily like they have for years with NATO. Trump decimated ISIS. Put tariffs on China to make trade and importing of their products into our market more even. Secured the border check the stats. You talk about republican values you are speaking in your words of typical democrat values. You say jerry springer look where you work that sheriffs office is Jerry Springer with Andariese and Timothy Kincaid, Shobe Abbate and the like all scandalous yet judgmental of others. Please spare me your morals. You buy into this racism and hate garbage that’s all said to discount trump supporters points of view and to not even listen to their stance and views on things. You believe in equality right ? That sheriffs office isn’t equality u and I both know the idiots that are in charge of stuff there that are only in those positions because they are a minority or a female. That’s racism and sexism you know the morons I’m referring to. Biden is a stooge he is giving this country away again to our allies our enemies everyone. FYI the dems are the racist party George Wallace? Segregation? LBJ ? The great society read about it while you working your post. Educate yourself.

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Re: Fairfax County Sheriff Kincaid the evil, back stabbing whore
Posted by: Sheriff Teasle ()
Date: January 27, 2021 03:13PM

You can try to change the subject but you know Kincaid and her group are worthless fucks!!!!!!!!!!!!

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