Darrin Lancaster, Fairfax Wrote:
> Time to get our priorities in order
> ON/131119434/1065/time-to-get-our-priorities-in-or
> der&template=fairfaxTimes
> [On Nov. 3], I attended the performance day for
> the Fairfax County Youth league cheerleaders. I
> was excited to see my daughters and the rest of
> their team display their talents. It was evident
> that the young ladies from throughout Fairfax
> County worked hard; they deserved the undivided
> attention of the crowd in attendance.
> As the afternoon progressed, I became extremely
> discouraged by the behavior that I witnessed from
> some of the adults in attendance. The public
> address announcer began to announce the scores of
> the NFL games that were in progress. In a moment
> of unfortunate timing, the crowd reacted to an
> announced score with a stream of “boos” as one
> of the cheerleading squads was taking the floor
> for their performance. The young cheerleaders did
> not hear what the PA announcer said, as they were
> focused on their team and their performance.
> However, those who were paying attention to the
> girls as they prepared for their performance could
> tell they definitely heard the “boos” as they
> entered the gym. After that team finished their
> performance I sought out the director of the youth
> league cheerleading commission. I explained what
> happened and what I had witnessed. I suggested she
> may want to stop the announcements of the NFL
> scores. I followed up by stating [that] the
> majority of the adults who were interested in the
> scores were most likely tracking the results on
> their phone or tablet devices. In full disclosure,
> the PA announcer did apologize for the unfortunate
> timing of the announcement. The regular updates on
> scores continued throughout the rest of the show.
> This moment was a glaring example of how
> self-absorbed and distracted adults have become.
> This day should have been spent focusing on and
> praising these young girls who have spent long
> hours practicing their detailed and difficult
> routines. Instead, a few of these girls were left
> wondering why they received a chorus of
> “boos,” rather than cheers for their efforts.
> It disturbed me to know that the family and
> friends who showed up to the event had more
> interest in the results of a contest which had no
> direct impact on their life and family. I
> mentioned earlier that the PA announcer apologized
> for the misunderstanding. He prefaced his apology
> by saying the doors were opened by the event staff
> too early and the girls entered the gym too early
> and should not have entered during his score
> update. I was shocked that in effect the girls
> were blamed for interrupting the football update.
> Our kids need to be given more of our attention on
> a daily basis. That day was the equivalent to a
> championship game for many of those girls, I feel
> terrible that a large number of them weren’t
> given the attention and support that they
> deserved.
> Darrin Lancaster, Fairfax
Does this have anything to do with high school football though?