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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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14 years ago
So how come the sun never sets on the British Empire?? Because God doesn't trust the Brits in the dark!
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
Really? Smith lets the f'ing snap slip through his hands? Skins suck so bad you almost wonder if they're throwing the game...
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
Anybody remember Thompson's Dairy Products? I was ruminating in another thread about how, in Vienna in the mid-60's, we used to receive both the Washington Post and the Evening Star daily. And we used to have a silver metal box on the front porch, in which Tompson's would place milk, butter, cream and anything else my mom ordered via a list left in the box. Sometime in the mid-60's, Thompson's
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
> Boswell is by far the best sports writer at WAPO, though. Not even close. +1. Wilbon was a good read though some of his racist rants could be a little hard to take. But there were times when he made you think a little. He got a little too Chicago-centric in has later years -- and he went to Northwestern btw. The sad thing is not so much that Wilbon's leaving the Post but what his depar
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
ITRADE Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > must be a republican conspiracy - keeping track of > dead peope and invading their rights to privacy. Naw it's the Dems...gotta put that Death Tax on 'em.
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