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13 years ago
Yea, Storen's probably going to represent the Nats, though Laynce Nix, their best hitter so far, may deserve to be the one. Speaking of All-Star games, when does Nats Park host one? We haven't had an all-star game since '69 and we have a sparkling stadium. C'mon MLB, give us the game!
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13 years ago
Danny Gatton. In the '70s, we used to go see Danny and Fat Boys at the Falls Church Community Center. RIP Danny!
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13 years ago
Nah, Maria never was hot. She's just one of those chicks who can only land a foreigner.
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13 years ago
Next thing you know they'll want a fuckin' waiver from Obamacare!
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13 years ago
WTF? I can't believe our society has sunk this low that they even make fucking tv shows out of paternity issues. And who the fuck are all those morons in the audience? And that is Maury Povich? What a scum bag! When I was a kid, he was the sports anchor on Channel 5 -- he seemed a decent sort back then. His dad was the highly-respected sports columnist for the Post, Shirley Povich, who, if
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13 years ago
They should have been released Sunday...all the dithering and hand-wringing earlier this week was stupid. They can't be any worse than all the fakes all over the internet. Hell, Obama should have been wearing one of your t-shirts while giving his victory speech!
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13 years ago
WashingTone-Locian Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > lordfairfax Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Nuff said... > > > What a crock of shit. I won't say that Bush > policies had nothing to do with this, but when the > rubber meets the road it was 95% Obama. > 95% either way is a crock. But Ob
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13 years ago
Nuff said...
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13 years ago
Body Thought to Be Ex-Playmate's Found in LA Home http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory?id=13515750 "The body appeared to have gone undiscovered for an unknown period of time — anywhere from several months to a year — and investigators weren't able to determine if it was the remains of a man or woman, Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter said." Then...and Now (well, not quite now). Year
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13 years ago
Gee you're so right...only Republicans look silly....
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13 years ago
WashingTone-Locian Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > WingNut Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > > > I don't think anyone believes Reagans speech > was > > as important as SDI. > > > > > The Soviet Union wasn't bankrupted by SDI. It was > bankrupted by Afghanistan. The stra
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13 years ago
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Can't we at least believe that maybe the > watrboarding softened him up a little bit and led > to a "more cooperative attitude" at a later time? > > I would like to think this to be a non-partisan > win-win. We'll never know what softened him I guess but in the end we got him and it feels damn good. Agre
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13 years ago
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > But you gotta serve credit where it's due. > > Thanks Obama for giving the go ahead for the > mission. > I'm no fan, and he's still wrong on spending/taxing issues, but BHO did the right thing here. You gotta give it to him. He could have taken the pussy way out and sent in the drones. That would h
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13 years ago
Now they're saying he didn't give up the names while being waterboarded but did so much later during "standard" interrogation. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110502/ap_on_re_us/us_bin_laden_hunt_for_bin_laden The revelation that intelligence gleaned from the CIA's so-called black sites helped kill bin Laden was seen as vindication for many intelligence officials who have been repeatedly investiga
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13 years ago
I've got a Deere JX75 walk-behind and an Deere LX lawn tractor with a 44" Piranha mulching deck. Both are about 14 years old and have been trouble-free other than routine maintenance -- both are USA-made. I think the JDs you get at HD are made elsewhere. Before the JX75, I had a Craftsman. That POS was hard to start and was in general a pain in the ass. One day I was mowing when the thing be
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13 years ago
Gonads & Strife Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- \> > I believe in securing our atmosphere. Look, we > either have a planet or we don't. Isn't it a Daily Planet?
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13 years ago
ThePackLeader Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > They'll cover your fingers with an orange > substance if you spook them while picking them up, > and the smell is a musty odor. So far they haven't > been as bad as last year, but who knows. We have > the Orkin dude spray our perimeter at least four > times a year, so that probably helps somewhat. >
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
WTF? They are all over the place! I figure in the fall they're just trying to get in for the winter. But for the last week or so, we've had 'em all through the house! This is the first spring we've had a problem. Can't believe these bastards over-wintered and are now trying to get out. Anybody else having issues?
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
She is a he??!!?? Well shit, that puts a different spin on it. No wonder those bitches were pissed off, what was he standing there taking a piss in the sink when they walked in? Not saying the beating was justified but they had a reason to be pissed.
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13 years ago
Marcus Aurelius Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Ever read The Enchiridion, by Epictetus, written > somewhere around 79 AD (i.e, 79 C.E., for you > anti-Christian types)? > You're a little off...this was written about 135 AD (refusing to use CE merely to accommodate PC godless communists). Pompeii, however, was destroyed in 79 AD. Perhaps the denize
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13 years ago
I drove my '66 Vette
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13 years ago
Johnny Walker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Under-go-rund. Pretty good description of this place if you ask me.
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13 years ago
mcsmack Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > This is what I mean. "Guys like him" The only > "guys like him" he knows stare back out of the > mirror at him every morning. Actually, there are 12 other guys like him: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren, James K Polk, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Rutherford B Hayes, Benjamin Harrison, William Ho
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13 years ago
Personally, I like the hoopla surrounding the Royals. Ahh, the British Empire. How come the sun never sets on the British Empire? Because God doesn't trust the Brits in the dark! So why hasn't the good Doctor weighed in on this thread?
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13 years ago
Caller ID hasn't put a stop to this? Can't you block individual numbers? God the stuff we used to do when we were kids, from the old "Is you refrigerator running? Better go catch it!" and "Do you have Prince Albert in a can? Better let him out!" has all gone by the wayside, thank goodness.
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13 years ago
Conie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > breakingnews Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > 69 > > > haha...that's so yesterday 68 and I'll owe you 1
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13 years ago
Plug it in and see if it mounts, it won't hurt anything either way. If it's formatted FAT32, it should mount if it's a recent version of OSX. If you have it formatted NTFS, then you'll likely need additional software on the Mac to mount it.
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13 years ago
PEnnsylvania 6-5000
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13 years ago
Bushisms Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > To be bush you really have to fuck shit up, pretty > hard for Obama to follow Bush. You've got it backwards, Obama has fucked shit up far more than Bush. Wait until Obamacare kicks in.
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