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13 years ago
Johnny Walker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Unions are good. ...between a man and a woman.
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13 years ago
All this does is reinforce how deceptive the left is. What a bunch of immature, lying morons. And Walker & Company will prevail on this issue; they have the votes. Kinda reminds you of the way Obamacare was rammed through huh? How do you like it?
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13 years ago
Hey, it's Saturday and you know what? WORKING people showed up in Madison to SUPPORT the budget balancing bill! Apparently, they can't just call in sick whenever they feel like somebody's about to stop the gravy train. Good for them! http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703407304576154951119807240.html?mod=WSJ_hp_LEFTTopStories
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13 years ago
eesh Wrote: > Low IQ people like you > shouldn't have the right to vote, that's all I was > saying. So you are in favor of poll tests to vote? Kind of 20th century, isn't it? How about only landowners vote? After all, they're the ones with a vested interest, right?
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
In the early 70s, one of our gang discovered a place near Dupont Circle called "Food for Thought". They had *dark Schlitz* by the pitcher and they did not card! We went there quite a few times. Then, we found a strip joint around the corner called Fireplace, also did not card. I'm sure the women were skanks but, to a 16-year old, any nude woman was incredible. One time, the waitress in there
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Let's not forget candidate Obama's avowal to "get" bin Laden. Must have been a lot of hope in that sentiment.
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13 years ago
Don't see how it's better for the US. On the other hand, it's better for Islamisists to think he's still among the faithful; he's been able to defy and elude the all-powerful US all these years. Naw, for us, he's better off dead.
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13 years ago
Hatemotor Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm not convinced that bastard is still alive,,,, Ya think? But could the news of his "martyrdom" be kept quiet?
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13 years ago
I don't know man, so you have 25% more than the rest of us? Seems like you ought to charge a premium to the sperm bank!
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13 years ago
What a bunch of bullshit. They haven't found him for ten years. If found now, a bullet to the brain is the only option. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110216/ap_on_re_us/us_congress_intelligence_gitmo
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13 years ago
It's not just about you. When you have kids, Time zooms by. You're there at birth, see them begin to walk and talk, coach them in sports, be their mentor in scouts, get them to church so they can make their own decisions, and the next thing you know you're teaching them to drive. My oldest is 28, recently married and the youngest is about to turn 21, a junior in college. I can recall their
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13 years ago
MrMephisto Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well, turn off your TV and avoid traveling to the > Middle East. That should help you avoid > exposure. > > I hate the sound of a vuvuzela, so I didn't watch > the World Cup and I stay out of South Africa. > It's really simple. Well, you are pretty simple. Clearly, nobody asked for your advice.
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13 years ago
MrMephisto Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > How dare those people have their own cultural > nuances! And how dare anybody criticize it, eh? Feeling a little PC today Mr? And, to my cultured ear, it's still a godawful noise!
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
It's fascinating to watch what's happening in Egypt -- at least until those Egyptian women start making that horrible ululation sound. WTF?? Is that supposed to drive camels away or something? Makes me want to throw my shoe through the TV.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Move along now. Nothing to see here.
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14 years ago
tomahawk Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > lordfairfax Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > what the hell is "anal bleaching"? > > > http://lmgtfy.com/?q=anal+bleaching I know, I know, I was just in shock at the thought of someone putting bleach up the tookus.
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14 years ago
what the hell is "anal bleaching"?
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14 years ago
Global Cooling Population Explosion Energy "Crisis" Hole in the ozone layer
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14 years ago
ferfux Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Those arent Motorcycles those are TRIKES. Sheesh. > not even the same skillz to drive them as a bike. Yep. Run down to Florida; they're all over the place. Geezers love 'em.
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14 years ago
Native Son Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I know some very nice people in Reston. > > Damn, that photo is scary, and that's before it starts moving! Jeezus...
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14 years ago
Got a squirrel once, same thing as No Deer, he was clear and then came back to get nailed. My at-the-time six-year-old son was in the car and cried. I felt really bad, not for the squirrel but for him. I've hit several birds too, once with the antenna. I couldn't believe the explosion of feathers from that hit. Nothing like a torso though.
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14 years ago
I too have had that thought but figure that since they once had a body they know what's natural.
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14 years ago
LordFairfax is a fag Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > hey lordfaggot....STFU. You sound like some old > grandmother bitch. Hahaha, so your grandmother uses terms like "motherfucker"? Do you tell her to STFU?
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
We've used Tyson's Tree for years and they're very professional. However, as with any firm, now may not not be the best time to get a reasonable quote. If you can wait a few weeks, you will find competitive rates. They do a great job.
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
I used to like Wendy until Kornheiser started raving about her. Something about his obsession just turned me off to Wendy. Besides, I bet Sue would back right up on that thang, so I'm going with Sue.
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14 years ago
zippy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Sorry man, I ditched my zipcar in vienna because > it ran out of gas. Fricken zipcar only left a > quarter tank of gas in it. I left the car in a > left hand turn lane and got one of the last rooms > left at the wolftrap motel. Once I got my room I > got a pizza and a 12 pack and laughed at all the >
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
lordfucktard Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The OP is a typical NOVA piece of shit, only > concerned with themselves and not a thought for > their fellow man. Fucktard, just wait til you need > some help or find yourself in a situation, you > will change your tune. Of course you are > double-blessed, you have power too. WTF? "only concerned
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
Good Call Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > @Captain Obvious > > Good call bro, next time I'm making my commute > home that usually takes 20 minutes and 1/3 tank > will make it home easily, I'll make sure to get a > full tank of gas before heading home in case it > takes 5 hours instead. I like your logic. Yea, like you didn't know what the fo
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
To you motherfuckers who abandoned your cars this afternoon/evening -- and you know who you are -- a hale and hearty "Fuck You"! Assholes! If only the county would impound each and every abandoned vehicle and require passing both an IQ test and a driving test before releasing it... ASSHOLES!
Forum: Fairfax County General
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