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13 years ago
Pinhead the Cenobite Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I have been wondering about this... > > There was an article stating that x percent of > Americans pay no income taxes. > > Are they saying that they pay nothing at tax time > or are they saying that they do not pay ANYTHING > to the U.S. treasury. They don't pay ANY federal taxes (the
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13 years ago
CPA Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > lordfairfax Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > CPA Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > You guys either a) don't understand the > > question > > > b) don't know how to do math or c) need a n
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13 years ago
CPA Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You guys either a) don't understand the question > b) don't know how to do math or c) need a new > accountant I'll go with a) -- this is why I have a CPA -- and maybe c) :-). I just figured what I paid, divided by what I made. But I mistakenly used the AGI; I guess I should have used taxable income. In that case, wh
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13 years ago
Interesting question. Ours ended up at 36.43% for income, payroll and property taxes -- 25.08% Fed, 5.56% went to the Commonwealth, the rest was SS, Medicare, real estate and personal property taxes on our combined income. Sales taxes are not included here, nor my business taxes, this is just out of personal income.
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13 years ago
mcsmack Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Bill N Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > For once you are writing something that I can > > agree with Mac. However your start date is too > > late. You need to go back to the early days of > > George W. Bush to find the true starting point > for >
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13 years ago
Hatemotor Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > lordfairfax Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Hatemotor Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > > > > > > > So you would rather make 30K or less and join > > the > > >
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13 years ago
Hatemotor Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > So you would rather make 30K or less and join the > poor? Try living off those type of bullshit wages > and see how much money is left to pay taxes,,, > Been there -- there's something called "class mobility". You can do it too if you work hard. > Your whining makes me want to vote for the &
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13 years ago
I gotta go with the '70s. You know she had a bush back then!
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13 years ago
Bill N Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > than the existing tax code. However most of these > plans will go nowhere, because most of the > complications that we taxpayers have to deal with > are there because we taxpayers want our individual > tax bills reduced. The furor of having to prepare > the return passes after a few days. The furor
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13 years ago
Conie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > eesh Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > What about women with really dry, sandpapery > > vaginas? Do they sell a pill that makes women > all > > wet? > > > No...they just have to find the right guy...:) LOL!
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13 years ago
Bill N Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Your lordship. Perhaps you hadn't noticed but AMT > used to only hit a very small number of people > when the rates were higher. Now that rates are > lower the differential between AMT and regular tax > isn't that great, and if you have alot of certain > types of deductions you will get hit. If you > s
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13 years ago
Just got our tax returns back from the accountant. That goddamned Alternative Minimum Tax kicked in (again!) and once again added thousands to our federal tax bill. All this bullshit about how the "rich" are able to escape taxes is just that -- bullshit. Only the "poor" escape taxes. My wife and I aren't "rich" but together we make a good buck and are comfortable. We would certainly get slamm
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13 years ago
Definitely hot enough. She looks like she'd be fun in the sack.
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13 years ago
Just sowing the seeds for future customers...good advertising, eh?
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13 years ago
Teh King Wrote: > sooo primitive but it was a beautiful automobile. Primitive is right, god, cars didn't change for decades under the skin. Makes 'em easy to restore though. But today's cars are so much better engineered -- as that video shows. Hell, today's cars are much better than those of 10 or 15 years ago.
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13 years ago
Teh King Wrote: > > Also, the '57 Bel Air was an ugly piece of shit. No, the '59 Bel Air was an ugly POS. The '57 is badass....
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13 years ago
Looks to me like the hood of the Bel Air was far less damaged. Check out that overhead view.
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13 years ago
Johnny Walker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I don't see how a well-regulated militia could > have done anything. She's a pretty well-regulated militia herself. Just ask Albert Franklin Hill.
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13 years ago
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Has Obumo helped improve America's image abroad > yet? Of course, he just shows off the Peace Prize.
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13 years ago
Yea, I think up to this point Obama has merely disappointed his base even though he managed to get Obamacare rammed through. But other promises, such as shutting down Gitmo or winding down Afghanistan haven't come to fruition (even though most of us knew he couldn't pull these promises off without doing real harm to the nation). Now, this Nobel Peace Prize-winning activist has decided to wage
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13 years ago
What about Obama??? C'mon, the man has a Nobel Peace Prize!
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13 years ago
Nice conversation piece for the living room though. Looks like it'd go with any decor.
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13 years ago
Previous post was a yawn, btw.
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13 years ago
Haven't been to an O's game since the Nats came to town. After the Senators left, it took me 10 years to bring myself to go to Memorial Stadium. I hated the O's as a kid because they always won and the Nats always lost. I do have a signed rookie Jim Palmer photo from the '66 World Series season -- it's signed Jim "Pancake" Palmer because he was pushing IHOP or one of those pancake joints.
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13 years ago
sumguy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ... But I never answer honestly. I usually go for crazy and > outlandish answers. ... Exactly. So all these posters here who quote polls showing Obama's ratings are going up or down are just blowing smoke.
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13 years ago
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It usaed to be you called 844 or 936 and then any > four numbers. I haven't called those shitty lines > in probably 20 years. > > Good idea, only a Luddite or a really old geezer > uses such as service anymore, and this will give > the geezers an excuse to call their families or > friends and probabl
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13 years ago
BigK Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I love my 2005 Vette. Yes I do enjoy it every > time I roll out of the garage. And, yes, the > ricers roll up and think they are bad. I don't > think so. The only thing that puts an even bigger > smile on my face is when I open the garage door > and see my 2005 Corvette sitting in MY garage next > to my
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13 years ago
Just got a telephone call from a pollster seeking my opinion on "national issues". I asked who was paying for the poll and she replied that she didn't know and that information could introduce bias anyway. I told her I wasn't interested and that was that. But that got me to thinking...who the hell responds to telephone polls anyway? I would think that a lot of folks, like me, value their pri
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13 years ago
I had a few skin tags to snip last year. On the day I decided to operate, I carefully laid out alcohol, swabs and some sharp nail scissors. Oh, and a nice bottle of Malbec. After polishing off the Malbec, I snipped away. No pain at all, just felt a little nip. There was some bleeding but it stopped readily enough. My wife couldn't watch; she's such a sissy sometimes. The operation was a
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