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Results 31 - 60 of 155
13 years ago
WashingTone-Locian Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm clucking my disapproval of wings being > considered a separate piece.... > > LOL at the video, you'd think they would have thrown in a token white folk or two.
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13 years ago
I think she's pretty hot, especially for her age. Check out those eyebrows, bet she's got a big bush.
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13 years ago
What the fuck is going on? How come jbass is going after the Bradsher family?
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13 years ago
Haven't seen his posts. Fuckwit as in "Don't fuckwit me"?
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13 years ago
Credit Rating Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > lordfairfax Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Fucking piefaces. > > Fuck you.. and now go empty your doublewide of all > "pieface" electronics.. dick head. > > Yes, there are being encouraged "to fight, hit" Haha, surely you meant "erectlonics", no?
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13 years ago
SoylentGreen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Radiophile Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Just what we need, another Govenor from Texas. > > > It's like deja vu all over again, right? > > LBJ still gives me the willies. Yeah, things are going so fucking good now, huh? Are you better off than
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13 years ago
Fucking piefaces.
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13 years ago
Fuck S&P. They weren't exactly stellar whilst rating mortgages a few years back. That said, this is clearly on Obama, Pelosi and Reid. If they hadn't spent the the first year of Obama's presidency ramming ObamaCare down our throats, we'd be in much better fiscal shape. The sooner this buffoon is out of office, the better.
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13 years ago
They already have one. You ever heard "Ohio" written by Neil Young and performed by CSNY?
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13 years ago
... Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Deal with it, windbag. > > Radiophile Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > dual citizen Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > Glad i hold dual citizenship and have an out. > > > > > &g
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13 years ago
Warhawk Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Is I-4 in Orlando running smoothly? How about the Kennedy Expwy in Chicago? I need to get from the Loop to Ohare...
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13 years ago
Does she even realize somebody is down there?
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13 years ago
Lol "Rocket" Clemens has thrown a fastball by 'em!
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13 years ago
Professor Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > And the guy complaining about too many taxes...you > wouldnt be saying that if you made a decent > living...people making over $200k dont pay half > the taxes you do. Ha ha ha, you must be a professor at NOVA...you sure don't make $200k, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
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13 years ago
Looks like he's lost a lot of weight...
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13 years ago
Bet she had a big bush...
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13 years ago
Jeezus Christ, both of those are fucking horrible. It's like someone donated excess instruments to the retard center.
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13 years ago
What a fucked up situation. You're right WTL, this town seems to totally fuck up anything that's starts to look good. Would it have hurt Rizzo to talk about the contract which, according to Riggleman, is all he asked for? Couldn't Rizzo have at least produced a reason why he couldn't fucking talk about the fucking contract? OTOH, you don't do it this way -- just proves you're thinking abo
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13 years ago
JBass Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > A man was sitting on a blanket at the beach. He > had no arms and no legs. > Three women were walking past and felt sorry for > the poor man. > > The first woman said ‘Have you ever had a > hug?’ > > The man said ‘No,’ so she gave him a hug and > walked on.
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13 years ago
ProVallone Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I guess a hand job is out of the question.. She could still do anal though. Are those hickeys on her neck?
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13 years ago
Saw a guy in a convertible, top down, with two gorgeous blondes in the car with him back in the '90s. His tag was apt...U12BME.
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13 years ago
Conie & Alias
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13 years ago
Mr. Misery Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > well, I think it's very hot. I like how she uses > the word "cock" over and over and over again. I > think if I had a wife, I would be into seeing her > suck another guy's cock. Is that bad? Not necessarily bad, but it's probably why you don't have a wife.
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13 years ago
Angry Person needs to have a towel snapped at them in the shower, just like the old days.
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13 years ago
Although I don't know if Conie is a he or a she, I think s/he's kinda cute. S/he's got my vote.
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13 years ago
I'll go with the latter, especially since I'd find it hard to believe that reporter never watched any of the OJ trial.
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13 years ago
Do these guys do anything but line their own pockets? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/24/members-of-congress-get-a_n_866387.html Members of the House of Representatives considerably outperform the stock market in their personal investments, according to a new academic study. A study of senators by the same team of researchers five years ago found members of the higher chamber even better
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13 years ago
Not only was the asshole with the camera following way too closely, he should have called the state police instead of recording just so he could post to Youtube and get his 15 seconds of fame. "OMG OMG OMG!!!". What a douche.
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13 years ago
Fucking bizarre. The one with the cast has a nice bush visible through her panties though. But who the fuck even makes that shit up these days? I could see something like that being something to see back in the 50s or 60s.
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13 years ago
Nixon would be considered a liberal today, Wage and price controls anybody? Establishing relations with a communist country? You think Obama could get away with any of that?
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