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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Leanne ()
Date: November 27, 2007 02:25PM

We are encourged to post by some of our teachers. It's none of your business.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Contra-Slander ()
Date: November 27, 2007 02:26PM

Spanky, Rest assured that you will not get a rise out of me, and I will absolutely not stoop to your level.

Students only post during the school day when they have free time. For example, many of these kids are in classes that involve computers such as computer graphics, yearbook, web design, etc. When you've finished your work there's nothing wrong with doing something else that's productive such as defending your school. I posted during my lunch period, and I'm now home.

Just a parent, I welcome you to send these to the school. I'm sure they would be proud to see how much we love it there.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Proud SL Senior ()
Date: November 27, 2007 02:29PM

Just a Parent Wrote:
> How can these kids post all day long, while at
> school. What kind of school is South Lakes, where
> kids are able to play on the internet all day? So
> much for their statements about this being a good
> school. This is a total joke. Parents will never
> send their children to this daycare center. Never.
> This is lunacy. I'm sending copies of these posts
> to South Lakes H.S. and to the county. No wonder
> this school has so many problems.

Thank you for the concern about wasting valuable educational time; however, I am currently at home due to some nasty cold going around. I can't speak for the other students, but rest assured that, at South Lakes, kids do not "play on the internet all day".

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Casual Observer ()
Date: November 27, 2007 02:30PM

Well Old Timer, I thought I had seen everything. Who knew that such things were happening at Oakton, what with all the sugar-coating going on by all kinds of Oakton parents posting here.

I'll make a deal with those Oakton parents. If they stop trying to paint entire student bodies with a broad brush based on the actions of a few, I'll try and do the same. I will save a copy of this article for my files, though, in case anyone ever asks.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Proud SL Senior ()
Date: November 27, 2007 02:31PM

Leanne Wrote:
> We are encourged to post by some of our teachers.
> It's none of your business.

I'd be careful what you say on here, Leanne. Some of the people on this forum are going to spin what you said into "teachers spend instructional time telling students what to say and how to say it". I know you have good intentions, but you might want to clarify.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Lee Parent ()
Date: November 27, 2007 02:33PM

Before anyone tells me this is none of my business-it is my business. Every student, parent and taxpayer in Fairfax County has a vested interest in the outcome of this boundary war. I am tired of the ugliness displayed on this board-mostly by Madison parents-GROW UP, GET A LIFE, YOU ARE TOXIC.

This problem exists because of FCPS incompetence. Jack Dale and his employees and The School Board are doing a lousy job on population projections-hire a competent outsider-please. You have a $2 billion dollar budget-throw a few thousand at a consultant and get it right. You have destroyed Hayfield and you have destroyed South Lakes with your failures. You have created this disaster-FIX IT.

Anyone who thinks because they buy a house they are not subject to change is either stupid or naive-or both. At any time the state can run an 8 lane highway thru your front yard if it benefits the community. Accept this fact and understand that a change in a school boundary is trivial-save your lawsuit-you don't have a prayer of winning.

Our schools need diversity. Our kids need to be educated in an enviroment where kids from all walks of life are represented. If you want to go to a school with a bunch of rich white kids send your kids to private school. My kids go to Lee and it is a GREAT school-not perfect-every school has issues-but a GREAT place for kids to experience high school. I symathize with the SL parents with all the bad mouthing that is going on about your school. Your kids sound great and you should be proud of them.

We need to strengthen SLHS and that means bringing in more kids-no way around that. I have not seen a lot of objection from Madison students-just the parents-I find that ironic. Sometimes our kids are smarter than we are.

This should be a lesson to all parents about being active in politics before things get to this point. You should be very angry at Jack Dale and The SB for failing to run our schools properly. Direct your anger constructively at those responsible and demand better leadership.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SubmissiveWiiRNot ()
Date: November 27, 2007 02:39PM

Thank you Lee Parent for the blast of sanity from outside and your supportive words. I do caution you; however, that I know of only one Madison parent posting here. The school is not involved in the study. Most parents, besides the ones defending SL, are from Oakton, Chantilly, and Westfield.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Lurker ()
Date: November 27, 2007 02:43PM

Meeting notes from Chantilly finally posted at http://www.fcps.edu/news/boundary.htm -- have not yet analyzed to see how accurate they are.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Cricket ()
Date: November 27, 2007 02:53PM

SubmissiveWiiRNot Wrote:
> I agree that you should all stick together,
> preferably outside. Bring signs and noisemakers,
> better yet, rotten produce. That will guarantee
> that your voices will not be included in the civil
> debates going on in the breakout groups and thus
> the discourse will be elevated significantly.

If the civil discourse you envision, is similar to what you have partaken here... then, HA! that's funny.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Clarifier ()
Date: November 27, 2007 02:55PM

To SLHS Supporters:

I think if you add up all the anti-South-Lakes voices on these 65 pages, they would amount to about a dozen. Some have no real stake in the boundary outcome -- probably trolls. Most of the issues they bring up are off the table in terms of what the School Board will be considering, so there is nothing really to be concerned about from these folks or their like-minded ilk in the community.

I know that SLHS is defending its reputation, and that's laudable. But it's like answering to people who want to know when you stopped beating your spouse, when you never did. Statistics show that about 28% of the population will never, ever change their minds based on facts, truth, or knowledge. They appear to be among the ones posting here.

However, there is a vast and silent group of parents in the areas close to South Lakes that are most likely to be affected that are supporters of the school, or at least are noncommittal (I've heard from dozens); they are mainly concerned that their kids remain with their communities and don't get split up. But because whole neighborhoods would be redistricted, kids wouldn't lose their sense of community.

In fact, as every kid older than elementary grade knows, it's pretty easy to maintain friendships and connections when you leave one school for another. Most kids have friends on sports teams, scouts, etc. that go to different schools. They IM, textmessage, Facebook, go to events, hang out together, etc.

I think a major concern of many adults is that THEY have so little time to forge community relationships, which often are tied to their kids' lives, that they don't want to "start over" with a new high school. That's understandable, but they should be reassured that they'd maintain their connections to anyone in their neighborhoods and anyone they cared about before, and SLHS will welcome them with the usual openness it welcomes everyone. Parents will find their circles of friends EXPANDING. Kids already know this will happen because it did when they went from elementary to middle to high school. In fact, when parents consider it, that's what happened to them as well -- I have friends from all NINE different Fairfax County public schools that my three kids have attended.

So calm and steady does it.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Cricket ()
Date: November 27, 2007 02:56PM

Leanne Wrote:
> We are encourged to post by some of our teachers.
> It's none of your business.

Sure is our business. We pay your teachers' salaries and I don't think posting to the underground is on the curriculum.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: nappy ()
Date: November 27, 2007 02:57PM

SL Students,

I would be interested to know what your proposed solution to this problem is. You have the most to benefit (maybe) from this.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Just A Parent ()
Date: November 27, 2007 02:59PM


I think you need a new pair of glasses. What I have witnessed has been an all-out attack by the South Lakes community, ridiculing every person who disagrees with the redistricting plan, calling them every possible name. They are encouraging their own children to post and even now the teachers at the school are letting kids post here.

All day, children from South Lakes have been monopolizing this forum, encouraged by their own school and parents. This is ridiculous. I am sickened by this manipulation of children. South Lakes' reputation as a ruff, gang ridden school is getting stronger each day.

I am filing a complaint with the county protesting this carnival atmosphere at South Lakes. Those kids should be at least trying to learn something, instead of playing all day. How dare that school waste taxpayers hard earned money? I know alot of the parents there don't make enough money to pay taxes, and that only makes the waste more insulting.

This is sickening.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Leanne ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:07PM

Look, I don't need your permission to post here. Nobody tells me what to say. We are allowed to post if we don't have anything better to do.

We just want more students who want to be here. Once everybody gets over it they will like it.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Cricket ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:09PM

Just A Parent Wrote:
> LeeParent
> I think you need a new pair of glasses. What I
> have witnessed has been an all-out attack by the
> South Lakes community, ridiculing every person who
> disagrees with the redistricting plan, calling
> them every possible name. They are encouraging
> their own children to post and even now the
> teachers at the school are letting kids post here.
> All day, children from South Lakes have been
> monopolizing this forum, encouraged by their own
> school and parents. This is ridiculous. I am
> sickened by this manipulation of children. South
> Lakes' reputation as a ruff, gang ridden school is
> getting stronger each day.
> I am filing a complaint with the county protesting
> this carnival atmosphere at South Lakes. Those
> kids should be at least trying to learn something,
> instead of playing all day. How dare that school
> waste taxpayers hard earned money? I know alot of
> the parents there don't make enough money to pay
> taxes, and that only makes the waste more
> insulting.
> This is sickening.

Yes, let's see if Bruce stands behind these sniffling kids splattering germs on their keyboards at home in honor of their school's reputation.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Lee Parent ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:16PM

The South Lakes students have every right to both protect their school's reputation and to fight to strengthen their school. I think it is refreshing to see students participate in a democratic process-they are learning a great deal. I do hope that they are not missing out on classroom instruction.

South Lakes has problems that all schools have-drugs, alcohol, violence, drop-outs, etc. I have spent hundreds of hours analyzing data from FCPS and am probably one of the more knowledgeable posters on the subject. For example, if you are relying on the School Safety Report Card data for info on SLHS or any other school you are wasting your time. The data is corrupt and it is not audited by anyone. Believe me, I have asked. No principal wants their school to be branded as unsafe so ALL school underreport incidents. A poster cited a WAPO article that ran last year on Oakton HS's security staff and the discipline problems. At the end of the article, the security officer was shocked that a week had gone by without a fight or a suspension. There are 181 school days (36 weeks) and Oakton reported 6 fights for the 2005-06 school year. Somthing does not add up.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Proud SL Senior ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:20PM

Cricket Wrote:
> Yes, let's see if Bruce stands behind these
> sniffling kids splattering germs on their
> keyboards at home in honor of their school's
> reputation.

What!?! This is ludicrous! First of all, count the number of students who posted during school hours. Then notice their reasoning... 1) spending personal lunch time on the forum, or 2) the child is not at school due to sickness. What could Mr. Butler possibly say about a kid posting on a public forum?

More importantly, stop with the "manipulation of the children". No teacher or authority figure has ever told me about this site or to post on it. I am here because I CARE about my school. Wow, what a concept! Young people caring about issues that affect them?? Golly wolly!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Clarifier ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:22PM


From the FCPS's recently adopted Student Achievement Goals (verbatim):

All students will understand and model the important attributes that people must have to contribute to an effective and productive community and the common good of all. Students will:
3.1. Know and practice the duties, responsibilities, and rights of citizenship in a democratic society.
3.2. Be respectful and contributing participants in their school, community, country, and world.
3.3. Understand the purpose, role, and means of interaction with the different levels of government.

Go SLHS students! You are, indeed, practicing your responsibilities as citizens of this community!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Muse ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:28PM

Just A Parent Wrote:
> LeeParent
> I think you need a new pair of glasses. What I
> have witnessed has been an all-out attack by the
> South Lakes community, ridiculing every person who
> disagrees with the redistricting plan, calling
> them every possible name. They are encouraging
> their own children to post and even now the
> teachers at the school are letting kids post here.
> All day, children from South Lakes have been
> monopolizing this forum, encouraged by their own
> school and parents. This is ridiculous. I am
> sickened by this manipulation of children. South
> Lakes' reputation as a ruff, gang ridden school is
> getting stronger each day.
> I am filing a complaint with the county protesting
> this carnival atmosphere at South Lakes. Those
> kids should be at least trying to learn something,
> instead of playing all day. How dare that school
> waste taxpayers hard earned money? I know alot of
> the parents there don't make enough money to pay
> taxes, and that only makes the waste more
> insulting.
> This is sickening.

I think you should go back several pages and review the posts made by South Lakes parents and students, and those of ant-redistricting folks. You might change your mind regarding the nature and source of attacks.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Clarifier ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:28PM

Also, here is the FCPS mission statement:

Fairfax County Public Schools, a world-class school system, inspires, enables, and empowers students to meet high academic standards, lead ethical lives, and demonstrate responsible citizenship.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Old Timer ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:32PM

Muse Wrote:
> I think you should go back several pages and
> review the posts made by South Lakes parents and
> students, and those of ant-redistricting folks.
> You might change your mind regarding the nature
> and source of attacks.

Just A Parent - please include these examples -

Here is an excellent one from "Spanky" an adult - or so she says -

"And yes, you did waste four years of your life at South Lakes. My children should have gone there, but unlike your parents, I was concerned about my children's education and sent them to private school. And no, you aren't pimps, you are the hos. Your parents are the pimps."

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:33PM

Suggestion to the good people of South Lakes,

Your posts are way too long. Kids, I thought you had a good IB program at that swanky school of yours. Parents, can't you stop typing once in a while and take in some air? Shorten those posts. You could collectively win the award for posts with the most redundant content ....in the history of all internet forums.

Here's a hint. After you write out your long post, go back and cut out about 75%. That should help. And, then our eyes won't start 'glossing over'. I almost fell sleep trying to read a few, earlier today.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SubmissiveWiiRNot ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:36PM

Thank you, Clarifier. I too am proud of our students and the positive roles they are playing here. In fact, their posts by and large, with the exception of a few emotional slips, have been models of civility and decorum. Sadly, some adults posting here could learn a thing or two from them.

Why are there so many parents affronted by their posts? The can only infer that they are being effective, and for that they are being ridiculed and abused.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SubmissiveWiiRNot ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:40PM

BirdLover Wrote:
> Suggestion to the good people of South Lakes,
> Your posts are way too long. Kids, I thought you
> had a good IB program at that swanky school of
> yours. Parents, can't you stop typing once in a
> while and take in some air? Shorten those posts.
> You could collectively win the award for posts
> with the most redundant content ....in the history
> of all internet forums.

Didn't you just take up bandwidth by reposting a non-sourced blog about gang activity at South Lakes? You wasted space by posting twice. If your eyes glaze over while reading the South Lakes posts, then perhaps it is because you are not capable of absorbing more than sound-bite sized data at one sitting. You may want to ask VADriver to shorten his posts too, and while you are at it, your Nurse Ratched post was a little winded.
> Here's a hint. After you write out your long
> post, go back and cut out about 75%. That should
> help. And, then our eyes won't start 'glossing
> over'. I almost fell sleep trying to read a few,
> earlier today.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: JF920 ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:45PM


I applaud the number of South Lakes students I've observed defending their school. Both online and at the boundary meetings, students have unified-not to attack, simply to defend slander of the school they know and love.

Interesting to me that it is largely parents in uproar over the redistricting, and that I see very few students from other schools affected posting on their own behalf.

Note that I say few. There have been students who represent these schools scattered over this board-for this activism, I (mostly) applaud them. Perhaps not the reasoning, but it does show that Fairfax County has produced a generation able to construct an opinion.

Perhaps they should be introduced to the IB Program?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Clarifier ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:46PM

This is amusing. Someone wrote:

"After you write out your long post, go back and cut out about 75%. That should help. And, then our eyes won't start 'glossing over'. I almost fell sleep trying to read a few, earlier today."

One thing kids do at SLHS is a lot of reading, synthesizing, and analysis. It comes pretty easy to them after awhile.

Just couldn't help pointing that out. ;-)

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SubmissiveWiiRNot ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:54PM

fcps parent Wrote:
> you sl parents are pathetic... no wonder no one
> wants to send their kids to your school

Another gem of a post from an anti-redistricting parent. So who's attacking whom?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: spanky ()
Date: November 27, 2007 03:59PM

The SL students must be able to get TOK credit for posting (I mean being pimped) on this forum. Looks like we have our 2 or 3 IB diploma candidates right here!

I (like the SL parents) am just swelling with pride.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SL Student N ()
Date: November 27, 2007 05:16PM

This truly is getting nowhere-noone's minds are being changed and this is all pointless blabber. Whatever South Lakes says, is immediately contradicted by someone (in a bad way-most of the time) and anything another parent from another says is downright despicable and you should be ashamed of yourselves. (Except in some cases-where the posts have been quite mature and I respect the parents who stick to good morals).

Birdlover, you seem to have so much time reading all of these posts and making such smart, witty remarks. I'm surprised you haven't gotten further in life than sitting on your computer all day long making ridiculous accusations against anything and everything ANYONE says. Well, now you're being called out. Go save an endangered bird, or with all that time, take your kids out of Oakton, and home-school them. Often times children are nothing like their parents, but if your children are, i'm sure most would be quite relieved to see them gone.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: teh hax ()
Date: November 27, 2007 05:25PM

i just stole all of your identities.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SueBonnetSue ()
Date: November 28, 2007 04:08AM

>>>We are allowed to post if we don't have anything better to do.<<<

That's just the problem, you SHOULD have something better to do.

How many TJ kids post here? None. They ALL have something better to do. They're too busy with school work to be here.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SueBonnetSue ()
Date: November 28, 2007 04:11AM

>>>Fairfax County Public Schools, a world-class school system, inspires, enables, and empowers students to meet high academic standards, lead ethical lives, and demonstrate responsible citizenship.<<<<

Hahahaha......how dopey is that?! If they had their noses in any higher in the air, they'd drown if it rained. I wonder how many of those 14,000 staff people it took to write that meaningless dribble?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SueBonnetSue ()
Date: November 28, 2007 04:14AM

>>>One thing kids do at SLHS is a lot of reading, synthesizing, and analysis.<<<

What a shame that it doesn't help them to write a cogent sentence, much less an entire paragraph. Perhaps they need to cut back on the synthesizing, and random contemplation of nothing, and learn some grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SueBonnetSue ()
Date: November 28, 2007 04:19AM

Lee parent said:
>>>No principal wants their school to be branded as unsafe so ALL school underreport incidents<<<

Oh my goodness, are you saying that South Lakes is even WORSE than what the statistics show? Lordy, no wonder no one wants their kids to go there.

Thanks for alerting us to this fact!

Oh, btw, for someone who is so tuned in, I know that you would want to know that only 37 Madison students are even involved in this boundary thing. Most students go to Westfield or Oakton or Chantilly who will get sent to South Lakes. That's whose parents are here.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SueBonnetSue ()
Date: November 28, 2007 04:23AM

>>>the child is not at school due to sickness.<<<

Young man, does your mama know you pretended to be sick so you could camp on the computer all day? Get your butt to school! Or we call your mama AND your Mr.Butler!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: VaDriver ()
Date: November 28, 2007 07:41AM

teh hax Wrote:
> i just stole all of your identities.

Well,Well,"teh hax", whomever you are....it seems you were successful causing the Fairfax Underground to shut down until this morning. Great job!

In case you hadn't noticed this is a free site, no advertising. The Fairfax Underground, as an entity, has taken no position in the redistricting/busing plan.

Two volunteers give their own time and money to keep the site up and running. You screwed them....whatever you did..."stealing identities"????

Way to go.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fcps parent ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:52AM

SubmissiveWiiRNot Wrote:
> fcps parent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > they can not acces websites like this.
> >
> >
> > you sl parents are pathetic... no wonder no one
> > wants to send their kids to your school
> Since you seem duty-bound to correct the grammar
> and spelling of South Lakes students too, try
> yours first. Cannot is one word, not two. BTW, I
> can attest that every one of the 'students'
> posting is indeed a student. It must be
> unnerving, though, to know that there are students
> out there who are smarter than you, and and that
> they just may attend....South Lakes!

nonsense. They can't post from school, the web is filtered in FCPS... the kids don't have unlimited access to websites.

you can attest that they're students?

seriously, woman... do you honestly think that your word, the word of a grown woman who poses as a child on a message board has any credibility?

as for a SL student being smarter than me... well, honey, that comment says more about you and your petty childishness than it does about me.

honestly, I feel sorry for your kids....

the attitude that SL parents have shown here just gives people another reason not to want to be a part of the SLHS community.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: fcps parent ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:58AM

Proud SL Senior Wrote:
> FXC Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The filters on the FCPS computers DO have
> filters
> > and this site would be blocked. These are not
> > students from FCPS posting here. They are
> either
> > children not in school or parents posing as
> > children. Either way, this is ridiculous.
> You are mistaken. This site is NOT blocked...
> Certain sites (social networking, chat rooms,
> inappropriate sites such as porn, etc) are
> filtered. This site is obviously not one of them
> and therefore is not blocked.

I am not mistaken.

This is a CHAT ROOM and a social networking site

This site is blocked

why don't you call the school and see for yourself.

I've lived in Fairfax for 10 years, it never ceases to amaze me how many adults here behave as though they've never left high school.

seriously, what a bunch of petty, vindictive, immature losers.

all you SLers are having a temper tantrum

why don't you all grow up.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Padre ()
Date: November 28, 2007 09:39AM

fcps parent Wrote:
> Proud SL Senior Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > FXC Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > The filters on the FCPS computers DO have
> > filters
> > > and this site would be blocked. These are not
> > > students from FCPS posting here. They are
> > either
> > > children not in school or parents posing as
> > > children. Either way, this is ridiculous.
> >
> > You are mistaken. This site is NOT blocked...
> > Certain sites (social networking, chat rooms,
> > inappropriate sites such as porn, etc) are
> > filtered. This site is obviously not one of
> them
> > and therefore is not blocked.
> I am not mistaken.
> This is a CHAT ROOM and a social networking site
> This site is blocked
> why don't you call the school and see for
> yourself.
> I've lived in Fairfax for 10 years, it never
> ceases to amaze me how many adults here behave as
> though they've never left high school.
> seriously, what a bunch of petty, vindictive,
> immature losers.
> all you SLers are having a temper tantrum
> why don't you all grow up.

Put a sock in it, please.

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Re: high school redistricting
Date: November 28, 2007 10:02AM

"Interesting to me that it is largely parents in uproar over the redistricting, and that I see very few students from other schools affected posting on their own behalf. "

I think the reason there aren't a lot of Oakton, Westfield, and Chantilly students posting here is that the students already in those high schools probably expect to remain there. Generally people aren't criticizing their schools, so they might not feel compelled to be so actively involved, at least not to the extent of posting here. I won't speculate that they are too busy with their school work to have the time available...

Parents like me who have younger kids who are more likely to be affected are more motivated to engage.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SubmissiveWiiRNot ()
Date: November 28, 2007 11:04AM

foxmill/carson/oakton parent Wrote:
I won't
> speculate that they are too busy with their school
> work to have the time available...

Please don't. I think the SL kids have proven to be very level-headed and thoughtful in their posts. It is very apparent from reading them that they have given the subject a lot of thought and that they love their school.
> Parents like me who have younger kids who are more
> likely to be affected are more motivated to
> engage.

I agree that you should be motivated, but if you are redistricted, you can bring that same motivation wherever you end up. You are one of the most receptive parents I have seen posting here recently. Some have not been very pleasant and have slung a lot of mud at the South Lakes community. Frankly, as an adult, I can take it, and I see that our kids seem to be taking it in stride, too. I hope that we have at least demonstrated that we are a community of caring parents and students and that any student coming to the school likely would be just fine.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: LHPARENT ()
Date: November 28, 2007 11:06AM

Well said :)

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Re: high school redistricting
Date: November 28, 2007 11:11AM

SubmissiveWiiRNot Wrote:
> foxmill/carson/oakton parent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------

> > Parents like me who have younger kids who are
> more
> > likely to be affected are more motivated to
> > engage.
> I agree that you should be motivated, but if you
> are redistricted, you can bring that same
> motivation wherever you end up. You are one of
> the most receptive parents I have seen posting
> here recently. Some have not been very pleasant
> and have slung a lot of mud at the South Lakes
> community. Frankly, as an adult, I can take it,
> and I see that our kids seem to be taking it in
> stride, too. I hope that we have at least
> demonstrated that we are a community of caring
> parents and students and that any student coming
> to the school likely would be just fine.

Yes, that's probably true. It's just that I already have a kid at Oakton and I have an 8th grader who also wants to go to Oakton. If that doesn't work out and he goes to SL, I'm sure he'll be fine. However, that's not what he wants right now, and I'm still not convinved that IB is the right program for him. I don't see this as a all good/all bad situation, but on balance, I'd have to say that I'd prefer to stay with the current boundaries and find another way to improve SL, if it needs to be improved.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: kRAZyBUTK0ol ()
Date: November 28, 2007 11:40AM

Just A Parent Wrote:
> LeeParent
> I think you need a new pair of glasses. What I
> have witnessed has been an all-out attack by the
> South Lakes community, ridiculing every person who
> disagrees with the redistricting plan, calling
> them every possible name. They are encouraging
> their own children to post and even now the
> teachers at the school are letting kids post here.
> All day, children from South Lakes have been
> monopolizing this forum, encouraged by their own
> school and parents. This is ridiculous. I am
> sickened by this manipulation of children. South
> Lakes' reputation as a ruff, gang ridden school is
> getting stronger each day.
> I am filing a complaint with the county protesting
> this carnival atmosphere at South Lakes. Those
> kids should be at least trying to learn something,
> instead of playing all day. How dare that school
> waste taxpayers hard earned money? I know alot of
> the parents there don't make enough money to pay
> taxes, and that only makes the waste more
> insulting.
> This is sickening.

MAYBE you need a pair of new glasses because if you haven't been reading for the past 65 pages people have been saying incorrect, naive,and unsensible things about South Lakes. The only thing South Lakes supporters have been doing is sticking up for there school.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: VaDriver ()
Date: November 28, 2007 12:59PM

November 27,2007
South Lakes High School classes begin at 7:20 AM,

Katy (Student)posts at 8:03AM

Stephanie(Student) posts at 8:11AM

SLHS (Student)posts at 8:22AM

SLHS (Student) 10:42

Emily's Lil Bro( Special Student) at 8:58AM …“Auntie Neen will kill you if she ever finds out that you got a thing for that Seahawks boy“

Leanne (Innocent Student) 11:09AM “At SLHS, we have access to the Internet, so we can post here or look at MySpace or YouTube or other things. We have a right to be herd“

SLParent (SL Parent)11:21AM
Kate, Warren, Steph, Roya, Jeff and Caroline - “I would like to compliment all of you on your postings. Thank you for defending your school.
I know all of you and you are great students!

Staced (Student) 11:40AM

Exodus (Parent?.. Or at least attesting to the posters being students)11:52AM
You can't handle the truth , but the Seahawks kids can't be stifled....sorry. Nice try.

SubmissiveWiiRNot ( Parent) 12:08PM
I can attest that every one of the 'students' posting is indeed a student. there are students out there who are smarter than you, and that they just may attend....South Lakes!

SLHS Contra-Slander (Student) 12:26PM
The fact that the students have the ability to write eloquently is not a basis to accuse us of being parents. By the way, I'm at lunch right now, so no need to attack me.

jockrot (Special Student) 12:26PM
Here I am posting right now so who does that parent think she is anyway -the police. She knows notheing about SL and thanks we are smarter than that witch.

Proud SL Senior (At home sick student) 12:44PM
I would like to say is that the students who have been speaking up and defending our school are legitimate students, I personally know almost all of them.
As far as students posting during the school day, it is possible that they are in lunch, study hall, the media center, or another place with the internet

SLParent (Parent) 01:10PM
I am for real and so are these kids. I don't care if you believe my post or not. It was to encourage the SL kids that are well spoken and have a voice in the process.

SLHS Contra-Slander (Student) 01:16PM
I am now in the IB program

Proud SL Senior (At home sick student)01:18PM
I have received an excellent education

SLHS Contra-Slander (Student) 01:29PM
I have never witnessed anything that could even be considered gang activity

Proud SL Senior (still at home sick student) 01:32PM

Leanne (student) 1:49PM

Proud SL Senior (still at home sick student) 02:05PM
You are mistaken. This site is NOT blocked... Certain sites (social networking, chat rooms, inappropriate sites such as porn, etc) are filtered. This site is obviously not one of them and therefore is not blocked.

SubmissiveWiiRNot ( Parent) 2:15PM
To All Seahawks Posting Here:
Do keep up the good posts

Leanne (student )2:25PM
We are encourged to post by some of our teachers. It's none of your business.

Proud SL Senior 02:31PM
I'd be careful what you say on here, Leanne. Some of the people on this forum are going to spin what you said into "teachers spend instructional time telling students what to say and how to say it". I know you have good intentions, but you might want to clarify.

teh hax (Student or parent????) 05:25PM
i just stole all of your identities

Fairfax Underground shuts down for minimum of 11 hours. WOW!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2007 01:05PM by VaDriver.

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Re: high school redistricting
Date: November 28, 2007 01:14PM

"Dear anonymous citizen - Thanks for your message and questions. I
personally do not advocate that anyone use cyber posts such as the
"underground" because one never knows who is who and what is real; they
also foster the morally vacant opportunity for people of all ages to
attack others without personal accountability for their statements
Obviously no one at SLHS or at any school in our area advocates that
student use instructional time to send blog postings. If you think this
issue is unique to SLHS than you are mis-informed. Every high school in
FCPS struggles with a set of very bright and tech savvy students that
desire to use technology resources for their own interests as opposed to
those of their instructors. What kids do while home sick I have little
influence over...
...Your message tonight is the first I have heard
about this concern. Is it possible that several of my 120 teachers told
their students (who had finished their work) that they could continue to
work on computers? Yes it is. Is it possible that when teachers see kids
typing and composing that they may not know that it is in response to a
blog question? Yes it is. Is it possible that a very caring and
professional teacher would permit a student to respond to a fair
question about their school? Yes it is possible, especially in light of
the inaccurate and racist invective that has surfaced in the last month
from adults that have never set foot in our building. Have I asked
students to do so? I never have and never will.
My guess is that the postings are coming from classes that are
technology driven in which students spend the entire 90 minute block on
a computer...I do thank you for letting me know that some kids are responding to the blogs at inappropriate times. I will do everything I can to prevent this
beginning tomorrow."
Bruce Butler
South Lakes High School

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SubmissiveWiiRNot ()
Date: November 28, 2007 01:20PM

So, VaDriver, are you saying that some tech-savvy Oakton, Westfield, Madison Island, or Chantilly student or parent shut down the site so that the SL/Students couldn't be heard?

That makes sense. Perhaps you are correct! Or perhaps you need to don your tinfoil hat.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: November 28, 2007 01:41PM

So, Class, what did we learn, yesterday?

1. Many 'students' from South Lakes High School were freely posting to this message board.

2. Their so-called parents, or guardians, provided encouragement with high-fives and standing ovations. One of them, Submissive, actually re-enacts a Bible scene, when dressed up as Moses and standing tall on his rocks, he delivers, "The 13 Rules for Posting at Message Boards while in School." Bravo!

3. Many non-SouthLakes parents were critical of the blatant misuse of school time and school equipment. Protests were met with boos and jeers from both students and their guardians, alike.

4. In the middle of the ruckus, while the students and their parents were rushing the field, dosing themselves with beer and screaming to the critics, "We are so proud of us, we are so brilliant, we have high IQs, really, we do," the stadium suddenly crashes to the ground.

Silence ensued.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SubmissiveWiiRNot ()
Date: November 28, 2007 01:56PM

SubmissiveWiiRNot Wrote:
> To All Seahawks Posting Here:
> Don't post during valuable class time.

So Birdlover, did I advocate posting during class time? And I second the Padre, you still aren't funny.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Padre ()
Date: November 28, 2007 01:59PM

BirdLover Wrote:
> So, Class, what did we learn, yesterday?
> 1. Many 'students' from South Lakes High School
> were freely posting to this message board.
> 2. Their so-called parents, or guardians, provided
> encouragement with high-fives and standing
> ovations. One of them, Submissive, actually
> re-enacts a Bible scene, when dressed up as Moses
> and standing tall on his rocks, he delivers, "The
> 13 Rules for Posting at Message Boards while in
> School." Bravo!
> 3. Many non-SouthLakes parents were critical of
> the blatant misuse of school time and school
> equipment. Protests were met with boos and jeers
> from both students and their guardians, alike.
> 4. In the middle of the ruckus, while the students
> and their parents were rushing the field, dosing
> themselves with beer and screaming to the critics,
> "We are so proud of us, we are so brilliant, we
> have high IQs, really, we do," the stadium
> suddenly crashes to the ground.
> Silence ensued.

December 3, 2007, 7:30 pm at Westfield High School. Don't forget, please.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: The Real Mr. Butler ()
Date: November 28, 2007 02:03PM

The parent or student who is posing as the principal of South Lakes High School needs to cease and desist. This is unacceptable conduct and you are doing a disservice to our school. Parents, you are not helping when you lower yourselves to that of a child. What kind of example are you for your children and our school.

Whoever impersonated me should have known I would never have written that tripe.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: FXC ()
Date: November 28, 2007 02:03PM

To all FCPS Students,

I am in contact with Mr. Butler, and I assure you, we will be enforcing the contractual agreement "Acceptable Use Policy" for Internet access. This continued misuse will not be tolerated.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: nappy ()
Date: November 28, 2007 02:28PM

SL Students,
I posted this question yesterday, but it may have become lost in the fray of personal attacks. I'd be interested to know what ideas you have with respect to the underenrollment issue at your school.

What solution(s) would you propose?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Muse ()
Date: November 28, 2007 03:07PM

FXC Wrote:
> The filters on the FCPS computers DO have filters
> and this site would be blocked. These are not
> students from FCPS posting here. They are either
> children not in school or parents posing as
> children. Either way, this is ridiculous.

Today FXC writes:

>Posted by: FXC (IP Logged)
>Date: November 28, 2007 02:03PM

>To all FCPS Students,

>I am in contact with Mr. Butler, and I assure you, we will be enforcing the >contractual agreement "Acceptable Use Policy" for Internet access. This continued >misuse will not be tolerated.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Padre ()
Date: November 28, 2007 03:15PM

Muse Wrote:
> Yesterday
> FXC Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The filters on the FCPS computers DO have
> filters
> > and this site would be blocked. These are not
> > students from FCPS posting here. They are
> either
> > children not in school or parents posing as
> > children. Either way, this is ridiculous.
> Today FXC writes:
> >Posted by: FXC (IP Logged)
> >Date: November 28, 2007 02:03PM
> >To all FCPS Students,
> >I am in contact with Mr. Butler, and I assure
> you, we will be enforcing the >contractual
> agreement "Acceptable Use Policy" for Internet
> access. This continued >misuse will not be
> tolerated.

This was BirdLover, almost certainly.

And note that BirdLover tried to slime:

1. SLHS Parents and adults b/c there was no way the kids were posting.

2. SLHS kids for posting.

3. SLHS administrators and teachers for allowing the kids to post.

More shameless twirping from the Bird....

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Madison ()
Date: November 28, 2007 03:43PM

I go to SL and I posted a while back, but there’s something I don’t understand. When a SL student makes a single grammar error, four or five people immediately jump to correct them and point out how their IB classes must not have taught them to write. However, when a SL student writes a well written piece with no mistakes, everyone on the site assumes that there is no way possible a SL student could have written that. Also has anyone reprimanded “Emily”? She has more mistakes than all of the SL posts combined and no one has said anything.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: November 28, 2007 04:04PM

Concerned Rachel Carson Parent Wrote:
> ... Can you direct
> me to the documents that say that Langley is being
> expanded because the other schools are full? I
> thought it had something to do with targeting
> school populations at 2000 students. Of course
> the stated reason is not the likely reason. ...
Page 19, FY 2008-12 CIP (availble online)
"FY 2008-12 Capital Improvement Program
Projects with Approved Bonds (Funded)
New Construction - Langley High School
enrollment currently exceeds capacity by 182
students and is projected to exceed capacity by
148 students in 2011-12. Currently, nine
temporary classroom trailers are used to
accommodate excess enrollment. Adjacent high
schools are operating at or above capacity, thus
boundary adjustments to relieve this
overcrowding are not possible. Site constraints
prohibit the use of a modular addition.
Construction of a 10-room permanent addition,
funded in the 2003 Bond Referendum, will
provide a maximum of 250 additional student
spaces to relieve overcrowding at Langley."

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: dancergirl09 ()
Date: November 28, 2007 04:18PM

Dear South Lakes Dancers and South Lakes Parents,

Could we perhaps have a "Stepping" competition to settle the issue once and for all? You can still copy the dance moves you see on MTV, and we'll maybe check out "Stomp the Yard" for some suggestions. Loser stops whining.

An Avid Stepper

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SL2010 ()
Date: November 28, 2007 04:46PM

South Lakes Sucks? South Lakes Sucks? South Lakes Sucks?
Bravo (clapping)
Well conducted argument.

In my opinion SLHS is one of the greatest schools in Fairfax county because it prepares our students for the outside world. By this PARENTS I mean that, in the outside world, there are people of many races, and if you guys are afraid to send your kids to schools with people with different ethnic backgrounds, then how are you guys going to prepare your kids for college or jobs? For example, when your kid goes to college and his or her dorm room partner is from Albania or Yugoslavia, imagine what your kid would think of them, just because they are “DIFFERENT.”

When it came down to graduate from the 8th grade from Langston Hughes Middle School my parents gave me the choice to either go to a school in a different district or go to South Lakes. Although there wasn’t much controversy going on, my parents did not want me to go to South Lakes because many other parents did not want their kids going to South Lakes enough to make a whole crowd appearance question their decision. There are other schools private and public which parents drive their kids everyday rather than having them take the bus to South Lakes which is down the street. They do this because, (as a close friend of mine said) they think it is a “gangster” school. Now I am more than delighted with myself for picking South Lakes. I would say I have made friends with people from all over the world and I am so happy that I have met them.

Just think about that parents……

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Curious George ()
Date: November 28, 2007 04:52PM

SL2010, I have a question for you, please don't bite my head off I just am curious IF SLHS is as good as all are saying (I am not sure one way or another) WHY WOULD YOUR PARENTS AND SO MANY OTHERS IN the SLHS district not wan thier kids to go there?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: taxpayer ()
Date: November 28, 2007 04:55PM

SL2010 Wrote:
...There are
> other schools private and public which parents
> drive their kids everyday rather than having them
> take the bus to South Lakes which is down the
> street. They do this because, (as a close friend
> of mine said) they think it is a “gangster”
> school...

FCPS should be compiling numbers of students in boundary for the South Lakes Pyramid who are attending private school. It should also be developing numbers on Hughes in conjunction with this boundary process. Perhaps students need to point this out to staff and discuss the issue. They should have numbers on private school students since they might return to FCPS.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: m ()
Date: November 28, 2007 04:59PM


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SL2010 ()
Date: November 28, 2007 05:01PM

Curious George, like I said parents THINK it is a "gangster" school, when really it is not. It is a regular school with regular people.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Sharpie ()
Date: November 28, 2007 05:07PM

Two slhs students were caught buying drugs (coke) at Oakton HS a year ago.

slhs a ganster school and Oakton? well aokton a drug cartel!

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SL2010 ()
Date: November 28, 2007 05:08PM

Oh and curious george you made a spelling error. Now you're thinking to yourself why don't the SL parents go nuts, like the other schools parents do. You now why; it's because we are more civilized than you guys and we are not going to make a big deal of a spelling error.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: VaDriver ()
Date: November 28, 2007 05:41PM

SL2010 Wrote:
There are other schools private and public which parents drive their kids everyday rather than having them take the bus to South Lakes which is down the
street. They do this because, (as a close friend of mine said) they think it is a “gangster” school...
Taxpayer wrote:
FCPS should be compiling numbers of students in boundary for the South Lakes Pyramid who are attending private school. It should also be developing numbers on Hughes in conjunction with this boundary process. Perhaps students need to
point this out to staff and discuss the issue. They should have numbers on private school students since they might return to FCPS.

SL2010, Thank you for contibuting.

Taxpayer, FCPS should be compiling but are they? I've been unable to locate numbers on the website. I recall over the years filling out a County form which, I believe questioned how many school aged children you (the resident) have and how many you intend to send to a FCPS. So, these records should be available??? I guess another FOIA request might do it.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: November 28, 2007 05:47PM

I hear drugs are cheaper than Oakton at Marshall and Chantilly.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: November 28, 2007 05:56PM

Submissive, with voice cracking, still hoarse after cheering for the truants, asks, rather meekly, "So Birdlover, did I advocate posting during class time?" Yes.

The Padre, who continues to remind the bird... "you are not funny, you are pitiful, you're painfully unfunny, you whine, you are shameless," etc., now insists she is "FXC".

OK, Inspector, I give up. Here's my confession.

I am also Muse, Contra-Slander, Neen, Proud SL Senior, Mr. Butler, VA Driver, Leanne, Spanky, Stephanie and Casual Observer.

Actually, Padre, I'm most of the people here.

Guess what, I'm also you. Yes, I am the real SLHS Padre. Right now I'm sitting in my hammock, wearing my brand new sombrero, enjoying an ice cold Corona, toking on a fine Cuban cigar, while typing to this forum.

In a little while, I'll change into my Casual Observer costume and start posting liberal, politically correct mush. Watch for me.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Padre ()
Date: November 28, 2007 06:01PM

That contained elements disturbingly close to funny.....don't develop a funny bone before next week.

PS: You might want to drop the Spanky schtick.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SubmissiveWiiRNot ()
Date: November 28, 2007 06:05PM

SubmissiveWiiRNot Wrote:
> SubmissiveWiiRNot Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > To All Seahawks Posting Here:
> >
> >
> >
> > Don't post during valuable class time.
> >
> >
Dear Bird, I post with a voice clear as a bell: What part of "Don't post during valuable class time" do you not understand?
> So Birdlover, did I advocate posting during class
> time? And I second the Padre, you still aren't
> funny.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Forum Reader ()
Date: November 28, 2007 06:47PM

Someone asked me to post some data on dropout rates at the various high schools around South Lakes.

It must be noted that FCPS only counts as dropouts the decrease in a particular grade from September to the following June. The below numbers show the FOUR year decrease in a particular grade (e.g., “Class of 2007”) from September of their freshman year to June of their senior year for the last four years. All data are from the “Membership” numbers posted on the FCPS website.

There are many reasons behind these numbers and leaving before graduation is not necessarily “bad.” However, some may find it significant that, for whatever reason, about eighteen percent of Herndon and South Lakes freshmen probably won’t be there to graduate, while at the other high schools in the current boundary discussion that number is closer to five percent.

It should also be noted that in the Class of 2007 the loss rate at Oakton and South Lakes were almost the same, Chantilly was very low, and Herndon very high. I am not trying to explain these numbers, only to let everyone know what they are.

Chantilly Sep FR Jun SR Loss
Class of 2007 639 637 0.31%
Class of 2006 605 576 4.79%
Class of 2005 599 569 5.01%
Class of 2004 554 494 10.83%
Total / Average 2397 2276 5.05%

Herndon Sep FR Jun SR Loss
Class of 2007 569 441 22.50%
Class of 2006 572 473 17.31%
Class of 2005 579 470 18.83%
Class of 2004 567 487 14.11%
Total / Average 2287 1871 18.19%

Langley Sep FR Jun SR Loss
Class of 2007 463 436 5.83%
Class of 2006 460 432 6.09%
Class of 2005 467 459 1.71%
Class of 2004 439 424 3.42%
Total / Average 1829 1751 4.26%

Madison Sep FR Jun SR Loss
Class of 2007 458 441 3.71%
Class of 2006 410 388 5.37%
Class of 2005 420 380 9.52%
Class of 2004 347 324 6.63%
Total / Average 1635 1533 6.24%

Oakton Sep FR Jun SR Loss
Class of 2007 555 490 11.71%
Class of 2006 520 498 4.23%
Class of 2005 524 504 3.82%
Class of 2004 481 492 -2.29%
Total / Average 2080 1984 4.62%

South Lakes Sep FR Jun SR Loss
Class of 2007 349 308 11.75%
Class of 2006 369 300 18.70%
Class of 2005 358 291 18.72%
Class of 2004 416 334 19.71%
Total / Average 1492 1233 17.36%

Westfield Sep FR Jun SR Loss
Class of 2007 713 679 4.77%
Class of 2006 700 654 6.57%
Class of 2005 667 622 6.75%
Class of 2004 639 598 6.42%
Total / Average 2719 2553 6.11%

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: stop_racism ()
Date: November 28, 2007 06:50PM

many of these comments about SLHS are so untrue it's unbelievable. i know this, i go there.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2007 07:16PM by stop_racism.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Leanne ()
Date: November 28, 2007 07:12PM

I will answer the question a while back about what the students want.
Uhm a little respect would be a good start. After that we need more students to fill up the school. Personally I don't care who or what kind. A racially mixed group would be best, because that's what we are and we don't want to change that. And then you can leave us alone.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: stop_racism ()
Date: November 28, 2007 07:14PM

being an african american the racial comments i've seen on here are very offensive. i don't understand why people are so scared of diversity, and i don't know how people can have so much hate towards SLHS because of it...diversity is a good thing! i wish parents & students could understand that they're not at all keeping there kids safe, like they think they are, they're really restraining them from something they'll need or wish they knew about later on in life. there is more than just 1 race in the world you know, & i think people should except that & stop treating other ethnic groups as if they're these scary & non-accepted people. Our diversity is what makes SOUTH LAKES school so special. & its so very sad how some people are hiding behind unsure info because they don't want to admit they're RACIST.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Lee Parent ()
Date: November 28, 2007 07:25PM

The Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee (MSAOC) has produced a dropout report that dear old FCPS is sitting on-it is positively scathing. Hopefully it will give per school breakdowns. Once again, most data coming out of FCPS is unreliable-they like to put on a happy face.

There has been a lot written about distorted drop out data nationwide. They are working on a nationalized formula so we have apples to apples comparison. I hate to be the one to break it to all but I assure you this rebalancing is not just about filling empty seats-the county is and should be concerned about racial balance as well. Look at the demographics on the schools here:

Madison has a 74% White population-highest in FCPS-The Island folks are definitely going to SL.

Oakton has 67% White -only 11% Black/Latino.

South Lakes is only 46% White- 36% Black/Latino.

Compare these numbers to schools like Stuart HS (26% White), Annandale HS (31% White).

We need to rebalance our schools. The SB has allowed the weaker schools to get weaker and done nothing about it for years-it is time for serious catch-up work.

Do the math guys-this isn't rocket science.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: stop_racism ()
Date: November 28, 2007 07:31PM

im so sorry that so many parents and students are totally misinformed about SLHS.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2007 07:34PM by stop_racism.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Lee Parent ()
Date: November 28, 2007 07:41PM

I am a parent. I have kids at Lee High School which is a very diverse school. I think all of our schools should be diverse-not just a few, as it is now. NCLB has changed the way the education game is played, my friend. Schools are now ACCOUNTABLE for educating the kids-a concept unfamiliar to them just a few years ago. Standards now require that schools make AYP in all areas. The Minority Achievement Gaps are positively deplorable nationwide and within our school system. There is absolutely no reason why Blacks and Latinos should underperform their White counterparts on tests by 30 and 40 percentage points. Schools are desperate to make goals and a reshuffling of populations and resources is the only way they are going to make AYPs.

I deplore schools with 74% White populations-that is inexcusable in our school system. We are depriving these kids of a quality education by isolating them. Just look at resources and funds-we have the haves and the have not schools and it is getting worse every year.

This is a crisis.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Lee Parent ()
Date: November 28, 2007 07:48PM

I am a parent. I have kids at Lee High School which is a very diverse school. I think all of our schools should be diverse-not just a few, as it is now. NCLB has changed the way the education game is played, my friend. Schools are now ACCOUNTABLE for educating the kids-a concept unfamiliar to them just a few years ago. Standards now require that schools make AYP in all areas. The Minority Achievement Gaps are positively deplorable nationwide and within our school system. There is absolutely no reason why Blacks and Latinos should underperform their White counterparts on tests by 30 and 40 percentage points. Schools are desperate to make goals and a reshuffling of populations and resources is the only way they are going to make AYPs.

I despise schools with 74% White populations-that is inexcusable in our school system. We are depriving these kids of a quality educational environment by isolating them. Just look at resources and funds-we have the haves and the have not schools and it is getting worse every year.

This is a crisis.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Oakton Parent ()
Date: November 28, 2007 07:48PM

Boundary change options are online at fcps.edu now.

Brief synopsis:

option 1: mcnair and part of floris split between herndon and south lakes
oak hill to westfield

option 2: mcnair split between herndon and south lakes
madison island to south lakes
fox mill to south lakes
oak hill to oakton

option 3: same as option 2 except navy to oakton instead of oak hill

option 4: aldrin & armstong to south lakes
part of mcnair and floris to herndon
madison island to south lakes
oak hill to westfield

Any preferences?

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Contra-Slander ()
Date: November 28, 2007 07:50PM

Thank you, Lee Parent, for the breath of fresh air.

I am so sick of being attacked and ridiculed simply because I am a South Lakes student defending my school.

Let's continue to focus on the real issues, shall we?

If you have any legitimate questions that aren't disrespectful, I would be happy to answer them. Please extend to us the same common courtesy you would like to receive.
We aren't here to convince you that your kids should go to South Lakes, but rather to prove to you that it's not a bad school. Please attempt to understand this.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: slpumpitup ()
Date: November 28, 2007 07:50PM


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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HokieFan42 ()
Date: November 28, 2007 07:53PM

Lee Parent:

You deplore schools with 74% White population? That would be understandable if all races had equal percentages in America's population. Unfortunetly for your argument, America, on average is 73.9% white, 12.4% black, 4.4% asian, 14.8% hispanic, .8% American Indian, and .1% Native Hawaiian. Therefore, the fact that one of our high schools is only 74% white is commendable! It means that is almost exactly on par with national percentages. Your logic is fallacious.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Hayfield Parent ()
Date: November 28, 2007 07:55PM

Hear Hear Lee Parent,

I agree, as a parent at another diverse community school. Where it is possible I see nothing wrong with adjusting the populations to better use the resources as well as a diverse population. I do think it can go overboard and we should not go to extraordinary lengths to bus kids in the name of diversity, however a shift here and there of a mile or two on boundaries is not to much to ask. Besides I think the parents who are afraid of having there kids go to school with kids that are not like them may just be surprised at how they get along. We grew up at a different time and I believe kids get along better then we did at their age. I know Lee is a good school and the families love it, Hayfield is much like Lee is now. Maybe if the western school zones were more like our areas things would get better amoung all of us.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HokieFan42 ()
Date: November 28, 2007 07:57PM

Furthermore, following your flawed argument, you should be less worried about the lack of black people at other schools (since they follow purely statistical measurements) and more worried about the lack of whites and asians at south lakes, seeing as how South Lakes is actually the school going against the racial statistics of America.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SL2008 ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:04PM

Why should we be worried about the lack of whites and asians exactly? Because we go against the norm?

Explain, please.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: nah ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:04PM

Madison is not a high school for the entire country. It is a high school for Fairfax County and should therefore strive to represent the county's statistics. Not the country's.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: reston ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:13PM

SL students,

I commend you on defending our school. As an alumni, I know the profound effect my experiences at South Lakes have had on my life and you should know that you have good things coming once you graduate. Don't worry about those who continue to post falsehoods about our school. You know the truth. Rational people will listen to you. Those who post here and ridicule you are already set in their ways and as Friedrich Nietzsche once said, "convictions are a greater enemy to truth than lies." You can dispell the lies but you cannot change their minds. Good luck to you all.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: headsup ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:14PM

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Reston Forever ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:17PM

Yes, Option 4 is the best of the bunch.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Lee Parent ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:17PM


National stats are irrelevant here. Schools within FC need to reflect the changing population within our county. There is too much disparity between our schools. Just look at Annandale/Woodson-neighboring school districts-huge disparity in racial mix/test scores, etc. The SB and Dale (if he ever decided to demonstrate any leadership) need to ensure that all of our schools succeed-not just a few.

I applaud the SL kids for defending their school-my kids would do the same for Lee-we would tell these parents who insult our school to go pound sand. But you have to look at the data. SL has some issues (as do many schools) low participation rates in IB for minorities, performance gaps, drop out rates, etc. You need to do more than fill empty seats-you need to strengthen your school-so everyone there gets a better education.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: BirdLover ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:19PM


The Bird is not Proud SL Senior.

The Bird, if pretending to be a H.S. student, would never write this:

"As I read through snippets of the forum, I am outraged....." or, this:

"It's because of people........outside their comfort zone."

The above sounds too much like a middle aged liberal. They're always outraged and they love comfort zones, whatever they are.

And, I wouldn't write this:

"I am currently home due to some nasty cold...." or this:

"Golly wolly."

Sounds too much like an old fart.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: SLHS Contra-Slander ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:29PM

Bird, no one honestly thinks that you are posing as a SL student. Don't make broad generalizations. You don't have to be middle-aged to be liberal. Young people are just as capable of having political opinions. There's nothing wrong with that, or having an open-mind. Your political preference is not an aspect of this debate. (Please don't turn this into an all-out political debate as that's not the purpose of this forum.)

Anyways, arguing over who's who is getting us nowhere. Could you please start to focus on the real issues please instead of bringing up this nonsense? Initiating these petty arguments isn't going to get us anywhere. We all need to begin demonstrating the highest level of maturity, adults included.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Stephanie ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:29PM

My post today is perhaps a bit different then those of which I normally might write about. Today I would like to turn my attention towards the students of South Lakes, my peers, and most importantly the greatest and most organized group of young adults who have displayed levels of pride I have never before seen in my life. My message to you is to keep up the work. I know sometimes it can be difficult standing strong against an army that is not only more experienced in life but also larger. It is absolutly ridiculous that they feel it is neccesary to trash the names of others, simply because they are from the opposing side.
And my last piece of advice is do NOT retaliate. This above all else is what they want. I'm sure many of these posters are simply waiting for a South Lakes student to become over-heated and belittle another poster from their side. Unforutnatly for them, they have not realized that we know their strategy. We know they truly have no concrete or solid proof that South Lakes is a bad school. Their attacks about drugs and alcohol are ridiculous, and they know that incidents involving these substances occur at every school, and that the subject is not valid enough to present to a school board as to evidence regarding why their children should be permitted to stay at their present school.
We, as a student body, have come to know about the absolutly ludicrous rumors and false facts that have circled about this board. Don't worry about them, because when the school board meets to discuss the subject of redistricting they will have no solid or concrete evidence to back up these absurd statements.
And as for what they insist as poor academics and mediocre athletic programs; we do have a defense. WE have evidence to prove the contrary regarding our academics and it is known that many South Lakes students have been recruited by colleges and ventured off to promising athletic careers.
So please SL students, don't worry to much about this. When it comes time and the schoolboard wants to redistrict it will happen. Although I do not understand their reasons as to why they detest our school to such a large degree I can tell you this. There is absolutly nothing more that these parents would love then to show up at the next redistricting meeting with a printed list of the posts in which SL students have written that might show a side of anger. And remember it won't matter what they said to you first, because as they have already done so before, they will use these posts and simply "spin" it to their advantage.
Don't let them achieve this goal. We are a fantastic school and most of all a family at South Lakes. We have accomplished many amazing goals, and we have always come to aid of others in need, wether it be a student of South Lakes in Fight For A Seahawk, or another area that is in crisis, Invisible Children. I can not even begin to express my level of pride in everyone that has posted and truly represented the Seahawks. EVERYONE has done an amazing job! I know many of you know this, but I thought we might let the other side see that we are smart kids and that we've noticed a thing or to ourselves.

- A SLHS Student

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: teh hax ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:30PM

i toldz you all i hav hax
maybe you listen next tymez

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Hayfield Parent ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:36PM

I have no dog in this fight other than a taxpayer wanting to see the FCPS use resources wisely. Why doe Westfields even losing population in all these options. Seems to me they are losing students in the out years. Should they be gaining students to utilize the capacity. Seems like a shift from Centreville to Westfield is needed. just wondering

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Erjon08 ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:37PM

hahahha Birdlover you amaze me because personally, I think a person that does not give their name is a coward. But thats not the point. The point is that you parents still haven't grown up yet. You Oakton parents are great role models for your kids. The way you tell them to be rascist is just wonderful. Actually, I go to South Lakes and I love it. I came from Yorktown, which is a 90% WHITE SCHOOL and I saw nothing but drugs around the school. But, still I do not see Oakton as that. We, South Lakes students, will welcome Oakton kids because we do not think like that. We appreciate everyone that comes. But you guys see colors. You guys dont see people for who they are but instead you see colors. I am pretty sure Birdlover that your kid, whoever he or she is hangs out with kids that I am sure of do drugs. In statistics, Oakton is the 2nd biggest drug school. As one person told parents, "Watch your children. Talk to your children. Don't assume that you know them." In other words, you be careful about your kids instead of our school. And instead of you deciding for your child, let your child actually come to our school for one day and see the wonderful people we have there. Thank you and please at least pretend to GROW UP.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: JaZZy Jeff ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:37PM

dancergirl09 Wrote:
> Dear South Lakes Dancers and South Lakes Parents,
> Could we perhaps have a "Stepping" competition to
> settle the issue once and for all? You can still
> copy the dance moves you see on MTV, and we'll
> maybe check out "Stomp the Yard" for some
> suggestions. Loser stops whining.
> Love,
> An Avid Stepper
Hey, Im totally up for a battle. And i don't need moves from MTV im creative enough to make up my own dances.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: Erjon08 ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:40PM

Mr. Butler,

You are very right. These parents still act like kids. They need to learn how to grow up. I agree with you 100%.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: JaZZy Jeff ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:42PM

Curious George Wrote:
> SL2010, I have a question for you, please don't
> bite my head off I just am curious IF SLHS is as
> good as all are saying (I am not sure one way or
> OTHERS IN the SLHS district not wan thier kids to
> go there?
Because all the other parents are feeding on false rumors that they feel justify their beliefs that south likes is a bad school. And their afraid of our NON EXISTANT gangs and their voilence.

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Re: high school redistricting
Posted by: HokieFan42 ()
Date: November 28, 2007 08:49PM

Lee Parent:

Ok, your right, lets not try to be representative of America. Here is the race breakdown for Fairfax County.

-72 percent were White alone;
-9 percent were Black or African American;
-less than 0.5 percent were American Indian and Alaska Native;
-16 percent were Asian;
-less than 0.5 percent were Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander,
-Twelve percent were Hispanic.

Therefore, Oakton is STILL closer in truly representing the percentages of the actual county. It is South Lakes that diverges from those percentages. Therefore your argument that we are not racially diverse enough does not make sense. Can you please explain how we are going to make every school have a larger percentage of minorities when they aren't even in the county to begin with?

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