okthenreallyok Wrote:
> Facts4U Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Face the facts... Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > More guns only means more death and mayhem.
> > Every
> > > single gun is a threat to public safety. We
> > need
> > > to follow Japan's example.
> >
> >
> > Suicide rate (per 100,000 people)
> >
> > Japan 19.5
> > U.S. 12.6
> ok then.
That's a cherry picked list of mostly European and Asian countries with relatively homogeneous populations and low historical rates of violence to begin with which leaves off lots of other countries with a much higher rate of gun homicide than the US.
And in the US about 3/4 of gun homicides are young black males aged 15-24 associated with gangs, drugs and other criminal activity located in mostly all in urban locations shooting each other with largely all illegal guns.

Over half of which are concentrated in a relatively few cities.
Even within those cities, violence is further concentrated in smaller neighborhood areas that saw two or more gun homicide incidents in a single year, a total of about 1,200 neighborhood census tracts, which would fit into an area of just 42 square miles.
Baltimore Gun Homicides / Baltimore Gun Homicides with Percent Black Overlay

Chicago Gun Homicides / Chicago Gun Homicides with Percent Black Overlay

Move those same areas as they are to Japan and see how that works out. Remove those areas from US counts and the US numbers are roughly in line the rest of your list above.
And you don't need guns to kill people. The overall US homicide rate is much lower than many other countries many of which ban personal ownership of firearms.