Everytown claims 100 gun deaths per day, for the uneducated liberal that equals 36,500 a year. On the face of it, this seems high. Exactly 100 a day is too convenient a number to not be suspect, and Everytown is a bloomberg anti freedom group that we all know lies to make things look worse than they are in order to fit their political agenda. The FBI claims far less. The FBI numbers for 2017 are 10,982 gun murders. Notice also the words used. The FBI tracks murders, where Everytown tracks deaths. This is important because in 2013 when bloomberg released its annual list of shooting victims it had the Tsarnaev brothers on it. Which leads me to this...
a summary; "A preliminary analysis of the list of shooting “victims” New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s group Mayors Against Illegal Guns is reading at rallies for new gun control laws finds that one in 12 are crime suspects killed by police or armed citizens acting in self-defense."
A murder means an illegal use of firearms. Counting deaths is also counting legal uses of firearms. If the bloomberg financed groups were honest with us they wouldn't count legal uses.
The FBI 2017 numbers...
Note the difference between columns 3 and 4. Then there is this information from the FBI....
the tool used to commit murder, Murders, 2016
a summary;
Rifles: 374
Handguns: 7105
Cutting Intruments: 1604
Blunt Objects: 472
Hands, feet, fists: 656
Hands and feet are used to kill more people every year than rifles by almost twice the rate. That's all rifles, not just an AR15. The standard AR15 is so dangerous it is against the law to hunt deer with one in the state of Virginia. Liberals want to ban an item that is the least used to commit murder while claiming it's about gun control, not people control. One of the items that was on Clinton assault weapons ban was bayonet lugs. I am unable to find any information on murders committed with a mounted bayonet. Which brings me to this point, according to the FBI and DOJ, the Clinton assault weapons ban had no measurable effect on crime rates. Yet libtards want it reinstated with no regards to the cost(odd how libtardz don't care what something costs the tax payer until Trump wants to secure the border).
The top 12 causes of death in the U.S. according to the CDC:
-heart disease 635,260
-cancer 598,038
-accidents(unintentional) 161,374
-chronic lower respiratory diseases 154,596
-stroke(cerebrovascular diseases) 142,142
-Alzheimer's disease 116,103
-diabetes 80,058
-influenza and pneumonia 51,537
-nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis(kidney)50,046
-intentional self harm(suicide) 44,965
-septicemia 38,940
-chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 38,170
According to the CDC and NIH, homicide by any/all methods would be 15th. If you do a worldwide search, this list looks almost identical. Notice guns isn't on the list, even with bloombergs inflated numbers.
Gun ownership is at an all time high in this country with an estimated 280,000,000-300,000,000 firearms in private hands. If the libtard claim of having a gun in the home is likely to kill its owner, there should be about 200,000,000 gun deaths every year. Since there aren't, it's obvious that claim is yet one more liberal lie.
As an objective comparison, the NHTSA says 37,133 people died in auto accidents in 2017. Why aren't libtards jumping up and down and throwing themselves on the ground about banning cars? Well, to be fair a few are but that's for socialist/environmental reasons. Also from the NHTSA, 10,874 people die every year from drunk driving. But here we go after the person that made the choice to drive drunk and kill someone. For some reason libtards don't go after the person that broke the law and murderd someone with a gun. In this case the libtardz go after the inanimate object. If we fought drunk driving the same way libtards fight law abiding gun owners we'd be going after the auto manufacturers instead of the drunk.
Keep in mind while these libtardz protest gun deaths they will at the same time espouse some clap trap about the population time bomb. Which means libtards are jumping up and down and throwing themselves on the ground about deaths and births at the same time.