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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: The Armed Citizen ()
Date: February 03, 2019 05:41PM

"The homeowner, identified as Josef Crepeau in court documents, reportedly found Delaney hiding in the basement, and pointed a gun at Delaney and ordered him to go outside, where deputies could arrest Delaney."


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: unbelievable ()
Date: February 03, 2019 05:42PM

It's amazing that people are this scared of an inanimate object. It's even more amazing that these same people are such mental midgets that they must ridicule someone that believes something different.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Who Ya' Gonna Call? ()
Date: February 03, 2019 05:53PM

unbelievable Wrote:
> It's amazing that people are this scared of an
> inanimate object. It's even more amazing that
> these same people are such mental midgets that
> they must ridicule someone that believes something
> different.

They want control. It's much harder to get the sheep into the boxcars when they're armed.

Hey G=D, if someone is breaking into your house, who do you call? Men with guns? And pray (despite being an avowed atheist) that they arrive in time? When my home was being broken into, the police took 13 minutes to arrive. I was armed and ready to deal with an intruder in seconds. The responding officers congratulated me on being prepared.

You're a whiny little bitch.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: not a liberal ()
Date: February 03, 2019 06:03PM

pretty much covers it...

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: GUNS = DEATH ()
Date: February 03, 2019 06:06PM

Save your money. Save your life. Get a decent home security system insead of a gun. Guns in the home are a net negative.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: sure they are ()
Date: February 03, 2019 06:12PM

> Save your money. Save your life. Get a decent
> home security system insead of a gun. Guns in the
> home are a net negative.

oh look, yet more unsubstantiated BS from bloomberg

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Many Options ()
Date: February 03, 2019 06:13PM

Shooting is a hobby also. My kids and I shoot rifles, ranging from single shot .22s for the little one (8 y.o.) to ARs and long range precision for me and the older girl. A rifle isn't first choice for protection and that's where handguns, also shot for sport, come into play for protection purposes.

If there were a break in at your home, would you just cry and beg?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: caller of BS ()
Date: February 03, 2019 06:57PM

> Nope. Straight white and wealthy. Got anything
> else?

I call BS. You're obviously gay and owe several thousand dollars in credit card debt.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Pointer outer of things ()
Date: February 03, 2019 06:58PM

> Save your money. Save your life. Get a decent
> home security system insead of a gun. Guns in the
> home are a net negative.

Yup, when seconds matter, the popo are minutes away.

Thanks for proving what an abject moron you really are.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Case Law ()
Date: February 03, 2019 07:04PM

It’s been stated by USSC that police, in addition to not having the ability, do not have an obligation to protect individuals at any level. We’re on our own folks. Police protect society at large, but your ass is grass when depending I them to help you as a victim. They may show up after the fact, make some notes, talk to people nearby, and complete a report, but that’s it.

GD, your alarm is just a noisemaker. Nothing more.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: libsRsheep ()
Date: February 03, 2019 07:05PM


Yup, GUNS=DEATH alright, death to the negro thugs pussy libtards like you want coddled.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: GUNS = DEATH ()
Date: February 03, 2019 08:06PM

Many Options Wrote:
> If there were a break in at your home, would you just cry and beg?

Break-ins are extremely uncommon anywhere, and even more so at homes that make things difficult for the bad guys. In a worst case scenario of course Plan-A is to duck out the back and run away. Plan-B would be to hide. Only as a very last resort should anyone actually confront intruders.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: It's Clearly Clear ()
Date: February 03, 2019 08:12PM

> Break-ins are extremely uncommon anywhere, and
> even more so at homes that make things difficult
> for the bad guys. In a worst case scenario of
> course Plan-A is to duck out the back and run
> away. Plan-B would be to hide. Only as a very
> last resort should anyone actually confront
> intruders.

You've just removed any remaining doubt that you are a 100% Democrat pussy. A real man would prepare to defend his home and family and do so when needed.

Run and hide, cunt.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: it's a joke, right? ()
Date: February 03, 2019 08:17PM

> Many Options Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If there were a break in at your home, would you
> just cry and beg?
> Break-ins are extremely uncommon anywhere, and
> even more so at homes that make things difficult
> for the bad guys. In a worst case scenario of
> course Plan-A is to duck out the back and run
> away. Plan-B would be to hide. Only as a very
> last resort should anyone actually confront
> intruders.

When the next San Bernidido happens, you want your only defense to be run and cower?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: gkkhkh ()
Date: February 03, 2019 08:54PM

> Only as a very last resort should anyone actually confront
> intruders.

Prior to 9/11/2001 we were told to never confront hijackers. Nearly 3,000 people died that day and another 6,000 injured. Many more died of illness directly related to those events.

On 12/22/2001, the passengers of American Airlines Flight 63 said FUCK THAT BULLSHIT.

The aircraft, a Boeing 767-300 with 197 passengers and crew aboard, was flying from Paris to Miami. Richard Reid attempted to detonate plastic explosives concealed within his shoes and the passengers BEAT THE SNOT OUT OF THAT BASTARD. Proving once again, “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” Heroes choose to act, COWARDS COWER IN FEAR.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Marlin336 ()
Date: February 03, 2019 09:01PM

Lever action 30-06. Bam! Fun and deadly.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: I'm quoting a fudge packer post ()
Date: February 03, 2019 09:14PM

> Many Options Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> Break-ins are extremely uncommon anywhere, and
> even more so at homes that make things difficult
> for the bad guys. In a worst case scenario of
> course Plan-A is to duck out the back and run
> away. Plan-B would be to hide. Only as a very
> last resort should anyone actually confront
> intruders.

^^^^Once more, this libstain proves he's a pathetic, gay ignorant, retarded, uneducated, stupid fudge packer

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Marlinitis ()
Date: February 03, 2019 09:14PM

Marlin336 Wrote:
> Lever action 30-06. Bam! Fun and deadly.

Marlin doesn't make a lever gun in .30-06. Beyond that, a long gun doesn't make a good home defense tool, though it is better than nothing.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Coonman ()
Date: February 03, 2019 09:20PM

> Save your money. Save your life. Get a decent
> home security system insead of a gun. Guns in the
> home are a net negative.

Fuck off Hogg.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Pc Retardz. ()
Date: February 03, 2019 09:22PM

> Many Options Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If there were a break in at your home, would you
> just cry and beg?
> Break-ins are extremely uncommon anywhere, and
> even more so at homes that make things difficult
> for the bad guys. In a worst case scenario of
> course Plan-A is to duck out the back and run
> away. Plan-B would be to hide. Only as a very
> last resort should anyone actually confront
> intruders.

Holy shit, you are one massive, soy laden, beta faggot.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Pointer outer of things ()
Date: February 03, 2019 09:28PM

Pc Retardz. Wrote:
> GUNS = DEATH Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Many Options Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > >
> > >
> > Break-ins are extremely uncommon anywhere, and
> > even more so at homes that make things
> difficult
> > for the bad guys. In a worst case scenario of
> > course Plan-A is to duck out the back and run
> > away. Plan-B would be to hide. Only as a very
> > last resort should anyone actually confront
> > intruders.
> Holy shit, you are one massive, soy laden, beta
> faggot.

and on top of that, he's totally ignorant gay goober

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: libtardzRstupid ()
Date: February 03, 2019 09:31PM

Pointer outer of things Wrote:
> Pc Retardz. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > GUNS = DEATH Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Many Options Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > >
> >
> > > >
> > > Break-ins are extremely uncommon anywhere,
> and
> > > even more so at homes that make things
> > difficult
> > > for the bad guys. In a worst case scenario
> of
> > > course Plan-A is to duck out the back and run
> > > away. Plan-B would be to hide. Only as a
> very
> > > last resort should anyone actually confront
> > > intruders.
> >
> > Holy shit, you are one massive, soy laden, beta
> > faggot.
> and on top of that, he's totally ignorant gay
> goober

Ignorance can be fixed with education. Choosing to remain ignorant is the epitome of stupidity.

Note, there is a significant difference between education and indoctrination.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Pointer outer of things ()
Date: February 03, 2019 09:44PM

libtardzRstupid Wrote:
> Pointer outer of things Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Pc Retardz. Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > GUNS = DEATH Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > Many Options Wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > >
> > > > -----
> > > > >
> > >
> > > > >
> > > > Break-ins are extremely uncommon anywhere,
> > and
> > > > even more so at homes that make things
> > > difficult
> > > > for the bad guys. In a worst case scenario
> > of
> > > > course Plan-A is to duck out the back and
> run
> > > > away. Plan-B would be to hide. Only as a
> > very
> > > > last resort should anyone actually confront
> > > > intruders.
> > >
> > > Holy shit, you are one massive, soy laden,
> beta
> > > faggot.
> >
> >
> > and on top of that, he's totally ignorant gay
> > goober
> Ignorance can be fixed with education. Choosing to
> remain ignorant is the epitome of stupidity.
> Note, there is a significant difference between
> education and indoctrination.

& this guy, who's using the sock puppet GUNS=DEATH, claims how educated he is. As you say, he's indoctrinated & programmed. he comes in here preaching and pontificating to us and has his air of superiority when he's nothing but a mindless libtomaton.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: GUNS = DEATH ()
Date: February 04, 2019 11:09AM

> Break-ins are extremely uncommon anywhere, and even more so
> at homes that make things difficult for the bad guys. In a
> worst case scenario of coursem, Plan-A is to duck out the
> back and run away. Plan-B would be to hide. Only as a very
> last resort should anyone actually confront intruders.

In the extremely rare cases when they do come, intruders do not come with an intention to kill you. But if it comes down to it, better you than them in their books. Of course, only fools would force an intruder into that sort of behavior, but apparently, the minds of fools do see something noble in bleeding out on the living room carpet for no reason other than their own boundless stupidity.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: how incredibly stupid ()
Date: February 04, 2019 06:50PM

> GUNS = DEATH Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Break-ins are extremely uncommon anywhere, and
> even more so
> > at homes that make things difficult for the bad
> guys. In a
> > worst case scenario of coursem, Plan-A is to
> duck out the
> > back and run away. Plan-B would be to hide.
> Only as a very
> > last resort should anyone actually confront
> intruders.
> In the extremely rare cases when they do come,
> intruders do not come with an intention to kill
> you. But if it comes down to it, better you than
> them in their books. Of course, only fools would
> force an intruder into that sort of behavior, but
> apparently, the minds of fools do see something
> noble in bleeding out on the living room carpet
> for no reason other than their own boundless
> stupidity.

I didn't think you could it, but you keep out doing your own stupidity

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: shsfhfd ()
Date: February 04, 2019 07:57PM

> GUNS = DEATH Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> In the extremely rare cases when they do come,
> intruders do not come with an intention to kill
> you. But if it comes down to it, better you than
> them in their books. Of course, only fools would
> force an intruder into that sort of behavior, but
> apparently, the minds of fools do see something
> noble in bleeding out on the living room carpet
> for no reason other than their own boundless
> stupidity.

The STUPID is incredibly strong in this libturd.

ANYONE that breaks into a house knowing it is probably occupied is more than willing and able to cause extreme physical harm to those in the house.

Anyone breaking into a resident at night can reasonably assume it is occupied. Please tell me you are not STUPID enough to think they are only there to play Tiddledy Winks with you or your loved ones.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Guns, The Smart Peoples Topic ()
Date: February 04, 2019 08:01PM

how incredibly stupid Wrote:
> GUNS = DEATH Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > GUNS = DEATH Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Break-ins are extremely uncommon anywhere,
> and
> > even more so
> > > at homes that make things difficult for the
> bad
> > guys. In a
> > > worst case scenario of coursem, Plan-A is to
> > duck out the
> > > back and run away. Plan-B would be to hide.
> > Only as a very
> > > last resort should anyone actually confront
> > intruders.
> >
> > In the extremely rare cases when they do come,
> > intruders do not come with an intention to kill
> > you. But if it comes down to it, better you
> than
> > them in their books. Of course, only fools
> would
> > force an intruder into that sort of behavior,
> but
> > apparently, the minds of fools do see something
> > noble in bleeding out on the living room carpet
> > for no reason other than their own boundless
> > stupidity.
> I didn't think you could it, but you keep out
> doing your own stupidity

You seem to comprehend stupidity.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: President Trump FTW! ()
Date: February 04, 2019 08:08PM

America’s #1 gunlover

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: how incredibly stupid you are ()
Date: February 04, 2019 08:52PM

Guns, The Smart Peoples Topic Wrote:
> how incredibly stupid Wrote:
> >
> >
> > I didn't think you could it, but you keep out
> > doing your own stupidity
> You seem to comprehend stupidity.

Comprehend? No. But your stupidity is easily recognized as such.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: B nice ()
Date: February 05, 2019 04:58PM

Remember that pro gun people are the true victims here. They live their lives in nearly constant fear. Please do not torture them any more, it's not nice.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Just An Observation ()
Date: February 05, 2019 06:56PM

Confirmed by the pic above, anti-gunners have an obsession with other mens' penises. We know being gay is your choice and really don't care what you do while in Mom's basement, but please conduct yourselves in public with at least a modicum of decency.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: The Armed Citizen ()
Date: February 05, 2019 07:22PM

HOUSTON - Police said a customer shot a robber who pointed a gun at a McDonald's employee in northwest Houston.

The shooting happened just before 9 p.m. Friday, at a McDonald's restaurant in the 12000 block of Northwest Freeway.


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Dick Fix ()
Date: February 05, 2019 11:13PM

Just An Observation Wrote:
> Confirmed by the pic above, anti-gunners have an
> obsession with other mens' penises. We know being
> gay is your choice and really don't care what you
> do while in Mom's basement, but please conduct
> yourselves in public with at least a modicum of
> decency.

Are you blind or need glasses? Where’s a penis? There is a picture of a huge dick but their ain’t no penis. You might have the fixation.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: cowards gonna cower ()
Date: February 06, 2019 07:05AM

Remember, you fat cowards.

Guns are .....


at the ......

gun show!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Fear stops you............ ()
Date: February 06, 2019 08:57AM

Fear stops you thinking but with a gun you don't have to! A gun gives the coward a sense of empowerment. If pulling a trigger required courage there would be almost no gun violence, and arms dealers would go out of business. You don't need to carry a gun because the most dangerous weapon you will ever own is the one between your ears, if you know how to use it.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: the stupidity is stupefying ()
Date: February 06, 2019 09:27AM

Fear stops you............ Wrote:
> Fear stops you thinking but with a gun you don't
> have to! A gun gives the coward a sense of
> empowerment. If pulling a trigger required courage
> there would be almost no gun violence, and arms
> dealers would go out of business. You don't need
> to carry a gun because the most dangerous weapon
> you will ever own is the one between your ears, if
> you know how to use it.

I have no doubt this sounded intelligent to you.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: lolz ()
Date: February 06, 2019 09:28AM

cowards gonna cower Wrote:
> Remember, you fat cowards.
> Guns are .....
> at the ......
> gun show!

This only makes sense in the mind of a libtard

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Pointer outer of things ()
Date: February 06, 2019 11:02AM

Fear stops you............ Wrote:
> the most dangerous weapon
> you will ever own is the one between your ears, if
> you know how to use it.

which obviously you don't.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Blimmo ()
Date: February 06, 2019 11:03AM

cowards gonna cower Wrote:
> Remember, you fat cowards.
> Guns are .....
> at the ......
> gun show!

Remember, you dumb libtard, brains are banned in the Democratic party.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: So much wreckage ()
Date: February 06, 2019 11:29AM

> In the extremely rare cases when they do come, intruders do
> not come with an intention to kill you. But if it comes down
> to it, better you than them in their books. Of course, only
> fools would force an intruder into that sort of behavior, but
> apparently, the minds of fools do see something noble in
> bleeding out on the living room carpet for no reason other
> than their own boundless stupidity.

LOL! You set them to spinning about and crashing into each other like a bunch of out-of-control dodge-em cars with that one.

Plainly, a typical intruder wants to make off with your stuff (such as your guns). There are not very many folks who actually have night-rider hit squads out to get them, but many of these candy-asses seem to think that they fall into that category somehow. Priceless!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: The NRA is a problem ()
Date: February 06, 2019 09:37PM

It's getting hard to support these events now that it is public knowledge that NRA's bigwigs allowed themselves to be infiltrated by Marina Butina.

What used to be a great way to meet fellow sportsman, now seems like a front for incredibly un-American activists, ones who've been mobbed up with the Putin regime for years.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Vienna Alheimer's Club ()
Date: February 06, 2019 09:50PM

So much wreckage Wrote:
> GUNS = DEATH Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > In the extremely rare cases when they do come,
> intruders do
> > not come with an intention to kill you. But if
> it comes down
> > to it, better you than them in their books. Of
> course, only
> > fools would force an intruder into that sort of
> behavior, but
> > apparently, the minds of fools do see something
> noble in
> > bleeding out on the living room carpet for no
> reason other
> > than their own boundless stupidity.
> LOL! You set them to spinning about and crashing
> into each other like a bunch of out-of-control
> dodge-em cars with that one.
> Plainly, a typical intruder wants to make off with
> your stuff (such as your guns). There are not
> very many folks who actually have night-rider hit
> squads out to get them, but many of these
> candy-asses seem to think that they fall into that
> category somehow. Priceless!

Still talking to yourself old dude? lmao!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Sock puppet detecter ()
Date: February 07, 2019 07:16AM

So much wreckage Wrote:
> GUNS = DEATH Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> LOL! You set them to spinning about and crashing
> into each other like a bunch of out-of-control
> dodge-em cars with that one.
> Plainly, a typical intruder wants to make off with
> your stuff (such as your guns). There are not
> very many folks who actually have night-rider hit
> squads out to get them, but many of these
> candy-asses seem to think that they fall into that
> category somehow. Priceless!

Yes, sock puppets are indeed "priceless"; pricelessly moronic & often used by stupid, gay liberals............OH, SORRY for being redundant: I said "Stupid, gay" liberals.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: GUNS = DEATH ()
Date: February 07, 2019 08:36AM

Thanks all for the comic relief. And of course for demonstrating once again the sorry-ass futility of having exactly no actual argument at all against the well-established facts of the matter. 40,000 gun-related deaths in a year is a national travesty. Keeping guns in the home increases your risk, rather than reducing it. Even basic home security systems are a better and cheaper bet than a gun. Testosterone is not at all your friend. The concept of harm-reduction is something you all are just not able to understand.

Bottom Line: They don't come much dumber than you gun-clods.

Now back to more of your insipid flailing.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Libtard pussies ()
Date: February 07, 2019 09:01AM

> Thanks all for the comic relief. And of course
> for demonstrating once again the sorry-ass
> futility of having exactly no actual argument at
> all against the well-established facts of the
> matter. 40,000 gun-related deaths in a year is a
> national travesty. Keeping guns in the home
> increases your risk, rather than reducing it.
> Even basic home security systems are a better and
> cheaper bet than a gun. Testosterone is not at
> all your friend. The concept of harm-reduction is
> something you all are just not able to understand.
> Bottom Line: They don't come much dumber than you
> gun-clods.
> Now back to more of your insipid flailing.

No matter what you say or post, Americans will continue to bare arms. It's in the constitution and woven into the culture to the point where it will never be removed.

I'll bet your the kind of pussy that would rather let your entire family get wiped out by an intruder than to use deadly force.


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: LOL... ()
Date: February 07, 2019 09:21AM

^^^ I bet you're the type that doesn't know the difference between 'bare' and 'bear' What a maroon!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Larry the Cable Guy ()
Date: February 07, 2019 11:09AM

For all those dumb as a stick...

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: what a fukin moron ()
Date: February 07, 2019 01:20PM

LOL... Wrote:
> ^^^ I bet you're the type that doesn't know the
> difference between 'bare' and 'bear' What a
> maroon!

he's a color?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: LOL.,. ()
Date: February 07, 2019 01:29PM

Mr. Culturally-Deprived has never heard of Bugs Bunny.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: LoLz ()
Date: February 07, 2019 01:35PM

why is it people with no argument can only make fun of typos

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Sorry, I was taught how to think ()
Date: February 07, 2019 02:55PM

Everytown claims 100 gun deaths per day, for the uneducated liberal that equals 36,500 a year. On the face of it, this seems high. Exactly 100 a day is too convenient a number to not be suspect, and Everytown is a bloomberg anti freedom group that we all know lies to make things look worse than they are in order to fit their political agenda. The FBI claims far less. The FBI numbers for 2017 are 10,982 gun murders. Notice also the words used. The FBI tracks murders, where Everytown tracks deaths. This is important because in 2013 when bloomberg released its annual list of shooting victims it had the Tsarnaev brothers on it. Which leads me to this...
a summary; "A preliminary analysis of the list of shooting “victims” New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s group Mayors Against Illegal Guns is reading at rallies for new gun control laws finds that one in 12 are crime suspects killed by police or armed citizens acting in self-defense."
A murder means an illegal use of firearms. Counting deaths is also counting legal uses of firearms. If the bloomberg financed groups were honest with us they wouldn't count legal uses.

The FBI 2017 numbers...

Note the difference between columns 3 and 4. Then there is this information from the FBI....
the tool used to commit murder, Murders, 2016
a summary;
Rifles:  374
Handguns: 7105
Cutting Intruments:  1604
Blunt Objects: 472
Hands, feet, fists:  656

Hands and feet are used to kill more people every year than rifles by almost twice the rate. That's all rifles, not just an AR15. The standard AR15 is so dangerous it is against the law to hunt deer with one in the state of Virginia. Liberals want to ban an item that is the least used to commit murder while claiming it's about gun control, not people control. One of the items that was on Clinton assault weapons ban was bayonet lugs. I am unable to find any information on murders committed with a mounted bayonet. Which brings me to this point, according to the FBI and DOJ, the Clinton assault weapons ban had no measurable effect on crime rates. Yet libtards want it reinstated with no regards to the cost(odd how libtardz don't care what something costs the tax payer until Trump wants to secure the border).

The top 12 causes of death in the U.S. according to the CDC:
-heart disease 635,260
-cancer 598,038
-accidents(unintentional) 161,374
-chronic lower respiratory diseases 154,596
-stroke(cerebrovascular diseases) 142,142
-Alzheimer's disease 116,103
-diabetes 80,058
-influenza and pneumonia 51,537
-nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis(kidney)50,046
-intentional self harm(suicide) 44,965
-septicemia 38,940
-chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 38,170
According to the CDC and NIH, homicide by any/all methods would be 15th. If you do a worldwide search, this list looks almost identical. Notice guns isn't on the list, even with bloombergs inflated numbers.

Gun ownership is at an all time high in this country with an estimated 280,000,000-300,000,000 firearms in private hands. If the libtard claim of having a gun in the home is likely to kill its owner, there should be about 200,000,000 gun deaths every year. Since there aren't, it's obvious that claim is yet one more liberal lie.

As an objective comparison, the NHTSA says 37,133 people died in auto accidents in 2017. Why aren't libtards jumping up and down and throwing themselves on the ground about banning cars? Well, to be fair a few are but that's for socialist/environmental reasons. Also from the NHTSA, 10,874 people die every year from drunk driving. But here we go after the person that made the choice to drive drunk and kill someone. For some reason libtards don't go after the person that broke the law and murderd someone with a gun. In this case the libtardz go after the inanimate object. If we fought drunk driving the same way libtards fight law abiding gun owners we'd be going after the auto manufacturers instead of the drunk.

Keep in mind while these libtardz protest gun deaths they will at the same time espouse some clap trap about the population time bomb. Which means libtards are jumping up and down and throwing themselves on the ground about deaths and births at the same time.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: hlam ()
Date: February 07, 2019 03:17PM


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: hlam ()
Date: February 07, 2019 03:22PM


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Libtardz! Lolz! ()
Date: February 07, 2019 03:23PM

Fear stops you............ Wrote:
> You don't need
> to carry a gun because the most dangerous weapon
> you will ever own is the one between your ears, if
> you know how to use it.

Won't do you much good when your brains are seeping onto your kitchen floor because you were too much of a beta libshit to fight back.



Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: ding how ()
Date: February 07, 2019 03:33PM

Gun owners are easily trolled. Even they know that they are cowards at heart.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Happiness isa Warm Gun or Diaper ()
Date: February 07, 2019 04:05PM

Libtardz! Lolz! Wrote:
> Fear stops you............ Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----c
> > You don't need
> > to carry a gun because the most dangerous
> weapon
> > you will ever own is the one between your ears,
> if
> > you know how to use it.
> Won't do you much good when your brains are
> seeping onto your kitchen floor because you were
> too much of a beta libshit to fight back.
> Libtardz!
> Lol!

This is the concern that consumes you? Pathetic. You should be the poster child for planned parenthood.
They’re coming to take you away but it won’t be who you think.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: dowut ()
Date: February 07, 2019 04:10PM

Happiness isa Warm Gun or Diaper Wrote:
> They’re coming to take you away but it won’t
> be who you think.

I hope you didn't hurt yourself thinking that one up

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Singer of old songs ()
Date: February 07, 2019 08:00PM

LOL... Wrote:
> ^^^ I bet you're the type that doesn't know the
> difference between 'bare' and 'bear' What a
> maroon!

Mary had a little lamb, she also had a bear;
I've often seen her little lamb, but I've never seen her bare.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: shfsfhf ()
Date: February 07, 2019 08:16PM

Singer of old songs Wrote:
> LOL... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> Mary had a little lamb, she also had a bear;
> I've often seen her little lamb, but I've never
> seen her bare.

Did she bear the bare bear????

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: silly liberals ()
Date: February 07, 2019 08:47PM

here's two subjects that libtardz know nothing about...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Ex Soldier But Current Liberal ()
Date: February 07, 2019 09:41PM

silly liberals Wrote:
> here's two subjects that libtardz know nothing
> about...

You’re fucking stupid. She’s not positioned correctly and cellulite appears on the back of thighs.
Next time you attempt to be silly, search for a more authentic photo. Try googling women serving the IDF.
I know women, War and guns. How ‘bout you, kid?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Combat Vet ()
Date: February 07, 2019 09:52PM

Ex Soldier But Current Liberal Wrote:
> silly liberals Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > here's two subjects that libtardz know nothing
> > about...
> You’re fucking stupid. She’s not positioned
> correctly and cellulite appears on the back of
> thighs.
> Next time you attempt to be silly, search for a
> more authentic photo. Try googling women serving
> the IDF.
> I know women, War and guns. How ‘bout you, kid?

If you'd turn that ass down, you'd be a fucking faggot.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Ex Soldier But Current Faggot ()
Date: February 07, 2019 09:54PM

Combat Vet Wrote:
> Ex Soldier But Current Liberal Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > silly liberals Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > here's two subjects that libtardz know
> nothing
> > > about...
> >
> >
> > You’re fucking stupid. She’s not positioned
> > correctly and cellulite appears on the back of
> > thighs.
> > Next time you attempt to be silly, search for a
> > more authentic photo. Try googling women
> serving
> > the IDF.
> > I know women, War and guns. How ‘bout you,
> kid?
> If you'd turn that ass down, you'd be a fucking
> faggot.

I am.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: stupid liberals ()
Date: February 07, 2019 11:34PM

Ex Soldier But Current Liberal Wrote:
> silly liberals Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > here's two subjects that libtardz know nothing
> > about...
> You’re fucking stupid. She’s not positioned
> correctly and cellulite appears on the back of
> thighs.
> Next time you attempt to be silly, search for a
> more authentic photo. Try googling women serving
> the IDF.
> I know women, War and guns. How ‘bout you, kid?

No, it doesn't appear you know shit. She is positioned properly, for the photo shoot. The picture is about her, not the Berreta. You say you know women yet somehow here you see cellulite? I call bullshit. Just because your mom bought you every CoD doesn't mean you know war, or guns. And you clearly don't know women.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Libtard pussies ()
Date: February 07, 2019 11:38PM

Libtardz! Lolz! Wrote:
> Fear stops you............ Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You don't need
> > to carry a gun because the most dangerous
> weapon
> > you will ever own is the one between your ears,
> if
> > you know how to use it.
> Won't do you much good when your brains are
> seeping onto your kitchen floor because you were
> too much of a beta libshit to fight back.
> Libtardz!
> Lol!

Typical Libtard pussy. Ahahahaha!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: just curious ()
Date: February 08, 2019 12:20AM

I wonder if she knows how to headspace that thing...

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: signal strength ()
Date: February 08, 2019 06:18AM

ding how Wrote:
> Gun owners are easily trolled. Even they know that
> they are cowards at heart.

That is the sad thing about this whole thread, the pro gun people keep falling for the trolling over and over. It is like torturing retarded people. This thread needs to be shut down.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Gotta Love Hot Polished Metal! ()
Date: February 08, 2019 09:54AM

Pretty girls and real nice guns. What more could a man want?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Disinformation media ()
Date: February 08, 2019 10:05AM

libtardzRstupid Wrote:
> Note, there is a significant difference between education
> and indoctrination.

It's not as significant as you might think, thus accounting for the fact that extreme dummies so easily fall for all the worthless crap that shows up on FOX News and even worse sources than that.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: out of curiosity ()
Date: February 08, 2019 10:44AM

Disinformation media Wrote:
> libtardzRstupid Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Note, there is a significant difference between
> education
> > and indoctrination.
> It's not as significant as you might think, thus
> accounting for the fact that extreme dummies so
> easily fall for all the worthless crap that shows
> up on FOX News and even worse sources than that.

I'm curious. What is a good source of news, since Fox isn't. Also, can you name these worse sources?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: event patron. ()
Date: February 08, 2019 10:47AM

As the last coward convention by Sunday the food vendor at the Chantilly expo center had called for backup. They were down to 800 hot dogs and 375 hamburgers at 1pm. They dispatched some friends to run like hell over to costco and walmart to replenish the supply. Several plumbers had to be called in to clear clogged toilets as well. About a dozen show patrons shit their pants while waiting in line for a shitter. It was horrible!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: joking fuck ()
Date: February 08, 2019 10:52AM

event patron. Wrote:
> As the last coward convention by Sunday the food
> vendor at the Chantilly expo center had called for
> backup. They were down to 800 hot dogs and 375
> hamburgers at 1pm. They dispatched some friends to
> run like hell over to costco and walmart to
> replenish the supply. Several plumbers had to be
> called in to clear clogged toilets as well. About
> a dozen show patrons shit their pants while
> waiting in line for a shitter. It was horrible!

This is funny. Not because it never happened, but because we are supposed to believe you got close enough to a building full of scary guns to know what happens there.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Clark Kent ()
Date: February 08, 2019 10:54AM

You're fooling no one. You're not even remotely curious. This is why you don't already know what better and worse sources than FOX news there are, Go have a bowl of porridge, dumbo.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: psssssttt..... ()
Date: February 08, 2019 01:33PM

joking fuck Wrote:
> event patron. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > As the last coward convention by Sunday the
> food
> > vendor at the Chantilly expo center had called
> for
> > backup. They were down to 800 hot dogs and 375
> > hamburgers at 1pm. They dispatched some friends
> to
> > run like hell over to costco and walmart to
> > replenish the supply. Several plumbers had to
> be
> > called in to clear clogged toilets as well.
> About
> > a dozen show patrons shit their pants while
> > waiting in line for a shitter. It was horrible!
> This is funny. Not because it never happened, but
> because we are supposed to believe you got close
> enough to a building full of scary guns to know
> what happens there.

....stop falling for the trolling.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: hunter1 ()
Date: February 08, 2019 02:54PM

psssssttt..... Wrote:
> joking fuck Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > event patron. Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > As the last coward convention by Sunday the
> > food
> > > vendor at the Chantilly expo center had
> called
> > for
> > > backup. They were down to 800 hot dogs and
> 375
> > > hamburgers at 1pm. They dispatched some
> friends
> > to
> > > run like hell over to costco and walmart to
> > > replenish the supply. Several plumbers had to
> > be
> > > called in to clear clogged toilets as well.
> > About
> > > a dozen show patrons shit their pants while
> > > waiting in line for a shitter. It was
> horrible!
> >
> > This is funny. Not because it never happened,
> but
> > because we are supposed to believe you got
> close
> > enough to a building full of scary guns to know
> > what happens there.
> ....stop falling for the trolling.

Really proves just how incredibly stupid pro gun people really are.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: typical ()
Date: February 08, 2019 03:02PM

Clark Kent Wrote:
> You're fooling no one. You're not even remotely
> curious. This is why you don't already know what
> better and worse sources than FOX news there are,
> Go have a bowl of porridge, dumbo.

Why do libtards always refuse to answer this question? Every time one of them makes fun of something they obviously don't watch, then are asked where to get real news %99.9 of the time the question is ignored. Rarely we get this type of response which is further ridicule while refusing to admit where they get the "real truth". So once again, since Fox isn't real, please enlighten us to what is a good source for real news.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Larry Libcuck ()
Date: February 08, 2019 03:05PM

typical Wrote:
> Clark Kent Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You're fooling no one. You're not even
> remotely
> > curious. This is why you don't already know
> what
> > better and worse sources than FOX news there
> are,
> > Go have a bowl of porridge, dumbo.
> Why do libtards always refuse to answer this
> question? Every time one of them makes fun of
> something they obviously don't watch, then are
> asked where to get real news %99.9 of the time the
> question is ignored. Rarely we get this type of
> response which is further ridicule while refusing
> to admit where they get the "real truth". So once
> again, since Fox isn't real, please enlighten us
> to what is a good source for real news.

NPR baby! NPR is real news and every word is true. I checked with Alexa and she confirms this.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Get the facts ()
Date: February 08, 2019 05:37PM

^^^ NPR is a good site. The BBC and the Economist are good as well and so are a bunch of other places. The point is to read broadly without wandering onto the propaganda farms of FOX News and the like. Those are GNC of information world.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: right ()
Date: February 08, 2019 05:56PM

Get the facts Wrote:
> ^^^ NPR is a good site. The BBC and the Economist
> are good as well and so are a bunch of other
> places. The point is to read broadly without
> wandering onto the propaganda farms of FOX News
> and the like. Those are GNC of information world.

The problem is all the libtards that seem to think that Fox is some kind of propaganda farm also think cnn and msnbc aren't

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Ombudsman ()
Date: February 08, 2019 06:32PM

Get the facts Wrote:
> ^^^ NPR is a good site. The BBC and the Economist
> are good as well and so are a bunch of other
> places. The point is to read broadly without
> wandering onto the propaganda farms of FOX News
> and the like. Those are GNC of information world.

NPR might used to have been but way too much agenda these days. Near being a parody of itself. There really doesn't need to be the gay/trans/illegal immigrant/Muslim/or other social justice angle on every fucking story.

BBC also is a joke for too much of it's "news."

Economist not as bad but still obviously slanted.

There really are no objective news sources left.

The Guardian is fairly balanced but that's mostly because they have slanted stories on both sides. The Atlantic can be at times but you have to wade through piles of nonsense. WSJ is pretty good about keeping editorial content on the editorial and commentary pages.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Hmmm... ()
Date: February 09, 2019 11:23AM

> The problem is all the libtards that seem to think
> that Fox is some kind of propaganda farm also think
> cnn and msnbc aren't.

FOX and the like are far to the right and padded with bulk orders of just plain slop. CNN and MSNBC are center-left and relatively free from slop.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Damn, you're dumb ()
Date: February 09, 2019 11:53AM

Hmmm... Wrote:
> > The problem is all the libtards that seem to
> think
> > that Fox is some kind of propaganda farm also
> think
> > cnn and msnbc aren't.
> FOX and the like are far to the right and padded
> with bulk orders of just plain slop. CNN and MSNBC
> are center-left and relatively free from slop.

LOL! You're one brainwashed moron.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: tax happy. ()
Date: February 09, 2019 11:57AM

12.8 million a day Wrote:
> Guns in America cost the taxpayers nearly 13
> million dollars a day. Far more than illegal
> immigration or welfare. Gun ownership is very
> anti-American.

Thats for sure.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: fdhhfdhf ()
Date: February 09, 2019 11:58AM

Hmmm... Wrote:
> FOX and the like are far to the right and padded
> with bulk orders of just plain slop. CNN and MSNBC
> are center-left and relatively free from slop.

^^^^The STUPID is strong in this one!!!!!!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Went to the Gun Show Today ()
Date: February 09, 2019 03:42PM

Took my 12 y.o. daughter.

Bought her a gun so she can learn to handle a handgun.

Stopped at Chic-Fil-A for lunch.

Good times.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Hmmm... ()
Date: February 09, 2019 03:44PM

^^^ I laugh at your silly ignorance!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: I Also Went ()
Date: February 09, 2019 03:46PM

I saw the user Guns=Death in the parking lot in his pink pussy hat. Crying.

I agree. Good times indeed.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: hlam ()
Date: February 09, 2019 03:59PM


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Hmmm... ()
Date: February 09, 2019 04:38PM

I Also Went Wrote:
> I saw the user Guns=Death in the parking lot in
> his pink pussy hat. Crying.

I laugh at your tiny penis.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: real deal. ()
Date: February 09, 2019 05:21PM

The only reason they have these gun shows, crooked dealers selling to felons.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: I Also Went ()
Date: February 09, 2019 06:38PM

Hmmm... Wrote:
> I Also Went Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> > I saw the user Guns=Death in the parking lot in
> > his pink pussy hat. Crying.
> I laugh at your tiny penis.

Yet you still show such interest in it. Says much more about you than me...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Hmmm... ()
Date: February 09, 2019 07:05PM

Interesting only in confirming what a laughably useless and ignotant douchebag you are.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Hot Dog Weekend ()
Date: February 09, 2019 07:30PM

Somebody posting about “small penis”? Even big dicks have them.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Pussy libtards ()
Date: February 09, 2019 08:34PM

Looks like a liberal coward is butthurt ;-)


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: God Bless America, Libtards! ()
Date: February 09, 2019 11:54PM

I’ll raise you one hotdog for some good’ll Pussy & Butthurt!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: I Want My Butthurt! ()
Date: February 10, 2019 12:11AM

Please give me Butthurt. My libtard husband is too much a pussy.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Went to the gunshow today! ()
Date: February 10, 2019 12:20AM

Maxed out my mother’s credit card but I will deal with that later. I’m armed and ready!
How ‘bout you, libtards?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Pc retardz. ()
Date: February 10, 2019 12:49AM


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: last day ()
Date: February 10, 2019 06:18AM

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
Last day for the gun show this time around!

Come on down! Get your guns while the gettin is good.

Weather you are a little bitch or just a punk or maybe a ignorant as hell coward the gun show is THE place for you! We welcome cowards, bitches and punks! Come on down!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Date: February 10, 2019 07:12AM

Buy a Gun and get a FREE Hot Dog! Come early and get‘um while they’re HOT!

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