Kilton Wrote:
> Look out everyone, we've got a 2-year-old murderer
> on our hands:
> dentally-kills-mom-in-wal-mart/
> This is why you gotta open-carry rather than
> concealed-carry. These stupid women don't get it.
> Only "real men" -- white, overweight, balding, and
> testosterone-deprived -- understand that
> open-carry is the way to roll. In addition to
> attracting lots of much-needed attention,
> open-carry would have prevented the above
> incident. By concealing her weapon, this woman
> allowed her kid to sneak his hand into her purse
> and pull the gun out before anyone else in the
> store could react. Had she been open-carrying,
> others in the store would have seen what the child
> was about to do, and they could have shot him
> before he shot her.
> C'mon people. Let's ban concealed carry, and go
> "open only". Are you with me? :-)
Id rather we ban faggots like you.