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Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Bill Brady ()
Date: September 27, 2014 06:34AM

It is kind of a hoot to watch the fat, ignorant gun guys that go to the nations gun show.


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: issb ()
Date: September 27, 2014 07:21AM

Bill Brady Wrote:
> It is kind of a hoot to watch the fat, ignorant
> gun guys that go to the nations gun show.
> http://www.thenationsgunshow.com/


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: kisses ()
Date: September 27, 2014 08:29AM

Bill Brady Wrote:
> It is kind of a hoot to watch the fat, ignorant
> gun guys that go to the nations gun show.
> http://www.thenationsgunshow.com/


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: ReAnimator ()
Date: September 27, 2014 09:27AM

Sorry this gun show conflicts with your sewing and knitting convention OP

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Your Guys ()
Date: September 27, 2014 09:29AM

You guys are NOVA fags. Much worse than a Kansas City Faggot. Keep eating the processed shit meat at the store, I'll keep my hunting rifle and eat real food.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: hlith ()
Date: September 27, 2014 09:34AM

"It is kind of a hoot to watch the fat, ignorant gun guys that go to the nations gun show."

So, you're sitting in the parking lot jerking off while they go inside?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: hey, OP ()
Date: September 27, 2014 09:37AM

Why don't you go out there and tell them as much? Oh, that's right, you're too much of a faggot.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: effeminate behavior ()
Date: September 27, 2014 09:43AM

The OP is a Faggot. A power bottom so to speak.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: September 27, 2014 10:30AM

Bill Brady Wrote:
> It is kind of a hoot to watch the fat, ignorant
> gun guys that go to the nations gun show.

It never disappoints! Scared, fat, balding, middle-aged white males as far as the eye can see.

Average IQ: 80
Average Weight: 250

So far this weekend, 23,261 hot dogs have been consumed. And it's still early!


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Lovegun ()
Date: September 27, 2014 10:43AM

Kilton Wrote:
> Bill Brady Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It is kind of a hoot to watch the fat, ignorant
> > gun guys that go to the nations gun show.
> It never disappoints! Scared, fat, balding,
> middle-aged white males as far as the eye can see.
> Average IQ: 80
> Average Weight: 250
> So far this weekend, 23,261 hot dogs have been
> consumed. And it's still early!
> src="http://rs1img.memecdn.com/fat-guy-with-a-gun_
> o_1173367.webp" width=550 height=400>

So far today, kliton has sucked 3 cocks.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Moses T Bomb ()
Date: September 27, 2014 12:06PM

Lovegun Wrote:
> Kilton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Bill Brady Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > It is kind of a hoot to watch the fat,
> ignorant
> > > gun guys that go to the nations gun show.
> >
> > It never disappoints! Scared, fat, balding,
> > middle-aged white males as far as the eye can
> see.
> >
> >
> > Average IQ: 80
> > Average Weight: 250
> >
> > So far this weekend, 23,261 hot dogs have been
> > consumed. And it's still early!
> >
> > >
> src="http://rs1img.memecdn.com/fat-guy-with-a-gun_
> > o_1173367.webp" width=550 height=400>
> So far today, kliton has sucked 3 cocks.

Yeah he apparently likes it even more when you hold a gun to his head while he blows you. This is why he gravitates towards gun shows because there is no shortage of big white cocks and sweaty balls.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton's Mom ()
Date: September 27, 2014 12:31PM

Give Kilton a break. He lives for the gun show threads. It's all that the boy has left after losing his testicles in the accident.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: shop teacher ()
Date: September 27, 2014 12:41PM

It is really sad to see those poor ignorant men spend their hard earned money on guns that will only serve to endanger them and their loved ones. They are and will continue to be victims of the NRA.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Big Dick Black ()
Date: September 27, 2014 12:45PM

shop teacher Wrote:
> It is really sad to see those poor ignorant men
> spend their hard earned money on guns that will
> only serve to endanger them and their loved ones.
> They are and will continue to be victims of the
> NRA.

Tell that to the man in Oklahoma who blasted a few holes in the Muslime beheader yesterday.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: LetsRock ()
Date: September 27, 2014 01:15PM

Big Dick Black Wrote:
> shop teacher Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It is really sad to see those poor ignorant men
> > spend their hard earned money on guns that will
> > only serve to endanger them and their loved
> ones.
> > They are and will continue to be victims of the
> > NRA.
> Tell that to the man in Oklahoma who blasted a few
> holes in the Muslime beheader yesterday.

I love a story with a happy ending.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: RdFox ()
Date: September 27, 2014 01:35PM

The OP didn't disclose the fact that those 8 people were shot with Eric Holder fast 'n furious assault rifles by liberals waiting in the bushes who don't want citizens to be able to protect themselves.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: .308 ()
Date: September 27, 2014 01:56PM

Big Dick Black Wrote:
> shop teacher Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It is really sad to see those poor ignorant men
> > spend their hard earned money on guns that will
> > only serve to endanger them and their loved
> ones.
> > They are and will continue to be victims of the
> > NRA.
> Tell that to the man in Oklahoma who blasted a few
> holes in the Muslime beheader yesterday.

One filthy "religion of peace" cock sucker gone. millions more to go. Shop teacher is a cock sucker Prius driving liberal.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Let'sGoToTheGunShow ()
Date: September 27, 2014 03:17PM


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: September 27, 2014 06:51PM

shop teacher Wrote:
> It is really sad to see those poor ignorant men
> spend their hard earned money on guns that will
> only serve to endanger them and their loved ones.
> They are and will continue to be victims of the
> NRA.

Too true. The NRA has scared these poor little boys half to death. :-(

But in more positive news, the hot dog count is up to an amazing 41,612. Looks like this autumn's show is well on track to beat the all-time record of 57,151. Great work fatties!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Fag tards ()
Date: September 27, 2014 06:52PM

Lovegun Wrote:
> Kilton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Bill Brady Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > It is kind of a hoot to watch the fat,
> ignorant
> > > gun guys that go to the nations gun show.
> >
> > It never disappoints! Scared, fat, balding,
> > middle-aged white males as far as the eye can
> see.
> >
> >
> > Average IQ: 80
> > Average Weight: 250
> >
> > So far this weekend, 23,261 hot dogs have been
> > consumed. And it's still early!
> >
> > >
> src="http://rs1img.memecdn.com/fat-guy-with-a-gun_
> > o_1173367.webp" width=550 height=400>
> So far today, kliton has sucked 3 cocks.

Gunlover way out in front
And in the anal and no way he loses

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Whats that ()
Date: September 27, 2014 06:53PM

Let'sGoToTheGunShow Wrote:
> XBb2Fl.jpg

That is a women holding the gun
Figured you wouldn't know

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: n9xVw ()
Date: September 27, 2014 07:32PM

is it true if you buy a weapon from a dealer that if police are called to your house for any reason (lets say minor argument and nosy neighbors)

your listed as armed and dangerous on their computer display AUTOMATICALLY and might be shot even though the arms are safely locked in a gun cabinet ?

that's what i heard

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Durf272;362426252 ()
Date: September 27, 2014 08:00PM


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Not true ()
Date: September 27, 2014 08:24PM

n9xVw Wrote:
> is it true if you buy a weapon from a dealer that
> if police are called to your house for any reason
> (lets say minor argument and nosy neighbors)

> your listed as armed and dangerous on their
> computer display AUTOMATICALLY and might be shot
> even though the arms are safely locked in a gun
> cabinet ?

> that's what i heard

Police have no clue. In VA you don't register a gun, You think the police have that kind of data base? Christ It's your right to own a gun, unless you're a cock sucker.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Assholes Once Assholes Forever ()
Date: September 27, 2014 09:30PM

>They are and will continue to be victims of the NRA.

A organization that has 4 plus million members and a hundred million plus supporters. The American people!

Victims.?? WTF Are you smoking or doping you silly shit. Your the Victim when some Mo Fo breaks into yo house. Gun free zone loser.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Hazzard Co. Goober Patrol ()
Date: September 28, 2014 06:35AM

Ok there, Roscoe. Step away from the keyboard and wipe the drool from your mouth.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: September 28, 2014 06:46AM

n9xVw Wrote:
> is it true if you buy a weapon from a dealer that
> if police are called to your house for any reason
> (lets say minor argument and nosy neighbors)
> your listed as armed and dangerous on their
> computer display AUTOMATICALLY and might be shot
> even though the arms are safely locked in a gun
> cabinet ?

Close, but not quite. Gun show monkeys are listed as "Armed and stupid" on the computer. The computer will also fill in other characteristics about them automatically: overweight, balding, etc.

Computers are pretty smart nowadays. :-)

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: September 28, 2014 06:47AM

Assholes Once Assholes Forever Wrote:
> Victims.?? WTF Are you smoking or doping you silly
> shit. Your the Victim when some Mo Fo breaks into
> yo house. Gun free zone loser.

Thanks for so clearly illustrating the typical intelligence level of a gun nut for us. :-)

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Grow up gun humpers ()
Date: September 28, 2014 08:50AM

We'll, there are cowards and then there are gun humper cowards. I don't think regular cowards are afraid of going to the grocery store or church without a gun...but a gun humping coward is. And just listen to them brag about how tough they are, it's hilarious when they just come across as someone who never grew up. They probably have sex with their guns.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: As we all know... ()
Date: September 28, 2014 09:03AM

Big gun = small dick and small brain. As for the gun show, the real profits will be going to the hot dog vendors...

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: I Love Gun Shows ()
Date: September 28, 2014 09:07AM

All the turds with the NRA stickers will be away from home. The perfect time to break in and steal their stupid-ass guns. Most of them don't have anything else worth stealing, so you just go for the guns and then get out.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: ksBbC ()
Date: September 28, 2014 09:08AM

As we all know... Wrote:
> Big gun = small dick and small brain. As for the
> gun show, the real profits will be going to the
> hot dog vendors...

That, and Kliton's glory hole revenue over in the men's room.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: ZoomZoom ()
Date: September 28, 2014 09:09AM

These guys are all Anerican heros and great neighbors

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Bill Brady ()
Date: September 28, 2014 09:31AM

ZoomZoom Wrote:
> These guys are all Anerican heros and great
> neighbors

Hey now! That is a great picture. I is nice to see a African-American in the mix. Those guys just cant wait to shoot and kill some 16 year old kid who is trying to steal a kindle fire from one of their McMansions. Of course it is far more likely one of them will kill a family member or themselves. Oh yeah, those guys are hero's in their own little cowardly closed minds.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: September 28, 2014 10:19AM

Grow up gun humpers Wrote:
> We'll, there are cowards and then there are gun
> humper cowards. I don't think regular cowards are
> afraid of going to the grocery store or church
> without a gun...but a gun humping coward is. And
> just listen to them brag about how tough they are,
> it's hilarious when they just come across as
> someone who never grew up. They probably have sex
> with their guns.


Just a bunch of scared little boys at the playground. :-)

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: CrazyPeopleWithGuns ()
Date: September 28, 2014 10:20AM


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Jill BeShootin' ()
Date: September 28, 2014 10:25AM


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Suck your gun ()
Date: September 29, 2014 12:54AM

Those tubby "heroes" never outgrew cowboys and Indians. And they will shoot a family member, or themselves, before they'd ever hit a looter. Fools on parade with their penis substitutes because some of them can't reach their own dicks.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: kEpkK ()
Date: September 29, 2014 04:03PM

Alton Nolen from Kenya, one of Obama's sons (if he had one) tried to do his best to off a real American, using a knife.

A real American (not a cop) shot the Kenyan, stopping the murder.

Hey Democrats, remember this: Guns Save Lives.

Those who are afraid of guns can go back to their rooms and act all Emo. I remember you guys in Kindergarten: you were the ones eating the paste.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Neighborly ()
Date: September 29, 2014 04:58PM

There's no database. It's illegal for the authorities to have one in Virginia. That's a good thing.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: September 29, 2014 05:58PM

Well folks, the record was broken! A grand total of 61,651 hot dogs were consumed at this weekend's show. On average, each attendee gained 4.26 pounds.

Truly amazing!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: FancyLib ()
Date: September 30, 2014 12:28PM

Haha yeah dumb gun fags we should be more like chinia look how great they are doing, they don't have guns and shits awesome. In England they can't even have knives and they have no crime and they are really cool way cooler than us americans. Or even better we could be like North Korean they don't have any fat redneck gun fag bags, they don't even have food to get fat and nobody but the soldiers can have guns, hahaha guns are for fags.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: fancyLib ()
Date: September 30, 2014 12:35PM

We should just let the police and military have guns because the government are the only people we can trust. They pay for my house, my food, my Heath insurance, my cellphone I don't even have to work. I can just sit around and smoke weed all day. Praise black jesus lord Obama!!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Hey Goober ()
Date: September 30, 2014 12:40PM

Crawl back to Dogpatch and eat a plate of 'possum, you braindead loser. For the rest, skip the guns and get a penis-transplant instead. Much less risk involved in a penis-transplant.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Bill Brady's mother ()
Date: September 30, 2014 02:09PM

Please ignore Bill Brady. He is masturbating in public again, despite me telling him its disgusting!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: gun love er ()
Date: September 30, 2014 06:00PM

Kilton Wrote:
> Well folks, the record was broken! A grand total
> of 61,651 hot dogs were consumed at this weekend's
> show. On average, each attendee gained 4.26
> pounds.
> Truly amazing!

The gun show is also a big gay hook up event.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: 7ju6L ()
Date: October 01, 2014 03:06PM

More guns have been purchased during the 6 years of Obama then during any 6 year period in the history of the U.S.

And threads like this spur on sales.

That's why I'll repeat myself from earlier threads that the OP is actually a gun dealer, raking in big bucks.

I'm okay with that, however. The more guns the better, because, as well already now know, GUNS SAVE LIVES!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Smallie Bigs ()
Date: October 01, 2014 03:20PM

I have a rifle that I used to use to hunt. Now, use it occasionally to shoot targets or soda cans. Not often. My dick is big enough that I don't need to pretend my gun or my car extend it.

I find all the gun fetishists to be funny as hell. My favorites are the ones that try to tell you that their guns protect their liberty from the gubermint. Yeah, as if they'd have a chance against the fucking Army or a drone of a tank or a grenade launcher. You guys are the funniest assholes of them all. You talk as if you are gonna be standing in the doorway of you home, gun smokin' after you have finished blowing away the Obama SS that just tried to drag you and your family off to a FEMA camp. LOL Oh well, maybe y'all wanna go check out a prepper website or something.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2014 03:21PM by Smallie Bigs.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: boom__2323223 ()
Date: October 01, 2014 04:10PM

I went a few times, got some shirts and non-gun stuff. Love to look around, though. I am a history buff and their vintage stuff is awesome to check out.

Got to ask...why does almost every gun enthusiast have to be morbidly obese, wear tactical pants all of the time, and shitty Oakley sunglasses? I swear there must me a secret club. Requirement is you have not seen your own pecker since the 90s because of that huge gut.

I wouldn't worry about them of their guns. It's their right to own one. I am more worried about one of those guys having a massive massive coronary while driving on the highway and causing an accident.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: History Channel ()
Date: October 01, 2014 04:17PM

Smallie Bigs Wrote:
> I have a rifle that I used to use to hunt. Now,
> use it occasionally to shoot targets or soda cans.
> Not often. My dick is big enough that I don't need
> to pretend my gun or my car extend it.
> I find all the gun fetishists to be funny as hell.
> My favorites are the ones that try to tell you
> that their guns protect their liberty from the
> gubermint. Yeah, as if they'd have a chance
> against the fucking Army or a drone of a tank or a
> grenade launcher. You guys are the funniest
> assholes of them all. You talk as if you are gonna
> be standing in the doorway of you home, gun
> smokin' after you have finished blowing away the
> Obama SS that just tried to drag you and your
> family off to a FEMA camp. LOL Oh well, maybe
> y'all wanna go check out a prepper website or
> something.

Though I'm not in the group that you describe and find the case unlikely, what makes you think that the big guns would all be on one side? Typically not how that works out. Actually, your own one-sided scenario is less realistic.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Smallie Bigs ()
Date: October 01, 2014 04:20PM

History Channel Wrote:
> Smallie Bigs Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I have a rifle that I used to use to hunt. Now,
> > use it occasionally to shoot targets or soda
> cans.
> > Not often. My dick is big enough that I don't
> need
> > to pretend my gun or my car extend it.
> >
> > I find all the gun fetishists to be funny as
> hell.
> > My favorites are the ones that try to tell you
> > that their guns protect their liberty from the
> > gubermint. Yeah, as if they'd have a chance
> > against the fucking Army or a drone of a tank or
> a
> > grenade launcher. You guys are the funniest
> > assholes of them all. You talk as if you are
> gonna
> > be standing in the doorway of you home, gun
> > smokin' after you have finished blowing away
> the
> > Obama SS that just tried to drag you and your
> > family off to a FEMA camp. LOL Oh well, maybe
> > y'all wanna go check out a prepper website or
> > something.
> Though I'm not in the group that you describe and
> find the case unlikely, what makes you think that
> the big guns would all be on one side? Typically
> not how that works out. Actually, your own
> one-sided scenario is less realistic.

Come on man, if the U.S. Army was used to go after a bunch of guys packing their little rifles, and that is in fact just about all they would have, it would be over faster than you can say Little Big Horn.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2014 04:32PM by Smallie Bigs.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Gun Idiots ()
Date: October 01, 2014 04:52PM

Just what Fairfax County needs, more guntards and guns.

Remember Sandy Hook

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Va Tech Shooting ()
Date: October 01, 2014 04:55PM

Va Tech Shooting

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: History Channel ()
Date: October 01, 2014 05:05PM

Smallie Bigs Wrote:
> Come on man, if the U.S. Army was used to go after
> a bunch of guys packing their little rifles, and
> that is in fact just about all they would have, it
> would be over faster than you can say Little Big
> Horn.

Like I said, in the unlikely event something along such lines happened, what makes you think that they'd all be on the same side?

History says that it usually doesn't work that way.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: October 01, 2014 05:48PM

boom__2323223 Wrote:
> Got to ask...why does almost every gun enthusiast
> have to be morbidly obese, wear tactical pants all
> of the time, and shitty Oakley sunglasses? I swear
> there must me a secret club. Requirement is you
> have not seen your own pecker since the 90s
> because of that huge gut.

You nailed it. The demographics on this one are pretty remarkable. There's just something about white, middle-aged, overweight, balding men that makes them more susceptible to irrational fear.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Splainin please ()
Date: October 01, 2014 05:58PM

Kilton Wrote:
> You nailed it. The demographics on this one are
> pretty remarkable. There's just something about
> white, middle-aged, overweight, balding men that
> makes them more susceptible to irrational fear.

So why are all the ones doing the mass shootings (Sandy Hook, VA Tech, Columbine) young, basement dwelling, internet addicted nerds?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: HarryReid'sFail ()
Date: October 01, 2014 06:07PM


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: End resu ()
Date: October 01, 2014 06:35PM

HarryReid'sFail Wrote:
> src=http://beforeitsnews.com/mediadrop/uploads/201
> 4/15/c91369f3e49aa0bc6a8333721e9185d740238c7d.jpg>

So has blm foreclosed on the place, taken his money when he sold/sells his live stock?

What happened?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: October 02, 2014 06:26AM

Splainin please Wrote:
> So why are all the ones doing the mass shootings
> (Sandy Hook, VA Tech, Columbine) young, basement
> dwelling, internet addicted nerds?

Mass shootings have nothing to do with the coward gun nuts who love gun shows. Gun nuts allow fear to dictate their lives. Mass shootings on the other hand are the result of a different kind of mental illness entirely.

One can only hope you didn't think you were being clever with that question. :-)

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Moron Liberal ()
Date: October 02, 2014 05:08PM

Kilton Wrote:
> Splainin please Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So why are all the ones doing the mass
> shootings
> > (Sandy Hook, VA Tech, Columbine) young,
> basement
> > dwelling, internet addicted nerds?
> Mass shootings have nothing to do with the coward
> gun nuts who love gun shows. Gun nuts allow fear
> to dictate their lives. Mass shootings on the
> other hand are the result of a different kind of
> mental illness entirely.
> One can only hope you didn't think you were being
> clever with that question. :-)

We don't criticize you because you like to suck cock in dirty restrooms and spread STD's around.. Leave the gun hobbyists to their rightful freedom.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Actual Actually ()
Date: October 02, 2014 05:19PM

Moron Liberal Wrote:
> Leave the gun hobbyists to their rightful freedom.

Hobbyist, shmobbyist. Rights come with restrictions and responsibilities. Guntards need to be awakened to that fact.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Queers ()
Date: October 02, 2014 05:24PM

Actual Actually Wrote:
> Moron Liberal Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Leave the gun hobbyists to their rightful
> freedom.
> Hobbyist, shmobbyist. Rights come with
> restrictions and responsibilities. Guntards need
> to be awakened to that fact.

...and liberals need to quit being alarmists and instead see the forest for the trees. Go back to watching your MTV. You have nothing else useful to contribute here.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: lifetime NRA menber ()
Date: October 02, 2014 08:01PM

My Daddie is in prison now because he shot a black guy who was threatening him with a stick. My daddie had a gun on him but he did not want to use it. He got charged with a crime and got convicted later because he tried to defend himself. Guns make you safer and not less safe.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Self-Defender ()
Date: October 02, 2014 08:15PM


Check it out - worth the visit.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: October 02, 2014 08:30PM

Actual Actually Wrote:
> Hobbyist, shmobbyist. Rights come with
> restrictions and responsibilities. Guntards need
> to be awakened to that fact.

You gotta keep in mind that when it comes to gun nuts, you're dealing with a primal emotion (fear) at its worst. No amount of logic or rock-solid facts will make a difference. In their brains, emotion is more powerful than logic.

The only thing these monkeys understand -- besides fear -- is food. Only junk food, though -- no vegetables please. :-)

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Guns are scary! ()
Date: October 02, 2014 08:37PM

Kilton Wrote:
> Actual Actually Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hobbyist, shmobbyist. Rights come with
> > restrictions and responsibilities. Guntards
> need
> > to be awakened to that fact.
> You gotta keep in mind that when it comes to gun
> nuts, you're dealing with a primal emotion (fear)
> at its worst. No amount of logic or rock-solid
> facts will make a difference. In their brains,
> emotion is more powerful than logic.
> The only thing these monkeys understand -- besides
> fear -- is food. Only junk food, though -- no
> vegetables please. :-)

Actually seems to apply more to you anti-gun nuts. If you had no emotion-driven arguments, you'd have none at all.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Read the facts ()
Date: October 02, 2014 09:00PM

94% of all shooting deaths in the U.S. in the past 20 years are from guns that were fired by liberals.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Srsly? ()
Date: October 02, 2014 09:15PM

lifetime NRA menber Wrote:
> My Daddie is in prison now because he shot a black
> guy who was threatening him with a stick. My
> daddie had a gun on him but he did not want to use
> it. He got charged with a crime and got convicted
> later because he tried to defend himself. Guns
> make you safer and not less safe.

So your "Daddie" (unique spelling!) is better off for having had a gun?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: his daddy was a fag ()
Date: October 02, 2014 10:35PM

Srsly? Wrote:
> lifetime NRA menber Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > My Daddie is in prison now because he shot a
> black
> > guy who was threatening him with a stick. My
> > daddie had a gun on him but he did not want to
> use
> > it. He got charged with a crime and got
> convicted
> > later because he tried to defend himself. Guns
> > make you safer and not less safe.
> So your "Daddie" (unique spelling!) is better off
> for having had a gun?

Fag - an annoying nuisance. His dad was a huge huge faaaaaaaaaaaaaaag

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Cool stats ()
Date: October 02, 2014 10:39PM

Read the facts Wrote:
> 94% of all shooting deaths in the U.S. in the past
> 20 years are from guns that were fired by
> liberals.

Wow what a coincidence 94% of closet fags are republicans

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: yeeeee hawwwww ()
Date: December 30, 2014 05:07AM

Enjoy the gun show next weekend!

Don't forget that guns are banned at the gun show!!!

Hey, maybe you guntards should think about an anti-gun ban protest in the parking lot.

Either way I hope you ignorant fucks enjoy yourselves.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Surefire Money Maker ()
Date: December 30, 2014 06:07AM

Wish I had the duct tape and plastic wrap concessions at a few of these gun shows...

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: gt3 ()
Date: December 30, 2014 06:23AM

Love to watch the toothless, low IQ, beer bellies with their skank redneck women at the shows, priceless.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: December 30, 2014 06:24AM

yeeeee hawwwww Wrote:
> Enjoy the gun show next weekend!
> Don't forget that guns are banned at the gun
> show!!!
> Hey, maybe you guntards should think about an
> anti-gun ban protest in the parking lot.

Teehee. These apes would be accidentally shooting bullets all over the place if guns were allowed. Very wise decision on the part of the show runners.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Vendor dude ()
Date: December 30, 2014 06:46AM

Here's what packs 'em in at gun shows...mmmm, good!!!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: shell no pest strip ()
Date: December 30, 2014 08:17AM

Kilton Wrote:
> yeeeee hawwwww Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Enjoy the gun show next weekend!
> >
> > Don't forget that guns are banned at the gun
> > show!!!
> >
> > Hey, maybe you guntards should think about an
> > anti-gun ban protest in the parking lot.
> Teehee. These apes would be accidentally shooting
> bullets all over the place if guns were allowed.
> Very wise decision on the part of the show
> runners.

The gun show might be a good place to swat some guntards. You know most of them will be carrying. A call to the cops during the show could resut in quite a few guntards losing their CCP.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: OP still faggot. And butthurt. ()
Date: December 30, 2014 09:59AM


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Cremore Gastone ()
Date: December 30, 2014 10:29AM

Bill Brady Wrote:
> It is kind of a hoot to watch the fat, ignorant
> gun guys that go to the nations gun show.
> http://www.thenationsgunshow.com/

I saw your mom there, how do you explain that?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Because... ()
Date: December 30, 2014 07:22PM

Surefire Money Maker Wrote:
> Wish I had the duct tape and plastic wrap
> concessions at a few of these gun shows...

Forgive my ignorance, but: because goobers buy muskets to ship home? Or is there some other fetish that goes along with firearms?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Surefirs Money Maker ()
Date: December 30, 2014 08:15PM

Ignorance forgiven, sort of. Back in the days before the senseless invasion of Iraq, dingbat DHS Secretary Tom Ridge told the American people that they should prepare to protect themselves from potential terrorist attacks by purchasing lots of duct tape and plastic sheets with which to "seal off" rooms in their homes in the event of chemical or biological attacks. This on top of the ridiculous Terrorist-Threat-O-Meter already being used to scare people.

The connection to the mindless paranoia of today's guntards is of course that -- just like duct tape and plastic wrap -- guns in the home DO NOT make you any safer. In fact, they do quite the opposite. The duct tape thing was at least harmless aside from the thousands upon thousands of dollars that the foolish went out and wasted on the stuff.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: The Cowards Are You! ()
Date: December 30, 2014 08:40PM

Can't handle law abiding citizens owning guns? Go on back to reading Lenin and Mao you weak freaks.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Because... ()
Date: December 30, 2014 08:45PM

Surefirs Money Maker Wrote:
> Ignorance forgiven, sort of. Back in the days
> before the senseless invasion of Iraq, dingbat DHS
> Secretary Tom Ridge told the American people that
> they should prepare to protect themselves from
> potential terrorist attacks by purchasing lots of
> duct tape and plastic sheets with which to "seal
> off" rooms in their homes in the event of chemical
> or biological attacks.

Ah yes, how could I forget? (Well, I didn't really forget, just didn't make the connection.) Thanks.

Yeah, I remember being horrified by that ignorant recommendation at the time. Just beyond stupid. The only thing he forgot was the caulk, to ensure things were air-tight ...

I'm actually surprised there were no Darwin Award winners out of that one!

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: NYU = TR/DHS? Libtardz... ()
Date: December 30, 2014 09:00PM

"According to an August 2001 study by scientists at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a room properly sealed with duct tape and sheet-plastic 2.5 mil (0.0025 inches) thick would block certain nerve gasses for between 25 minutes and three hours.."

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: libtardz... ()
Date: December 30, 2014 09:01PM

Tom Kelley, director of the Lorain County Emergency Management Agency, said duct tape has long been recommended as a necessity for any survival package.

''I've been here 13 years and we've always had it listed on the handouts we provide,'' said Kelley.

Kelley said in the case of a chemical or biological attack citizens are encouraged to move to a safe room inside their residence, turn off heating and air conditioning units and then use the duct tape, along with plastic sheeting, to seal off windows and vents.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Dont Shoot, Let Me Riot ()
Date: December 30, 2014 09:29PM

I always laugh at the anti-gun tards when they start in with the "guns kill people" baloney. This building will be stuffed full of guns for 3 days and not a single person will be killed.

Any of you pansies care to comment?

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Whats So Really Funny Is That ()
Date: December 30, 2014 10:08PM

Theres only a couple of turds posting all the anti gun shit under different names.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Oscar Meyer ()
Date: December 30, 2014 10:10PM

No regrets

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: "what a fool believes" ()
Date: December 30, 2014 10:26PM

Dont Shoot, Let Me Riot Wrote:
> I always laugh at the anti-gun tards when they
> start in with the "guns kill people" baloney. This
> building will be stuffed full of guns for 3 days
> and not a single person will be killed.
> Any of you pansies care to comment?

You hope not. But tell the Hooter's waitress this.
Only a fool makes a statement he doesn't have any contol of.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: you know it is true ()
Date: December 31, 2014 01:21AM

Because... Wrote:
> Surefirs Money Maker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ignorance forgiven, sort of. Back in the days
> > before the senseless invasion of Iraq, dingbat
> > Secretary Tom Ridge told the American people
> that
> > they should prepare to protect themselves from
> > potential terrorist attacks by purchasing lots
> of
> > duct tape and plastic sheets with which to
> "seal
> > off" rooms in their homes in the event of
> chemical
> > or biological attacks.
> Ah yes, how could I forget? (Well, I didn't really
> forget, just didn't make the connection.) Thanks.
> Yeah, I remember being horrified by that ignorant
> recommendation at the time. Just beyond stupid.
> The only thing he forgot was the caulk, to ensure
> things were air-tight ...
> I'm actually surprised there were no Darwin Award
> winners out of that one!

Your boyfriend says you were air-tight well before that.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: December 31, 2014 06:18AM

Look out everyone, we've got a 2-year-old murderer on our hands: http://wtop.com/politics/2014/12/police-boy-2-accidentally-kills-mom-in-wal-mart/

This is why you gotta open-carry rather than concealed-carry. These stupid women don't get it. Only "real men" -- white, overweight, balding, and testosterone-deprived -- understand that open-carry is the way to roll. In addition to attracting lots of much-needed attention, open-carry would have prevented the above incident. By concealing her weapon, this woman allowed her kid to sneak his hand into her purse and pull the gun out before anyone else in the store could react. Had she been open-carrying, others in the store would have seen what the child was about to do, and they could have shot him before he shot her.

C'mon people. Let's ban concealed carry, and go "open only". Are you with me? :-)

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: EVtnE ()
Date: December 31, 2014 06:53AM

This is why Democrats can only win elections by cheating. When they actually try to defend a position, they resort to name-calling and other kindergarten tactics.

I can just see that last poster waking up saying, "I'm going to prevent someone from buying a gun today by calling him fat."

The fact of the matter is, I am overweight, and white, but not balding. I don't know about testosterone-deprived, I haven't been tested, but I don't go around raping women like a lot of Democrats do, so maybe I don't have has much testosterone as the average Democrat.

But I do have a gun, and several. And I like guns. And Democrats don't like the fact that I have a gun, so I like that, too.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: December 31, 2014 01:28PM

EVtnE Wrote:
> The fact of the matter is, I am overweight,
> But I do have a gun, and several. And I like guns.

LOL. Thanks for clearing that up!

You forgot to include your pic though:


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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Cabital gun show!! ()
Date: December 31, 2014 02:09PM

Getting my tactical pants cleaned and pressed and gonna shine my boots tomorrow.
My EBT card has been reloaded and I'm ready. My girlfriend cummin up from Sttaford county to buy cause my felony convicton won't let me.
Gonna get me some more guns and ammo. Gonna be a great year.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Xjjdd ()
Date: December 31, 2014 02:17PM

Wait for the CZ Skorpion Evo 3. I am.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Penn Teller ()
Date: December 31, 2014 03:18PM

Crime in America would drop by 95.6% if no liberals had guns. If any of you libturds has a gun, you should do the right thing and turn it in before you go postal like so many other libs.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: No Guns For Marylanders at Show ()
Date: December 31, 2014 05:39PM

Gun Grabbers hhearts will warm with this story


If Va is giving those fuckers info on CCW permits thats bullshit. Its not needed anyway as all cops treat anyone they pull over like they have a hidden gun permits or not.

Maryland "The Free State"

Gun Grabbers may take note that some of the Chantilly gun show dealers will not sell any guns at all to anyone that lives in Md. Even thought they can sell them rifles and shotguns. The reason is that they feel Md's laws are so F.U. they dont know what the law is today or tommorow. I don't blame them a bit.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Biohazard ()
Date: December 31, 2014 06:20PM

Kilton Wrote:
> Look out everyone, we've got a 2-year-old murderer
> on our hands:
> http://wtop.com/politics/2014/12/police-boy-2-acci
> dentally-kills-mom-in-wal-mart/
> This is why you gotta open-carry rather than
> concealed-carry. These stupid women don't get it.
> Only "real men" -- white, overweight, balding, and
> testosterone-deprived -- understand that
> open-carry is the way to roll. In addition to
> attracting lots of much-needed attention,
> open-carry would have prevented the above
> incident. By concealing her weapon, this woman
> allowed her kid to sneak his hand into her purse
> and pull the gun out before anyone else in the
> store could react. Had she been open-carrying,
> others in the store would have seen what the child
> was about to do, and they could have shot him
> before he shot her.
> C'mon people. Let's ban concealed carry, and go
> "open only". Are you with me? :-)

Id rather we ban faggots like you.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Dangerous Bob ()
Date: December 31, 2014 06:32PM

Gee some of you folk sure have sore heads!

What do you have against me having a little fun shooting?


Come on and join the fun! Quit being so limp wristed !

Now this is some real "Blazing" not that stupid sissy stuff you

do with your lousy "Blunts"

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: Once again... ()
Date: December 31, 2014 06:53PM

More than 30,000 dead each year. More than 150,000 seriously injured. All but a tiny portion of the carnage done deliberately. By someone With access to a gun.

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Re: Coward convention in Chantilly again this weekend
Posted by: No Ass You have Got It Wrong ()
Date: December 31, 2014 06:59PM

>More than 30,000 dead each year. More than 150,000 seriously injured. All but a tiny portion of the carnage done by "accident" by idiots behind the wheel. By people With access to a automobile and a cell phone.

Fixed it for you stupid.

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