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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Cleo ()
Date: December 30, 2010 01:28PM

Hi, first time poster, here. Thanks for taking my question.

I am wondering why this is called the Underground?

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Nalgas ()
Date: December 31, 2010 03:53PM

Cleo Wrote:
> Hi, first time poster, here. Thanks for taking my
> question.
> I am wondering why this is called the Underground?

One of my predictions for 2011.....

that "Cleo" will become a fucking pain in the neck to all

serious posters here and get banned.

Why the fuck do you thinkit's called the underground, moron?

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Cleo ()
Date: December 31, 2010 05:57PM

You'll be happy to know I've been banned.

Good job!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2011 06:13PM by Cleo.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Sally ()
Date: January 03, 2011 12:09AM

OMG, why were you banned, Cleo?

Was it because you said you were 3 percent lesbian?

That doesn't seem too extreme to me, not that I'm any percent lesbian, but 3 percent really isn't much... in the whole scheme of things, if you know what I mean.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: XYX ()
Date: February 12, 2011 08:05PM

Can this information be used against you and how can it be deleted.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: ???? ()
Date: February 25, 2011 10:07PM

Could you please explain the point of this site , all these people do is write negative and hurtfull things about people who are hurt or have past away and the worste part they don't even know any of theses people they are criticizing .Do you not understand the pain you are causing to family members and friends of the people you are posting on your page for some type of entertainment?

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: TruthInLies ()
Date: March 10, 2011 07:46PM

Fairfax Underground sux!

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: March 11, 2011 02:33PM

TruthInLies Wrote:
> Fairfax Underground sux!

Well that certainly takes this forum down a peg.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: March 28, 2011 06:06PM

Several outbound Fairfax County government IP addresses were just banned, including the IP address used by "The Lamb Center" due to constant abuse and thread spamming. These addresses are used by more than one individual and as such may impact the ability of legitimate users to post content. The bans will be lifted in 7 days. To the posters: Please DO NOT spam other threads with "The Lamb Center" information. Each thread is a unique topic. Do not hijack other threads to spread awareness of your topic.

- Cary (the admin)

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: March 29, 2011 06:46AM

Ahhahahhaaa...The Lamb Center is a source of spam. That is too damned funny.


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Monte Rissell serial rapist/murderer
Posted by: aafjhb ()
Date: April 02, 2011 12:26AM

In reading several of your postings Monte Rissell seemed to be of interest to many. I dated Monte Rissell during his active raping and killing. I have asked myself many times why am I alive??
Monte and I were in Highschool in D.E.C.A. class when he asked me out. Oddly enough one of the main things that stayed with me was how strange his mother was. I was a fairly naive girl and even I knew somthing was up. If anyone is interested in further details please post and I will do my best to answer.

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Re: Monte Rissell serial rapist/murderer
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: April 04, 2011 09:48AM

Further details please

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Re: Monte Rissell serial rapist/murderer
Date: April 04, 2011 09:58AM


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: Monte Rissell serial rapist/murderer
Posted by: 6X ()
Date: April 23, 2011 10:23PM

Pinhead the Cenobite Wrote:
> http://www.mediabistro.com/fishbowldc/files/2011/0
> 1/87665dude-wtf-posters1z.jpg

Pinhead, Don't F with Cary. He has a hard job with all the trolls.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: April 23, 2011 10:42PM

What would give you the idea that I was fucking with Cary???


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: 6X ()
Date: April 24, 2011 07:44PM

Pinhead the Cenobite Wrote:
> What would give you the idea that I was fucking
> with Cary???

Wut? I'm 6x ...Who you sendin that to?

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: interesting ()
Date: April 26, 2011 04:39PM

6X Wrote:
> Pinhead the Cenobite Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What would give you the idea that I was fucking
> > with Cary???
> Wut? I'm 6x ...Who you sendin that to?

Since this site allows embedded images it's possible for a crafty person to embed an image that's hosted on a webserver under their control and get the IP addresses of everyone viewing an individual thread (as their browser will go out and fetch the embedded image).


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: April 26, 2011 04:42PM



"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: come now don't be shy
Posted by: Kelley J. ()
Date: June 10, 2011 09:25AM

Is it him or you smoking the dope?? Let's be honest.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: June 10, 2011 03:56PM


I recommend adding a policy that threads containing pornographic images be forced to carry the NSFW tag in the main subject line. If the image has nothing to do with the thread, then the image is edited out. The amount of NSFW images appearing in the off-topic section has greatly increased in the past six months, and many users view this site from work (whether they admit it or not).

The standing argument seems to be that you view this site at your own risk, but there's a difference between threads containing the words "shit" or "fuck" and threads containing large pictures of naked people.

My concern is that the off-topic section is going to go from a degenerate cesspool to a degenerate cesspool filled with porn as users (mainly unregistered ones) get more and more bold. It's only a matter of time until someone starts posting illegal images, which would not be in anyone's best interest.

Just a thought.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: K ()
Date: June 11, 2011 09:39PM


... That girl's going to end up with a kid before she turns 20, I can just smell it.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: wnrsm ()
Date: June 13, 2011 06:20PM


Moved to Reston in 2004. Glad to see the open discussion despite the snark - it's the spice of life.

I loved the thread about the Remey Crypt! I feel like I missed out by not growing up here. The natives here have great stories. I certainly didn't get a better deal where I grew up.

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No 2010, 2011 topoics
Posted by: xxxx ()
Date: June 13, 2011 08:25PM

Any reason why no 2010/2011 entries appear for the "Arrest/Ticket Search" topic?

Thanks for what you are doing.

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Re: No 2010, 2011 topoics
Posted by: Ut videam ()
Date: June 13, 2011 08:30PM

Fairfax County changed the format of the arrest data at some point in 2010. The "new" search can't handle the newer data and doesn't return it. Until it's fixed, you have to use the "old" search interface to access the newer data.

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Re: alyssa jupin
Posted by: Hawkkiller666 ()
Date: June 17, 2011 07:22PM

PACKLEADER dont you have anything better to do than talk shit if you ever decide to stop hiding im waiting for you or are you to much of a pussy you tell me. Alyssa was a great friend of mine so which ever you decide I will find out who you are and I will get you

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Re: alyssa jupin
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: June 20, 2011 07:24AM

Hawkkiller666 Wrote:
> PACKLEADER dont you have anything better to do
> than talk shit if you ever decide to stop hiding
> im waiting for you or are you to much of a pussy
> you tell me. Alyssa was a great friend of mine so
> which ever you decide I will find out who you are
> and I will get you

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: kdubz ()
Date: July 07, 2011 03:27PM

funny how the thread designated for new users is filled with old users talkin' smack.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Blundt ()
Date: July 14, 2011 02:37PM

I'm a new user. Nice to meet you folks!

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Just a Question ()
Date: July 24, 2011 09:37AM

A friend of mine tried to make a post in a forum, but it said that IP Address had been blocked, What does that mean? She has never posted anything rude or nasty,

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: July 25, 2011 02:49PM

Hello "Just a Question",

Could you please have your friend visit the following website and let me know what it reports as their IP address?


Unfortunately many users with dynamic IP addresses have been banned and your friend may have been assigned a previously banned address. Additionally many out-of-town address ranges and proxy services have been banned due to constant abuse. If you email the results of the 'showip.php' page above to cary@fairfaxunderground.com I will investigate the blockage and likely reverse it.

If you have any further questions or requests please don't hesitate to ask.

- Cary (the admin)

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Brown Eye Blind ()
Date: July 28, 2011 05:02PM

hi cary,

is there a way for one to terminate their own account? I would like to leave FFXU. thanks,


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: July 28, 2011 05:50PM

Can't you just not log in?

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: postpoppunk ()
Date: August 06, 2011 02:10PM

"Bump"....haha, I think that is funny - but I am idiotic like that..

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Angry Person ()
Date: August 23, 2011 12:48PM

In my opinion this website is extremely repulsive. So many people just talking trash about one another, having no remorse or proof of the allegations being made. This site is filled with people who have nothing better to do than hurt other from behind a computer screen. Why this should be a website about helping others and passing information around a community not a war zone where people put other people on trial and say horrible things about people. This is no better than cyber bullying except the anonymous names prevent you form having to reveal who they are. This is like a middle school where people do nothing but start rumors about others to hurt peoples feelings.

I hope that you read this message and think, about your future activity and really only present information that is factual and helpful to others in the northern Virginia area. Put yourself in the person your about to hurt before you post your message.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: DDSMRS ()
Date: August 30, 2011 08:19PM

Dear Angry Person,

You can leave anytime you want. Why even be on here if it hurts you?

We are all allowed the freedom of speech in the great USA. If you do not like it
you can leave. FFU is not making you be part of our community.

Stop being mad at that which you cannot change.


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Angry Person ()
Date: September 08, 2011 05:19PM

> Dear Angry Person,
> You can leave anytime you want. Why even be on
> here if it hurts you?
> We are all allowed the freedom of speech in the
> great USA. If you do not like it
> you can leave. FFU is not making you be part of
> our community.
> Stop being mad at that which you cannot change.
> Peace.

Bite me!

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: BigK12 ()
Date: September 09, 2011 06:32AM

I was surprised to find out that this site is being used by more and more smaller business. I didn't even know about this site until my son told me about the job interview that he had been on and how the employers used this site instead of doing a criminal background check. The guy told him that it was "cheaper" becasue it was after all just a part-time job working in a candy store. My son thankfully brought in the court documents and showed it to him and explained what happened.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Unknown ()
Date: September 13, 2011 01:33PM

Who can I contact about getting my name off of this site? I'm listed as having a ticket in 2007, though I went to court and was found not guilty of the charge! This is outrageous.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: September 13, 2011 04:32PM

The arrest/ticket being issued still exists despite what the final court decision turns out to be. I suppose you would want to contact the FCPD about that, if you are so inclined.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: September 13, 2011 06:32PM

Unknown Wrote:
> Who can I contact about getting my name off of
> this site? I'm listed as having a ticket in 2007,
> though I went to court and was found not guilty of
> the charge! This is outrageous.

This isn't where the data originated. You need to contact the county.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Professional ()
Date: September 22, 2011 01:22PM

I was wondering if there is someone I could talk to about erasing a charge off the arrest/ticket search. I was never found guilty of the crime and it got expunged from my record. Its not even on the fairfax county va court systems website anymore. Is there a way I can get it taken off of here?

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: James ()
Date: September 22, 2011 04:05PM

Shadow Wrote:
> Unknown Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Who can I contact about getting my name off of
> > this site? I'm listed as having a ticket in
> 2007,
> > though I went to court and was found not guilty
> of
> > the charge! This is outrageous.
> --------------------------------------------------
> This isn't where the data originated. You need to
> contact the county.

it seems like a lot of people ask this

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: BigK12 ()
Date: September 23, 2011 07:18AM

If you don't want your tickets or arrest records to appear here then DO NOT COMMIT THE CRIME!!! I read the posts above and laughed so hard it made my sides hurt. Poor felons.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Professional ()
Date: October 02, 2011 02:38PM

No crime was ever committed.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: tellthetruth ()
Date: December 07, 2011 05:52AM

and make sure you let every new user know that not EVERYTHING here is FACT. more of a low class trash talking site. its where all us white trash nova folks come to talk shit about people and find out creepy shit about them. yay! have fun!!

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Josh B ()
Date: December 09, 2011 02:52AM

Is the ticket database updated? I cannot find anything past 2008.....

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Olde Farte ()
Date: December 10, 2011 12:13PM

Josh B Wrote:
> Is the ticket database updated? I cannot find
> anything past 2008.....

Use the old ticket search (in the explanatory text of the new search page).

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: ANGRY CITIZEN ()
Date: January 06, 2012 05:33PM


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: January 06, 2012 09:44PM

What law?

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: queen-latifah ()
Date: January 09, 2012 05:23AM

Public message board and chat for residents. Also includes public record Ticket/Arrest search.
Statistics Summary for fairfaxunderground.com

Fairfaxunderground.com's three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 130,989. Compared with the overall internet population, this site's audience tends to be under the age of 25; they are also disproportionately childless, high-income men browsing from school and home who have no postgraduate education. This site is based in the US, and Fairfaxunderground.com has been online since 2004. It has a relatively good traffic rank in the city of Washington (DC) (#4,029).Fairfaxunderground.com's three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 130,989. Compared with the overall internet population, this site's audience tends to be under the age of 25; they are also

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: content citizen ()
Date: January 12, 2012 04:20PM


Your conviction may have been expunged, but you were still issued a ticket and/or arrested. maybe if you weren't so angry, you wouldn't run afould of the law.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: DangerousThread ()
Date: January 18, 2012 07:46PM

I'm not sure how to contact the site mods but the recent thread regarding high school girls is highly inflammatory and inappropriate. Essentially you are allowing people to comment on acts allegedly committed by minors or underaged girls (regardless of their age now). Regardless if whether the commentary is true or not, you are placing the site and posters at risk. Aside from the cyber-bullying aspect, there are legal issues and I urge you to remove the thread. In addition, the posters have created a premise for cyberstalking by encouraging others to "find" these young girls on facebook. Please remove the thread before someone gets physically or emotionally hurt. Thank you for your attention.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: January 19, 2012 08:45AM

DangerousThread Wrote:
> I'm not sure how to contact the site mods but the
> recent thread regarding high school girls is
> highly inflammatory and inappropriate. Essentially
> you are allowing people to comment on acts
> allegedly committed by minors or underaged girls
> (regardless of their age now). Regardless if
> whether the commentary is true or not, you are
> placing the site and posters at risk. Aside from
> the cyber-bullying aspect, there are legal issues
> and I urge you to remove the thread. In addition,
> the posters have created a premise for
> cyberstalking by encouraging others to "find"
> these young girls on facebook. Please remove the
> thread before someone gets physically or
> emotionally hurt. Thank you for your attention.

Clearly, you can't actually read. The first thread on this forum, which states "new users read this first" and on this very thread that you posted on states the moderators names and email to contact them.

Additionally, every post has the "report" button with which to notify the admin of something that deserves immediate attention.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: DangerousThread ()
Date: January 19, 2012 09:11AM


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: January 31, 2012 10:09AM

Shadow Wrote:
> Additionally, every post has the "report" button
> with which to notify the admin of something that
> deserves immediate attention.

That is only available for registered users. "DangerousThread" is an unregistered poster and will have to register in order to report a post.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Kelly Hebron ()
Date: February 10, 2012 10:24AM

Hello There,

I found some offensive racial comments exchanged in a recent thread titled, " W*** people smell like b***" and respectfully request that you take down the thread. I do not think the exchange is productive for anyone and only further divides our wonderfully diverse community.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 10, 2012 10:28AM

EABOD Kelly.


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Troll Hunters ()
Date: February 10, 2012 09:49PM

I tried to post a thread defining more clearly the term "troll" I got a message that this was considered irrelavent.by another user and the thread dissappeared immediately. Who makes such decisions? The site admin. or individuals ? Thank you for clarification.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 10, 2012 10:37PM

The tribe votes in ad hoc groupings. Your post was deemed irrelevant and expunged.

Try not to repeat such stupid things.


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: 6X ()
Date: February 10, 2012 11:51PM

Pinhead the Cenobite Wrote:
> The tribe votes in ad hoc groupings. Your post
> was deemed irrelevant and expunged.
> Try not to repeat such stupid things.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Troll Hunters ()
Date: February 11, 2012 12:00AM

Well,your house,your rules, but there is no need for deceit.The alleged ad hoc group meeting took less than one minute. Maybe I should ask how you define irellevant. Have you looked at the subjects of some of these threads?

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 11, 2012 09:30AM

Troll Hunters Wrote:
> Well,your house,your rules.

We know that, and do not need you to remind us of that fact.

> but there is no need for deceit.

No deceit here.

> The alleged ad hoc group meeting took less than one minute.

Was it one minute? Damn, we are good! FYI, here is a webgrab of our meeting area:

> Maybe I should ask how you define irellevant.

"irellevant" Sorry, I cannot define words that do not exist.

> Have you looked at the subjects of some of these threads?

Yes, and yours was deemed irrelevant.


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: February 13, 2012 02:35PM

Troll Hunters Wrote:
> I tried to post a thread defining more clearly the
> term "troll" I got a message that this was
> considered irrelavent.by another user and the
> thread dissappeared immediately. Who makes such
> decisions? The site admin. or individuals ? Thank
> you for clarification.

Disappeared? Really? There is a thread that you started with this topic. Did you repeat yourself and start multiple threads?

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Concerned Visitor ()
Date: May 16, 2012 06:30PM

This image came up in a google search. I was shocked to see that there is no way to report offensive material posted in your forums. Please reconsider the lack of reporting tools in your forum. Material like this should not be allowed.

see: Posting by Gang Banger () @ http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read.php?40,870494,870494,quote=1

Re: I'm afraid to use the Metro - Woman gang-raped near Metro
Posted by: Gang Banger ()
Date: March 27, 2012 07:20PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: graymoose1 ()
Date: May 17, 2012 12:23PM

Are you so stupid that you didn't see the report tab? You must be a rich white soccer mom.

W.W.S.D. what would Scooby Doo

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: May 18, 2012 01:18PM

I could be wrong but I don't think unregistered users can report anything...thus, no report tab.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: You Are Correct. ()
Date: May 18, 2012 01:38PM

TheNorthman Wrote:
> I could be wrong but I don't think unregistered
> users can report anything...thus, no report tab.

Unregistered users do not have a "report" menu item. I had suggested that it be added, both in the forum and in an E-mail to Cary, but he ignored my suggestion.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: May 21, 2012 06:53PM

You Are Correct. Wrote:
> TheNorthman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I could be wrong but I don't think unregistered
> > users can report anything...thus, no report
> tab.
> Unregistered users do not have a "report" menu
> item. I had suggested that it be added, both in
> the forum and in an E-mail to Cary, but he ignored
> my suggestion.

If you all had actually READ the first post in this thread...you could have reported your concerns directly, if it bothered you enough to complain in the first place, you could bother to actually email Cary. A throw away email address is simple enough to create if you're worried about Cary learning who you are, or you can go through one of the anonymous servers.

Quoted from the first message in this thread:
"[Anything Else?]
If you have any other questions that are not covered here feel free to post them in this thread or email me at cary@fairfaxunderground.com and I will be sure to get back to you soon. "

Really, this isn't that difficult.

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before you post
Posted by: grummpy1 ()
Date: June 04, 2012 12:26PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: jest ()
Date: June 19, 2012 06:45PM

^^^ he posted a hack / malware on this page

lol hack /

get it

edit by Cary: Hidden iframe link removed, abusive.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/20/2012 05:53PM by Cary.

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Time to get out the fire hose
Posted by: Dwokkadwokka ()
Date: June 20, 2012 08:53AM


Not my place, but the 2Concerned crap on the other topics board is growing hair . . . doesn't look good.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Old Mike ()
Date: July 08, 2012 05:20PM

Trying to find any update on the accident a few weeks ago at Burke Lake/Clifton and Ox Rd, motorcycle virtually disintegrated. Helicopter evac apparently took place although it was hard to believe anyone on the bike survived. Any updates?

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: DwokkaDwokka ()
Date: July 18, 2012 11:17AM


On the Mike O'Meara show thread, somebody posted a LONG (mainly blank) post last night that basically makes the thread inoperative. Can you assist?

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: July 19, 2012 07:44PM

DwokkaDwokka Wrote:
> Cary:
> On the Mike O'Meara show thread, somebody posted a
> LONG (mainly blank) post last night that basically
> makes the thread inoperative. Can you assist?

This has happened many times in the LFF and BOAD threads. In the past I've found the best way to get it taken care of is to report it. You have to be a registered user to do so. The "report" option appears under every post for registered posters.

I just did so. It should be gone soon.

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Re: Time to get out the fire hose
Posted by: James ()
Date: July 22, 2012 06:53AM

Dwokkadwokka Wrote:
> Cary:
> Not my place, but the 2Concerned crap on the other
> topics board is growing hair . . . doesn't look
> good.

2con has been quiet for a while now. Let's hope it stays that way.

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Re: Time to get out the fire hose
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: July 23, 2012 03:40PM

Brian Haddock Wrote:
> James Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Dwokkadwokka Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Cary:
> > >
> > > Not my place, but the 2Concerned crap on the
> > other
> > > topics board is growing hair . . . doesn't
> look
> > > good.
> >
> >
> > 2con has been quiet for a while now. Let's hope
> it
> > stays that way.
> That's because I threatened him with a LAWLsuit!

Trolling FFXU at 4:15 AM, huh?

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Poster ()
Date: July 26, 2012 03:29PM

Off Topic is large image photo bombing a lot of threads lately rendering them useless.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Housekeeping ()
Date: July 29, 2012 06:52AM

Cary, the Mike O'Meara board is now bombarded with whitespacers AND giant photos artists.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Giant Photo ()
Date: July 29, 2012 11:55AM

Cary, why do you continue to protect these snotty little punks in the Mike O'meara thread? They have polluted this board with meaningles off-topic spam for years, and every time someone gives them a taste of their own medicine, they hypocritically whine and complain to you like a bunch of bed-wetting thumb sukkking brats. Phuk 'em....

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: No, fuck YOU ()
Date: July 29, 2012 12:25PM

The MOM board is approprate -- local podcast, former local radio show. Whether you're on there just to be a dick, or because you're one of that lazy fat fuck's few remaining fans, either way, the board can operate if Cary says it can, if you fuck with it, I hope you get banned, dick.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: No FUCK YOU ()
Date: July 29, 2012 12:34PM

The MOM board is THOROUGHLY inapproprate -- Manassas based podcast with no Fairfax ties at all, a mere former local radio show. Whether you're one of those assholes there just to be a dick and pollute the boards, or because you're one of that radio personality's unbalanced hatemongering crazed stalkers, either way, the thread will be protected only if Cary says it can, if you keep posting, I hope you get banned, bed-wetter.

waaaa,waaaa, boo-hooo, boo-hoo cary pwease help!! pwiddy pwiddy pwease!!

Can dish it out, but ccan't take it, huh? pathetic thumb-sukker

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I mean, it's only at the top of every page on this site.....................
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: August 13, 2012 07:47AM

@No FUCK YOU - perhaps you need to read the top of the page here if yr problem has to do with the location of a podcast: Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication between residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.

Not. Rocket. Science.

pic unrelated
clearly you are an ingnorant fuck.jpg

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Re: I mean, it's only at the top of every page on this site.....................
Posted by: Joe Friday ()
Date: August 13, 2012 09:22PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @No FUCK YOU - perhaps you need to read the top of
> the page here if yr problem has to do with the
> location of a podcast: Welcome to Fairfax
> Underground, a project site designed to improve
> communication between residents of Fairfax County,
> VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia
> residents would find interesting.
> Not. Rocket. Science.
> pic unrelated


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: No Fuck you ()
Date: August 14, 2012 12:07AM

@ gordon-listen up you IGNORANT FUCK - perhaps you need to read the top of the OFF TOPIC page here if your problem has to do with Prince William county topics/

"Welcome to Fairfax Underground, OFF TOPIC a project site dedicated to
Anything and everything that's not related to Northern Virginia"


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Sam Saturday ()
Date: August 14, 2012 12:07AM

@ gordon-listen up you IGNORANT FUCK - perhaps you need to read the top of the OFF TOPIC page here if your problem has to do with Prince William county topics/

"Welcome to Fairfax Underground, OFF TOPIC a project site dedicated to
Anything and everything that's not related to Northern Virginia"



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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Joe Friday ()
Date: August 14, 2012 12:23AM

Sam Saturday Wrote:
> @ gordon-listen up you IGNORANT FUCK - perhaps you
> need to read the top of the OFF TOPIC page here if
> your problem has to do with Prince William county
> topics/
> "Welcome to Fairfax Underground, OFF TOPIC a
> project site dedicated to
> Anything and everything that's not related to
> Northern Virginia"
> asswipe
> lol

Ummm..lighten up. If you don't like what Gordon has to say, ignor him. Trust me, I have tried. But Gordon's post's are so full of information, on a very intellectual level, it's hard not to read them. Carry on. Oh, and use the asswipe on yourself. When your full of shit, as you are, they come in handy.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Sam Saturday ()
Date: August 14, 2012 12:30AM

Ummm..lighten up there buckaroo.. and really, If you don't like what Gordon has to say, ignore him. Trust me, it;s easy. Because Gordon's post's are so vacuous, irrelevant, insipid, fatuous and utterly devoid of information, it's actually hard not to just casually ignore them. Carry on. Oh, and use the asswipe on yourself. When your so completely full of shit, as you are, they come in handy.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Joe Friday ()
Date: August 14, 2012 12:40AM

Sam Saturday Wrote:
> Ummm..lighten up there buckaroo.. and really, If
> you don't like what Gordon has to say, ignore him.
> Trust me, it;s easy. Because Gordon's post's are
> so vacuous, irrelevant, insipid, fatuous and
> utterly devoid of information, it's actually hard
> no. Tt to just casually ignore them. Carry on. Oh,
> and use the asswipe on yourself. When your so
> completely full of shit, as you are, they come in
> handy.

Okay, Thanks for posting.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Sam Saturday ()
Date: August 14, 2012 12:46AM


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Re: removal
Posted by: aa ()
Date: August 17, 2012 06:25PM

What phone number do I need to call or how can I have my name removed from this list? It was expunched from everywhere except here. Please let me know. Do need to talk to a lawyer or come see you to show you my papers.

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Re: removal
Posted by: You Have No Recourse ()
Date: August 18, 2012 08:09AM

aa Wrote:
> What phone number do I need to call or how can I
> have my name removed from this list? It was
> expunched from everywhere except here. Please let
> me know. Do need to talk to a lawyer or come see
> you to show you my papers.

There is no phone number you can call.

Your arrest record was gathered from the arrest list published by the Fairfax County Police Department, and will remain here until Fairfax Underground ceases to exist.

Hiring a lawyer will simply be a waste of your money. The lawyer will send a demand letter to Cary (the owner and propietor of this fine site) to take the information down, which Cary will promptly ignore. If you then choose to file a suit, Cary will simply argue that your arrest record was public information and collected as I just described.

You will then be a few thousand dollars poorer and much, much angrier.

There is no legal way for you to force Cary to take the information down.

You might try bribery. I'd imagine Cary might be amenable to taking a few hundred dollars of your money to take your name off the arrest list (because high-quality ganja is expensive, after all), but it'll be cash up front.

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Re: removal
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: August 18, 2012 08:48PM

I sincerely hope that Cary, this is his site after all, but he does provide this community a service, will seriously look into the maggot who keeps photobombing numerous threads. These include any one that this particular subhuman thinks are "off topic." As you are the administrator of the site, it is up to you of course, but I do find someone who photobombs numerous topics, many of which are on topic and of relevance to Fairfax and our surrounding area, will squash this fool's photo bombing efforts.

Fairfax is a fucked up place to live, but it has its good points. One of them, is that we live in the USA, and have the first amendment. Cary, you obviously have the ability to block folks, that is your right, who don't play well with others, or curtail others rights, such as outing whom they are, or who troll the site. This is one example, of absolute trolling, and infringing on the rights of all to post about Fairfax. Even if it is batshit crazy. Thank you.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Tuff One ()
Date: August 19, 2012 08:28AM

I sincerely hope that Cary, this is his site after all, but he does provide this community a service, will seriously look into the filthy maggot who keeps insisting that the photobombers free expression rights be supressed. These include any one that this particular subhuman thinks are "off topic." As you are the administrator of the site, it is up to you of course, but I do find someone who expresses themselves by photobombs on numerous topics, many of which are on topic and of no relevance to Fairfax and our surrounding area, will never squash this patriot's right to free expression.

Fairfax is a fucked up place to live, but it has its good points. One of them, is that we live in the USA, and have the first amendment, EVEN FOR PHOTOBOMBERS. Cary, you obviously have the ability to block folks, that is your right, who don't play well with others, or curtail others rights, such as these maggots who troll the site and advocate blocking and bannning FREE EXPRESSION is one example. Thank you.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: August 19, 2012 08:48AM

Good plagiarism. Since you could not use your own words.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: August 19, 2012 08:52AM

Site rules have nothing to do with the freedom of "photobombing" and embedding viruses. That stifles the freedom of others, and shows a lack of forethought on your part. I find your thinking to be of limited value, and I hope that Cary blocks you, for putting out viruses and other trojans on his site.

That alone does not serve any purpose, but your own.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Tuff One ()
Date: August 19, 2012 09:24AM

Good whining ans sniveling. and in your own words.

Site rules have nothing to do with the freedom of "repeated insults and attacks" and embedding viruses. That stifles the freedom of others, and shows a lack of forethought on your part. I find your thinking to be of no value, and I hope that Cary blocks you, for putting out viruses and other trojans on his site.

That alone does not serve any purpose, but your own.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: August 19, 2012 09:28AM

So your putting up viruses is a way of getting back then? Nice. Very grown up. I think you need some help buddy. The viruses affect all who read those threads and others that YOU deem off topic, and only Cary has that right. Plus, how kind of you to let hundreds of readers have potential trojans on their computers. Its community service on your part perhaps, but it serves no purpose, but screwing countless innocent folks trying to stay informed or learn more about Fairfax and its goings on.

Viruses and Trojans are actually subject to prosecution.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Tuff One ()
Date: August 19, 2012 09:31AM

Hey asshole, it's the radical black nationalist guy who'e attaching the viruses. Stupid shithead.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: August 19, 2012 09:46AM

Tuff One Wrote:
> Hey asshole, it's the radical black nationalist
> guy who'e attaching the viruses. Stupid shithead.

Why throw race or anything else into this? Whoever is doing it, is not only committing what could be a potential crime, but also not helping anyone of any race, creed, label, whatever you want to call it. That is not a service, but rather a disservice to this site, and for freedom of speech.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: August 20, 2012 08:17PM

There are sadly a few that have hate in their hearts, based upon race, sexual orientation, or whatever other "box" that can be checked. I don't give a fuck what religion, color, sexual orientation, or any of those other "labels" that are often used. People are people, character is the only thing I look for, regardless of who you are, where you are from, or where you are going.

With that being said, the Honey Boo and other folks, while I don't have hate for them, I think they are foolish, flooding threads and breaking site rules. That alone is character, of which they are showing poor use of the site. This and their insertion of viruses is disturbing, and I don't care what background this person/s are just like I said, but open dialogue of race and religion, which are a part of Fairfax, have been discussed here. While I do not care for hateful statements, its been proven that open dialogue, can often lead people to change their views, or at least it can prevent violence and other actions, that are detrimental to society.

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