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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: please delete ()
Date: June 09, 2021 04:28AM



Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open! Pages: 1 ... 182 183 184 All

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Black Caulk ()
Date: June 09, 2021 06:35PM

please delete Wrote:
> Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
> Pages: 1 ... 182 183 184 All

Where else would you shop?

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: This is eesh ()
Date: June 18, 2021 04:39AM

Michael basl eesh

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: June 18, 2021 09:59AM


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Anabela ()
Date: June 26, 2021 10:05AM

I am a newbie

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: dgroyals ()
Date: July 01, 2021 02:58AM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Roman Jay Almaza ()
Date: July 13, 2021 08:15PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Roman Jay Almaza ()
Date: July 13, 2021 08:18PM

I love this site. Thank you. click this link here now

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Digital Sign ()
Date: July 14, 2021 09:19PM

any thoughts about a Fairfax EBAY? Digital Sign Brothers digital signs

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Don't feed the internet troll ()
Date: July 23, 2021 12:54PM

Whatever you do, go not feed the gay stalker internet troll Michael Josef Basl, also known as eesh.

The troll has 11 protective orders filed against him by strangers on the internet who he has stalked and harassed without mercy. In April of 2021, a two year protective order was issued in Chesterfield County, VA. He rarely posts from his eesh name that was registered 12 years ago. If he does, and its perceived as harassment, it's back to jail again for violating another protective order.

The asshole is a major doosh. Avoid him like you would avoid the plague. Attached are pictures to show what a total loser this freak is.
big head no brain.jpg
dweebs grow up.jpg
fag alert.jpg
henrico mugshot.png

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Sex0tree ()
Date: July 27, 2021 03:39PM

Eesh loses

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Joel Griffin ()
Date: August 27, 2021 06:55AM

Hey, Thanks for sharing great information. It is nice to read such high-quality content.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Avoid the Pedophile ()
Date: September 20, 2021 06:29PM

William Moreno aka Mr. Misery aka Miz aka Frank Krow aka jimmylegs aka voodooslut is a pedophile. There weren't just one or two posts, but enough to establish a clear and solid pattern. William Moreno also lived with a twice-convicted felon pedophile named Christopher J, Tator, who he helped to evade the sex offender registry requirements. Chris Tator is now back in federal prison.

William Robert Moreno
some children are very fuckable, let's face it

William Robert Moreno
life goals
20. Hire a clown to touch my children.
21. Have children.
22. Apologize to my children when they're grown and the repressed memories of being molested by a clown resurface.
65. Bump and grind with a toddler

William Robert Moreno
I just fucked a baby in its tight little asshole. And he loved every minute of it.


William Robert Moreno
I'm about to fuck a baby in his soft spot.

William Robert Moreno
what, you don't wanna help me fuck this baby? we could do double penetration on this toddler bitch. one in each hole. lookit this little slut. she's just beggin' for it. watta fuckin whore.

suck mah dick bee-yotch.....

William Robert Moreno
one time, I was fucking this baby up the ass, it was crying so I started shaking it. It stopped crying, I came inside it, put it back in its crib, then climbed out the window. I wonder what ever happened to that baby.

William Robert Moreno
I ate out a toddler's asshole tonight.

William Robert Moreno
hamtaro, wanna help me fuck this baby?

William Robert Moreno
I raped a baby

William Robert Moreno
just got done fucking this baby......man was he sweet. I gave him a reach-around in his sweet little soft spot. It was soooooooooooooooo hot.

we watched Zooballee Zoo after I finished.

William Robert Moreno
I just fucked a baby...it was consensual

William Robert Moreno
I wish I could have a baby.

William Robert Moreno
by the way, I just got done getting a blowjob from a 3 month-old, so I'm all tuckered out........see you guise tomaorrow.

William Robert Moreno
I don't care if they are underage, I'll still fuck 'em. I'll rape all their highschool boy asses, one by one. I'll cum in each and every one of their gay boy asses, then we'll see who's gay. ... I'll tell ya that much, muchacho!!! I'LL BUTTFUCK EVERY ONE OF YA! 15, 16, 17, DOESN'T MATTER! I'LL ASS-RAPE YOU! I'M A FUCKING MAD MAN! I'LL FUCK ANYTHING THAT MOVES! ASK ANYONE ROUND HERE!

William Robert Moreno
like, can you get in trouble in any way for just buying a copy of Tiger Beat? If you were a grown man let's say, and you were slightly overweight and had a beard and large glasses and you look a little funny, and you just went into a Walgreens and bought nothing but a copy of Tiger Beat....and maybe also a box of condoms. Could you get arrested based solely on your purchase? Is that probable cause or something? Or if you bought a Kidz Bop CD. Anything like that. If a grown man bought something of that sort, and he looked a little ugly and odd maybe, could he hypothetically get arrested for that?

William Robert Moreno
is it illegal for a grown man to attempt to have a serious conversation with a kindergarten child about politics or religion, if they are not related and just happen to be sitting next to each other on a park bench or something? Is it really illegal?

William Robert Moreno
can a grown man and a little girl, unrelated and strangers to each other, have dinner together at a fancy restaurant? Legally? Let's say they meet outside the gym or something and decide to have dinner together, and that's it. That is the extent of the interaction. Is it illegal?
william robert moreno mugshot pedophile.jpg
william moreno lives with molester.jpg

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: William Moreno is a Pedophile ()
Date: September 20, 2021 06:59PM

William Moreno is a Pedophile
william robert moreno sterling virginia washington post lawsuit.jpg

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: parallels ()
Date: September 20, 2021 07:01PM

William Moreno is an autistic pedophile
William Robert Moreno autism.jpg

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Jodi ()
Date: October 12, 2021 08:47PM

Cary Wrote:
> Welcome to Fairfax Underground! A free and
> anonymous forum designed to improve communication
> between residents of Northern Virginia.
> This forum was created in 2005 out of my personal
> frustration in trying to find local information on
> the internet. Fairfax Underground aims to be a
> public resource for all residents of Northern
> Virginia. In keeping with the anonymous public
> resource theme, you do not need an account to view
> or post messages to the Fairfax Underground
> forums. Although, if you do register an account
> you gain additional features such as private
> messaging and a designated nickname that cannot be
> forged.
> The overwhelming majority of visitors use this
> site strictly as a resource and never contribute
> new content. There is nothing wrong with this but
> I must impress upon you that there is only as
> much information available on the internet as you
> add to it
. I implore you to please not be shy
> about posting in these forums. There is no matter
> too trivial as long as it's relevant.
> Please take the opportunity to ask your neighbors
> whatever you are curious about. You don't have to
> provide your real name or email address, and the
> worst that can happen is that nobody responds.
> And perhaps a month from now someone will search
> google for the exact same thing and find your
> post. So go on, hit that Post New Topic button,
> what do you have to lose?
> [Features]
> href="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/inde
> x.php?0">Forums
The forums are the
> primary feature of Fairfax Underground. There are
> currently 4 sections:
> * Fairfax General: Just about everything should go
> here. Anything of interest to Northern Virginia
> as a whole should be posted to this forum.
> * Specific City/Town: "Local" forums for a
> specific town. Used for very specific things, ie.
> complain about potholes on a neighborhood street.
> * NoVA Underground: Local forums for our neighbors
> in Arlington, Prince William and Loudoun.
> * Off-Topic: Everything else
> The forums are open and anonymous. Anything
> relevant will not be deleted or altered in any
> way. Occasionally, posts that are either direct
> personal attacks, spam, or complete garbage will
> be removed. For more information see the
> "Moderation" section below.
> href="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/arrests/">
> Arrest/Ticket Search
The Arrest/Ticket
> search is the second "primary" feature of Fairfax
> Underground, and the portion that actually draws
> the most traffic. Every week the Fairfax County
> Police Department href="http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police/police7.
> htm">releases a list
of the arrests and
> tickets that were processed during the previous
> week. For several years I have had a script pull
> down the latest weekly arrest list and compile the
> entries into a database. At the time of this
> writing there are 471,808 entries in the database,
> each representing a unique ticket or arrest by the
> Fairfax County Police Department. You can search
> through the arrest list based on information such
> as name, offense, street name, date, etc.
> The database automatically updates itself at
> 8:00pm every Thursday night with the latest
> information.
> To access the Arrest/Ticket Search click the link
> in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
> href="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/wiki">Wiki

> A href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki">wiki
> is a collaborative encyclopedia that anyone can
> add to or edit. The most popular wiki is href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page">Wiki
> pedia
, an online collaborative encyclopedia.
> The wiki feature on Fairfax Underground was a new
> addition in June 2006. It was created to be a way
> to better organize the information provided in the
> forums. For example, there are a couple threads
> in the forums on the topic of tattoos (examples:
> href="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read
> .php?2,5243">1
, href="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read
> .php?2,16413">2
), someone looking for
> information on tattoo parlors would have to sift
> through the posts in those threads for any
> relevant information. The href="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/wiki/Tatto
> o_Parlors">wiki page for Tattoo Parlors
> to summarize the information available in the
> threads in an easily accessible manner.
> Anyone can create or edit articles in the wiki.
> As with the forums, you do not need an account to
> create or alter pages in the wiki.
> [Moderation]
> From time to time it may be necessary to delete or
> alter certain messages to guarantee the quality of
> this informational resource. Moderation of
> Fairfax Underground is almost non-existent except
> in extreme circumstances. The grounds for
> moderation or deletion of a post are:
> * Spam
> * Posting complete garbage that has nothing to do
> with the topic or thread
> * Personal attacks on other posters
> * Impersonation of other users
> Posts are not edited for lewdness, correctness or
> vulgarity as long as they do not violate one of
> the rules above.
> Users who repeatedly violate the rules will be
> warned. If the warning is not heeded the user
> will be banned from posting.
> No legitimate post will ever be altered or
> deleted, regardless of how controversial, without
> a court order. Free, open, and anonymous means
> that you can express any thought, idea or opinion
> without fear of censorship.
> Current moderators: href="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/prof
> ile.php?2,1">Cary
, href="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/prof
> ile.php?2,10">ben

> [Trolls]
> Do not feed the trolls.
> As with any anonymous forum, people will sometimes
> make inflammatory remarks for the pleasure of
> getting a reaction. These posters are called
> trolls. Please do not give them the pleasure of a
> response, they don't deserve it. Ignore them
> completely and go on with the discussion as if
> they never posted. Without the anticipated slew
> of angry responses trolls will get bored and
> leave.
> Please do not let the trolls deter you from
> posting.
> For more information about trolls see the href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll"
> >Wikipedia article
> [Privacy]
> Your privacy is extremely important. As such:
> No information obtained through this site will
> ever be sold or passed on in any way.
> No information concerning the identity of a
> poster/viewer will ever be provided to any
> individual or organization.
> [Search Engines]
> Search engines such as Google are the primary
> referrer to this site bringing over 200 unique
> visitors a day.
> Occasionally I will post what queries brought
> searchers to Fairfax Underground (examples href="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read
> .php?2,11903,11903#msg-11903">1
, href="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read
> .php?2,2434,2434#msg-2434">2
, href="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read
> .php?2,3345,3345#msg-3345">3
> For some reason this page is ranked higher on MSN
> search than Google. For an example see the
> results of a search for "arrests in fairfax
> county" on href="http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=arrests
> +in+fairfax+county&FORM=QBRE">MSN
and href="http://www.google.com/search?hs=iCa&hl=en&lr
> =&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aoffic
> ial&q=arrests+in+fairfax+county&btnG=Search">Googl
> e
. At the time of this writing that query is
> listed as result #3 on MSN and #10 on Google. The
> Google result is actually a vast improvement as
> just a few weeks ago that same query wasn't even
> in the top 50.
> Unfortunately, this higher score by MSN brings an
> influx of (sorry but) dumber MSN users to the
> forum.
> Google ranks pages based on how many other pages
> link to them. So I ask you, if you have a webpage
> or a livejournal or blog or whatever, even if
> nobody ever looks at it but you and your mom,
> please provide a link somewhere to Fairfax
> Underground to help the search engine ranking.
> Thank you.
> [How you can help]
> The primary way you can help this community is to
> contribute. Contribute something, anything.
> Please do not be shy about creating or responding
> to threads. Even if the thread is about something
> as trivial as a neighbor's lawn that needs to be
> mowed, a teacher that angered you at school, or
> even the service at a local fast food joint. The
> point is that you're adding information to the
> internet, and believe it or not someone will come
> along and search for the trivial thing you posted
> about and find it very useful. There is only as
> much information on the internet as you put on
> it!
> [Anything Else?]C
> If you have any other questions that are not
> covered here feel free to post them in this thread
> or email me at cary@fairfaxunderground.com and I
> will be sure to get back to you soon.
> Thanks and enjoy!

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Quick and easy loan apply now
Date: November 26, 2021 04:44AM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: December 16, 2021 09:17AM

You don't know what to do with yourself in your spare time, so I will be glad to help you solve this problem. There is an online casino, follow the link https://arabcasinohex.com/online-casino/playtech/ and read the latest reviews, it has been rated as one of the best casinos today so I highly recommend it.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Khandi kizzez ()
Date: December 23, 2021 09:15PM


Arrest Warrant out for Stalker but he’s still free (Virginia)

I have a stalker since late 2018. I know his name, address, DOB, right down to his SSN (he posted it himself publicly online). I have a PPO that expires 04/xx/2023 that he’s violated numerous times. In September I swore out the first warrant for his arrest through the county in which he resides.

He is actively dodging police and has gone as far as parking in the grocery store parking lot behind his home and sneaking in and out of his house.

The police have tried to serve him and arrest him on numerous occasions but he never answers.

What can I legally do to help law enforcement get this creep? (I’m not sure if this is against the rules, so if it is please feel free to delete).

Edit: Please beware, the person in question is commenting below. Please ignore him.

Edit2: Someone confused me for my own stalker somehow and messaged me asking for “my” (his) side of the story. So, I’ll spell it out here, as I did for him:

To get a PPO you have to go to court and prove that your safety and well-being are at risk.

To swear out a warrant for a violation of the PPO you have to go before a magistrate and prove the PPO was violated.

I don’t know what to tell you if you think it’s normal for a stranger to harass you to the point of needing a PPO against them and then for them to perpetually violate it…

How would he have known about this post if he wasn’t monitoring my socials? Food for thought.
Screenshot_20211004-233152_2 (1).png

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: December 24, 2021 12:28PM

Merry Christmas

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Michael Josef Basl mugshot ()
Date: December 25, 2021 12:53PM


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: renilin ()
Date: January 13, 2022 12:12PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: freddy fazbear from fnaf ()
Date: January 18, 2022 11:39AM

Okay so basically there are two guys henry emily and william afton they start a family pizza restaurant together called fredbear's family diner, one day william locks henry's daughter charlie out of the restaurant and murders her outside, as seen in the fnaf 2 save him minigame and the security puppet minigame. charlie's soul goes on to possess the puppet animatronic. then in 1983 william's youngest son dies in hospital after being bitten by the fredbear animatronic as seen in fnaf 4, which causes fredbear's to close and the springlock suits to be decommissioned. the bite victim's soul goes on to possess the fredbear suit due to the suffering he sustained from the suit (this is explained in more detail in the fazbear frights epilogues). freddy fazbear's pizza is then opened. in 1985 william afton kills 5 more kids in a freddy's, and their souls go on to possess chica, bonnie, freddy, foxy, and golden freddy/fredbear (which now has 2 souls possessing it, directly paralleling the stitchwraith from the book series). that restaurant closes down but freddy's gets rebranded and has a grand reopening in 1987 as we see in fnaf 2. meanwhile, william opens circus baby's pizza world, featuring kid killing animatronics, however his daughter elizabeth gets killed by one of the animatronics (baby) and goes on to possess her. william sends his oldest son, michael, to go free her from the facility, as seen in sister location. back to freddy's - the fnaf 2 location stays open until the bite of 87, in which it's implied nightguard jeremy fitzgerald gets his frontal lobe bitten off by one of the animatronics. then fnaf 1 happens in a location that exists in 1993, not much lore there. after the 1993 location gets closed, william gets springlocked in the spring bonnie suit inside the abandoned building, becoming springtrap. Back to Baby in SL. Michael, after a week of working there gets lured to the scooping room by Baby in order to get his insides become outsides so that all the Funtime animatronics (now fused into Ennard) can use his body as a fleshsuit to escape the facility. Over time the suit starts to get rotten and more and more decayed. Michael body now turns purple and draws more attention (Note: there are now two purple guys, Miachel Afton, who is litterally purple due to decay in his fleshsuit, and William Afton, who isn't litterally pruple but the purple colour signifies him hiding in the shadow.) and the Funtime animatronics now as Ennard have to abandon ship in search of a new body. Somewhere down the line Baby tries to gain full control of the Ennard body and gets kicked out of Ennard, now becoming Scrap Baby and Ennard becoming Molten Freddy, both seen in Pizzeria Simulator and UCN. Speaking of…this brings us to Pizza Simulator, where our good friend Henry creates a decoy pizzeria intended to lure in all the loose ends which are: William Afton as scraptrap, Molten Freddy as the funtime animatronics, Scrap Baby as William's daughter and Henry's daughter, Elizabeth who posseses the puppet and gets lured in by her father by the animatronic Lefty. Before we get to the ending of pizza sim lets go over some key lore drops hidden in the game. When you buy Candy Cadet he has a chance of telling you 1 of 3 stories a day. All 3 stories follow the same pattern. 5 things becoming 1 thing. (5 keys melted into 1 key, 5 dead kids tied together and 5 dead cats sown together into 1.) This could be reffering to the funtime animatronics together becoming Ennard. On to the 2nd mingame: Secutity Puppet. When playing this minigame for the 3rd time we can see Henry daughter, Elizabeth locked out of the Pizzaria where she gets murdered by Afton, becoming his 1st victim. Next we see the puppet slowly crawling towards her dead body hugging her, and Elizabeth posesses her. When brightening up that same image we can see purple tire tracks from William when he fled the scene. And now for out 3rd minigame: Midnight Motorist. This game in labeled 'later that night' in the game files so we can assume we are playing as Afton in this minigame. When on the 3rd lap, we can see a crack in the road, in we go down it, we end up on a road leading to Jr's a bar/restaurant (presumably the fnaf 1 or 2 location or freddy's family diner) which Will isn't allowed into. The 2nd place we can go to is a house. The afton house. When will sees that his youngest son escapes thru the window to the freddy's restaurant he gets very angry. This most likeley causes William to create the sound illusion discs to scare his child and creating the nightmare animatronics in his mind to make him afraid of the freddy's restaurant. The sound illusion discs are also uses in fnaf 3 to create the phantom animatronics in the players mind. Thats why they also never kill the player in fnaf 3. This brings us to our 3rd and final minigame: Fruity maze. With help from the books and this minigame we know that the child who posseses Chica in fnaf 1 is the girl in Fruity Maze named Susie. This is all this minigame really tells us. Now the Pizza sim Ending. On the 5th night we hear Elizabeth, Henry's daughter talking but is interupted by her father. Henry reveals the pizzeria was a decoy, to lure in and capture all the loose ends and finnaly putting a stop to Afton (He never really dies i'll get to that later) . Everyone dies in the fire and the souls are finally put to rest. Onto UCN. In UCN we play as William Afton in purgatory, tormented again and again by his own creations. Thru the game we learn many things, such as that Chica was the 1st child to be killed and stuffed and possibly the first animatronic to be given life by the puppet. We also learn about 'the one you should not have killed'. This is presumably talking about the child that posseses golden freddy but as mentioned earlier, golden freddy could have mulitple souls inside of it. This brings us to fnaf vr: help wanted. The point here is that William Afton's soul is possesing the game becoming Glitchtrap (I will get into some theories about how this could've happened later). Through the game he posseses a game tester named Vannessa or Vanny (Vannessa+Bunny) which will most likeley be the main antagonist in fnaf security breach. William uses Vanny to continue to kill kids, even though his body is still in purgatory. We will probably get more information on her when security breach is released. Now onto how Afton's soul go tinto the game's come and possesed Vannessa. In the fazbear frights book series we read about two children stuck in the stickraith's body. One of the kids is said to be killed by Afton. He tells us how he is keeping him alive, to be forever tormented. In that same story we read about 'the patient in room 1280'. It is about a man in a hospital, burned beond recognition but somehow still alive. That is obviously William Afton. When the boy finnally decides to let Afton die, his last request is to be wheeled into an old, abandon Freddy's location. The hospital staff do so not really knowing why but looking at the state of Will here he is probably insane to some measures. When he is wheeled into the Freddy's location his body literally explodes. Now some parts of his soul go to purgatory/UCN, and other parts posses the computer parts, later to be scanned and reused to create the vr title. That is most likeley how he posseses the game but we can't really know for sure.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Amazondotcom ()
Date: January 30, 2022 09:33PM

Whats good

Is that fat fuck done talking about some fucking bear?

Bet. Here's the deal; Amazon.com sells hella shit and it's cheap as fuck. I know y'all need some shit hit me the fuck up


Amazon.com sells a lot of stuff check us out Amazon.com open 24 hours a day, 365

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Anthony Thomas ()
Date: April 18, 2022 06:43AM

Nice blog. Dumpster Rental

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: hairpollution ()
Date: April 26, 2022 12:07PM

What causes hair loss in men?
In this blog post, we will be discussing hair loss in men. We will be looking at what causes it, and what treatment options are available. Hair loss can be a devastating experience for any man, so it is important to know as much as possible about the topic. If you are experiencing hair loss, please consult a doctor for advice. There are many treatments available that can help restore your hair!
Read more here: https://hairpollution.org/causes-hair-loss-in-men/

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Aramel ()
Date: May 07, 2022 04:31PM

Hi all !

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Aramel ()
Date: May 07, 2022 04:36PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Karter Hones ()
Date: June 14, 2022 05:38AM

This is really great! Thanks.. page

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Supremebrick961 ()
Date: June 25, 2022 12:48AM

We offer Masonry Contractors NYC ranging from installation, scaffolding, waterproofing, restoration and pre-construction consulting. We are a family-owned union masonry contractor based New York. We offer commercial & residential masonry services.

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Interested in Sponsored Post for www.fairfaxunderground.com
Posted by: Purav Solanki ()
Date: June 29, 2022 05:08AM


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Warm Regards

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Fairfaxunderground.com Sponsored Posts
Posted by: Keith Hughes ()
Date: July 29, 2022 06:37AM


Hope you're okay.

We have a suggestion we would like to make to you - we were wondering does fairfaxunderground.com accept your sponsored posts?

Our article will contain a link to our client, which we ask to be followed, as well as a relevant internal link and a relevant link to an authoritative source. We also ask that the article not mention EditorialPR and not be marked as a sponsored/hosted/collab post, etc.

If you would be interested in this proposal, please contact me and let me know what the cost would be for this. Thank you!

Yours sincerely,
Editorial Team

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: frele85 ()
Date: August 17, 2022 08:48AM

Thanks all, I am new here and it's my first post, glad to be here.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Supreme brick ()
Date: August 23, 2022 05:01AM

Whether you are preparing for the next big storm or need to repair an already damaged foundation, supreme brick can help you find a good, highly rated waterproofing contractor near you. Find a supreme brick Accredited Waterproofing Companies Brooklyn NY by selecting the filter on the left.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: August 24, 2022 02:01AM

We provide car shipping from Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. You will be looked after at both the Australian and New Zealand ends.We have a choice of packages and services to suit your needs. Willship International is a freight agent specialised in importing a car into new zealand.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: August 24, 2022 03:19AM

Are you looking to list your house for sale? But unsure of the Value of your House in NZ? Then you need not worry as now you can get a Free Property Appraisal from our experts by filling a small questionnaire. You can learn the following "What Could your House Sell For?", "house valuation auckland" for any future selling decision.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: August 24, 2022 03:27AM

Are you looking for a Car Paint Restoration Auckland? Solispanelbeaters.co.nz is the best place to service rust repairs and insurance repair at an affordable cost. For more details, visit our website.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Red Lbp ()
Date: August 24, 2022 03:32AM

Are you looking to get your house checked and inspected before selling, purchasing, or even renting out? Then you need to hire the experts of redlbp.co.nz, who specializes in Find a building inspector near me Services and healthy home assessments. You can easily find a building inspector across New Zealand at redlbp.co.nz.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Flow Media ()
Date: August 24, 2022 03:49AM

Auckland #1 Google ads specialist FlowMedia offers full-service Adwords Agency Auckland, advertising services, e-commerce marketing, and SEM online marketing in Auckland. Get the Best Google advertising service at affordable prices. Call us at +64274421031

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Drain Ranger ()
Date: August 24, 2022 03:59AM

Drainranger.co.nz is a renowned company for getting the best drain unblocking drainlaying Auckland. We offer a wide range of solutions for water tank installations, flooding problems, residential housing, drain clearing, and more. Feel free to contact us!

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: August 24, 2022 05:03AM

Hire Ontraport Experts from a franchise marketing agency that caters to all your marketing needs to help you grow your franchise across New Zealand and other countries. The professionals at Automationcentral.co.nz are experts in Digital Marketing for Franchises to help you generate more business.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: August 24, 2022 05:12AM

We supply the best Quartz Worktops Wapping and Countertops at Wholesale prices. We offer all aspects of high quality memorial stones and kitchen and bathroom work surface creation.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Lbs School ()
Date: August 24, 2022 05:22AM

LBS School is the best boarding school in Kota, with a proven track record of academic results. A team of well-trained staff looks after the needs of the children giving them a 'Home away from Home.' Schools are the best place for learning. We provide full-time boarding facilities and an improved curriculum to ensure overall development.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Lord Buddha ()
Date: August 24, 2022 05:32AM

Lord Buddha Institute of Technology and Science has one of the best MSC Chemistry Colleges In Kota. Chemistry is a scientific discipline that involves the study of matter, its compositions, properties and reactivity with other elements.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Washdown King ()
Date: August 24, 2022 05:49AM

The Washdown King provides the best high-pressure House Pressure Washing Christchurch. Our trained technicians can give your home a fresh breath of life without risking damaging your paint. Call us for professional House Washing Christchurch.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Birds of Feather Flock Together ()
Date: August 29, 2022 09:05PM

William Robert Moreno of Sterling is a self-admitted pedophile. He lived with his accomplice and fellow convicted felon pedophile Christopher J. Tator until Tator was sent back to federal prison
william moreno lives with molester 200.jpg
william moreno lives with molester 200.jpg
William Moreno Chris Tator pedophiles 200.jpg

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Rocket Freight ()
Date: September 06, 2022 05:29AM

Rocket Freight offers door-to-door or port-to-port service. We take away the stress by dealing with your suppliers and organising all the transport documents. No hidden fees or nasty surprises with your shipment GUARANTEED! We specialise inInternational Freight Forwarders door-to-door shipping & freight services for small to medium-sized companies who import and export freight.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Caught in a lie ()
Date: September 15, 2022 06:38AM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: William Moreno is a Pedophile ()
Date: September 25, 2022 07:57PM

The resident pedophile, stalker, and petty criminal, William Robert Moreno, is active again. William was banned from this site years ago but refuses to stop spamming.

William Moreno aka Mr. Misery aka Miz aka Frank Krow is a pedophile. There weren't just one or two posts, but enough to establish a clear and solid pattern. William Moreno also lived with a twice-convicted felon pedophile named Christopher J, Tator, who he helped to evade the sex offender registry requirements. Chris Tator is now back in federal prison.

William Robert Moreno
some children are very fuckable, let's face it

William Robert Moreno
life goals
20. Hire a clown to touch my children.
21. Have children.
22. Apologize to my children when they're grown and the repressed memories of being molested by a clown resurface.
65. Bump and grind with a toddler

William Robert Moreno
I just fucked a baby in its tight little asshole. And he loved every minute of it.


William Robert Moreno
I'm about to fuck a baby in his soft spot.

William Robert Moreno
what, you don't wanna help me fuck this baby? we could do double penetration on this toddler bitch. one in each hole. lookit this little slut. she's just beggin' for it. watta fuckin whore.

suck mah dick bee-yotch.....

William Robert Moreno
one time, I was fucking this baby up the ass, it was crying so I started shaking it. It stopped crying, I came inside it, put it back in its crib, then climbed out the window. I wonder what ever happened to that baby.

William Robert Moreno
I ate out a toddler's asshole tonight.

William Robert Moreno
hamtaro, wanna help me fuck this baby?

William Robert Moreno
I raped a baby

William Robert Moreno
just got done fucking this baby......man was he sweet. I gave him a reach-around in his sweet little soft spot. It was soooooooooooooooo hot.

we watched Zooballee Zoo after I finished.

William Robert Moreno
I just fucked a baby...it was consensual

William Robert Moreno
I wish I could have a baby.

William Robert Moreno
by the way, I just got done getting a blowjob from a 3 month-old, so I'm all tuckered out........see you guise tomaorrow.

William Robert Moreno
I don't care if they are underage, I'll still fuck 'em. I'll rape all their highschool boy asses, one by one. I'll cum in each and every one of their gay boy asses, then we'll see who's gay. ... I'll tell ya that much, muchacho!!! I'LL BUTTFUCK EVERY ONE OF YA! 15, 16, 17, DOESN'T MATTER! I'LL ASS-RAPE YOU! I'M A FUCKING MAD MAN! I'LL FUCK ANYTHING THAT MOVES! ASK ANYONE ROUND HERE!

William Robert Moreno
like, can you get in trouble in any way for just buying a copy of Tiger Beat? If you were a grown man let's say, and you were slightly overweight and had a beard and large glasses and you look a little funny, and you just went into a Walgreens and bought nothing but a copy of Tiger Beat....and maybe also a box of condoms. Could you get arrested based solely on your purchase? Is that probable cause or something? Or if you bought a Kidz Bop CD. Anything like that. If a grown man bought something of that sort, and he looked a little ugly and odd maybe, could he hypothetically get arrested for that?

William Robert Moreno
is it illegal for a grown man to attempt to have a serious conversation with a kindergarten child about politics or religion, if they are not related and just happen to be sitting next to each other on a park bench or something? Is it really illegal?

William Robert Moreno
can a grown man and a little girl, unrelated and strangers to each other, have dinner together at a fancy restaurant? Legally? Let's say they meet outside the gym or something and decide to have dinner together, and that's it. That is the extent of the interaction. Is it illegal?
Moreno felony warrant.jpg
william moreno sterling virginia washington post lawsuit moreno family 200.jpg

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: dentalparks90 ()
Date: September 27, 2022 08:26AM

We are an award-winning Dentists in Selby. Park Street Dental Practice has a team of dentists and highly skilled support staff to provide comprehensive services to patients in and around the Auckland area. These factors allow us to offer exceptional dental care in just one office.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: james robins ()
Date: October 01, 2022 03:00PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Jpp ()
Date: October 02, 2022 07:31AM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Aur ()
Date: October 02, 2022 07:32AM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Helmet ()
Date: October 02, 2022 03:59PM

Alicia Helm

Alicia Ruth Helm

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Article placements and collaboration
Posted by: Niall Mccarthy ()
Date: October 14, 2022 06:03AM

"Greeting of the day
I have came across your site fairfaxunderground.com

Could you please let me know how much it will cost to publish an article on your site, just like the following one:

which is having a link on it towards casinosanalyzer.com


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Irina ()
Date: October 16, 2022 04:11PM


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: DIE SPAMMER!!!!! ()
Date: October 17, 2022 11:27AM

ahmedsayeedsa Wrote:
> Could you please let me know how much it will cost
> to publish an article on your site, just like the
> following one
> href="https://benkimimgkhn2.blogspot.com/">Irina</
> a>

_steamy - Copy.gif

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Editorial inquiry
Posted by: Niall Mccarthy ()
Date: November 02, 2022 09:54AM

"Greeting of the day
I have came across your site fairfaxunderground.com

Could you please let me know how much it will cost to publish an article on your site, just like the following one:

which is having a link on it towards casinosanalyzer.com


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Editorial inquiry
Posted by: Niall Mccarthy ()
Date: November 02, 2022 09:54AM

"Greeting of the day
I have came across your site fairfaxunderground.com

Could you please let me know how much it will cost to publish an article on your site, just like the following one:

which is having a link on it towards casinosanalyzer.com


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: matchmaker ()
Date: November 19, 2022 01:40PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: 11 ()
Date: November 20, 2022 10:05PM


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: 11 ()
Date: November 20, 2022 10:05PM


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: 11 ()
Date: November 20, 2022 10:05PM


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: 11 ()
Date: November 20, 2022 10:06PM


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: swingers ()
Date: November 26, 2022 10:27AM

enough of your swinging dick

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: swingers ()
Date: November 26, 2022 10:28AM

enough of your swinging dicks

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: swingers ()
Date: November 26, 2022 10:28AM

enough of your swinging dicks.

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Jodan2411 ()
Date: December 28, 2022 08:08PM

Its not letting me use features like picture and videos not letting me click that and also more

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Fox's Pizza is nasty ()
Date: January 24, 2023 11:11AM

Fox's Pizza Den in Nashville gave me food poisoning. The employees do not wash their hands after pooping.


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: ArtemCR ()
Date: February 06, 2023 07:14AM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 12, 2023 01:28PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 12, 2023 01:29PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 12, 2023 01:30PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 12, 2023 01:31PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 12, 2023 01:32PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 12, 2023 01:32PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 12, 2023 01:32PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 12, 2023 01:33PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 12, 2023 01:34PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 12, 2023 01:35PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 12, 2023 01:36PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: February 12, 2023 01:36PM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: ArtemCR ()
Date: February 16, 2023 08:58AM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: ArtemCR ()
Date: February 17, 2023 05:37AM

Cryptocurrency auto trading https://cryptoprognostic.com/

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Ideas for upcoming guest posts on your site
Posted by: Roxanne B Aubin ()
Date: February 28, 2023 11:49PM

"Greeting of the day
I have came across your site fairfaxunderground.com

Could you please let me know how much it will cost to publish an article on your site, just like the following one:

which is having a link on it towards casinosanalyzer.com


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Blog Post Opportunities Needed
Posted by: powell karan ()
Date: March 21, 2023 01:16AM

"Greeting of the day
I have came across your site fairfaxunderground.com

Could you please let me know how much it will cost to publish an article on your site, just like the following one:

which is having a link on it towards casinosanalyzer.com


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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Ainz ()
Date: April 18, 2023 12:47AM

Thanks for the warm welcome! https://www.concretepearland.com

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: darlenevtaylor19 ()
Date: May 06, 2023 11:31AM

A very awesome blog post. We are really grateful for your blog post. You will find a lot of approaches after visiting your post. https://www.landscapingvictoriabc.ca/Residential-Commercial-Landscaping

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Date: May 06, 2023 11:44AM

I adore this weblog, wonderful content material and I am going to bookmark this website for future updates. https://www.cardetailingvancouverbc.com/exterior-car-detailing

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: wild woman ()
Date: June 16, 2023 11:33AM

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: A^^ ()
Date: July 18, 2023 10:30AM

Is the webmaster dead, how is this forum even functioning? lol

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: TJ Sadler is a Serial Criminal ()
Date: August 15, 2023 12:47PM

Thomas James Sadler of Nokesville, VA

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: ^_^ is outing posters! ()
Date: September 02, 2023 04:42PM

^_^ is outing Actual JP Morgenthau on the Dollar Tree Vienna page. Names, addresses being shared for JP and family members. Dangerous!

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: ^_^ ()
Date: September 02, 2023 10:14PM

he did it to himself posting his pii for years. i know his address and havent shared it here with anyone. anyone with half a brain can tell how long ive known before his wife listed his subaru for sale publically after he described it online for years.

so yeah im not planning to publiah hia identity i plan on fucking his daughter

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: ^_^ is JP ()
Date: October 08, 2023 06:29PM

^_^ is JP Morgenthau

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: Lola Rubio ()
Date: December 12, 2023 07:25PM

I need you to remove a post associated with domain : all mother nature.com and my email lolarubio@allmothernature.com. I have filed a police report for harassment. And I have an attorney on stand by. Please Remove

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Re: Welcome to Fairfax Underground! [New users read this first]
Posted by: ^_^ is JP ()
Date: December 15, 2023 04:55AM

^_^ is JP Morgenthau

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