Cary Wrote:
> Welcome to Fairfax Underground! A free and
> anonymous forum designed to improve communication
> between residents of Northern Virginia.
> This forum was created in 2005 out of my personal
> frustration in trying to find local information on
> the internet. Fairfax Underground aims to be a
> public resource for all residents of Northern
> Virginia. In keeping with the anonymous public
> resource theme, you do not need an account to view
> or post messages to the Fairfax Underground
> forums. Although, if you do register an account
> you gain additional features such as private
> messaging and a designated nickname that cannot be
> forged.
> The overwhelming majority of visitors use this
> site strictly as a resource and never contribute
> new content. There is nothing wrong with this but
> I must impress upon you that
there is only as
> much information available on the internet as you
> add to it. I implore you to please not be shy
> about posting in these forums. There is no matter
> too trivial as long as it's relevant.
> Please take the opportunity to ask your neighbors
> whatever you are curious about. You don't have to
> provide your real name or email address, and the
> worst that can happen is that nobody responds.
> And perhaps a month from now someone will search
> google for the exact same thing and find your
> post. So go on, hit that Post New Topic button,
> what do you have to lose?
> x.php?0">Forums: The forums are the
> primary feature of Fairfax Underground. There are
> currently 4 sections:
> * Fairfax General: Just about everything should go
> here. Anything of interest to Northern Virginia
> as a whole should be posted to this forum.
> * Specific City/Town: "Local" forums for a
> specific town. Used for very specific things, ie.
> complain about potholes on a neighborhood street.
> * NoVA Underground: Local forums for our neighbors
> in Arlington, Prince William and Loudoun.
> * Off-Topic: Everything else
> The forums are open and anonymous. Anything
> relevant will not be deleted or altered in any
> way. Occasionally, posts that are either direct
> personal attacks, spam, or complete garbage will
> be removed. For more information see the
> "Moderation" section below.
> Arrest/Ticket Search: The Arrest/Ticket
> search is the second "primary" feature of Fairfax
> Underground, and the portion that actually draws
> the most traffic. Every week the Fairfax County
> Police Department
> htm">releases a list of the arrests and
> tickets that were processed during the previous
> week. For several years I have had a script pull
> down the latest weekly arrest list and compile the
> entries into a database. At the time of this
> writing there are 471,808 entries in the database,
> each representing a unique ticket or arrest by the
> Fairfax County Police Department. You can search
> through the arrest list based on information such
> as name, offense, street name, date, etc.
> The database automatically updates itself at
> 8:00pm every Thursday night with the latest
> information.
> To access the Arrest/Ticket Search click the link
> in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
> :
> A
> is a collaborative encyclopedia that anyone can
> add to or edit. The most popular wiki is
> pedia, an online collaborative encyclopedia.
> The wiki feature on Fairfax Underground was a new
> addition in June 2006. It was created to be a way
> to better organize the information provided in the
> forums. For example, there are a couple threads
> in the forums on the topic of tattoos (examples:
> .php?2,5243">1,
> .php?2,16413">2), someone looking for
> information on tattoo parlors would have to sift
> through the posts in those threads for any
> relevant information. The
> o_Parlors">wiki page for Tattoo Parlors aims
> to summarize the information available in the
> threads in an easily accessible manner.
> Anyone can create or edit articles in the wiki.
> As with the forums, you do not need an account to
> create or alter pages in the wiki.
> From time to time it may be necessary to delete or
> alter certain messages to guarantee the quality of
> this informational resource. Moderation of
> Fairfax Underground is almost non-existent except
> in extreme circumstances. The grounds for
> moderation or deletion of a post are:
> * Spam
> * Posting complete garbage that has nothing to do
> with the topic or thread
> * Personal attacks on other posters
> * Impersonation of other users
> Posts are not edited for lewdness, correctness or
> vulgarity as long as they do not violate one of
> the rules above.
> Users who repeatedly violate the rules will be
> warned. If the warning is not heeded the user
> will be banned from posting.
> No legitimate post will ever be altered or
> deleted, regardless of how controversial, without
> a court order. Free, open, and anonymous means
> that you can express any thought, idea or opinion
> without fear of censorship.
> Current moderators:
> ile.php?2,1">Cary,
> ile.php?2,10">ben
> Do not feed the trolls.
> As with any anonymous forum, people will sometimes
> make inflammatory remarks for the pleasure of
> getting a reaction. These posters are called
> trolls. Please do not give them the pleasure of a
> response, they don't deserve it. Ignore them
> completely and go on with the discussion as if
> they never posted. Without the anticipated slew
> of angry responses trolls will get bored and
> leave.
> Please do not let the trolls deter you from
> posting.
> For more information about trolls see the
> >Wikipedia article.
> Your privacy is extremely important. As such:
> No information obtained through this site will
> ever be sold or passed on in any way.
> No information concerning the identity of a
> poster/viewer will ever be provided to any
> individual or organization.
[Search Engines]
> Search engines such as Google are the primary
> referrer to this site bringing over 200 unique
> visitors a day.
> Occasionally I will post what queries brought
> searchers to Fairfax Underground (examples
> .php?2,11903,11903#msg-11903">1,
> .php?2,2434,2434#msg-2434">2,
> .php?2,3345,3345#msg-3345">3)
> For some reason this page is ranked higher on MSN
> search than Google. For an example see the
> results of a search for "arrests in fairfax
> county" on
> +in+fairfax+county&FORM=QBRE">MSN and
> =&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aoffic
> ial&q=arrests+in+fairfax+county&btnG=Search">Googl
> e. At the time of this writing that query is
> listed as result #3 on MSN and #10 on Google. The
> Google result is actually a vast improvement as
> just a few weeks ago that same query wasn't even
> in the top 50.
> Unfortunately, this higher score by MSN brings an
> influx of (sorry but) dumber MSN users to the
> forum.
> Google ranks pages based on how many other pages
> link to them. So I ask you, if you have a webpage
> or a livejournal or blog or whatever, even if
> nobody ever looks at it but you and your mom,
> please provide a link somewhere to Fairfax
> Underground to help the search engine ranking.
> Thank you.
[How you can help]
> The primary way you can help this community is to
> contribute. Contribute something, anything.
> Please do not be shy about creating or responding
> to threads. Even if the thread is about something
> as trivial as a neighbor's lawn that needs to be
> mowed, a teacher that angered you at school, or
> even the service at a local fast food joint. The
> point is that you're adding information to the
> internet, and believe it or not someone will come
> along and search for the trivial thing you posted
> about and find it very useful. There is only as
> much information on the internet as you put on
> it!
[Anything Else?]C
> If you have any other questions that are not
> covered here feel free to post them in this thread
> or email me at and I
> will be sure to get back to you soon.
> Thanks and enjoy!