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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Folders upon folders on his comp ()
Date: February 23, 2021 08:25AM

obsession by Calvin Klein Wrote:
> Folders full of Miz memes to use as revenge
> Obsess much?

Seriously though. He has a shrine of miz over his bed.

I can't imagine being this in love with a man who put me in jail and bankrupted me.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Miz the obsessive ()
Date: February 23, 2021 08:26AM

Who's the one who posts about eesh and katie 24/7?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: hypocrisy shimocrisy ()
Date: February 23, 2021 08:27AM

Miz is fantasizing again Wrote:
> William Moreno has created an entirely imaginary
> persona for not just eesh but every poster on
> Fairfax Underground. Mostly though he projects
> his own shortcomings and failures onto others. He
> has no conception of what a normal existence would
> consist of.

That statement is comparable to eesh calling someone else a faggot

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Miz the obsessive ()
Date: February 23, 2021 08:28AM

William Moreno eats, sleeps, and lives for eesh. He is totally and inexorably consumed with eesh.
canvas - 250.png

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Who's a faggot again? ()
Date: February 23, 2021 08:30AM

hypocrisy shimocrisy Wrote:
> That statement is comparable to eesh calling
> someone else a faggot

Faggot says what?

William Robert Moreno
I'm a fat, stupid, ugly little faggot who's never had sex

William Robert Moreno
i waonto someoine to fuck eme up my assholeo/

William Robert Moreno
that's right! I sucked your dad's thick, veiny cock the other night. He came all over my face, then made me swallow it. I sucked him off three times in one night...and it was the greatest night of all our lives.

William Robert Moreno

I had anal sex with a man last night.

.........not much more to say than that.

William Robert Moreno
what does' cum taste like?

William Robert Moreno
what does cum taste like?

William Robert Moreno
what does cum taste like?

William Robert Moreno
I'm a faggot...there, I said it. I'm a fag. I'm a big fat faggot who loves cocks, and dicks, and schlongs. I love big, dripping wangs, all in my face, dripping and oozing hot creamy man-juice all over my quivering lips. I love the taste of a man's cream all in my mouth, on my tongue, down my throat. I love to swallow it. I drink it by the gallon. I could suck and gulp and blow all day long. I'm a wang junkie. I can't live without the wang. I need it in my mouth, in my hiney, I need it everywhere, all the time. I can't live without it. I'm all about the schlong. That's me. That's who I am. I love it.

William Robert Moreno
hey everybody, I'm a big fat faggot. I suck dicks. I have a dick in my ass right now. What do you think of that? I eat dicks for breakfast. I'm eating a dick right now. I'm a big faggot who eats dicks and sucks on them like they were going out of style. What do you say to that?

William Robert Moreno
I'll fuck your whole gay boys choir in the ass, then cum in your faces. I'll make sure I save up enough cum to go around, so I can nut in everybody's face, one by one, nobody gets left out, I'll blow my load all over all your faces and then fuck you in the ass again with my semi-soft 4 and a quarter inch uncut half-Mexican dick. We'll see who's the faggot then, faggot!

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: The life of a lonely hermit ()
Date: February 23, 2021 08:48AM

hypocrisy shimocrisy Wrote:
> That statement is comparable to eesh calling
> someone else a faggot

It's comparable to eesh ever making fun of anyone for anything when he's literally the most pathetic sorry excuse for a man I've ever seen.

He is the most unsuccessful, poor, pathetic, lazy, retarded, criminal minded idiot this website has ever had the pleasure to laugh at.

No one else on this planet has spent a month in jail for pretending to be a dead cat online.

He didn't even have anyone to call to bail him out of jail except his father in New York LOL! Sucks to have no friends or family who fuck with you within a 500 mile radius!

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: heights of faggotry ()
Date: February 23, 2021 08:54AM

i'm a faggot.png

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Real, like this one from Fairfax ()
Date: February 23, 2021 09:03AM

Come back when you find a real mugshot of miz.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Real, like this one from Henrico ()
Date: February 23, 2021 09:07AM

Come back when you have a real mugshot of eesh
moreno arrest.png

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Fairfax ADC mugshots not public ()
Date: February 23, 2021 09:09AM

I didn't know Henrico police would use a picture from a WaPo article for a fake mugshot. Weird.

But what we do know is that some people have access to non-public Fairfax ADC mugshots AND the multiple public ones of Basl! LAWL!

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: William Moreno is a Criminal ()
Date: February 23, 2021 09:13AM

I didn't know Fairfax police would write all over their pictures

But what we do know is that some people have access to public mugshots of William Moreno LAWL!

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Try to be original you faggot ()
Date: February 23, 2021 10:33AM

William Moreno is a Criminal Wrote:
> I didn't know Fairfax police would write all over
> their pictures

Fairfax police didn't have anything to do with this mugshot. It would be the deputy who printed it out and gave it to whomever wrote on it.

> But what we do know is that some people have
> access to public mugshots of William Moreno LAWL!

Clearly they don't since they've never been posted here before LMAO!

You pathetic failure.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Date: February 23, 2021 10:38AM

You fail so hard. You can't even photoshop right. Those hilarious lines around him. So not obvious at all. No one can see the outline there. Nope. Sure don't.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: You failed ()
Date: February 23, 2021 11:07AM

Try to be original you faggot Wrote:
> William Moreno is a Criminal Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I didn't know Fairfax police would write all
> over
> > their pictures
> Fairfax police didn't have anything to do with
> this mugshot. It would be the deputy who printed
> it out and gave it to whomever wrote on it.

Yeah right. You failed, that is about as far-fetched a story as they come and you have absolutely no proof. it is totally fake.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: So then explain it smartguy ()
Date: February 23, 2021 11:33AM

So then you explain how someone got a hold of a Fairfax ADC mugshot when their mugshots are not public?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Proof is in the pudding, faggot! ()
Date: February 23, 2021 11:35AM

Also what "proof" are you asking for? How can someone "prove" that a deputy printed out a picture and gave it to someone else? If that didn't happen (accoring to you, even though it did) How did it come to be? Did an inmate log on to the jail's computer and print it out? Because if it came from off the internet it would be a simple screen shot like the other THREE mugshots.

So I'm just asking you a simple question that you can't seem to answer. Denying it isn't an answer and doesn't change the fact that it's a Fairfax ADC mugshot.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Riculous claims need proof ()
Date: February 23, 2021 12:27PM

Proof is in the pudding, faggot! Wrote:
> Also what "proof" are you asking for? How can
> someone "prove" that a deputy printed out a
> picture and gave it to someone else? If that
> didn't happen (accoring to you, even though it
> did) How did it come to be? Did an inmate log on
> to the jail's computer and print it out? Because
> if it came from off the internet it would be a
> simple screen shot like the other THREE mugshots.
> So I'm just asking you a simple question that you
> can't seem to answer. Denying it isn't an answer
> and doesn't change the fact that it's a Fairfax
> ADC mugshot.

Any photo can be printed and photographed. Outlandish claims need proof, and yours is totally absurd. Why the hell would a deputy access official Law Enforcement records, print them out, and provide them to another inmate? That is not only a career-ending move, it would also potentially land the deputy in jail himself.

You're full of total bullshit. Are you the deputy? Are you the inmate? Not buying your absurdity.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: this thread has more posts ()
Date: February 23, 2021 12:35PM

this thread has more posts than peep's forum has received since it's inception

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Sharon Moreno sex corruption ()
Date: February 23, 2021 12:46PM

Sharon Moreno made an offer of cash and lesbian sex to Fairfax County Sheriff Stacey Kincaid. Sharon offered to pay $100,000 and lick Stacey's clit for 3 hours straight for 5 consecutive days and in return Sheriff Kincaid agreed to delete and purge all open pedophilia investigations on her son William Moreno and provide copies of all records related to eesh. Sheriff The Leisers drew up the contract and were in on the conspiracy.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Spurious Sheriff ()
Date: February 23, 2021 12:48PM

Sharon Moreno made an offer of cash and lesbian sex to Fairfax County Sheriff Stacey Kincaid. Sharon offered to pay $100,000 and lick Stacey's clit for 3 hours straight for 5 consecutive days and in return Sheriff Kincaid agreed to delete and purge all open pedophilia investigations on her son William Moreno and provide copies of all records related to eesh. The Leisers drew up the contract and were in on the conspiracy. Sheriff Kincaid swore all parties to secrecy.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Erm, did you have a stroke? ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:00PM

"Sheriff The Leisers"

Some kind of retardation happening here.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Source identified ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:05PM

Retardation is emanating from 713 Riverview Court, Sterling VA

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Nothing is impossible though ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:07PM

Riculous claims need proof Wrote:
> Any photo can be printed and photographed.

Yes. It very well can. But why print it when you can just screenshot it?

> Outlandish claims need proof, and yours is totally absurd.

There's nothing outlandish about a deputy printing out a mugshot. You just don't like to accept facts.

> Why the hell would a deputy access
> official Law Enforcement records, print them out and provide them to another inmate?

Why would they not?

> That is not
> only a career-ending move, it would also
> potentially land the deputy in jail himself.

Well it certainly wouldn't and didn't land anyone in jail. But perhaps it was said deputy's last day anyway.

> You're full of total bullshit. Are you the
> deputy? Are you the inmate? Not buying your
> absurdity.

I'm not full of shit. You're literally just upset that some people have more power and control over things that you do not.

As for your last two questions. That's for me to know. I won't confirm nor deny either.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Keep dreaming ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:09PM

Deputies do not access Law Enforcement records and give copies to inmates. It doesn't happen.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Michael Basl knows it ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:09PM

Oh and you don't have to buy it and it's not absurd. The only person who it makes any difference with is Michael Basl; who knows for a fact that is his Fairfax adc mugshot, which first appeared on this website in 2018...

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: That would be Miz ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:11PM

The only person it makes any difference to is William Moreno, as evidenced by his desperation. It diidn't happen, sorry Miz.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Loser says what ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:12PM

Keep dreaming Wrote:
> Deputies do not access Law Enforcement records and
> give copies to inmates. It doesn't happen.

No one is dreaming but you. Just because you don't have a way with people doesn't mean others don't. You have no power.

But go on. Give your little retarded explanation as to how and where it came from and why it's not just a screenshot if it came from the internet.

I mean you act like it's some kind of big deal. It's really not.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: If it's so easy Miz ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:13PM

Why don't you go get yourself locked up in the Henrico Jail again and offer to suck off a deputy in return for deleting your records.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Chain of custody ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:13PM

That would be Miz Wrote:
> The only person it makes any difference to is
> William Moreno, as evidenced by his desperation.
> It diidn't happen, sorry Miz.

Miz had and has nothing to do with this. The only one who's desperate is you. Michael Basl knows that's his Fairfax mugshot and exactly how it ended up on here.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Smoke break ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:14PM

If it's so easy Miz Wrote:
> Why don't you go get yourself locked up in the
> Henrico Jail again and offer to suck off a deputy
> in return for deleting your records.

Why don't you go do that in Loudoun so you can finally have a real mugshot ROFL

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: sure William ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:16PM

Loser says what Wrote:
> I mean you act like it's some kind of big deal.
> It's really not.

Sure, inmates at the jail can just ask the Sheriff deputies for the records on anyone they want. No big deal; It helps them locate and eliminate witnesses.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: You all are insane ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:17PM

It's clearly not a mugshot what are you arguing over?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: still dead ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:17PM

And nobody is posting, LOL

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: nobody is supporting peep ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:25PM

Holy shit, even meade skelton gets more attention on the internet than peep!

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: purpose? ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:29PM

Why did peep make his own forum anyway? If it just so he could troll Brian, Megan, Katie, eesh, etc, why not just do so here?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: peep did it for attention ()
Date: February 23, 2021 01:52PM

but he's not getting any

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: culture war ()
Date: February 23, 2021 02:04PM

nobody is supporting peep Wrote:
> Holy shit, even meade skelton gets more attention
> on the internet than peep!

that's because a bunch of nazis try to cancel him every thing he says.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: peep has some plan ()
Date: February 23, 2021 02:06PM

Something is up. He could obviously get attention more easily on this site.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: In this case yes it happened ()
Date: February 23, 2021 02:12PM

sure William Wrote:
> Sure, inmates at the jail can just ask the Sheriff
> deputies for the records on anyone they want. No
> big deal; It helps them locate and eliminate
> witnesses.

Yes, actually. That's exactly what happened. But if the inmate already knew where he lived that doesn't exactly help. Mugshots don't show addresses LOL dumbass

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: What is it then? Came from where ()
Date: February 23, 2021 02:14PM

You all are insane Wrote:
> It's clearly not a mugshot what are you arguing over?

It clearly is though. No one is arguing. Some people are stating facts and others are denying reality because they can't accept it.

How did this picture come to be?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: we can all agree ()
Date: February 23, 2021 03:04PM

TJ's site sucks. He is just using it to siphon off user's info for later use. With his track record you would be crazy to go there. Once people go there and google the owner, they hightail it out of there. He even created "Jeff" but that ruse was quickly uncovered.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Your picture came from a camera ()
Date: February 23, 2021 03:06PM

It came to be the same way any picture came to be. It's just a photo of a photo. Making up some ridiculous shaggy dog story with not a shred of evidence or proof is just stupid. Continuing to harp on about it makes it sound like this has some special significance. But if it's so special how come there's nothing to back up your claim?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: what was Jeff about? ()
Date: February 23, 2021 03:08PM

we can all agree Wrote:
> TJ's site sucks. He is just using it to siphon off
> user's info for later use. With his track record
> you would be crazy to go there. Once people go
> there and google the owner, they hightail it out
> of there. He even created "Jeff" but that ruse was
> quickly uncovered.

Why did he bother using the "Jeff" handle?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: photoshop hacks ()
Date: February 23, 2021 03:17PM

What is it then? Came from where Wrote:
> You all are insane Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It's clearly not a mugshot what are you arguing
> over?
> It clearly is though. No one is arguing. Some
> people are stating facts and others are denying
> reality because they can't accept it.
> How did this picture come to be?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: peep ()
Date: February 23, 2021 03:18PM

what was Jeff about? Wrote:
> we can all agree Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > TJ's site sucks. He is just using it to siphon
> off
> > user's info for later use. With his track
> record
> > you would be crazy to go there. Once people go
> > there and google the owner, they hightail it
> out
> > of there. He even created "Jeff" but that ruse
> was
> > quickly uncovered.
> Why did he bother using the "Jeff" handle?

I wasn't Jeff. Or was I? #TheThingsYoullNeverKnow

He who laughs last, laughs the longest

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Power Struggle ()
Date: February 23, 2021 03:22PM

what was Jeff about? Wrote:
> we can all agree Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > TJ's site sucks. He is just using it to siphon
> off
> > user's info for later use. With his track
> record
> > you would be crazy to go there. Once people go
> > there and google the owner, they hightail it
> out
> > of there. He even created "Jeff" but that ruse
> was
> > quickly uncovered.
> Why did he bother using the "Jeff" handle?

Jeff was the admin who started out as a good guy. But than he tryed to cancel and ban Peep. But Peep came back stronger and banned Jeff and ceased control.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Psychologica1 Warfare ()
Date: February 23, 2021 03:36PM

Jeff is Lynns' boyfriend. They're trying to give Peep a purpose in his, so far, worthless life.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Spoiler Alert ()
Date: February 23, 2021 03:52PM

Voldemort killed Snape.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: wrong answer ()
Date: February 23, 2021 04:07PM

Psychologica1 Warfare Wrote:
> Jeff is Lynns' boyfriend. They're trying to give
> Peep a purpose in his, so far, worthless life.

Lynn doesn't even know anyone named Jeff.

Guess again

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Yes makes sense ()
Date: February 23, 2021 04:16PM

TJs mommy would surely help him create a forum like this one. Yeah makes sense since this where all his problems started. TJ didn’t you claim you were never coming back here? That’s right, you aren’t getting the adoration and attention you thought you would. Your reputation endures your site’s failure.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Yes makes sense ()
Date: February 23, 2021 04:16PM

TJs mommy would surely help him create a forum like this one. Yeah makes sense since this where all his problems started. TJ didn’t you claim you were never coming back here? That’s right, you aren’t getting the adoration and attention you thought you would. Your reputation endures your site’s failure.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Deputy gave it to inmate. Simple ()
Date: February 23, 2021 04:31PM

Your picture came from a camera Wrote:
> It came to be the same way any picture came to be.
> It's just a photo of a photo. Making up some
> ridiculous shaggy dog story with not a shred of
> evidence or proof is just stupid. Continuing to
> harp on about it makes it sound like this has some
> special significance. But if it's so special how
> come there's nothing to back up your claim?

Yes. It's a photo of a mugshot. A mugshot that's not public. So I'm asking you to tell me how it came about.

Also what exactly is the proof of evidence you seek? Explain and maybe it can be drummed up. But the simple fact that it was sent to a poster here from an inmate at the time pretty much leaves only two possibilities.

1. Inmate used jail property to get it.
2. Deputy used jail property to give it to inmate and inmate mailed it to poster.

So which seems more feasible?

You're the one harping on about it. There's absolutely nothing ridiculous about the story, you just can't fathom it. And just because you don't think a deputy would or would not do something doesn't mean it's true. You have no idea the things that people do. Why weren't these questions asked back in 2018 when it was first posted? Why is it suddenly so unbelievable now 3 years later?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: keep trying ()
Date: February 23, 2021 04:50PM

It's a random photo. You (presumably peep) are the one making crazy claims that it's some kind of mug shot. Extraordinary claims need proof. You got nothing except a photo.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: No, I'm not peep ()
Date: February 23, 2021 04:54PM

Well, since it's not a random photo and it's one that came from the Fairfax ADC that would make it a mugshot.

What's crazy about the claim? Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't make it false or crazy lol.

But I got something alright. A mugshot that's not public posted on here.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Want me to post that too? ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:02PM

I have lizzie's mugshot as well

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Lizzie's mugshot ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:03PM

Her's also isn't public.

So how'd I get that?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: in your dreams ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:04PM

Want me to post that too? Wrote:
> I have lizzie's mugshot as well

Sure you do, fat boy. Sure you do.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: you're still failing ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:05PM

No, I'm not peep Wrote:
> Well, since it's not a random photo and it's one
> that came from the Fairfax ADC that would make it
> a mugshot.
> What's crazy about the claim? Just because you
> don't want to believe it doesn't make it false or
> crazy lol.
> But I got something alright. A mugshot that's not
> public posted on here.

You have no proof or evidence it came from the ADC. It's just a black and white picture of a picture of someone who looks somewhat like eesh.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Oh, I don't? ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:05PM

I'll go post it in a new thread.

Hold please.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Where's the original photo? ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:07PM

you're still failing Wrote:
> You have no proof or evidence it came from the
> ADC. It's just a black and white picture of a
> picture of someone who looks somewhat like eesh.

Peep posted it. So he'd have to tell you where it came from. But the thread says it was from lizzie and even has her name on the photo.

How would lizzie have gotten a hold of a random black and white picture of Basl?

And LOL if someone looked like him they'd be dead from embarrassment by now.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Nice try fat fag ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:12PM

Where's the original photo? Wrote:
> you're still failing Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You have no proof or evidence it came from the
> > ADC. It's just a black and white picture of a
> > picture of someone who looks somewhat like
> eesh.
> Peep posted it. So he'd have to tell you where it
> came from. But the thread says it was from lizzie
> and even has her name on the photo.
> How would lizzie have gotten a hold of a random
> black and white picture of Basl?
> And LOL if someone looked like him they'd be dead
> from embarrassment by now.

Mugshots are public record. Even if they aren't online you can file a freedom of information act request and get any mugshot you want, but it might cost a couple bucks

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: FOIA? ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:15PM

So..if someone used a website to find the mugshot..why would they print it out? Why not just screenshot it?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Occam ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:16PM

Where's the original photo? Wrote:
> you're still failing Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You have no proof or evidence it came from the
> > ADC. It's just a black and white picture of a
> > picture of someone who looks somewhat like
> eesh.
> Peep posted it. So he'd have to tell you where it
> came from. But the thread says it was from lizzie
> and even has her name on the photo.
> How would lizzie have gotten a hold of a random
> black and white picture of Basl?
> And LOL if someone looked like him they'd be dead
> from embarrassment by now.

What makes you think lizzie could not get a photo of eesh anywhere else, yet could get one out of a secure law enforcement database?

The former would be far easier and more straightforward than the latter, and wouldn't require criminals logging in to ADC terminals, inmates bribing Deputies to commit crimes, or other such idiotic tomfoolery.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: FIOA? ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:17PM

Not only that, but why would they not take a screenshot and instead print it out and send to lizzie to send to peep to post here? LOL


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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: No one was bribed at all ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:19PM

Occam Wrote:
> What makes you think lizzie could not get a photo
> of eesh anywhere else, yet could get one out of a
> secure law enforcement database?

Well, seeing as how lizzie was in the Fairfax ADC when this very mugshot was posted - HOW would she have gotten a random photo of Basl while being in the ADC?

That's what I'm asking you.

> The former would be far easier and more
> straightforward than the latter, and wouldn't
> require criminals logging in to ADC terminals,
> inmates bribing Deputies to commit crimes, or
> other such idiotic tomfoolery.

Well, I highly doubt any inmate got on to a computer. But anything is possible, it's jail.

Also, who said anything about a bribe? Simply asking someone for something isn't a bribe. And what crime is it to give someone a mugshot?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: dude, you won't believe this ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:22PM

FOIA? Wrote:
> So..if someone used a website to find the
> mugshot..why would they print it out? Why not just
> screenshot it?

There's this thing called going down to the jail and making a request. Not everything is done over the internet.
I realize you think sex is an internet thing, but that's actually a thing that people can actually do with someone else in person. They even do it with members of the opposite sex.
Pretty mind blowing isn't it?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: So what? ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:24PM

dude, you won't believe this Wrote:
> FOIA? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So..if someone used a website to find the
> > mugshot..why would they print it out? Why not
> just
> > screenshot it?
> There's this thing called going down to the jail
> and making a request. Not everything is done over
> the internet.
> I realize you think sex is an internet thing, but
> that's actually a thing that people can actually
> do with someone else in person. They even do it
> with members of the opposite sex.
> Pretty mind blowing isn't it?

There's also these things called scanners...
I realize how much this means to you, but you have absolutely no evidence, let alone proof. Extraordinary claims demand proof.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Oh boy. What just happened?! LOL ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:53PM

dude, you won't believe this Wrote:
> There's this thing called going down to the jail
> and making a request. Not everything is done over
> the internet.
> I realize you think sex is an internet thing, but
> that's actually a thing that people can actually
> do with someone else in person. They even do it
> with members of the opposite sex.
> Pretty mind blowing isn't it?

The jail won't give you mugshots. And I'm not sure where this sex thing came into play. But I know you're talking about yourself here. I have more sex than anyone on here.

I'm still not sure how those two things even connect but okay!

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: LOL used a scanner for what? ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:55PM

So what? Wrote:
> There's also these things called scanners...
> I realize how much this means to you, but you have
> absolutely no evidence, let alone proof.
> Extraordinary claims demand proof.

What does a scanner have to do with this? Why would someone scan a picture of a picture that they already had? LOL do you even know WTF you're saying? Obviously not. Retard.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: just a photo ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:57PM

You just said you could walk into the jail and request a mugshot. Now you say you can't. You are lying and you have no proof or evidence that photo is anything other than a normal photo.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Please show me where I said that ()
Date: February 23, 2021 05:58PM

Please show me where I said "You could walk into the jail and request a mugshot"

And oh. No, I'm not lying at all. YOU could not get a mugshot but other people, with power obviously can :)

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Retarded ass bitch ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:02PM

dude, you won't believe this Wrote:
> There's this thing called going down to the jail
> and making a request. Not everything is done over
> the internet.

Your retarded schizophrenic ass said this. Are you losing track of your multiple personalities? LOL WTF

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Did you forget ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:04PM

Please show me where I said that Wrote:
> Please show me where I said "You could walk into
> the jail and request a mugshot"
> And oh. No, I'm not lying at all. YOU could not
> get a mugshot but other people, with power
> obviously can :)

Here you go, idiot.
jail request.png

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: That was you dumbass ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:06PM

LOL you fucking idiot. That was not me. That was definitely you.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: The retardation is astounding ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:08PM

I'll play along.

Why would someone go down to the jail, ask for a Basl mugshot then send it to lizzie to send to peep to post?

Why not just post it themselves?!

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: worried about peep ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:13PM

he is despondent over the failure of his forum

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: do not pass jail ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:14PM

That was you dumbass Wrote:
> LOL you fucking idiot. That was not me. That was
> definitely you.

LOL no it wasn't me you idiot. It just looks like a piece of paper with someone who looks vaguely like eesh. Why would anyone need to get it from the jail?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Where do you see peep at? ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:14PM

Is peep in the room with you right now?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Starting to bore me again ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:15PM

do not pass jail Wrote:
> LOL no it wasn't me you idiot. It just looks like
> a piece of paper with someone who looks vaguely
> like eesh. Why would anyone need to get it from
> the jail?

Um, did you think I was saying the picture was you? And I didn't post that so if someone else did (we know it was you) they were also wrong.

But where would someone find a black and white picture of someone who looks like Basl? LOL

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: The retardation grows and grows ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:18PM

But also why would someone send a black and white photo of someone who looks like Basl to send to lizzie to send to peep to post?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Occam's Razor ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:30PM

Better question is why would a sworn officer risk his career as well as criminal prosecution and jail time by accessing law enforcement databases and sharing proprietary information with incarcerated inmates? All system access and queries are logged, and mail is also subject to search.

The principle of Occam's Razor gives precedence to simplicity: of two competing theories, the simpler explanation of an entity is to be preferred. Someone found a photo of eesh or someone who looks like him and posted it. The bullshit about lizzie going into Mission Impossible mode and smuggling photos to peep is too far-fetched.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: What's really funny is ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:47PM

You're really overthinking this. What law is their against giving an inmate a mugshot?

You said they can be made public through FIOA.

And lol @ someone who looks like eesh. Okay let's forget about lizzie for a second.

Why would peep have it or get it and why pretend lizzie had it? The point of it wasn't to cry about how it was gotten.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Mission obviously possible ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:51PM

Occam's Razor Wrote:
> The bullshit about lizzie
> going into Mission Impossible mode and smuggling
> photos to peep is too far-fetched.

Well, you see it wasn't a mission impossible at all. It was a rather easy task that simply comes with asking.

It's only far fetched to you because you can't understand how some inmate could have that much pull.

And yet, it actually happened.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: ask for yourself ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:53PM

What's really funny is Wrote:
> You're really overthinking this. What law is their
> against giving an inmate a mugshot?

Call the Sherriff's office and ask. I can guarantee you the database is restricted to authorized access only and printing a photo to give to a prisoner is not authorized. A Deputy who is willing break the rules for whatever small bribe the Moronos could provide, would also be susceptible to major bribery in a more serious case. When dirty cops go to jail they get fucked up the ass like one of Miz's young victims.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Nobody went to jail ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:58PM

Miz had absolutely nothing to do with that mugshot. Not sure why you're obsessing over him against here when he's completely irrelevant.

What do lizzie and peep have to do with miz? Neither of them liked him or were in contact with him at the time.

Try to stay on the task at hand here. Not everything is about your rejected gay love obsession.

And nobody was bribed.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Ask for yourself ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:59PM

ask for yourself Wrote:
> Call the Sherriff's office and ask.

Why don't you. Why don't you call the jail and ask them about it.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: It was definitely a she ()
Date: February 23, 2021 06:59PM

Occam's Razor Wrote:
> Better question is why would a sworn officer risk his career

Who said anything about it being a man?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: It is nobody ()
Date: February 23, 2021 07:10PM

He/she/it; it's irrelevant because it didn't happen and no such deputy exists.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Basl called the jail crying ()
Date: February 23, 2021 07:11PM

Oh, but it did happen. You know it. I know it and Michael Basl especially knows it.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Well, that solves that ()
Date: February 23, 2021 07:43PM

End of that discussion.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: February 23, 2021 07:53PM

TJ is stressing out. He’s going away for a long time, and there’s nothing he can do about it. When he gets out when Kamala Harris is on her second term, he will be homeless, jobless, and uneducated.

He might as well start using heroin.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Occam's Razor ()
Date: February 23, 2021 07:55PM

Basl called the jail crying Wrote:
> Oh, but it did happen. You know it. I know it and
> Michael Basl especially knows it.

No evidence or proof it happened.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Ode to TJ ()
Date: February 23, 2021 08:06PM

Once there was a cad named Peep
With all the boys he wanted to sleep
So he made his own site
But he got nary a bite
So now he just trolls Eesh

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Proof is in the butthole pudding ()
Date: February 23, 2021 08:08PM

Occam's Razor Wrote:
> No evidence or proof it happened.

Discussion over.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: is this one the charm? ()
Date: February 23, 2021 08:12PM

eesh Wrote:
> TJ is stressing out. He’s going away for a long
> time, and there’s nothing he can do about it.
> When he gets out when Kamala Harris is on her
> second term, he will be homeless, jobless, and
> uneducated.
> He might as well start using heroin.

peep's getting locked up?

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Time to pay fingerhut ()
Date: February 23, 2021 08:18PM

Basl has been saying that for nearly a year now

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: Moreno Crime Family Madness ()
Date: February 23, 2021 08:44PM

Time to pay fingerhut Wrote:
> Moreno has been saying that for nearly a year now

§ 18.2-152.5. Computer invasion of privacy; penalties.
A. A person is guilty of the crime of computer invasion of privacy when he uses a computer or computer network and intentionally examines without authority any employment, salary, credit or any other financial or identifying information, as defined in clauses (iii) through (xiii) of subsection C of § 18.2-186.3, relating to any other person. "Examination" under this section requires the offender to review the information relating to any other person after the time at which the offender knows or should know that he is without authority to view the information displayed.
B. The crime of computer invasion of privacy shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.
C. Any person who violates this section after having been previously convicted of a violation of this section or any substantially similar laws of any other state or of the United States is guilty of a Class 6 felony.
D. Any person who violates this section and sells or distributes such information to another is guilty of a Class 6 felony.
E. Any person who violates this section and uses such information in the commission of another crime is guilty of a Class 6 felony.
F. This section shall not apply to any person collecting information that is reasonably needed to (i) protect the security of a computer, computer service, or computer business, or to facilitate diagnostics or repair in connection with such computer, computer service, or computer business or (ii) determine whether the computer user is licensed or authorized to use specific computer software or a specific computer service.
1984, c. 751; 1985, c. 398; 2001, c. 358; 2005, cc. 747, 761, 827, 837.

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: PYBR ()
Date: February 23, 2021 08:47PM

Peep You Better Repent

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: post on peep's site! ()
Date: February 23, 2021 09:16PM

Any person who registers in the next ten days will be entered into a drawing to become a moderator!

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Re: Please post on peep's new forum
Posted by: peep's site rocks ()
Date: February 23, 2021 10:56PM

but nobody posts there - except some guy who talks about his butthole!

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