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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For! [Censored]
Posted by: Mrs. Snowden ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:31AM

This comes from Ashley Madison's credit card transactions. Some fields were removed like cc last 4 and payment amount. Some names appear duplicated because of mulitple credit transactions with unique data.
This is just the short list more might follow. Sorted by zip code then name.

edit by Cary (the admin): This thread has received an enormous amount of attention, generating 130,711 unique inbound links from Facebook alone in the past 5 days. Since that time I've received a myriad of demands, pleas, and threats, both legal and personal. Please allow me to walk you through my moderation decisions regarding this thread.

Generally, dumping private information about ANYONE on Fairfax Underground is forbidden as it qualifies as a personal attack, which is against Fairfax Underground's rules. Indeed had I caught this thread early on before it generated large numbers of legitimate comments it likely would have been outright removed. However, this thread was not intended to be a personal attack against any one person but rather is a list of those affected by a security breach; a list which had been available to the more technically able for days before this post appeared.

Fairfax Underground has a long history of making local information more accessible to the less technically apt. Fairfax Underground's own Arrest/Ticket Search has been doing this for years, making freely available information previously only searchable by law firms or those with paid LexisNexis feeds. Still, this aim does not justify the leaking of personal information of thousands of local residents.

Whether intentional or not, the author of this post "Mrs. Snowden" managed to omit just enough information to call the use of moderation into question. Had this author published an outright dump of the credit card details (including the card type and last 4 digits of the card used), this thread would have qualified for immediate moderation. Similarly if the author had published the much more damning information supposedly available, including Ashley Madison profile text, private message correspondence, or the user's "selected fetishes" this thread would have been moderated immediately. The author, however, published only the necessary information to determine who was affected by this hack, none of the more private details. Because this list was supposedly generated from credit card transactions it actually made the information far more accurate and trustworthy than if the author had published a list of given names from Ashley Madison profiles, some of which would undoubtedly be fake profiles intended to impersonate or defame (and would then qualify for moderation). As the author somehow exercised journalistic discretion in choosing only to reveal the minimal amount of informaiton to correlate a real-world identity, and the public had a (observably) overwhelming interest in determining who was (or who was not) on this list, Fairfax Underground employed the default action when moderation decisions are unclear: to take no action.

Had I deleted this post upon first report, at the height of its' popularity, no doubt thousands of reposts would have immediately appeared, including on websites outside of my control, making moderation nearly impossible. Each of those reposts could have been altered, falsely including the name of an enemy or other unsuspecting victim. At the very least this list dumped by "Mrs. Snowden" appears to be accurate, a non-embelished snippet of Ashley Madison's customer database. My biggest fear was (and remains) that in the absence of authoritative information misinformation would flourish.

Your private information was hacked and far more damaging information is likely available to anyone who can query a SQL database. The hacked databases have been widely distributed and will likely be made easily searchable in the coming days on websites beyond my control. There's unfortunately no putting this genie back in the bottle, your information is out there. Rest assured that if any more lurid details of this hack are revealed on Fairfax Underground beyond your simple inclusion as a customer they will be immediately moderated, but take this as little solace in the grand scheme.

In addition to hacked profile information I understand that full password hashes were also leaked, which are no doubt being brute forced by nefarious actors as we speak. If you use the same (or a similar) password at Ashley Madison as you do with other online services such as email you must CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS IMMEDIATELY. You must consider your Ashley Madison password compromised as it surely will be in a few weeks time. I also highly recommend abandoning the email address you used in conjunction with your Ashley Madison account altogether as this address is already in the hands of spammers and extortionists. Media reports reveal that some victims of this hack have already received threatening extortion emails. Again, these spammers and extortionists no doubt have the full widely available hacked database and do not need to pull any information from Fairfax Underground.

Please email me at cary@fairfaxunderground.com with a copy/paste of your name as it appears in this thread. While legitimate information is generally not removable from Fairfax Underground these are special exigent circumstances and I will honor all personal removal requests. However, just because you have been removed from this website certainly does nothing to the thousands of copies of the full database currently in existence.

In summary this thread likely warranted immediate moderation, but given the author's careful publication of just enough data to positively identify a particular individual, coupled with the enormous public interest to learn who does or does not appear on this customer list, information already available for days to the more technically minded, caused me to take no action on this thread. Had anything more than a name (ie. John Smith) and an address to correlate to that name (which John Smith?) been made available this thread would have been removed immediately. Additionally had this author made ANY other claims (using hacked profile information) or revealed anything more than necessary to identify someone as a customer it would have been moderated immediately.

It's a careful balance to run a community resource which seeks to make legitimate information freely available to all, and a balance that never pleases everyone simultaneously. This is NOT an open invitation to post any further leaked details, nor to EVER post information gained from any future hacks. This particular thread and the public's immense legitimate interest are unique and I cannot imagine a situation ever arising where this sort of list would be permissible ever again.

Please note that Fairfax Underground is not a commercial entity and generates no revenue whatsoever. There is nothing for Fairfax Underground to gain from the publication of this information, and in fact the increased traffic may wind up costing considerable overage fees. Fairfax Underground only aims to fill a void of traditional media by quenching the public's sincere interest. I sincerely apologize to all of those who feel wronged by the publication of this information, but please note that this information was available for days on less accessible resources. If anything the publication of this list now should spare those included from years of worry and blackmail by untold hoards of malicious actors. This thread may eventually be removed in its' entirety, but as it's still generating hundreds of links from Facebook every hour the potential for reposts with unverified information is too high.

End of edit by Cary (the admin).

Edit by Cary (the admin) #2: "Mrs. Snowden's" data dump would usually begin below, but this thread has been censored by a foreign (Canadian) court order, and two consecutive ISPs have bowed to the pressure. The text below has been temporarily removed and the subsequent posts have been "hidden". These changes may be reversed once the legal ambiguity is resolved. Everyone who has requested removal of their name will have their request honored before this thread is restored. For a copy of the Canadian court order and email from Toronto's Police Department please see this page: http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/abuse/ashleymadison/AMCasetps/index.html

Edited 13 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2015 03:53AM by Cary.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Mrs. Snowden ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:10AM

The End. Lots more info on every name. Tell me if you want more info on someone.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Overnight Shifter. ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:11AM


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Overnight Shifter. ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:15AM

Mrs. Snowden Wrote:
> The End. Lots more info on every name. Tell me if
> you want more info on someone.

I see several familiar names on this list.
But thats because I work in the hotel/motel industry.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Overnight Shifter. ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:18AM

Mrs. Snowden Wrote:
> The End. Lots more info on every name. Tell me if
> you want more info on someone.

Just to clarify.

These are all paid transactions right?

There is no way someone can try to weasel out of this by saying... "Honey my name only appears becuase I must have been on one of their e mail lists"

Am I correct?

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Mrs. Snowden ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:25AM

Yes these are paid credit card transactions. I guess someone could use a fake name and address or use a stolen credit card but thats unlikely.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Overnight Shifter. ()
Date: August 20, 2015 04:01AM

Mrs. Snowden Wrote:
> Yes these are paid credit card transactions. I
> guess someone could use a fake name and address or
> use a stolen credit card but thats unlikely.

Thank you for clarifying that sir.

In my opinion, marriage is one huge scam.

But I am sure my opinion is of little consolation to the married men whose names appear on this list.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Chicago Bull ()
Date: August 20, 2015 04:08AM


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Tammy Wynette Fan ()
Date: August 20, 2015 04:16AM


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Not on list ()
Date: August 20, 2015 04:48AM

I can see what the hacking group was talking about. What a sausage fest. Waste of money. Big fraud.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: "happiness is a warm gun" ()
Date: August 20, 2015 06:01AM

I know(knew) a few of these losers. This is a divorce attorney's treasure map.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: who let these hos in my room ()
Date: August 20, 2015 06:40AM

Not on list Wrote:
> I can see what the hacking group was talking
> about. What a sausage fest. Waste of money. Big
> fraud.

Yep, 136 names in my zip code and three of them women.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: notes that are noted ()
Date: August 20, 2015 06:49AM

Lots of Indians all over the list.


Love the corporate cards, it's going to be a fun morning figuring out who gets shit canned for using the company card to hook up.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Hung ()
Date: August 20, 2015 06:53AM

So much DICK.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: wtf?? ()
Date: August 20, 2015 07:18AM

Wtf is Ashley Madison?

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: mjs ()
Date: August 20, 2015 07:35AM

whew....my name is NOT on the list....this is why you let the bitches spring for the hotel room...

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: mjs ()
Date: August 20, 2015 07:36AM

> Smartest guy on the list: GIFT CARD

Don't be hating on me...Just becasue us pilots crash a plane every now and again, we know how to get our groove on when we are in town..


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/20/2015 07:37AM by mjs.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Feed me Feds ()
Date: August 20, 2015 07:46AM

need Alexandria, Arlington, DC, PG, Montgomery, Howard, and Anne Arundel to get all the local Feds

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: holy shit! ()
Date: August 20, 2015 07:51AM

Just viewed the first few lines of Aldie and know 2 of the people. That is a long list.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: 2 slits 37 millions dongs ()
Date: August 20, 2015 08:58AM

All dicks no cunts.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: UVGne ()
Date: August 20, 2015 09:23AM

Should do a search of SAIC, and other contractors and see who used a company card to pay for it..

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: dumbasses! ()
Date: August 20, 2015 09:30AM

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Questioner. ()
Date: August 20, 2015 09:31AM

Overnight Shifter. Wrote:

> In my opinion, marriage is one huge scam.

This. Right here.

As a society, we need to ask ourselves...If men and women were meant to live in monogamy, then why do men produce 100 million sperm cells every 24 hours and women produce one egg every 21-31 days?

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: YYWh7 ()
Date: August 20, 2015 09:39AM

I nominate this for the FFXU POST OF THE YEAR.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Contractor Calamity! ()
Date: August 20, 2015 09:58AM

How many people from:

Northrop Grumman?
Lockheed Martin?

Projects could be in trouble if key cleared people become uncleared.

Also LULZ to see how many fbi.gov, dhs.gov, irs.gov and so on. Mix it up with the IRS scandal and Hilarious' emails and this is turning into a circus.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: VvjWw ()
Date: August 20, 2015 10:00AM

DANIEL N WATSON,1710 SAIC Drive,McLean,VA,22102,US,,
DANIEL N. WATSON,1710 SAIC Drive,McLean,VA,22102,US,,


Director for Middle East Business Development

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: iLester ()
Date: August 20, 2015 10:06AM

These look like match made in heaven.com.

GIFT CARD RECIPIENT,30 berkeley court,Sterling,VA,20165,US,BNG20165@GMAIL.COM,

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: UMMM ()
Date: August 20, 2015 10:14AM

EVAN M ROYSTER,25444 Crossfield Drive,Chantilly,VA,20152,US,AUNTJEMIMA2235@YAHOO.COM,

Um, is this the Redskin Evan Royster? His full name is Evan Mathias Royster.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Score card ()
Date: August 20, 2015 10:18AM

Not many chicks but are they at least decent looking?

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Cristian Iacob ()
Date: August 20, 2015 10:33AM

When registering once is just not enough...
"It must not be working, let me try this again."

CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 n van dorn st,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM33@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 n van dorn st,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM33@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van Dorn,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van Dorn,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van Dorn Stre,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,UNEXPECTED17@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van Dorn Stre,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM31@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van Dorn Stre,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM31@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van Dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van Dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,ALEXFITM32@YAHOO.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,ALEXFITM32@YAHOO.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van Dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM24@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van Dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM32@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van Dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM32@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 NOrth van dorn street,alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM32@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 NOrth van dorn street,alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM32@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,UNEXPECTED17@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405 North Van dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,UNEXPECTED17@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405A North Van Dorn Stre,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM30@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405A North Van Dorn Stre,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM30@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405A North Van Dorn Stre,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,UNEXPECTED17@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405A North Van Dorn Stre,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,UNEXPECTED17@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405A North Van Dorn Stre,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,OURSECRET117@YAHOO.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405A North Van Dorn Stre,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,OURSECRET117@YAHOO.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405A North Van Dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,CIACOB@YAHOO.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405A north van dorn street,alexandria,VA,22304,US,CIACOB@YAHOO.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405A North Van dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM@YAHOO.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405A north Van dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,FUNNOVAM@YAHOO.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405A north van dorn street,alexandria,VA,22304,US,M4ADVENTURE3030@GMAIL.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405A North Van Dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,ALEXFITM31@YAHOO.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,1405A North Van Dorn Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,ALEXFITM31@YAHOO.COM,
CRISTIAN IACOB,218 North Jordan Street,Alexandria,VA,22304,US,,

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Random Name Posting ()
Date: August 20, 2015 10:51AM

THOMAS J BLACKWELL,1614,Vienna,VA,22182,US,,
THOMAS J BLACKWELL,11614 Charnita Court,Vienna,VA,22182,US,RUNNER1971SC@YAHOO.COM,
THOMAS J BLACKWELL,11614 Charnita Court,Vienna,VA,22182,US,RUNNER1971SC@YAHOO.COM,
THOMAS J BLACKWELL,1614 Charnita Court,Vienna,VA,22182,US,,
THOMAS J BLACKWELL,1614 Charnita Court,Vienna,VA,22182,US,,
THOMAS J BLACKWELL,1614 Charnita Court,Vienna,VA,22182,US,,
THOMAS J BLACKWELL,1614 Charnita Court,Vienna,VA,22182,US,RUNNER1971SC@YAHOO.COM,
THOMAS J BLACKWELL,1614 Charnita Court,Vienna,VA,22182,US,RUNNER1971SC@YAHOO.COM,
THOMAS J BLACKWELL,1614 Charnita Court,Vienna,VA,22182,US,RUNNER1971SC@YAHOO.COM,
THOMAS J BLACKWELL,"20 Eglinton Ave West, Suite 1200",Vienna,VA,22182,US,RUNNER1971SC@YAHOO.COM,

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Ooops ()
Date: August 20, 2015 10:54AM

Contractor Calamity! Wrote:
> How many people from:
> Northrop Grumman?
> Lockheed Martin?
> Leidos?
> SRA?
> DynCorp?
> Projects could be in trouble if key cleared people
> become uncleared.
> Also LULZ to see how many fbi.gov, dhs.gov,
> irs.gov and so on. Mix it up with the IRS scandal
> and Hilarious' emails and this is turning into a
> circus.

Here's a good one.
BBN is part of Raytheon.

EUGENE TIGHE,618 B 15 St S,Arlington,VA,22202,US,ETIGHE@BBN.COM,
EUGENE TIGHE,618 B 15 St S,Arlington,VA,22202,US,ETIGHE@BBN.COM
MAJ GENE TIGHE III,618 15th St South,Arlington,VA,22202,US,GTIGHE8496@AOL.COM,
MAJ GENE TIGHE III,618 15th St South,Arlington,VA,22202,US,ETIGHE@BBN.COM,
MAJ GENE TIGHE III,618 15th St South,Arlington,VA,22202,US,ETIGHE@BBN.COM

Gene Tighe is a seasoned Washington insider and national security expert who brings more than 30 years of policy and programmatic experience to assist clients work more effectively with the federal government. He is able to provide unique insight, perspective and understanding to initiatives at DARPA and other R&D entities, and has netted more than $20 million in Department of Defense program wins for clients. Previously, he served for seven years as the DARPA account manager for Rockwell Collins; he also was as a consultant to Raytheon BBN Technologies, working on speech and language capabilities at Fort Meade, MD.
Mr. Tighe is a retired military officer, having spent 20 years in the Air Force, where he worked on policy and intelligence matters with assignments all over the world, including Korea, Europe and Desert Storm. He also served for two years on the staff of U.S. Senator Paul Coverdell (R-GA) working on defense, intelligence, veterans and international affairs. He then moved to the Republican National Committee fundraising staff, raising more than $5 million in four years. He is an alumnus of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Air Staff at the Pentagon, with work in crisis management, foreign military sales and foreign intelligence disclosure.
Mr. Tighe is engaged and active in his local community. He serves as a trustee and life member at Dunn Loring Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department; he is a black-belt candidate in Tang Soo Do; and he is a member of the National Press Club, serving on the club's Speaker's Committee. He also volunteers regularly with the U.S. Secret Service and National Park Service on White House tours, and is an active volunteer at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall near Arlington Cemetery in Virginia.


He's also the son of a big cheese General in defense intelligence.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Question Question Question ()
Date: August 20, 2015 10:56AM

If someone's address is on there but a fake name was used such as "GIFT CARD"...

Are they still guilty?

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: DxEFU ()
Date: August 20, 2015 10:59AM

Damn, shit going to be hitting the fan around this area.

I found someone that I know on this list.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: FjEuL ()
Date: August 20, 2015 11:04AM

A lot of "elite" neighborhoods are represented here. I also recognize some prominent names. Will not point them out - I'll leave that for others.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Not Vienna! ()
Date: August 20, 2015 11:14AM

Wow, I can see why the sleepy little town of Vienna goes through so many mattresses!

Best LOL I've had all day.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Girl Scouts! ()
Date: August 20, 2015 11:15AM

SHARON GLEASON,13002 Park Crescent,Herndon,VA,20171,US,SGLEASON@GSCNC.ORG


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: ,,,, ()
Date: August 20, 2015 11:21AM

THE Phillip Leiser???

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Mashlie Addison ()
Date: August 20, 2015 11:39AM

Maybe these two should have saved their money, and just pitched a tent in one of their backyards...

MARIA LEONHARD,8181 Carnegie Hall Court,Vienna,VA,22180,US,CATWOMAN0911@AOL.COM,
MICHAEL A LEWIS,8183 Carnegie Hall Court 105,Vienna,VA,22180,US,,

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: NumbersUSA ()
Date: August 20, 2015 11:41AM

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: PxPL7 ()
Date: August 20, 2015 11:41AM

Someone should geocode these and put on google maps.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: wpkkY ()
Date: August 20, 2015 11:44AM

This thread is going to be the top thread for this forum for a long time.

Wonder when the blackmailing will start?

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Not HOT At All ()
Date: August 20, 2015 11:50AM

Girl Scouts! Wrote:
> Crescent,Herndon,VA,20171,US,SGLEASON@GSCNC.ORG
> https://www.ncoa.org/about-ncoa/leadership/executi
> ve-leadership/sharon-gleason/

YUCK. Is she married?

This is a great thread.

More data please, can't wait to see if FFX County had any members!

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: tCdk3 ()
Date: August 20, 2015 11:51AM


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: So sad ()
Date: August 20, 2015 11:58AM

This was just linked to a facebook group of a bunch of women in Loudoun County. Those poor wives :(

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Yowza ()
Date: August 20, 2015 12:15PM

There are some school associated names on the list.

Some of the women on the list are hot. They must of cleaned up getting all sort of stuff from the guys.

I bet those chicks are driving Mercedes now.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: OyVey ()
Date: August 20, 2015 12:24PM

Oh, those email addresses. "POUNDITNRUN@YAHOO.COM"

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: 666Pe ()
Date: August 20, 2015 12:29PM

Viewed count at 12:28 = 3,137

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Thank a Hacker ()
Date: August 20, 2015 12:30PM

There may be some football players and coaches on this list, but the list was produced by hackers. You know, the kids who were picked on, maybe even raped in school by the football players and coaches.

Payback's a bitch.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: straight people only ()
Date: August 20, 2015 12:30PM

You won't see any FFXU posters on there, since this site is full of fags.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: tLHjb ()
Date: August 20, 2015 12:31PM

Someone should send General Tighe an email to this thread.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Jeff S. ()
Date: August 20, 2015 12:33PM

Can anyone top a major general??

BRUCE K SCOTT,11291 Cresswell Lndg,Lorton,VA,22079,US,GEORGE.OLM@GMAIL.COM,


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: OyVey ()
Date: August 20, 2015 12:37PM

I don't know what's worse, searching for my son-in-law's name...

...or finding it. Fuck.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Silver ()
Date: August 20, 2015 12:40PM

Jeff S. Wrote:
> Can anyone top a major general??
> BRUCE K SCOTT,11291 Cresswell
> Lndg,Lorton,VA,22079,US,GEORGE.OLM@GMAIL.COM,
> http://www.olmstedfoundation.org/officers-and-dire
> ctors/bruce-k-scott

WOW! From my hood!

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: hahahahaha ()
Date: August 20, 2015 12:46PM


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: more ooops ()
Date: August 20, 2015 12:56PM

PETER DE THIER,1207 Wiesman Court,Great Falls,VA,22066,US,FORMERPRO1965@YAHOO.COM,
PETER DE THIER,1207 Wiesman Court,Great Falls,VA,22066,US,FORMERPRO1965@YAHOO.COM,
PETER DE THIER,1207 Wiesman Ct.,Great Falls,VA,22066,US,FORMERPRO1965@YAHOO.COM,
PETER DE THIER,1207 Wiesman Ct.,Great Falls,VA,22066,US,FORMERPRO1965@YAHOO.COM,
PETER DETHIER,890 Van Dusen Ct,Great Falls,VA,22066,US,,
PETER DETHIER SR,1207 Wiesman Ct.,Great Falls,VA,22066,US,FORMERPRO1965@YAHOO.COM,
PETER DETHIER SR,1207 Wiesman Ct.,Great Falls,VA,22066,US,FORMERPRO1965@YAHOO.COM,

German Journalist

Son plays soccer for GWU.


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Grim Reaper ()
Date: August 20, 2015 12:58PM

tLHjb Wrote:
> Someone should send General Tighe an email to this
> thread.

Try a Oujia board ... he died ten years ago.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Whsatz ()
Date: August 20, 2015 01:00PM

straight people only Wrote:
> You won't see any FFXU posters on there, since
> this site is full of fags.

Hey? Was that comment really necessary?

Now my feelings are hurt.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: indeed ()
Date: August 20, 2015 01:24PM

LORI R HORTON,"20 Eglinton Ave West, Suite 1200",Alexandria,VA,22309,US,WHOREYLOREY@HOTMAIL.COM

"Whorey Lorey" Lol!

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Derp gone wild ()
Date: August 20, 2015 01:26PM

straight people only Wrote:
> You won't see any FFXU posters on there, since
> this site is full of fags.

If that is supposed to be a diss, you DO realize you're posting here.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: This is the best ()
Date: August 20, 2015 01:28PM

I see 4 people I know and 5 who I'd recognize if i saw them in my hood. Lmao.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Sad dude ()
Date: August 20, 2015 01:30PM


Gotta feel a little for the dude ... he's now twice bitten and gonna get some spam.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: For fucks sake ... ()
Date: August 20, 2015 01:37PM


Ok, seriously, if your whole job is public affairs ... Why the fuck would you use your work email!!!!

Good thing he specializes in 'crisis communication'!


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: KVmHP ()
Date: August 20, 2015 01:45PM

Wow, I just found my girlfriend's sister's husband on this list. Been over to their place many times and never saw him as this type of person.

Not sure if I should say anything. I'm just f'ing shocked beyond belief!

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: MS excel ()
Date: August 20, 2015 01:50PM

I can't wait for someone to upload this with a search functionality.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: excel ()
Date: August 20, 2015 01:52PM

Just click "Ctrl F" and there is your search functionality.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Noel Biderman ()
Date: August 20, 2015 01:56PM

With the high percentage of guys on that list, did Ashley Madison actually work for anyone?

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: nvmt9 ()
Date: August 20, 2015 01:59PM

I found 4 people I know and one of them is my coworkers wife!!! Another one I found, has actually never been married, guess he just likes married women.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Boricua ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:07PM


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: abiii ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:07PM

What does it mean if they are listed multiple times?

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: sko ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:09PM

I believe each name represents a credit/gift card transaction, thus the duplicate names

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Call you Lawyer Mrs. Snowden ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:10PM

To the poster of this information Mrs Snowden you are going to want to call your lawyer. This is slander and with all the comments it will only help the lawyers.They will get a formal request of the IP address and your login. You must have been cheated on and feel the need to do this. Should be exciting to see you in court. ;)

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: GoodOne ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:11PM

Girl Scouts! Wrote:
> Crescent,Herndon,VA,20171,US,SGLEASON@GSCNC.ORG
> https://www.ncoa.org/about-ncoa/leadership/executi
> ve-leadership/sharon-gleason/

Good find...if she wasn't on the list I would've called fake.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: NoPen ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:12PM

abiii Wrote:
> What does it mean if they are listed multiple
> times?

Forgot their log-in/password, and didn't write it down either.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Welcome all DC Urban Moms ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:13PM

I would like to officially welcome all DC Urban Mom forum users and DC Urban Mom website members to this thread.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: set you free ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:13PM

Call you Lawyer Mrs. Snowden Wrote:
> To the poster of this information Mrs Snowden you
> are going to want to call your lawyer. This is
> slander and with all the comments it will only
> help the lawyers.They will get a formal request of
> the IP address and your login. You must have been
> cheated on and feel the need to do this. Should be
> exciting to see you in court. ;)

Truth is the ultimate defense in any slander case.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: funzo ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:18PM

It's fun to search for just your street name to see how many live around you. I found two people in my neighborhood.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: oh noes ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:19PM

Um, how do I get my name removed off this list? YOU'LL HEAR FROM MY LAWYER!

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: PJMjy ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:22PM

funzo Wrote:
> It's fun to search for just your street name to
> see how many live around you. I found two people
> in my neighborhood.

Did the same and found one person on my street.

JUST A FEW HOUSES UP! Don't know the person. Not sure if he is married. If he's not then there's nothing wrong with that.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: OyVey ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:23PM

Mrs Snowden - I do need more details for a specific person, but not interested in sharing the name (more) publicly. How do I contact you?

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: abelard ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:31PM

>Just viewed the first few lines of Aldie and know 2 of the people. That is a long list.

How can there be so many from Aldie? It's about the size of my yard. This must be half the town.

ETA: first divorce lawyer to post their number here wins a new boat.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/20/2015 02:39PM by abelard.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: <img src="____________________"> ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:40PM


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Yepppppppp ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:41PM

Definitely post of the year. Tried to catch 10k exactly, but it's going up too fast.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do Arlington, Alexandria, and DC.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: more ooops ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:45PM

Lead Economist at World Bank


"• Marital status: Married (to U.S. citizen)

• Wife's position: Lawyer ( Citibank , Poland )

• Children: Three boys (born 1995/1996/2002). Dual Danish-U.S. citizens.

For some reason I see a change in 'Wife's position'

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Already posted ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:52PM

Alexandria & Arlington have already been posted in the thread.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Why? ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:54PM

Why is it so difficult for married women to accept the fact that their husbands all want to have sex with other women?

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Yepppppppp ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:54PM

Already posted Wrote:
> Alexandria & Arlington have already been posted in
> the thread.

Ooops, missed it. Thanks!

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Realism ()
Date: August 20, 2015 02:55PM

Call you Lawyer Mrs. Snowden Wrote:
> To the poster of this information Mrs Snowden you
> are going to want to call your lawyer. This is
> slander and with all the comments it will only
> help the lawyers.They will get a formal request of
> the IP address and your login. You must have been
> cheated on and feel the need to do this. Should be
> exciting to see you in court. ;)

Slander is making FALSE statements about a person. The people will have to prove they did not have an Ashley Madison account or have that email account.

Second, I doubt anybody on that list wants their credit card and email history displayed in a public court.

Third, the post was most likely made off some anonymous server. So good luck with a valid IP.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Yepppppppp ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:00PM

Why? Wrote:
> Why is it so difficult for married women to
> accept the fact that their husbands all want to have sex with other women?

Why be a retard and use your real name, address, and email while trolling for poon outside your marriage? "Forsake all others"...remember??

If you're single and unattached, it does suck. But no excuses though for using a .gov, .mil, or corporate email address.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: PezDen ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:04PM

oh noes Wrote:
> Um, how do I get my name removed off this list?

Start by keeping it in your pants.. Chances are your lawyer is on this list too.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: thats how we get down ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:05PM

..on the underground! :p

Gotta be the theme song!


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Glad I'm not married ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:06PM


Damn I feel sorry for all of the married men who are about to come home tired from a full day of work only to get bitched at by an angry wife who is already past her prime.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Date: August 20, 2015 03:10PM

Forum mod: Please remove my name from this thread. Thank you.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Gdm3t ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:14PM

> Forum mod: Please remove my name from this
> thread. Thank you.


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: FcCnK ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:19PM


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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: Gjjhv ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:21PM

MS excel Wrote:
> I can't wait for someone to upload this with a
> search functionality.

Just use find on page function on a browser.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: calm wife ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:25PM

My hubby knows that I married him for his money. He also knows I have lovers. Therefore I hope he's on that list (too lazy to look), or any other list.

Hubs works very hard for his money and I don't begrudge him any happiness that he can find----or buy.

Let's just say we have an agreement.

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: John Q Public ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:32PM

Let's not be hypocritical, post all the ladies too....

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Re: Ashley Madison Hack Names and Addresses From Fairfax - Loudoun - Prince William - The One You've Been Waiting For!
Posted by: poison ()
Date: August 20, 2015 03:34PM

This made me spit my water out. hahahhaha

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