Ever got a complementary free round, of 18 holes of Golf, because someone died?
Well, me and my former Dart Team Captain J.D. (first and last name withheld to protect the innocent, and who was my charity golf tournament friend), did!
Pleasant Valley Golf Course, September 9th, 1998, on a weekday, approximately 9:30 AM. Trying to break up the monotony of protecting this great nation after so many years.
We are getting our golf clubs out of car trunks and a ambulance shows up and nearly drives over the 18th green, which would have destroyed it.
The manager for the course, is jumping up and down like a jumping Jack, and waving and screaming to the crew, to stop before the damage is done ($ and muchos dineros).
We show up at the trailer club house, and they tell us well have to skip over the 18th hole. Someone drove there car into the lake, and did not come out or swim out.
So we are told, to start on the 10th hole, then skip over the 18th hole, and finish the round to the 9th hole. WOW!
Club house manager gives us, 1 each, coupons for 18 holes at a further date. Images included here.
Never used mine (coupon), don't want the "GOLF GODS" to bring retribution upon me, for being so callus, to accept the offer on someone else's demise.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/17/2020 11:54PM by damien.