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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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7 years ago
Could you please present some clear vivid facts as to why I should believe such an atrocious lie?
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
morono spawn Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I swindled lizzie, build a PYBR, jerked off in the > Chuck E Cheese restroom. To little girls or boys? Or both? 0__0
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
MS13..a very interesting bunch indeed. Was driving through Tyson's Corner just last night and saw quite a few. I asked them if they needed a ride. They said "sure, that'd be great". So I let them in. Next thing I remember I'm unconcious in a dumpster 5 miles away from where I picked them up, no clothes on, car is gone, and there is a carrot up my ass. Lesson learned. Don't give rides to strange
Forum: Fairfax County General
7 years ago
Please do not talk about my girlfriend like that.
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
I'd like everyone to post about every sin they remember. I've stole, fornicated, lied, cheated, stole, vandalised, stole, cussed, stole, threatened, stole, posted nudes, stole, masturbated, stole, stole, stole, and stole. It is now your turn.
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
If I could see a pic of her vagina, that would be great.
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
Whatever I have in my pocket. Usually a couple of cigarettes and 15 bucks.
Forum: Fairfax County General
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