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12 years ago
Dear Lizzie, your incoherent, inchoate offerings are a delight to read!
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12 years ago
She looks like a fat little man as does lizzie!
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12 years ago
Oh the calumny!
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12 years ago
Dear Lizzie (Note uppercase spelling) You've got me there! You've left me speechless as I usually am in the presence of a truly low IQ.
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12 years ago
Dear lizzie (note lowercase spelling) pancakes? Seriously? That's your idea of wit? Read a lot of Oscar Wilde do you lizzie?
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12 years ago
By the way, sad to say, the story is not made up. It's just another sad commentary on the times. The part about the opthomologist isn't verifiable though I must admit. But consider the sunhuman specimen we are talking about here.
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12 years ago
Dear Lizzie I do care. I believe that the mentally challenged deserve all the help they can get!
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12 years ago
Dear Lizzie, I suppose that in your feeble mind that sentence means something. If I cared enough I might even ask what.
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12 years ago
"I leave it up to the government to make good decisions for Americans." Danica Patrick "We have a government so we don't have to think all the time." Homer Simpson.
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12 years ago
No Lizzie, capitalizing your name is a sign of good grammar, somthing you are obviously unfamiliar with.
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12 years ago
Dear Lizzie, You are too stupid to truly realize how stupid you are.
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12 years ago
It took a purple-lipped mongrel to make white people finally wake up!
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12 years ago
So I'm taking walk the other day and some young black punk comes up to me and tells me how he urgently needed to borrow my cell phone. I proceeded to reach into my pocket and grabbed my trusty can of mace and gave this degenerate a full dose of its wondrous power into both of his bulging eyes. I left the miscreant writhing in agony on the ground and proceeded on my way. Bottom line: I still ha
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12 years ago
Obama is my shepherd; I shall not work. He keepth jobs out of the hands of the people, Which leadeth the country to class warfare and polarization. He encourageth sloth; he leadeth the government to new heights in deficit spending. Yea, though I walk in the shadow of Economic collapse, I shall fear no depression: for Obama is with me. His handouts and monetary indiscretion supplement my income. H
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12 years ago
"I wish to express my deep regret for the reported incident. ... I extend to you and the Afghan people my sincere apologies." As President Obama sent this letter of apology to Hamid Karzai for the burning by U.S. troops of Qurans that were used to smuggle notes between Afghan prisoners, two U.S. soldiers were murdered in reprisal. Saturday, a U.S. colonel and a major working in the Interior Minis
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12 years ago
eesh is the next Larry Sinclair.
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12 years ago
The biggest untold story of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election... Finally, the no-holds-barred, 100% true story of Barack Obama's use and sale of cocaine; his homosexual affairs and the December 23, 2007 murder of Barack Obama's former lover and choir director of Obama's Chicago church of 20 years, Donald Young, just days before the 2008 Iowa Caucus. This searing candid story begins with Barack
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12 years ago
1. The type and nature of a presidential candidate’s prior experience will be examined as never before. Obama’s two years in the U.S. Senate are now universally seen as insufficient preparation. The result will be more emphasis on executive experience and far longer tenure. Fairly or not, the Obama legacy hangs over the possible presidential aspirations of everyone from a Chris Christie or Marco
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12 years ago
Obama wasn’t ready to be a US Senator and he wasn’t ready to be president either. And because some Americans put stupid white guilt above common sense and thereby elected the most unready of candidates to the office of President of the United States, our economy is at a standstill. But even more importantly, the country has, under Obama, once again lost a sense of its place and is questioning it
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12 years ago
Obama wasn’t ready to be a US Senator and he wasn’t ready to be president either. And because some Americans put stupid white guilt above common sense and thereby elected the most unready of candidates to the office of President of the United States, our economy is at a standstill. But even more importantly, the country has, under Obama, once again lost a sense of its place and is questioning it
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12 years ago
Obama: All of Our Decisions Have Been Correct This will come back to bite him in the ass. “I guarantee it’s going to be a close election because the economy is not where it wants to be and, even though I believe all the choices we’ve made have been the right ones, we’re still going through difficult circumstances,” the president said. Oh, really? So your decision to invest hundreds of millions o
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12 years ago
He got elected with virtually no experience and a platform of nothing more than, "Hope and change," simply because he is black. I'm proud to live in a country that is willing to elect a black President, but he ought to be qualified for the job.
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12 years ago
Is to smear it in pig fat and hurl it at a mosque.
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12 years ago
The life story of Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro/Abu Hussain can be seen as: The Biggest Lie ever told. Who is the Media, anyway? How many of them are Democrat Operatives. (Like Alcoholics and Drug Addicts and Marines, there are no FORMER Democrat Operatives) Ya got Georgie, at ABC. He was in the Impeached Rapist's Administration. He worked the "War Room", where he and Paul Begala and James
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12 years ago
BHO will be the greatest president of the century because he will assure that another Democrat or another black will not be elected to the presidency for the next 50 years.
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12 years ago
1st President to violate the war powers act, 1st to preside over a cut to the credit rating of the US, 1st to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf, 1st to defy Federal Judges court order to cease implementing Health care reform, 1st to by pass congress and implement Dream Act, 1st pres. to hide his medical educational and travel records, 1st pres to have
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12 years ago
The only reason that American can not understand that Islam is a dangerous is because they don't know history. Main historical stories they don't know: 1.) The Conquest - Islam arises out of Arabia and quickly conquers half of the Christian world. Christianity had been established for four centuries or more in Egypt, Syria, North Africa, Mesopotamia and Spain. All were subjugated to Islam. 2.)
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12 years ago
Obama wasn’t ready to be a US Senator and he wasn’t ready to be president either. And because some Americans put stupid white guilt above common sense and thereby elected the most unready of candidates to the office of President of the United States, our economy is at a standstill. But even more importantly, the country has, under Obama, once again lost a sense of its place and is questioning it
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12 years ago
The Double Standard Is the Muslim an Anti-American Marxist? Of course. Read his books. See what he's done. LISTEN to what he has said, his entire adult life! We have lots of TAPE on this guy. We had it in 2008. We had a Mountain of Ammunition to use against Abu Hussain. It was BALLS, that were lacking. "He's running a BLACKS ONLY Justice Department." He is. Does anyone believe that 3 White Skinh
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12 years ago
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