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14 years ago
Good points RV but you're wasting your time trying to reason with these idiot Obamaites. None of them seem to have a clue how much money Obama's campaign received from BP, but even if they did what difference would it make? They are not only stupid but willfully stupid and that's the worst kind.
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14 years ago
Is it Fair to ask that: 3 weeks to wait to assemble a team to address the disaster was, well, lackadaisical? Liz Birnbaum, head of MMS, Harvard lawyer with only admin experience, appointed by Obama in July 09 was unqualified for the job? Obama and his team have no experience in managing big organizations effectively? Obama and his team have no experience in managing small organizations effectivel
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14 years ago
Rat In This Picture?
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
There is a quiet anger boiling in America. It is the anger of millions of hard-working citizens who pay their bills, send in their income taxes, maintain their homes and repay their mortgage loans -- and see their government reward those who do not. It is the anger of small town and Middle American folks who have never been to Manhattan, who put their savings in a community bank and borrow from
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14 years ago
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14 years ago
Even so, they are still turning on him to our never-ending delight!
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14 years ago
I guess to you that makes some sort of sense. But then you are congenitally unable to respond intelligently to a point, you just make wild assumptions so perhaps it does.
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14 years ago
Boy is this great! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/10/white-house-moves-swiftly_n_456739.html
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14 years ago
Southern white male? Just because you're an asshole doesn't give you the right to assume.
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14 years ago
President Barack Obama is scheduled to meet with African American leaders in the Oval Office at 11:45 a.m. today “to discuss the economy and jobs.” The expected attendees include: * Dr. Dorothy I. Height, the 97-year-old Chair and President Emerita, National Council of Negro Women * Benjamin T. Jealous, President, NAACP * Marc H. Morial, President and CEO, National Urban League
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14 years ago
Like Al Gore and the oil companies. Al Gore, who made a fortune off of Occidental Petroleum stock.
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14 years ago
I was right! The OP really did bring out the mouth-breathing, chin-drooling libs in all their righteous ignorant indignation! It's always interesting to hear from the extra-chromosome set!
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14 years ago
Ignorant AND illiterate! Quite a combination!
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14 years ago
This ought to get the unthinking, propagandized lib idiot's blood pressure up! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1242011/DAVID-ROSE-The-mini-ice-age-starts-here.html
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14 years ago
He never went to college. He tried his hand at ITT tech. He feels badly about this, thus his rants. The insights into your meaningless existence are sad and pathetic. Funny as hell too!
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14 years ago
And it is me who likes to play with dolls. I can't help it. The highest ranking job I ever earned was Senior Diswashing Associate at the Annandale Friendly's. I hate my underachievement. That's too bad. Maybe Obama can help you. Before he becomes a lame-duck that is.
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14 years ago
It's? We are talking about two different things. You shouldn't have used the singular. Ok, I'm done. There is no accomplishment in besting fools.
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14 years ago
In your own amusingly befuddled way you just made my point. Not that you realize it or anything.
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14 years ago
44% and dropping. Apparently it is YOU who lives in his own little world.
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14 years ago
The libs are amusing to toy with but don't expect a serious, reasoned argument with them. I do find it interesting that people who supposedly support gay rights resort to using "gay" as a pejorative without a moment's hesitation. Interesting but not surprising. They are as illogical as they are uninformed.
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14 years ago
If only I got into a good school, then I would be able to debate with the best of them. Now, I'm just grasping for straws. That's a shame.
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14 years ago
If you can't grasp the difference between conservatism and the Republican party then perhaps you should read a bit more. Assuming you can that is.
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14 years ago
This is what passes for a lib argument. Virtually every post is filled with anger, filled with ad hominem responses to arguments, filled with insults of opponents and at the same time devoid of intellectual arguments. But then they are blinkered by their philistine pig-ignorance so that's to be expected.
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14 years ago
It's not a Republican thing. It's a conservative thing!
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14 years ago
Two dead corrupt democrat congressmen in less than six months! Things are looking up!
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14 years ago
That mentally deficient line hit home didn't it lib? By the way, Front Royal has too many welfare cases to be anything other than a Democrat bastion.
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14 years ago
Panties in a wad? The mentally deficient are easily aroused aren't they?
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14 years ago
Obama is the Elmer Gantry of presidents. I get the perception that to him the Presidency is personal, nothing more than a political exercise, his grade self-administered and skewed by his affirmative action background. Real men, women and institutions have uplifted him through his life with the hope that he could be groomed into leadership. He has been spawned in the corruption of Chicago politic
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14 years ago
I am a conservative: I revere tradition, community and those things sanctified by Time. I favor a small, un-intrusive and Constitutionally-defined federal government, partially because a massive federal government is inherently wasteful, but first and foremost because centralizing so much power far from the people and in the hands of a few is a danger to our Liberty and way of life. I agree with
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14 years ago
More Islamic terrorism. There's an incident just about every week now.
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