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14 years ago
A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 55% of Americans have at least a somewhat favorable opinion of Mrs. Obama. That's down 7 points, or 11%, since November's survey and it's her lowest approval level since holding the Bible for her Democratic husband, Barack, to take the oath of office on that cold D.C day back on Jan. 20. Her approval rating is perhaps more interesting than other first la
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14 years ago
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14 years ago
That response was certainly worthless.
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14 years ago
10% unemployment and a dollar dropping in value every day. You Obama supporters continue to delude yourselves. The recession isn't over. It's getting worse.
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14 years ago
From what I read on here Obama supporters are even bigger ass clowns it seems!
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14 years ago
It makes no sense to see Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, as represented in at least one family account, as the victim of "harassment" by fellow soldiers (and therefore a candidate for "understanding"?) He's an officer. Soldiers don't harass officers. It makes no sense to suggest he'd been traumatized by narratives he had heard concerning the awfulness of combat in Iraq and therefore resisted the ide
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14 years ago
Watch the spin on Tuesday when the first cracks in the armor of the incompetent egomaniac Obama appear.
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14 years ago
The Democrat Party of Va obviously isn't taking any chances with the ignorance and stupidity of the average Democrat.
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
Just as the Left was drawn to the communist killing machines of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Castro, so too it is now attracted to radical Islam. Both the radical Left and radical Islam possess a profound hatred for Western culture, for a capitalist economic structure that recognizes individual achievement, and for the Judeo-Christian heritage of the United States. Both seek to establish a ne
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15 years ago
As W.C. Fields put it: "Never smarten up a chump."
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15 years ago
Hard to not to notice it but thanks for pointing it out just the same.
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15 years ago
Syrup Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Pancakes, > > Perhaps you should switch to waffles as they > retain more of my sugary goodness. This will > better assist you in your quest for knowledge. > > As of now, you are following conVince when he > uttered: > > “Frequently wrong, but never in doubt.” > > That's not a great way
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15 years ago
By changing your screen name you hide neither your poor writing skills nor your meager education.
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15 years ago
In your own insipid way you made my point. Your writing skills are abysmal as well.
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15 years ago
By the way, "blah blah blah" isn't much of a point either. Even for a mind-numbed, unthinking lib.
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15 years ago
You can tell that the libs have no serious argument to make when all they can do is to continuously refer to one misspelled sign at the protest to try and refute the tide that is swiftly rising against them.
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15 years ago
How about for once try and make a coherent point.
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15 years ago
Pasted or not, it was a good read. And true. Thank you.
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15 years ago
Metro, as inefficient and poorly run as it is, is an apt metaphor for DC in general.
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