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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2015 On Saturday Late Morning, December 10, 2016 With Jazz Music & More ! For those who live in Fairfax County, and are patrons of our Fairfax Public Library (FCPL) Oakton Branch near Chainbridge Rd & Hunter Mill Road crossing. Flyer with more at Avi's Facebook.com Profile https://www.facebook.com/avi.dey2?hc_ref=NEWSFEED&fref=nf
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Chesapeake Bay Maryland Small Towns & Festivals Heritage Memorybook Conversation: The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States.[It lies off the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by Maryland and Virginia. The Chesapeake Bay's drainage basin covers 64,299 square miles in the District of Columbia and parts of six states: New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and We
Forum: Burke
10 years ago
Question 01; Why is Accotink Creek restoration for clean water to Potomack River and then to Chesapeak Bay vital to economic and quality of life for all of us in the CB region ? Conversation: Accotink Creek , historic creek (American Civil War “Between The lines 1862-1865) flows through the Burke Neigborhood from Fairfax City area start/. It’s one of the largest creeks among the 30 or s
Forum: Burke
10 years ago
Notice to Fairfax County Residents who participate in ths Fairfax Underrgoujnd online Forum: Conversation: Posting this above photo is notreally relavant to this conversation by the "fictious pesron" Claire ity (Same as BEH, who have posted "NUDE" and "Illegal" bizzare photos on my family oriented communcation previusly as have been duly recorded in my complaint to Fairfax County Consumer Protec
Forum: Eastern Fairfax General
10 years ago
Tech Innovators Famly Circle (TIFC Cafe Twin) at my Pinterest Board: Added Clarity to this topic http://www.pinterest.com/pin/477663104202489397/
Forum: Eastern Fairfax General
10 years ago
Nearly forgotten story of animal death & discovery of Ebola Filovirus in the imported monkeys from Africa at Reston, VA in the mid-1990’s. “General Russel”, I began, “I think weve isolated Ebola virus from a monky quarantine facilty in Reston, Va” C. J. Peters, Page 244, Virus Hunters, Anchor Books Doubleday, 1997 (This book is available at Fairfax County Public Library).
Forum: Eastern Fairfax General
10 years ago
Some More Sub Topics; (01) All of these photos at Fairaxunderground.com can be downloaded to share with family, friends and fans . Just click on photo and download the PDF photo you like. (02) what is a "Grandpa" song ? Avi’s New Granpa Song Title (in search of a singer & songwriter for experimental development of a music video) My Granpa Song #4 Summary: “Granpa Songs’ is an inter
Forum: Central Fairfax General
10 years ago
Highlights (03) Niambis Singer/Songwriter Life set to Rhythms "Memories Painted in Song" Singing her new song, "Unsung Psalm" among others. Amazing self taught music talent, Niambis !
Forum: Central Fairfax General
10 years ago
Highlights (02) Anita, Emerging Vocalist with Nithin on guitar "The Story" (Brad Carlisle Cover) & "The Moon" by Karen O. (Children Dancing also on some of the others beside on "The Moon" Yea, thank you mom for brining the kids to this"Moon" Dance ! Avi Dey Conversation Fairfax C2C Cafe Twin
Forum: Central Fairfax General
10 years ago
Highligts (01) Mark Francis Guitarits, Composer Teacher, Performer Singing among other numbers, his experience of living in Texas before coming to Fairfax : "Texas House On RIchardson Road".
Forum: Central Fairfax General
10 years ago
Memory of Steve Velhovich, Producer Northern Virginia Photographers at FPA-10 Example of a FPA-10 Show that had no plan or no support from Fairfax Community or the Public Access Station to appreciate & value the work that this producer did for more than 15 years & long before I became a volunteer at FPA-10, and a regular volunteer crew to help produce this show for seve
Forum: Central Fairfax General
10 years ago
01. Public Access Station at Herndon, VA http://hctv.org/ Intro: « Keeping The Community Connected » 02. Public Access Station at Central Fairfax, VA “Diverse Life Styles” at Fairfax, VA https://www.fcac.org/channel-10 Intro: Channel 10 is FPA's flagship channel which airs local programming indicative of the diverse life-styles and interests of the Washington Metropolitan area. Channel 1
Forum: Central Fairfax General
10 years ago
Topic 01; Dan's Music Workshop Field Trip Photos at Vienna Wholefood. This topic of "Music Performance" at Central Fairfax location, has have very little to do with American Civil War (1862-1865) . Fairfax County is one million+ residents, with many new "ethnic voices" from Asia, Africa, Middle East in recent years who have no memories of the American Civil War yet . Topic 02: "Free Speech
Forum: Central Fairfax General
10 years ago
NASA's key reason now to return to the moon is tied to identifying a large enough astroid that could cause "waves" on earth if it hits, to identify it and intercept and redirect it to the moon surface. In the history of earth, some 4 billion years, astroids have hit earth many times, some of these "hits' have destroyed life on earth nearly all higher life form, long before humans evolved and ev
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
About Historic Fredricksburg, VA "Between The Lines of Richmond,VA & Fairfax, VA) Located between Fairfax, VA (Memory of American Civil War (1862-1865) Cultural Assets Conservation along the Potomac River creeks, is historic Fredricskburg, VA.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Again, to report abusive photos that "violates" decency laws, posted to destroy someone's polite conversation under an 'assumed name" is illegal at Fairfax County , VA and could result in shutdown of this valuable community forum invented by Cary W. I hope this matter can be resolved by Mr. Cary W. and spare us the aggrevation of having to file complaint with Fairfax County Consumer Protection B
Forum: Annandale
10 years ago
Topic 01: The American Flag duing the American Civil War (1862-1865) This is the American Flag that existed during the Civil War with 35 Stars, each representing a state that was admitted to the Union. I think, there were two states that were added most recently, one was West Virginia, in 1861, breaking away from Virginia. The other ? Answer: I can't remember now, I believe it was a Mid-W
Forum: Central Fairfax General
10 years ago
Friends of Accontink Creek at Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/AccotinkCreek?v=feed&story_fbid=181944275464&ref=mf&filter=3
Forum: Southern Fairfax General
10 years ago
The Innovation Center Project requires a "knowledge economy tech innovators". Those entrepreneurs who are building non-technical innovations such as a new restaurant or a service business at the Mall, music lessons, music instruments, voice lessons, a great new restaurant or a small store, these are important and valuable of course. But knowledge economy requires a different type of entrepreneu
Forum: Vienna
10 years ago
Craig the Troubadour (“Musician Shane”) & Scott Dineen played Spanish Heritage style classical guitar In our follow up chat, Shane eagerly mentioned both “greats of music” have inspired him . Also does Dylan’s social conscious & Denver’s empathy. Scott Dinee’s Spanish instrumental took us to the lyrical expression of poetry through music of such great American as Segovia.
Forum: Central Fairfax General
10 years ago
For background & "success models", Past to Present and then to Future. Will Allen's personal story of ""Good Food Revolution" This book is available at the Fairfax County Public Library and also likely many urban libraries at Hometown USA. A visual image of Will Allen, former professional basketball player, and son of a share croper family in ths South. His personal story in "Good Food
Forum: Southern Fairfax General
10 years ago
As we can discuss on the phone on this topic 02, there are 4 Key Elements that has been worked out pretty clearly to move things forward with a small "core group" that must create to enable the next step forward. These four elements , just to review are as follows; (01) What is the Mission of Urban Farm & Community Garden (UFCG FX )? (02) What is the Scope of UFCG FX ? (What i
Forum: Southern Fairfax General
10 years ago
Tech Innovators Family Circle (TIFC) Fairfax Va Metro DC Tech Hub C2C Pinterest Board & Pin Question: CB Crab Cakes & Fish Fry People ? http://www.pinterest.com/pin/74027987600397412/
Forum: Vienna
10 years ago
Question: What is The Innovation Center Project (ICP) Proposal at Fairfax VA Metro DC Hub ? Possible Answer: ICP is a physical facility created to systematically convert “basic reearch” to technology innovation projects, selected opportunistically via tech innovators and entrepreneurs. ICP “community support” knowledge economy infrastructure includes systematic community outreach via arts &
Forum: Vienna
10 years ago
Ganges River Community Twining Pre-Proposal Recent evolution of Community Twining is River Twining. This variation has yielded for example for Thames River at London, UK, to become one of the cleanest rivers in Europe. Similar examples exist in Germany also particularly. http://www.pinterest.com/pin/347973508681925809/
Forum: Centreville
10 years ago
"Community Twining Project 02 India-USA Desert Twining Project for Rajasthan India & Arizone, USA (Pre-Proposal) Project Name: Thar Desert India Community Solar Greenhouse & Urban Greenhouse Project Conversation: Looking for a small group to form a "Virtual Team" to do a "Desert Community Twining Project" as briefly described in this pre-proposal based on "success model" and possib
Forum: Springfield
10 years ago
Community Twining really has worked with leadership from Germany mostly and even Evengland. Question: How can we get "Community Twining" discussion going at Fairfax County VA with the philosophy of self help and mutual help[ based on Western Europe's success models ?
Forum: Mount Vernon
10 years ago
any thought as to who can help move this pre-proposal forward if worth doing to help add community vitality at the Fairfax County's only Hub Zone ?
Forum: Mount Vernon
10 years ago
What is community spirit & How can such be strengthened at Fairfax City neighborhood ?
Forum: Fairfax City
10 years ago
Urban Farm & Community Garden Project for Fairfax Hub Zone Near Ft Belvoir Newington VA Pinterest Board http://www.pinterest.com/pin/347973508681761487/
Forum: Fairfax City
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