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11 years ago
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snp=ao- Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No hams located at that address - 9261 Centreville > Road. Wrong address. It's 9205, and there is a ham there.
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
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OP = eesh
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
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He's kinda sorta well known around these parts... http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/fairfax-countys-tuba-guy-fills-the-streets-with-his-sound/2011/07/01/AGRD4OuH_story.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-state-of-nova/post/fairfaxs-tuba-guy-keeps-marching-and-tooting/2011/07/06/gIQAT3RW1H_blog.html http://www.facebook.com/pages/TubaGuy/188391947878495 http://www.fairfax
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
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Are you renting a basement apartment in Oakton, by any chance?
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Ut videam
A true conservative would never advocate the intrusive, authoritarian police state measures you're advocating. But such is the state of education and political discourse in this country that people automatically associate "law and order" and "tough on 'crime'" with conservatism. Your idea is nanny state liberalism at its finest. Not conservative in the slightest.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
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You think this is a conservative idea? No self-respecting conservative would advocate such a thing. Neocon, maybe. But their intellectual heritage is Trotskyite, not Burkean.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Ut videam
VideoTap Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Virginia law always the videotaping of any > incident in public. Interception is for taping > phone conversations not video taping or recording > in a public place. Citation please.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Ut videam
Radiophile Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Slight mis-information. > > Key word is "intercept". You videoing a traffic > stop is no "interception". Wrong. According to the definition of "intercept" in Virginia law, videotaping a traffic stop, conversation, or any other interaction constitutes "intercepting" it. ยง 19.2-61. Definitions. As used i
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Ut videam
Your idea is incredibly impractical. It wouldn't work unless people received similarly exorbitant fines for driving under the limit.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Ut videam
Muscle Man Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Here's a tip: Stop eating pizzas, you fatasses! > Yes? > > A large pizza has nearly 3,000 Calories. And you > wonder why you look like obese basket cases? > > Our Obama administration has called for fitness in > ourselves and our children and I urge you to heed > the call for a better future.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Ut videam
the_law Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No, I actually had it right. Read section B2 > http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?000+co > d+19.2-62 Wrong. 2. It shall not be a criminal offense under this chapter for a person to intercept a wire, electronic or oral communication, where such person is a party to the communication or one of the parties
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Ut videam
Per my Fairfax County DTA nastygram, "Car Tax Relief has been capped by the Commonwealth of Virginia. For 2011 the relative value of the state subsidy on personal use vehicles in Fairfax County is 70% of the car tax levy on the first $20,000 of assessed value." Using that, the tax rate of 4.57%, and the numbers you provided for your first car, I came up with: $ 36,475 * 0.0457 = $ 1,666.91 (Bas
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Ut videam
the_law Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > State of Virginia requires a two party consensus > when being audio recorded or video taped without > an individual's knowledge. That is why in > Virginia when you enter a place of business signs > must be visible and clearly state that it is under > video surveillance. By entering such places you > ar
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Ut videam
Les Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Because they're big tax cheats. They keep > separate set of books for each country and claim > the profits are earned offshore. > > http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/image > s/user5/imageroot/draghi/Apple%20Cash%20vs%20Taxes > .jpg > > http://www.zerohedge.com/article/charting-apple-ca &g
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Ut videam
It's in a safe in the woods in Rose Hill. The Smiths are looking for it and will stab you to death if you get in their way.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Ut videam
Hank Moody Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What I don't understand is why they don't bitch as > they're herded into a shipping container at the > Port of Busan. Because now they fly Korean Air. South Korea was added to the Visa Waiver Program in 2008.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Ut videam
kids Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just don't order the pork. Why, because it may come out PINK?
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Ut videam
Kardiac Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Easy....66 from the beltway out to Rt 50. It's > like a dirt road. This.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Ut videam
same problem Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Adverse > possession is more an old wives tale versus > something that happens day to day anymore. O RLY? http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/tx/7677980.html
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Ut videam
How was the crowd for the Bela Fleck concert back on July 10th? I wanted to go but ultimately wasn't able.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Ut videam
Here's a couple more for you: http://www.sublet.com http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/search/apa/nva?query=&srchType=A&minAsk=&maxAsk=800&bedrooms=
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Ut videam
postpoppunk Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > - The Nazi regime progressed medicinal knowledge > hundreds of years by experimenting on their > captives. Still incorrect. "Progress" as a verb is intransitive, i.e., it doesn't take an object. You can progress, but you can't progress something. The word you're looking for is advanced.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Ut videam
Gordon Blvd, I agree with the substance of your remarks throughout this thread, but... can't we just let it die?
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Ut videam
Doesn't Matter Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You don't get polyed for the TS, only SCI and > those are all basically "are you a spy" type > questions. Yeah, if you get the CI poly. Full scope is another story.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Ut videam
Les Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just to balance out. There's a lot of cheats at > the other extreme. Corporate heads shifting their > hqs overseas and calling for more tax cuts and > stimulus. They want to sell here but they won't > pay their share. Why should we bankrupt outselves > to prop up these crooks? > > http://www.itulip.co
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Ut videam
Al, I've noticed you getting fatter and fatter every year. Along with your bank account. Climate change alarmism pays well, doesn't it?
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
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Good job, Miz. Way to beat the ban too.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Ut videam
Um... 2001 was a long time ago.
Forum: Chantilly
13 years ago
Ut videam
teri~, for spam-bumping all of Misery's old threads. Off-Topic is now virtually unreadable.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Ut videam
I've heard good things about Miller Toyota in Manassas.
Forum: Fairfax County General
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