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Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Date: August 22, 2015 10:01AM

So why the FUCK are you sending me PMs now?! I don't want to talk to you. I don't care about ANYTHING you have to say. Everything you say is a lie and a failure at trying to manipulate someone. Seriously, FUCK OFF and kill yourself already!

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: You are so fucking annoying..... ()
Date: August 22, 2015 10:06AM

LOL! OMFG! I just finally opened that shit and I have been hit with the largest wall of text I have EVER seen in my life! Holy fuck. I'm not reading this shit. Go away.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Date: August 22, 2015 10:14AM

Stupid ass shit is so long it can't even entirely fit on my screen. Jesus lol you need to seriously go find something better to do than write novels to me and stop thinking about me. I don't ever think about you when I leave this website. Do the same, thanks!

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: I promise ()
Date: August 22, 2015 10:39AM

So I just skimmed some of that shit and I want to say:

1. We never had sex, you know this - if it was so you wouldn't keep having to say it. You wouldn't have emailed Megan, crying about how we didn't have sex and none of this would be going on if I hadn't left your house after feeling uncomfortable when you asked me for sex.

2. Just like I swatted you, right? Just like I'm TheNorthman, right? Just like you used my phone at the courthouse yet Cary confirmed it was your phone, right? ?Just like I lied on eesh, right? Just like I stole your laptop right? Just like I stole your meds right? ALL lies. All you do is tell lies when you're mad.

3. All my questions are rhetorical and don't need a response.

4. Who are you trying to convince with this message? Certainly not me, you're in denial and did this exact same thing last week. You'll be right back to posting shit about me again later.

5. Just minutes before you sent that you were making threads and all kinds of posts about me and then wanna send that?! WTF is REALLY wrong with you? lmao

6. Fucking kill yourself

7. You're gonna find out just what I am capable of and just the type of people I know if you keep fucking with me okay? I fucking mean that and I swear on my mother, my freedom, my job, my family business that if you keep this shit up you'll find out why frisky left me alone, okay?

8. Keep it up

9. Try me

10. I have nothing to lose

There is your response. Don't ever contact me again, keep calling police and telling them lies, keep threatening to sue, I'll make all your little false claims come true, you wanna be a victim so bad? That can be arranged.

"Trust me"

And if you even try to respond to this after I said everything is rhetorical I'll go ahead and make that "one phone call"

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Go fuck your mother in the ass ()
Date: August 22, 2015 10:45AM

Oh and you can go ahead and release me as a witness all you want, Neil K. already said he'd subpoena me and he is going to cross examine me on everything you and your family have done to me.

You're going to lose this lawsuit and I am going to make sure of it. Now go sit and cry under the covers and think about how all of this is YOUR fault and yours alone.

NONE of this would be happening had you not come on here and said I lied about eesh when I didn't, had you not gone to the police and lied and said I stole your laptop when I didn't. I repeat THAT is the ONLY reason ANY of this is happening and it's ALL BECAUSE I left your house after NOT having sex with you stop stop trying to blame me for this. It is YOUR fault William Robert Moreno.

Period and EVERYONE knows it and SAW it because I posted EVERYTHING that happened. No matter how you try to spin it, okay?

You're DONE, you and your fucking fat bitch of a mother. Don't you even lie and say you never brought my parents into this you fat pedophile son of a bitch!

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: ....... ()
Date: August 22, 2015 10:51AM

last word
From: jimmylegs
To: lizzie
Date: 08/22/2015 07:33AM

So I just went to the trouble of reading through all the old PM's between you and me on this name. My conclusion: either you were always fishing for info on me for eesh, or (at times at least), you had a pang of conscience and meant it when you told me not to kill myself. But you also wrote a lot of terrible things to people here and have been involved in a lot of really bad stuff. This is why I named you to Bush last year.

You know what ALL of this looks like: misunderstanding. Misunderstanding leading to rancor and aggression. You want to claim you never really cared in that way, even though you asked to move in with me once, then asked if I'd be interested in moving into your new house later on, had sex (you and I know this), went to talk about relationship matters with me and my shrink....either you were scamming me, or you did care but want to deny it now. Bottom line: this all comes down to your anger at me and nothing more. I"m resentful of you, but not invested enough any longer to be angry. Anger takes up too much energy and I don't have that much energy to spend on you.

Either way, as far as this legal matter goes, I think the fatal mistake was either of us getting personally involved with one another. It was bound to complicate everything. And I swear to god, I had serious problems with your fixation on eesh and Katie and constantly saying you wanted to hurt or kill them...remember how I pulled over in that golf course parking area after I blurted out I'd turn you into the police in a heartbeat if you ever hurt anyone? You think me saying I was struggling with moral issues regarding stuff you were saying or doing is just me posturing, getting on my high-horse? I have proof that's not the case. I was very, very concerned about you doing something stupid like getting someone to vandalize eesh's property or something, and that coming back on me because of our association at the time, or just coming back on you, because at the time I cared and didn't want you to get into trouble.

More important, I began to seriously not know what you were capable of, when you started exchanging phone numbers with guys (remember in your PO's office) to maybe 'talk' about something...'doing something'...I seriously didn't and still don't know what you're capable of, if you'd actually have someone physically hurt. That's where I started to get seriously concerned. Can you understand why I might question everything about you at that point, when there was this 'hush hush, wink-wink, nudge-nudge, don't ask if you don't want the answer' stuff building about taking some kind of reprisals...? Why I would start to question everything?

The personal business only compounded that. It was not the motivating factor and not what made me make the mistake of having a knee-jerk reaction about your testimony; I felt you had manipulated me and my parents a number of times...first was to get into the WaPo picture (now you say that was a ploy to just get my picture out there)...I never dragged your parents into anything, I wouldn't play divide and conquer like that. That was manipulative of you. I'm not sure you realize some of the stuff you do. My hope is where this has ended up is due to misunderstanding....a series of them. There's no bribery. Anything I offered was out of genuine concern for you. There was an 'I hate you, I love you' crazy thing going on and we both know it, and we both know equally nasty things were said on both our parts; you brought that out in me most times, if memory serves...again, I admit to mistakes like that. "He called the cops on me". You leave out the part about me doing that because you were talking suicide and I was seriously concerned and didn't know what to do. I haven't heard you admit to a mistake. Not ever, not once. Talk of 'we need to get a bigger bed'...come on. It's either you telling a concocted story out of anger or having been deceitful from the start; either way, it's bad on you, not me. I guess I'll never know 100% if the whole entire thing was a lie. I would never in a million years trust you again or want anything to do with you, but I do want to be peaceful instead of nasty...I'd rather not go to god damn war.

I think you think revenge is an okay thing. I don't think revenge is okay. Someone's wronged you, doesn't give you a license to strike out. Vengeance, vindictiveness....I don't buy into that shit. But I see it in your track record with this website. I think it's disgraceful that you would chuck all your integrity and beliefs (that eesh is the monster he is, and we both know it) out the window, and join the enemy because you're upset with me. That is dishonorable. You lack honor, for doing that. Frankly, you have no role in this lawsuit other than to sit on a witness stand for a few minutes and answer a few straightforward questions. You can sit on the bench, and it'll be quite a long time before you even need to think about this. Since the malicious prosecution suit is no longer happening, you can just forget any of this ever happened, until sometime late next year when the trial finally happens. And we very well might just release you anyway. The fact is, you are not a factor in this suit any longer. We probably won't use you.

You don't have a role. THis is all unecessary. You cannot possibly believe I vandalized anything of yours. You PM'd me repeatedly on this name and many times I did not even respond. No offense, but I had absolutely no interest in you or having anything to do with you....apparently we corresponded around the time I was in the hospital in 2012 getting ECT...but after that, I pretty much brushed you off. No offense, but don't flatter yourself. Please read this message carefully and realize how out of control everything is. From the point of mid-2012 on, I never trusted you and more important, you were not a thought in my head....ever. I cared not for you and ignored you many times. I would never get in my car and drive anywhere for anyone on this website. I think that's nuts.

I'm trying to get it under control without having to resort to another legal pile of shit to deal with. Like you advised me in your PMs to this name many times: just forget, leave it alone, it only brings more pain and grief and stress and interferes with life. Walk away, please. And stop campaigning to attach my name and names of family members to unfavorable google results. Why do this? You really have that much venom in you? I personally do not. Life is one big pile of shit. Why spend your time on the computer, making it even shittier? The anger you carry around in your gut is cancerous...my sincere advice is to let it go or else it will eat you alive. I'm no longer angry. I once was. I was very angry...I was where you are now. I'm not angry anymore. I"m just set on holding a person accountable for being the monster he is. I"m cool and collected about it. You were constantly consumed by anger when you were with me...a dark cloud was almost always over your head. I honestly advise you to try to let that all go. It makes life worse, not better. Anger is self-inflicted and malignant.

I can drop everything right now as long as you stop. I would like to forget I ever met you. And that's not meant in a nasty way. It's just the truth. It was a mistake I ever started talking to you after my trial and a huge mistake I ever met you in person. It's one of the worst things that's ever happened to me. Let's forget it. ...just walk away. THis is the last time I'll be sending you any kind of communication, it's a last-ditch effort to convince you that what you're doing is just perpetuating pain and venom and bile and grief and it's all just cancerous and not necessary. It puts more suffering out there into the world.

What happened was not personal. Not mainly. It was a mounting problem I had with you over a number of things I observed. The personal stuff just compounded it. I was growing disgusted and resentful of you and your obsessive, ruminating, dark disposition for some time. I had problems with you way before you realized it. And they were not interpersonal problems. They were problems I had with your obsessive nature, thinking it's okay to do to others as long as they've done to you kind of thinking....a lot of things like that. I think you're a vindictive person, that's what I observed. That was not a problem of you not wanting to have sex and me 'freaking out'...fortunate for you I sent that text (pretty much sarcastically, because I knew it was over and just wanted to read your answer for entertainment's sake)...now you use it as a cudgel to drive home a point that is unfounded. You're telling a twisted, one-sided story. NO. I had problems way deeper than just you saying you were only my witness and nothing more (that was also manipulation, as you had said that previously, and then you came back and said you had been suicidal and that 'love is scary' and that I called you and it made you feel all better....and dragged my parents into the crossfire during the big fight....then we meet again and you're all affectionate and shit..even take me with you to your shrink??? that's driving a man up a wall, you realize that? You came back and stayed with me of your own free will and if it was only because your washer broke, as you say, then you're pretty much a shitty person...no offense).

This was all a huge fucking mistake. And you have NO IDEA the contempt I had brewing over your treating that pro order like a big joke, and telling me things that would implicate me if they ever were to be brought up in any kind of police or court matter.....that was all shitty stuff to do. NO, what happened was not in reaction to you leaving, it was in reaction to ALL OF THAT, and you leaving and me knowing you were leaving for good without the decency to be a woman about it and explain yourself was just something that helped me see who you really are. Frankly, I still believe you are unstable on some level and you probably need either therapy or correct medication management, or both. I really don't think you're getting the treatment that could benefit you. Please consider looking into that. I actually still feel bad for you because I do believe you could benefit from the correct treatment.

The rest was exactly as I just explained: I observed bad behavior that you seemed to rationalize. I lost respect for you over all that and it threw everything else into question too. So I made a mistake as our fight heated up and said something that was sincere, yet not thought-out...I thought it out later and apologized sincerely, but then you wanted to dictate to me that I was to write some sort of groveling mea-culpa and post it to the forum for you....I felt you were being manipulative by trying to dictate terms to me, like 'do this or else', so I just thought 'to hell with this...I apologized, it was sincere, I won't be dictated to'....and thus, your warpath began.

Anyway, let's just stop it. I will not contact you again. If you keep this up, you might possibly be forcing my hand in something I honestly don't want to get into. Probably not...but if it gets to a point I can't ignore it any longer, I might have to consider what options I have. I doubt I'll be suing you. I think it would be stupid and pointless. But I just want to appeal to reason here. The truth of it is: I mad you angry. Very angry. I feel I was somewhat justified but admit to making a bad mistake for which I have apologized, and apologize is all I can do for you. But you're angry, and that's the only reason you're smearing my entire family online right now. I want to tell you that anger will eat you alive. I have been there. Anger is depression turned outward. And I believe your reaction is disproportionate to what I did to anger you. All my clothes are gone, by the way. Not just 3 shirts. That you apparently took all my clothes (clothes that obviously wouldn't even fit you), is another indication you were acting on some sort of malice before we even started fighting late that night. That you not only didn't have the decency to be a woman and say 'this is goodbye' at the very least, but that you took stuff pretty much just to be mean...apparently, as far as I can tell. So....just saying. Let go the anger. It's unhealthy and I know firsthand.

And you must've told Megan I dropped her name to the cop, because I sure didn't bring her up at all. And I sure didn't post anything about her like you claimed, and I've never once trolled her...I honestly like and respect Megan...she's never shown herself to be dishonest and frankly, she's probably the sanest, most on the ball person in this entire debacle revolving around eesh. I don't want you to do anything to undermine her case against eesh...she has suffered for real and you try to paint me as the manipulator....and that could be used by eesh in court, just like he tried to use that bullshit 'conspiracy' angle last time. she trusts you, that's her choice...but realize you casting doubt with her over me as posting stuff about her is opening the door for eesh to claim it was not him but me who had some part in the whole thing. I think you feeding her misinformation and especially saying I maybe posted her nudes at any point is giving eesh an arsenal of ammunition in court. Anyway...okay....

I want to forget it. Do as you wish, but you know the kind of stuff you've been posting. Just please stop. Drop it. If your life is so full and wonderful, good for you, and I'm glad...focus on that, stop your smear campaign. At a certain point I can't look the other way. Last attempt to say 'let's call this all off and forget it'. I still think there's good in you...but I'm not seeing it currently. Look into yourself, take stock of things. You invest just as much emotion into an enemy as you do a friend, you know. The difference between a friend and an enemy is razor thin, emotionally. If I'm so insignificant and mean so little, you would not invest so much energy in attacking me. You'd just forget I exist. I'm ready and willing to do that with you. I consider you neither friend nor enemy right now. I only read what you write. I'm pretty much neutral with you at this point, emotionally. Ready to say nice knowing ya and goodbye and good luck. I'm a pacifist like that. It took me some time to get there.

I don't think you're going to make it to actually being called up to testify. So, your role in this really is done. I'd appreciate if you could disavow yourself of having any part here, because frankly...you don't..anymore. You're still a witness now, but I really don't know if you'll be there at trial the way things have gone.

It's your choice. Goodbye, hope your temper settles at some point and you actually do move on from this site; I hope to never have to think of this site again myself...at some point.

(I'll enjoy reading this on the forum later...my faint hope is you'll take it seriously though. If you reply, I won't read it. Just consider this a statement, not a conversation. Whatever you decide to make of this, I'm still going to wish you the best, and that entails that you move on from this site and from investing so much energy and hate in me or anyone else.)

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: "Last word" ()
Date: August 22, 2015 10:52AM

I attack you because it's fun and I know it bothers you. End of story. Now go fucking take your life, kill yourself, commit suicide, go die already. Nobody will miss you, no one cares about you and not a soul in this world loves you.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: shut up & keep on talkn ()
Date: August 22, 2015 10:54AM


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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: August 22, 2015 10:58AM

The wicked never sleep.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Date: August 22, 2015 10:58AM

Oh wait, I forgot - Megan.

1. Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I don't like Megan.

2. You told Megan I was plotting to sabotage her case - this is a bold faced lie and I can once again swear on EVERYTHING I love, including my mother that you're lying. Can you swear on your mother, her life and health that you're telling truth, William? Have I EVER said anything like that or made any hints? NO!

3. I am not and cannot do anything to fuck up her case. Once again you need to realize Megan isn't an issue, you are. And yes, I will do and am and already have done plenty to fuck your case up as it is.

4. eesh has all the emails you sent to your lawyers - about how you said I lied on him. That'll FUCK you up SO fucking bad it's wonderful because it's ALL your fault for saying those things because "you were mad"

5. You did manipulate her and lie to her - everything you said about me to her after your bitch ass got busted out was a lie. You said I posted something" "anon about her and it sounded bad" once again William, I did not and can swear to this. Can you swear I did? Where is this message William and why hasn't anyone ever seen it?

You've been trolling Megan and have trolled her in the past and she knows this, you even admitted to it, so seriously - stop this and kill yourself. You serve no purpose on this earth to anyone or anything. You're worthless, useless and no one likes you.

You hate that people like me despite how much of a "bitch and shitty person I am"

You hate that people hate you for breathing. So, stop breathing and maybe people will like you.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Taking it off the forum ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:09AM

It makes me laugh how all these people have cried about what I post on the internet when they're actually doing things to me, offline, in real life, trying to ruin my life, calling the police and reporting false crimes.

All of these people will soon get their wish. Everything on the forum will stop and I will do exactly to them as what they've done to me, take it into their real life and give them a reason to call the police.


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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: My take ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:14AM

She wanted to have sex with William Moreno for money. He rebuked her advances. William Moreno is good people.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: There's a reason I know so much! ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:14AM

Wait, I'm not done....

Let's stop and think for a second Fairfax Underground...

You all claim I am so crazy and so violent, that I'm a criminal and have a record blah blah blah.

Do you actually think I'm just gonna sit back and allow people to call the police on me, have me falsely arrested, try to have me arrested because they're bitter and angry?

We don't actually, really, truly believe I'm going to let any of these people get away with this, do we?


I swear to God, baby Jesus, the holy spirit, on my mother's life, health, job, family business, my job, my freedom and my life, my pet's lives, my entire families lives and everything I love and hold dear to me - that people are being watched and followed.

I can take a polygraph and pass on that.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: HAHAHAHA ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:15AM

My take Wrote:
> She wanted to have sex with William Moreno for
> money. He rebuked her advances. William Moreno is
> good people.

LOL! Yeah, I guess that's why he sent Megan a long ass email, crying about how I was posting pics of condoms and how we didn't have sex and how he was mad and said I was only doing it to make eesh mad and he got SO upset he left and went to his parents house for 23 hours.

Then there's that text of him asking me for sex and I declined and went home, then he called police and said I stole his laptop, mhm. Yeah! Right, hahaha!

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Okay. ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:16AM

I promise Wrote:
> So I just skimmed some of that shit and I want to
> say:
> 1. We never had sex, you know this - if it was so
> you wouldn't keep having to say it. You wouldn't
> have emailed Megan, crying about how we didn't
> have sex and none of this would be going on if I
> hadn't left your house after feeling uncomfortable
> when you asked me for sex.
> 2. Just like I swatted you, right? Just like I'm
> TheNorthman, right? Just like you used my phone at
> the courthouse yet Cary confirmed it was your
> phone, right? ?Just like I lied on eesh, right?
> Just like I stole your laptop right? Just like I
> stole your meds right? ALL lies. All you do is
> tell lies when you're mad.
> 3. All my questions are rhetorical and don't need
> a response.
> 4. Who are you trying to convince with this
> message? Certainly not me, you're in denial and
> did this exact same thing last week. You'll be
> right back to posting shit about me again later.
> 5. Just minutes before you sent that you were
> making threads and all kinds of posts about me and
> then wanna send that?! WTF is REALLY wrong with
> you? lmao
> 6. Fucking kill yourself
> 7. You're gonna find out just what I am capable of
> and just the type of people I know if you keep
> fucking with me okay? I fucking mean that and I
> swear on my mother, my freedom, my job, my family
> business that if you keep this shit up you'll find
> out why frisky left me alone, okay?
> 8. Keep it up
> 9. Try me
> 10. I have nothing to lose
> There is your response. Don't ever contact me
> again, keep calling police and telling them lies,
> keep threatening to sue, I'll make all your
> little false claims come true, you wanna be a
> victim so bad? That can be arranged.
> "Trust me"
> And if you even try to respond to this after I
> said everything is rhetorical I'll go ahead and
> make that "one phone call"

I really think you would benefit from some more comprehensive treatment or counseling. Good luck.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Kay Oh ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:22AM

Thanks! Now, let's call it a truce - NOW!

Also, you need to realize that I am NOT the only one posting about you. I make my threads and post about you very obvious that it's me. All that other shit, Subway, pics of kids and whatever is NOT me.

Let's see how "mature" and manly and adult you can really be here. Let's see if you're better than me and can walk away. Let's see if you "really don't care and have time/energy" even though you wrote that long ass message that I'm still trying to finish reading.


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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: You're ALL going to get it LOL! ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:23AM

Also, no. I'll benefit from some comprehensive revenge and payback which I have already set in motion for quite a few people! :)

...should have never fucked with me.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: would love to ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:24AM

Kay Oh Wrote:
> Thanks! Now, let's call it a truce - NOW!
> Also, you need to realize that I am NOT the only
> one posting about you. I make my threads and post
> about you very obvious that it's me. All that
> other shit, Subway, pics of kids and whatever is
> NOT me.
> Let's see how "mature" and manly and adult you can
> really be here. Let's see if you're better than me
> and can walk away. Let's see if you "really don't
> care and have time/energy" even though you wrote
> that long ass message that I'm still trying to
> finish reading.
> Let's.........see

If you would seriously drop it, call it a truce, cut it out, then of course there are no problems.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: We can call it a truce iffffffff ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:26AM

But - if you really want me to leave you be you can do two things for me:

1. Let these bitches know my family does indeed have a business

2. Let these bitches know you know and have witnessed things such as me setting people up to be followed and that I can and do "know people" who will do things. And you don't want to be one of those people - so stop it because you know I can seriously fuck some shit up.

3. That'll be the end of it, unless YOU start up again then you're asking for it.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: I take it back, you asked for it ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:37AM

Oh and you keep using the word "hate" and "anger"

Have I ever once said I "hated" you? To hate you would mean I care. I don't care about you. I don't like you, but hate? LOL! You wish and angry? I'm not angry. I enjoy exposing you and your mother because I know it bothers you, you've made that clear multiple times. Yet you think it's okay for you to come on here, post a bunch of lies, call the cops and lies and go to court, who's angry?

You are. Thinking you're going to try to have my freedom taken away from me based on some lies and really think I'm not going to get you back for that?

You're outta your fucking mind, but hey don't worry - I'll stop all the "posting on the forum about you"


Now go call the cops and say some anon poster online is saying scary things to you and blame someone who you don't even kno

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: P76Gww ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:40AM

This could be Moreno trying to build a defense against his posting photos of Megan. It was actually William Moreno who posted them before eesh, and he knows it. He is trying to ensure Megan doesn't have any doubts and that eesh can't use it as a defense.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Huh ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:41AM


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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: 2 out of 3 ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:43AM

We can call it a truce iffffffff Wrote:
> But - if you really want me to leave you be you
> can do two things for me:
> 1. Let these bitches know my family does indeed
> have a business

I know nothing about your family business. You've said you have one, I've never disputed that, I believe you but I don't know what it is or what it's called.....I can't speak to that anymore than that though. That's all I know about that.

> 2. Let these bitches know you know and have
> witnessed things such as me setting people up to
> be followed and that I can and do "know people"
> who will do things. And you don't want to be one
> of those people - so stop it because you know I
> can seriously fuck some shit up.

Yes, I did witness you talking to a few different people over the two months in pretty 'vague' terms of maybe, possibly, doing something illegal or intimidating or worse to your enemies (at the time, it was in regards to Mike Basl). I don't know if you actually have people physically hurt, or worse....which is exactly why I questioned every single thing about you and mistakenly (not lying, there's a difference) made that knee-jerk comment about your testimony. I told you I was mistaken and it was because of exactly this issue above that I rushed to a conclusion I now believe was premature.

But this is really the reason why I have problems with you...if you really can hurt someone physically like you claim, I would never have a thing to do with you. And if I knew you had something done to someone, I would turn you in in a heartbeat and I told you that one day and I meant it. You are twisting facts to your liking when you get all puerile and claim this has anything to do with sex. You had it in your mind to leave and I knew that and you began turning on me that night via text...I saw where you were going with that and I figured you were jumping ship, so to speak.

And...I have to say, I'm not scared of you or anyone you claim you will send after me. This is why I have problems with you. Not because of your one-sided "said no to sex, he freaked out" story. Break the law and I know it's you, I'll turn you in to the police in a second. So do not threaten me.

> 3. That'll be the end of it, unless YOU start up
> again then you're asking for it.

In what possible way have I started up even once? How do you define "starting up"? You have been acting unbelievably unstable and this is why I say I don't know what you're capable of. And yes you're no doubt using a proxy which makes it more difficult, but I'd suggest you stop making threats.

Stop all this and you probably won't find yourself in any sort of trouble (assuming you're serious about your threats).

Just stop please.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: tlddrrr ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:43AM

....... Wrote:
> last word
> From: jimmylegs
> To: lizzie
> Date: 08/22/2015 07:33AM
> So I just went to the trouble of reading through
> all the old PM's between you and me on this name.
> My conclusion: either you were always fishing for
> info on me for eesh, or (at times at least), you
> had a pang of conscience and meant it when you
> told me not to kill myself. But you also wrote a
> lot of terrible things to people here and have
> been involved in a lot of really bad stuff. This
> is why I named you to Bush last year.
> You know what ALL of this looks like:
> misunderstanding. Misunderstanding leading to
> rancor and aggression. You want to claim you never
> really cared in that way, even though you asked to
> move in with me once, then asked if I'd be
> interested in moving into your new house later on,
> had sex (you and I know this), went to talk about
> relationship matters with me and my
> shrink....either you were scamming me, or you did
> care but want to deny it now. Bottom line: this
> all comes down to your anger at me and nothing
> more. I"m resentful of you, but not invested
> enough any longer to be angry. Anger takes up too
> much energy and I don't have that much energy to
> spend on you.
> Either way, as far as this legal matter goes, I
> think the fatal mistake was either of us getting
> personally involved with one another. It was bound
> to complicate everything. And I swear to god, I
> had serious problems with your fixation on eesh
> and Katie and constantly saying you wanted to hurt
> or kill them...remember how I pulled over in that
> golf course parking area after I blurted out I'd
> turn you into the police in a heartbeat if you
> ever hurt anyone? You think me saying I was
> struggling with moral issues regarding stuff you
> were saying or doing is just me posturing, getting
> on my high-horse? I have proof that's not the
> case. I was very, very concerned about you doing
> something stupid like getting someone to vandalize
> eesh's property or something, and that coming back
> on me because of our association at the time, or
> just coming back on you, because at the time I
> cared and didn't want you to get into trouble.
> More important, I began to seriously not know what
> you were capable of, when you started exchanging
> phone numbers with guys (remember in your PO's
> office) to maybe 'talk' about something...'doing
> something'...I seriously didn't and still don't
> know what you're capable of, if you'd actually
> have someone physically hurt. That's where I
> started to get seriously concerned. Can you
> understand why I might question everything about
> you at that point, when there was this 'hush hush,
> wink-wink, nudge-nudge, don't ask if you don't
> want the answer' stuff building about taking some
> kind of reprisals...? Why I would start to
> question everything?
> The personal business only compounded that. It was
> not the motivating factor and not what made me
> make the mistake of having a knee-jerk reaction
> about your testimony; I felt you had manipulated
> me and my parents a number of times...first was to
> get into the WaPo picture (now you say that was a
> ploy to just get my picture out there)...I never
> dragged your parents into anything, I wouldn't
> play divide and conquer like that. That was
> manipulative of you. I'm not sure you realize some
> of the stuff you do. My hope is where this has
> ended up is due to misunderstanding....a series of
> them. There's no bribery. Anything I offered was
> out of genuine concern for you. There was an 'I
> hate you, I love you' crazy thing going on and we
> both know it, and we both know equally nasty
> things were said on both our parts; you brought
> that out in me most times, if memory
> serves...again, I admit to mistakes like that. "He
> called the cops on me". You leave out the part
> about me doing that because you were talking
> suicide and I was seriously concerned and didn't
> know what to do. I haven't heard you admit to a
> mistake. Not ever, not once. Talk of 'we need to
> get a bigger bed'...come on. It's either you
> telling a concocted story out of anger or having
> been deceitful from the start; either way, it's
> bad on you, not me. I guess I'll never know 100%
> if the whole entire thing was a lie. I would never
> in a million years trust you again or want
> anything to do with you, but I do want to be
> peaceful instead of nasty...I'd rather not go to
> god damn war.
> I think you think revenge is an okay thing. I
> don't think revenge is okay. Someone's wronged
> you, doesn't give you a license to strike out.
> Vengeance, vindictiveness....I don't buy into that
> shit. But I see it in your track record with this
> website. I think it's disgraceful that you would
> chuck all your integrity and beliefs (that eesh is
> the monster he is, and we both know it) out the
> window, and join the enemy because you're upset
> with me. That is dishonorable. You lack honor, for
> doing that. Frankly, you have no role in this
> lawsuit other than to sit on a witness stand for a
> few minutes and answer a few straightforward
> questions. You can sit on the bench, and it'll be
> quite a long time before you even need to think
> about this. Since the malicious prosecution suit
> is no longer happening, you can just forget any of
> this ever happened, until sometime late next year
> when the trial finally happens. And we very well
> might just release you anyway. The fact is, you
> are not a factor in this suit any longer. We
> probably won't use you.
> You don't have a role. THis is all unecessary. You
> cannot possibly believe I vandalized anything of
> yours. You PM'd me repeatedly on this name and
> many times I did not even respond. No offense, but
> I had absolutely no interest in you or having
> anything to do with you....apparently we
> corresponded around the time I was in the hospital
> in 2012 getting ECT...but after that, I pretty
> much brushed you off. No offense, but don't
> flatter yourself. Please read this message
> carefully and realize how out of control
> everything is. From the point of mid-2012 on, I
> never trusted you and more important, you were not
> a thought in my head....ever. I cared not for you
> and ignored you many times. I would never get in
> my car and drive anywhere for anyone on this
> website. I think that's nuts.
> I'm trying to get it under control without having
> to resort to another legal pile of shit to deal
> with. Like you advised me in your PMs to this name
> many times: just forget, leave it alone, it only
> brings more pain and grief and stress and
> interferes with life. Walk away, please. And stop
> campaigning to attach my name and names of family
> members to unfavorable google results. Why do
> this? You really have that much venom in you? I
> personally do not. Life is one big pile of shit.
> Why spend your time on the computer, making it
> even shittier? The anger you carry around in your
> gut is cancerous...my sincere advice is to let it
> go or else it will eat you alive. I'm no longer
> angry. I once was. I was very angry...I was where
> you are now. I'm not angry anymore. I"m just set
> on holding a person accountable for being the
> monster he is. I"m cool and collected about it.
> You were constantly consumed by anger when you
> were with me...a dark cloud was almost always over
> your head. I honestly advise you to try to let
> that all go. It makes life worse, not better.
> Anger is self-inflicted and malignant.
> I can drop everything right now as long as you
> stop. I would like to forget I ever met you. And
> that's not meant in a nasty way. It's just the
> truth. It was a mistake I ever started talking to
> you after my trial and a huge mistake I ever met
> you in person. It's one of the worst things that's
> ever happened to me. Let's forget it. ...just walk
> away. THis is the last time I'll be sending you
> any kind of communication, it's a last-ditch
> effort to convince you that what you're doing is
> just perpetuating pain and venom and bile and
> grief and it's all just cancerous and not
> necessary. It puts more suffering out there into
> the world.
> What happened was not personal. Not mainly. It was
> a mounting problem I had with you over a number of
> things I observed. The personal stuff just
> compounded it. I was growing disgusted and
> resentful of you and your obsessive, ruminating,
> dark disposition for some time. I had problems
> with you way before you realized it. And they were
> not interpersonal problems. They were problems I
> had with your obsessive nature, thinking it's okay
> to do to others as long as they've done to you
> kind of thinking....a lot of things like that. I
> think you're a vindictive person, that's what I
> observed. That was not a problem of you not
> wanting to have sex and me 'freaking
> out'...fortunate for you I sent that text (pretty
> much sarcastically, because I knew it was over and
> just wanted to read your answer for
> entertainment's sake)...now you use it as a cudgel
> to drive home a point that is unfounded. You're
> telling a twisted, one-sided story. NO. I had
> problems way deeper than just you saying you were
> only my witness and nothing more (that was also
> manipulation, as you had said that previously, and
> then you came back and said you had been suicidal
> and that 'love is scary' and that I called you and
> it made you feel all better....and dragged my
> parents into the crossfire during the big
> fight....then we meet again and you're all
> affectionate and shit..even take me with you to
> your shrink??? that's driving a man up a wall, you
> realize that? You came back and stayed with me of
> your own free will and if it was only because your
> washer broke, as you say, then you're pretty much
> a shitty person...no offense).
> This was all a huge fucking mistake. And you have
> NO IDEA the contempt I had brewing over your
> treating that pro order like a big joke, and
> telling me things that would implicate me if they
> ever were to be brought up in any kind of police
> or court matter.....that was all shitty stuff to
> do. NO, what happened was not in reaction to you
> leaving, it was in reaction to ALL OF THAT, and
> you leaving and me knowing you were leaving for
> good without the decency to be a woman about it
> and explain yourself was just something that
> helped me see who you really are. Frankly, I still
> believe you are unstable on some level and you
> probably need either therapy or correct medication
> management, or both. I really don't think you're
> getting the treatment that could benefit you.
> Please consider looking into that. I actually
> still feel bad for you because I do believe you
> could benefit from the correct treatment.
> The rest was exactly as I just explained: I
> observed bad behavior that you seemed to
> rationalize. I lost respect for you over all that
> and it threw everything else into question too. So
> I made a mistake as our fight heated up and said
> something that was sincere, yet not
> thought-out...I thought it out later and
> apologized sincerely, but then you wanted to
> dictate to me that I was to write some sort of
> groveling mea-culpa and post it to the forum for
> you....I felt you were being manipulative by
> trying to dictate terms to me, like 'do this or
> else', so I just thought 'to hell with this...I
> apologized, it was sincere, I won't be dictated
> to'....and thus, your warpath began.
> Anyway, let's just stop it. I will not contact you
> again. If you keep this up, you might possibly be
> forcing my hand in something I honestly don't want
> to get into. Probably not...but if it gets to a
> point I can't ignore it any longer, I might have
> to consider what options I have. I doubt I'll be
> suing you. I think it would be stupid and
> pointless. But I just want to appeal to reason
> here. The truth of it is: I mad you angry. Very
> angry. I feel I was somewhat justified but admit
> to making a bad mistake for which I have
> apologized, and apologize is all I can do for you.
> But you're angry, and that's the only reason
> you're smearing my entire family online right now.
> I want to tell you that anger will eat you alive.
> I have been there. Anger is depression turned
> outward. And I believe your reaction is
> disproportionate to what I did to anger you. All
> my clothes are gone, by the way. Not just 3
> shirts. That you apparently took all my clothes
> (clothes that obviously wouldn't even fit you), is
> another indication you were acting on some sort of
> malice before we even started fighting late that
> night. That you not only didn't have the decency
> to be a woman and say 'this is goodbye' at the
> very least, but that you took stuff pretty much
> just to be mean...apparently, as far as I can
> tell. So....just saying. Let go the anger. It's
> unhealthy and I know firsthand.
> And you must've told Megan I dropped her name to
> the cop, because I sure didn't bring her up at
> all. And I sure didn't post anything about her
> like you claimed, and I've never once trolled
> her...I honestly like and respect Megan...she's
> never shown herself to be dishonest and frankly,
> she's probably the sanest, most on the ball person
> in this entire debacle revolving around eesh. I
> don't want you to do anything to undermine her
> case against eesh...she has suffered for real and
> you try to paint me as the manipulator....and that
> could be used by eesh in court, just like he tried
> to use that bullshit 'conspiracy' angle last time.
> she trusts you, that's her choice...but realize
> you casting doubt with her over me as posting
> stuff about her is opening the door for eesh to
> claim it was not him but me who had some part in
> the whole thing. I think you feeding her
> misinformation and especially saying I maybe
> posted her nudes at any point is giving eesh an
> arsenal of ammunition in court. Anyway...okay....
> I want to forget it. Do as you wish, but you know
> the kind of stuff you've been posting. Just please
> stop. Drop it. If your life is so full and
> wonderful, good for you, and I'm glad...focus on
> that, stop your smear campaign. At a certain point
> I can't look the other way. Last attempt to say
> 'let's call this all off and forget it'. I still
> think there's good in you...but I'm not seeing it
> currently. Look into yourself, take stock of
> things. You invest just as much emotion into an
> enemy as you do a friend, you know. The difference
> between a friend and an enemy is razor thin,
> emotionally. If I'm so insignificant and mean so
> little, you would not invest so much energy in
> attacking me. You'd just forget I exist. I'm ready
> and willing to do that with you. I consider you
> neither friend nor enemy right now. I only read
> what you write. I'm pretty much neutral with you
> at this point, emotionally. Ready to say nice
> knowing ya and goodbye and good luck. I'm a
> pacifist like that. It took me some time to get
> there.
> I don't think you're going to make it to actually
> being called up to testify. So, your role in this
> really is done. I'd appreciate if you could
> disavow yourself of having any part here, because
> frankly...you don't..anymore. You're still a
> witness now, but I really don't know if you'll be
> there at trial the way things have gone.
> It's your choice. Goodbye, hope your temper
> settles at some point and you actually do move on
> from this site; I hope to never have to think of
> this site again myself...at some point.
> (I'll enjoy reading this on the forum later...my
> faint hope is you'll take it seriously though. If
> you reply, I won't read it. Just consider this a
> statement, not a conversation. Whatever you decide
> to make of this, I'm still going to wish you the
> best, and that entails that you move on from this
> site and from investing so much energy and hate in
> me or anyone else.)


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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Our Son ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:46AM

Oh yeah, Moreno also told Megan a bunch of lies and blamed eesh for stuff he didn't do.

That doorknob thing, he said it was eesh/eesh's handwriting - it wasn't. He said eesh was the Ediots guy, it's not. That person knew personal details about Megan that only someone who knew her would have known.

He loves, loves, loves blaming and framing people for things they haven't done.

Still wanting to know what this "anon message that sounded bad" that I made was.

You see..

How would he have known an anon message was me?

Why did he only start saying all this stuff to Megan AFTER he and I got into it?

Where is this "anon message that sounded bad"

How come he would tell Megan that I was "plotting against her case" only after he was mad at me?

Just like, why was he SO mad I was posting pics of condoms and crying to Megan saying that he didn't like what I was doing, that we didn't have sex, yet after being mad comes on here claiming we had sex? Hmmmm

Liar, liar, go set yourself on fire!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: plz do us all a favor ()
Date: August 22, 2015 11:56AM

Eesh, Lizzie, William, and Megan. Why don't you guys have a garage party with a generator and hibachi grill running? Close all the windows and doors too.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Date: August 22, 2015 11:59AM

2 out of 3 Wrote:
> I know nothing about your family business. You've
> said you have one, I've never disputed that, I
> believe you but I don't know what it is or what
> it's called.....I can't speak to that anymore than
> that though. That's all I know about that.

Oh, so you're saying you never saw the work trucks with the family business name on it? Okay...LOL!

> > 2. Let these bitches know you know and have
> > witnessed things such as me setting people up
> to
> > be followed and that I can and do "know people"
> > who will do things. And you don't want to be
> one
> > of those people - so stop it because you know I
> > can seriously fuck some shit up.
> Yes, I did witness you talking to a few different
> people over the two months in pretty 'vague' terms
> of maybe, possibly, doing something illegal or
> intimidating or worse to your enemies (at the
> time, it was in regards to Mike Basl). I don't
> know if you actually have people physically hurt,
> or worse....which is exactly why I questioned
> every single thing about you and mistakenly (not
> lying, there's a difference) made that knee-jerk
> comment about your testimony. I told you I was
> mistaken and it was because of exactly this issue
> above that I rushed to a conclusion I now believe
> was premature.

Sorry but that still makes no sense. You only decided to say I lied about my testimony after I left your house, you never once expressed this to me, so again you make no sense. You only said that shit because you were mad, know I hate to be called or a liar or "lied on" and you knew people would attack me for it, it's that simple, William, anything I did that or said that had NOTHING to do with that, makes no sense. You're just a liar but everyone already knows this.

Also, having someone followed is not having them hurt so you'd have nothing to tell police if anything were to happen to anyone. SORRY!

> But this is really the reason why I have problems
> with you...if you really can hurt someone
> physically like you claim, I would never have a
> thing to do with you. And if I knew you had
> something done to someone, I would turn you in in
> a heartbeat and I told you that one day and I
> meant it. You are twisting facts to your liking
> when you get all puerile and claim this has
> anything to do with sex. You had it in your mind
> to leave and I knew that and you began turning on
> me that night via text...I saw where you were
> going with that and I figured you were jumping
> ship, so to speak.

Also, yes I can and have physically hurt many people but I would never get my hands dirty again, LMFAO! That's the beauty of knowing people.

And you can go ahead and try to turn me in, you'd have no proof or evidence of anything. Knowing how you and so many others ope operate, you'd do something to someone or yourselves and try to blame and frame me. Won't hurt, I'm not doing anything illegal to anyone! :)

> And...I have to say, I'm not scared of you or
> anyone you claim you will send after me. This is
> why I have problems with you. Not because of your
> one-sided "said no to sex, he freaked out" story.
> Break the law and I know it's you, I'll turn you
> in to the police in a second. So do not threaten
> me.

Except you are scared of me and I never said anything about having anyone come after you. And LOL @ "break the law and I know it's you" HAHAHA, NO! You don't and won't. Just like you claim I swatted you when I didn't.

You are well known to both Loudoun and Fairfax police as a liar when it comes to me. I have nothing to worry about if something happens to you or anyone else. I'm not doing anything so like I said, go ahead - give my name. You've been giving names of plenty of people who have walked away from your lies. Huh?

> >
> > 3. That'll be the end of it, unless YOU start
> up
> > again then you're asking for it.
> In what possible way have I started up even once?
> How do you define "starting up"? You have been
> acting unbelievably unstable and this is why I say
> I don't know what you're capable of. And yes
> you're no doubt using a proxy which makes it more
> difficult, but I'd suggest you stop making
> threats.

Explain to me how you coming on here and saying I lied on eesh isn't starting? Explain how you calling the police and saying I stole your laptop isn't? Explain how me reacting to your fucking bullshit and lies is being unstable?

You know what's unstable? You and your mother driving to my house, unannounced with the police, lying saying I stole your shit, staying at my house for over an hour after the police told you to fuck off, sitting on the curb in front of my house after being asked to leave.

You, apologizing in emails, talking about clean slates and shit, then minutes later going fucking crazy like you did.

> Stop all this and you probably won't find yourself
> in any sort of trouble (assuming you're serious
> about your threats).

DO YOU THINK I GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ANY SORT OF TROUBLE?! You're talking to the bitch who just plead guilty in court the other day.

By the way what threats are speaking of? Where have I threatened you? I believe you're being delusional and twisting things because I have threatened no one.

I don't make threats, I make promises and believe me when I say you will pay for lying to the police about me.

> Just stop please.

On the forum? Sure thing, you got it! :)

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: good lord.... ()
Date: August 22, 2015 12:08PM

Our Son Wrote:
> Oh yeah, Moreno also told Megan a bunch of lies
> and blamed eesh for stuff he didn't do.
> That doorknob thing, he said it was eesh/eesh's
> handwriting - it wasn't. He said eesh was the
> Ediots guy, it's not. That person knew personal
> details about Megan that only someone who knew her
> would have known.

Do you understand there's a difference between stating something as fact and offering an opinion? Megan asked me about the handwriting in the doorknob photo. She was after samples of his handwriting. The handwriting, in my OPINION, did look close to the other handwriting I'd seen from eesh. That's what I told her. Is that a lie? So this is how you've determined I'm some criminal mastermind framing eesh? I was asked for an opinion and I gave it.

And the Ediots thing was also just my opinion. I did not come to her claiming I knew for a fact that poster was eesh. I thought it was a possibility. It was my opinion. Learn to comprehend the difference between a person stating an opinion on a given matter and knowingly, purposefully, telling a lie. And how would you know that doorknob thing wasn't him, "for a fact"? Please tell us how you know that statement to be factual. Or is it your opinion that it is not his handwriting? Fact or opinion?

> He loves, loves, loves blaming and framing people
> for things they haven't done.

Is this your opinion or do you have factual proof to back up that statement. I mean, if you are stating the above is a fact, what hard evidence do you have to prove it?

> Still wanting to know what this "anon message that
> sounded bad" that I made was.

I would have to go back and look through messages to even remember what this one is about. But again.....you are framing this whole argument in terms of "he lied", when the realistic basis for the entire thing is "he stated an opinion, I disagree with it".

Perhaps I made an assumption, too...I don't know. But are you cognizant enough to distinguish an assumption from a lie? You might assume something about me, or have an opinion about something I've said or done, and state that opinion---and, if it turns out not to be the truth, it does not necessarily mean you have lied about me.

Do you understand this?

> You see..
> How would he have known an anon message was me?

Opinions/assumptions versus stating as fact....

> Why did he only start saying all this stuff to
> Megan AFTER he and I got into it?

because I was very suspect and remain very suspect of you ever since you made that turn against me via text message that night....that came out of nowhere and spiraled out of control from there. You are claiming I have lied or mislead or manipulated and stated all this is fact.......now I'm reading that all of this stuff you've been saying is in fact based on YOUR OPINION, YOUR READING OF THE SITUATION, YOUR INTERPRETATION, YOUR ASSUMPTION.....that does not mean you are lying either, it means you have done the same I have....made assumptions or stated opinions. But all this time you've been saying this stuff as if it's hard fact. This is the first I'm reading you actually say (in so many words) it's been based on your opinion and interpretation.

I can tell you you've been wrong about ALL of these things. And notice I am not calling you a liar for being wrong about them. You're just wrong. It's not a lie, it's a misinterpretation.

> Where is this "anon message that sounded bad"

getting too deep for me to follow here...refresh my memory...the context. perhaps I can help if I know what we're talking about exactly.

> How come he would tell Megan that I was "plotting
> against her case" only after he was mad at me?

my opinion, and I admit now that time has passed, I could have been wrong. I've already stated why I don't trust you, that's probably why I said whatever I said. If it was a rush to judgment, I apologize. But a lot happened and was said that day.....on both sides.

> Just like, why was he SO mad I was posting pics of
> condoms and crying to Megan saying that he didn't
> like what I was doing, that we didn't have sex,
> yet after being mad comes on here claiming we had
> sex? Hmmmm

not even going into this again, you can try to say it's all about sex, my opinion is you're appealing to the lowest common denominator in order to paint me as puerile, juvenile, petty, etc. But you're not being truthful about this and you and I both know that. It doesn't matter though. It won't come up again from me.

> Liar, liar, go set yourself on fire!

opinion, assumption, go take your meds please.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Lies ()
Date: August 22, 2015 12:15PM

I have already posted all the proof that I need to show that you're a liar, lie and have caught you in many lies.

The doorknob wasn't eesh because TJ said it was him.

You lied to Megan and said I was plotting against her, it's a lie, it's that simple, not a "mistake" it's A LIE to say I was doing something to her when I wasn't. You ONLY said those things because you were mad. Period.

I'll have to go back and reread your message to see what else you said. But you also lied just the other day when you said you posted eesh's guilty verdict from my phone when it was indeed YOUR phone, from the lizzie name. So how is that a lie?

My "assumptions" are facts, your lies - are lies. It's just that simple. Everything you say is a lie and I have been able to back it up.

Notice how I don't dispute the other shit you said in that message because well - it's not lies. But I will dispute every lie you tell. And you lie A LOT!

Funny how you blame "forgetting" on why you lie. Nah, if you don't remember something correctly don't fucking post it as fact as you try to do.

Now, go ahead, and tell the forum again how you posted from my phone when Cary said it was your phone, William, so what do you call that if it's not a lie?


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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Go. ()
Date: August 22, 2015 12:20PM

Now, please explain this.

How does me being a witness for him in the case with you because you lied = I'm just gonna switch up and be a witness for him with Megan when Megan hasn't done anything to me.

EXPLAIN to me why you think because I have a problem with YOU, that I somehow automatically have a problem with Megan. Make sense this time.

And tell us all about this "anon message that sounded bad" that I never ever posted and that no one has ever seen, where is it? How do you know it was me? What did it say?

Oh, that's right never happened because you LIED, are a LIAR, have been LYING to Megan, period.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Everyone knows its about sex ()
Date: August 22, 2015 12:24PM

Oh and no. "If she's with him she's not just against me - she's against everyone he's against" - WRONG! Just you and only you and rightfully so. Megan knows you're a liar, that's why she also doesn't give you the time of day, doesn't listen to you and posted all your emails too. Everyone knows the problem is you. It's just so funny how you do shit, but when people react to your shit, they're the problem, right?

When you get exposed, someone is being unstable, right? When someone doesn't like you, they're mentally ill, right?

LMAO! Oh and you keep saying "take your meds" why, William? Didn't you say "She's not mentally ill, just evil" when you tried to have Megan set me up to have me arrested again, William?

Don't remember, let me remind you of the piece of shit that you are and why when what happens to you, happens, it'll be justified.

Nothing you have done or said to me or about me has been justified. You're mad I didn't like you, didn't want you, didn't want to have sex with you and left, THAT'S ALL IT IS. PERIOD! And EVERYONE knows it!

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: settle down. ()
Date: August 22, 2015 12:32PM

Lies Wrote:
> I have already posted all the proof that I need to
> show that you're a liar, lie and have caught you
> in many lies.

you're overly exuberant here. you've mostly caught me stating opinions or assumptions or readings of situations that you are offended by.

> The doorknob wasn't eesh because TJ said it was
> him.

Well, if he did say that and I"m not challenging your word here, then I simply didn't get the memo. This was months ago, by the way. I have no idea when he said that but trust me, obviously if I'd known he did I wouldn't have told Megan it looked close enough to eesh's handwriting. You're assuming I knew TJ said this. THis might shock you: I've never had any contact or desired any contact with TJ. Settle down.

> You lied to Megan and said I was plotting against
> her, it's a lie, it's that simple, not a "mistake"
> it's A LIE to say I was doing something to her
> when I wasn't. You ONLY said those things because
> you were mad. Period.

in my opinion I do think it's possible you'll flip on her again, because you've done it once already and you have a history of this sort of thing. Simply put: I do not trust you for a second, about anything. So magnify that times 1,000 if I wrote that the day of the fight....yes, sure, I was no doubt influenced by all that adrenaline. But as far as I remember, I don't think I framed that statement as a fact....it really is my opinion though, that you're a liability to her by default after aligning yourself with the man who's been terrorizing her for nearly a year. That just seems logical to me.

I think you're mad at the positions I've taken, and that's your right, but your ability to reason between someone knowingly telling a lie and saying something they believe that you find offensive/insulting/whatever is very lacking.

> I'll have to go back and reread your message to
> see what else you said. But you also lied just the
> other day when you said you posted eesh's guilty
> verdict from my phone when it was indeed YOUR
> phone, from the lizzie name. So how is that a
> lie?

I think you're right about this one. My memory is not perfect, you know I have long and short term memory loss because of ECT, we talked about that. But it's not even that...I think I did remember wrong, you're right, it was from my phone.

> My "assumptions" are facts, your lies - are lies.
> It's just that simple. Everything you say is a lie
> and I have been able to back it up.

you have not backed it up with anything more than your opposition to what I believe...that is to say, not at all. You have corrected me on the doorknob thing I was not aware of. The phone thing, you're right, I got confused there...I have a feeling you'll say I'm lying though anyway, so...

> Notice how I don't dispute the other shit you said
> in that message because well - it's not lies. But
> I will dispute every lie you tell. And you lie A
> LOT!

that's fine. and I will dispute you when you believe you've called me out on a lie and it's really just an opinion an assumption or a plain mistake. I see now that's almost entirely what you've based this whole cock and bull story on..

> Funny how you blame "forgetting" on why you lie.
> Nah, if you don't remember something correctly
> don't fucking post it as fact as you try to do.

I have brain damage.

> Now, go ahead, and tell the forum again how you
> posted from my phone when Cary said it was your
> phone, William, so what do you call that if it's
> not a lie?

No, you jogged my memory about that and I apologize for that one

I'm tired.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Proven liar ()
Date: August 22, 2015 12:33PM

"Do you understand there's a difference between stating something as fact and offering an opinion?"

So tell me, which category does:

"She's plotting - your case" and "she posted something anon about you and it sounded bad" fall under?

Because neither of those are opinion NOR facts. I did NEITHER of those, so you know what that means? It means YOU LIED, they are lies and you're a liar, like I've been saying and proving.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Glad you can admit you're a liar ()
Date: August 22, 2015 12:38PM

LMFAO! Look everyone! William Moreno making up excuses for why he lies when he gets caught in his many many lies!

"I have bad memory" "Brain damage" "I'm tired"

NO! You are a LIAR and that is not my opinion it is a PROVEN fact! You lied to Megan, period. And you can THINK I'm gonna do this and that to Megan all you want, no one cares about what you say or think, because as I just proved - you're always wrong and always lying.

I don't like you, Megan doesn't like you, eesh doesn't like you, no one likes you. I'm gonna talk to eesh, Megan is gonna talk to me and there's NOTHING you can do about it, LMAO!

Get over it.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: HAHAH losing ()
Date: August 22, 2015 12:43PM

"I see now that's almost entirely what you've based this whole cock and bull story on"

Except for I have no bullshit story, it's only you. I'm basing everything off on the fact that you have lied on me several times now, I have caught you in those lies, exposed those lies and you have even admitting to lying.

Don't you think perhaps you should just shut the fuck up and stop lying? All your lying does is make everyone see why I did and am doing everything to do you that I did, am and am going to.

No one feels sorry for you. All of this is your fault, had you not come on here and said I lied about what eesh said, told the police I stole your laptop so I wouldn't give it to eesh none of this would be happening. How do you not see this?

Oh, but I'm the one mentally ill and have thought disorder yet everything you keep saying I keep proving that you are either WRONG or lying, huh?

Funny, LOL! You are losing and eesh will get off because of your words and your actions alone, not mine.

Live with it! :) or die.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: No Honor ()
Date: August 22, 2015 12:46PM

Everyone knows its about sex Wrote:
> You're mad I didn't like you,
> didn't want you, didn't want to have sex with you
> knows it!

No, I already outlined why I had growing reservations about you *contempt, in fact*, but I held my tongue, because I wanted to believe the best about you....once you left that way I saw it for what it was and I saw the writing on the wall well before that even....my real problems with you come from your own statements in this thread....all this "payback" "I know a guy who knows a guy" "I'll make the phone call right now..." kind of threatening behavior. That's why I don't like you, actually, among other reasons....your sex argument is puerile and transparent.....and I already said a million times, I have major problems with your absolute disregard for the law (you can't prove it's me, so it's okay....or, I've done so much stuff I just haven't been caught for...). I think it's sick that you think it's okay to fuck someone just because you've been slighted. You subscribe to revenge and vindictiveness. I think that's sick. So many reasons I think you're untrustworthy and yes, of course, I do believe it's logical to worry that you getting together with the guy you crusaded against overnight could mean you'd turn on anyone with his same interests. Further, I think it's sick that you could just go on back to the man you claimed to be in fear of, who you said in not so many words was the devil....more or less, it seems, to inflict revenge on me because you're angry at me. It shows you have no honor, no conviction, you don't stand by your beliefs, you'll trade it all in for whatever you need in order to hurt someone. I'd say that's--in a word--dishonorable.

I'm finished.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: #fin ()
Date: August 22, 2015 12:51PM

LOL! So it's okay for you to come to the forum and say I lied about eesh - when I didn't. Tell the police I stole your laptop - when I didn't but it's not okay for me to do anything back when you do that?

Nope, sorry, that's not how it works, what you did is sick but trust me, I can and will show you what sick really is. You and everyone else are gonna learn what happens when you lie to the police and try to have my freedom taken away because you've been "slighted"

All of you motherfuckers are going to get it. I swear to God, if it's the last thing I ever do, all of you are going to pay. LMFAO!

Next time, don't give me anything to "get revenge on" and you wouldn't have to worry about what I'm going to do.


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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: so, please... ()
Date: August 22, 2015 12:53PM

So, go ahead....make the "FriskyDingo Phone Call" on me. Please. I dare you.

I think you're conniving, manipulative, dishonorable, will say or do anything to advance your own interest, play both sides, find convenient little rationalizing, justifying moral loopholes to make yourself right with the wrong you do, and you'll trade it all in just to strike back at someone who made you mad.

I'm waiting for the hired goons.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: I swear I'M not gonna do anythin ()
Date: August 22, 2015 12:57PM

The call has already been made, so don't worry.

Also, the best part is - you'll never know who, what, when or where but you will know why.

And it may or may not happen today, tonight, next week, next month, this year, next year. You'll never know, that's the beauty of it.

You never strike while the iron is hot, you always wait until things have cooled down, people have moved on, forgotten all about it and think they're safe and good that "nothing is happening" then that's when you get them.

Please, I'm not stupid. Nothing can and will ever be connected back to me. I'm all talk remember, I'm not gonna do shit. Ever, to anyone. I just let "karma and the universe" take care of it, LMAO!


Have a great life and good luck to you, you're gonna need it! ;)

Goodbye now!

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Lex Luthor ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:01PM

#fin Wrote:
> LOL! So it's okay for you to come to the forum and
> say I lied about eesh - when I didn't. Tell the
> police I stole your laptop - when I didn't but
> it's not okay for me to do anything back when you
> do that?
> Nope, sorry, that's not how it works, what you did
> is sick but trust me, I can and will show you what
> sick really is. You and everyone else are gonna
> learn what happens when you lie to the police and
> try to have my freedom taken away because you've
> been "slighted"
> All of you motherfuckers are going to get it. I
> swear to God, if it's the last thing I ever do,
> all of you are going to pay. LMFAO!
> Next time, don't give me anything to "get revenge
> on" and you wouldn't have to worry about what I'm
> going to do.
> DUH!

You took a bunch of stuff without my permission--the clothes especially, to me, shows some amount of malice and premeditation--why steal all my clothes? You took shit without my knowledge or consent and it is clear in writing after the event that you were not allowed those items. So no, there is no false police report, just a police report. I'm sorry that angers you, but you knew exactly what you were doing.

Anyway, you're starting to sound like a comic book villain right about now. "Ladies and gentleman....I've come up with a plan to kill Superman!"

Please. You actually sound maniacal.

Get on a mood stabilizer, please. Your shrink is without a doubt no help to you. She brushed you off with barely 5 minutes face time. I'm not trying to demean...I think you have a severe mood disorder that's not being treated.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Flav ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:05PM

Lex Luthor Wrote:
> #fin Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > LOL! So it's okay for you to come to the forum
> and
> > say I lied about eesh - when I didn't. Tell the
> > police I stole your laptop - when I didn't but
> > it's not okay for me to do anything back when
> you
> > do that?
> >
> > Nope, sorry, that's not how it works, what you
> did
> > is sick but trust me, I can and will show you
> what
> > sick really is. You and everyone else are gonna
> > learn what happens when you lie to the police
> and
> > try to have my freedom taken away because
> you've
> > been "slighted"
> >
> > All of you motherfuckers are going to get it. I
> > swear to God, if it's the last thing I ever do,
> > all of you are going to pay. LMFAO!
> >
> > Next time, don't give me anything to "get
> revenge
> > on" and you wouldn't have to worry about what
> I'm
> > going to do.
> >
> > DUH!
> You took a bunch of stuff without my
> permission--the clothes especially, to me, shows
> some amount of malice and premeditation--why steal
> all my clothes? You took shit without my knowledge
> or consent and it is clear in writing after the
> event that you were not allowed those items. So
> no, there is no false police report, just a police
> report. I'm sorry that angers you, but you knew
> exactly what you were doing.
> Anyway, you're starting to sound like a comic book
> villain right about now. "Ladies and
> gentleman....I've come up with a plan to kill
> Superman!"
> Please. You actually sound maniacal.
> Get on a mood stabilizer, please. Your shrink is
> without a doubt no help to you. She brushed you
> off with barely 5 minutes face time. I'm not
> trying to demean...I think you have a severe mood
> disorder that's not being treated.

STFU you child milestone ugly fat ass! You have no room to talk look at the danger you pose to little kids. Mood stabilizer for Mo? You need a brick to your fat face you augy eyed child preying bastard!

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blahhhh ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:09PM

No William, I didn't take anything without permission. I washed our clothes together and when I was leaving, didn't even think or realize or remember that your clothes were in there.

I returned them to the police, the police also said you told them "Three shirts" and that's exactly what they found so once again, you're lying. And lol, it doesn't anger me because two polices agencies and the commonwealth knew you were lying! :)

Again, I returned all the fake stolen items you claimed were stolen, so you can stop crying about them. eesh is still getting the laptop either way.

And I only sound maniacal? Damn, I need to try harder then..

Also I don't have a "shrink" I have a doctor who gives me meds. She's not a shrink and I don't care what you think I have - my problem is you're an annoying, whiny, needy, clingy pussy of a man who can't let go.

Oh and LOL what did she say "You're not bipolar. I don't think getting mad at someone provoking you means you have a mood disorder"

BAM! In your face from a fucking professional. You provoke me then get scared like the punch ass little bitch that you are. So funny, you haven't seen scary, mean or maniacal yet.

But you will! :)

I promise. No, I swear.

You already said "She's not mentally ill, just evil" and that is the ONLY thing that you have ever said that's FACT. I'm not mentally ill. You see, if I was mentally ill William I would have ALWAYS acted this way towards you.

Funny how when you weren't being an annoying needy little bitch that I wasn't mean to you, huh?

Yeah, that's not mental illness, it's called being fed up with you and wishing you'd kill yourself.

Why can't you leave me alone? Seriously?! You will NEVER win against me, you will NEVER hurt me or offend me, you will always be holding on to the ANGER you have against me because I didn't like you the same way and that I'm talking to eesh.

Who fucking cares!? Why does me talking to eesh hurt YOU?! Get over it!

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: So pathetic ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:12PM

Hey William,

I'm talking to eesh, going to talk to eesh, I sent eesh shall the emails you sent about me to your lawyers saying I lied. He's going to get your laptop and there's nothing you can do about it.

Except what? Post about how I have no honor, am not to be trusted, am mentally ill, need help blah blah blah and what exactly does it amount to?

Nothing. Still gonna talk to eesh, still don't like you, and he's still going to get your laptop so what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? LOL, you look so fucking stupid....

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: 3W9H3 ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:13PM

Hey William,

I like eesh. I don't like you.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Evt7d ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:14PM

Hey William,

I talk to eesh on the phone. You leave me voicemails begging me to call you, LOL

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: How does it make you feel to kno ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:14PM

Hey William,

eesh is forgiven, you're not worth it! :)

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: "I love you" ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:16PM

Hey William,

When you were in the mental hospital after jumping out of a car because I purposely lost the protective order you wasted $3,000 on, I was ignoring your phone calls because I was having sex with my actual boyfriend! :)

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: SORRY NOT SORRY WILLIE BOY!!! :) ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:22PM

Now, you can say you don't like me, I'm a horrible person all you want, but your actions speak louder than your words.

You love me, are in love with me and hate it. You hate that I talk to eesh, you hate that anyone talks to me, you hate that I can go out and talk to any human being in the world like I've known them forever. Actually, it's people who come up to me and start talking to me - you've witnessed this. Everywhere we went, people are drawn to me and I don't even do anything.

You don't have that luxury of being able to make friends, being able to drop one person and pick another one up in the matter of minutes, I don't chase 'em, I replace 'em. And I will always be able to find another person to fill my time with until they bore me, lol.

You will always be alone, lonely and miserable and hate me for it and for that - I am sorry!

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: you're still talking to me ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:28PM

after I've stopped talking to you.

I don't care about you talking to eesh. I'm not jealous of eesh. One man's trash is another man's treasure, after all...

All I'm saying is, it shows EXACTLY who and what you are that you can just jump sides like that, and you going down to Colonial Heights is going to show exactly who and what they are in turn. I"m not jealous, I think you're loathsome, I hope you enjoy yourself with eesh. You deserve each other. Do not care, on that level. Just pointing out how vindictive and opportunistic it makes all of you look.

I'll point out also you have been posting about me, posting text, emails, voicemails, the kitchen sink, you have been fixated on me....you are the one in this dialogue who truly cannot seem to let go. I have texts and e-mails too. I don't post them.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Crrrrrrrrry babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:34PM

lol, yeah you do care, you mentioned it in your long ass message, in your emails and to Megan many times.

Also, I don't care what you or anyone thinks of me, need I remind you of this. You think I'm loathsome but you sure did hop in your car and drive right on down to Fairfax the other day when I asked you to take me to the courthouse, huh? LOL!

But calling the police, saying someone stole something, coming on the forum and saying someone lied, isn't vindictive, right? You can justify it because you were mad, huh? Haha, dumbass.

I'll also point out that I have been posting about you because I know it bothers you. I had actually stopped, yet I come here and you've posted all this shit about me, why? For attention, because it's sadly the only way you can get any from me now. And I'm bored, I'm off work for the weekend and am replying. I have nothing to let go of, I'm hurting you by every word I type, trust me, I know how sensitive you are.

Don't make me telimel everyone how many times you've cried to me/about/over me, lol..

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Woopsie typo ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:34PM


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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: matchmaker ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:36PM

William Moreno and Megan Toohey really need to get together. They could make a sex video and sell it on shock porn sites.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Please fill in the author field. ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:40PM

Hey William,

I worked a full time job this week. Almost 40 hours but went home early some days because it was slow. So about 37 or so hours. Then I hung out with my boyfriend, went out with friends and lived my life - what did you do this past week?

Besides, post about me, post about eesh, think about me, think about eesh, hide under the covers, wallow in your self pity?

You see, I wasted my free time posting here, you waste your entire "life" doing it, and no, I'm not knocking you because I've done the same before but unlike you, I have made many steps and positive changes since leaving your place, you've done absolutely nothing but gotten worse.

Why is that? Why don't you get a job? Get a life? Find some friends?

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: sunday funnies ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:47PM

off work all weekend? cool, maybe you and Basl can clip The Family Circus out of tomorrow's sunday funnies and rush over to the magistrate with it. Beetle Bailey seems kind of violent too...better safe than sorry.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: for the aspie ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:49PM

lizzie basically just said her life got better ever since she got away from you. she wasnt working or going out when she was with you. she was staying in trolling and posting all day. she has cut back significantly. you are the one who cant let go. your emails and texts and post and long winded private messages show you are bitter.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: like it or lump it loser ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:50PM

sunday funnies Wrote:
> off work all weekend? cool, maybe you and Basl can
> clip The Family Circus out of tomorrow's sunday
> funnies and rush over to the magistrate with it.
> Beetle Bailey seems kind of violent too...better
> safe than sorry.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: I can swim! ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:52PM

for the aspie Wrote:
> lizzie basically just said her life got better
> ever since she got away from you. she wasnt
> working or going out when she was with you. she
> was staying in trolling and posting all day. she
> has cut back significantly. you are the one who
> cant let go. your emails and texts and post and
> long winded private messages show you are bitter.

Yeah, it's great. Mon-Fri, 40 hours next week, wo0t! Also, nah, eesh is coming over on Monday to take me to Leesburg, anyway, you have only a few more moments to enjoy me, my man and I are going out to Burke Lake soon! :)

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: 37.46 hours this week! ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:57PM

So close!

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: imposter spotter ()
Date: August 22, 2015 01:59PM

I can swim! Wrote:
> for the aspie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > lizzie basically just said her life got better
> > ever since she got away from you. she wasnt
> > working or going out when she was with you. she
> > was staying in trolling and posting all day.
> she
> > has cut back significantly. you are the one who
> > cant let go. your emails and texts and post and
> > long winded private messages show you are
> bitter.
> Yeah, it's great. Mon-Fri, 40 hours next week,
> wo0t! Also, nah, eesh is coming over on Monday to
> take me to Leesburg, anyway, you have only a few
> more moments to enjoy me, my man and I are going
> out to Burke Lake soon! :)

This is not Lizzie posting. Everyone knows blacks can't swim

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: floater ()
Date: August 22, 2015 02:00PM

Even if he couldn't swim, a fat shit like William Moreno would definitely float.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Pics to be posted later ()
Date: August 22, 2015 02:05PM

imposter spotter Wrote:
> This is not Lizzie posting. Everyone knows blacks
> can't swim

LOL! You're talking about a black person who grew up around white people, haha. I'll be wearing a life vest though!

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Liz Luthor ()
Date: August 22, 2015 02:09PM

> All of you motherfuckers are going to get it. I
> swear to God, if it's the last thing I ever do,
> all of you are going to pay. LMFAO!

I'll offer this observation:

when confronted with a logical, rational argument, lizzie at least puts up a counter-argument....even though it's usually an incoherent, profanity-laced, babbling wall of LMAO'S and LOL'S and HAHAHAHAHAHA'S

when confronted with the same kind of argument, however, eesh typically just repeats himself over and over, posts a stupid gif or two, then slithers away.

the once-unstoppable Team Miz, thwarted by the kryptonite of Liz Luthor...nearly everyone called it.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Walking penis ()
Date: August 22, 2015 02:11PM

You fat ugly child fucker. You need a brick to your fat ugly face you kiddie molesting sick son of a whore. Why children William why do you touch children? You augy eyed chomo pedophile. Why did you hurt kids and talk about raping babies to death? Why don't you feel any remorse or emotion? Get the fuck out of here you parasite!

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Team Miz, thwarted by William ()
Date: August 22, 2015 03:03PM

"Team Miz, thwarted by the kryptonite of Liz"

LOL! Nope. It was thwarted by your dumbass losing your mind because I didn't have sex with you and said that I stole your laptop and lied on eesh. Face reality already, dude, everyone else knows this. You're not fooling anyone but yourself.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: SloMo ()
Date: August 22, 2015 04:20PM

Yea, I want to get in the water with this shark.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Damn you make me laugh, LOL!!!!! ()
Date: August 22, 2015 05:11PM

LMAO! What? Motherfucker, did ANYONE say ANYTHING about YOU going ANYWHERE with ME!?

Haha, NO! Ew, someone still thinks they're my "boyfriend" LOL!

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Duck Duck Goose Goose Pig Oink!! ()
Date: August 22, 2015 05:15PM


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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Shit on you ()
Date: August 22, 2015 05:19PM

Eat me

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Duck Duck Goose Goose BITCH!!!!! ()
Date: August 22, 2015 05:22PM


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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Yes this is true ()
Date: August 22, 2015 05:57PM

last word
From: jimmylegs
To: lizzie
Date: 08/22/2015 07:33AM

You know what ALL of this looks like: misunderstanding. Misunderstanding leading to rancor and aggression. You want to claim you never really cared in that way, even though you asked to move in with me once, then asked if I'd be interested in moving into your new house

Since I'm in such a great mood right now, I will address this - yes William. I told you the other day even after you were going off - that I did indeed care about you until you did all of this shit. And yes I sure did ask if you would be interested in moving to our new home, because at the time - I cared and like me, know that a change of scenery would have done you some good.

I addressed, it, I admit it - I cared for you. Now please, leave me alone.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: LIFE IS GOOD! ()
Date: August 22, 2015 06:06PM

I had to get a full time job so I can pay off my court fees to get my license so that I can drive, lol.

Also, William and Megan are the only ones on here who know..well, KNEW that I'm moving and hey, it stayed a secret this long, so I know I can trust Megan and William, if he just shuts the fuck up about me, won't have to worry about me anymore.

I'll be moving on with my life, moving out of Fairfax and some of yall will still be obsessing over me, HAH! :)

Life is good! I can't complain, I'm content, and once I'm outta Fairfax, I'll be HAPPY! And

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: August 22, 2015 06:49PM

How many times has Billy said Goodbye to Lizzie since he gave her the laptop???

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: August 22, 2015 07:10PM

Ludwig Wrote:
> How many times has Billy said Goodbye to Lizzie
> since he gave her the laptop???

He's freaking out! LOL

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: August 22, 2015 08:02PM

eesh Wrote:
> Ludwig Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How many times has Billy said Goodbye to Lizzie
> > since he gave her the laptop???
> He's freaking out! LOL

And he wants attention.

Long goodbyes are for people seeking attention.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: WORD COUNT ()
Date: August 22, 2015 08:07PM

1. me - 36 times
2. just - 28 times
3. think - 15 times
4. don - 14 times
5. know - 13 times
6. like - 13 times
7. want - 11 times
8. anger - 10 times
9. her - 10 times
10. eesh - 9 times

2816 words, 15264 characters.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: August 22, 2015 08:10PM


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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: 2,800 words later............... ()
Date: August 22, 2015 08:11PM

"I don't have that much energy to spend on you."

2,800 words later...............

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: then there was this post ()
Date: August 22, 2015 08:13PM

..'cause that worked out so well for you, right?

10 minutes and you were out on your ass, fairy.

yeah, I can take stuff out of context too guys....though this isn't even really out of context. just to illustrate the point this did not start overnight because I got 'mad' all of a sudden Monique *ahem* wouldn't 'know me'...as a woman knows a man--in the 'biblical sense', on that one, *particular* night...

....I in fact did write to Justin Jouvenal and told him Monique is not quite the victim she claims to be, after seeing her act slap-balls nuts on the forum one day, in a way that was quite in lawful violation of her own protective order against eesh; which was a MAJOR fucking issue for me...not just ethically but personally, as she was treating the generous offer of legal representation, and the process itself, as a joke. The judge admonished the both of you for that and I thought in my head: there's a wise man up on that bench. Anyway, I told Justin that in fact, over the span of the history of this site, Monique has actually been a wee bit of a perpetrator, and I'm having trouble with that angle lately.

...but I thought better of it (I THOUGHT, I say..)...and after thinking some, was still willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Say, perhaps, she's different in real life (and she did seem to be...some of the time..)...and that whatever crazy spell she was going through was just that: a 'spell'. one of grampa's ol' fainting spells (go ahead Monique, tell 'em again how I fainted and cracked my head on the kitchen floor and you laughed and laughed and laughed...I'm referring to an earlier post you made about that by the way...and being facetious, but not really)...

anyway. what was I saying? Yes...I thought maybe she's really okay, maybe this is just a passing thing and the crazy in her and her mantra of "I want to kill eesh and Katie" was just talk (I do think it is, I do *hope* it is, I still give you that)...but it's one of many things that was mounting, making me uncomfortable and not okay with her in general. So I e-mailed him back and smoothed it over best I could, without being too forgiving simultaneously.

Didn't want to do you like that. But I'd do it now. Cause now I know.

Yes, also, I'll beat you to the punch here: I was still sad to see it end...but really, more because I'd hoped for better..all while knowing it is better. Much better, to have it done. And god have mercy on the soul of whatever poor being you've shacked up with this go-round..

Megan is very smart..by the way..really. She got eesh. She's good...did what no one else could EVER do, in YEARS of many many people wanting (and for just cause) to hold him accountable. Which is why I can't for the life of me figure how she could continue to communicate with a person who has not just 'gone back' to eesh, the man who has terrorized her for nearly a year...but to claim "eesh swears he didn't post it" (whatever was posted, I don't even really know, don't care).

Well. Case closed then, right? Something about her old address went up, I guess...picture this lil' tableau, straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting:

Lizzie: eesh, did you post some of Megan's shit?

Eesh: No. I swear. Honest Injun.

Lizzie: Oh okay then. Yeah Megan, it was William.

Megan: Oh okay then.

Lizzie: Yeah eesh swore and everything. ...I KNOW, right?!

Oh that eesh. He cannot tell a lie.

And honestly, I don't even remember her giving that info to me or why she would have given it to me in the first place, but I'll take your word for it, I guess she sent it at some point....but really....of the 3 individuals who apparently had that address disseminated to them, which two stalked her in the dead of night (this is established and on record, ladies and germs..)?

That's another thing that I kept going back to. If Megan for whatever reason was okay with it, fine, but I'd think of it now and then, knowing it happened, knowing Monique justified it to herself. Nothing is ever a mistake. It was always 'something's been done to me, I have a right to do something to you now'. I knew this going in from forum lore years in the making, but I'll admit, Monique is quite charming and charismatic when she wants to be. In other words, I didn't have a chance..

And she does that a lot--rationalizing bad behavior. It's okay to burn your fucking house to the ground, just as long as you may have done something to me first (and the bar for that "something", I've found, it's pretty damn low). I offered to help with that thing yesterday because I still believe there was foul play...but I believe that less and less these days. Hell, she admitted to being guilty today (okay, it was anonymous unregistered, but we'll play the everybody's dumb game and go along with whatever smart-ass response you can conjur up to that).

i won't be airing any other dirty laundry. i don't put people's shit out in the street like some here..generally. you haven't seen Monique's 'bad side' in this picture from me. I've let her run roughshod with the glamour shots, the cobbled-together Frankenstein story of half-truths, cropped e-mails, texts out of context (play on words for you there), the backwards narrative that showing one side of a little sliver of truth produces.

I've allowed her to post all those texts and e-mails (or pieces of them anyway), unchallenged, uncontested basically, because it's a bad look on you, darling. It's unflattering and shows who you are more than it does me. And the OP (who isn't me, either) is right. None of it matters. So I am playing to the lowest common denominator with this post, but it's fun to write, so whatever.

So...one time only here. A decent enough showing in the pic below that I had my reservations going way the hell back...and I tried to quell them, because I did care, very much, and wanted to think the best of a person who claimed to care as well...but you revealed a hell of a lot in two short--and at the same time, EXTREMELY LONG--months. I can see how our presidents leave office looking as if they've aged 20 years now.

Boy I'll tell ya', too...I can understand her being mad with me. Furious, even. I was wrong to put your shit out in the street like I did that Saturday morning, Monique, yes I was. That's why I qualified my statement about the general tastelessness of putting the shit of another out...in the street. I did that; what she did not post herself from our e-mails I put out myself, and that was tasteless. Wrong.

But your anger is appropriately directed at me for that, not anyone else, and more than that, going across the street...stepping over the shit I put there...and tagging up with The Iron Sheik when you spent months on end as Sergeant Slaughter...that really tells a narrative. Vince McMahon himself couldn't write better theatre. You have no honor. You pulled the ultimate heel turn. And this right now, brother, is a shoot.

Seriously though, it really does tell the whole story. Forgot what you just read...all 1 of you...all you need to know is that Monique is vengeful enough a person that she would not only burn your house to the ground and everyone in it, but go across the street to Ted Bundy's house first to borrow the gasoline and the matches...and then consult with Ted's lawyer (you get the joke, don't you..) over a late lunch. That is lack of honor, folks. The defense rests.

(footnote: Megan texted ME to initiate the below exchange...asked, "has Mo lost it?" But in the spirit of taking bits and pieces of the truth and tailoring them to a flattering 3-piece suit of lies...I'll leave that to the imagination.)


"never open your mouth till you know the shot."

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: 1384 words, 7690 characters. ()
Date: August 22, 2015 08:16PM

1. me - 14 times
2. her - 13 times
3. really - 9 times
4. just - 9 times
5. monique - 9 times
6. eesh - 9 times
7. okay - 7 times
8. right - 6 times
9. know - 6 times
10. megan - 6 times

1384 words, 7690 characters.

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: me me me me me me me me me eesh! ()
Date: August 22, 2015 08:17PM

There seems to be this reoccurring theme to these messages:


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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: lizzie dont lie ()
Date: December 07, 2015 12:39AM

Taking it off the forum Wrote:
> All of these people will soon get their wish.
> Everything on the forum will stop and I will do
> exactly to them as what they've done to me, take
> it into their real life and give them a reason to
> call the police.

she said it and did it

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Re: Dear William Monreo, you are blocked from calling, texting and emailing.
Posted by: word up lizzay! ()
Date: December 07, 2015 12:42AM

I promise Wrote:

> keep calling police and telling them lies,
> keep threatening to sue, I'll make all your
> little false claims come true, you wanna be a
> victim so bad? That can be arranged.
> "Trust me"

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