summary: yes. This thread isn't about that. I'll never find out about "the guy", probably. I don't want to know, it's not my business.
What I originally wanted to know, after concern for him, and the welfare of his child, was that someone reviewed it, and made sure that existing policies had been followed. If so, I think some tweaks were in order.
But there are no written SACC policies. FCPS Security tells me that every center has a different policy. It's possible that none of them are written. But, even if they were, which policy was in effect, since none of the centers belonged there? How did Mr. Yarborough come to the conclusion that there was never a problem?
So that's where I finally got to... very late in the game. I put a petition up to fix that.
This thread though, is trying to make sense of Terrence's reaction. He accused me of threats, shamed me in the neighborhood, almost destroyed my reputation... I mean, I don't think he really knew what was going to happen, but it seems like he slandered me to the police to a reckless degree. Really, if he'd read anything, he knew that he could just give me a call. And all of this, when I'd done nothing "wrong". (Distasteful, yes.)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 06:19PM by 2concerned.