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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:56PM

I've been waiting outside for like 10 minutes. I'm the white van like 80 yards south of you.


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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:56PM

Going back out. I just stepped out for a smoke.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: average joe ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:57PM

PS - yes I know what IRC is. This isn't IRC, it is a forum. If you are able, leapfrog back before IRC and think of bulletin board systems. The postings here are like those old days. Your tweets here make you look insane, and what you are trying to say is very hard to follow.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:58PM

Okay, fuck you all.

I'll ooVoo with anyone who's account predates this crap.

Anyone brave enough for that?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:59PM

That wasn't at you, Joe. I do see how it's being interpreted. But it's how I best communicate, and trust me, right now, I can't afford to have a single word misinterpreted.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: IPMan ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:00PM

Is there public internet access at the Lamb Center? Hey, dipshit, Gordon is a female. Yer dumb. And a pussy.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:00PM

It was to the dickhead 12 year old who's skipping school, having a laugh.

He was probably poking at someone else's kid this morning.

It's fucked up. When people think they're anonymous, they hurt people badly.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:01PM

Why would I care what sex Gordon is?

Unless that was the brunette who stopped out front and put her seatbelt on?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:03PM

No, I'm only unemployable if I'm wrong.

That's why I need to move ahead. I've explained that.


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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:03PM

2concerned Wrote:
> Why would I care what sex Gordon is?
> Unless that was the brunette who stopped out front
> and put her seatbelt on?

So if its the attractive brunette you care? Hows the fam feel about that?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:03PM

I'll make you all a promise:

I'll post ONE LAST TIME.

The letter again.

If you don't touch it, I'm done.


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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: google crawler ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:04PM

Scott Mathew Lehman
4003 Ivanhoe Lane
Alexandria, VA

Scott Mathew Lehman - crazy, insane, background, check, criminal, record, resume, facebook, images.

Scott Mathew Lehman - crazy, insane, background, check, criminal, record, resume, facebook, images.

Scott Mathew Lehman - crazy, insane, background, check, criminal, record, resume, facebook, images.

Scott Mathew Lehman - crazy, insane, background, check, criminal, record, resume, facebook, images.Scott Mathew Lehman - crazy, insane, background, check, criminal, record, resume, facebook, images.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Agency ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:04PM

Have you been snorting bath salts?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:05PM

Okay, that's slander.

And remember, I was trying to get publicity last week.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:06PM

I hear the guy who runs this website is a 1st Ammendment hardass with a good lawyer.

Hopefully, he'll hear me out.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: pulltheplug ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:08PM

Please, for your own sake! Just turn the computer off for a couple days! Do it for your kids! This thread would have been buried a while ago if you stopped posting on it!

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Agency ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:09PM

Answer the question.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: _Eyedea_ ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:10PM

2concerned Wrote:
> I hear the guy who runs this website is a 1st
> Ammendment hardass with a good lawyer.
> Hopefully, he'll hear me out.

"WIEDEMANN ","CARY ","S","019"," 13802","VALLEY COUNTRY ","DR","CHANTILLY ","VA","12/09/2003","POSS MARIJUANA "
"WIEDEMANN ","CARY ","S","020"," 13802","VALLEY COUNTRY ","DR","CHANTILLY ","VA","01/25/2004","FAIL TO APPEAR SUSP LIC "

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:10PM

I offered a "deal."

Again... seems like a rational approach.

The most credible person on this forum, frequented by folks who don't even understand what a "non-specific" threat is, isn't sure I'm real.

Why would I give a flying fuck what any of you who are against me think?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2nothigh ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:11PM

if i stop by can we snort bath salts together on your front lawn? I would be down for that as long as you promise to not eat me.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:11PM

Cool... thanks! I didn't know if he/she ran it, or was an "op."

And, something everyone seems to be missing:

My Resume.

This stuff is ALL known. Do you think I've seen what I have without going under a microscope? No, they don't worry about stuff you don't hide.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:12PM

Actually, if any potential employer reads this, and doesn't see my side, I couldn't imagine wanting to work for them.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Agency ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:13PM

"No, they don't worry about stuff you don't hide."

Well, it certainly does make things easier.

Answer the question.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:17PM

2concerned Wrote:
> Something just "clicked". It takes a while,
> sometimes.
> You guys are partly freaked out because you've
> never been on IRC.
> Half of the people here probably couldn't keep up
> in a "chat" without word balloons.
> I didn't think about that until now.


well, no. It's really the fact you are BATSHIT CRAZY and have access to children that kinda freak ppl out....................

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:19PM

If this is "the question", then yes I WAS ignoring it.

"Have you been snorting bath salts?" No. Nothing of the sort. No drugs. No alcohol. Vitamin D deficiency during my last physical, and I guess I haven't been taking that regularly.

No OTC pills.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: perspective ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:19PM

2concerned Wrote:
> I'll make you all a promise:
> I'll post ONE LAST TIME.
> The letter again.
> If you don't touch it, I'm done.
> Fair?

That's what Facebook is for. You don't get a choice here if someone replies or not.

I am guessing if you keep bumping this thread with nonsense that the site owner will suspend your account, so bumping for the sake of looking for attention isn't going to work for long.

Whether an employer "sees your side" or not is irrelevant. You are unstable and a liability. Just because I and a crazy person can agree on the time doesn't mean I think that person is stable or someone I want around. As an employer I'd dread the nightmare I'd be facing if your stapler came in the wrong color, you'll be calling me incompetent online and making my life hell. Fuck that, I hope your wife makes enough to support the whole family as your income stream is now gone.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:19PM

I'm going to post the letter one more time.

If you guys leave it alone, so will I.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:20PM

To Whomever It May Concern,

At a SACC event on Carl Sandburg Middle School, in Fairfax County, an event occurred. This event led me – a concerned and responsible parent – to begin asking very simple questions about the safety of our children in FCPS.

During the past week, I’ve tried every method I can think of to get answers.

I tried phone calls, I tried email, I tried unproductive “shouting.” I still don’t have a single answer from Mr. Yarborough. I’ve spoken to his office, but Mr. Yarborough refuses to speak with me.

On the morning of 5/24, I started anew. I typed out a clear “redirect”, recognizing that my methods were getting me nowhere.

Three hours later, I was looking down the barrel of a gun.

Now, Mr. Yarborough claims to have been threatened. I believe that’s slander. I would ask Mr. Yarborough to detail the allegation, or clear this “restraining order”, and issue a formal written apology, IMMEDIATELY.

Mr. Yarborough read what I wrote – sometimes disjointed but always clear and rational – and, entrusted with the safety of several hundred students, he decided to raise a maximum security alert. Yes, he’d finally picked up the phone, but not to call me and ask me to stop.

If this sounds like a rational decision, I would certainly enjoy an explanation. It’s documented, it’s there. He didn’t even read it before I called the Police, I assume.

The threat? As far as my lawyer can tell, either the picture of the kitty (in the CLEAR context of “career suicide”) or the “photoshop threat” frightened him.

This is a man who’s office told me that there was never any danger that Saturday. He will not tell me how he determined this. He also will not explain how he has the authority to determine that when he has no responsibility for SACC functions. It truly baffles the mind.

I expect figures of authority to act with integrity, and I fear that I have a much different interpretation of Mr. Yarborough’s motives.

As a result of his entirely disproportionate reaction, I looked down the barrel of a gun, almost watched my dog be shot, was “grilled” for hours by Police that had, seemingly, been told by Mr. Yarborough that I was unemployed and estranged from Wife and family. Both are false, and led to the Police Officers expecting an armed, crazed individual when they arrived. Many of the parents in the system would have been shot before it was over, I’m certain.

Finally, I was coerced into two days of solitude, threatened with criminal charges (I’ve committed no crime) while being denied counsel, had my personal and professional reputation sullied, and have been branded a racist, simply because the parent involved was not native to the US.

All of this was in addition to the apparent excitement at the school, so I’m assuming there was at least some student/parent panic inflicted.

And throughout all of this, I’ve remained in the line of fire, just to save another parent embarrassment. Ask Mr. Yarborough what was wrong with the guy that day. Or if he WAS a parent, or why he was lurking backstage for who knows how long, unknown to any performers or staff? Are all parents allowed to take the stage at will? If so, why have I wasted so much time in the seat rows?

And, why couldn’t Terrence have stopped all of this, by manning-up, investigating, and actually making an appropriate determination?

I would truly like to know. He’s the guy who said my Daughter was safe.

If Terrence reported to me, I’d be curious to examine why he failed so many opportunities to resolve this in a reasonable manner. I do believe that he has demonstrated incompetence and/or abuse of his authority.

Again, please remove the “restraining” order immediately. If you do, you have my word that I will conduct myself with more dignity in court than I did in an open forum that’s frequented by scum.

Read what I wrote… please. Explain what happened to me, and why.

Best Regards,
Father of Two

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concrned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:23PM


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Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:30PM

nice one, fake 2!!

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:33PM

Okay... if it's funny, that's fine with me too. I tried to go this direction on Thursday morning, before all of this. It's there, probably still at the top of the Mt. Vernon sub-forum. I wrote that the thread was terminated by op, hoping to leave it behind.

BTW, it was never ME that was suicidal. It was the kitty. But no responsible adult would allow a kitty to play with a loaded handgun. It's obvious satire, folks.

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note to all entertained by this BS
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:34PM

please note that the letter OP has written is being placed here cause the Patch wont run it.
All this dude is doing is trying to trash the school principal any way he can cause the principal wont put up with his bullshit bully tactics.
Pathetic......................and yet VERY funny LoLz

until, of course, the inevitable ending his family will eventually be dealing with................

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:36PM

Thanks, Gordon!

I REALLY mean that.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 01:41PM

I'm going to take my stuff down off of patch. All of it. I actually started by emailing the editor, directly, and she never answered.

Again, my volume doesn't go to 11 right away. Usually.

But, as for the patch taking an interest in affairs?

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sorry - Patch dont do Crazy
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 02:02PM

but hey thanks for playing LoLz

pic unrelated
y u no.jpg

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Agency ()
Date: May 31, 2012 02:10PM

Ok, so basically all this rambling and piss poor behavior from you is because you feel you are owed response, became irrate you did not get a response and the proceeded to demand an explanation on why you did not received such response?

You are a self-entitled little shithead. You were one when you were a child. You are still one now as an adult.

No one owes you a response, nor does anyone owe you an explanation.

You brought this all upon yourself.

You are an idiot.

Accept this fact about yourself and move on.


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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: May 31, 2012 02:11PM

This smacks of Tony Flagg...

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2wired ()
Date: May 31, 2012 02:36PM

This kids, is why you should never ever buy a home underneath high-tension power lines.


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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: RichyRich ()
Date: May 31, 2012 02:40PM


Please do not post on here again until you can afford to purchase a house in Fairfax County that was also built within the last 2-3 decades. You broke muthafucka.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Date: May 31, 2012 02:55PM

Let's recap . . .

2concerned's issue was:

>At a SACC event on Carl Sandburg Middle School, in Fairfax County, an event occurred. This event led me – a concerned and responsible parent – to begin asking very simple questions about the safety of our children in FCPS.

>During the past week, I’ve tried every method I can think of to get answers.

>I tried phone calls, I tried email, I tried unproductive “shouting.” I still don’t have a single answer from Mr. Yarborough. I’ve spoken to his office, but Mr. Yarborough refuses to speak with me.<

You have to wonder whether 2concerned has ever called a credit card company and tried to get through to someone with answers to a problem. Or a mortgage company. Or Verizon. Or an insurance company about a billing problem. Or a health insurer. Now THAT can be frustrating.

Or, maybe more to the point since we're dealing with school issues, dealing with a stonewalling school regarding a child with a learning or other disability. With an elementary school principal (Mrs. Hughes at Clifton Elementary) who'd outright lie to parents about everything from special education issues to spoiled food in the cafeteria. Who kept kids' IEPs locked up in her filing cabinet in her office, so that teachers couldn't access them.

Now, I don't know too much about Mr. Yarborough. But I do know he was a sub-school principal at Robinson when our son went there, and the overall administration at Robinson was open, fair, willing to discuss issues, highly responsive, and professional. And some of that clearly was attributable to Mr. Yarborough. I'm not saying he was perfect, or that the Robinson administration in general was. (And there were some scandals in the administration, well-documented here. Still . . .)

Bottom line: Life is full of frustrations. Deal with it. And there are lots of frustrations greater than what triggered this thread. Deal with it. And if Robinson's administration--of which Yarborough was a part--is any reflection, then Yarborough likely responded in an appropriate and professional manner. (If not, you call up your School Board member and rationally explain your concern.) And it's obvious from this thread that 2concerned's response has become neither appropriate nor professional.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: average joe ()
Date: May 31, 2012 03:35PM

Two Feet In The Grave Wrote:
> Now, I don't know too much about Mr. Yarborough.
> But I do know he was a sub-school principal at
> Robinson when our son went there, and the overall
> administration at Robinson was open, fair, willing
> to discuss issues, highly responsive, and
> professional.

I think part of the problem is that administrations take time to investigate and figure out internally what happened with an incident. The administration spoke with the police and were told the incident was handled and no further action was required. Perhaps if this gentleman had been more patient and contacted the Board of Supervisors with his concern, some answers may have emerged.

But he went publicly ranting with threats embedded in the maniacal banter, and that will immediately shut down the bureaucratic process. And good luck restarting it. The last thing that will help your case is posting that you may hurt yourself and post pictures with guns in them. Schools have no choice but to call the cops and take precautions. Schools have enough trouble with unknown threats... criticizing them for taking action after public threats is dumb. Publicly calling the principal incompetent won't get your answers either, no one can take this guy seriously anymore.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 03:37PM

@Two Feet-oh no.......it is MUCH MORE PRODUCTIVE to argue with school admin so severely that they fear and attack, lock down the school, and send police to yr house LoLz


@2wired - what are the odds there are multiple cat corpses in that backyard :(

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: CSMS Parent ()
Date: May 31, 2012 04:00PM

@GordonBlvd, you are dimly aware that you're doing nothing more than taunting this guy, right? You've clumsily inserted yourself into this drama, and have even been posting on Patch about this guy.

Do you think that your comments and that last photo you posted are going to do anything other than to further rev the OP up? Has it occurred to you to just take a break and not keep posting here?

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Re: note to all entertained by this BS
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 04:17PM

Thank you. From the very first, all I tried to do was inquire about the welfare of a child... not even who he was.

Yes, my questions got bigger as I couldn't find answers. Finally, I had an answer, but nobody was listening. None of this would've gotten this big if a few people would've just gotten out of my way, and let me get some answers, instead of spending countless hours trying to prove that I don't exist.

Or that I'm crazy.

Yes, I've made mistakes. Probably more than most.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Stupid Poster ()
Date: May 31, 2012 04:38PM

I have driven to the location that op has provided, he is full of shit. This is not real. Keep feeding the troll

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 04:46PM

Average Joe: you're right, BTW. I don't really remember the BBS's very much. But I ran one from home that did have a built-in chat.

Still... yes, I've made too much noise with too little to say, been forced to repeat countless times. Really, all this thread was about was what happened to me on Thursday. When people ask "what did you expect?" and say "you deserved it", it tells me that I'm doing the right thing, "Messiah Complex" or no.

I will try to compose myself a bit better. I've always communicated this way on Facebook, too.

At this point, all I want is a retraction, or a detailing of the "threat" allegation. The rest will sort itself out.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 04:48PM

Seriously, this guy is nuts and an attention whore. He will probably cross a line sooner or later and the unfortunate thing is that his family will have to pick up the pieces.

I say that this thread should be locked and if 2concrned can't be outright suspended then perhaps locking his threads, which mention any of this stuff, should instantly be locked.

It's tough dealing with self righteous crazies because you can't reason with them. They simply refuse, or aren't capable of, logical thought or logical reasoning. They believe that they can and they will use faulty logic to keep harping on the subject. They will find more and more perceived enemies and conspiracies but they will not respond to any other logic except their own.

Also, Scott you really need to observe the speed limit. As concerned as you are about everyones kids, you should know better than most that speeding can result in you killing someones kid by virtue of speeding.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 04:49PM

"I have driven to the location that op has provided, he is full of shit. This is not real. Keep feeding the troll"

The man with the appropriate handle proves himself. It's on Google Earth.

See... this is why I never took this forum seriously, to be honest. It's so full of trolls, that people look at the logic, and still come up with this stuff.

It's amusing now, though. Really, I was pretty jumpy last night until the Police arrived (with forewarning), checked, and were gone.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Stupid Poster ()
Date: May 31, 2012 04:52PM

The address itself is real, you however are not, dumbass. Take a picture of yourself "scott" while you are standing in front of your home. Then you will be believable

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 04:58PM

Didn't shave this morning. But, if it'll put that question to rest, then give me a minute.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:11PM

@stupid poster - Nice callout. I guess we will see either way.............outta be interesting.
@Ogien - he may be crazy................but he does still have the right to free speech.
@CSMS-more than dimly :) But to be honest, I'm truly very curious (not curious enough to risk my safety, however LoLz) as to how this is going to play out since I have (clumsly, I will give you) found myself in the middle of this rather...........interesting.............story.

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:13PM

Hehehe... I actually started to do this. Then I realized: you'll just say I drove over there.

My Wife won't be home until later. When she is, if anyone wants to get together for coffee, let me know.

Again: I've made many mistakes. It was two days, and it was over before anyone complained.

Now, I'm trying to slow down, listen. Unfortunately, I do need this cleared, and nobody will get back to me. I have no idea of Terry's next move, but it seems that he's done nothing except try to discredit me from the outset. I really have no idea what kind of policy black hole I fell into, but instead of just telling me when someone might call, they do this?

Yes, if I had any "issues", I hope you'll cut me a little slack, and see that my motives were good. After a point, no, you just don't know what to expect. I only "put myself out there" to resolve this before the family returned.

So far, the one major "diagnosis" I'd agree with is OCPD. If I'm throwing out details, it's because I'm curious to see if "ConcernedCitizen" has something to add. I filled in a LOT of blanks for his analysis.

I'm open to feedback. Debating whether I exist or not is something I'll only engage in for bumps.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 05:17PM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Stupid Poster ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:16PM

haha told you so, you are full of shit. you have no idea what i would have said but this is surely an easy out for you. carry on dipshits but this guy is not real...if anything he is a very bored loser of an individual to have this much time on his hands

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:19PM

Stupid: what WOULD it prove? No, it didn't matter what you said. It wouldn't have been proof to anyone rational.

"Neutral location", whatever. I just want to make sure it's somewhere I can be comfortable for 15 minutes while I wait for nobody to show up.

Bring a bud. Bring two if you're really afraid. I mean, I don't even have to know who you are until you decide you can handle the fear.

But, the offer is only open to a registered account that's been open for at least a month. Otherwise, again, it'll prove nothing.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 05:20PM by 2concerned.

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open to feedback? what sort of bullshit is that
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:21PM

@stupid - YOU ROCK! It's been a week and you just shut his troll ass down in like 15 minutes. I was really buying his crap, too.

Sad, Gordo..........Sad

edit: be proud, 2con......you won yr race LoLz

pic unrelated

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 05:21PM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Stupid Poster ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:22PM

It would prove that you are in fact a crazy person just as everyone suspects. Your not wanting to do so proves that you are full of shit, an authority of sorts trying to bait someone from this site to do something stupid, or probably just a lonely, boring fuck with nothing better to do.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:22PM

I completely agree with you that he has complete and total freedom of speech. Nevertheless, this is a private forum (as in not owned by the Government) and as a private forum it does not owe him a stage or an audience.

Not once did I suggest that he should be prohibited from starting a blog or website and talking about this till he's blue in the face.

As I said on page 2 of this thread, "if he's a troll then I give him 9/10 Internets."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 05:23PM by Ogien.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:27PM

Thinking this through.

You all want "proof"?

Has anyone asked Terrence?

Has anyone asked Christine Donohoe, FCPS Chief of Staff

Has anyone asked Fred Ellis?

Has anyone asked Mike Ricker?

Has anyone asked ... well, you get it.

Or... if it DOES prove something(?), I'll change my FB picture to something a bit more appropriate in a few minutes... right now, it's me as a kid. From there, I'm in the phone book (I think).

Would ANY of these suffice?


My Wife was willing to vouch for my reality last night too... I could have her give you a call, if you'd like.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 05:30PM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Stupid Poster ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:29PM

No, do as I just said, take a picture of yourself in front of your home off of ivanhoe lane

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Re: open to feedback? what sort of bullshit is that
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:30PM

@Ogien - I havent seen O.P. post anything that was off-topic, spam-like, demeaning or threatening to anyone, or illegal................ so I'm not too sure why he should be /b/anned, is all. The Underground is all about anyone being able to say whatever they want. If the dude wants to put this info out there, then it's not up to this site to censor.................

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:31PM

@2 Post whatever pictures you want. It really doesn't matter because there won't be a resolution one way or the other, troll or not.

On second thought, take your cell phone, take a picture of yourself and post it here. Hell, take your cell phone and take a picture of your dog and post it here.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:32PM

If I am banned, and can't address what I've posted, I'd ask that all three threads be deleted.

Honestly, I suspect that would make EVERYONE happier at this point.

(In the first thread, I only continued because I couldn't kill it. I did lousy research before I came here.)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 05:34PM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:34PM

@2 Could or would you take a picture of your dog with your cell phone and post it here?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:37PM

@stupid, Ogien - notice the "CONTROL" issue is still very much in play here. Purposefully ignoring your requests, changing the subject. Dude is textbook.

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:39PM

@Gordon, in complete agreement with you on the Control issues.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:42PM


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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:43PM

Shoulda downsized that :-) My son is holding him.

If I were in anyone else's shoes, I'd be wondering what this proves.

It's largely the same idea as the photo of me, with the same problem.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 05:44PM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Clobbersaurus ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:44PM

Did anyone draw a Colleen Lindval correlation yet?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:47PM

I'd never heard of "Colleen Lindval". I'd say it seems like that, but everyone already thinks I'm paranoid :-)

I have not, from the first, understood the resistance. I mean, I might've asked some questions that embarrassed someone, but it SHOULD NOT have been him.

Christine Donohoe says that FCPS is not responsible for SACC security.

And really, that's the question now. If they're not responsible, how can they make a determination that nothing needs to be fixed. I mean, block off the backstage, make a policy keeping parents in the audience... there's a million "fixes", but nobody to suggest them to, or implement them.


Wait... let me know if this sounds far-fetched: what if the guy DID go home and do something? FCPD told me they couldn't check on him because the school never filed a report....

There were at hundreds of Parents present. He tried to engage dozens of people. Everyone saw him on the stage. Three of us were concerned. I can describe the two others... they're on any tape. I just wish I hadn't been documenting him in the parking lot. I've got a tape I don't want to show anyone in trade for one I really want.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 05:58PM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:58PM

OK, lets see what we can learn from this picture.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:59PM

@2Concerned, thanks for posting the photo. Now lets examine the EXIF data and see what adds up and what doesn't, if anything.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:59PM

@Clobber: +1 - didnt know but am reading now - good stuff

@everyone else - does the fact there are Christmas decorations in the window there surprise you? LoLz

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 6X ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:00PM

Is that a Pit Bull With a .....? Why is his eyes closed? Why do your kid go to sandburg when Mark Twain is across the street?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:01PM

Hehe... I was wondering about that. I almost cropped it just to kill that. That phone isn't actually "in service". I've got it hooked to an amp and providing sound in the garage.

Mike thought that my garage being "wired for sound" might be some sort of threat. But Mike lies a lot, I think. He also told me that he'd never heard of FU until last week. I think he's either incompetent, or dishonest. Not sure.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:02PM

I never said that my child went to Sandburg. Neither do. That's a huge part of this problem. I don't even know how many schools were present at that event, but not a single one of those students actually came from Sandburg.

Is there a SACC in Middle School?

And as for Edison (that was his name when we rescued him, already), he always takes odd photos.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 06:04PM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:04PM

@2Concrned is the time on your phone set 2 hours back for a reason? Seems like your phone is telling us more than you are.

Why did you take a picture of your dog more than 2 hours before I asked you to take it?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:05PM

Because I'm so sharp that I knew you'd ask? :-)

Really, I'm not sure.

It doesn't have service. The time on it reads 5:37 right now.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:08PM

@2 It doesn't matter if it's in service or not. It still pings the towers because it still is capable of emergency service. You can pick that phone up and call 911 regardless of it being in service or not.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:12PM

I didn't know it was supposed to synch. I did know about the 911. My son carries a phone with only that service. (Wifi at home.)

If you'd like, I can always "fix" the clock, and take another photo. Just the mailbox this time?

I need to go back and really read "Concerned Citizens" thing. He clearly knows something, I just don't think he knows me. He might also be interested in my "methods" of actually keeping myself together. (Please don't say it... my support network was gone, I was under stress, and yeah, the worry and the insomnia played into each other.)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 06:14PM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: summary ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:13PM

I admit that I have not read every senseless post, but can I summarize your concerns?

Some nutty guy was dancing in the parking lot at a school while playing loud music from his car.

This same nutty guy also danced inside the school with the kids who were performing at some sort of recital.

You determined that he was a threat to the safety of students.

You complained to the school authorities, principal and FCPD and nobody agreed with you that this guy was a threat to civilization.

You are now frustrated.

Did I miss something here?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:15PM

Sure, take another picture of the mailbox and leave the EXIF data intact. I mean your intention is to prove that this is all real while minimizing the risk to yourself and others.

I'd gladly take a look at another picture.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 06:18PM by Ogien.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:18PM

summary: yes. This thread isn't about that. I'll never find out about "the guy", probably. I don't want to know, it's not my business.

What I originally wanted to know, after concern for him, and the welfare of his child, was that someone reviewed it, and made sure that existing policies had been followed. If so, I think some tweaks were in order.

But there are no written SACC policies. FCPS Security tells me that every center has a different policy. It's possible that none of them are written. But, even if they were, which policy was in effect, since none of the centers belonged there? How did Mr. Yarborough come to the conclusion that there was never a problem?

So that's where I finally got to... very late in the game. I put a petition up to fix that. http://wh.gov/LuQ

This thread though, is trying to make sense of Terrence's reaction. He accused me of threats, shamed me in the neighborhood, almost destroyed my reputation... I mean, I don't think he really knew what was going to happen, but it seems like he slandered me to the police to a reckless degree. Really, if he'd read anything, he knew that he could just give me a call. And all of this, when I'd done nothing "wrong". (Distasteful, yes.)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 06:19PM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:19PM

@Ogien - you'd think it would be no big deal to the guy if he was truly legit since he himself put his info out there
@summary - you left out the last part. After he got frustrated, he went BATSHIT CRAZY!!!!

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:21PM

Oh... and I need written permission to attend events, including Soccer games, there.

The "order" doesn't even detail how to apply for written permission. I'm applying.

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now isnt this interesting...........
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:22PM

"What I originally wanted to know, after concern for him, and the welfare of his child, was that someone reviewed it, and made sure that existing policies had been followed. If so, I think some tweaks were in order. "

And yet you say on the Patch:

3:59 pm on Thursday, May 31, 2012

Gordon: you've been screaming for days that someone should come to my house, someone should "take me away." Instead of just letting my message be heard, which was all about protecting children, you've been screaming me down from the first.

Sounds like someone isnt practicing what they preach LoLz

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:23PM

2concerned Wrote:
> Oh... and I need written permission to attend
> events, including Soccer games, there.
> The "order" doesn't even detail how to apply for
> written permission. I'm applying.

You have to go to FAIRFAX COUNTY COURT...

Hell, since you offered to take another picture why not take, even a blurry picture, of the court order and put it here.

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Re: now isnt this interesting...........
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:26PM

@Ogien (dammit- yr name keeps reminding me of Ogden LoLz) - last nite I asked to see the alleged report from when the cops came - never saw that come thru either

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:28PM


Lulz, yeah I've heard that from others before. The word "ogien" actually means "fire" in Polish.

Also, I doubt we'll get any proof. There's already been information giving strong evidence that it's a Troll and I think that the EXIF data sort of seals the deal. After all, it says quite clearly that GPS Time Stamp and GPS has to be pretty freaking exact.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 06:30PM by Ogien.

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wow - get this.................he aint lying
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:36PM

@Ogien - he took the pic at 5:11 our time.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Spectator ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:38PM

2concerned has given us a big clue to his personality (assuming, of course, that he's not a troll - big question mark).

"So far, the one major "diagnosis" I'd agree with is OCPD". - 2concerned

Nobody here has said that the OP has OCPD (obsessive compulsive personality disorder). BTW, this is NOT the same as OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Since this is not a commonly referenced or recognized disorder from a layman perspective, 2concerned must have been diagnosed with this disorder at some point in the past. And he agrees that it characterizes his thought process and behavior.

From PsychCentral:

"Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder is characterized by a preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control, at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.

When rules and established procedures do not dictate the correct answer, decision making may become a time-consuming, often painful process. Individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder may have such difficulty deciding which tasks take priority or what is the best way of doing some particular task that they may never get started on anything.

They are prone to become upset or angry in situations in which they are not able to maintain control of their physical or interpersonal environment, although the anger is typically not expressed directly. For example, a person may be angry when service in a restaurant is poor, but instead of complaining to the management, the individual ruminates about how much to leave as a tip. On other occasions, anger may be expressed with righteous indignation over a seemingly minor matter.

People with this disorder may be especially attentive to their relative status in dominance-submission relationships and may display excessive deference to an authority they respect and excessive resistance to authority that they do not respect."

There are specific diagnostic criteria (including this one: "Is overconscientious, scrupulous, and inflexible about matters of morality, ethics, or values."), but you get the general picture. An obsessive need for control. Does this sound like the OP?

At least he has a glimmer of insight into his thought process.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:39PM

I'm still catching up, but give me a minute... I'll scan the order.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:45PM

Here's a scan. This was the 25th, so the day AFTER my personal hell.

After I'd been poked prodded, they failed to find an excuse to shoot me, and I was determined to be no threat.

BTW, folks, really: If you're EVER going to be grilled, take a seat. It helps sooo much, and I think that it saved my life.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:46PM

Damn... did it again. Sorry.

And now the Office of Safety and FCPD both have it on file that I'm dangerous to kids!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 06:47PM by 2concerned.

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what's hilarious is that Dancing Guy doesnt have one of those LoLz
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:47PM

@Ogien - you are SOOO AWESOME to me right now :)
@2con - so when are we gonna see the police report from when you got all scar-d from me last night?

edit - now hold on a minute here.................. why is that address info blocked out on that piece 'o' paper? You cant be thinking that's gonna protect you............................THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.......................

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 06:50PM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:50PM

Gordon: there isn't one written. I was actually hoping he'd let me message you his phone number, but he's like "DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GIVE INFO TO THOSE GUYS?"

Well, yeah...

I have badge number, etc. As I said, I was just as interested in them checking me out so I could go to bed, as anything. The fact that it gave me a leg up if anyone pulled anything was another matter.

And I also broke a promise to myself: I invited him in. I think it was therapeutic, actually. But that gave him a chance to see the walls weren't smeared with blood, or anything. I'm STILL trying to figure out what some of you are picturing.

The address is blocked out because half the people here will read the first post, and the last. I'm hoping you all will just let what's there lie, instead of refreshing it. But really, in the end, I gave nothing up... Fairfax already put me on lists. I'm sure anyone can get my address of those :-(

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 06:53PM by 2concerned.

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the cop told you the same thing I was telling you last nite that made you call the cops in the first place ROFLMAO THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!!!!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:52PM

ok then - what's the officer's name and contact info. It's ok to put that out here cause it's public info anyways....................

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:54PM

Gordon: I told him I would not do that. I'll send you a direct message.

I guess the case # is okay, though: 20121510324

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 06:55PM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:58PM

Hell, this is still very iffy one way or the other. Lots of contradictory information going on.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Ogien ()
Date: May 31, 2012 07:02PM


Look, you're already in trouble and there is absolutely no doubt that someone is keeping track of what is going on in this thread too. That does not bode well if/when you actually appeal this letter from the School.

What you should do is simply "Shut Up" for a while. Just stop posting before you get yourself in more hot water.

One thing you're not even considering is that if your marriage were to break up ever (which I hope it does not) then your wife will have an open and shut case in a custody hearing.

You are not, in any way, shape or form doing yourself any favors.

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ok. fair enuff
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 07:04PM

I'll go on record for saying I believe you, if it makes you feel better. It all adds up, gotta admit. Course, all that tell me it that yeah, you are BATSHIT CRAZY so I'm not too sure that means anything LoLz

This controlling thingee you have going on is not helping you develop right. That piece of paper you scanned in says as much...............

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