Re: High School Football 2022
Posted by:
Date: July 27, 2022 11:46AM
Scurrrd Wrote:
> listencoaches Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > as practice starts in 2 weeks, I want to bump
> this
> > thread and bump this post with some advice for
> > coaches.
> >
> > Recruiting is terrible and should probably be
> > dealt with legally somehow. However, some
> programs
> > do a terrible job at the right type of
> recruiting,
> > that being driving turnout from their own
> school.
> > IDK if this is the job of the VHSL, VDOE,
> > individual counties, or whoever, but there
> needs
> > to be support programs in place to drive
> turnout
> > from kids at their own school. Why do we think
> > turnout is down across the state? Why do so
> many
> > people say the talent level has decreased? Why
> > does RE Lee HS (lewis) only have 25 some kids
> in
> > their program in a school of over 2,000? Its
> not
> > like kids have to even pick up a football prior
> to
> > highschool to be able to play like other sports
> > (baseball, typically). Highschool football
> > programs needs to have serious school pyramid
> > outreach to drive interest. Kids need to get
> into
> > the weightroom prior to HS and then during all
> of
> > HS. Theres a lack of interest? Coaches, get to
> > your feeder middle schools and DRIVE that
> > interest. Thats how the level of talent in FFX
> is
> > going to improve.
> >
> > Additionally, building a program means
> community
> > outreach, volunteering, and fundraising. This
> can
> > be done through fooddrives, leaf raking,
> selling
> > christmas trees, etc etc. The more the team
> means
> > to the community, the more people will come to
> > games, buy tix, food, donate etc. Feedback loop
> > that improves the program. This is what madison
> > does and part of why their community supports
> them
> > so much.
> >
> > outreach to middleschools means going to them
> on
> > field day, having an assembly, or whatever, and
> > selling them the idea of playing football. Have
> > your players go there and meet kids. It means
> > having a pyramid game where all the kids from
> the
> > HS pyramid middle and elementary schools get in
> > free. Give them a shirt or whatever too. Let
> them
> > go on the field after and meet players. It
> means
> > having a summer camp for these kids to learn
> some
> > football, it means an afterschool program in
> > middle school to prepare them (basic lifting,
> > sprinting, flag football). This is why Texas HS
> > football is so good.
> >
> > Like every high school that recruits has
> figured
> > out..... its about jimmy's and joe's, not X's
> and
> > O's.... so develop your jimmy's and joe's, and
> get
> > more of them !
> Rich kids are afraid to hit anyone. IF they play
> this season, they will play their version of flag
> football with pads on, then get embarrassed again
> playing vs Smith.
If you watch the Madison vs Smith game, you see exactly that same issue. King rumbled over nearly every tackler for 290 yards! I didn"t see a single hit vs a Smith player that you'd be impressed by. Every tackle was a shot at a kids lower region or if they impacted above the waist, Smith players brushed them away!!!
BTW, Thomas Dale could be included in challenging Smith along with Battlefield. Starting hear about some transfers into the Knight's program. Just not hearing about anything significant from Northern VA teams.