EHTKH Wrote:
> Westfield fan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Not sure what game you watched because those
> were
> > the right calls. The team looked very
> > uncharacteristically unprepared tonight.
> > Couldn’t get lined up, penalties, and just
> > overall poor play. Chantilly controlled the
> clock
> > and played a very very boring brand of football
> > that won out in the end. Hats off to them.
> Coach
> > Simmons might need to step it up now that all
> > those former head coaches and great assistant
> > coaches have left the sideline.
> Troll, not a Westfield fan. True, Westfield did
> not play very well but to say the refs made
> correct calls on those two plays is questionable,
> at best. IF they were correct, and I say IF, then
> at least be consistent. If you call holding on the
> opposite side of the field away from and behind
> the play, call holding away from the ball all game
> long-that sort of thing happens a lot in HS ball.
> If you call OPI when the defender has his back to
> the ball and hits the WR, how is that? There was
> no push off. And call DPI the same way for both
> line judges, which also did not happen. Several
> times Chantilly pass defenders got there early but
> no calls resulted from the other line judge.
Others have noticed the horrific officiating in this game. Seeing the game in person the inconsistency in calling penalties was staggeringly obvious. I think the head linesman was the same guy who overturned the Westfield interception in the Madison game - another ghastly mistake that greatly influenced the outcome in that game.
Also, the frustrated Westfield "fan" is just plain wrong - Westfield had no issues getting lined up and most of the penalties against them were ticky-tack that could be called on every play. Basically the refs "let Chantilly play" while nailing Westfield for every possible interpretable penalty.
Also to note is Westfield's starting QB and leading tackler on defense did not play.