Re: High School Football 2022
Posted by:
nova fan
Date: October 02, 2022 11:27PM
Thanks again for doing these spreads. This is the highlight of this thread. By the way, I completely endorse your message telling that other snowflake poster to take a hike.
Here's a review of how I did with my picks against your srads.
parentof2 - week 5 results Wrote:
> Happy October everyone! The season is flying by! I
> hope everyone is doing well, and not being forced
> to drink pumpkin coffee by their wives. I crack
> myself up, but I do hope all is well.
> 1. Broad Run @ Stone Bridge (-20)
> - Stone Bridge dominated this one, 62-6. I can't
> respect SB going for 2 up 62-6 with 3 minutes left
> in the game, however. They are very run heavy this
> year with the injured QB, having over 400 yards
> against Forge and also 5 or 6 fumbles. The recipe
> to beat SB is stop the run, or do what Freedom
> did. (giggles) Also, did anyone know Broad Run has
> a 5 star OT who is committed to Penn St? I, for
> one, did not know that.
Correctly picked Stone Bridge to both win and to cover.
> 2. Cardozo (DC) @ Annandale (-7)
> - Annandale won and covered, 55-14. Good for the
> Atoms. Should've been their HC game in my opinion.
> I also have to wonder what in the world is going
> on at Cardozo?
Correctly picked Annandale to both win and cover. The Atoms aren't going to have a good season, but it's still nice to see them get a win. Annandale still has left to play Mt. Vernon, Hayfield, Falls Church, and JEB. I wouldn't pick them to beat Mt. Vernon or Hayfield, but they might have a chance against Falls Church (who is really bad this year). I'll admit I was rooting hard for them to get a win on Friday.
> 3. Chantilly (-8) @ T.C. Williams
> - Totally got this one wrong as T.C. won 24-7.
> Good bounce back win for the Titans, who might be
> the hardest team to predict this year. Who
> would've had them losing to Herndon and then
> beating Chantilly! Injuries?
I picked Chantilly to both win and cover, so I got both ends of this pick wrong. Frankly, I'm stunned, and I have the same question about whether the injury bug has hit Chantilly. A team like Chantilly should easily beat a team that lost to Herndon.
> 4. Fairfax (-35) @ Edison
> - Fairfax won 35-6, failing to cover. Edison
> SHOULD win out from here on out and make the
> playoffs for the first time since 2018.
Correctly picked Fairfax to win, but I thought they would cover, so I got that part of the pick wrong. Edison was more competitive against Fairfax than Fairfax's other OOD creampuffs, so this shows Edison's improvement. Another note on Edison: Edison is now in the 8th position in the Region C playoff standings. They went into the week behind Woodson for 8th, but passed them this week, even in a loss. I think National will get at most two teams in the playoffs (more likely only one, though), and it will be between Edison, Hayfield, and Mt. Vernon.
> 5. Herndon (-3) @ Wakefield
> - My goodness folks, Herndon won 65-0. (!!!!)
> Going on what another user said, 42-0 after the
> 1st quarter?!?! WOW! This Wakefield team is giving
> the 2012 team a run for the worst Wakefield team
> ever. Also, shoutout to the Herndon coaching
> staff. I can't emphasize how good of a job they've
> done over there. They seem to be turning that
> program around and I could not be more happy for
> them & their kids. Well done, gentlemen.
Herndon is the other feel good story of this season. I correctly picked them to both win and to cover.
> 6. Lake Braddock (-24) @ South Lakes
> - The Bruins blasted the Seahawks, 50-10. First
> things first, shoutout to Billy Edwards (LB QB
> from last year) who came in last week for Maryland
> and played very well, I'm happy for that young
> man. Elliot Meine (I apologize if I misspelled the
> name) might be the best back in Fairfax, Him or
> Isaiah Ragland. The Bruins will seriously
> challenge South County and as of today, I think
> they would win. Now to South Lakes... Wow, have
> they fallen off. On their first drive their QB
> threw a screen pass into the dirt, followed by a
> pick 6. Then my wife said we have to go to dinner
> so that's all I got to see. I will say, the
> Seahawks are in trouble with Concorde play
> starting.
Correctly picked Lake Braddock to win, but I picked them not to cover. I think I have been seriously overestimating South Lakes this season.
> 7. Marshall @ Madison (-17)
> - Madison won and covered, 42-6. No surprise here
> folks.
Correctly picked Madison to both win and to cover. Madison seems to have righted the ship.
> 8. McLean @ Yorktown (-40)
> - Yorktown won, but did not cover, 38-13.
No pick made against a spread of >35 points. By hindsight, the spread should have been lower, but I get a spread like this playing against McLean.
> 9. Mount Vernon @ South County (-24)
> - SoCo won and covered 51-6. I know their QB
> Jordan Dennis got hurt against Westfield, does
> anyone know if he is back?
Correctly picked South County to both win and cover. I didn't need to be so nervous about the cover part of this pick.
> 10. Woodson @ Centreville (-35)
> - Centreville blanked Woodson 63-0. What was
> Henderson saying about shocking the world? In my
> opinion, Woodson will go winless in their
> division. I do wish them the best.
Correctly picked Centreville to both win and to cover. I decided to go to this game, just to see if all the hype we're hearing from the Woodson crowd had any basis. Short answer: It didn't. Centreville was up 21-1 not even halfway through the first period, and at that point, they had run as many offensive plays from scrimmage as they had scored touchdowns. I didn't even make halftime. I left halfway through the second when the score was 42-0. Woodson's remaining schedule is South County, @Fairfax, Robo, Lake Braddock, and @ TCW. Now that TCW has seemingly righted the ship, I'll renew my prediction that Woodson won't win another game this season.
> 11. West Potomac (-49) @ Lee
> - To answer my own question, no Lee did not show
> any fight. They lost 58-0. I knew West Po would
> cover. Shoutout to all the kids at Lee that are
> still playing, I know it can't be easy but it
> shows their character.
No pick against a >35 point spread
> 12. West Springfield (-30) @ Oakton
> - The Spartans won and covered, 58-13.
Correctly picked West Springfield to both win and cover. I was nervous about the cover part; turns out I didn't need to be.