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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 17, 2020 06:50PM

Considering your widely known as a confirmed liar and a coward, it can safely be assumed that the exact opposite is true.

Run, sissy, RUN!

Provide a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue. Your refusal only confirms your status as a lying fraud.

Continuing to refuse addressing a single point raised only further enhances your credentials as a coward and a liar.

Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: CNNWM ()
Date: January 17, 2020 06:59PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> And as upper level staff, The
> Principals are in touch with work even on their
> off-days, so phone use is a normal thing.

What was the emergency, slick?

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: EGPTY ()
Date: January 17, 2020 11:25PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Same old tired and useless shit as usual. You need
> to face the simple fact that you are just a
> worthless lying nobody here. Just a hapless dope
> in a dump.

What a USELESS hypocrite you are. You shipost the same old BS andit's supposed to be OK. More of your loser double standards.

No wonder you have all these trolls up your sorry ass. It's a wonder they can find it, considering all the pooped in Depends they have to wade through.


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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 18, 2020 09:17AM

The sock-puppets seem to have been bent a bit out of shape in having been so derisively pegged as just a mirage of dopey 'fellow travelers'. Fuss and fume away, dumbshits. It'll get you exactly nowhere.

Always remember that, like 30-foot cliffs, grassy areas with trees exist independent of any pictures of them, residential neighborhoods become popular outside of any local dolt's paying too little attention to know what's going on, scallop season goes on and on and on with no regard at all for what some fabulist fool might declare about it, fresh seafood deliveries to select area restaurants take place each Sunday and holiday morning despite claims that some stooge outsider might foolishly make, and of course, Water Wars are indeed dismally lost by Falls Church City quite independent of frothy tales to the contrary told by some asswipe 'amateur local historian'. LOL!

One thing that actual history does teach us though is that once a collapse into the swirling maelstrom of major-league ignorance, envy, and butthurt occurs, there will be very little chance of a recovery. Instead, the victim is forever apt to be plagued and haunted by such simple matters as wealthy retirees living out among the wildlife in the Sweet Spot while also owning a grand townhome in SEDC. Or someone's having season tickets and parking at Nats games while repeatedly taking $15K trips to Spring Training. Or regularly wining and dining out at both fine and common eateries around the area. Or having friends who include such as The Principals and The Visiting Chef, or even something so simple as having a professional competence with the English language. When one has been knocked so far down as that, even being kicked in the teeth again can seem like a step forward. Poor little beaten babies.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: KFENU ()
Date: January 18, 2020 10:10AM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> The sock-puppets seem to have been bent a bit out
> of shape in having been so derisively pegged as
> just a mirage of dopey 'fellow travelers'. Fuss
> and fume away, dumbshits. It'll get you exactly
> nowhere.

NO sock puppets here, DOLT. Of course, you're too stupid to understand that. You've been told this a thousand times, but you're so dense it'll never make an impression. The only one who's not getting anywhere is your sorry, loser ass. You're still a nasty, disgusting, pedantic, pretnetious old man who nobody believes.

> Always remember that, like 30-foot cliffs, grassy
> areas with trees exist independent of any pictures
> of them,

Who carees? Nobody, that's who, dumbfuck.

residential neighborhoods become popular
> outside of any local dolt's paying too little
> attention to know what's going on,

What neighborhood, DOLT?

scallop season
> goes on and on and on with no regard at all for
> what some fabulist fool might declare about it,
> fresh seafood deliveries to select area
> restaurants take place each Sunday and holiday
> morning despite claims that some stooge outsider
> might foolishly make, and of course, Water Wars
> are indeed dismally lost by Falls Church City
> quite independent of frothy tales to the contrary
> told by some asswipe 'amateur local historian'.
> LOL!

Who the fuck cares? Nobody, that's who, DOLT.

> One thing that actual history does teach us though
> is that once a collapse into the swirling
> maelstrom of major-league ignorance, envy, and
> butthurt occurs, there will be very little chance
> of a recovery.

Which means you're beyond recovery. No surprise there, DOLT.

Instead, the victim is forever apt
> to be plagued and haunted by such simple matters
> as wealthy retirees living out among the wildlife
> in the Sweet Spot while

There's nobody like that on FFXU. Nobody on FFXU lives in any "sweet spot", is a "wealthy" retiree or lives among animals in any "sweet spot". 1 exception might be some escapee from St. E's.

also owning a grand
> townhome in SEDC.

I thought you said you don't own it no more. More BS shitposting, I see.

Or someone's having season
> tickets and parking at Nats games

The only "season tickets" you have to Nats games is a "reserved spot" in the TV Dept, at your local Walmart. The staff only "reserves" it for you b\c they take pity on a sorry loser like you. The only "reserved" "parking" spot you get is the chair the staff at Walmart keeps for you to "park" your ass. They only keep it b\c they feel sorry for a loser like you.

while repeatedly
> taking $15K trips to Spring Training.

Does MASN carry the Spring Training games? So you get a 15 cents fare on FFX Connector, huh? Where do I sign up for that?

> regularly wining and dining out at both fine and
> common eateries around the area.

When did McDonald's and Salvation Army Soup Kitchen become "fine dining"?

Or having
> friends who include such as The Principals and The
> Visiting Chef,

You forgot the "imaginary" in front of "friends". Where's that FIFY troll when you need him?

or even something so simple as
> having a professional competence with the English
> language.

Your imagined "competence" is a set of double standards. You do what you want and it's OK, while you call out everybody else for writing the same shit you write.

When one has been knocked so far down
> as that, even being kicked in the teeth again can
> seem like a step forward.

So I guess you think you take a lot of "steps forward".

Poor little beaten
> babies.

I see you feeling sorry for yourself, Gerund Boy. Too bad for you nobody but the Walmart clerks feel sorry for you, huh? This is FFXU. We only see you as a sorry loser who poops his Depends.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 18, 2020 10:27AM

Well, insult has been added to injury out here in the upscale-only Sweet Spot, as a rather unattractive layer of disgraceful 'wintry mix' was rudely dumped upon us overnight. With the thermometer sitting at a mere 25 degrees as of sunrise, this stuff is only slowly going away, and there is at least a decent chance of some more of it piling up during Cash Cab hours this afternoon. The gods must be crazy. We'll eventually be seeing 40 degrees, but this won't happen until well into the evening hours, so today will be kind of a write-off, at least by local standards. By area standards, we will still of course place well ahead of any adjoining area, particularly any to the east.

In other news, it is reported that now 70-year old Dusty Baker is getting serious consideration to take over as manager of the Mets. They of course recently lost their original pick, Carlos Beltran, to the controlled but supposedly on-going sign-stealing scandal. In each of his two seasons at the helm in DC, Dusty won the NL East and rang up more wins than Dumb Davey ever has. Still, he does come with some baggage (particularly on the pitching side), so my guess would be that the Mets will ultimately turn to someone else. Eduardo Perez was in the final mix along with Beltran, so perhaps his situation will be revisited.

And in news of the weird, MLB has announced that the Angels' Shohei Otani can go on a rehab assignment as a pitcher and still take major league swings for the club as its DH. So there.

Taking swings but ever missing by a mile of course are the way less than A-Ball incompetents of Falls Church City. Their scouting reports have never looked promising at all, and their performance at one level after another has been simply disastrous. Scouts do give them a grade of 80 at such as ignorance, envy, and butthurt, but a whole lot of 20's show up in other relevant categories. It's no wonder that they've always been left undrafted. The fools.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 18, 2020 10:33AM

LOL! Alphabet-boi is such a transparent fraud. Has been for years and years. Imagine that!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 18, 2020 03:22PM

I see a bunch of whining, but I don’t see a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue. Your refusal only confirms your status as a lying fraud.

Continuing to refuse addressing a single point raised only further enhances your credentials as a coward and a liar.

Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 18, 2020 04:01PM

Up your ass, barf-boy. Go watch Cash Cab and learn something for a change.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 18, 2020 04:14PM

That’s the sissy boy we all know and mock. Coward.

Too bad Cash Cab can’t teach you how to post link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue. Your refusal only confirms your status as a lying fraud.

Continuing to refuse addressing a single point raised only further enhances your credentials as a coward and a liar.

Run, sissy, RUN!
Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 18, 2020 05:35PM

Fuck off, you worthless dipshit hamster-wheeler.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 18, 2020 06:22PM

LOL! Your anger makes me smile.

Watching you squirm because you can’t post a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue is providing numerous entertaining moments.

Run, sissy, RUN!

You know you will. You never pass up an opportunity to demonstrate your extreme cowardice.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 18, 2020 06:37PM

You’re just the latest random deposit in a generic community dung-pile. There is no merit at all in any of your posts. Nothing but the same old stupid shit over and over and over again. Completely useless nonsense on every imaginable scale.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 18, 2020 06:42PM

Look, once again, he proved me right. He ran away like a coward.

That’s a lovely word salad, but it does nothing to alleviate the fact that he can’t post a link to a Google street view substantiating any of his claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue.

Now watch the sissy run away again. Such a pussy. Such a liar.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Fixerer of it for you ()
Date: January 18, 2020 06:49PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> LOL! Alphabet-boiActual JP Morgenthau is such a transparent fraud.
> Has been for years and years. Must be why they call him "Jackoff Pudpulling Moronclown" Imagine that!


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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 18, 2020 06:54PM

All you have to do, asshole, is drive down the fucking street. I'm sure the grassy areas with small trees are just as easily visible to passersby today as they were last October. Now get to work and say something pathetically stupid in reply, just as you always do. Classless, clueless Falls Church dumbfuck.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 18, 2020 06:59PM

Your sock-puppet pals ere even bigger assholes than you are. Stupid sack of shit.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 18, 2020 07:32PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> All you have to do, asshole, is drive down the
> fucking street. I'm sure the grassy areas with
> small trees are just as easily visible to
> passersby today as they were last October. Now
> get to work and say something pathetically stupid
> in reply, just as you always do. Classless,
> clueless Falls Church dumbfuck.

Yup. You ran away like a sissy. I called it.

I’ve driven down that street countless times. That’s why I knew your claim about views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue was complete bullshit.

I’ve posted proof that your claim was bullshit. All you’ve done is whine and cry like a sissy.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 18, 2020 07:44PM

The grass and trees are still there, dipshit. And you’re still just a worthless lying Falls Church asshole. Never will be anything more to you than that.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 18, 2020 08:15PM

If they are still there, it shouldn’t be too difficult to post a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue. Yet, you seem to be having tremendous difficulty doing just that.

Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 18, 2020 08:23PM

No need, asshole. Once you’ve seen it all, you know it’s there. It’s kind of like the Grand Canyon that way.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 18, 2020 09:19PM

Liar. Fraud. Sissy. Coward.

Run, sissy, RUN!

The grass is there, you just can't see it due to the 12+ foot wall at the west end of Spirit of Justice park. A wall that you claim doesn't exist despite being given photographs evidence of its existence.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 18, 2020 09:39PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> No need, asshole. Once you’ve seen it all, you
> know it’s there. It’s kind of like the Grand
> Canyon that way.

Except people can post pictures of the Grand Canyon. You can't seem to post any links or photos of the views you claim exist.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: VDKWM ()
Date: January 18, 2020 09:58PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Your sock-puppet pals ere even bigger assholes
> than you are. Stupid sack of shit.

We AREN'T his "sock puppets", Gerund Boy. We ain't got nothing to do with him. You're just an obnoxious, stupid buttwipe who makes an ass of himself with every FFXU shitpost. He's got you PWND, we've got you PWND & the trolls are living in your head rent free..

In most cases, we wouldn't take advantage of a senile coot like that. Since you're such a repulsive, rude & nasty asshole, we make an exception for you.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 19, 2020 08:12AM

seven figure city Wrote:
> The grass is there, you just can't see it due to
> the 12+ foot wall at the west end of Spirit of
> Justice park.

There you go once again, trying to blur the distinction between the edge of the park and the edge of the road. This only days after impassioned claims that you are doing no such thing. Your lack of any sort of honesty or integrity is quite spectacular. Nothing good is.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 19, 2020 08:28AM

VDKWM Wrote:
> We AREN'T his "sock puppets", Gerund Boy.

Of course you are. How hard do you think it is to tell? You and he are like binary stars orbiting around each other in thread after thread over year after year. He speaks English poorly and your 'disguise' is to mess it up even further. Both of you are hopelessly stupid of course.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: TSVDY ()
Date: January 19, 2020 09:56AM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> VDKWM Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > We AREN'T his "sock puppets", Gerund Boy.
> How hard do you think it is to
> tell?

In your case, it's REAL hard, b\c you're wrong, AS USUAL, I wouldn't know the guy if he was wearing a name tag with his FFXU ID. Nope, got nothing to do with him except to laugh at you every time he's got you PWND, which is several times a day. YOu just make a bigger & bigger ass of yourself with every shitpost you make on FFXU.

> He speaks English poorly and your
> 'disguise' is to mess it up even further.

There's your double standard, again. You write your shitposts any way you want and claim since you're supposably "getting your point across", it's OK but you call out anybody else who does what you do. You're a hypoccrite, and as far as "stupid " goes, you're too stupid to see what an ass you're making of yourself every day, here.

Both of
> you are hopelessly stupid of course.

The "stupid" one, is you, DOLT. You're too stupid to understand you get PWND evry day, here. You come back here and shitpost the same old tired BS and wonder why everybody laughs at your loser, STUPID ass. Yup, you're one SORRY ASS Gerund Boy. Pedantic, too, but STUPID pedantic when you can't see you write the same shit you call out people for.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 19, 2020 09:57AM

Well, we've made it partway through this extended cold snap now, but there's a good bit yet to go. It was a not actually frigid 37 degrees at sun-up this morning out here in the delightful Sweet Spot that so many can only sit and dream about, but 37 will be close to the high on a day when as much as 40 degrees is not expected. It's quite bright and sunny out there though and the unwelcome wintry mix is now all gone, so if you stay wrapped up inside with a nice freshly-brewed cup of single-estate Kona while snuggling up on the couch to wait for Cash Cab to come on, it can seem through the windows that it's actually a very nice day outside. That'll be about the best we can do though until we get a lot closer to next weekend.

To warm things up a bit while also celebrating the current holiday weekend, I've made up a nice batch of homemade chili with sliced onions and extra sharp cheddar. It's a tried and true recipe that, if he were here, I'm sure The visiting chef would give a thumbs up to. Should provide hearty sustenance to the household for a couple of days at least.

In other news, the Houston hangover continues to make most of MLB kind of miserable. It's a very bad sign when the weeks leading up to the annual renewal of Spring Training are marked not by joy and optimism, but instead by mega-doses of shame and regret. That's freaking Manfred for you. Actual renewal for the game might well begin simply in getting rid of that guy. He's been a bad actor from the beginning, not that his predecessors weren't as well. Still, we could use a fresh start here after some much needed airing of dirty laundry.

Dirty laundry is of course a specialty among the ignorant and untidy urchins and ragamuffins dwelling in the clogged and unkempt extents of Falls Church City. Recently vilified for their lies and general bad behavior, these low-lifes are now apt to be even more strident than usual in public display of their copious ignorance, envy, and butthurt. Ever life's losers, they have little but desperation to turn to.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 19, 2020 10:56AM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The grass is there, you just can't see it due
> to
> > the 12+ foot wall at the west end of Spirit of
> > Justice park.
> There you go once again, trying to blur the
> distinction between the edge of the park and the
> edge of the road. This only days after
> impassioned claims that you are doing no such
> thing. Your lack of any sort of honesty or
> integrity is quite spectacular. Nothing good is.

There's no attempt whatsoever. The fact is that the 12+foot wall at the western edge of the park prevents anyone from seeing a single blade of grass in the park.

Here has what has been declared about the area way back on November 12th of last year:

seven figure city Wrote:
> Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> > Spirit of Justice Park, 

> Which sits beyond the asphalt parking lot along
> Washington Avenue. You'd have to cross that
> parking lot just to get to the edge of the park. 
> Then, there is another asphalt parking lot to the
> south of the park that also sits along Washington
> Avenue. You were given the satellite photograph
> indicating as much. Why are you too stupid to
> understand what has been spoon fed to you?

> Of course, getting you to the edge of the park
> doesn't quite get you in. As your only knowledge
> of the area is what you can feebly surmise from
> staring a Google Maps' satellite view, you might
> not be able to recognize that the access to the
> park from Washington Avenue is a walk that is
> probably too far for an out of shape shithead like
> you. 

> Finally, the park is little more than a fancy roof
> for a couple of parking garages. You've missed
> the boat on recognizing the three asphalt parking
> lots that directly abut Washington Avenue to the
> east. You are also too dumb to figure out what
> the to/from might be when someone walks across
> Washington Avenue. A former long time resident
> wouldn't make such mistakes about an area that is
> less than a mile from the neighborhood you claimed
> to reside. 

So, in conclusion, I've never once equated the edge of the park with the edge of the road. From my post: "You'd have to cross that parking lot just to get to the edge of the park." Additionally, I've noted that the edge of the park is actually along Delaware Avenue. You've only recently acknowledged the existence of the large asphalt parking lots and that took nearly two months. 

Just because the wall obstructs any view of grass in the park does not insinuate that it is at the edge of the Washington Avenue. As has been noted the wall is mostly along Delaware Avenue. A small section faces Washington Avenue. And, it continues up both C and D Streets. When you were shown the D Street section visible from Washington Avenue you howled like a little girl.

One thing can easily end this in your favor.
Provide a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue. Your refusal only confirms your status as a lying fraud.

Continuing to refuse addressing a single point raised only further enhances your credentials as a coward and a liar. 

Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 19, 2020 11:19AM

Round and round and round he goes! But the grassy areas with small trees still stand and remain etched in the memories of all those who have actually driven the length of Washington Avenue. These scenes of course exist independently of the efforts of any photo-fraudster, dooming a certain local dope to utter and eternal insignificance.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: thread annalist. ()
Date: January 19, 2020 02:11PM

I have been looking through this thread trying to figure it out. It seems like 2 guys just giving each other shit. Could someone please give me a short recap of the DToMAiVino thread? Thanks.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 19, 2020 03:26PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Round and round and round he goes! But the grassy
> areas with small trees still stand and remain
> etched in the memories of all those who have
> actually driven the length of Washington Avenue.

The grass exists, just not the views of the grass while driving along Washington Avenue. If the views existed, you could easily post a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue. Your refusal only confirms your status as a lying fraud. Not only are you a fraud, you are a coward and you'll prove it in your next post by not posting the aforementioned link.

Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 19, 2020 03:30PM

Go watch Cash Cab, asshole. Such a loser!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 19, 2020 03:40PM

See, once again, I was correct. You refused to address the issue in front of you. Instead, you ran away like a coward. It's easily understood why you did it though. You should be ashamed of the fact you're a lying fraud and want to run away from it.

Your Cash Cab tomfoolery won't do anything to distract from the fact that you can't post a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue.

You're a fraud and a coward and you've nothing at any point to refute that fact.

Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 19, 2020 05:02PM

LOL! Eat shit, you pathetic asshole. You lose at EVERYTHING! Fucking dope!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 19, 2020 05:55PM

The asshole thinks he can get by just bullshitting his way through everything. Usually, I just laugh and move on, but now and then you just need to pause and take a moment to point out what a useless low-grade moron this lying dumbfuck really is.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 19, 2020 07:16PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> The asshole thinks he can get by just bullshitting
> his way through everything.

No bullshit, just the facts that are good enough to slap your lying ass around. The only asshole bullshitting anyone is you. You make a claim and then refuse to provide evidence to support that claim. OTOH, ample evidence has been provided to show your claims are outright lies.

> Usually, I just laugh
> and move on,

No you don’t. You keep coming back for one ass beating after another. If you simply moved on your ass beatings would’ve ended months ago.

> but now and then you just need to
> pause and take a moment to point out what a
> useless low-grade moron this lying dumbfuck really
> is.

If you were interested in doing that, you’d post a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue.

How about you pause and take a moment to post the link? Who are we kidding? We know you’re too much of a dickless coward to do that.

Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 19, 2020 07:36PM

^^^ Nothing as usual. Same old weakling douchebag as always.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 19, 2020 07:51PM

LOL! Clearly I hit the mark with my last post. Look at the sissy squirm.

The only thing adding up to nothing is the number of times you’ve posted a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue.

Something tells me that number isn’t going up anytime soon.

Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 19, 2020 08:21PM

Clearly, you are nothing more than some prissy little six-year old girl playing with her dollies and tea cups. Now go repeat the same old fucking stupid shit again and again and again. You never had anything but douchey nonsense to add here, and you plainly still don’t. Meanwhile, all those grassy areas with small trees are still out there mocking you.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 19, 2020 09:35PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Meanwhile, all those
> grassy areas with small trees are still out there
> mocking you.

Noddy disputes their existence. You just can't see them while driving down Washington Avenue. It's why you've thus far been unable to post a photograph or link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue.

You won't do it in the next post either. You'll run away like a coward. You'll be mocked for it too.

Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 19, 2020 09:53PM

Reminder to Assholes: I’ve driven Wash Ave multiple times. This is just another in a long list of cases where I am an eyewitness to what a demented assfuck liar you are.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 19, 2020 10:28PM

No doubt I've driven it more. It's for that reason I was able to immediately spot your lie.

I've provided photographic evidence that demonstrates you're a fraud. You've done nothing but cower in the corner.

It's really simple. To prove your point, all you need to do is provide a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue. Your refusal only confirms your status as a lying fraud.

Continuing to refuse addressing a single point raised only further enhances your credentials as a coward and a liar. 

Run, sissy, RUN!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 20, 2020 07:15AM

Lather, rinse, and repeat. As ever, you have nothing more than that because there IS nothing more than that. You are still just a pathetic liar, and the facts continue to mock you, just as they always have.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: .Fíxér of It for You. ()
Date: January 20, 2020 09:01AM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Reminder to people who call me the "assholiest of" Assholes: I’ve drivenridden the metrobus on Wash Ave
> multipleone times. This is just another in a long
> list of cases where I am anall of FFXU are eyewitnesses to what a
> demented assfuck liar you areI am.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 20, 2020 09:35AM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Lather, rinse, and repeat. As ever, you have
> nothing more than that because there IS nothing
> more than that. You are still just a pathetic
> liar, and the facts continue to mock you, just as
> they always have.

Here's the fact that IS all anyone needs to know.

Another day and another failure to provide a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue.

Continuing to refuse addressing a single point raised only further enhances your credentials as a coward and a liar. 

Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: BBHLC ()
Date: January 20, 2020 09:53AM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Lather, rinse, and repeat. As ever, you have
> nothing more than that because there IS nothing
> more than that. You are still just a pathetic
> liar, and the facts continue to mock you, just as
> they always have.

^^^^^More of this DOLT's hypocrisy and double standards. Every day, he posts the same old shit about his supposed "sweet spot", the imagined animals, his imaginary friends the "Principals", his supposed "season tickets", how much money he supposably has and how crummy he thinks FC is.

It's the same old BS day in & day out. But then, he calls out people for suppsably doing the same thing he does.

CONGRATULATIONS, Gerund Boy! ONcE MORE, you've made a total and complete ASS of yourself, AGAIN!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 20, 2020 10:02AM

Well, the serial lying of some faded fools and stooge-fumblers is certainly bad enough, but we do have a bit of this inadequate weather still to plow through as well. It was quite the chiller out there early on this morning with a sunrise temperature of only 20 degrees. Luckily no wind, but the bright sun was no friend of those out on the road and headed east. As we have both a medical appointment later on and of course another luncheon date with The Principals, (looks like we'll be checking in at 2941), I had to head off at the crack of dawn to replenish depleted stores of breakfast and other upscale goodies. Mission accomplished now, but I sure was glad to have that visor thing along the way. The sun was brutal half the time.

In other news, Dusty Baker will be interviewing for the Astros manager job today. I don't personally see him as a viable candidate for that club, though he was indeed an excellent manager here. Popular wisdom has it that HOU, BOS, and NYM should all be looking for venerable grandpa types who can come in and calm the troubled waters for a year, then being dumped for a younger and more vibrant sort of guy. I don't really see Dusty as fitting that mold very well, but I guess you just never know in baseball.

Otherwise, Matt Wieters has re-signed with the Cardinals and will thus have the chance to play another year behind Yadier Molina. Nats fans have a tendency to dump on Wieters for his play in DC, but he was just what the doctor ordered at the time, even if he didn't fully play up to his offensive capabilities or expectations.

Expectations for the lying losers of Falls Church City are of course always even worse than very low, and the assembled stupes and stooges do indeed meet such dismal standards with great regularity. Poorly educated at best and unable to fully comprehend very much of even that, these dopes just stumble along in utter oblivion, making absolute asses of themselves on a daily basis. Sucks to be them, of course, but there's really nothing to be done about it. These noodle-shorted numbskulls just aren't up to anything more challenging than no challenge at all. .

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 20, 2020 10:20AM

seven figure city Wrote:
> Run, sissy, RUN!

Go fuck yourself, you shameless sham. The facts are the facts, and one of those is that you are nothing but a sniveling, outclassed, lying, ignorant asswipe who can't manage to see even the magnificently obvious. Take 30-foot cliffs, for example. You miss those, how can you be expected to spot even the most evident examples of small trees growing away among idyllic grassy areas.

Walked or driven down this lately, asshole? How far from Brockmont do you think that is?


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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 20, 2020 10:47AM

BBHLC Wrote:
> But then, he calls out people for suppsably (sic) doing
> the same thing he does.

REMINDER: In the real world, none of your grotesque personalities is even close to being capable of doing the same things I do. It doesn't happen on any scale at all.

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Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: JPKDX ()
Date: January 20, 2020 12:34PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> BBHLC Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > But then, he calls out people for suppsably
> (sic) doing
> > the same thing he does.
> REMINDER: In the real world, none of your
> grotesque personalities is even close to being
> capable of doing the same things I do. It doesn't
> happen on any scale at all.

You're right, Gerund Boy. I'm not capable of peeing my Depends 10X a day b\c I don't need depends.

I'm not capable of shitposting BS on a cheap as internet message board on holidays b\c I'm w/family & friends so I don't got time for it.

I'm not capable of fooling myself into thinking anybody envies a disgusting, nasty old man who gets PWND on a stupid ass internet message board at least 10X a day & has nobody who wanTs anything to do with him.

You8 right Gerund Boy. I'm not capable of making an ass of myself 50X a day on a dumbass internet message board like you are.

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 20, 2020 01:05PM

Lol. Any one of the six deer that just went prancing across my back yard would be smarter than you.

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: UJYWX ()
Date: January 20, 2020 01:37PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Lol. Any one of the six deer that just went
> prancing across my back yard would be smarter than
> you.

Nobody gives a shit about your imaginary deer, Gerund Boy. Of course, you're too stupid to understand that.

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 20, 2020 02:11PM

‘Stupid’ is not how I became so superior to you in every way possible.

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: No, you did it wrong ()
Date: January 20, 2020 02:16PM

UJYWX Wrote:
> Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lol. Any one of the six deer that just went
> > prancing across my back yard would be smarter
> than
> > you.
> Nobody gives a shit about your imaginary deer,
> Gerund Boy. Of course, you're too stupid to
> understand that.

No, do it this way.

"Nobody cares about your imaginary deer at all, Gerund Boy. You're not very smart at all so you can't understand that at all.

Do it like that.

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: TVNCN ()
Date: January 20, 2020 02:19PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> ‘Stupid’ is not how I became so superior to
> you in every way possible.

Actually, it's exactly how you became stupider than anybody on FFXU B\c you're superior in stupidity in every way to everybody on FFXU

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 20, 2020 02:22PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Run, sissy, RUN!
> Go fuck yourself, you shameless sham. The facts
> are the facts, and one of those is that you are
> nothing but a sniveling, outclassed, lying,
> ignorant asswipe who can't manage to see even the
> magnificently obvious. Take 30-foot cliffs, for
> example. You miss those, how can you be expected
> to spot even the most evident examples of small
> trees growing away among idyllic grassy areas.
> Walked or driven down this lately, asshole? How
> far from Brockmont do you think that is?
> SRC="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/file.
> php?2,file=162714,filename=grade_change_cliff.jpg"
> width=350>

See when you tried to substantiate your claim about the cliffs of Falls Church, you attempted to prove your point by providing photographic evidence. It's nobody's fault but your own that you're just too stupid to understand the difference between a steep hill and a cliff. As a reminder, cliffs are vertical or near vertical rock walls.

So, where's your photographic evidence substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue? Until you do that you'll simply remain the lying fraud you've exposed yourself to be.

As for Brockmont, once you provide a link to a home for sale or recently sold in the alleged neighborhood, I might be able to determine its proximity to the 7100 BLOCK of Lee Highway. Bet you'll refuse to do that too, pussy.

Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 20, 2020 02:53PM

LOL! The photo was not actually needed with respect to normal people or anyone who had ever driven past that scene. It was just fucking dead-fish dopes like YOU who made such a thing necessary. Ignorant asshole.

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 20, 2020 04:04PM

The photo did nothing for your case then and it appears no photos can save your sorry lying ass now. If there was a single photo or link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue, you'd have posted it by now. Notice how you keep dodging that like a coward?

Instead, all of the photos and links I've provide support the fact that there is a 12+ foot wall at the west end of Spirit of Justice park that prevents anyone from seeing a single blade of grass in the park. Deal with it or continue to be mocked for your ignorance.

Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 20, 2020 06:34PM

Drive down the fucking street, you lying asshole. A blind man would do a better job of picking out grassy areas with small trees than your pathetic ass has managed to do. Fucking less than two-bit loser.

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 20, 2020 06:53PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Drive down the fucking street, you lying asshole.

Done it thousands of times, you absolute fraud. It's for that reason I was able to immediately spot your Spirit of Justice park bullshit. Then, I provided photographs and links showing how the 12+ foot wall would prevent anyone from seeing a single blade of grass while driving on Washington Avenue. You've merely provided a pathetic litany of whines and cries. You simply refuse to meet the very basic challenge of providing the most basic evidence to support your claim. Perhaps it's because no such evidence exists and that's the unenviable quandary you find yourself.

> A blind man would do a better job of picking out
> grassy areas with small trees than your pathetic
> ass has managed to do. Fucking less than two-bit
> loser.

You seem to be getting a bit testy. I can tell your getting frustrated by your inability to provide a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue. It's not going to get any better for you.

Run, sissy, RUN!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 20, 2020 07:24PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Lol. Any one of the six deer that just went prancing across my
> back yard would be smarter than you.

That was unexpectedly amazing. They haven’t really been around much lately, but there we were sitting in the sunroom with The Principals when there’s 3, 4, 5 — no, 6 deer parading across the back yard. Nice way to set up a nice lunch. New things in the Principals’ lives as well, such as a brand new puppy on the one hand, and a brand new vehicle on the other. Exciting times for each of them. Nice plate of vermicelli in white clam sauce for me meanwhile. Gnocchi in cream sauce and some carbonara around the table, plus of course a couple of bottles of Jermann Pinot Grigio. Good stuff all around. We’ll go back now to looking forward to next time.

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 20, 2020 07:31PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> Run, sissy, RUN!

Not going anywhere, asshole. I’ll just hang around and laugh intermittently at your reliably gross ignorance and ineptitude.

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 20, 2020 08:00PM

You're constantly running away from the fact you can't provide a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue. You're constantly running away from the 12+ foot wall at the west end of Spirit of Justice park. All you do is run away, coward.

Run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 20, 2020 09:06PM

That sounds vaguely familiar. Have you ever posted colossal stupid shit like that before??? Lackluster dope.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 20, 2020 09:21PM

I've mocked you on many occasions. You should be used to it by now.

Watching you squirm because you can't provide a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue is just one of the more recent iterations of mocking your stupidity.

Your inability to do so only confirms the fact you're a liar and a fraud.

Smarter men, men who aren't complete cowards simply admit their mistakes. You'd rather deny the existence of a 12+ foot wall that is plainly visible to anyone who has driven along Washington Avenue in a childish and feeble attempt to not admit to a blunder. It's not only stupid, it shows how fragile you are. Dope.

So yes, run, sissy, RUN!

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: KHPGG ()
Date: January 20, 2020 09:48PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lol. Any one of the six deer that just went
> prancing across my
> > back yard would be smarter than you.
> That was unexpectedly amazing. They haven’t
> really been around much lately, but there we were
> sitting in the sunroom with The Principals
> there’s 3, 4, 5 — no, 6 deer parading across
> the back yard. Nice way to set up a nice lunch.
> New things in the Principals’ lives as well,
> such as a brand new puppy on the one hand, and a
> brand new vehicle on the other. Exciting times
> for each of them. Nice plate of vermicelli in
> white clam sauce for me meanwhile. Gnocchi in
> cream sauce and some carbonara around the table,
> plus of course a couple of bottles of Jermann
> Pinot Grigio. Good stuff all around. We’ll go
> back now to looking forward to next time.

(added bold face)

Here's what you posted earlier:

Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Actual JP Morgenthau ()
Date: January 20, 2020 01:05PM

Lol. Any one of the six deer that just went prancing across my back yard would be smarter than you

You're an ill-mannered oaf, aren't you, Gerund Boy? Here you were, supposably "entertaining guests", but you were shitposting on a stupid ass internet message board at the same time? THAT'S incredibly RUDE & reflects a VERY POOR upbringing. For somebody who puts on these airs of superiority, you sure can't walk the walk. You just talk the shit.

Of course, your rudeness to your imagined guests goes perfectly with your generally obnoxious, repuslive & disgusting character like you show here. Yup, you're DEFINITELY low-brow.

Congratulations, DOLT! Once more, you've made an ass of yourself!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: ,FIxer of It for You, ()
Date: January 20, 2020 09:51PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Run, sissy, RUN!
> Not going anywhere,b\c I'm a stupid asshole. I’ll just hang
> around and watch all of FFXU laugh intermittentlyconstantly atmyour reliably
> gross ignorance and ineptitude.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Bill Bixby ()
Date: January 21, 2020 03:35AM

Nice 1978 cutdown.

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 21, 2020 08:43AM

seven figure city Wrote:
> I've mocked you on many occasions.

LOL! By 'mocked', you mean 'made a complete ass of yourself'.

> You should be used to it by now.

Well, I'm certainly well accustomed to kicking the living shit out of you (and your stupid sock puppet army) over at least the past six years. In all that time at FFXU, you have a record of no success whatsoever. Just one pathetic ass-kicking after another.


> Smarter men, men who aren't complete cowards
> simply admit their mistakes.

LOL! I'll certainly try to remember that in the event of a mistake's actually occurring. Better have a seat though, as aside from occasional typos, there is little chance of such a thing coming to pass.

> You'd rather deny the existence of a 12+ foot
> wall that is plainly visible to anyone who has
> driven along Washington Avenue...

There you go again, dishonestly trying to blur the distinction between the edge of the park and the edge of the road. And this comes yet again on the heels of a claim that you do no such thing at all. You are such a worthless lying asshole.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 21, 2020 09:21AM

KHPGG Wrote:
> You're an ill-mannered oaf, aren't you, Gerund Boy?

I merely take occasional opportunities to kick your sorry ass down the road like an old tin can.

> Here you were, supposably "entertaining guests"...

Again. while the word 'supposably' does exist, it is not the word you wanted. That word would have been 'supposedly.' You should have learned that in middle school, but perhaps you were just not paying proper attention that day. As the result, you know only an eggcorn version of the literary world. Sad.

> ...but you were shitposting on a stupid ass
> internet message board at the same time?

The post that has you so agitated was from 7:24 PM. The deer had meanwhile come by at a little before 1:00, and the lunch reservations that we were a little early for were at 1:30. And as this is the 21st century, use of a cellphone during a meal is both accepted and expected, at least at the upper levels that so many of you will never be able to reach.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Fixer of It for You. ()
Date: January 21, 2020 09:29AM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I've mocked you on many occasions.
> LOL! By 'mocked', you mean 'made a complete ass
> of yourselfme, as usual'.
> > You should be used to it by now.
> Well, I'm certainly well accustomed to kickgetting the
> living shit kicked out of youme (andby your stupid sock
> puppet army)
over at least the past six years. In
> all that time at FFXU, youI have a record of no
> success whatsoever. I've gottenJust one pathetic ass-kicking
> after another.
> > Smarter men, men who aren't complete cowards
> > simply admit their mistakes.
> LOL! I'll certainly try tonever remember that in the
> event of a
b\c my mistake's are actually occurring every day, but I'm too stupid to see them. Better
> have a seat though, as aside from occasional
> typos, there is little chance of such a thing
> coming to pass.

> > You'd rather deny the existence of a 12+ foot
> > wall that is plainly visible to anyone who has
> > driven along Washington Avenue...
> There you go again, dishonestly trying to blur the
> distinction between the edge of the park and the
> edge of the road. And this comes yet again on the
> heels of a claim that you do no such thing at all.
> You are
I am such a worthless lying asshole.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: LXMHC ()
Date: January 21, 2020 09:38AM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> KHPGG Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You're an ill-mannered oaf, aren't you, Gerund
> Boy?
> I merely take occasional opportunities to kick
> your sorry ass down the road like an old tin can.

WRONG-O!, aGAIN, Gerund Boy. You're too stupid to see you just got YOUR ass kicked by me, aGAIN. You'd think you'd know by the hurtin' on your butt, but, you're too stupid to understand even that.

> > Here you were, supposably "entertaining
> guests"...
> Again. while the word 'supposably' does exist, it
> is not the word you wanted. That word would have
> been 'supposedly

> You should have learned that
> in middle school, but perhaps you were just not
> paying proper attention that day. As the result,
> you know only an eggcorn version of the literary
> world. Sad.

This is FFXU, DOLT, NOBODY gives a shit. Once aGAIN, you've proven what a pedantic asshole you are. One MORE kick in your ass. Is it HURTING, YET?

> > ...but you were shitposting on a stupid ass
> > internet message board at the same time?
> The post that has you so agitated was from 7:24
> PM. The deer had meanwhile come by at a little
> before 1:00, and the lunch reservations that we
> were a little early for were at 1:30. And as this
> is the 21st century, use of a cellphone during a
> meal is both accepted and expected, at least at
> the upper levels that so many of you will never be
> able to reach.

The only 1 agitated is you, DOLT. You then proceed to make an ass of yourself YET aGAIN, by admitting I caught you admitting you were playing with your cell phone while you had "guests".

It doesn't matter what "level" it is, LUMMOX, it's considered VERY bad manners to be playing with your cell phone when you're supposed to be paying attention to your visitors. You're supposed to be paying attention to your visitors, not your little electronic toy. How childish of you. But then, that fits with your 5th grade schoolyard emotional maturity level, since you're always calling people names. The bad manners fit with your obnoxious, repulsive & disgusting personality. Yup, It's why you only have shitposting on a cheap ass internet message board on the holidays. Nobody wants anything to do with a Depends peeing, nasty, foul, ill mannered oaf of an old man like you.

NOw don't you have some neighborhood kids to yell at to get off your lawn?

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Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Askerer of Questions ()
Date: January 21, 2020 09:41AM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > > SRC="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/file.
> php?2,file=219226,filename=ferry_routes.jpg"
> width=450>
> >

HEY MORON BOY! What does the NYC ferry map have to do with anything?

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 21, 2020 10:42AM

Well, the cold carries on for yet another day out here in the otherwise splendid Sweet Spot. Good thing we still have some of this hearty and delicious home-made chili (it only gets better with age) ro serve as a bracing starter to another frosty day! As none of you was able to be here to experience any of it, I'll report that the chili was indeed quite the fine way to help ward off effects of a worse than brisk 19 degrees that prevailed at sun-up, a sign that we are going to struggle even to reach the mid-30's at any point today. Kind of yucky, that, but things should slowly be getting better for us from here. Well, not ALL of us of course, as there are some nearby areas where things just never seem to improve at all.

In other news, old friend Jerry Blevins (now 36 years of age) has signed a minor league deal with the Giants, the very club that Matt Williams should have brought him in against with two out in the top of the ninth of a 2014 playoff game that became an 18-inning loss instead of a 9-inning win. Costly to have had anything to do with the Marines on that night! Best wishes to Jerry, though.

Otherwise, the sign-stealing saga continues to reverberate around MLB, and now Nolan Arenado is complaining that Rockies' brass has 'disrespected' him. Who knows what might come from a thing like that!

We all of course know exactly what will come from the bilious bowels of those condemned to endure life in Falls Church City on a daily basis. These deranged dopes and dummies will simply continue to make total jerks of themselves. It's what they do, and it's all that they do. The Teeny Tiny City was perhaps appropriately humiliated on MLK Day by the Tinner Hill Foundation's march that shut down Washington street for more than two hours. Tinner Hill itself is of course an enduring monument to the shame and disgrace of a brutal racism that drove the city fathers not all that long ago.

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Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 21, 2020 10:49AM

LXMHC Wrote:
> This is FFXU, DOLT, NOBODY gives a shit.

You make it sound more like Dogpatch. On a bad day. Dimwit.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 21, 2020 10:55AM

Askerer of Questions Wrote:
> HEY MORON BOY! What does the NYC ferry map have
> to do with anything?

As some only too painfully know, the map ia notable for the complete absence of any route headed up the East River from midtown Manhattan and then taking a right-turn to head out to La Guardia Airport.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 21, 2020 01:38PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:

> LOL! By 'mocked', you mean 'made a complete ass
> of yourself'.

No, I mean made you look like the lying fraud you are. You've been made to play the fool on too many occasions to count. You do nothing but fail over and over again.

> Well, I'm certainly well accustomed to kicking the
> living shit out of you (and your stupid sock
> puppet army) over at least the past six years. In
> all that time at FFXU, you have a record of no
> success whatsoever. Just one pathetic ass-kicking
> after another.

You are well accustomed to being exposed as a lying fraud. It's why you fail to substantiate a great many claims of yours. When evidence is produced to demonstrate you are a lying fraud, you run away and whine like a sissy.

> SRC="http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/file.
> php?2,file=219226,filename=ferry_routes.jpg"
> width=450>

That picture is only evidence that you are too stupid and have too fragile an ego to recognize that you are mocked and taunted by many. I've never once made any statement about the NYC Ferry system, dope.

> LOL! I'll certainly try to remember that in the
> event of a mistake's actually occurring. Better
> have a seat though, as aside from occasional
> typos, there is little chance of such a thing
> coming to pass.

LOL! You are nothing more than one fabulous blunder after another. It's more difficult to think of occasions where you were actually correct.

> There you go again, dishonestly trying to blur the
> distinction between the edge of the park and the
> edge of the road. And this comes yet again on the
> heels of a claim that you do no such thing at all.
> You are such a worthless lying asshole.

There is no attempt to blur the distinction between the edge of the park and the edge of the road. No insinuation along those lines was made at all. It has been noted that the 12+ foot wall sits beyond the large asphalt parking lot when viewing it while driving along Washington Avenue. It has been noted that the largest section of the wall is actually along Delaware Avenue. For someone who hangs on my every word (even ascribing words that I did not write to me), you think you'd know that by now.

The 12+ foot wall obscures any view of the grass in the park. It's almost as if you are too stupid to understand that a 12+ foot wall could obscure the views you claim exist despite being set back from the road in question. No, it's not almost as if, it is the case that you are just that stupid.

It's really simple to prove your point. Provide a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue. I've provided multiple photos and links proving my point. You've provided nothing more but the whines of a child claiming to have driven the stretch of road.

Run, sissy, RUN!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 21, 2020 01:49PM

LXMHC Wrote:
> It doesn't matter what "level" it is, LUMMOX, it's
> considered VERY bad manners to be playing with
> your cell phone when you're supposed to be paying
> attention to your visitors. You're supposed to be
> paying attention to your visitors, not your little
> electronic toy. How childish of you. But then,
> that fits with your 5th grade schoolyard emotional
> maturity level, since you're always calling people
> names. The bad manners fit with your obnoxious,
> repulsive & disgusting personality. Yup, It's why
> you only have shitposting on a cheap ass internet
> message board on the holidays. Nobody wants
> anything to do with a Depends peeing, nasty, foul,
> ill mannered oaf of an old man like you.
> NOw don't you have some neighborhood kids to yell
> at to get off your lawn?

He has no idea how classless he is. His obliviousness to the obvious faux pas tells you all you need to know about what a unrefined boob he is.




Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: LXMHC ()
Date: January 21, 2020 06:03PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> LXMHC Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> ---
> > This is FFXU, DOLT, NOBODY gives a shit.
> You make it sound more like Dogpatch. On a bad
> day. Dimwit.

Dimwit's YOUR name DOLT. and still nobody gives a shit about your BS pedantry.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Askerer of questions ()
Date: January 21, 2020 07:54PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Askerer of Questions Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > HEY MORON BOY! What does the NYC ferry map
> have
> > to do with anything?
> As some only too painfully know, the map ia
> notable for the complete absence of any route
> headed up the East River from midtown Manhattan
> and then taking a right-turn to head out to La
> Guardia Airport.

& LaGuardia & Midtown Manhattan have WHAT to do with anytHING, Moron Boy?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: LXMHC ()
Date: January 21, 2020 11:35PM

seven figure city Wrote:
> LXMHC Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> He has no idea how classless he is. His
> obliviousness to the obvious faux pas tells you
> all you need to know about what a unrefined boob
> he is.

I've seen dense and I've seen dense, but it's been a long time since I've seen anybody as dense as Gerund Boy.

He can't see what's obviously in the pics.

He can't see he does the same shit he calls out people for.

He claims he's so refined and high brow, but he's rude at every turn and he can't even see how rude he is.

He claims he does all this "charity" stuff then belittles anyone he imagines is not at what he claims is his level of "wealth". He can't see the conflict in that.

He wonders why all these trolls torment him.

That smart guy who talks baseball with him has to have the patience of Job. I don't see how that guy puts up with this obnoxious buttwipe and his bad manners.

Whats' real funny is he can't even see when he's so thoroughly PWND.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 22, 2020 09:19AM

seven figure city Wrote:
> No, I mean made you look like the lying fraud you
> are. You've been made to play the fool on too
> many occasions to count. You do nothing but fail
> over and over again.
> You are well accustomed to being exposed as a
> lying fraud. It's why you fail to substantiate a
> great many claims of yours. When evidence is
> produced to demonstrate you are a lying fraud, you
> run away and whine like a sissy.

I am sure that words like these do indeed dance in your dreams on a nightly basis, but in the cold, harsh light of the real world, they have no role other than service as markers for your emotional imbalance, one often expressed in patterns of unshakable belief in things that are neither true nor based on reality. Indeed, your FFXU career since at least 2013 has been one of periodic evidence for a rather serious case of delusional disorder, such episodes typically being followed of course by a painful experience of rebuttal and eventual defeat.

> I've never once made any statement about the
> NYC Ferry system, dope.

Escape-hatch weasel-words. Do you seriously think that people do not recognize this sort of shit? You in any case once made a great many statements that could only have been true had there acrually been a line on that map extending up the East River. There isn't one of course, and there hadn't been for well more than a decade prior to your having made claims of near-weekly trips along that non-existent line. Just an example of the same sort of massive and disreputable dishonesty that we have seen so often in this very thread some four years later. Lying is your core habit, douche. It's who you are and what you do.

The take-away in February 2016 was that 'you are nothing but a worthless lying no-account asshole who knows nothing about scallops, has never eaten at Esca, and has never taken any water taxi at all from LGA to Manhattan. Let's face it -- you're just a big fat worthless lying piece of shit, and I'll be happy to prove that a second hundred times if I have to. It isn't as if you pose any sort of challenge here.'

None of that has changed.

> There is no attempt to blur the distinction
> between the edge of the park and the edge of
> the road.

Give it up, dummy. You have done it a dozen times, all while claiming to the contrary. You might as well claim that you have some personal aversion to spoofing. Oh wait...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 22, 2020 09:29AM

seven figure city Wrote:
> He has no idea how classless he is. His
> obliviousness to the obvious faux pas tells you
> all you need to know about what a unrefined boob
> he is.

Dumbness alert! It's a connected world these days. Perhaps those in some off-line backwater cubicle do not recognize it, but use of a cellphone anywhere is commonplace today. You might as well profess insult over a partner getting up from the table to go use the rest room.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: Jackoff Pudpull MORONthau ()
Date: January 22, 2020 09:47AM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > I've never once made any statement about the
> > NYC Ferry system, dope.
> The take-away in February 2016 was that 'you are
> nothing but a worthless lying no-account asshole
> who knows nothing about scallops, has never eaten
> at Esca, and has never taken any water taxi at all
> from LGA to Manhattan. Let's face it -- you're
> just a big fat worthless lying piece of shit, and
> I'll be happy to prove that a second hundred times
> if I have to. It isn't as if you pose any sort of
> challenge here.'

That's not a statement about New York ferries, dumbo, that's a statement you've never taken one. Only a dumbo like you couldn't figure that out.

Never mind that, only somebody who has no life, like you, is going to go back almost 4 yrs on a troll infested message board to find something. The rest of us actually have a life, so we're not going to be bothered over something as trivial like this.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: FWGDT ()
Date: January 22, 2020 09:58AM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> seven figure city Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > He has no idea how classless he is. His
> > obliviousness to the obvious faux pas tells you
> > all you need to know about what a unrefined
> boob
> > he is.
> Dumbness alert!

Right, DUMBASS ALERT!, alright, Gerund Boy. The DUMBASS is you, and, once more, with this shitpost, you've made an ass of yourself AGAIN.

It's a connected world these
> days. Perhaps those in some off-line backwater
> cubicle do not recognize it, but use of a
> cellphone anywhere is commonplace today.

Use of a cell phone anywhere is commonplace. Still, there are some SITUATIONS you don't use one in. When you have visitors, you DON'T use it. You pay attention to your visitors, DOLT, not your electronic toy. Only a CHILD would pay attention to his toy instead of his visitors. YOU, CLEARLY, are childish. You call out other people for supposably being "childish", but your daily shitposts show YOU'RE really the childish poster on this thread and ANY thread you post to, for that matter.

You show you're childish and rude.

> might as well profess insult over a partner
> getting up from the table to go use the rest room.

Not a right comparison, DOLT. When ya' gotta' go, ya' gotta' go. EVERYBODY knows that. The one exception to using your cell phone might be when you tell your visitor in advance you have a pressing matter or you're expecting an important call from a relative on a family matter and you'll have to take it, but you'll keep it brief.

Shitpostig on a cheap ass internet message board DOESN'T fit in either category, DOLT. It might to a rude, disgusting, nasty, repulsive old goat like you, but to anybody with the smallest amount of right upbringing, it doesn't. All you do is again make a total ASS of yourself and prove you're a lowbrow, low class, unrefined DOLT of a rube.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 22, 2020 09:58AM

LXMHC Wrote:
> He claims he does all this "charity" stuff...

Yes, we have an event coming up this Saturday. We've done our best to this point, so we're down now to hoping that everything will go well.

> ...then belittles anyone he imagines is not at
> what he claims is his level of "wealth". He
> can't see the conflict in that.

There is no conflict, asshole.

> He wonders why all these trolls torment him.

I wonder how the string-puller can be so deaf, dumb, and blind as not to see what a pathetic fool he makes of himself in this transparent nonsense.

> That smart guy who talks baseball with him has to
> have the patience of Job.

Well, I've had to remind him on occasion that in genetic terms, there is no such thing as race in human beings, but baseball is one of those things that can serve as common ground between all those actually bright enough to understand it.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 22, 2020 10:27AM

Jackoff Pudpull MORONthau Wrote:
> That's not a statement about New York ferries,
> dumbo, that's a statement you've never taken one.
> Only a dumbo like you couldn't figure that out.

Your mindless weasel words are not a factor. And while a good part of my upbringing was in Florida (Vero Beach), a good part was also in North Jersey, so I have ridden both the tubes and the ferries to and from Hoboken dozens upon dozens of times. Indeed, part of the fun of that thread was laughing at your utter ignorance of midtown life. It was much like your ignorance of life in Viera. LOL! Still, like every other person then or now alive on earth, I never rode a water-taxi from LGA to midtown years after that service had been shut down.

> Never mind that, only somebody who has no life,
> like you, is going to go back almost 4 yrs on a
> troll infested message board to find something.
> The rest of us actually have a life, so we're not
> going to be bothered over something as trivial
> like this.

I feel your pain. Like me, you know only too well how terribly ugly your history here has been, so do try to 'run away' from all that as best you can. LOL! As for my life meanwhile, one thing I'm sure we are all aware of is that the quality of it towers high above that of your own. After all, as a mere dope in a dump, you cannot afford to live where I live, do what I do, or dine where I dine. Suck on that some more, douche!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 22, 2020 10:50AM

FWGDT Wrote:
> Not a right comparison, DOLT. When ya' gotta' go,
> ya' gotta' go. EVERYBODY knows that.

Everybody but extreme dopes like you also knows that high level people such as The Principals will have a regular need to be in touch with their restaurants, each of which is open seven days a week. Obviously (and no doubt for good reason), you've never had responsibility such as that before. And of course, there are topics of conversation -- such as the nature of cute pics of brand new puppies -- that inherently require cellphones. But you couldn't have imagined a thing like that either. Vapid stupid shit.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 22, 2020 11:49AM

Well, in contrast to all that awful pain and suffering going on over in pitiful Falls Church City, we do continue to have just passels of clear blue skies and bright sunshine out here in the delightful but much too expensive for most folks Sweet Spot once again today. It was just 19 degrees outside at sun-up though, which is not really an acceptable reading. Forced me to finish off the zesty batch of homemade chili I cooked up the other day. That plus a few cups of freshly-brewed single-estate Kona made the morning seem like more than it would have otherwise. And things will be getting better in any case fairly soon. We won't see 40 degrees out here today, and it will be in the teens for sure again overnight, but we should be in the high 40's over the weekend and through much of next week as well. I'll be looking forward to that. I've still been doing the trip out to retrieve the morning paper in just shirtsleeves, but I can't really say that every one of those trips was comfortable. It'll be good to have some less brisk conditions to deal with out there. More wildlife would be good as well, but we'll take what we can get.

In other news, Drew Storen signed a minor league deal with PHI yesterday. He's still not really over the effects of TJ surgery, but ar least he'll have a place to play headed into 2020. Might not make it through the year of course, but you never know.

Left at the altar by Josh Donaldson, the Braves meanwhile did a one-year $18M deal with Marcell Ozuna. He had walked away from a $17.8M one-year qualifying offer, expecting to do better in terms of both years and bucks on the open market. Didn't happen. The Braves are merely spending Donaldson money on Ozuna, pretty clearly leaving them with too many outfielders. Some sort of trade announcement out of Atlanta is likely to be coming soon.

Unlikely to be coming soon of course is any sort of sensible announcement at all out of the dreary dumps of Falls Church City. The place is just decaying away at a cheetah's pace, perpetuating an urban decline that was in evidence already at least fifty years ago. They are trying now to overcome the loss of Mad Fox, when the losses of Lum's, the Steak & Egg Kitchen, The Broad Street, and Meat in a Box are still gaping scars left on the local landscape. Smart and well-to-do people want nothing to do with the place.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 22, 2020 11:54AM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> I am sure that words like these do indeed dance in
> your dreams on a nightly basis, but in the cold,
> harsh light of the real world, they have no role
> other than service as markers for your emotional
> imbalance, one often expressed in patterns of
> unshakable belief in things that are neither true
> nor based on reality. Indeed, your FFXU career
> since at least 2013 has been one of periodic
> evidence for a rather serious case of delusional
> disorder, such episodes typically being followed
> of course by a painful experience of rebuttal and
> eventual defeat.

LOL! You've been mocked and tormented since you first popped your empty head up here. Your butthurt overfloweth. You've rambled from one thread to another only to get your ass kicked over and over again. Many of those ass kickings have come from my boot, but others have joined in along the way. Such is your life and you suck at it.

> Escape-hatch weasel-words. Do you seriously think
> that people do not recognize this sort of shit?

I think you're a massive moron who is too stupid and has too fragile an ego to either recognize or admit that multiple people mock and taunt you on a regular basis. Usually, you bring the pain upon yourself.

> You in any case once made a great many statements
> that could only have been true had there acrually
> been a line on that map extending up the East
> River. There isn't one of course, and there
> hadn't been for well more than a decade prior to
> your having made claims of near-weekly trips along
> that non-existent line.

I'm not going to go back and look, but as I recall it, the person making that claim actually provided evidence to support his claim and you, per usual, simply whined and cried like a little bitch. Funny how that seems to happen to you on a regular basis.

> The take-away in February 2016 was that 'you are
> nothing but a worthless lying no-account asshole
> who knows nothing about scallops, has never eaten
> at Esca, and has never taken any water taxi at all
> from LGA to Manhattan.

I've never claimed to have been to Esca or taken a water taxi from LGA to Manhattan. You've had your ass handed to you enough on seafood so there is no need repeating it here. Go get some Red Lobster, dope.

> Give it up, dummy. You have done it a dozen
> times, all while claiming to the contrary.

It hasn't been done a single time. No insinuation along those lines was made at all. It has been noted that the 12+ foot wall sits beyond the large asphalt parking lot when viewing it while driving along Washington Avenue. It has been noted that the largest section of the wall is actually along Delaware Avenue. For someone who hangs on my every word (even ascribing words that I did not write to me), you think you'd know that by now.

The 12+ foot wall obscures any view of the grass in the park. It's almost as if you are too stupid to understand that a 12+ foot wall could obscure the views you claim exist despite being set back from the road in question. No, it's not almost as if, it is the case that you are just that stupid.

It's really simple to prove your point. Provide a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue. I've provided multiple photos and links proving my point. You've provided nothing more but the whines of a child claiming to have driven the stretch of road. Why do you keep dodging this issue, sissy?

> You
> might as well claim that you have some personal
> aversion to spoofing. Oh wait...

When dealing with a moron such as yourself, there is no need to spoof. Your own posts are filled with enough stupidity to be mocked.

Run, sissy, RUN!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 22, 2020 12:13PM

Well, you can shove all of that bullshit right back up your sorry ass. You are indeed Water-Taxi-Boy, just as you are Amateur-Local-Historian, and any number of other palavering dopes and transparent sock-puppets associated with those and others. Your cries of ‘It Ain’t Me, Babe’ are ever evidence of your utter lack of honesty and integrity. They also mark you as too stupid to understand how much smarter than you your tormenters are. Dope.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/22/2020 12:14PM by Actual JP Morgenthau.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: LXMHC ()
Date: January 22, 2020 12:20PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> LXMHC Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > He claims he does all this "charity" stuff...
> .
> > ...then belittles anyone he imagines is not at
> > what he claims is his level of "wealth". He
> > can't see the conflict in that.
> There is no conflict, asshole.

DAN, are you DUMB! You're not just a regular DOLT, you're the COMPLETE and TOTAL DOLT! That is ABSOLUTELY a conflict. You're just TOO STUPID to see it.

> > He wonders why all these trolls torment him.
> I wonder how the string-puller can be so deaf,
> dumb, and blind as not to see what a pathetic fool
> he makes of himself in this transparent nonsense.

Who's this directed at? Can't be me, b/c I'm not pulling nobody's strings.

> > That smart guy who talks baseball with him has
> to
> > have the patience of Job.
> Well, I've had to remind him on occasion that in
> genetic terms, there is no such thing as race in
> human beings, but baseball is one of those things
> that can serve as common ground between all those
> actually bright enough to understand it.

Yeah, but how he deals with an asshole like you I don't get it. I don't remember him posting anything about race on this thread, but then, I don't bother going back 50 pages and 8 yrs to find something. this is FFXU, DOLT, nobody cares, except somebody who doesn't have a life. OH WAIT, YOU don't have a life. HUHKAY, that explains it.................

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 22, 2020 12:21PM

Look at the sissy try and change the subject. Anything to avoid responding to the challenge to provide a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue.

Of course, given his own sorry and depraved history of using sock puppets, he'd assume his ridiculers do the same.

Where's the street view link? You made a claim that you can't provide a single shred of evidence to support. You lose (again).

Run, sissy, RUN!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: J. Poopydepends Moronclown ()
Date: January 22, 2020 12:23PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> Jackoff Pudpull MORONthau Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > That's not a statement about New York ferries,
> > dumbo, that's a statement you've never taken
> one.
> > Only a dumbo like you couldn't figure that out.
> Your mindless weasel words are not a factor. And
> while a good part of my upbringing was in Florida
> (Vero Beach), a good part was also in North
> Jersey, so I have ridden both the tubes and the
> ferries to and from Hoboken dozens upon dozens of
> times. Indeed, part of the fun of that thread was
> laughing at your utter ignorance of midtown life.
> It was much like your ignorance of life in Viera.
> LOL! Still, like every other person then or now
> alive on earth, I never rode a water-taxi from LGA
> to midtown years after that service had been shut
> down.
> > Never mind that, only somebody who has no life,
> > like you, is going to go back almost 4 yrs on a
> > troll infested message board to find something.
> > The rest of us actually have a life, so we're
> not
> > going to be bothered over something as trivial
> > like this.
> I feel your pain. Like me, you know only too well
> how terribly ugly your history here has been, so
> do try to 'run away' from all that as best you
> can. LOL! As for my life meanwhile, one thing I'm
> sure we are all aware of is that the quality of it
> towers high above that of your own. After all, as
> a mere dope in a dump, you cannot afford to live
> where I live, do what I do, or dine where I dine.
> Suck on that some more, douche!

1ce more, DUMBO, you got the wrong guy. I ain't that guy in FC. I don't live in FC. I don't have any prob. w/FC, but I don't live there. WHAT A DUMB FUCK.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Re:JP Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: FGWDT ()
Date: January 22, 2020 12:31PM

Actual JP Morgenthau Wrote:
> FWGDT Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Not a right comparison, DOLT. When ya' gotta'
> go,
> > ya' gotta' go. EVERYBODY knows that.
> Everybody but extreme dopes like you also knows
> that high level people such as The Principals will
> have a regular need to be in touch with their
> restaurants, each of which is open seven days a
> week. Obviously (and no doubt for good reason),
> you've never had responsibility such as that
> before. And of course, there are topics of
> conversation -- such as the nature of cute pics of
> brand new puppies -- that inherently require
> cellphones. But you couldn't have imagined a
> thing like that either. Vapid stupid shit.

YUP, YOU'RE A COMPLETE AND TOTAL DOLT. None, but NONE of any of that has ANYTHING to do with shitposting on a stupid ass internet message board.

We won't even mention that 1 reason you spend time with friends is to get away from those "responsibilities" for a minute. This is why you hire competent managers for your properties. you CAN actually take a little escape because you're smart enough to hire somebody who you know can take care of your properties. Of course, you've never been in a position to know that. Like that Falls Church guy says, you're nothing but a low level flunky and it's all you've ever been.

You're full of shit, DOLT & nobody believes the BS in your shitposts.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 22, 2020 12:33PM

12:20, 12:21, 12:23. Must be lunch hour for Cubicle Boy.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 22, 2020 12:53PM

LOL! I’m a wealthy retiree. In addition to staffing and oversight, my career responsibilities were in technical and scholarly sorts of research and analysis that you would need years of strenuous study even to begin to understand. The Principals are meanwhile over-seeing complex real-time systems that I doubt a dope like you could even begin to handle. The breadth and depth required are not at all your strong suits.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Posted by: seven figure city ()
Date: January 22, 2020 12:54PM

LOL! Still too stupid and too fragile an ego that he can't admit what's obvious to the rest of the world.

Look at him run from providing a link to a Google street view substantiating any of your claims concerning views "significantly comprised of large grassy areas with small trees" along Washington Avenue.

Run, sissy, RUN!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Dollar Tree on Maple Avenue in Vienna is now open!
Date: January 22, 2020 01:42PM

Perseveration is often associated with frontal lobe and other forms of neurologic disorder. You might want to get yourself checked out.

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