Fairfax County General :
Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Avoid Capital Hemp in DC at all costs......The owner is a huge ass hole and has real nerve. He's super paranoid about people being in the shop, but had the nerve to discuss "Hydroponics, shipments, Amsterdam" with the door to his office in the back open.
I live in Newport News as of recently and the availability of everything around here sucks to say the least. I need a place in Newport News that sells small baggies-like less than dimebag size if that is known by anyone I would greatly appreciate it. Where I come from every convenience store sold these items but not here and I really need some ASAP any help would be greatly appreciated.
Screw head shops!! Wat the hell good is that if u can't find budd?! New to the area(dumfries), and I'm not gonna go up to random crack heads asking if they got some weed, but I am getting a little desperate, this place sucks, if u got any budd or no where I could get some, email me. Please n thanx!!
Who ever said the store Sundog on Rt. 29 was an independent store it's not it's actually part of a group of stores and they do tye dye from some of your favorite companies... just so you know... but totally awesome store
neeeed buddd Wrote:
> Screw head shops!! Wat the hell good is that if u
> can't find budd?! New to the area(dumfries), and
> I'm not gonna go up to random crack heads asking
> if they got some weed, but I am getting a little
> desperate, this place sucks, if u got any budd or
> no where I could get some, email me. Please n
> thanx!!
MAdison kids always got that good buddah. We stay good year round.
There are many types of Psylocybin Mushrooms that grow wild. Unfortunately, many of those varieties also contain other forms of Alkaloids which can be harmful or even fatal. To stay safe and have a good trip, you should stick to Golden Teacher, (Google them) also called Psylocybe Cubensis. The only side effect is sometimes you get mild nausea, but only for a short time. Happy trails!
You don't know what you are talking about bearstar. Next time please do a little research before trying to act knowledgeable about something you haven't the slightest clue about.
Oh yeah... its spelled Psilocybe, and there are no known reports of toxicosis resulting from the genus.
Here is a list of active species in Virginia. Now start studying. It would be a damn shame if you picked some Galerina sp. and give your friends the gift of a painful death via liver and renal (kidney) failure.
Gymnopilus junonius
Gymnopilus luteofolius
Panaeolus cinctulus
Psilocybe caerulipes
Psilocybe cubensis (very rare, only near the coast)
Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata
Psilocybe semilanceata
If anyone has plan to buy head shop this is the best website where you can buy products for sale cheap cheap cheap price!!!!! http://www.myglassbubble.com/
i am looking for a head shop in woodbridge va that sell salvia . i called tobacco zone & some arabic guys answered & he said they do not sell salvia. any help is appreciated .