nomad Wrote:
> anyway know where i could score some in dc ? ? any
> help would be appreaciated
Charlie's Corner
2600 Wade Rd SE, Washington, DC
Opposite is Barry Field. You can't miss it.
There's a trail there that leads to a little stand of woods.
In the non-winter months (basically, when it's not snowy or cold as hell), if the
weather's clear, most Saturdays, and sometimes Sundays, from roughly noon to
three you'll find a dude sitting about 10 feet off the side of the trail on a
lightweight portable canvas folding chair.
He'll be turned half facing away from the trail, reading a book, just relaxing,
enjoying the day, taking in the sun.
Don't walk right up to him, just call out from the trail (you don't have to
yell) - "Hey man," or "Excuse me," or whatever. He'll turn around and look at
you, or he might just ignore you if you give off a bad vibe.
But if he turns and looks at you - he'll be wearing dark sunglasses so you can't
see his eyes; he's kind of chunky, fortyish - say "I was supposed to meet
somebody, a guy with a red jacket, have you seen him?" And if the dude says "No,"
and turns away, that means he got a bad vibe from you.
And then you can just forget about it and leave.
But if he engages you in conversation - "I think I might have seen someone
passing through here about half-an-hour ago," or something like that - it doesn't
matter, he might say anything - that's a signal you can approach him.
And just be cool, and say (- you don't have to memorize the exact words) - "Yeah,
I got $40 for this dude. He said he was going to meet me here." And understand
the guy is still checking you out while you're talking to him.
And the dollar amount - make it in increments of $40, up to $200 max. If he
says, "I can't help you man" or whatever, something like that, he's giving you
the thumbs down. He doesn't trust you. You can just turn around and leave at that
But if he engages you in conversation, then just walk up to him, reach into your
pocket and hold out the cash in front of you, and say something like, "Dude said
he had some prime bud he was going to sell me. Now I'm fucked if he doesn't show
up." Not like it's a major drama, but like you're feeling slightly rueful or
amused or whatever. (Again, you don't need to memorize this like it's a script,
just have the gist of it down.)
Needless to say, the dude is evaluating you the whole time, and coming to a
decision. If he decides things are cool, he'll say, "Well, maybe I can help you
And that's a signal to hand him the money. He wouldn't ask for it, or reach
for it. Just hand it to him, casual like. And then he'll tuck it in his pocket,
get up from the chair and wander about 30 yards away to where his stash is. It'll
be hidden behind something where you can't see him - a stand of tall bushes, or
And then he'll wander back, and walk *past* you about 10 yards up the trail. And
he'll stop, with his back to you, and sort of look around, like he's admiring the
scenery. And while he's doing this, he'll casually drop a little bundle from his
right hand, on the beaten down part of the trail, not in the weeds.
Keep an eye out for that move.
Then he'll come back and sit down again. And he'll say something like, "Good
luck, man. Sorry you missed your friend."
And that's a signal to leave.
Head on back down the trail, picking up the baggie on the way.
Just slip it in your pocket, and head on home to get blazed.
I've done this half-a-dozen times in the past two years.
Three times he was there, three times he wasn't.
It's excellent bud - appears to be hydroponic shit that he grows himself. I don't
know the exact strain, but it feels like "up" rather than "down" weed.
Anyway, you can give that a shot.