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Head shops
Posted by: mhkellyxx ()
Date: June 04, 2005 03:28PM

I hate to sound like the resident board pothead but where are the good head shops in the area?

I know Charlie Brown's in west virginia right over the va/wv line but they're pretty overpriced in my opinion. Are there any other good ones? Baltimore maybe?

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: June 04, 2005 09:30PM


Go to Dox in baltimore. It's on eastern avenue in (the section called) Highlandtown. I can give better dirs if you need.

Closer to home is octopus garden on rt 1 down in woodbridge.

And there are MANY near M st in Georgetown. Don't know the names.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: luciddreamerx ()
Date: June 10, 2005 07:22PM

go to octupus garden in woodbridge.............only one i know of......

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: jayson ()
Date: June 11, 2005 03:14PM

is there anywhere i can find a digital scale without shipping it to my house. Are there any stores i can pick it up from

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: sourdiesal ()
Date: June 13, 2005 11:47AM

go to staples..they sell digital scales

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: June 13, 2005 12:57PM

staples only sells postal digis

go to charley brown's head shop, or the place in university mall, or octopus garden in woodbridge

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: kingOFgEEEks ()
Date: June 13, 2005 08:40PM

You might want to try a kitchen store for a digital scale. They're affordable, accurate to .1 oz or .1 gram usually, and there's BB&B's everywhere.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: johnnye ()
Date: June 13, 2005 09:23PM

This isnt exactly a headshop, but if youre in dire need for a pipe, there is a convience store next to Anita's on Rt 50 that sells some. It looks like a redneck convience store, not sure what the name is.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: June 13, 2005 10:08PM

It's called cash and carry

they sell screens as well as very servicable wood bowls with twist lids

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: June 13, 2005 10:09PM

the best place is karmic connections in baltimore

Karmic Connection
(410) 558-0428
508 S Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21231

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: face ()
Date: July 27, 2005 12:04AM

what are these places in georgetown on/near M street?

i went to octopus garden and it sucks. they've got a couple things but it's mostly an adult sex shop...

and what's this charley brown head shop? where's it at? and the university mall one?


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Re: Head shops
Posted by: face ()
Date: July 27, 2005 12:10AM

disregard the question about charlie brown's...sorry! just curious about the university mall one and georgetown ones...


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Re: Head shops
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: July 27, 2005 03:46AM

gtown is hookahs

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Price ()
Date: July 27, 2005 10:31AM

Are there any places around Fairfax that sell shisha?

P.S. Gtown place on M street sucks, way overpriced.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 27, 2005 02:16PM

you need to be more specific. Do you wish to buy boxes of shisha or do you want to smoke at a hookah bar? And, do you mean fairfax county or city?

writing comprehension... learn it, know it, live it.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: July 27, 2005 04:27PM

ill sell u some shisha. i got strawberry i think and a bunch of it

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Price ()
Date: July 28, 2005 10:13AM

rstidman Wrote:
> you need to be more specific.

It means I'm looking for a tobacco or some ethnic store.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: July 28, 2005 10:31AM

There's a couple of places locally where I get shisha tobacco. The best is the Mediteranean Bakery over off Duke Street. Basically, take 395 to Duke St and then a right onto South Pickett Street. It's down on the left in the shopping center w/ Home Depot. 352 S Pickett St., Alexandria, Virginia

However, there's also a decent selection over at a middle eastern shop near the Amphora restaurant on 123 in Vienna, Va. Basically take Nutley to Maple (123), go right, go past amphora restaurant and turn into the next shopping center on the left (where the amphora bakery is located). The shop is in the back left. They're pretty friendly there too which is cool.

Also, most local hookah bars sell shisha.

Here's a trick my boss taught me. Fill your shisha with a cheap red wine instead of water. It's pretty nice.

Isn't there a head shop on Rt 29 (lee hwy)? If you're going out Lee Hwy from Fairfax toward 7100, it's on the left before you get to the Costco, Home Depot shopping center. It certainly looks like a headshop. It's just a little stand alone building with a lot of tie die decor.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/28/2005 10:32AM by dlee.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 28, 2005 01:11PM

you can add any liquid to a hookah, as long as you are only smoking tobacco. I use the following at different times:

whole milk
sea salt water
strawberry milk
apple juice

The reason to use water is you can let it just sit for a while. These others get too nasty and must be changed often.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: stylinxblue ()
Date: July 28, 2005 02:40PM

i'm new to this board but i do know quite some stuff. i never heard of the one in lee highway but the ones in baltimore like karmic and docs are very reliable. i've been there several times. georgetown is indeed overpriced. anyways need anything? get at me.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Price ()
Date: July 29, 2005 02:32PM

Thanks, dlee. I completely forgot about the Mediteranean Bakery in Alex.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: jessica ()
Date: July 29, 2005 05:38PM

eclipse in martinsburg, wv is pretty cool...tons of original glass pieces. reasonable prices.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: August 03, 2005 07:07PM

dlee Wrote:
> Isn't there a head shop on Rt 29 (lee hwy)? If you're going out Lee Hwy from Fairfax toward 7100,
> it's on the left before you get to the Costco, Home Depot shopping center. It certainly looks like a headshop.
> It's just a little stand alone building with a lot of tie die decor.

That place on 29 is called Sundog. Not a headshop although they did used to have small glass bowls many years ago. Lots of neat hippie stuff like shirts, incense burners, wall tapestries, etc. Definitely worth checking out. This area needs more small independent stores like it.

Only other place I know of that hasn't been listed yet is a little black market/head shop out 66 west in Marshall. They have a small collection of blown glass along with neat stuff like throwing stars, knives, stash boxes that look like household items, etc.
Don't know the name but it's a small convenience store/deli on the main road in town.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: face ()
Date: August 03, 2005 08:50PM

doc's in baltmore is amazing.

they have more roors than i've ever seen in one place. plus tons of other glass. definitely worth the hike.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 03, 2005 08:58PM

I like Dox, also. I have been going there since 1995 and it has always had a great selection. It's also easy to get to. 95 north, take the highlandtown exit, and take a left onto eastern ave and drive through highlandtown, it's on the left and is tucked away, just past dean st. There's a supermarket near there you can usually park at for a little bit. The prices vary, but they usually have some item cheap that you'll end up buying.

They're hardasses about ID a lot of the time, but show that inconsistency I love in my vendors. But really I want to mention how paranoid they are. The shop is great in many ways, but those cocks are so paranoid. They just act paranoid all the time, and love to stand watch over you if you're browsing. They think EVERYONE is a narc or cop.

So I've learned to just go in and not talk so much, just in generalities like, "oh that green thing is nice, oh I like that taller one", etc. They also seem to be averse to the word "bong"/ They sell water pipes, you know.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: chozen ()
Date: August 06, 2005 08:53PM

I have to second the support for Karmic Connections in Baltimore.

The first headshop i went to in baltimore was KC. I was actually looking for Doc's, but forgot it was on Eastern and ended up on Broadway... a certain substance may have been to blame for that... :p

however, I got a GREAT little glass pipe for $6.99. Everything was priced great, and the proprieters are fairly lax in ID'ing, not that it matters since I'm 18... The white guy with the dreads was really helpful...

I have yet to go to Docs, but since I'm moving more into the city next month, I will definately be checking it out...

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 06, 2005 09:03PM

I think KC is a better store overall, I just had problems getting to it for some reason, and doc's is a lot easier for me to find...

plus these other hidden gems in baltimore:

J. Friendlys
The Other Side
Zion Gate at Fells Point

good luck finding them because I went to them in no condition to remember how got to them.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: August 07, 2005 12:57AM

the other side is exspensive, i second, KC is the better store overall

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: grahamseppa ()
Date: August 07, 2005 06:37PM

has anyone tried the salvia at KC? is it any good?

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 07, 2005 07:07PM

wait.. is this a generic "has anyone EVER tried salvia and how is it", or is it "Karmic Connections has a brand and I want to know how it compares to others"

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: August 07, 2005 08:59PM

I smoked some 5x salvia leaf and thought I had become a pillar of glass that was supporting the sky while the ground beneath me became a river of leaves.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 07, 2005 09:32PM

I have a bar of salvia hash laying around (as well as a few bags of leaf), that stuff makes me disassociate pretty hard... makes my body feel like two independent halves that are sparsely connected. All in all I do not like it, however. Makes me feel very fucked up in a way I do not like... and boy have I tried all the strengths, leaf and hash. It just didn't take me to the same place as weed or even acid, but had elements of each. In fact, I would say it is the exact middle of the two (for me, ayway)

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: August 07, 2005 11:26PM

I never felt too much with Saliva, my roomate grew some (he was a major hippie) and we smoked. Now salvia hash would be interesting. Anyone been to Amsterdam? I've smoked a shitload of weed in Cali, and the shit I had in Amsterdam blew my head away. Too bad I'm on the straight and narrow now.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: grahamseppa ()
Date: August 09, 2005 10:42AM

i've done salvia before, but i've always bought it online (at MGB...), and it was great. But i'm thinking of buying some at KC on thursday, and wanted to know if anyone here has bought from them and if it was any good....

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Daniel ()
Date: August 09, 2005 04:08PM

Karmic Connections is one of the better ones ive been to that is still around.

You can get huge, very functional glass pipes/bongs there for really cheap.
But if you want something nicely worked (fumed, dicrillic, donuts etc) and functional youll pay, and would recommend skipping the middle man. (be carefull ordering pipes from the internet; operation pipe dreams in effect)

There used to be nice, VERY small headshop around the corner(off of the strip) from Karmic Connections, headshop/record shop. Always the best prices there, but i believe its no longer there.

Salvia is a strange plant! thats all i can say.
That and its 'effective dose' is prettymuch non-existent considering
peoples natural tolerance.. some are super sensitive, some feel nothing even after 20 bong rips. theres also signs pointing to a cross tollerance of Salvia Divinorum THC and various cannaboids.

Anyone interested in salvia should google Daniel Siebert + Salvia eer um here

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: flygirl ()
Date: August 16, 2005 03:19PM

first of all, i recommend zion's gate, in fells point, over any shop in baltimore--and i am actually from baltimore! they are always willing to bargain, and i've bought at least five pieces there, and each is still intact. conversely, something i bought at the other side broke in half. i am looking for someplace to go to get some screens, any ideas?

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: wow ()
Date: August 16, 2005 03:38PM

god i'm old. anyone remember the penguin feather?

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: johnnye ()
Date: August 16, 2005 07:42PM

I remember Penguin Feather, but not in THAT way. I was only 12 and my sister's stopped by there.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: eclipsedave ()
Date: August 18, 2005 09:01AM

Hi everyone...My name is Dave and I own and work at ECLIPSE in Martinsburg, WV with my girlfriend, Teale. Please see our store webpage here: http://members.tripod.com/~Eclipse_/index.html
Phone number: (304) 263-9982 (You may need to call twice to get the answering machine to pick up during non-business hours.) Regular hours are MON-FRI from NOON-7PM. We "lock and leave" AT 7PM, so please arrive early enough to give yourself a good chance to look around and get what you truly want without having a time limit hanging over your head.
We have tons of glass, carrying bags, hookahs, stickers, waaay too much to mention.
Most of all, we are nice people, as opposed to the "custumer service" we have heard from a few customers coming from some notorious area shops.
We buy from literally 100's of companies and a few local blowers out of Winchester, VA...Hedgesville, WV...and my girlfriend Teale blows her glass out of Great Cacapon, WV...We also still buy from Teale's instructors out of St. Pete, FL and Concrete, Washington State...So, we can also have custom pieces done for you with a reasonable turnaround time.
We stock nearly everything, including grinder/pollen catcher combos, pollen presses, inexpensive vaporizers and even the original Volcano brand vaporizer from Germany--a true delicassy for you connoisseurs out there.
I would almost bet my left arm that our prices are better than virtually every other store you have been to. (That's what our customers tell us.)
THE HUGE DIFFERENCE between our store and any other out-of-state pipe shops is:
Everything we do is 100% LEGAL. There is nothing "sketchy" about our operation. Here's why: West Virginia is the ONLY state in the country that is EXEMPT from the FEDERAL LAW against selling drug paraphernalia. For real! I am a licensed authorized dealer of drug paraphernalia in the state of WV through the office of the WV State Tax Commissioner under (WV Code) Chapter 47, Article 19. This means we must document the name and address of the purchaser, date and time of sale, and item and quantity of purchase. We must keep the record for at least 2 years. This is only to assure that we do not sell to minors, so please bring your valid, state-issued picture I.D....(your valid driver's license or valid non-driver I.D.) That's it! As long as you are at least 18 and bring your proper I.D., you can legally buy all the drug paraphernalia you want--and we have been selling pipes since we obtained our paraphernalia license in November of 1997. We previously opened in June of 1995 offering professional body piercing and then merged into clothing and accessories...and finally carrying all glass...
We only play the best drum and bass music in our store and sometimes I will bring in grooveboxes and older analog synths to play live during store hours.
Come see us! Thanks for your support!

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: nunyrbizness ()
Date: August 25, 2005 12:28PM

Fireflys is also good and its right across the street from Doc's on easter avenue. When I went they had glow in the dark bowels!

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Posted by: Me ()
Date: August 26, 2005 06:29PM

Dude - Build America shopping center at Seminary Road and South George Mason Drive (Baileys Crossroads Area Falls Church/Alexandria) is like a little middle east. Dozens of shish shops.

Ironically, most of the 'shish' packaged to look all ethnic is actually virginia tobacco. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: varsity anyone ()
Date: January 24, 2006 07:26AM

sorry to bring back an old thread but does anyone remember varsity at fair oaks mall?
you could ask for a 10 dollar "glass necklace" which was really a metal screw-together pipe. ahh those were the days. i still have my "prisoner at chantilly high school" shirt

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: BR ()
Date: January 24, 2006 09:58AM

varsity anyone Wrote:
> sorry to bring back an old thread but does anyone
> remember varsity at fair oaks mall?
> you could ask for a 10 dollar "glass necklace"
> which was really a metal screw-together pipe. ahh
> those were the days. i still have my "prisoner at
> chantilly high school" shirt

Hahaha...yeah, I used to frequent that place. Wonder whatever happened to the guy that owned it.

I also remember they had those "Friends Don't Let Friends Date [high school name here] Girls" and "If Chantilly Sucks, Hayfield Blows" shirts that caused such a ruckus.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: dudeman ()
Date: February 10, 2006 02:05PM

What's the closest one thats still open to Centreville?

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: February 10, 2006 08:34PM

That was a poorly phrased question, dudeman. Don't expect an answer.

If the question had been "what is the closest head shop to Centreville, and what are its hours of operation?", you would have received an answer.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: jedimindtrx ()
Date: February 28, 2006 05:30PM

yo i was wondering if anyone knows what head shops in this area sell roor bongs...more specifically the lil sista...if anyone knows plz post back asap

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: soysauce ()
Date: March 07, 2006 07:49PM

whoa whoa whoa, whats this talk of a head shop in university mall??? please tell

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: March 07, 2006 08:06PM

a lot of people say it's there but nobody seems to know the name, location, or any other details about this place.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Sarah ()
Date: March 11, 2006 09:11PM


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Re: Head shops
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: March 11, 2006 11:49PM

all the major head shops in balmer carry roor's products.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: cheappipes ()
Date: May 08, 2006 06:58PM

At the Sale of the Century thing that comes to the capital expo center in chantilly the asian guy that sells the swords also sells metal pipes. they're not on display you have to ask him.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Smobien ()
Date: May 19, 2006 08:31PM

Excellent thread, this is the kinda stuff I like to see !! ***BUMP***

I would mention a few, but I believe all the ones I am aware of have been posted.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: May 19, 2006 11:03PM

i need to goto baltimore lets get a car pool goin

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Infected ()
Date: May 30, 2006 10:37PM

There are so many headshops in Bmore if you're looking for quality long lasting glass zions gate is the place to go.

if you want something inexpensive imported from UK go to Karma connection

docs is mostly commercial glass that you can find online
fireflies which is accross the street is the same as docs, except they have a smaller glass collection and they sell hooker clothing.

in nova, woodbridge octipus gardens which is a hippy shop and of course glass is illegal in VA so they only sell wood and acrlyic and WAY over priced scales.
check out some of the vendors in Potomic Mills mall you'll know who to talk too. Springfield used to have a guy who had small glass items but think his shop is closed.

Hookah bars in Alexandria all cary shisha for sale, and the Queens Medeterainian Bakery sells it for the most inexpensive price around as far as i have found. Also they have nice hookahs for really good prices

just some knowlege i have collected over time.. hope i helped someone

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: May 30, 2006 11:59PM

thx for the info, but all of that has been covered b4..

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Dork ()
Date: June 13, 2006 06:01AM

luciddreamerx Wrote:
> go to octupus garden in
> woodbridge.............only one i know of......


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Re: Head shops
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: June 13, 2006 10:27AM

no website for oct gardens

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Colin ()
Date: June 15, 2006 11:09PM

The place in University Mall is Lee's Market. Not sure if they still sell them though. Was drinking at Fat Tuesday's a year or two ago when two van loads of cops in ski masks jumped out and raided the place. They used to sell ID's there too, I believe. Heard they've been busted many times for various "criminal enterprises."

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: pot head ()
Date: June 26, 2006 01:49AM

i cant belive no body knows about K and B newstand in washington dc..its right off Fth st between 13 and 12
( i think) just drive and Fth st from 14th and it will be on your right hand side..it get to 11st you have gone to far..this is the only real head shop in the area..they sell bongs pipes bags grinders bowls, glass, arylic, wood, i use to go to docs in b-more but never again..the owner blows his own shit and it is at a very good price

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: lily ()
Date: July 05, 2006 06:55PM

Fireflies across the street from Doc's has similar things at a cheaper price.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: turtle ()
Date: October 17, 2006 08:13PM

there are PLENTY of places in DC, but they all suck (none that i know of carry qaulity glass).

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: skitso ()
Date: November 01, 2006 12:27PM

i just want like a regular bong. like an acrillic(sp?) bong. can i find this stuff at the octopus garden?

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 01, 2006 10:41PM

no, unless oct. gardens has some kind of wink-and-nod counter I don't know about, they stopped selling water pipes long ago.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 01, 2006 10:42PM

Just go to Charlie Borwn's, it's in West VA but it is JUST over the state line on rt 9. I have gotten there in 45 minutes from Centreville.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: wu tang ()
Date: November 19, 2006 02:26AM


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Re: Head shops
Posted by: huh ()
Date: November 19, 2006 11:26AM

wu tang Wrote:

where the fuck is this

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: jayness ()
Date: November 19, 2006 11:38AM

youre a fucking liar...there is no shop inn at 7 corners retard

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: tommysmif ()
Date: November 27, 2006 03:47PM

IO am going to be moving to vienna soon and I only know my girl friend she loves hookah, I want to buy her one for but I dont christmass but i dont know whare to buy one. I also dont know how to get any herb so can any one tell me how to get this stuff.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: November 27, 2006 04:25PM

Check out the hookah bars (and nearby stores) in Falls Church.

There are also lots of websites that sell hookahs (like hookahkings.com, buildahookah.com). I "built" a beautiful hookah online a few months ago (4 hoses, all silver and blue). I didn't actually purchase it though. If I find the website again, I'll post it.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: November 30, 2006 02:28PM

tommysmif Wrote:
> IO am going to be moving to vienna soon and I only
> know my girl friend she loves hookah, I want to
> buy her one for but I dont christmass but i dont
> know whare to buy one. I also dont know how to get
> any herb so can any one tell me how to get this
> stuff.

If your girlfriend loves her some hookers thats pretty sick and depraved. Way to go man!

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: mangtwi ()
Date: December 20, 2006 12:55PM

theres a place in richmond, and comming from fairfax to baltimore is about a 2 hour hike, richmond is only 1 hour 30 mins, to 45 mins. Kulture has a lot of high quality pipes, good looking bongs, or as they would also call "aqua/water pipes" this way, it would not be classified as marijuana paraphernalia. Half the store offer's name brand items, such as roor, toro, and illadelph, i myself have picked up an illadelph. The custom pieces all look nice, and have some crazy spikey looking stuff, they also offer a volcano, and 2 other vaporizors, along with a new wterfall one piece bong with a valve...They sell clear rolling papers made of cellulose as well. That is just a lil bit of information about them, but if your interested, let me know and i will give more detailed directions.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Lurker ()
Date: December 20, 2006 01:57PM

Clear rolling papers made of cellulose. That's not a fatty, that's a hot dog.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Dude ()
Date: December 25, 2006 11:39PM

Theres a full service head shop (bongs bowls etc) on the left just as you enter Salisbury on your way to OC. I know it's a drive, but it's there if you're on your way to the beach.....

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Posted by: eclipsedave ()
Date: December 28, 2006 03:47AM

Hi everyone...My name is Dave and I own and work at ECLIPSE in Martinsburg, WV. I will be selling my store by around March 31st. Please see the store webpage here: http://members.tripod.com/~Eclipse_/index.html
Phone number: (304) 263-9982 (Please call on the very day you plan to visit to make certain I'll be open on the day you wish to shop--especially during bad weather.)(You may need to call twice to get the answering machine to pick up during non-business hours.) Current hours are MON-FRI from NOON-6PM. I promptly "lock and leave" at 6PM, so please arrive early enough to give yourself a good chance to look around.
I've got tons of glass, carrying bags, hookahs, stickers, waaay too much to mention. I buy from many reputable companies and my girlfriend does some custom pieces. I stock nearly everything, including grinder/pollen catcher combos, pollen presses, inexpensive vaporizers and even the original Volcano brand vaporizer from Germany--a true delicassy for you connoisseurs out there.
I would almost bet my left arm that my prices are better than virtually every other store you have been to. (That's what customers tell me.)
THE HUGE DIFFERENCE between my store and any other out-of-state pipe shops is:
Everything I do is 100% LEGAL. There is nothing "sketchy" about my operation. Here's why: West Virginia is the ONLY state in the country that is EXEMPT from the FEDERAL LAW against selling drug paraphernalia. I am a licensed authorized dealer of drug paraphernalia in the state of WV through the office of the WV State Tax Commissioner under (WV Code) Chapter 47, Article 19. This means I must document the name and address of the purchaser, date and time of sale, and item and quantity of purchase. I must keep the record for at least 2 years. This is only to assure that I do not sell to minors, so please bring your valid, state-issued picture I.D....(your valid driver's license or valid non-driver I.D.) As long as you are at least 18 and bring your proper I.D., you can legally buy all the glass you want--and I have been selling pipes since I obtained my paraphernalia license in November of 1997. I only play the best drum'n'bass music in the store and sometimes I'll bring in grooveboxes and older analog synths to play live during store hours.
Come see me! Thanks for your support!

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 28, 2006 04:12AM

Yeah, never once had a problem at any of the head shops in the REGION, and I have never had to hand over ID to show anything more than my adulthood. Fuck this gestapo crap, who wants their name on a federal list?

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Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 28, 2006 05:41PM

I only
> play the best drum'n'bass music in the store and
> sometimes I'll bring in grooveboxes and older
> analog synths to play live during store hours.
> Come see me! Thanks for your support!
> Cheers,
> -Dave

I was SO THERE until he said that part about the music. OOF go play hackysack!

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Mike00 ()
Date: January 10, 2007 12:54AM

Docs in Baltimore is awesome, that's where I went to get my piece. but if you don't wanna drive all that way, there's a cigar shop "Duke cigar and tabacco" in Annandale that sells glass bowls, not the best selection, but they have some nice ones at cheap prices. they also sell hookah pipes and hashish there

it's right on little River tnpk, the shopping center with the big safeway, right between a hair cuttery and flower shop

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: January 10, 2007 10:19AM

Ummmm, I think you mean shisha - not hashish.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Officer Friendly ()
Date: January 10, 2007 11:04AM

"Yeah, never once had a problem at any of the head shops in the REGION, and I have never had to hand over ID to show anything more than my adulthood. Fuck this gestapo crap, who wants their name on a federal list?"

Son, your name is already on the list.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Mike00 ()
Date: January 10, 2007 05:04PM

yea, shisha. lol sorry

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: stylinxblue ()
Date: January 21, 2007 06:07PM

i know that place you're talking about mike00. its not really a store for pieces but they sell cigarettes and hookah pieces. i recently came across a convenient store that had glass pieces in a glass counter right near the cash register. its in the burke area if you haven't seen it. i never asked the cashier about the pieces just glanced at it while buying cigs. no ones mentioned it so just lettin it out inthe open.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: January 21, 2007 06:27PM

yes, because mentioning a "store in burke" is really helpful. There's just the one store there.

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Posted by: eclipsedave ()
Date: January 25, 2007 10:57AM

Hey folks,
Since Eclipse is for sale, I am liquidating as much inventory as possible and then subtracting that from the sale price. I'll offer mad deals on all color-changing borosilicate glass, soft glass, and metal handpipes to anyone who visits when they mention "Fairfax Underground"...Thanks for 12 years of support...

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Mike00 ()
Date: January 28, 2007 03:32AM

stylinxblue Wrote:
> i know that place you're talking about mike00. its
> not really a store for pieces but they sell
> cigarettes and hookah pieces. i recently came
> across a convenient store that had glass pieces in
> a glass counter right near the cash register. its
> in the burke area if you haven't seen it. i never
> asked the cashier about the pieces just glanced at
> it while buying cigs. no ones mentioned it so just
> lettin it out inthe open.

Lee's market? I heard they sold pieces but got busted a while back. though for real this place, dukes tabacco is nice, as long as you have ID you get a bowl. and and the seletion has only improved since they'v opened( i've been going there to buy cigars and other things sinced they opened, 3-4 years ago)

it's right off of 236, next to the big Safeway

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: stylinxblue ()
Date: January 29, 2007 04:05PM

not sure if it was lee's market but i doubt it. it just said "convenient store" and i choose to be broad about the location saying "a place in burke" because i don't want to be a hot boy naming places and being specific like some of you and get caught up in dumb shit. if your near the burke area, and want directions just throw a pm. that dukes tobacco is an ok place if you aren't picky, but for quality glass bongs and a variety of stuff, id stick with Docs in MD. or you can go to the shops in georgetown if you don't mind gettin ripped off.

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Posted by: eclipsedave ()
Date: February 01, 2007 10:26AM

Hey folks,
In my previous posting, I meant to add the web page address in case you need hours of biz/directions...http://members.tripod.com/~Eclipse_/index.html

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: lol ()
Date: February 01, 2007 12:21PM

stylinxblue Wrote:
> not sure if it was lee's market but i doubt it. it
> just said "convenient store" and i choose to be
> broad about the location saying "a place in burke"
> because i don't want to be a hot boy naming places
> and being specific like some of you and get caught
> up in dumb shit. if your near the burke area, and
> want directions just throw a pm. that dukes
> tobacco is an ok place if you aren't picky, but
> for quality glass bongs and a variety of stuff, id
> stick with Docs in MD. or you can go to the shops
> in georgetown if you don't mind gettin ripped off.

the volcano looks gay as fuck

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: February 01, 2007 03:28PM

just how Gay is fuck anyway?

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: m0ko ()
Date: February 01, 2007 03:53PM

For those looking for digital scales..
Any local Pawn Shops
Best Buy
And a lot of the times the tobacco stores in your area.

Good Head shops near Northern Virginia areas.
Please pm me @ #fairfax named [E]m0ko01 with ur location and i will be glad to tell you a lot of head shops in the area.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: m0ko ()
Date: February 01, 2007 03:55PM

I mean pm me @ #703.... or just come to my channel @ #ezilex

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Posted by: eclipsedave ()
Date: February 02, 2007 07:55PM

Just a friendly reminder that Eclipse will be closed thru February 11th. We'll re-open on Monday February 12th at noon. Have a glance at what we've got. The following post will show you a virtual tour. It will also include the URL to our web address.

edit by Cary: Made thumbnails of high-res photos. Click thumbnail for the full-size original. For those keeping track I also just raised the max number of attachments per post to 30 (from 10)


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2007 04:09PM by Cary.

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Eclipse is for sale
Posted by: eclipsedave ()
Date: February 02, 2007 08:07PM

Ok scratch that. Hi-res photos backfired. Check back later.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: hostile ()
Date: February 21, 2007 01:24AM

charlie brown's sucks....dont waste your time....its a f**kin hunting/fishing/convenience store that just happen to have some smoke pieces...theres like one display case of pieces there and a few on the wall....the best headshop around is def. karmic connections in baltimore...they have more pieces than anywhere else and theyve got the best prices...you can get a basic glass bowl for like 5 bucks...and if you want somethin nice, theyve got them too...its a smokers paradise....oh and theres sex shops on both sides of the store...happy shopping!.peace oh and the address is 508 s. broadway, baltimore, MD ......its in the fells point area of b-more

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Eclipse is for sale / ANNOUNCEMENT NEW OWNER
Posted by: eclipsedave ()
Date: February 25, 2007 11:19AM

I am pleased to announce a new owner...They will take over on April 1st, 2007. Pictures are available on the Yahoo Group called ECLIPSE_PHOTOS [[[That is ECLIPSE(underscore)PHOTOS]]] No membership approval to sign up. Simply join and scan over photos to see our huge selection. Thanks for checking us out and take care!
Here's the URL for the store webpage too:

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: February 25, 2007 11:58AM

wow, eclipsedave, that seems like a great place for getting everything I might possibly need to smoke marijuana. Impressive. I will come there soon to purchase supplies specifically for the purpose of smoking illegal substances.

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Photo Fix
Posted by: eclipsedave ()
Date: February 26, 2007 11:00AM

Thank you very much for fixing my photos. Your efforts are genuinely appreciated.
On a legal note, the WV state code that makes my shop exempt from the federal code can be found at this URL under Chapter 47, Article 19, 1 thru 8:
The case history according to Robert Vaughn, a Nashville-based attorney practicing paraphernalia law for over 2 decades, is as follows:
West Virginia was first to initiate a law that allows a business to apply for a DRUG PARAPHERNALIA LICENSE. This allows a West Virginia business owner who has never been convicted of a drug-related offense to sell anything on the federal code that can be defined or construed as drug paraphernalia. After that, the feds came up with their law and since West Virginia previously had a law allowing sales, the feds left a loophole for it. Google "drug paraphernalia license" and along with WV, the city of Hermosa Beach, California will pop up. They tried to adopt our law, almost word for word, but according to Mr. Vaughn, California state law supercedes it and they are not in the clear.
Thanks for 12 great years and I encourage all age 18 and over with a valid driver's license to visit Eclipse and say "Hi" to the new owner. You'll be glad you made the trip.

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more store pics
Posted by: eclipsedave ()
Date: March 03, 2007 01:10PM

Here are some more pics of Eclipse to browse through.

edit by Cary: made thumbnails of huge originals. click the wider thumbnails to display the full-sized original


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2007 03:51AM by Cary.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: DOC ()
Date: March 07, 2007 08:37AM

go to docs in Bmore and buy a illadelph.

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Re: Head shops
Posted by: Doug ()
Date: March 23, 2007 05:37PM

Does Octopus Garden even sell salvia? I went to a local store in Triangle that specializes in tobacco, and they had a few pipes and bowls but no salvia.

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Re: more store pics
Posted by: eclipsedave ()
Date: March 25, 2007 07:15PM

Thank you again for fixing my photos. The new owner's first business day at Eclipse will be on Monday, April 2nd and I invite everyone to come on out and show him your support. He has informed me that he will be offering expanded hours of business, new and exciting products and brands, and possibly expanding the showroom...
P.S. Many new orders will be arriving by the second week in April, just in time for 4/20!

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