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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: ;lkjahdshfas ()
Date: March 19, 2009 07:33PM

done and done Wrote:
> wowww skylar has definitely screwed himself 2x
> over now. but he is an idiot for calling and
> texting that kid to ask him to lie for
> him...doesn't he know that if he's under a federal
> investigation the feds are tapping his phone? also
> his poor parents/family...they are nice ppl.
> duncan parker is the 3rd death that no one really
> talks about -- he died in september. then i know
> jon grymkoski died of a heroin overdose but that
> was back in 2006 so i'm not sure that he's
> included in the 4 ppl they are talking about.

jon died in chicago, hes not included in this case at all.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: dope ()
Date: March 19, 2009 07:40PM

MrT Wrote:
> Well, it certainly looks like Skylar is getting
> part of what deserves. He will get the rest in
> prison for sure. I will be in court the day he is
> sentenced. If his parents had a half of a brain
> between the 2 of them they might be dangerous, but
> we don't have to worry about that or he would not
> have been dumb enough to be out on bond a pull the
> stunt he pulled and got busted! See you on your
> big day "Sky". May Alicia Rest In Peace & Skylar
> Rot In Pieces...Look for me on your sentencing
> day, I will be the one with the yellow ribbon!

i dont see why you're so mad at Skylar. its Alicia's own fault she died. she was doing her own heroin by herself in the middle of the night and od'd. that pretty much makes hit her own damn fault. give the kids rehab and a year. 20 years is just wasting my tax money filling up overcrowded penitentiaries.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: THE TRUTH ()
Date: March 19, 2009 10:55PM

MrT what makes you think that Skylar is guilty? Why is it all his parents faults and not Alicia's? Alicia overdosed multiple times why didn't they do more? And why are you attacking his parents as well? Clearly you were a rejected child growing up and school must not have been a big thing for you because you are the dumbest idiot writing on this blog. No one knows the truth about anything. Skylar knows Alicia better than her own parents. We will see on the court date about everything. And you know what the news; sure as hell does not know what the hell is going on either.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 20, 2009 01:07AM

dope Wrote:
> i dont see why you're so mad at Skylar. its
> Alicia's own fault she died. she was doing her own
> heroin by herself in the middle of the night and
> od'd. that pretty much makes hit her own damn
> fault. give the kids rehab and a year. 20 years
> is just wasting my tax money filling up
> overcrowded penitentiaries.

i agree that it was her own fault. if it wasnt this skylar guy who sold it, it would have been someone else. however, this is how they view the issue of Alicia being at fault for anything:

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: HateMyHOA ()
Date: March 27, 2009 03:30PM

Just saw in the Centreview that another Westfield HS kid plead guilty to selling heroin.... This is 13 out of 15.....

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Bubba in my cell ()
Date: March 27, 2009 05:51PM

Schniple better prepare for the worst , they are going to make him a poster child about why not to deal heroin , Smartie pants should have talked, he will be going down, ,,,in court and in jail....

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: 12 angry men ()
Date: March 27, 2009 06:09PM

I watched a drug trial at the federal courthaouse a few years ago, they do not have the time nor give a shit to hear how sorry you are ,or what a great person your attorney claims you are ...they hand out serious time and dont care how long you rot in jail, they are very serious about handing out long sentences, and as far as witness tampering, well I would take a whole bunch of toothpaste and soft toilet paper if it was me;....

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WingNUt ()
Date: March 27, 2009 07:13PM

12 angry men Wrote:
> I watched a drug trial at the federal courthaouse
> a few years ago, they do not have the time nor
> give a shit to hear how sorry you are ,or what a
> great person your attorney claims you are ...they
> hand out serious time and dont care how long you
> rot in jail, they are very serious about handing
> out long sentences, and as far as witness
> tampering, well I would take a whole bunch of
> toothpaste and soft toilet paper if it was me;....

It's irrelevant how "sorry" the defendant is. If you are convicted of a federal drug crime, you are sentenced by a set of guidelines and the judge cannot depart from the sentencing guidelines without a recommendatio form the prosecution for "substantial assistance"ie snitching.

The guidelines are based on weight/amount of drugs and some mitigating factors like use or possession of a firearm or the role the def played in the crime. I forget what it is for heroin but it basically amounts to over 100kgs of weed/ 5 grams of crack/ 500 grams of powder coke will get you a five-year mandatory minimum sentence, no ifs, ands or buts.The jury has absolutely zero say in sentencing on the federal level.

These kids screwed up royally, though I think 20 yr terms are overkill. If they don't learn anything in 5 or 10, they're not going to in 20 and in their situation they probably have a low chance of recidivism. As much as I dislike snitching, I wouldn't be surprised or really blame these kids oif they went that route. A little weed slinging among friends is one thing but, but heroin dealers are just taking advantage of the sick and are usually sick themselves.

As Itchy and Scratchy said- "Kids: Say no to drugs!"

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: omar ()
Date: March 27, 2009 08:07PM

WingNUt Wrote:
> 12 angry men Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I watched a drug trial at the federal
> courthaouse
> > a few years ago, they do not have the time nor
> > give a shit to hear how sorry you are ,or what
> a
> > great person your attorney claims you are
> ...they
> > hand out serious time and dont care how long
> you
> > rot in jail, they are very serious about
> handing
> > out long sentences, and as far as witness
> > tampering, well I would take a whole bunch of
> > toothpaste and soft toilet paper if it was
> me;....
> It's irrelevant how "sorry" the defendant is. If
> you are convicted of a federal drug crime, you are
> sentenced by a set of guidelines and the judge
> cannot depart from the sentencing guidelines
> without a recommendatio form the prosecution for
> "substantial assistance"ie snitching.
> The guidelines are based on weight/amount of drugs
> and some mitigating factors like use or possession
> of a firearm or the role the def played in the
> crime. I forget what it is for heroin but it
> basically amounts to over 100kgs of weed/ 5 grams
> of crack/ 500 grams of powder coke will get you a
> five-year mandatory minimum sentence, no ifs, ands
> or buts.The jury has absolutely zero say in
> sentencing on the federal level.
> These kids screwed up royally, though I think 20
> yr terms are overkill. If they don't learn
> anything in 5 or 10, they're not going to in 20
> and in their situation they probably have a low
> chance of recidivism. As much as I dislike
> snitching, I wouldn't be surprised or really blame
> these kids oif they went that route. A little weed
> slinging among friends is one thing but, but
> heroin dealers are just taking advantage of the
> sick and are usually sick themselves.
> As Itchy and Scratchy said- "Kids: Say no to
> drugs!"

You seem well informed and educated (or been a defendant) Your position about snitching is a little disconcerting, I wonder what would happened if someone had snitched to the FBI on Sept 10, 2001???

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: March 27, 2009 10:58PM

omar Wrote:
> You seem well informed and educated (or been a
> defendant) Your position about snitching is a
> little disconcerting, I wonder what would happened
> if someone had snitched to the FBI on Sept 10,
> 2001???

Snitching (to me) is turning witness for crimes you were involved in or profiting from yourself to save your own skin, especially if there has been no self realization that the crime you committed was wrong. Snitching is the cowardly calling of cops on neighbors when you're too scared to knock on that door yourself or to settle a personal grievance.

It's a different context from 9/10. If anyone could have prevented that with a phone call, it would hardly qualify as snitching.If Mossouai had tipped off authorities because he'd had a change of heart- that would not be snitching. If Mossouai had tipped off the police in exchange for freedom, but still supported or applauded the action of the terrorists, he would be a snitch.

The "Stop Snitchin" thing in the inner city is abused. If you are an innocent bystander and witness a shooting, it's not snitching to share that information.
If these kids do cooperate, I don't think they have much to be ashamed of, as long as 1) they put the drug game behind them and 2) are seriously contrite about what they have been involved in.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Shower bay romance ahead ()
Date: March 29, 2009 09:05AM

I see a couple of your points but not the other, anyway a couple facts prevail with dealers and heavy users, their lives are all about lies, to family, friends and themselves, they have no ,guilt remorse, or sense of wrong doing, they are completely self centered and consumed with self gratification. If you think for a second they will put any of this behind them and are contrite about anything you are not living reality, Two of the key players in this were popped several times before the feds became involved. Do you really think the FBI really has the time or desire to chase around some high school punks? They had to because the liberal ass courts in Fairfax kept turning them loose and the only way to stop it before more people died is to impose some mandatory sentencing guidelines of the feds. I would guaratee that when they get out , they will be a little wiser and not conduct their business so recklessly. Personally I hope they meet their maker in prison for the lives they have ruined. They were, and wil be continue to be pieces of shit. To get back to the point, snitching is the least of their undesirable traits, so no honor in snitching is a joke, they just lost the respect of the loser doper crowd...

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Everett Seamans ()
Date: March 29, 2009 11:11AM

I have often thought that Centreville is a demonically possessed area of UNfairfax County. All my experiences with this part of town have been beyond awful. But that's just my personal experience... So unfortunately I was not shocked to hear this tragic news.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: looking for the truth ()
Date: April 02, 2009 11:23PM


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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: VAViking ()
Date: April 04, 2009 04:19AM

I was at one of those boring professional wine and cheese parties about a week ago and a ran into a couple of acquaintances who are head of their companies HR departments. One works for a beltway bandit tech firm while the other works for a large engineering firm that does a lot of contracting work for the Pentagon.

I gave them a hypothetical situation. "Lets say you had a female job applicant who just graduated from JMU at the top of her class. She has intern experience in PeopleSoft, Oracle, C++, etc., (whatever). If you were hiring, would she get the job or at least get an interview?

They thought for a moment and said "ya, sure."

I then added "Okay, in addition to graduating at the top of her class at JMU, she also went to high school here in Fairfax County...at Westfield. Would she still get the interview?"

They both shook their heads and said no. The IT HR person said, "she wouldn't even make it past the first cut, let alone get the interview." The engineering HR person stated the same thing. Neither company would hire someone who graduated from Westfield irrespective of their accomplishments after high school.
Per the engineering HR person, "you just don't know and we prefer not to take the risk."

Those kids didn't just ruin their own lives. They fucked every single person who graduated from Westfield in the recent past to the present. No one I know around here would be willing to hire someone with Westfield High School on their resume. It's unfair, but that's how things operate in the real world.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: DG ()
Date: April 04, 2009 06:37AM


That's total bullshit.

3000 kids go to Westfield, you idiot.

Everyone at your party was surely hosed, including you.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: readingtoo ()
Date: April 04, 2009 07:27AM

DG Wrote:
> VAViking,
> That's total bullshit.
> 3000 kids go to Westfield, you idiot.
> Everyone at your party was surely hosed, including
> you.

I agreed. A few rotten apples caused some splashy news. But, I wouldn't hold it against any future employees of mine. Westfield may be a big school with some few problems, but still a very, very good school.

Chantilly is in the news lately because of gang initiation, as well as Franklin Middle, so does it mean that I shouldn't send my kid there? Get real!

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: VAViking ()
Date: April 04, 2009 04:15PM

I wish it was total bullshit DG. I really, really wish it was complete and total bullshit, but its not.

Perception is everything. Reputation is everything.

When my generation graduated from Fairfax County Public Schools back in the early 1980's, we had the pick of Virginia colleges and universities. They fought over us. Students from Fairfax were considered the best in the Commonwealth. If there was competition for a slot at a university (UVA for example) between a student from Fairfax and students from Richmond or Norfolk, the Fairfax kid won every time. Back then, a kid from Oakton could have a 3.2 GPA, made 1250 on his SATs and still could have walked into Tech, Madison or UVA.

No longer. Our reputation is for shit. Now a kid has to have a GPA of 4.0 or better, made over 1500 on their SATs and be a member of a boat load of clubs before a Virginia college or university even looks at them.

Yes, I know there are a variety of factors explaining the shift. There have been several stories in the Post about it. But, one thing they didn't talk about is the fact our reputation has gone right into the toilet. Fairfax students are no longer considered the best and the brightest. Check out how many Fairfax graduates (as a percentage) attend UVA today compared to say 1985 or 1990. The figures are suggestive.

And then you have the employers. They read the newspapers too. They check out what's posted on Myspace, Facebook and even in the Fairfax Underground. Yes, Westfield has about 3,000 kids in it. Yes, most of them are good kids who aren't in gangs and don't do drugs. It doesn't matter. Reputation is everything.

Yes, some employers won't care and wouldn't discriminate against a Westfield graduate, but a lot of them will. Therein lies the problem. There are going to be a lot of good kids from Fairfax County in general and Westfield in particular who won't get into the college they want or get a job interview because of where they are from.

Per the engineering HR guy, "you just don't know and we prefer not to take the risk."

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: ihateyou ()
Date: April 04, 2009 04:40PM

its entirely jack dale's fault

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: VAViking ()
Date: April 04, 2009 05:15PM

One other thing...

Readingtoo wrote:

>Chantilly is in the news lately because of gang initiation, as well as Franklin Middle, so does it mean that I shouldn't send my kid there? Get real!

A friend of mine has a son who goes to Westfield. She is currently trying to get him transferred to Robinson.

Another friend of mine has a daughter who was a freshman over at Hayfield back in 2007. After the gang incident there on March of 2007, they sold their home and moved so she could go to Lake Braddock.

If it were my kid, I would not want them to go to Chantilly, not with SUR-13 floating around out there. They are in the same league as MS-13, the Ghost Town Crips and the Satan Disciples. According to the LA Times, they are involved in forced prostitution, drug dealing, gun running and God knows what else.

It's your kid, your choice. The thing is, that is probably the same attitude that the parents of Skylar Schnippel, Anna Richter and the rest of the Westfield Heroin ring had as well.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WHS GRAD 06 ()
Date: April 05, 2009 12:56AM

VAViking Wrote:
> I was at one of those boring professional wine and
> cheese parties about a week ago and a ran into a
> couple of acquaintances who are head of their
> companies HR departments. One works for a beltway
> bandit tech firm while the other works for a large
> engineering firm that does a lot of contracting
> work for the Pentagon.
> I gave them a hypothetical situation. "Lets say
> you had a female job applicant who just graduated
> from JMU at the top of her class. She has intern
> experience in PeopleSoft, Oracle, C++, etc.,
> (whatever). If you were hiring, would she get the
> job or at least get an interview?
> They thought for a moment and said "ya, sure."
> I then added "Okay, in addition to graduating at
> the top of her class at JMU, she also went to high
> school here in Fairfax County...at Westfield.
> Would she still get the interview?"
> They both shook their heads and said no. The IT
> HR person said, "she wouldn't even make it past
> the first cut, let alone get the interview." The
> engineering HR person stated the same thing.
> Neither company would hire someone who graduated
> from Westfield irrespective of their
> accomplishments after high school.
> Per the engineering HR person, "you just don't
> know and we prefer not to take the risk."
> Those kids didn't just ruin their own lives. They
> fucked every single person who graduated from
> Westfield in the recent past to the present. No
> one I know around here would be willing to hire
> someone with Westfield High School on their
> resume. It's unfair, but that's how things
> operate in the real world.

I've gotten jobs with 2 different companies in NOVA since I've graduated. The first was right after I graduated from Westfield and before everything at VT happened. The second was after both VT and the heroin ring bust. Honestly, if you are in college or have graduated from college, chances are you've had some sort of job and there is nothing that says that you need to put what high school you went to on your resume. In fact, I've been specifically told not to put my high school by multiple people who hire employees and this is not because they knew I went to Westfield. I am currently at a university in another state and no one here knows the reputation Westfield has or anything about Westfield for that matter.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: VAViking ()
Date: April 07, 2009 12:59AM

You are entirely correct WHS Grad 06, in part.

Most people, including myself, don't put their high school on their resume. But, let's say you send in your resume to a company HERE IN NOVA and they like you. More than likely they will email you a detailed employment application for you to fill out, one that requires you to fill out where you went to high school and in some instances (most government contractors for example) where you went to grade school (getting a security clearance is a bitch).

And there goes your interview, at least here in NOVA.

You are entirely correct on the out-of-state part and that's the point. They don't know and probably don't care, but that is not the case here in Virginia and specifically in NOVA. For the immediate future, Westfield grads are going to have a hell of a time getting jobs here in NOVA. They are going to have to go out of state to pursue their careers, all because of the actions of a bunch of complete dumb asses.

Fairfax grads in general are having a harder time of it BECAUSE the county is getting a bad reputation - drugs, gangs, etc. We are becoming known as party/gangbanger central - a bunch of spoiled, self-centered, rich, drug addled brats who don't know how to work, spell or even write properly. It's total bullshit, but this is what I'm hearing from HR people all over the place.

Perception is everything. Reputation is everything. Once it's gone, it's gone.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WHS Class of 2009 ()
Date: April 07, 2009 10:54AM

Give me a break, VAViking!! Westfield has had some notorious publicity in its short history, but it also has had some pretty stellar alumni in it's first ten years! The school was the largest in the state (not sure if that is still true with redistricting) and it's 2009 class is one of the school's biggest and finest. If you look at what was going on with "problem" grads from Westfield, many just couldn't cope with their personal situation after graduation and this caused them to chose to "drop out" with drugs and others to retaliate against society. The Westfield area is a pressure cooker for success and these kids grew up with 9/11, DC snipers and school shootings before some decided to emulate the press they'd grown up with and make their own mark. Sad that you and your HR friends choose to feature only the notorious in your cocktail conversation about our school and community.

Next time you decide to drink and hypothesize about WHS grads, here's some new considerations. WHS has graduated some of the top athletes in college (and even pro) sports. This requires talent as well as discipline and focus to excel at a school where good athletes routinely sit on the bench (good career traits for potential corporate super stars). WHS was perpetually been ranked by Newsweek Magazine for the breadth and quality of its AP program (this is why we chose to send our son to his local school instead of off to TJ, Robinson or private). The school has had more than its share of Academic All Americans as well as athletic All Americans (I wouldn't pass on a nationally recognized top performer if given the chance to hire). The WHS music program perpetually receives top honors for band, orchestra, and choral programs (these kids understand role playing and how to put together a wonderous performance by working together).

My son is a proud member of the WHS class of 2009 and was recognized as one of 43 National Merit Scholar qualifiers in this year's graduating class (there are only 50,000 nationwide)! He was recruited by hundreds of colleges nationwide and received personal inquiries from the Air Force Academy, Ohio State, University of Miami, Hampden Sydney, George Mason, Michigan State, and Harvard (yes, even Harvard sent him and several of his friends an application and waived the fee if they would just apply). My son only applied to his top two school preferences: Virginia Tech and Penn State and was accepted by both with invitations to join their Honors program.

He chose to join the Hokie nation and will have plenty of company from other WHS Class of 2009 students. I would be lying if we weren't worried that Westfield kids might not be welcome after the Cho shootings in 2007, but I can assure you that the VT community (and many other college admissions offices) may pause at the reference to Westfield, but then move on to look at the person and the quality of their accomplishments. I can also assure you that these future Hokies are determined to do WHS and VT proud, They are leaving a pressure-filled community of bulldogs to follow a neighbor to the same school that he made infamous by victimizing two former WHS schoolmates (and many others) just 2 years earlier. Unlike the dismay and disdain that WHS kids face together at sporting events and public gatherings, at VT these kids will need to stand alone and remain proud of their history when they answer that freshman question: "What school are you from?"

Drinking games between HR recruiters aside, there are those that always choose to dwell on the negative and sensational. They will ignore that the majority of kids coming out of Westfield are strong and committed contributors to their community. They can't see that these kids choose to hold their head up while walking through gauntlets of reporters and detractors and they just get their academics and athletics done, They have been tested and berated while suffering their own unimaginable losses at the hands of peers and they still persevere while being proud of their school and accomplishments. My son has always had the choice to go somewhere else and he consistently chooses to be a Bulldog and never hesitates to tell people what school he attends!

It is refreshing to know that college admission offices are not using irrational assumptions or general inferences to evaluate Westfield kids, but looking at the person and their accomplishments. Perhaps your HR friends should discuss their hiring practices and what it could competitively cost them to summarily dismiss a Westfield graduate next time you get together for drinks. It would be nice to know which companies you represent so that we could just not bother to apply....

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Re: HR nonsense!
Posted by: Another Bulldog mom ()
Date: April 07, 2009 01:41PM

I see I am NOT alone....I couldn't have said it better!!

Each school has its ups and downs....Langley a few years ago, with drugs and alcohol; South Lakes with gang activity; Herndon with gang activity; now Chantilly....give us a break and stop making negative comments at HR parties. I agreed with this mom....VAViking: give us the name of "YOUR" companies so we won't ever bother applying there. People "love" gossip, and everybody has an opinion about everything....that doesn't mean they are experts, plezzz!

I would NEVER look for another school....Westfield and its principal rock! To those parents that panick everytime they hear something negative about the school their kids attend: get real! We as parents cannot shield our kids from the elements of society and life in general, but we can raise them right and hope for the best. There will always bad influences and bad crowds no matter where you go....it is up to the individual to make the right choice.

Again.....Westfield is a great school, and I am looking forward to my daughter attending it next year! No transferring to any other school, even if given a chance.

WHS Class of 2011 and 2013!

WHS Class of 2009 Wrote:
> Give me a break, VAViking!! Westfield has had
> some notorious publicity in its short history, but
> it also has had some pretty stellar alumni in it's
> first ten years! The school was the largest in
> the state (not sure if that is still true with
> redistricting) and it's 2009 class is one of the
> school's biggest and finest. If you look at what
> was going on with "problem" grads from Westfield,
> many just couldn't cope with their personal
> situation after graduation and this caused them to
> chose to "drop out" with drugs and others to
> retaliate against society. The Westfield area is
> a pressure cooker for success and these kids grew
> up with 9/11, DC snipers and school shootings
> before some decided to emulate the press they'd
> grown up with and make their own mark. Sad that
> you and your HR friends choose to feature only the
> notorious in your cocktail conversation about our
> school and community.
> Next time you decide to drink and hypothesize
> about WHS grads, here's some new considerations.
> WHS has graduated some of the top athletes in
> college (and even pro) sports. This requires
> talent as well as discipline and focus to excel at
> a school where good athletes routinely sit on the
> bench (good career traits for potential corporate
> super stars). WHS was perpetually been ranked by
> Newsweek Magazine for the breadth and quality of
> its AP program (this is why we chose to send our
> son to his local school instead of off to TJ,
> Robinson or private). The school has had more
> than its share of Academic All Americans as well
> as athletic All Americans (I wouldn't pass on a
> nationally recognized top performer if given the
> chance to hire). The WHS music program
> perpetually receives top honors for band,
> orchestra, and choral programs (these kids
> understand role playing and how to put together a
> wonderous performance by working together).
> My son is a proud member of the WHS class of 2009
> and was recognized as one of 43 National Merit
> Scholar qualifiers in this year's graduating class
> (there are only 50,000 nationwide)! He was
> recruited by hundreds of colleges nationwide and
> received personal inquiries from the Air Force
> Academy, Ohio State, University of Miami, Hampden
> Sydney, George Mason, Michigan State, and Harvard
> (yes, even Harvard sent him and several of his
> friends an application and waived the fee if they
> would just apply). My son only applied to his top
> two school preferences: Virginia Tech and Penn
> State and was accepted by both with invitations to
> join their Honors program.
> He chose to join the Hokie nation and will have
> plenty of company from other WHS Class of 2009
> students. I would be lying if we weren't worried
> that Westfield kids might not be welcome after the
> Cho shootings in 2007, but I can assure you that
> the VT community (and many other college
> admissions offices) may pause at the reference to
> Westfield, but then move on to look at the person
> and the quality of their accomplishments. I can
> also assure you that these future Hokies are
> determined to do WHS and VT proud, They are
> leaving a pressure-filled community of bulldogs to
> follow a neighbor to the same school that he made
> infamous by victimizing two former WHS schoolmates
> (and many others) just 2 years earlier. Unlike the
> dismay and disdain that WHS kids face together at
> sporting events and public gatherings, at VT these
> kids will need to stand alone and remain proud of
> their history when they answer that freshman
> question: "What school are you from?"
> Drinking games between HR recruiters aside, there
> are those that always choose to dwell on the
> negative and sensational. They will ignore that
> the majority of kids coming out of Westfield are
> strong and committed contributors to their
> community. They can't see that these kids choose
> to hold their head up while walking through
> gauntlets of reporters and detractors and they
> just get their academics and athletics done, They
> have been tested and berated while suffering their
> own unimaginable losses at the hands of peers and
> they still persevere while being proud of their
> school and accomplishments. My son has always had
> the choice to go somewhere else and he
> consistently chooses to be a Bulldog and never
> hesitates to tell people what school he attends!
> It is refreshing to know that college admission
> offices are not using irrational assumptions or
> general inferences to evaluate Westfield kids, but
> looking at the person and their accomplishments.
> Perhaps your HR friends should discuss their
> hiring practices and what it could competitively
> cost them to summarily dismiss a Westfield
> graduate next time you get together for drinks.
> It would be nice to know which companies you
> represent so that we could just not bother to
> apply....

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: ernie ()
Date: April 07, 2009 01:57PM

I happen to be a technical recruiter. This is complete horse shit. I did a little research. Of the last 20 people I hired, 3 were Westfield Grads who were also Va Tech grads. I cannot imagine an HR person making this assumption. This is a complete lie!!!

What a troll.

VAViking Wrote:
> I was at one of those boring professional wine and
> cheese parties about a week ago and a ran into a
> couple of acquaintances who are head of their
> companies HR departments. One works for a beltway
> bandit tech firm while the other works for a large
> engineering firm that does a lot of contracting
> work for the Pentagon.
> I gave them a hypothetical situation. "Lets say
> you had a female job applicant who just graduated
> from JMU at the top of her class. She has intern
> experience in PeopleSoft, Oracle, C++, etc.,
> (whatever). If you were hiring, would she get the
> job or at least get an interview?
> They thought for a moment and said "ya, sure."
> I then added "Okay, in addition to graduating at
> the top of her class at JMU, she also went to high
> school here in Fairfax County...at Westfield.
> Would she still get the interview?"
> They both shook their heads and said no. The IT
> HR person said, "she wouldn't even make it past
> the first cut, let alone get the interview." The
> engineering HR person stated the same thing.
> Neither company would hire someone who graduated
> from Westfield irrespective of their
> accomplishments after high school.
> Per the engineering HR person, "you just don't
> know and we prefer not to take the risk."
> Those kids didn't just ruin their own lives. They
> fucked every single person who graduated from
> Westfield in the recent past to the present. No
> one I know around here would be willing to hire
> someone with Westfield High School on their
> resume. It's unfair, but that's how things
> operate in the real world.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 07, 2009 04:07PM

LOL, I agree, ernie... I have been staffing projects and tasks for govt. clients for more than a dozen years.. probably have interviewed 200+ people over that timeframe, and can never once remember taking a person's freekin' high school into consideration. That's completely absurd and methinks VAViking is making some kind of joke(?). If this person was top of their class at JMU and did an internship at PeopleSoft, and you're focusing on her *high school* background, you have no business being a hiring manager. That's a preposterous notion, lol

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Curious79 ()
Date: April 07, 2009 09:25PM

What sentences did Anna, Tayler and Ashleigh get on MArch 27

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: VAViking ()
Date: April 08, 2009 01:45AM

Geez, stirred up another hornets nest.

Okay, lets talk about HR people for second and Meeper, if you have been staffing projects this should sound familiar.

After I graduated from college, I worked for a large bank down in Atlanta. After a couple of years I moved up into a supervisory position. We had three accountant position open up and I was in charge of the interviews. I was given twelve resumes to look at and surprise, all of them graduated from the University of Georgia. Turns out, the new head HR guy was a graduate of that school and only passed along resumes from his Alma Mater.

Fast forward a couple of years and I'm in Richmond working for VDOT. Again, I was in a supervisory position and in charge of filling an Accountant Senior position. There are always three people on the interview panel for state jobs at that level. One guy we interviewed had a great resume and nailed the interview, but didn't get the job. The reason, his shoes weren't shined properly. I am not kidding, the other two on the interview panel would not hire the guy because his shoes weren't shined.

Fast forward another few years and I'm in working in Charlotte for an insurance company. Again, I an in a supervisory position in charge of filling a couple of slots, one of which was for a graphic designer. HR hands me six resumes which really suck, mainly because they are all out of state and we would have to pay relocation costs (which would have blown up my budget). By this time, I don't trust HR for shit, so I ask for the reject pile. I find eight great resumes and they are all local. One was perfect. The individual had lived in Charlotte his entire life and graduated from UNC. I walked over to HR and asked why this resume hadn't been included in the original pile.

Sniveling HR person: "He wouldn't be the right fit for our company."
Me: "What the hell do you mean by that?"
Sniveling HR person: (in a very snotty tone) "Look, you're not from around here. That high school he's from..."

"Not the right fit." Ever here that one Meeper? Erine? For those who haven't, it's HR code for "we don't like that person's skin color, or school, or sex," etc., etc. In all those positions you staffed, did you review every single resume or were you handed them by HR? You may not have cared what freaking high school some person attended and I sure as shit didn't, but that HR person did. Sorry Ernie, I'm not a troll. Your company may not give a shit, but a lot out there do. I've seen it with my own eyes time and again.

That's how a lot of HR works, both in and out of government. And it is also how a lot of colleges and universities work as well. HR fucks you with a stroke of the pen and you'll never be able to prove it. They discriminate against blacks, hispanics, Jews, Catholics, fat people, smokers, women, people over forty, etc. all under the phrase "not the right fit." I could tell you stories about UVA. I've got friends who work there and you wouldn't believe some of the stories I've heard.

Of course, if your kid is a star athlete, that's another matter. They get a free pass. Star athletes have always gotten a free pass.

So sorry Another Bulldog Mom and WHS class of 2009, if your kid isn't a star athlete, they're screwed. Fairfax grads in general and Westfield grads in particular are going to have a tough time of it getting jobs and placements at schools they want to go to. Fairfax schools are getting a terrible reputation, Westfield and a few others in particular.

I'm not the only who's pointed out this situation on this thread. So go ahead and flame or call me a troll, it doesn't matter. This is what I've been hearing from a lot of people. Perception matters. Reputation is everything. Once it's gone, it's gone.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: VAViking ()
Date: April 08, 2009 02:17AM

One other thing...

When I worked for the Commonwealth of Virginia, most job openings were all ready "filled" before they were advertised. We used to rewrite job descriptions to match the qualifications of the people we wanted in the positions. That was SOP across the state.

Form what I heard back then, Dominion Resources and Philip Morris did the same thing.

I worked at temp job for a company in Nashville once where I heard that no person from Belmont University was ever hired. The head of HR called that University "Lesbian U" in my presence. Scuttlebutt in the office said that the head of HR had applied to that school and had been turned down so she had been zapping grads from Belmont ever since.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 08, 2009 06:30AM

VAViking Wrote:
>>>> "Not the right fit." Ever here that one Meeper?

I'm no fan of HR, but I have never, ever, been given the impression that they've discriminated against a minority, let alone someone's high school! I have to document every non-hire decision, and if I listed "good candidate, but do not trust his high school", I'm sure the veep of HR would probably call me wondering if I've lost my mind. Frankly, I could care less what college someone attended, and get annoyed when someone tries to emphasize their "impressive" academic background during interviews. Sure, ivy league education is an accomplishment, but there's a reason they call this the real world. Worrying about someone's high school is just absurd, and if I ever got that kinda feedback from a recruiter, they would no longer be working with me.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: April 08, 2009 10:04AM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> I'm no fan of HR, but I have never, ever, been
> given the impression that they've discriminated
> against a minority, let alone someone's high
> school! I have to document every non-hire
> decision, and if I listed "good candidate, but do
> not trust his high school", I'm sure the veep of
> HR would probably call me wondering if I've lost
> my mind. Frankly, I could care less what college
> someone attended, and get annoyed when someone
> tries to emphasize their "impressive" academic
> background during interviews. Sure, ivy league
> education is an accomplishment, but there's a
> reason they call this the real world. Worrying
> about someone's high school is just absurd, and if
> I ever got that kinda feedback from a recruiter,
> they would no longer be working with me.

I assume you're documenting the no-hire decisions you make after their resume's reached your desk and you've interviewed them.

This 'HR screening' VAViking says allegedly goes on (I suspect it does, though no where near as often as he claims) would occur completely unknown to you. I also suspect these biases may end up canceling each other out.

OTOH, I have heard many times that jobs are written up for someone specific. Case in point, back in 2000, there was a job advertisement for someone who had a TS clearance, experience with NetExpert (COTS network management system), and C++. I had the first two, and had studied C++ in school. But, the client said (via the recruiter) they wanted someone with work experience in C++. I suspect they had someone in mind, or maybe the pool of people with all three was bigger than I thought at the time.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: ernie ()
Date: April 08, 2009 10:33AM

I am no fan of HR either and I have worked in HR for almost 19 years. In all the staffing meetings and one one ones with Hiring Managers have I ever heard someone say that they did not want to hire or interview someone because of the High School they attended. Lots of reasons to disqualify someone, but never because of the High School they attended.

TheMeeper Wrote:
> VAViking Wrote:
> >>>> "Not the right fit." Ever here that one
> Meeper?
> I'm no fan of HR, but I have never, ever, been
> given the impression that they've discriminated
> against a minority, let alone someone's high
> school! I have to document every non-hire
> decision, and if I listed "good candidate, but do
> not trust his high school", I'm sure the veep of
> HR would probably call me wondering if I've lost
> my mind. Frankly, I could care less what college
> someone attended, and get annoyed when someone
> tries to emphasize their "impressive" academic
> background during interviews. Sure, ivy league
> education is an accomplishment, but there's a
> reason they call this the real world. Worrying
> about someone's high school is just absurd, and if
> I ever got that kinda feedback from a recruiter,
> they would no longer be working with me.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 08, 2009 10:35AM

formerhick76 Wrote:
>>> I assume you're documenting the no-hire decisions you make after their resume's reached your desk and you've interviewed them

Yeah, it's done post-interview, and needs to be legit (I can't just make up some biased reason like 'went to Westfield HS').

I don't doubt that there are a few idiot recruiters out there who would pass on a resume based on high school credentials. But it's far from being the norm, and kids going to Westfield shouldn't sit here worrying that they're careers will be jeopardized because of where they went to school when they were 16. In fact, alot of times recruiters are pushy with candidates who barely meet the minimums requirements-- especially when they are busy trying to fill numerous jobs and don't want to spend any more time than they have to searching for my "ideal" candidate. That is far more often the case- open positions means no hours being billed meaning less money being made, meaning fill those positions ASAP! "Who cares if they're not perfect, just get someone in there and make it work" is more often the attitude.

And yes, it's common to write and advertise job descriptions for candidates you already know you will hire. That happens quite frequently on govt. contracts.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2009 10:37AM by TheMeeper.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Prada Denim ()
Date: April 08, 2009 10:56AM

TheMeeper wrote:

"And yes, it's common to write and advertise job descriptions for candidates you already know you will hire. That happens quite frequently on govt. contracts."

This happens quite a lot with the civil service. If you go on USAJOBs website, a good number of the positions are unofficially reserved for specific people, but by law, the hiring organizations have to post the position on-line.

Sometimes they will post ridiculous standards for positions, such as a Ph.D for a GS-7 job, or thirty years experience for a GS-12 position. This is just so no one will apply for the job already set aside for somebody.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: ernie ()
Date: April 08, 2009 11:11AM

The below statement would be correct. Also, I am sure I have been referred to as an idiot recruiter a time or two. But come on Mr. Hiring Manager, just make a decision why don't you!!!!

TheMeeper Wrote:
> I don't doubt that there are a few idiot
> recruiters out there who would pass on a resume
> based on high school credentials. But it's far
> from being the norm, and kids going to Westfield
> shouldn't sit here worrying that they're careers
> will be jeopardized because of where they went to
> school when they were 16. In fact, alot of times
> recruiters are pushy with candidates who barely
> meet the minimums requirements-- especially when
> they are busy trying to fill numerous jobs and
> don't want to spend any more time than they have
> to searching for my "ideal" candidate. That is
> far more often the case- open positions means no
> hours being billed meaning less money being made,
> meaning fill those positions ASAP! "Who cares if
> they're not perfect, just get someone in there and
> make it work" is more often the attitude.
> And yes, it's common to write and advertise job
> descriptions for candidates you already know you
> will hire. That happens quite frequently on govt.
> contracts.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 08, 2009 11:56AM

ernie Wrote:
>>> just make a decision why don't you!!!!


That's when I come up with an excuse about how it's the client's fault that things are moving so slowly on a decision.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: in the know ()
Date: April 08, 2009 12:49PM

anna and tayler's sentencings got pushed to may 29, and ashleigh's sentencing got moved to today

Curious79 Wrote:
> What sentences did Anna, Tayler and Ashleigh get
> on MArch 27

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: update ()
Date: April 08, 2009 04:24PM

Washington Post reporting another new guilty plea yesterday. This one is not for dealing, but for lying to a grand jury....


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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: VAViking ()
Date: April 08, 2009 10:59PM

I’m going to say a few more things about HR and Westfield and then I’ll let it go.

I’ve got almost 26 years experience in business. I spent about six years working in the trenches (two as a temp), about 14 year’s supervisory experience and about six years as an independent consultant. All of this was outside the DC area. I’ve worked for small, privately held companies, regional companies, Fortune 500 companies, State Government (VDOT) and non-profits. I’ve seen a lot.

I’ve dealt with some great people in HR. Regions Bank has a dedicated and professional HR staff that did an excellent job under trying circumstances during their latest merger. Same goes for SunTrust, JCPenny, and Dell Computer (before they decided to outsource their customer service section which I thought was a stupid idea). Based on my experience, I’d say about 70 to 80 percent of HR staffs are dedicated, knowledgeable and professional.

It’s that last 20 to 30 percent that gets you. Even then, it’s more upper management then the HR staffs. A few years ago, I worked as an Accounting Supervisor for a Fortune 500 company in Nashville. I had a six person team. We did A/P, bank recons, fixed asset accounting, G/L recons, etc. There was one guy on my team who I will call Bob. He wasn’t the best person on my team, but he wasn’t the worst. He had worked for the company for over seven years AND he was over forty (a protected class). One day, my supervisor calls me into his office…

There was my manager, his manager and the GM in the office. I started to sweat, wondering what I did wrong.

“We want to talk to about Bob. We don’t think he’s a team player,” my manager said.

For those of you who have never played out in Dilbert land, let me translate. Being tagged as “not being a team player” is upper management doublespeak for “we want you to shit-can this guy, but we don’t want to tell you why we want to shit-can this guy.” We talked about Bob for awhile and came up with a game plan.

First, HR sent out an email emphasizing the company’s tardiness policy. Second, I had a team meeting emphasizing the company’s tardiness policy. Third, I started keeping book on my team’s (particularly Bob’s) arrivals and departures. I had his nuts in a vice within a month, all fully documented. He had been tardy five times during that time period and I wrote him up. During my meeting with Bob, the HR person who was with me didn’t say a word and blushed during the entire meeting. She knew the situation was a setup and so did Bob. He knew the score. He started looking for work that very day and quit within two weeks, which was exactly what upper management wanted.

I never found out why upper management wanted Bob gone and that’s usually the case. You never really know why most of the time. Take those two HR people I talked to who said they wouldn’t hire a Westfield grad. That could have been their personal bigotry coming out or it could have come from upper management. You just don’t know.

Normally, this type of situation blows over in a couple of years. People forget. As Meeper stated, who freaking cares what high school someone attended. I sure as shit don’t and most HR people wouldn’t care either, but…

What happens if there is another big drug bust involving Westfield students or grads? If only 5% of what's been said about Westfield is true on some of these old threads, then apparently Westfield has a major and widespread drug problem. REMEMBER, I SAID "IF."

Another interesting thing about this entire situation is that I wasn't a least bit surprised when those HR people told me they wouldn't hire someone who attended Westfield. Those drug busts generated a lot of anger around Fairfax. More so than I would have thought. Look at the sentences handed down so far on those kids. Jessica Remmington (19) and Kevin Zuiker (21) could face up to forty years according to the papers. Am I the only one who thinks it odd that people are jumping up and down and cheering when one of these kids get handed a freaking twenty year sentence? Westfield is like a favorite punching bag everywhere I go and no, I don't know why. Remember, I just moved back to Fairfax about a year and a half ago.

So, if you want to jump on me and call me a troll, that's just fine. I don't really care. This is what I am hearing out there in corporate world. Kids and parents from Westfield ought to be concerned.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: screwed floris parent ()
Date: April 09, 2009 10:31AM

Since the SB redistricted us out of Westfield and into SL my kids are doomed to a future of acceptance by sniveling HR managers at crappy companies like VDOT and some insurance company in Charlotsville.

They'll never be entrepreneurs and actually create something of value for society, just aspiring middle managers for mediocre to shitty companies. My kid will probably be the one to say "me three" when the boss decides it's ok to have a brew at lunch. Thanks Stu!

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: April 09, 2009 10:49AM


FWIW I'm not calling you a "troll", I just disagree with some of the assertions being made, that's all.

That's sorta funny if people are still making such a big issue about this. I mean, I did see the articles in the local news a few months ago, but honestly would have forgotten about it if it weren't for all the attention it gets here on FU. I don't think I'd know a thing about places like Westfield or South Lakes if it weren't for all the goofy bickering on this forum.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: ernie ()
Date: April 09, 2009 11:53AM

I apologize for the "troll" comment. If that has been you experience so be it.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: yupper ()
Date: April 10, 2009 02:40PM

Recent news on the case:


So I remember hearing early this year that Schnippel had gotten himself into more trouble by asking someone to lie to the grand jury for him. Guess this is the guy.

Also says Schnippel's trial is set for May 4, and that it's a jury trial. I can't believe they haven't cut a deal...the jury is going to crucify him.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: 10 X 10 includes utilities ()
Date: April 10, 2009 04:48PM

yupper Wrote:
> Recent news on the case:
> http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/article.asp?ar
> ticle=327540&paper=82&cat=104
> So I remember hearing early this year that
> Schnippel had gotten himself into more trouble by
> asking someone to lie to the grand jury for him.
> Guess this is the guy.
> Also says Schnippel's trial is set for May 4, and
> that it's a jury trial. I can't believe they
> haven't cut a deal...the jury is going to crucify
> him.

Scnipple has two options, end his misery now or prepare to apply for AARP from the big house. Hes going to make someone a beautiful bride.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: VAViking ()
Date: April 11, 2009 12:07AM

From the Connection newspaper.

"Schnippel and Bonner then traveled to Nash’s residence, where Bonner provided money to Schnippel for himself and another person, and Schnippel obtained a quantity of heroin totaling less than five grams from Nash. Schnippel and Bonner returned to the residence of the other person, and Schnippel then distributed a portion of the heroin to Bonner and the other person for their personal use. Schnippel kept the remainder and left."

I wonder who "the other person" is that bought heroin from Schnippel.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: THE TRUTH ()
Date: April 11, 2009 12:19AM

As I have stated before; you can NOT trust the news or anyone for that matter. The police FBI who ever are trying to pin everything against Skylar Schnippel because of Alicia's parents. They are cutting deals with these people to make their job easier in convicting Skylar. All those who lie and deceive will have a comfy place in hell.
The Lannes succeeded and got most if not all the dealers off the street. They know the pain of their daughter being taken from them. What kind of sick parents would want to do that to another family? Alicia was loved by all her friends and more importantly Skylar, but the fact that she overdosed not once but four times should say something, no one told her to take the heroine that night. Plus, no one will know if Alicia had more heroine than what she obtained that night. Schnippel knows Alicia better than her own family.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: the judge ()
Date: April 11, 2009 10:02AM

Well I guess Skylar has had his opportunity to speak and chose not to. Now its last man standing, I would want a refund from the attorney. Oh ya, they dont refund their money regardless of the outcome, no matter how bad it is,the lawyer will be headed off to the Carribean after his stooge is off to Mecklenburg.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: wow ()
Date: April 11, 2009 11:12AM

yupper Wrote:
> Recent news on the case:
> http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/article.asp?ar
> ticle=327540&paper=82&cat=104
> So I remember hearing early this year that
> Schnippel had gotten himself into more trouble by
> asking someone to lie to the grand jury for him.
> Guess this is the guy.
> Also says Schnippel's trial is set for May 4, and
> that it's a jury trial. I can't believe they
> haven't cut a deal...the jury is going to crucify
> him.

Wow, Bonner is a dumbass. Lying to the grand jury?? He ain't getting off the hook this time.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: TkWHS ()
Date: April 14, 2009 04:30PM

The truth is every one makes mistakes and some have to learn it hard way. I know some of the people and also am a sibling of one of the arrested. For all you judging them without knowing them is wrong! Its sad to say this is what it has to come to but some of them are great people that just went down the wrong path... Westfield is a good school, just filled with people that don't know who they are yet. Seeing my parents cry every night and my sibling apologize to me makes me sad and has changed who I am and my life forever.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: whsucks ()
Date: April 14, 2009 05:09PM

TkWHS Wrote:
> The truth is every one makes mistakes and some
> have to learn it hard way. I know some of the
> people and also am a sibling of one of the
> arrested. For all you judging them without knowing
> them is wrong! Its sad to say this is what it has
> to come to but some of them are great people that
> just went down the wrong path... Westfield is a
> good school, just filled with people that don't
> know who they are yet. Seeing my parents cry every
> night and my sibling apologize to me makes me sad
> and has changed who I am and my life forever.

Which of these criminals are you related to?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: 352djkfls ()
Date: April 14, 2009 05:31PM

so criminals is what you call people who make mistakes or mess up....?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: LOL ()
Date: April 14, 2009 05:37PM

When you say "mistake," do you mean using heroin and lying to the grand jury?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: dea ()
Date: April 14, 2009 06:27PM

where are the sentences. my popcorn is ready. i bet one of those girls gets of scott free from this. that anna girl seems to be a wealth of information for the feds. hangin the rest out to dry for a free trip to rehab probably.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: plaintiff ()
Date: April 14, 2009 06:48PM

More arrests to come, get ready

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Jebus ()
Date: April 15, 2009 04:13AM

This country really needs to be out with the old and in with the new. The sooner we can change policy to allow us to follow the Swiss and UK model heroin programs, the sooner we can make more positive changes. This failed "war on drugs" BS is just ruining everyone and everything.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Dork ()
Date: April 18, 2009 02:03AM

Does anyone know that status of Jess Remington? I haven't heard if she got convicted yet or not.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: just me ()
Date: April 18, 2009 02:52AM

Looks like they busted another Heroin user/seller. The number is climbing. Now there are 16

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Date: April 18, 2009 03:05AM

just me Wrote:
> Looks like they busted another Heroin user/seller.
> The number is climbing. Now there are 16

what are you talking about? do you have a news article or link or anything useful?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: just me ()
Date: April 18, 2009 03:21AM

I thought I read it in the Centre Ville or the Post. It was one of those papers that said 16. Can't remember, but I will find it if you like and let you know.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Date: April 18, 2009 03:32AM

i know they sentenced ashleigh to two years and the matt guy to 20 but i didnt know if you were talking about something newer.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: just me ()
Date: April 18, 2009 06:33AM

There was something in one of the papers I, but like I said, I have to look and I will let you know.

As for JR, I know he got 19 yrs. Skylar's, his trail is coming up soon I know. I am not sure if there are anymore after that.

I wonder how many more are out there they have not caught yet .....

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Getting it Together ()
Date: April 19, 2009 01:22PM

As a member of the Centreville community directly impacted by teen heroin use, I routinely search "Heroin Centreville" on Washingtonpost.com or "heroin" on connectionnewspapers.com or fairfaxtimes.com. A summary of what you'll find if you also take the time to search these sources is:

16 arrests and 4 deaths are now linked to the Centreville heroin ring that was identified under "Operation Smackdown" in November 2008. Operation Smackdown originally resulted in 10 arrests for heroin dealing and 3 deaths associated with the dealing (see FBI press releases from November). 14 of the now 16 arrested have already entered guilty pleas (8 of original 10) to a variety of charges (see specifics on reported status below).

The 16th arrest and most recent guilty plea was Michael Bonner and his arrest was unique in that he wasn't charged with distribution, but was indicted for "lying to a grand jury regarding another person’s actions in connection with the Centreville-based heroin ring" (see Centreview 4/9 issue).

About 1/2 of the 14 guilty have been sentenced. Sentences published to date are: JR Quick got 19 yrs for distribution resulting in death of Alicia Lannes, Daniel Nash got 20 yrs for distribution resulting in death of Alicia Lannes, Lokesh Rawat got 46 mos for conspiracy to distribute heroin, David Schreider got 63 mos for conspiracy to distribute, Ashley Shade got 24 mos for conspiracy to distribute, and Matthew Greenlee got 20 yrs for distributrion resulting in death of Carmen Somers,

Kevin Zuiker and Jessica Remington were scheduled to be sentenced for conspiracy (5-40 years) on 4/17 but no news has been released (look for the next centreview to status).

Tayler Gibson and Anna Richter were originally scheduled for March sentencing on conspiracy charges (5-40 years each) with Shade, but Shade was only pushed a couple weeks and the other 2 were reportedly pushed to a 5/29 sentence date. For Shade, the judge stated that she was "at the 'minimum levels' of the conspiracy" and "There’s no evidence of a profit motive." Because of this, the judge departed downward from the minimum sentencing guidelines and gave Shade 24 months in prison and credit for the three months she’d already served in jail (she was incarcerated at her plea hearing because she had tested positive for opiates after her arrest). See 4/16 Centreview for more on her sentencing and situation.

Upcoming sentence hearings are scheduled for Angela Aycock on 4/24 (conspiracy, 5-40 yrs), Andrew Kacvinsky on 6/5 (conspiracy, 5-40 yrs), Matthew Megale on 6/12 (distribution to someone under age 21, 1-40 yrs) and Michael Bonner on 7/2 (lying to grand jury, up to 5 yrs).

The Skylar Schnippel and Antonio Harris trials are reportedly scheduled to start on May 4 (fairfaxtimes and centreview) and Skylar Schnippel is already in jail for obstruction of justice charges that were reported in February 19 centreview.

Deaths that have been linked to the "Operation Smackdown" arrests (and are the basis for the 20-life sentences) are Alicia Lannes (3/5/2008), Duncan Parker (9/1/2008) and Carmen Somers (9/7/2008). The press continues to assert that there was another death linked to the first ten arrests, but the fourth victim has not been named. The fourth name may surface during upcoming trials as Schnippel and Harper both reportedly face multiple charges of distribution resulting in death (Feb 19 centreview).

There are also reported links to near deaths for some of the other defendants (i.e., Megale) and many teen users that have allegedly been impacted within community, but the users are not named and have not been included in the 16 Operation Smackdown arrests (which are Federal charges). All these Federal arrests are based on distribution charges and the lying charge for Mr. Bonner. Many (probably all) of these kids are also users, but none are charged with use or possession.

Please remember that these kids had much further impact than just the Lannes death and many of those stories aren't and won't be reported (i.e, juvenile dealer arrests, user arrests, community theft activity to support habits). We really need to band together to get heroin use viewed as unacceptable teen behavior in Fairfax County!! These sentences are scary, but what's even scarier is that these kids went to their sources and sought out this drug to bring back to the community. Only Antonio Harper was from outside the immediate area and older than early 20s (he is 33 and from Waldorf, MD). I have not seen anything that points to him coming to Centreville to develop a Heroin market (but I'm sure more will come out in trial).

As a community, we really have to do some soul searching on why our kids thought and evidently continue to think it would be a good idea to drive to DC and Baltimore and support/benefit from their community's addiction to heroin. It's particularly disturbing that these kids have friends that think they should perpetuate the problem even thought they know the sentences that are being handed out (witness Megale continuing to deal after his neighbors were under Federal indictment). All this effort to blame a victim like Carmen Somers or Alicia Lannes for the arrests and sentences being handed out ignores that these kids are all victims of their own involvement and the sentences being handed out are MINIMUMS or below for everyone except Schreider (which was still on the lenient edge of 5-40). It also ignores that heroin death is no stranger to these kids (Jon Grymkoski reportedly died from a heroin overdose in October of 2006 and his sister appears in Facebook as a friend of Alicia Lannes and Duncan Parker both also now deceased).

Thanks to the Lannes' for standing up in all these court cases (even the ones not tied directly to Alicia's death) and working on heroin awareness across the community. Hearing of Alicia's death from Heroin last March was a gut punch to most Westfield parents and surreal in terms of our awareness of our kids' usage. It is hard to stand up through all your grief and fight to stop others from becoming victims, but your tireless support and involvement have given the situation a broader visibility and may actually result in our kids stopping this vicious cycle. It is unfortunate that many want to attack the victim that does stand up and say enough, but I believe the message is getting through and your efforts will make a difference for all of us.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: 15th Guilty Plea ()
Date: April 21, 2009 07:49PM

Antonio Harper (33) pleads guilty to supplying Centreville distribution ring with 10 to 30 KG of heroin between 2006 and his arrest in November 2008...


Leaves Schnippel as only one to actually face trial for heroin distribution (bet the remaining sentences halt until after May 4). . .

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Jebus ()
Date: April 23, 2009 04:53AM

Oh jebus, do I really have to re-post what I put up in that thread on the Lannes family? Naw, I'll just bullet it here.

- You can't stop people from doing what they want to do (unless it's mass homicide). Unconstitutional, but frankly who cares about that old thing anymore. Maybe they just weren't your clones when they were born and decided to take different life paths (which is what happens to alot of people who are not brainwashed).

- Speculation for reasons why they did what they did ----> explore critical thinking options (brainstorming activity) = Maybe they didn't want to stop, maybe they wanted to look cool as kids, and make money doing it, Emotional trouble also brings heavy usage known as self-medicating. Why other kids adopt this new drug depends on them, just like not everybody who buys a Toyota buys it for the amazing cup holders.

- Kids these days are not afraid of the same BS that the kids in the 80s were fed about imminent death and dismemberment caused by snorting a line. (Maybe a more balanced education is responsible for this? I really don't know why)

- Putting kids in jail doesn't bring the dead back to life (I don't think a shaman could even attempt that one), it just turns kids into hardcore criminals who will probably have blood-thirsty revenge in their eyes the moment they step foot out of of jail.

Anyway it is a problem. I agree kids shouldn't really be using those things, but not regulating the market has brought us this dilemma so we will deal with it for now, and since legalizing drugs seems like nary a distant speck on the horizon of the political landscape, it's best to try and keep your kids off the smack if you can. If they're already on it, take them to a methadone clinic (which I've never been to and I hear are quite a pain in the ass), or a doctor who can prescribe your child Suboxone/Subutex (which is being hailed as the current miracle cure for opiate addictions). At least if they're going to get high, let them be legal about it so they can't get in trouble anymore, and it should help a few problems in the interim while you figure out which action route you wanna take.

You're obviously not alone in this as people get arrested all the time, or know loved ones who get arrested, or get caught up in some immeasurable way, all around the country for drug related charges, all day long. Ultimately ensuring all law enforcement is kept from investigating robberies and murders to pinpoint where the marijuana is getting into the city.

Anyway, good luck in Centreville.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/23/2009 04:54AM by Jebus.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: drew kavinski ()
Date: April 23, 2009 11:59AM

Fuck you are you really that stupid

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Reader ()
Date: April 23, 2009 02:52PM

Why is he stupid drew?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Dork ()
Date: April 24, 2009 04:29PM

Getting it Together Wrote:
> Kevin Zuiker and Jessica Remington were scheduled
> to be sentenced for conspiracy (5-40 years) on
> 4/17 but no news has been released (look for the
> next centreview to status).

I'm an old friend of Jessica and I'm glad that she'll be sentenced. She fucked up and she has to pay for her mistakes.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Harper Plea & Greenlee Sentence Details ()
Date: April 24, 2009 08:44PM

More details on the Greenlee sentencing (sounds like 2 more arrests are pending for Ms. Somers death:


and info about the Harper plea (they dropped the distribution contributing to Alicia Lannes' death charge for him to plea on other charges):


Angela Aycock was scheduled to be sentenced today, but they pushed out all the other sentences surrounding the Lannes death. Could they be waiting for 5/4 start of Schnippel trial to finish negotiating sentence deals for these kids?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: AnonLaw ()
Date: April 26, 2009 08:36PM

"If you are convicted of a federal drug crime, you are sentenced by a set of guidelines and the judge cannot depart from the sentencing guidelines without a recommendation form the prosecution for "substantial assistance"ie snitching."

That would have been a true statement a couple years ago, but not anymore. Post-Booker/Kimbrough/Gall, etc., the sentencing guidelines are merely advisory. The judge need only calculate a sentence according to the guidelines, and if she chooses to deviate downward, explain her rationale by copy-pasting some language from USC 3553 into her order.

The guidelines were designed to impose real offense sentencing without any of this "he grew up in a broken home, so he's less culpable" or "he grew up in a loving home, so he's easier to rehabilitate" speculation. But discretion's back in now, and so's all that.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 26, 2009 09:27PM

AnonLaw Wrote:
> "If you are convicted of a federal drug crime, you
> are sentenced by a set of guidelines and the judge
> cannot depart from the sentencing guidelines
> without a recommendation form the prosecution for
> "substantial assistance"ie snitching."
> That would have been a true statement a couple
> years ago, but not anymore.
> Post-Booker/Kimbrough/Gall, etc., the sentencing
> guidelines are merely advisory. The judge need
> only calculate a sentence according to the
> guidelines, and if she chooses to deviate
> downward, explain her rationale by copy-pasting
> some language from USC 3553 into her order.
> The guidelines were designed to impose real
> offense sentencing without any of this "he grew up
> in a broken home, so he's less culpable" or "he
> grew up in a loving home, so he's easier to
> rehabilitate" speculation. But discretion's back
> in now, and so's all that.

I misspoke and used the term "guidelines" when I meant to say "mandatory minimums".

I didn't understand the new development helped mandatory minimums. From what I've heard the guidelines are out, but the mandatorys are still in. This helps people only with the lowest threshold of the lowest mandatory minimum, 5 years. If your crime carries a guideline range of say 18 to 25 months, the judge can sentence under. But once the mandatory level of drug weight or firearm use is hit, it trumps any new leeway by the case law you've quoted. I used to keep up with all of this stuff, read FAMM newletters and all, but I haven't paid much mind to it in the last few years.

The guidelines are entirely different than mandatory minimums. The guidlines came AFAIK because of the wide regional variation in sentencing. Often someone in NY with a liberal judge would get probation while down South a redneck judge would give you 10 years like it was candy. There used to be parole after about a third of your sentence in the feds, old law they call it. Now it's "new law" and even "new new law"


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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: AnonLaw ()
Date: April 27, 2009 10:37AM

Oh, okay. Not guidelines. Yes, mandatory minimums are still binding on judges.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: cg ()
Date: April 27, 2009 04:28PM

does anyone know if skylar's brothers were also involved?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: just me ()
Date: April 27, 2009 05:09PM

I thought Skylar had a sister only. But as far as I know it is only Skylar. No one else in his family was involved as in brothers/sisters.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: poss ()
Date: April 28, 2009 12:47PM

wouldn't be surprised if trey was involved in some way at some point since him and skylar are only a year or so apart and they were pretty close/partied together sometimes. but that doesn't mean he was "involved" enough to be charged with anything.
unlikely (hopefully) that reece (other younger bro) was involved b/c he would have only been 15 or 16 around the time everything was really goin down

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: steven spielberg ()
Date: April 28, 2009 12:50PM

has this story been aired on any shows like 48 hours or dateline nbc? i feel like it is a hollywood video (or at least some indie flick) waiting to happen

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: cg ()
Date: April 28, 2009 01:02PM

yeah i was wondering if reece was the "un-named individual" when all the arrests happened,since he was a minor. that would be so bad for their family.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Reader ()
Date: April 28, 2009 02:07PM

None of Skylar's brothers were ever involved

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Seann ()
Date: May 01, 2009 07:38PM

So did that Harper guy (Black guy from PG Co. supply guy to Wfield HS) ever give up anyone higher than him on the heroin food chain??

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Court Starts Monday ()
Date: May 02, 2009 06:37AM

All sentencing appears to have stopped on cases related to Alicia Lannes' death and her boyfriend (Skylar Schnippel) is reportedly scheduled to go on trial Monday (5/4). So far, Quick and Nash got 19 and 20 years (respectively) for distribution contributing to Alicia's death and Rawat and Schreider got 46 and 63 months for distribution in late February. Greenlee was sentenced to 20 years in mid April, but he was linked to another death (Carmen Sommers) and Shade was given 24 months for dealing to support her own habit in early April. Harper recently plead guilty to distribution and gun charges but his distribution contributing to death charge was dropped (will probably find out at the 7/17 sentencing hearing if he got/did anything else to negotiate a plea).

It would appear that all efforts have been focused on getting Harper to plea and Schnippel to trial. Expect a flurry of new revelations and Lannes family bashing as the Schnippel case progresses. It's unclear if more arrests are pending for WHS-based heroin distribution, but one would hope that the Bonner guilty plea for lying to a grand jury and Schnippel's witness tampering incarceration have put a lid on that level of arrest activity. It does seem related, however, that five of the kids with guilty distribution pleas may have been given a little extra time to get their affairs in order before sentencing. It may also be a coincidence that the court case for Schnippel wasn't scheduled to start until after his college friends come back to Centreville, but it sounds like a witness strategy....

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: wondering ()
Date: May 02, 2009 07:17AM

Is anyone going to be at the hearing on the 4th of May??? Please post what the verdict is for Skylar if you find out that day.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Eight is Enough ()
Date: May 02, 2009 10:05AM

2nd man gets death in California yacht murders
The Associated Press
Friday, May 1, 2009; 4:13 PM

SANTA ANA, Calif. -- A Southern California man has become the second person sentenced to death in the murders of a retired couple who was tied to an anchor and thrown off their yacht.

Orange County Superior Court Judge Frank Fasel condemned 43-year-old John Fitzgerald Kennedy on Friday. A jury convicted Kennedy in February of two counts of special-circumstances murder and recommended death.

Kennedy's co-defendant, Skylar Deleon,1 also was sentenced to death last month in the murders of Tom and Jackie Hawks.

Authorities say Kennedy and two others overpowered the couple from Prescott, Ariz., and threw them overboard in a plot to steal their yacht, which was for sale.

Deleon's ex-wife was convicted of murder in 2006 and sentenced to life in prison. A fourth co-defendant still faces trial.

1 Deleon began acting in bit parts in commercials as a child. At age 14, he appeared in the series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as an extra in the episode Second Chance. As an adult Deleon struggled to remember lines, and his career faltered as a result. At age 20, he joined the United States Marine Corps, but went on Unauthorized Absence (UA) fifteen days later. He was later given an other than honorable discharge.

Despite Deleon's earlier protestations of innocence, once his trial began, Deleon's attorney conceded that Deleon had indeed committed all three murders. The attorney said that he had taken the case to trial only to argue to a jury that Deleon should not be sentenced to death. On October 20, Deleon was convicted of three counts of first-degree murder and special circumstances for financial gain and multiple victims, and on November 6, 2008, the jury recommended the death penalty. Sentencing was originally scheduled for January 16, 2009, but was then rescheduled to March 20 on request by Deleon's attorney. On March 13, it was announced that sentencing would again be rescheduled, to April 10, so that the family of the victims could attend.

On April 10, 2009, Deleon was sentenced to death by Orange County Superior Court Judge Frank Fasel.
Tom and Jackie Hawks.jpg

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Fear ()
Date: May 02, 2009 10:32AM

You guys still doing Heroin, Come on get on the new stuff.. Adrenichrome is going to change the world on drugs!! ITS THE BOMB!

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: May 02, 2009 10:52AM

I agree with the above, as you don't need much... just a little taste.

It's like mescaline methadrine.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Date: May 02, 2009 01:24PM

what do the yacht murders have to do with a heroin ring in centreville

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: yo ()
Date: May 04, 2009 10:20AM

todays skylars big day..

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: wonder ()
Date: May 04, 2009 03:55PM

i wonder if news coverage will start picking up on this now that the feature trial has started...

i would bank on a dateline nbc episode about this once all is said and done

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Date: May 04, 2009 05:10PM

i could definitely see something like that happening too. 48 hours might decide to come back to our pleasent abode after the ratings they got for their show on justin wolfe.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: just me ()
Date: May 04, 2009 05:18PM

you can almost bet this will be in the Centre View paper this week.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Josh42070369 ()
Date: May 04, 2009 05:52PM

just me Wrote:
> you can almost bet this will be in the Centre View
> paper this week.

no shit.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: testimony begins ()
Date: May 04, 2009 09:49PM

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: sandindc ()
Date: May 05, 2009 01:15PM

Skylar Schnipple was just found guilty on all three counts.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: wow ()
Date: May 05, 2009 01:37PM

testimony begins Wrote:
> Washington Post reports on first day of trial...
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/artic
> le/2009/05/04/AR2009050403570.html

despite all the ridiculous factors in this trial (namely, using skylar as the scapegoat for alicia's own actions), my question is this: why is the prosecution so intent on building the case around skylar? not only was he not the main supplier to these kids, he wasn't even the main supplier within his group of friends (jr was). so why is the prosecution trying to build this glamorous case around a kid who was no more involved than the rest, rather than trying to do something really beneficial for society and track down the root of the problem - above skylar, above jr, above antonio harper - to actual make some headway in this so-called "war on drugs" they claim to be fighting against

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Hmmm ()
Date: May 05, 2009 01:39PM

sandindc Wrote:
> Skylar Schnipple was just found guilty on all
> three counts.

How was that decision reached so quickly? I expected this trial to go on for quite some time, with days of testimony?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: just me ()
Date: May 05, 2009 01:50PM

Hmmm Wrote:
> sandindc Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Skylar Schnipple was just found guilty on all
> > three counts.
> How was that decision reached so quickly? I
> expected this trial to go on for quite some time,
> with days of testimony?

I thought so too that this case would drag on for a while. The papers did not mention this at all.

I also agree with WOW. As for JR, I know he did not have a drivers license for he had to get others to drive him. But that does not make a difference in this case. they should go a step futher and get the person above Antonio Harper.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: smarterthanyou ()
Date: May 05, 2009 01:57PM

The reason he was found guilty so quickly is because the evidence was so overwhelming. You're right they should go further with their investigation because I'm sure there are more heroin addicts in their circle that were missed. Have fun in jail kids.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Date: May 05, 2009 03:34PM


he also didnt have a jury trial, it was just the judge, so i guess theres not much deliberation time

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Border Security is CHEAPER Than Wars
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 05, 2009 03:47PM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 07:00PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: May 05, 2009 03:50PM

What's sad is the fact that her parents completely missed the fact that she was screwed up enough to OD on heroine repeatedly. Mom was upstairs for four hours without checking on her drug addict daughter who'd already OD'ed a few times?

It's easy to blame someone else, particularly when you don't want to accept any of the responsibility yourself.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Listener ()
Date: May 05, 2009 04:05PM

I agree with what is said above. The Lannes' need to realize that it was Alicia who did this to herself. What is even more sick is that they know what it is like to lose their child why would they want parents to go through the same thing. They are a selfish family to try for something like this. I hope the Schnippel's appeal this bullshit.
I also heard that during Lokesh Rowat's trial he asked the judge if he should go to rehab and the response he got from the judge is "ehh don't bother I already know the answer (verdict) for the other trials"
We have a fucked up judicial system and it just goes to show you that even when people say they are not biased to have a grieving family who lost their daughter and they need to have a scapegoat then they will be willing to throw anyone under the bus. I bet Alicia is turning in her grave now from what her family is doing.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: May 05, 2009 04:09PM

Shadow Wrote:
> It's easy to blame someone else, particularly when
> you don't want to accept any of the responsibility
> yourself.


13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: yupper ()
Date: May 05, 2009 04:14PM

Question for several of you folks who seem to know the law: If a defense lawyer thinks there's no possible way to win a case, is it unethical for them to continue to work as though there is -- to continue to charge the client and act as though there's a reasonable chance of winning?

It seems as though the evidence of skylar's guilt has been overwhelming all along. I don't see how the lawyers or parents could have thought otherwise.

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