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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 05, 2009 04:55PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2015 09:59PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: jimmy jingles ()
Date: May 05, 2009 05:12PM

How is it unethical for a lawyer to defend his client??

If you tell your lawyer you're innocent and you want him to pursue your defense as if you are innocent, he's obligated to do just that.

If the lawyer took their money and told the jury "yeah I actually think this person is guilty" he'd probably get disbarred.

Great question though.

yupper Wrote:
> Question for several of you folks who seem to know
> the law: If a defense lawyer thinks there's no
> possible way to win a case, is it unethical for
> them to continue to work as though there is -- to
> continue to charge the client and act as though
> there's a reasonable chance of winning?
> It seems as though the evidence of skylar's guilt
> has been overwhelming all along. I don't see how
> the lawyers or parents could have thought
> otherwise.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 05, 2009 05:33PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2015 09:59PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: jimmy jingles ()
Date: May 05, 2009 05:43PM

> A lawyers job isn't to play along with a
> delusional defendants incredible lies.

I see you have a firm and realistic grasp on the role of a defense attorney.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: soimp ()
Date: May 05, 2009 06:24PM

Looks like Skylar attempted to save his sorry ass by naming 30 other people to the police , what a great guy. no honor among thieves or dealers. enjoy prison you flithy scumbag

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Border Security is CHEAPER Than Wars
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 05, 2009 07:03PM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 07:00PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: May 05, 2009 07:34PM

yupper Wrote:
> Question for several of you folks who seem to know
> the law: If a defense lawyer thinks there's no
> possible way to win a case, is it unethical for
> them to continue to work as though there is -- to
> continue to charge the client and act as though
> there's a reasonable chance of winning?
> It seems as though the evidence of skylar's guilt
> has been overwhelming all along. I don't see how
> the lawyers or parents could have thought
> otherwise.

Gee, OJ Simpson's lawyers probably thought there was no way he'd get off. But he did. Like many things, the facts on paper don't mean a thing, you have to play the game to the end for the final answer. Lawyers, like many others, have been making a very good living this way for centuries.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: piciswortha$1000 ()
Date: May 05, 2009 07:41PM

Does anyone have a pic of this Skylar dude? Maybe his arrest shot? Odd name...what race is he and what's the 411 on the family? Maybe a nice civil suit in the future for someone if his daddy/mommy has some bucks...

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: jimmy jingles ()
Date: May 05, 2009 07:44PM


(note: modified your question a little bit)

WingNut Wrote:
> Would you consider a doctor good if he just approved every
> prescription for percoset and vicodin you asked for?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Seann ()
Date: May 05, 2009 07:55PM

Is anyone tired of Alicia Lannes family yet??

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: no seann.... ()
Date: May 05, 2009 08:06PM

I'm not tired of them. I hope no other family ever has to go through the pain they have.

People can beat them up all they want, for not doing everything they could have. As a family who loved their daughter and sister, I'm sure they thought that what they did was enough. You want to trust your loved ones and believe that they will not do bad things again... Maybe they just didnt' know how HUGE the dragon was that they were trying to slay.

Hopefully the 30 people that Skylar sold out today will result in arrests, too. Fingers crossed!

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Date: May 05, 2009 08:13PM

no seann.... Wrote:

Maybe they just
> didnt' know how HUGE the dragon was that they were
> trying to slay.

she od'd 3 times BEFORE the time she died. they knew, they were just incompetent and are looking for someone to blame. how bout not giving your heroin addicted daughter a bedroom in the basement where you cant watch her. they should have had her room right across from theirs. and how about getting her out of centreville for crying out loud. that worked for one of the other defendants. anna richter went to florida, stayed in florida except coming back for her court dates, guess what? shes alive, probably serving no time for this, and her parents didnt try to send every single one of her friends to prison.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: tilly ()
Date: May 05, 2009 08:38PM

her "friends" that are being sent to prison held a proverbial gun to her head and then didn't throw her a lifeline when she was drowning.

with friends like that...... who needs cellmates?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: three questions ()
Date: May 05, 2009 10:22PM

1) how is it possible that skylar had not a single person testify on his behalf? did his lawyer suck that bad?

2) did he sell out 30 people today at his trial, or over the course of the investigation?

3) did anyone go to the trial/watch it go down?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Ignatz Mouse ()
Date: May 05, 2009 11:17PM

> It seems as though the evidence of skylar's guilt
> has been overwhelming all along. I don't see how
> the lawyers or parents could have thought
> otherwise.

This is true. The law is pretty straightforward; however one might regard the decedent's behavior, given the facts reported in the media, there really appears to be no wiggle room whatsoever as to the conspiracy, possession and distribution charges against Schnippel, including the "resulting in death" element. Of course, there may be relevant facts that weren't reported, or nuances in the law not evident to the untrained eye. I would be curious to see what sort of argument Schnippel's well-regarded attorney, Rodney G. Leffler, actually made to the court. To say Schnippel was simply an addict, not a dealer - as Leffler contended, per the Post - doesn't even begin to refute the elements of the crimes Schnippel was charged with (e.g., you don't have to be a "dealer" to be guilty of "distribution," which merely requires the "transfer" of a controlled substance).

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: un-fairfax aboveground you suck ()
Date: May 05, 2009 11:20PM

@un-fairfax aboveground

you are an idiot. Drug Dealers are the scum of the earth.

So maybe she was addicted. But where did she get it from. White girls from Chantilly don't end up as heroin addicts unless someone supplies it to them.

The suppliers, aka Skylar and the guy from DC deserve the death penalty. Seriously.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: jimmy jingles ()
Date: May 05, 2009 11:42PM

un-fairfax aboveground you suck Wrote:
> The suppliers, aka Skylar and the guy from DC
> deserve the death penalty. Seriously.

Except they didn't actually kill her, she did that to herself by being a junkie. They just sold her the gun.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Ignatz Mouse ()
Date: May 05, 2009 11:53PM

And if you sell a gun to someone you know has attempted suicide with a gun three times...?

What's the culpability there?

Second-degree murder - a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life - perhaps?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: jimmy jingles ()
Date: May 06, 2009 12:04AM

Ignatz Mouse Wrote:
> And if you sell a gun to someone you know has
> attempted suicide with a gun three times...?

Your analogy is flawed. Its not like providing a gun to a suicdal person, its more like providing a gun to a clumsy person that previously shot themselves in the foot three seperate times. Yes, its a bad idea, but it wasn't murder.

Am I saying these are angels that sold her the drugs? No, and they need to be sentenced for their crimes of selling drugs. However, she is the one that killed herself by being a junkie.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Date: May 06, 2009 02:54AM

tilly Wrote:
> her "friends" that are being sent to prison held a
> proverbial gun to her head and then didn't throw
> her a lifeline when she was drowning.
> with friends like that...... who needs cellmates?

actually i would say she had the gun to her own head, and guess what? she pulled the trigger HERSELF

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Date: May 06, 2009 02:56AM

un-fairfax aboveground you suck Wrote:
> @un-fairfax aboveground
> you are an idiot. Drug Dealers are the scum of the
> earth.
> So maybe she was addicted. But where did she get
> it from. White girls from Chantilly don't end up
> as heroin addicts unless someone supplies it to
> them.
> The suppliers, aka Skylar and the guy from DC
> deserve the death penalty. Seriously.

oh yeah well then why did alicia travel to dc multiple times to get heroin to shoot up. how can you just take all of the blame off of her. people in court testified that she was the one to first shoot them up jackass. Daniel nash just got 20 fucking years and guess who he said shot him up for the first time. Alicia fucking Lannes

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Date: May 06, 2009 03:02AM

and Alicia was dating a drug dealer, do you honestly think that she never "helped a friend out" and got them heroin? if you dont then you're absofuckinglutely retarded. if it was skylar that died would you be wanting to cut alicia's head off and put it on a post for all to see so they know not to be a drug dealer? get real this is the most fucked up case ever. They have ruined all these kids lives and at the same time cost taxpayers millions of dollars to house/feed/pay medical bills/etc for the next 20 to life.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: cvhs ()
Date: May 06, 2009 03:12AM

un-fairfax aboveground you suck Wrote:
> @un-fairfax aboveground
Drug Dealers are the scum of the
> earth.

if you believe this then i think you should ask the lannes family about the time their son got arrested for selling drugs in high school.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Date: May 06, 2009 03:18AM

to prove my earlier nash statement:

Daniel R. Nash, 20, sentenced to 20 years in prison, said Lannes introduced him to intravenous drug use

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: tilly ()
Date: May 06, 2009 06:44AM


You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. One one side, you say that Alicia pulled the trigger herself, making me think you are of the thought that everyone is responsible for their own actions, no matter what. Then... you say the Lannes have ruined these kids lives, when actually the kids' own choices have done that. You can't choose to assign responsibility when it suits your argument.

Oh wait, you can... it happens in politics all the time!

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: un-fairfax aboveground you suck ()
Date: May 06, 2009 10:30AM

You are missing the point in your arguments. You are focusing on individual incidents of usage, after she had been addicted. Of course she "chose" to use it once she was addicted.

But the real issue is who got her addicted in the first place. You need to work back through the chain to get to the guys who thought it would be a swell idea to introduce heroin to some high school kids (and those guys need to be put to death).

High school kids are easily influenced and make bad decisions all the time. But they shouldn't be in a position where that choice involves one of the most addictive and destructive drugs around.

You are advocating the classic drug dealer argument. Guys such as Frank Lucas and Rayful Edmond destroy communities so they can make a few bucks, and then claim that anybody who used did so of their own free will. Would you defend them?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: May 06, 2009 11:28AM

There's no way to escape the conclusion that we are responsible for our own actions.

While not excusing Mr. Schnippel's conduct, the bottom line is that Ms. Lannes had a responsibility to look out for herself and failed to do so. My heart does go out to her family, and it is a tragedy she could not overcome her addiction to an ultimately lethal street drug. I say this not in a mean way but in a way to remind that ultimately the bottom line lies with their choices. One only wishes she could have imposed boundaries on herself to stay away from both her friends dealing the stuff and the drug itself.

This doesn't let Mr. Schnippel off the hook, though. He too is culpable for his actions and it appears he is now paying for them dearly, facing over 20 years in federal prison.

The excessive length of drug sentences is a separate subject and is a good topic of conversation.

I am curious as to why Mr. Schnippel went to trial, especially since he did not appear to put on any evidence. Perhaps the prosecutors were not open to any plea agreement? Or was it hope against hope?

Lots of young lives ruined here. And perhaps those that speak out against those who trivialize drug use will receive a better reception than they currently do.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: meh ()
Date: May 06, 2009 11:37AM

anyone know when sentencing is for mr schnippel?

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Border Security is CHEAPER Than Wars
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 06, 2009 11:50AM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 06:59PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: May 06, 2009 01:06PM

WingNut - let me be clear, I wasn't making the argument that everyone necessarily has the "free will" to break a heroin addiction. A law enforcement acquaintance with an unusual amount of empathy has related to me the private hell these people live through. Life's ups and downs are tough enough - I can only imagine what it is like managing the downs when stuck on heroin and with the gripping mania that obtains with the use of drug. I feel for them.

But the choice to start is a matter of free-will, although I am not sure that young people really know how awful a road heroin is to walk down. The challenge is to inform a bunch of young people when they are in the time of their lives (both organically and emotionally) when they tend to think they are indestructible.

I share your beliefs about excessive drug sentences.

And you are in my view unusually situated and skilled to talk about just how bad news some of these drugs can be. I mean that in the most positive way possible - I greatly respect your sincere nature and the ability to get to the point.

And I am not second guessing the young man's decision to go to trial here in a capricious way. I cringe when I think of extra years in prison - seeing young (if flawed) talent wasting away.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 06, 2009 02:29PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2015 09:57PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: HateTheHOA ()
Date: May 06, 2009 09:55PM

The thing that sucks about this entire thread is that we probably wouldn't be having this conversation if Schnipple and Lannes and all the defendants were Black. We wouldn't be crying our eyes out about lost opportunities and lost potential if they were inner-city black kids from the 'hood. It wouldn't have made the papers, it certainly wouldn't have generated a front page feature story in the Post, and none of us would probably even know about it. This kind of thing goes on in courtrooms every single day, but because it touched the establishment/white-bread suburbs, it's all of a sudden newsworthy??? How racist is that people???

All of a sudden a dozen or so WHITE kids end up in jail for heroin dealing and the sentencing guidelines are unfair? Where were you when black kids were jailed under the same laws -- what about their potential and their wasted lives??? I'd be willing to bet that most people reading this thread never thought about those wasted lives BEFORE these white kids were caught up in it.....

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: yeah! ()
Date: May 06, 2009 10:26PM

HateTheHOA Wrote:
> The thing that sucks about this entire thread is
> that we probably wouldn't be having this
> conversation if Schnipple and Lannes and all the
> defendants were Black. We wouldn't be crying our
> eyes out about lost opportunities and lost
> potential if they were inner-city black kids from
> the 'hood. It wouldn't have made the papers, it
> certainly wouldn't have generated a front page
> feature story in the Post, and none of us would
> probably even know about it. This kind of thing
> goes on in courtrooms every single day, but
> because it touched the establishment/white-bread
> suburbs, it's all of a sudden newsworthy??? How
> racist is that people???
> All of a sudden a dozen or so WHITE kids end up in
> jail for heroin dealing and the sentencing
> guidelines are unfair? Where were you when black
> kids were jailed under the same laws -- what about
> their potential and their wasted lives??? I'd be
> willing to bet that most people reading this
> thread never thought about those wasted lives
> BEFORE these white kids were caught up in it.....

And these white kids are gonna be all up close and personal wit those black kids in the slammer.

The bruthas will wipe the shit-eating grins off their stupid faces

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 06, 2009 10:45PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2015 09:57PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 06, 2009 10:49PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2015 09:57PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Ignatz Mouse ()
Date: May 07, 2009 01:29AM

jimmy jingles wrote: "Your analogy is flawed."

You created the gun analogy which does not support the point you wanted to make; I highlighted the flaw by applying your analogy to the facts in this case. Your strained "clumsy person" counter-hypthothetical fails because a person who deliberately injects heroin is not comparable to a person who accidentally injures herself. Although indeed, even on the facts of your hypothetical, I think anyone who sold that clumsy person a gun, knowing of her prior accidents (as Schnippel knew of Lannes's prior od's), would be engaged in dangerous conduct that evidences a lack of concern for human life.

That said, I don't really disagree with your larger point - Lannes is ultimately responsible for her own death. And in fact Schnippel was not charged with murder, but rather intentional distribution that resulted in death, with the latter factor going to the issue of sentencing and not an element of the crime as such.

Although I would add that a second-degree murder charge in similar circumstances is not uncommon, e.g.:

Louisiana (methadone)

Nevada (hydrodone)

Nevada (methadone)

North Carolina (methadone)

North Carolina (methadone, crack cocaine)

Oklahoma (cocaine)

Tennessee (fentanyl)

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: May 07, 2009 10:30AM

Hate the HOA - you argument proceeds on a false assumption - that many of us reasonable people are not interested in these kinds of tragedies in minority neighborhoods - fair minded people are and think they are every bit as tragic as what has occurred in Centreville. We are in fact interested. Folks in minority communities are experiencing the same kinds of pain, if not worse.

Your point likely has some validity when it comes to the media. They may not give a similar tragedy in a minority neighborhood the same attention for fear of portraying those in those communities in an unrelentingly negative way and thus be deemed racist, the last thing the "progressive" media would ever want to invite. No such fears when covering the foibles of the citizens of Virginia Run.

But this doesn't mean that the discussion here is not a good one. This is why I welcome WingNut's comments. Many parents indeed fear being "judgmental" - but as he points out - when it comes to a vital issue of health and safety, it pays in fact to be judgmental. Look at 16 or more talented kids with a future in this situation - think the heroin thing worked out OK for them? Think of their friends too.

And I don't mean to be critical of the parents (including the Lannes'). In hindsight, all parents wish they could often have done things differently. But this sure as heck is a good reminder for us all.

I think it time to reform the sentencing laws, and have them also apply retroactively in a reasonable way when it comes to drug offenders. But that is an another subject.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: yes ()
Date: May 07, 2009 12:58PM

meh Wrote:
> anyone know when sentencing is for mr schnippel?

july 24

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: sell me dat shit nukka ()
Date: May 08, 2009 03:52PM

HateTheHOA Wrote:
We wouldn't be crying our
> eyes out about lost opportunities and lost
> potential if they were inner-city black kids from
> the 'hood.

thats because people from the hood don't have potential. the only potential they have is to be the guys supplying the over-privileged kids

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: More News ()
Date: May 09, 2009 02:08AM

This week's Centreview article with more about the evidence against Mr. Schnippel:


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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: don't get it ()
Date: May 09, 2009 09:33PM

i don't get why his lawyer didn't do more...no witnesses called on his behalf, no solid arguments regarding his own addiction, and what about rehab for him? but most of all why didn't his lawyer have his family, friends, teachers, whoever to testify about the other side of him?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: HateTheHOA ()
Date: May 09, 2009 09:37PM

Now that the heroin problem has hit the suburbs and has white middle-class kids going to jail, I bet people will get serious about trying to get mandatory sentencing reduced or eliminated. Now that it's happening to their kids.....

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: May 09, 2009 10:55PM

HateTheHOA Wrote:
> Now that the heroin problem has hit the suburbs
> and has white middle-class kids going to jail, I
> bet people will get serious about trying to get
> mandatory sentencing reduced or eliminated. Now
> that it's happening to their kids.....

I agree...inner city kids is one thing....white kids are another.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 10, 2009 08:13AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2015 09:56PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 10, 2009 08:19AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2015 09:56PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: May 10, 2009 11:01AM

WingNut Wrote:
> Vince(1) Wrote:
> > I agree...inner city kids is one thing....white
> > kids are another.
> Last time I checked this wasn't Anacostia
> Underground,maybe thats why there's a little more
> focus on what's going in our own backyard?
> Vince(1), I thought in your world all crime is
> linked to poverty and inequality. Centrevelle aint
> Great Falls, but these kids sure had better
> opportunities than most you'll find in the BOP.

Ever hear of the 80-20 relationship? These kids are part of the 20% (or less) where boredom becomes the prime motivator for such behavior.

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Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 10, 2009 12:24PM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

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Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 07:01PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: May 10, 2009 03:53PM

Believe me my soltion is simple..and not hateful at all...legalize heroin and most other "recreational" drugs.

Use the money saved in ineffective interdiction and incarceration programs to educate and rehabilitate.

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Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 11, 2009 08:51AM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

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Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2015 07:01PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Indaknow ()
Date: May 12, 2009 09:46AM

1) Scnippel's attorney didn't put on a defense, because he didn't have one. His only argument was that the government didn't prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Schippel was looking at a mandatory minimum 20 years either way, so he had nothing to lose by going to trial.

2) Alicia Lannes overdosed three times before her parents sent her to rehab.

3) Alicia Lannes' parents didn't realize their daughter had a drug problem until she overdosed on heroin. Really?

4) After her first overdose Alicia Lannes' parents allowed her to move out of their house with another heroin addict.

5) Alicia Lannes introduced several people to heroin and injected more than one of them with heroin for the first time.

Take nothing away from the rest of this group, they are all responsible for their actions. Many of them had a hand in the deaths of others. Lannes' death was tragic, and I can't imagine the grief that her family has been through. However, Lannes also had a hand in her own death.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: May 12, 2009 11:43AM

WingNut Wrote:
> Vince(1) Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Believe me my soltion is simple..and not
> hateful
> > at all...legalize heroin and most other
> > "recreational" drugs.
> >
> > Use the money saved in ineffective interdiction
> > and incarceration programs to educate and
> > rehabilitate.
> If you would legalize heroin, which of the
> "recreational drugs" would it be logical to ban?

The ones that shoot bullets.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Ashburn ()
Date: May 13, 2009 03:24PM

It's a shame that the parents are placing blame on all of the kids that have a drug problem instead of taking responsibility themselves... These kids need a good rehab program. Why would any parent allow a child to have their door shut when their child has overdosed multiple times with heroin and alcohol and even attempted suicide. Why did she take the heroin home unless she knew there was absolutely no supervision in the house!! Why else would she feel comfortable laying out everything to administer the drug in her room?? It's time the Lannes took responsibility that they had a part in their daughter's death. Perhaps, the Lannes' can act with the dignity that the defendents' families have shown at some point and not become media whores. If they feel the need to be vocal in the media, then start focusing on where they failed their daughter as parents!!

The sad thing is that there ARE two sides to this story unlike the Lannes or the media has portrayed thus far. I believe in Freedom of Speech but start taking responsibility but the Lannes' need to take responsibility for their lack of parental controls which led to their daughter's death. People following this story are only hearing one side of it which is a true injustice!P

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: tilly ()
Date: May 13, 2009 06:30PM

It seems to me that both sides of the story are being aired.... your "dignified" dealer families are having their side aired in courtrooms around the same beltway they used to travel to collect the poisons they sold... They are being handed "dignified" sentences as a result.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: May 13, 2009 06:57PM

WingNut Wrote:
> Vince(1) Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Believe me my soltion is simple..and not
> hateful
> > at all...legalize heroin and most other
> > "recreational" drugs.
> >
> > Use the money saved in ineffective interdiction
> > and incarceration programs to educate and
> > rehabilitate.
> If you would legalize heroin, which of the
> "recreational drugs" would it be logical to ban?

Well...I cant think of any that I wouldnt decriminalize the use of. That doesnt mean Id have the govt provide every recreational drug in a system similar to VA's ABC. Perhaps the manufacture and distribution (not use) of meph would remain illegal...as would be the "unauthorized" distribution of any drug.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: May 13, 2009 07:02PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> WingNut Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Vince(1) Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Believe me my soltion is simple..and not
> > hateful
> > > at all...legalize heroin and most other
> > > "recreational" drugs.
> > >
> > > Use the money saved in ineffective
> interdiction
> > > and incarceration programs to educate and
> > > rehabilitate.
> >
> > If you would legalize heroin, which of the
> > "recreational drugs" would it be logical to
> ban?
> The ones that shoot bullets.

If the only people killed by guns were the ones holding the guns....Id agree with the point I think you are trying to make.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: vince get a life ()
Date: May 13, 2009 08:25PM

Vince - under no circumstances could anyone countenance the legalization of PCP.

The danger to others is just too great.

Ask emergency room personnel. They won't come near someone on the stuff without significant restraints - and you damn well better believe they sedate these people heavily.

Legalize drugs? Start at least with those that are defensible. Pot comes to mind.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 13, 2009 08:34PM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> I really dont care if you delete every comment I
> make on here...or ban me for life.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: dude ()
Date: May 14, 2009 08:16AM

that anna kid did not hang anyone out to dry as she has been away at rehab for over a year. No free rehab, her parents paid for it and I heard it was a lot! While she was away the others gave her up to the feds, she had nothing to offer as they did not talk to her until towards just before the indictments.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: May 14, 2009 09:05AM

Gravis Wrote:
> Vince(1) Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I really dont care if you delete every comment
> I
> > make on here...or ban me for life.
> awesome.a+div {display:none} a+div {display:none}

a PIECE offering to my fav PEACE of shit
Gravis 004.JPG
Gravis 001.JPG
Gravis 002.JPG
Gravis 003.JPG
Gravis 005.JPG
Gravis 006.JPG

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 14, 2009 11:28AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2015 10:05PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Dwight. ()
Date: May 14, 2009 11:31AM

dude Wrote:
> that anna kid did not hang anyone out to dry as
> she has been away at rehab for over a year. No
> free rehab, her parents paid for it and I heard it
> was a lot! While she was away the others gave her
> up to the feds, she had nothing to offer as they
> did not talk to her until towards just before the
> indictments.

anna was such a nice girl.

hope she has turned it around sense

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Dude ()
Date: May 21, 2009 10:44AM

I know the family and yes she has turned it around. Been away from the area since early March 08. Has only been back for court dates. Hear she has been working with other kids like herself and helping them turn it around.

Saw her the last time she was in town in January, was amazed how great she looked, has a good attitude regarding the court case, says she made mistakes and understands she'll have to pay for them.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Dude ()
Date: May 21, 2009 10:55AM


Your post about the conversation with the HR people is a crock! Think maybe you had a little too much wine and cheese that night. Nice tale, just no truth to it at all!

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Robert Akins ()
Date: May 21, 2009 12:04PM

dude Wrote:
> that anna kid did not hang anyone out to dry as
> she has been away at rehab for over a year. No
> free rehab, her parents paid for it and I heard it
> was a lot! While she was away the others gave her
> up to the feds, she had nothing to offer as they
> did not talk to her until towards just before the
> indictments.

wrong she was busted in a car outside of one of the dealers house early in the investigation.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Robert Akins ()
Date: May 21, 2009 12:06PM

aaaaaaaaand she was introducing these people to their sources. she told them about the kevin zuiker kid right? thats how him and the two other people got brought in so late.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Date: May 21, 2009 12:15PM

what do you think will happen to the taylor gibson girl? all the other girls in this case seem to be getting much more reasonable non life-ending sentences.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: true ()
Date: May 21, 2009 12:46PM

good question. i also wonder why her case was held out until the bitter end instead of quickly sentenced like the others?

un-fairfax aboveground Wrote:
> what do you think will happen to the taylor gibson
> girl? all the other girls in this case seem to be
> getting much more reasonable non life-ending
> sentences.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Indaknow ()
Date: May 21, 2009 01:02PM

Richter was Zuiker's girlfriend. And, true, she introduced others to heroin connections. And yes, she was busted in her car after buying heroin from a dealer's house. I know a lot of good kids...none of them use heroin, let alone sell heroin or other drugs. And Dude...don't kid yourself.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Another parent ()
Date: May 22, 2009 09:46AM

I totally agreed with your assessement.

There are two sides of the story, which I have followed ever since Alicia died. And although her parents tried the rehab route, she was still given the "benefit of the doubt". As a parent myself, I am appalled at their lack of personal responsibility, blaming everybody else but themselves. Their daughter already have issues to begin with when she started the pathway that led her to her untimely death. I feel for them, but at the same time, enough already of the "revenge". They need to move on and stop portraying her as a victim...she was NOT a victim, she had choices and she made the wrong ones. She was not a small child--she was already attending college and hanging out with the wrong crowd. She had a reputation of a party girl....and unfortunately, I concurred with it. Sometimes as parents we try our best, but it is ultimately our children's decisions that we have to live with. It happens in the best of families....It is time to move on and stop their daughter's glorification....she had warts and all, let her rest in peace, and stop the blaming please.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: another parent ()
Date: May 22, 2009 11:18AM

Another parent - I was struck by your party girl statement.

I am bothered by the race to popularity at the local high schools, so much of which is involved with one way or another in chasing intoxicants. To many, it turns out to be relatively harmless but at the same time really destructive to a few - and that "few" seems to be growing.

This of course gets so many of us labeled as "square", or "conservative", but it is really a problem.

I can really see why those from outside the suburbs, in lesser circumstances, look askance at our culture and take the view that these kids are not taking advantage of their relative privileges.

And I really think there a lack of principled young men who also lack discipline and mental toughness. Back in the day, men of my generation were taught that they must protect the women that were close to them, which of course did not include plying them with drugs and leaving them to die.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: dude ()
Date: May 29, 2009 03:48PM

what happened to anna. im pretty sure she was sentenced today but i cant find any new reports on it

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: 4 more sentenced ()
Date: May 30, 2009 01:32AM

From 5/30/09 Washington Post:


Four Are Sentenced in Heroin Ring

Four Centreville men and women involved in the heroin ring that resulted in four fatal overdoses appeared in federal court in Alexandria this week to be sentenced, and prosecutors said yesterday that the investigation might have cut the number of heroin-linked deaths.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Erik R. Barnett, who headed the conviction of 16 people for heroin use and dealing in western Fairfax County, told U.S. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema that officials at the state medical examiner's office "are telling us that lives have been saved."

On Thursday, Andrew W. Kacvinsky, 21, who acknowledged buying heroin in Maryland and then reselling it in Centreville, was sentenced to five years in prison.

Yesterday, Kevin J. Zuiker, 21, whom prosecutors called one of the earliest participants and largest dealers, was sentenced to 46 months in prison. Anna L. Richter, 21, who helped link her friends with a Baltimore dealer, was ordered to spend 60 days in work-release. Tayler L. Gibson, 20, who prosecutors said aided one of Centreville's "most prolific heroin dealers," her boyfriend, Joshua R. Quick, and took over his business after his arrest, was sentenced to 30 days of weekend jail time. Quick received 19 years in prison for supplying heroin that killed Alicia Lannes, 19.

-- Tom Jackman

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: the feds are here ()
Date: May 30, 2009 07:56AM

Well by the looks of those sentences, we now can figure out who rolled on the others...

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: What is love? ()
Date: May 30, 2009 09:00AM

Wow this was hard for some of us to swallow... being that the others got a stiff sentence... and their family wont get to hold/kiss or watch them grow into men...or experience the prime of their life. I find it hard that the ones that was there through all of the addiction day and night gets a slap on the wrist... and said now go and do your minute...while the other rots... God bless America... You go and make a life for yourself... while the others gets 20 years and will never be able to work... and live a normal life because they fell pray to addiction... there is another court... and one day they all will be judged... some harsher than others... Exageration gets you no where... Wonder if the ones that got a slap on the back will think of the ones... that are doing 20 nooooo they will start up new relationships, have holidays with their families... and forget the ones they supposedly loved...

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: afds ()
Date: May 30, 2009 01:31PM

obvious sexism in the courtroom. ship the bad boys off to pound me in the ass prison and let the poor little girls go to rehab. fuck that

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Angry ()
Date: May 30, 2009 02:34PM

Th is unbelievable... un fucking believable. Anna Richter gets 60 days work release?????? She introduced half of the guys doing 20 years to dope, and gave them her connections. This judge is immoral, sexist and coldhearted. I knew more than half of the kids involved and Anna was one of the ones with the least reguard for anybody but herself. I dont care if you flip or not, she should still be held responsible. How about introducing Duncan Parker to shooting dope? He overdosed too... who sold him the lethal hit? Oh wait, no one cares because he's not an 18 year old girl with a "picture perfect" family. Anyone who got off easy in this case should feel guilty for the rest of their lives. Everyone played an equal role in this who was charged, I watched it happen from outside of the "ring". Wake up America, stop sending our young men away to rot in a cell. Some rehabilitation. I hope the ones who got off easy turn right back to dope and relapse. Shit, it wouldnt surprise me. If you can get away with it as easy as they did, why not keep it up? This judge is really something else.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 01, 2009 09:10AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2015 10:10PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: June 02, 2009 03:26PM

WingNut Wrote:
> In a lot of instances it doesnt take a lot of
> balls to sell dope, particularly in the burbs
> where anyone who can count money, answer a phone
> and operate a triple beam is in business. As long
> as you're not street dealing or with a really
> ruthless crowd, it's very easy for a woman to
> sling.

Agreed with ya on the leniency thing. Sometimes it sucks being a man, other times it sucks being a woman.

But wouldn't your supplier be potentially ruthless if you forgot to pay up?

As for caring about anyone but yourself ... I imagine by the time you're in addict territory, you stopped doing that a while ago.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 02, 2009 09:08PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2015 10:10PM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: June 03, 2009 09:40AM

WingNut Wrote:
> I've met women who dealt who were conniving,greedy
> cunts and others who were just along for their
> mans ride and money. Fed judges are bound by
> mandatory minimum sentences but prosecutors will
> more often than not offer sweeter deals to
> women,mothers' etc.

Yeah, I suspect the latter type are kept in (or keep themselves in) the dark, cause they don't wanna know where their man is getting their $$$. So I dunno how much info they could give the state or the feds ... but I also suspect the former type will turn coat if community service is dangled in front of them (and sobbing. Lots and lots of sobbing.)

> Supplier could be maybe a little more intimidating
> to a woman, but we're not talking street level. If
> debts arise, they are often worked off, especially
> here in the county. Occasionaly there'll be some
> drug related violence or armed ripoffs, but for
> the most part it just isn't happening around with
> white kids in the burbs, even if they are copping
> in shitholes in DC or B'more. There's a world of
> difference with deals that go on behind closed
> doos and those that happen in the street.

Yeah, plus if you rough up some white kid from the burbs, you run the risk of that kid running to the police -- and who's going to get in more trouble? The white kid whose parents can probably afford a good lawyer and will turn Commonwealth's evidence, or the guy who's dealing in larger amounts of drugs and will (if he's lucky) get a public defender that bothers to stay awake?

I've read about mid-level distributors getting f**ked if they lose a few grand or more of drugs. (Of course for every story of that, there's a few of someone trying to skim a little and then getting caught.) The kingpins want their cash and most folks, period, don't have $5,000 on them. But I'm sure what I read online and in Newsweek, etc. doesn't tell 100% of the story.

Of course, girls have a built-in way of working off such debts, but only if they're hot.

> You're right, they are all probably a really sick
> bunch and put themselves in a lot of harms way
> because they chose to get high. I'm not one of
> your "legalize everything" fools, but I've got a
> certain degree of understanding as I used to be up
> to my eyes in dope games years ago myself. There's
> several dead, several more serving long prison
> terms and maybe one or two guys who really made
> any money or dealt with a sober mind.

I'd like to see pot get legalized or decriminalized. If society becomes a giant screening of Reefer Madness, we know not to legalize other stuff and can try to put as much of the genie back in the bottle as possible. But hey, if that doesn't lead to problems, we can try legalizing other stuff -- let's focus LE operations on the really nasty stuff like meth instead of harassing a bunch of HS and college kids dealing pot to their friends.

I kinda figure it'd be lots of dead people, lots of prisoners, and a few guys who make enough to go legit. I suspect most who did that didn't do much more than pot and beer if even that.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: C'view Articles ()
Date: June 04, 2009 10:05PM

The following is one of 5 articles in the 6/4 Centreview on the sentencing last week. There is a specific article on the sentencing of Andrew Kacvinsky (read his article to find out why he was sentenced early and not addressed in the Lannes statement), Tayler Gibson, Anna Richter, and Kevin Zuiker. Angela Aycock is reportedly scheduled for sentencing tomorrow (6/5) and Matthew Megale next Fri (6/12).

Donna Lannes Addresses Three Heroin Dealers
(from Centreview Northern Edition)

Thursday, June 04, 2009

This is the full text of Donna Lannes’s statement to the court:

May 29 sentencing for Anna Richter, Taylor Gibson & Kevin Zuiker:

Thank you Judge Brinkema. Thank you for letting us be a voice for Alicia. We are not only speaking for our family, but for many in our community that have expressed their opinions to us.

Kevin, Taylor and Anna. We do not pretend to know you. But what we are now aware of are the activities to which you have plead guilty. They have had such a tragic and negative impact on our community, and are so far-reaching that the repercussions will unfortunately continue to be felt for years to come. And for many families in the area, they realize it’s not just our family who has been affected. Your actions had permanent consequences for us, but they also have created a horrible interruption in the lives of many.


We remember you. Alicia’s elementary school scrapbook is filled with your pictures together. Too bad you two drifted apart, perhaps you could have found some strength together to avoid the influences that later had such an effect on your lives. We can only imagine how hard your life became after your mother’s illness. I remember, very clearly, Alicia coming home from high school burdened with pity for you. She described your day as filled with tears. It was your birthday and it wasn’t going well. Alicia wished there was something she could do for you. That was the last time we heard your name spoken until August 2007 when we learned you were with Alicia when she overdosed for the first time. When we heard you were with her, we assumed you had been a victim of wrong place, wrong time. Not sweet, little Taylor Gibson. Such talent. I have seen your photographs. You are a brilliant photographer. Taylor ... move past your demons. Believe it or not, this sentence will be a God send to you. Take advantage of life’s opportunities. This sentence is an opportunity. With your plea and subsequent substantial help to the U.S. government, you have begun to renew your life. Continue to point your compass in the right direction and grab on tight, pull yourself up and use those God-given talents you have. Alicia would love to see that.


Like Kevin, we never knew you. You seem a respectful person ... also ready to make right a wrong. Prior to your arrest, you had begun treatment. We understand that, initially, you were not a willing participant. That is one significant difference between you and Alicia. She voluntarily sought, accepted and worked hard at treatment the moment she entered The Menninger Clinic. She was not reluctant to give up heroin. She wanted nothing more than to be a "normal" teenager and work on her issues.

We commend you for your achievements in your treatment. But you all need to understand that part of your recovery also depends on your ability to pay your debt to our community for your crimes, for they do not have an excuse. If you are seriously remorseful, then you have begun to grasp the impact your actions have had on its countless victims. It has not just been your life changed.

We know that we cannot allow ourselves exposure to our many ‘what ifs’ because pondering the ‘what ifs’ causes weak spots in the hard shield we now arm ourselves. We need this armor to continue the fight against heroin …. so prevalent in our community. We will never know the answers to our particular ‘what ifs’ anyway ... we were not given the chance to know. But, you all, on the other hand, have been given a wonderful opportunity. You have been given life. Simply by living …. simply by existing ... allows you time. Living in rehab Anna, has given you time ... time away from heroin. Your parents have given you time ... away from co-conspirators. We are all given a legal system that enables you to pay your debt to society, then freedom once again, to make better decisions. You will enjoy time filled with memories.

You seem like you have begun to understand that whatever brought you to heroin in the first place, has to be dealt with. Whether that be immaturity, peer pressure, abuse, money ... whatever …. you have been given the beautiful opportunity of time to reconsider your actions. You all can arm yourself with a shield of hope and strength to fight this and win. You have already begun the fight ... it is our dream, along with many in this community that you keep fighting. With every step you take in the right direction ... we allow ourselves to ponder our ‘what ifs’ and the freedom to revel ... for just a moment …. in the wonderful dreams we had for Alicia and the dreams she had for herself. You are living proof that there can be answers to some of the ‘what ifs’ and understand that in a ‘round about way, you give us the answers to some of our ‘what ifs’. Believe it or not, you give us hope.

We cannot begin to express how hard it has been to keep Alicia in the forefront of this investigation. We have said from the beginning ... it has only been to save lives. You are an example of that effort. You are what we pray for every night. A child saved to enjoy life’s blessings. It is our promise that Alicia’s struggles on this earth with rape and substance abuse can and will be used for good. She wanted to make a difference in this world and you can be a sample of that. You are still here. You are still young and strong. Continue to empower yourself with all that is good. You can make a difference. Read Psalm 37. May it lead you to redemption and bring you hope and peace.

And finally …Grief is a terrible emotion. Of course we wish Alicia were here today. We miss her everyday. She was a most unique young lady, with a wonderful spirit of forgiveness. It has been an enormous tragedy for everyone that she is gone. We have moved past the feeling of imagining her walking through our front door. When that feeling left us ... it was like we lost her all over again, like another part of her was taken from us. We will continue to adjust to a life that has to be lived without her.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: What is love? ()
Date: June 05, 2009 01:20PM

Wow the other ones got go to jail do not pass go do not collect 200.00 / Ask this question...

What would Alicia do?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: parent ()
Date: June 09, 2009 11:17AM

Real Estate
Newcomers & Community Guide

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Nearly Four Years Prison for Zuiker

By Bonnie Hobbs
Thursday, June 04, 2009

Before Centreville’s Kevin Zuiker was sentenced Friday to nearly four years in prison for conspiring to distribute 100 grams or more of heroin, U.S. Attorney Daniel Grooms requested a sentence of 46-57 months.

"He was a drug dealer in the truest sense — selling drugs for profit," said Grooms. "He was only stopped when he was arrested [in May 2008] and prosecuted in Fairfax County. This wasn’t a person selling because of his own addiction, but [mainly] selling and also using. The harm caused here is immense; the need to deter is incredible."

In a sentencing document submitted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Grooms, Erik Barnett and Lauren Wetzler, the prosecutors stated that Zuiker’s involvement in the heroin ring ran from summer 2006 through May 2008, making him "one of the conspiracy’s earliest and longest-running participants. He was also among the largest distributors of heroin — acknowledging that he distributed 400-700 grams of heroin."

In 2006 and 2007, Zuiker regularly went from Centreville to Waldorf, Md., with Angela Aycock, Andrew Kacvinsky or Anna Richter to buy heroin from Antonio Harper. Zuiker bought some 10 grams of heroin per week from Harper for about a year, and he and Kacvinsky sold it in Centreville.

In December 2007, when Harper stopped selling to people from Centreville, Zuiker started purchasing heroin in Baltimore from a source he met through Richter. He kept buying about 10 grams of heroin per week in Baltimore through May 2008.

In addition, wrote the prosecutors, "On January 2007, he supplied Richter with approximately 100 Klonopin pills for her to sell on her college campus. Then on Dec. 30, 2008, Zuiker was convicted in Fairfax County Circuit Court of possession with intent to distribute 1,300 Xanax pills.

But, countered defense attorney Stuart Sears, "Despite his actions, Kevin is a decent young man — kind, honest and truly sorry for what he’s done. He knows it’s a defining moment in his life and [that] the actions of the Lannes family, law enforcement and the courts saved his life."

Calling Zuiker "out of control," the past three years, Sears said, "The worse things became for him, the more he turned to drugs — mistakenly believing they’d help him deal with things better." He asked for a 36-month sentence, noting Zuiker "has 20 years to be on good behavior from Fairfax County" because of his suspended sentence for Xanax distribution. He wanted that sentence run concurrently with the federal punishment and asked that Zuiker be housed in the Butner, N.C., facility because of its drug-treatment program.

Then Zuiker apologized to "everyone I sold drugs to, my family and the community. I’m unhappy with my past choices and decisions, and happy for a second chance. Fear and depression fueled my use of drugs. [It] was so rampant, I believed suicide was better than living out my life that way. Being clean and sober has helped me regain my passion, motivation and desires. This situation was my wakeup call, and I’ll have plenty of time to change my life and become a productive citizen."

Judge Leonie Brinkema noted that Zuiker’s just 21 and suffers from "significant and genuine" mental-health issues and depression, aggravated by drugs and alcohol. "You were clearly more of a dealer than just a user," she told him. "But your record is not as bad as some of the other defendants."

She then sentenced him to 46 months in prison, running concurrently with his Fairfax sentence, and said she’d recommend he go to Butner for mental-health treatment and its 500-hour, intensive addictions program. Brinkema also placed him on five years supervised release and ordered him to have no contact with any of the co-defendants. He’s also to maintain full-time education or employment, she told him, because "You’re articulate and have a lot of potential."

Nice... kid that starts the drug usage...walks

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: parent ()
Date: June 09, 2009 11:18AM

Richter: 60 Days for Heroin Distribution

By Bonnie Hobbs
Thursday, June 04, 2009

Facing a potential two-year stint in prison, Centreville’s Anna Richter instead received 60 days community confinement, with work release, so she may continue the progress she’s made to free herself of her heroin addiction.

In January, she pleaded guilty in federal court to conspiracy to distribute 100 grams or more of heroin. But in a court document filed last week, Assistant U.S. Attorneys Daniel Grooms, Lauren Wetzler and Erik Barnett wrote that Richter acknowledged actually distributing 400-700 grams, from approximately June 2007 through March 2008.

When Richter, 20, returned to U.S. District Court in Alexandria, last Friday, May 29, for sentencing, Wetzler requested she receive a 50-percent reduction of the 46-57-month federal-guideline sentence because of her cooperation with the authorities. She said Richter kept the Centreville heroin conspiracy "flourishing" by introducing the young dealers to a new heroin source when their local one dried up.

"She’s made laudable and impressive strides in addressing her addiction and reclaiming her life," said Wetzler. "But she caused tremendous damage to others and there still is a debt to be paid."

In their document, the prosecutors called Richter one of the earliest users and distributors of heroin among the Centreville co-conspirators. "After meeting a supply source through her then-boyfriend Kevin Zuiker, the defendant personally introduced Angela Aycock and others to heroin," they wrote. "While away at college, [Richter] developed a source for heroin in Baltimore. In fall 2007, she introduced David Schreider, J.R. Quick, Tayler Gibson and others to [that] source when Antonio Harper, the group’s Washington, D.C. source, stopped selling to them."

However, the attorneys also noted Richter’s "substantial assistance in the investigation and prosecution of other members of the ring. Richter provided critical information about the origins of the conspiracy in 2005 and 2006. Prior to [her] cooperation, the government had very little information about Zuiker, Aycock and Andrew Kacvinsky, and the role they played in the conspiracy prior to Schreider and Quick’s involvement."

In court Friday, defense attorney Jim Clark’s voice broke as he said, "This is a difficult case. Anyone listening can’t help but say, ‘This could be my kid.’"

But he didn’t have to proceed further because Judge Leonie Brinkema stepped in and finished things, saying Richter, "more than any other defendant I’ve seen so far, has made extraordinary strides in kicking her addiction. She’s been working full-time for six months, and her supervisor wrote a glowing letter about her. So what is the point of yanking her out when she’s made such strides and is in a successful treatment program?"

Brinkema said Richter had no tragic events in her past, nor any mental-health issues, and came from a strong family. Sometimes, said the judge, "Teens get involved in [the wrong] group. It doesn’t excuse it, though. The most important issue is to make sure they don’t get involved in drugs again."

Clark said Richter’s been in rehabilitation in a place in Florida where there’s a "tremendous support system" for former drug users. Then Richter addressed the court.
"My heart goes out to the Lannes family, and [I’m grateful] for the gift of sobriety and recovery that’s been given to me," she said. "I try to help other women in the program; I make amends through what I do in my daily life. I know what it’s like to be on the dark side and I never want to go back there again."

Brinkema then sentenced her to 60 days community confinement with work release, plus five years supervised release, participation in drug-treatment tests and programs, and full-time employment or education. Richter must also perform 200 hours of community service, warning young people of the dangers of drugs. She must also have no contact with the co-defendants.

Afterward, Richter’s father said the family was "too emotional to comment" on the outcome, but their relief was obvious, as he and his wife and daughter stood outside the courtroom together in a long and tearful group hug.

Heroin victim Alicia Lannes’s father, Greg Lannes, speaking on behalf of him and his wife Donna, said they’re proud Tayler Gibson and Richter can make new beginnings and have so far been successful in changing their lives.

"All the individuals in this Centreville drug ring have had their lives saved, not to mention [those who’ve] been spared by breaking up this ring," he said. "Let's hope the seeds this ring has planted in our community do not take root [from those] still on heroin who may turn to distribution to feed their addictions. Donna and I want to continue to bring drug awareness in our community to help prevent this from happening. Our dream is that Alicia's tragedy will, in the end, be a positive impact to our community."

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: parent ()
Date: June 09, 2009 11:18AM

Great one that leads all the kids to the drug dealers gets 60 days

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: parent ()
Date: June 09, 2009 11:19AM

Four More in Heroin Ring Are Sentenced
Gibson: 30 Days for Dealing Drugs

By Bonnie Hobbs
Thursday, June 04, 2009

Tayler Gibson’s attorney asked that she be sentenced to a year and a day in prison for selling heroin, and Assistant U.S. Attorney Erik Barnett argued for 15 months. In the end, though, she received just 30 days — to be served on weekends.

In a sentencing document, Assistant U.S. Attorneys Daniel Grooms, Lauren Wetzler and Erik Barnett explained that Gibson was part of the Centreville-based heroin ring and the girlfriend of J.R. Quick, "one of Centreville’s most prolific heroin dealers." She drove him and others to Washington, D.C., so they could buy heroin from Antonio Harper.

When Quick was jailed in April 2008, Gibson took over his customer base and bought heroin in Baltimore for resale in Centreville. She continued selling heroin until August 2008. On Jan. 16, Gibson pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute 100 grams or more of heroin. However, wrote the attorneys, she admitted that, "from approximately June 2007 through November 2008, she was personally involved in the distribution of 400-700 grams of heroin."

They also noted that she provided "substantial assistance" in the investigation and prosecution of the co-defendants and spoke with authorities "well before anyone was charged federally." Friday morning, May 29, in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Gibson was sentenced.

At the outset, Barnett said, "We are not in the revenge business, yet we seek from the court justice. The medical examiner’s office told me recently there’s been a lull in the number of heroin-overdose deaths since we began this process. A lull means lives were saved, and that is general deterrence."

He said Gibson deserved credit for stopping her drug using and selling after Fairfax County police targeted her in August 2008, and he appreciated her help providing information about "the players and manner of operation of the conspiracy." But he said prison was appropriate for her because "she engaged in a serious crime and … became a good dealer."

Defense attorney Greg Beckwith said his client was a Brownie, Girl Scout, field hockey and soccer player and member of Young Life, and a "wonderful photographer." And, he added, "When Alicia Lannes was first hospitalized [for a heroin overdose], Tayler drove the lead car to take her there."

When Gibson was 15, her mother had a brain bleed and was in a rehabilitation hospital for a year so, said Beckwith, Gibson had "relaxed supervision. I don’t think she had the willpower to say no to friends like J.R. Quick." Although she "went astray for 14 months," Beckwith said she’s received comprehensive addiction treatment since last August and is employed.

"Tayler Gibson is salvageable," said Beckwith. "Mike Cantrell, a prior juvenile probation officer, referred her to me. He said she’s pulled herself up and persevered; and from the day I met her, she’s come a long way." He requested that she serve at least half her sentence in home confinement, and then Gibson stood and addressed the court.

"I’m grateful for the opportunity to change my life," she said. "I’ve learned so much about myself and addiction and want to be the best person I can be. I’ve made horrid decisions that affected people, and I’m sorry for that."

In response, Judge Leonie Brinkema said Gibson’s case was an ideal one for a work-release sentence. "An important part of rehabilitation is for the defendant to have regular contact with civilian treatment programs, which are better than prison programs," she explained. "This is a 20-year-old defendant who suffered a personal tragedy as a young adolescent, but turned her life around."

Addressing Gibson, Brinkema said, "You’ve worked a significant amount of months. Incarceration would mean you’ll lose employment and contact with civilian drug-treatment programs." The judge then sentenced her to 30 days in prison, to be served on weekends, plus five years supervised released. Gibson must also continue drug treatment, as well as any mental-health treatment her probation officer requires.

"Because your story would be helpful to many others, I’ll also sentence you to 200 hours community service," said Brinkema. "You’ll provide drug education for young people so they’ll understand how easy it is to get hooked and what can happen to them."

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: parent ()
Date: June 09, 2009 11:23AM

This one here is the winner... You may now start your family... while the others pull a sentence that is life altering... thanks again to all these kids that get to go home... after a short stint... and just maybe they will pray and ask for forgiveness... for their exagerations... and lies... Today will be my last day reading up on this case... I will focus my energy somewhere that deserves it... If only people knew... oh well to late know... May God walk with the ones that lives are truely paying for an addiction that was brought on and continued by the ones that walk free... congradulations... to you all that walk free... think once in awhile of the ones...that didnt get so lucky... if your not to busy...

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: bs ()
Date: June 09, 2009 12:33PM

Wow this is really a new twist, saying how sorry you are AFTER you get caught. Lets see where everybody is a year from now and see how "salvagible" they really are. I have a pretty good idea what choices they will make

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: ???!! ()
Date: June 09, 2009 10:00PM

When does that Skylar punk get sentenced?

Did I read 40 years?

He'll be ready to go on Social Security (if it still exists) when he gets out.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: concerned4the young ()
Date: June 10, 2009 04:07AM

what about the christopher leibowitz guy?
is he in any way shape or form involved with
these people?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: What? ()
Date: June 10, 2009 11:11AM

Not taking up for Skyler but lets see who got him started... Whooooops...

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: crazy ()
Date: June 10, 2009 03:35PM

there is something askew in our legal system when a suspected terrorist only gets 15 years, but a small-time druggie from a white-collar family gets 40. send the druggies to rehab and give the terrorists 40 years to life.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: wondering ()
Date: June 13, 2009 09:16AM

Has anyone heard what happened with Matt Megale's sentencing yesterday?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: Indaknow ()
Date: June 15, 2009 11:33PM

Megale got 12 months and a day imprisonment and 6 years supervised release.

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Re: need to build a sonic in the area
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 16, 2009 07:47AM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2015 07:13AM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: dude ()
Date: June 16, 2009 03:33PM

Think he can qualify for time served and up to 50% of the sentence can be served with at home detention or other considerations.

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Re: need to build a sonic in the area
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 16, 2009 11:05PM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2015 07:11AM by WingNut.

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: interesting ()
Date: June 17, 2009 10:11AM

WingNut - this is morbid, but is there a more interesting application of game theory than with prosecution of drug conspiracies? Those that agree to cooperate early usually do better, but in making the decision to cooperate one must really intuit what kind of penalties they are facing. And there are any number of plus factors (e.g. women often getter treated differently) that can come into play.

Something is really wrong, though. Over 40 years for one, and 30 days for another?

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Re: Heroin Ring Busted in Centreville
Posted by: What? ()
Date: June 17, 2009 12:06PM

I try very hard to stop reading Subject...but I just find that if so many people think about it they would realize how someone could get a slap on the wrist and then the others are pulling major time... come on ask these kids did they play sports...yes... ask them would they go to drug treatment... yes... they would...they just wasnt given enough time... the police were on them like crazy...they couldnt even pull out of there homes to go to a meeting...

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Re: need to build a sonic in the area
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: June 17, 2009 03:51PM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2015 07:11AM by WingNut.

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